• Summary of a lesson on Maslenitsa in the senior preparatory group. Holiday "Maslenitsa". Preparatory group


    Target : Introduce children to folk traditions.

    Tasks :

    1. Continue to introduce children to folk holidays

    2. Bring children joy from folk games and songs.

    3. Foster a love of folk songs, games, and traditions.

    Equipment : Broom, brooms, skittles, cones, hoops, buckets, three diamonds.

    The progress of the holiday

    Music sounds (Maslenitsa). The children gather in the hall. The buffoon runs out and beckons the children with the words:

    Buffoon -

    Get ready, people! Maslenitsa is waiting for you to visit.

    We invite those who love fun and laughter.

    Games, fun and jokes await you -

    You won't be bored for a moment!

    We open Maslenitsa wide -

    Let's start the fun!

    Presenter - We will, of course, begin our holiday. But, pmay I ask, what holiday are we celebrating today?

    Children - Maslenitsa

    Presenter - Do you guys know anything about Maslenitsa? Our ancestors' Maslenitsa week was filled with festive activities. On this holiday, various games and numerous fun events were held. Each day on Maslenitsa had its own specific name, and actions were assigned to it, as well as certain rules of behavior: Do you know what the days of the week are called?

    Children -

    1. Since ancient times

    The Sun Festival is coming to us in a hurry.

    He is one of the earliest

    Looking out the windows on a spring day.

    2. This Maslenitsa is rushing

    Along the streets of relatives.

    The whole capital is drinking and partying,

    Eats pancakes in a large piece:

    3. MONDAY – day for meeting ,

    Everyone goes to visit friends.

    4. And on TUESDAY - songs and dances.

    The name of the day is to play.

    5.WEDNESDAY – table of treats

    It’s bursting: eat, drink, walk!

    6. And THURSDAY is the day of reconciliation...

    "Mother-in-law's day " - that's what it's called.

    7. Well, on FRIDAY - walking,

    There is a feast in the streets.

    People are rushing to the tables.

    8. The SABBATH day is majestic

    They call it gatherings.

    They lead round dances with songs,

    They come to visit endlessly.

    9. SUNDAY – day goodbyes,

    Farewell to gray winter.

    In every house there are kisses,

    A year to wait for a new Maslena.

    10. The bells are ringing,

    He calls everyone to matins.

    Young and old know:

    Tomorrow the post will come to homes.

    Presenter - The culmination of Maslenitsa remains to this day the burning of an effigy of Winter - a symbol of the passing of winter and the onset of spring. Such a ritual burning is preceded by songs, games, dances, round dances, accompanied by a treat with hot sbiten and pancakes, as well as the so-called lark buns. As a sacrifice for the holiday, they made a large funny and at the same time scary doll, which personified Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa occurs at the end of February - beginning of March. It heralds the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Maslenitsa is a great holiday in Rus'. People celebrate it with jokes, games, dancing, fist fights and hearty feasts, always with pancakes.

    Baba Yaga comes out to music

    Presenter - Hello Grandmother Yaga!

    How did you get here?

    Yaga - It was not by chance that I looked at you,

    I collected a lot of games in my magic bag!

    Buffoon - Grandmother Yaga, I’m curious - what is your favorite game?

    Yaga - I love friends, I dance until the morning!

    Buffoon - And our guys love to dance too!

    Yaga - You can Dance?

    Oh, I'll check now!

    Get ready to dance!(children stand in two circles)

    The moving dance “Lavata” is performed

    Buffoon – Where is our Maslenitsa? Let's call her guys!

    Children - Maslenitsa, come to us as soon as possible!

    Yaga – Well, why are you wasting your time, it doesn’t matter whether it’s winter or spring.

    Buffoon - Of course, Baba Yaga,such a custom, three winter months have passed - December, January, February, we celebrate Maslenitsa to spend Zimushka - winter and welcome Spring - red.

    Yaga - I had your Vesna’s phone number somewhere in my bag; she asked me to tell you to call me when you’re expecting her!

    Buffoon - Baba Yaga, we are waiting for Maslenitsa, maybe you know where she is!?

    Yaga - Well-o-o-o, I know, but I won’t tell until you play with me,I shouldn't have brought a magic bag!

    Buffoon – Of course, Baba Yaga, let's play, our children love to play!
    We read in books that your broom magical power possesses!

    Yaga - Certainly! Otherwise, how would I get to you, so far away?(Baba Yaga holds the broom, and it seems to be torn out of her hands).

    Stop, my little broom!

    What are you saying? (listens to the broom)

    Okay, what do you want to play with the guys?

    Game "Broom"

    The panicle worries once,

    The panicle is worried two,

    The panicle is worried three,

    Forest figure freeze in place!

    (“forest figure” - fox, bear, mouse, hare)

    Competition "Let's fly on the broom"

    The competition is held between children.

    The task is to “sit” on a broom, run around all the pins and come back.

    Yaga - What’s still in my bag, here it is!(Takes a pine cone out of the bag).

    Game-competition “Who can collect the cones the fastest”

    There are several hoops with cones in the middle for the players, the participants come out, receive buckets and, on command, begin to collect cones: 1.2.3. - Collect the cones quickly.

    Yaga - Well done boys! And in the magic bag there is another game for you(takes pants out of the bag).

    Children are divided into pairs. One child puts on one pant leg, the other another. The second pair dresses in exactly the same way. They compete to see who can reach the goal faster. After this, the panties are passed on to the next couple.

    Buffoon - Dear granny, our children know the old Russian entertainmentTug of war."Baba Yaga do you want to play with us?

    Yaga - Of course!

    Tug of war.

    Yaga - What else do I have in my bag?

    So, so - riddles - can you guess them?

    Buffoon - We can.

    Yellow, round, fragrant,

    And it tastes very good

    And with jam and honey,

    With condensed milk! Crap

    Drive away the snowstorms from us,

    Take a ride on the carousel.

    Melt the cold ice

    May spring come soon! Maslenitsa

    Yellow, round, fragrant

    And it tastes so good!

    Only mom will bake

    And he jumped straight into his mouth! Crap

    We rest all week

    We treat everyone to pancakes.

    We're seeing off the winter cold,

    And we welcome spring with warmth. Maslenitsa

    Yaga – I have diamonds, what are we going to do with them?

    Buffoon - I know - play! The game "Merry Tambourine".

    Outdoor game "Funny Tambourine"

    Children form a large circle. They pass the tambourine from hand to hand in a circle and say the words:

    You roll a merry tambourine,

    Quickly, quickly hand over hand,

    Who did you stay with?

    Let's dance for us now!

    All children participate in this game, so two or three diamonds are used.
    Children who have tambourines in their hands go to the center of the circle and play tambourines to the accordion.

    One more task. Pots (4 pieces) are placed, children run around the pots to the music, when the music stops, you need to sit on the potty. And so on until one.

    Presenter - Baba Yaga, it’s good to play, but we need to celebrate Maslenitsa, and also welcome Spring.

    Yaga -

    Oh, thank you, friends!

    I've had enough of playing!

    Now I'll be a good old lady,

    And hospitable and obedient.(takes out a note from Vesna from the bag)
    The buffoon is gainingVesna phone numberand talks to her:

    Presenter - Hello, Spring is red!

    Spring - Hello,

    I'm glad to see you, children,

    Oh, are you waiting for me?

    Then join hands

    Get into the circle quickly.

    Round dance “Oh, okay, okay!”
    (Spring comes out and takes Maslenitsa out on a sleigh).

    Buffoon - Let's dance merrily,

    And welcome spring

    Spring - And here’s a treat for you,

    Everyone to eat.

    Buffoon – Start singing pancakes!

    The song “Pancakes” is performed

    Children are treated to pancakes and tea.

    Presenter: Guys, from Maslenitsa the suns lit up in our hands and they remind us of last day Maslenitsa week, which is called " Forgiveness Sunday" People ask each other for forgiveness for the offenses they have caused. This is a very good ancient custom. Don't forget about him. Let us bow to each other and embrace as a sign of forgiveness of our mutual grievances.


    Program content:

    Educational objectives:Give children knowledge about the Russian folk holiday Maslenitsa. To acquaint children with the history of the origin and traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa - how this holiday was celebrated in Rus', what significance the scarecrow of Maslenitsa and pancakes had in this holiday. Learn to understand folk nursery rhymes and chants.

    Developmental tasks:Develop a cognitive interest in the traditions of your people. Develop attention, memory, coherent speech, enrich the vocabulary of speech.

    Educational tasks:Foster a sense of patriotism, develop interest and respect for Russian folk holidays, traditions and customs.

    Material used:illustrations for the Maslenitsa holiday, illustrations depicting folk festivals; reproductions of paintings by artists - I. Surikov “Taking the Snow Town”, N. Kustodiev “Maslenitsa”,

    B. Kustodiev “Maslyana festivities”, K. Yuon “Winter. Rostov the Great”, “Spring Sunny Day” S. Mikheev “Lady Maslenitsa”. Audio recording "Ringing of bells".

    Vocabulary work:booth, fun, buffoon, scarecrow, plank house, nickname.

    Progress of the lesson:

    A conversation about Maslenitsa with a display of illustrations and reproductions of paintings by artists on this topic.

    Educator: Guys, look at the pictures and tell me what you see in them.(Children's answers).

    I’ll tell you now why people have so much fun.

    Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved holidays among the people, the origin of which goes back to ancient times. It is celebrated at the end of February, beginning of March.
    Maslenitsa had another name - farewell to winter. And seeing off winter and welcoming spring is always a holiday. On Maslenitsa, it is the duty of every person to help drive away winter and awaken nature. People forgot about the cold, winter frosts, about melancholy and sadness, and had fun from the heart.

    Don't get bored on this holiday

    They turn everything into fun.

    The stove is on the street,

    He orders me to bake pancakes.

    With poppy seeds, cottage cheese, cabbage,

    To make it very tasty

    Come to the samovar -

    Take some fragrant tea.

    Maslenitsa was named so because housewives baked delicious, buttery pancakes. You are supposed to eat pancakes all week. Pancakes cannot be replaced with cakes or sweets, because pancakes look like the sun - round, golden, hot.

    Pancakes and pancakes were accompanied by special food: cheese, butter, fish, cottage cheese.
    Dear guests were invited to pancakes and refreshments. The more guests, the more happy days a year. Maslenitsa was affectionately called overeaten, round, ruddy, wide and white.

    Villages and cities were transformed for Maslenitsa: ice slides, snow palaces and fortresses, swings, booths for buffoons, circus performers, areas for bear fun and fist fights, open-air tables with a variety of foods and drinks.
    Maslenitsa was played by the whole world: adults went to visit each other, children had fun sledding, everyone laughed together at the performances, rode on troikas and, of course, ate themselves on pancakes.

    Physical education minute


    A presenter is selected. Each player picks up a small stick. Everyone says these words and at the same time rolls a stick between their palms.
    Malechina-Kalechina, how many hours are left until the evening, before winter?
    After the words “Before winter?” place the stick on your palm. As soon as the sticks are placed, the leader counts: “One, two, three, ... ten.” The one who holds the item longer wins. The leader can give different tasks: the players, holding a stick, must walk, squat, turn right, left, around themselves.

    Educator: During Maslenitsa week, each day has its own name, which indicates what is supposed to be done on this day.

    Maslenitsa begins on Monday, which is called meeting.
    On Monday we started baking pancakes. Each housewife had her own recipe, which she kept strictly secret from her neighbors.
    The holiday was opened by children. They called and greeted Maslenitsa:
    “Maslenitsa, red beauty, light brown braid! Come to my wooden house to amuse your soul, have fun with your mind, and enjoy your speech..."
    After the call, the guys ran down the snow slides and joyfully shouted: “Maslenitsa has arrived! Maslenitsa has arrived!”
    And on this day, children went around their neighbors, congratulated them on the onset of Maslenitsa and asked for treats:
    Bring me the blink
    Pancake increase,
    Butter piece!
    Don't be stingy
    Share a piece of butter!
    Bring on the wide Maslenitsa!
    If the owners served little, the children teased them:
    Lousy pancakes, a yard long! -
    and ran away.

    By the first day of the holiday, a scarecrow of Maslenitsa was made from rags and straw.
    On Tuesday - flirting.
    In the morning, young people sledded and ate pancakes. Names of relatives and friends:
    “Our mountains are ready and our pancakes are baked - we ask you to be kind.”
    The favorite thing to do was ride down the ice slides: whoever didn’t slide down the slide offended Maslenitsa.

    Wednesday - delicacies . On this day, the son-in-law came “to his mother-in-law for pancakes.” In addition to the son-in-law, the mother-in-law invited other guests.
    Thursday was called
    Let's go for a walk. Maslenitsa was in full swing. On this day they walked from morning to evening, danced, danced in circles, sang ditties.
    To help the sun drive away winter, horse riding was organized “in the sun” (clockwise around the village).
    But the main action of this day was the capture of the snowy town. A town with towers and gates was built from snow. The boys were divided into two groups: cavalry and infantry. The first gang attacked the city, and the second defended it.

    Friday - mother-in-law's evening - was a guest day. On this day, the sons-in-law treated their mother-in-law with pancakes. The mother-in-law and her relatives were invited to dinner with honors.
    Saturday -
    sisters-in-law's get-togethers. Young daughters-in-law invited their sisters-in-law to visit them. The newlywed daughter-in-law had to give gifts to her sisters-in-law.
    The last day of Maslenitsa -
    Forgiveness Sunday. On the last day of Maslenitsa, a straw effigy is burned - a symbol of winter. They see off the winter until next year.

    Everyone asks each other for forgiveness. They bow at their feet. And in response they hear the familiar: “God will forgive.” Maslenitsa is leaving, and with it winter. Spring is coming into its own.

    A straw doll was taken out on a sled large sizes. This is winter. They installed her in the center of the square and said goodbye to her with jokes; singing, dancing, scolding her for the frosts and winter cold, and thanking her for the fun winter activities.

    Goodbye, goodbye
    Our Maslenitsa.
    Goodbye, goodbye
    Ours is wide.
    You came with goodness
    With pancakes and pies
    Yes with pancakes.
    We're riding down the mountain
    From dawn to dawn,
    And today, Sunday,
    Our fun is over.
    Bye Bye,
    Our Maslenitsa!

    After this, the effigy was set on fire amid cheerful exclamations and songs.

    And now we will play the Russian folk game “Burn, Burn Clear”

    Game "Burn, Burn Clear"

    Questions for children.

    Why was the holiday called Maslenitsa? What did the housewives cook? Why did they bake pancakes? What was another name for the Maslenitsa holiday? How did people celebrate this holiday? (Tale from 2-3 children).

    Introducing spring calls.

    Educator: Now, guys, listen to what calls the children shouted when turning to the sun:
    Red, light up!
    Come back with a red spring!

    Red sun,
    Get on the road!
    Drive away the winter cold!

    Bell sun,
    Get up early
    Wake us up early:
    We should run to the fields,
    Let's welcome spring!

    Discuss the meaning of the nicknames..
    Invite the children to say them several times, paying attention to the intonation of speech and the correct sound pronunciation.

    Natalia Pershina
    Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Broad Maslenitsa”

    I present to your attention summary of the integrated lesson« Wide Maslenitsa", aimed at developing interest in Russian folk culture and the development of artistic creativity children.

    Subject: « Wide Maslenitsa»

    Age group: 5-6 years

    Equipment: mini-corner "Russian hut", doll Maslenitsa, soft modules, benches, flags, baskets, balls, rings, cotton wool snowballs, scarf, bell.

    Technical support: multimedia installation, music center.

    Handout: colour pencils, "frying pans" made of cardboard, material for doll decoration Maslenitsa.

    Program content:

    Educational objectives: Give children knowledge about the Russian folk holiday Maslenitsa. Introduce children to the history and traditions of the celebration Maslenitsa- how this holiday was celebrated in Rus', what significance did the scarecrow have in this holiday Maslenitsa and pancakes. Learn to understand folk nursery rhymes and chants.

    Developmental tasks: Develop cognitive interest in the traditions of your people. Develop attention, memory, coherent speech, enrich the vocabulary of speech.

    Educational tasks: To foster a sense of patriotism, develop interest and respect for Russian folk holidays, traditions and customs.

    OOD progress:

    Music by A. Vivaldi from the cycle sounds "Seasons" (Spring)

    Teacher in Russian folk costume meets children dressed in Russian costumes and invites them to group.

    Hello, good fellows, beautiful girls!

    Welcome to Russian antiquity!

    We dressed up in costumes

    They turned around themselves.

    (Draws attention to the children’s costumes, clarifies the names of the costumes)

    Educator: Winter, the queen, still rules in our area, will she give way to spring? Look out the window, find and name the signs of spring (the dazzling sun, the blackness of thawed patches, icicles that ring like drops, the cheerful chirping of sparrows). Using audio recording (murmur of streams, drops, etc.)

    Educator: - Everything comes in its time. And no matter how fierce winter is, spring will still come. Guys, let's call for spring to come to us sooner. (Children repeat after the teacher)

    Come, spring! Come, red!

    Come on, bell sun,

    Bring the harvest to our beloved land!

    Ay, ay, let's holler, let's holler in the spring!

    Educator: So that winter would not be angry, it left on good terms and on time, the Russian people gave it a merry, magnificent farewell - Maslenitsa.

    Do you know what kind of holiday this is? (children's answers)

    Educator: Maslenitsa- one of the most beloved holidays among the people, the origin of which goes back to ancient times. It is celebrated at the end of February, beginning of March.

    Maslenitsa had a different name - farewell to winter. And seeing off winter and welcoming spring is always a holiday. IN Maslenitsa It is the duty of every person to help drive away winter and awaken nature. People forgot about the cold, winter frosts, about melancholy and sadness, and had fun from the heart.

    Don't get bored on this holiday

    They turn everything into fun.

    The stove is on the street,

    He orders me to bake pancakes.

    With poppy seeds, cottage cheese, cabbage,

    To make it very tasty

    Come to the samovar -

    Take some fragrant tea.

    Maslenitsa was called this way, because the housewives baked delicious ones, butter pancakes. You are supposed to eat pancakes all week. Pancakes cannot be replaced with cakes or sweets, because pancakes are like the sun - round, golden, hot.

    For pancakes and pancakes there was a special food: cheese, oil, fish, cottage cheese.

    Dear guests were invited to pancakes and refreshments. The more guests, the more happy days a year. Maslenitsa affectionately called overeaten, round, rosy, wide and white.

    Villages and towns Maslenitsa was transformed: ice slides, snow palaces and fortresses, swings, booths for buffoons, circus performers, areas for bear fun and fist fights, open-air tables with a variety of foods and drinks.

    Maslenitsa was played by the whole world: adults went to visit each other, children had fun sledding, everyone laughed together at performances, rode three-wheelers and, of course, ate themselves on pancakes.

    Shiroka Maslenitsa, what did you come with?

    With fun and joy

    And with every sweetness,

    With pies, with pancakes

    Yes with hot pancakes...

    Educator: So I prepared pancakes for us (circles cut out of paper). There are exactly as many of them as it lasts Maslenitsa week. Each pancake will tell us about their day and offer their own fun.

    "First pancake"

    Educator: The celebration begins on the first day of the week - Monday, it is called "Meeting" On this day they make a scarecrow Maslenitsa and start baking pancakes.

    Educator: Damn, what does it look like? To the sun

    Proverb “Pancake is a symbol of the sun, red days, good harvests, good marriages and healthy children”

    Drawing “Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, you are my pancakes...” (Suggest a sheet of paper in the shape of a frying pan, color the pancake in the center).

    Educator: Try to bake the pancake until ready - color it so that it looks like a ruddy delicious pancake. Russian folk music plays while drawing "Russian folk dance".

    "Second pancake"

    Educator: Tuesday is called "Flirting". On this day, ice and snow forts are built for games.

    Didactic game "Get Hit by a Snowball"(throw the snowball exactly at fortress: children approach the line, stand one after another, take turns throwing a snowball into the fortress).

    3. "Third pancake"

    Educator: The environment is called "Gourmand". On this day they go to visit each other for pancakes.

    "Pancake Game". Children are divided into two teams. Five rings are laid out one after another in front of the players of each team ( "pancakes") and a basket with balls is placed ( "jam").At the teacher’s signal, the first team members take their baskets, put the balls into rings as they run, return and pass the basket to other players, who, in turn, collect the balls from the rings. The following participants perform similar actions. The team that completes the task wins.

    "Fourth pancake"

    Educator: Thursday is the most fun day "revelry". They ride down the slides. They sing songs, start caroling, this means walking around the yards, singing funny songs, wishing health and prosperity to the owners.

    This game has been played since ancient times only on Maslenitsa- Russian folk game "Chime".

    Children stand in a circle and a leader is selected using a counting rhyme. Two people go to the middle of the circle children: one blindfolded, the other with a bell. Children forming a circle talk together with the teacher words:

    Ding - dong, ding - dong,

    Oh, where did the chime come from?

    Ding - dong, ding - dong,

    We'll find him now!

    A blindfolded participant must try to catch the participant with the bell by the sound of the bell. After the participant with the bell is caught, he becomes the driver. He is blindfolded, and the previous driver becomes an ordinary participant and stands in a circle.

    "Fifth pancake"

    Educator: Friday - "evening". Now dad invites grandma to his place in the evening and treats her to pancakes.

    Maslenitsa pancakes are simply delicious!

    With sour cream and caviar, with butter and jam.

    Honored by all the people Our Maslenitsa,

    You won't find a more fun holiday.

    Word game "What pancakes"

    Educator: an ordinary pancake can be called different extraordinary kind words. Listen carefully, give me hints diligently:

    There is only one on the plate - we simply call it.... (Crap)

    We baked a lot and we will call it then.... (pancakes)

    We baked it for our daughters – let’s call it (pancake)

    Let's eat them son - let's call it then.... (blink)

    Huge as a house - let's call it... (pancake).

    Well done! Helped me come up with words.

    6. "Sixth pancake"

    Educator: Saturday - "gatherings".

    During gatherings in winter time beautiful maidens and kind fellows gathered for conversations, singing songs, for doing the right thing: spinning, weaving, weaving, and also Maslenitsa was decorated.

    A game "Dress up Maslenitsa» (music plays during decoration)

    Educator: Our dear guest, Maslenitsa,

    Avdotya Ivanovna!

    An important, long-awaited guest...

    The braid is long, two-and-a-half long,

    The scarf is white. Yes with flowers.

    Eyebrows are drawn in black.

    The lips are red and painted...

    The warm sun is teasing in the sky,

    Glad to see you, beauty!

    7. "Seventh Damn"

    Educator: Sunday - "seeing off" Maslenitsa. The party ends on the ice slides, bonfires are lit to melt the ice and destroy the cold. And the last day Maslenitsa is called"Forgiveness Sunday". On this day, everyone asks each other for forgiveness for mistakes, for everything that could offend a person. And after forgiveness they treat themselves to pancakes.

    How on Shrovetide week

    Pancakes were flying out of the oven!

    From the heat, from the heat, from the oven -

    All blush, hot!

    Maslenitsa, treat!

    Serve pancakes to everyone! Bon appetit!

    Now kids you know what it is Maslenitsa and how it is celebrated.

    Come on, friends,

    Eating pancakes to the point of hiccups,

    Drink tea until you dandruff,

    Sing songs to the fullest,

    Dance until you drop!

    Fun, joy for children -

    Maslenitsa in the yard!

    There is a tasting of pancakes according to Russian folk music.



    Preparatory group

    Project: short-term

    Type of project: educational, creative.

    Project participants: children senior group, parents, educators.

    Children's age: 5 - 6 years.

    Relevance: In our time, folk festivals have gradually become a thing of the past, when holidays were celebrated not only in one’s own family, but in entire streets and villages. Our children do not see this in the example of their parents. Our task is to introduce, tell, show what the Maslenitsa holiday is, as it was celebrated before. As a result of the implementation of this project, children will acquire new knowledge, learn new games, nursery rhymes, and poems. This project will help parents remember how they celebrated Maslenitsa with their parents.

    Goal of the work:

    Increasing interest in the traditions of the Russian people (Maslenitsa holiday).


    1. Introduce children to the Russian ritual holiday “Maslenitsa”, with various genres of oral folk art;

    2. Develop artistic and creative activity by becoming familiar with the objects of decorative and applied art of Russian culture.

    3. Develop love for the Motherland and its traditions.

    4. Orient parents of pupils to introduce their children to Russian culture in the family.

    Expected Result:

    Children got acquainted with the traditions, customs, and games associated with the celebration of Maslenitsa.

    Final result:

    1.Designing exhibitions of children’s productive activities

    2. Children’s ability to tell about the Maslenitsa holiday

    What do we know What do we want to know How do we do this Result

    Maslenitsa is pancakes, a straw doll that is burned

    How exactly to celebrate Maslenitsa, what games to play

    Through viewing photographs, presentations, pictures about Maslenitsa

    Through holding friendly conversations, situational conversations on this topic.

    Affordable artistic creativity(Modeling, drawing, applique).

    Through the artistic word: fairy tales, nursery rhymes, chants.

    Exhibition of children's productive activities

    Telling poems about Maslenitsa

    Name of the days of the week

    Thematic planning

    Monday"Meeting Maslenitsa"

    Target: Introduce the traditions of the national holiday.

    Tuesday- “Flirting”

    Target: Give children an idea of ​​Russian folk games and fun.

    Wednesday "Gourmand"

    Target: Introduce children to ritual cuisine.

    Thursday"Walk the Quarters"

    Target: Give an idea of ​​the Russian troika

    Friday"Mother-in-Law's Party"

    Target: Introduce to the origins of folk traditions.

    Social and communicative development

    Situational conversation: “Where did you come to us from - Merry Maslenitsa?”

    Viewing the multimedia presentation “Maslenitsa”

    LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Establishing rules and norms in outdoor games

    Learning a song with movements “Oh, my pancakes, pancakes”

    Playing musical instruments: tambourine, spoons, rattles, metallophone, bells

    Artistic and aesthetic development

    Application "Springfly doll"

    Drawing: “Maslenitsa through the eyes of children”

    Cognitive development

    FEMP "Count how much?" "Introducing the number 10 and the number 10."

    Making riddles about household utensils and products.

    Speech development

    Preliminary conversations by topic

    Examination of the painting "Troika". Story based on the picture

    Memorizing the poem “Maslenitsa”

    Physical development

    Outdoor games, Physical education minutes

    Sledding down the mountain.

    Game “Roosters”, “Pillow Fight”, “A Cow Flew”, “Masha the Confused”

    Healthy lifestyle: reinforcing the rules of hygiene and healthy food

    Holiday« Maslenitsa»

    Target :

    introduce children to Russian folk holiday, traditions, customs, original culture;

    Tasks :

    Introduce children to folk traditions farewell to winter Maslenitsa celebrations

    Develop an interest in history holidays,

    Cultivate respect for family values and traditions.

    Methodological tasks:

    Show the connection between family traditions and the culture of the peoples of the small Motherland.

    Show opportunity creative activity on practice.

    Expected Result:

    1. Active participation of students in the event

    2. Parental involvement

    3. Uniting participants

    Participants holiday

    1. Children preparatory group

    2. Parents of children

    Preliminary Preparation:

    The teacher introduces the children to Maslenitsa holiday.

    Decoration of the hall.

    Invitation of parents and guests.

    Preparing a presentation.

    Equipment: computer, presentation, costumes for children, pancakes, stuffed animal Maslenitsa.

    Progress of the event

    The guys gather in the hall, where everything is ready for celebration of Maslenitsa. Smiling sunny circles are hung on the walls, and in the center of the room there is a table decorated with a painted samovar. The guys take their seats. The soundtrack of a cheerful dance song sounds, and a buffoon runs out into the center of the hall.

    First buffoon:

    And we We met Maslenitsa,

    They filled the mountain with cheese,

    They poured oil on the mountain,

    They've invited you to the wide yard!

    The second buffoon runs out.

    Second buffoon:

    Oh you Maslena, Expensive,

    Dear, Lyoli, dear,

    She came to visit us, came,

    Lyoli came.

    The buffoons sit down near the table with pancakes. The Storyteller appears. She carries a painted tray with fragrant pancakes on it.


    Maslenitsa We exalt her and promise her all sorts of things:

    Rivers of sour cream, mountains of pancakes, if only she would arrive soon.

    The storyteller places pancakes in the center of the table and addresses the buffoons.


    Hello, good fellows! Arrived Maslenitsa, the cheese one has arrived, and you sit and remain silent, you don’t amuse the people!

    First buffoon:

    It was believed in Rus' that if it’s bad celebrate Maslenitsa, you will have to live in bitter need.

    Second buffoon:

    On Maslenitsa Gluttony was accepted, which symbolized a well-fed life throughout the year.

    Storyteller (addresses the guys)

    Hello, good people! We are glad that you came by old custom To spend the winter-winter, and to meet the spring-red. (slide 1) Our Maslenitsa came to us as a holiday from ancient times. The people called it affectionately: "happy killer whale", "quail", "yasochka".

    Storyteller (slide 2)

    At the end of winter people celebrated fun party Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa is the most fun, the most riotous and truly universal folk holiday.

    (slide 3)

    This is a mischievous and cheerful farewell to winter and a welcome to spring, bringing revival.


    Dear guests! I baked for holiday pancakes, but the samovar didn’t boil! Let's sit down at the table and taste some pancakes! But before we sit down to the table, I want to make sure my guests know Maslenitsa holiday. Guys, who can tell us about this? holiday?

    The guys start from their seats, taking turns telling everything they know about Maslenitsa holiday.


    I see that you are doing very well prepared for the arrival of the holiday. Guys, tell me in unison who is the main guest at our holiday?

    Guys (in unison). Maslenitsa!

    Storyteller. Where is our Maslenitsa? Buffoons, find her for us, tell us that the guys are waiting for her. It's time to sing songs, eat pancakes!

    The buffoons run away, and the Storyteller begins to talk about Maslenitsa holiday.


    Maslenitsa, guys, refers to one of the most ancient folk holidays. She appeared long before New Year celebrations, but continues to remain a popular favorite holiday.

    Maslenitsa holiday refers to transitional holidays. They're starting celebrate Maslenitsa on last week Lent, which lasts 7 weeks and ends Easter holiday.

    among the people Maslenitsa called cheese week or pancake week. I think you guys should be able to guess where these names come from. So why Maslenitsa do weeks have that name?

    The guys raise their hands and express their versions of the names of the week.


    Guys, you are all right. The names of the week were given by customs that came to us from the distant past of the Russian people. By Orthodox custom this week you can no longer eat meat; it is excluded from food, but you can continue to consume milk and dairy products. Therefore, in Rus' there was a custom of baking these days butter pancakes.

    Every day Maslenitsa week has its own name. Let's get to know them! (slide 4)


    Damn was a symbol Maslenitsa. Round, ruddy, it symbolized the sun, which was revered by the ancient Slavs, connecting it with the cult of the god Yarilo. In Rus', the beginning of spring began with Maslenitsa holiday. It was believed that it was on this day that all living things awaken from sleep.

    Buffoons enter the room. They are carrying a scarecrow Maslenitsa.


    Our dearest guest has arrived. Guys, let's shout like in the old days: « Maslenitsa has arrived

    Maslenitsa installed in the hall. The buffoons are seated near her.

    (slide 5)

    "Tuesday". Second day Maslenitsa -"Flirting" On this day, the funniest and most cheerful games took place in Rus'.


    Guys, let's play a game with you too. For the game we will need four people who will have to feed each other pancakes using Chinese chopsticks. (a game)

    "Wednesday". Wednesday to Maslenitsa calendar is"Gourmand". On Wednesday the most prepared delicious dishes. Every Russian housewife on this day tried to prepare her favorite dish, one that you won’t find on anyone else’s table. On this day they continued to bake pancakes. The pancakes were both thin and thick, with and without filling. Everyone ate the pancakes with great pleasure!

    (slide 6)


    In Rus' there was a custom to make pancakes with filling. The filling could be sour cream, eggs, caviar.

    "Thursday". Thursday is the day- "take a walk". On this day in Rus', people rode horses strictly according to the movement of the sun to help the sun drive away the fierce winter. On this day, snow slides and snow fortresses were built, which were taken by storm by young guys. (slide 7)

    A game "Cockfighting"

    The game begins "Sack Run".


    But on Friday there were so-called mother-in-law evenings. On this day, the son-in-law had to come to his mother-in-law for pancakes, and she treated him and treated him. (slide 8)

    The storyteller goes to the scarecrow Maslenitsa and stands next to him.

    The first buffoon.

    Saturday is "Sister-in-Law's Gatherings". This evening everyone goes to visit relatives, with whom they treat themselves to pancakes. (slide 9)


    IN Maslen was supposed to have a week

    There is - to the point of hiccups,

    Yell until you're hoarse,

    Sing to the fullest,

    Dance until you drop!

    Hey, laughing girls!

    Sing some ditties!

    Ditties: (backing track (text of ditties)

    The second buffoon.

    On Sunday came the Day of Forgiveness. On this day, everyone asks for forgiveness from each other, regardless of whether the person committed a bad act or not. (slide 10)


    On the last day, they made a straw effigy, decorated it, and then burned it so that it would take away all illnesses and misfortunes. (slide 11)

    When it was burning Maslenitsa, noticed smoke coming out. If it rose up in a column, it foreshadowed a good harvest. If smoke spread across the ground, it was a sign of crop failure.

    The ashes from the scarecrow were fluttered over the fields - “for a rich harvest.”

    Burned Maslenitsa with words:

    Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out.

    Birds are flying in the sky, bells are ringing.

    Sunshine, shine, clear, shine!

    Celebrating Maslenitsa from time immemorial with satiety and contentment. The richer Maslenitsa will be celebrated, the richer the year will be. Here are the sayings people came up with: « Maslenitsa - go around, take care of the money". “At least pawn something from yourself, but Celebrate Maslenitsa» .

    First buffoon:

    And the cutest thing is Maslenitsa

    Treat - delicious pancakes,

    The pancakes are delicious, rosy,

    With egg, with oil, with sour cream.

    Leading. Guys, you haven’t eaten pancakes for a long time, do you want some pancakes?

    The Russian folk song "Pancakes" is performed.

    Burning effigy Maslenitsa and song performance(text)

    Lush festivities

    The fair is crowning.


    Maslenitsa, come again!

    A year later, Beauty

    We'll meet again. Forward

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