• Forgiveness Sunday. Forgiveness Sunday for children Forgiveness Sunday children's matinee


    – bridge to Lent

    Forgiveness Resurrection is like a bridge leading to the first week of Great Lent. In order to join it, you need to part with Maslenitsa. Here, on the eve or Sunday morning, it is appropriate to talk with children about what would happen if Maslenitsa always happened and never ended.

    From dialogues with children during classes at the Rozhdestvo Family Center:

    - How during Maslenitsa week we drank sweetly, ate deliciously, and played merrily. Who liked it?

    - Maybe someone didn’t like it?

    - Oh, if only there would always be Maslenitsa... Let there always be Maslenitsa!..

    But five-year-old children do not particularly fall for this provocation:

    - No, a little bit is even possible. But it’s always impossible... perhaps.

    - Why isn’t it possible? Not life - but Maslenitsa! What's bad?

    - Then who will wash the dishes after pancakes? Everyone will overeat and go to bed... and the dishes? - says one boy.

    - Yes, yes, there will be no one to keep order. We'll be covered in mud, just like that - up to our ears. And it’s hard to get up from the sofa. Eat and sleep, eat and sleep, they fantasize.

    “Or you’ll get fat and won’t fit through the door,” the girls chime in worriedly. - You'll be soooo fat. You will grow in breadth.

    -Where should I go?

    - We need to go up.

    A remarkable Orthodox teacher of the twentieth century offers such a move, very appropriate in continuing the conversation about why Maslenitsa should not always exist. She says that it is very important to make the discovery with children that it is not always useful for a person to do what he wants. And sometimes it is useful to do what you don’t want. And on specific examples children are actively involved in discussing this.

    Please bring drawings on this topic to class so that we can discuss it together later. What's in the pictures? There is an orange on the table in the room, and a girl’s hand is stretched out to it. The author comments:

    - I really want an orange. So, I think I’ll take it and eat it all!

    - Orange is healthy. There are vitamins. Well, eat it.

    - How is it - will you eat it? I want to eat it. But I don’t want to share it with Vaska. Only one orange. But Vaska hasn’t seen him yet.

    -Then don't eat. It won't be useful. Vitamins, vitamins... And you will grow up to be greedy...

    - Well, so I drew how it’s not useful to eat an orange alone, without Vasya.

    In another picture, a boy is hovering over a large wide sofa. The sofa is the entire sheet. The boy is like a ball above him.

    - I didn’t hang up. It’s me who likes to jump on the sofa. Let me, I think, jump on the sofa while mom is away.

    - Oh, and I love jumping on the bed.

    - And I! One of our legs has already broken. Not at my place - at the ottoman. This is a sofa. We all jumped there - and now...

    - Yes, but jumping is useful. Some even jump on purpose - as a sport. On the trampoline. And on the sofa is not useful. It will break. Everyone will get along. Dad's job is to fix things.

    - No, that’s not why I drew it. I jump, and my mother puts Katya to bed in the next room. And I jump out of spite... Well, I don’t know why out of spite. So. She doesn't fall asleep.

    - Don't jump anymore then. You will grow up to be so angry... selfish.

    - No, I already understood who. Miserable, mischievous. You jump, you jump... and you jump.

    Then there is fasting in our lives, in order to learn to grow as a human being. As he says about the rules of fasting:

    “They are designed to help us shake off laxity and self-indulgence, to awaken in us sensitivity and vigor, to prevent us from becoming numb in our earthiness, which prevents us from soaring to God.”

    We need to go up.

    In general, the very word “fasting”, after all the fun and fights of Maslenitsa week, the cheerful, friendly fighting spirit, is very good to clarify for children in the context of the image of a sentry who stands on duty. The sentry stands at his post so as not to let uninvited guests get to what he is called upon to protect. And we, as soldiers of Christ, are called to be on guard. Stand on duty.

    What's behind us? Behind us we have everything that is dear to us, everything that we are ready to protect. What is this expensive? Good family relationships. Love. The joy of games and communication. Health. Good mood. Conscientiousness. Prayer and faith... What to protect from? From theft. From any uninvited guests: from discord, from quarrels, from cunning, from lies, harmfulness, from indulgence, from gluttony... And these are all our enemies. We need to fight with them, be attentive, observe ourselves, and, like a sentry at the post, repel them.

    Fasting is a time when we must not slumber, listen to the voice of our conscience, as to the voice of God, and partake in a manner worthy of His Holy gifts. And this means -

    “to make peace with those with whom we are at odds; we must dwell on the thoughts of our mind and heart, convicting us of betrayal of God and unfaithfulness to people - and do something in this direction; we must be reconciled with the Living God, so that it does not turn out that He died for us in vain” (Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh).

    The last pancakes are eaten and the pancake meal ends.

    As he writes in his memoirs about his childhood in the book “The Summer of the Lord,” pancakes on this day were distributed to the poor, “poor pancakes” were baked. IN modern family it is hardly possible. But the entire Maslenitsa week can be such giving, generosity, almsgiving - through the tradition of hospitality, visits with your own treats to those whose table is usually not abundant.

    And on Forgiveness Sunday, a home meal, when the whole family gathers at the table, is accompanied by a word from an adult that the rite of forgiveness will be performed in church this evening, and a reminder of what it is. And the Maslenitsa celebration itself on the eve of Forgiveness Day usually ends with a friendly hug and asking each other for forgiveness.

    Children always pay attention to this. And they sincerely imitate adults. The home rite of forgiveness is still accepted in believing families. Adults turn to children, and children turn to parents, and then they all go together to the older generation of the family. And in many pious families, as before, mom, dad, and children kneel before the older generation of the family, asking for forgiveness and blessings.

    Following the bright Maslenitsa, filled with delicious food, noisy festivities, chants and dances, comes Lent with its strict prohibitions and restrictions. At the intersection of two very different cycles, the calendar marks Forgiveness Sunday 2016 - a day on which the forgiveness of sins and offenses is endowed with special power. About how beautiful and correct it is to ask for forgiveness at this time Orthodox holiday, we talk further. We have prepared for you the best poems, SMS and congratulations for Forgiveness Resurrection.

    Forgiveness Sunday - I apologize!

    Both ancestors and contemporaries have many traditions associated with this day. In Rus', “the powerful and the elder asked for forgiveness from the insignificant and the younger. At sunset, Orthodox Christians walked from house to house and quietly begged forgiveness from the offended, humbly bowing their heads. For this they received absolution with a kiss on the mouth.” Today's rituals have changed slightly, but the essence of Forgiveness Sunday remains the same - cleansing the soul before the difficult cleansing of the body during Lent. To do this you need:

    • Visit the temple. On this day, during the Liturgy in churches, they read the story about Eve and Adam, reminding us of the fall of our ancestors and their shameful expulsion from Eden. They also read a narrative in which Jesus explains in detail the words of the prayer “and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive...”.
    • Forgive the offenders. On March 13 (the last day of Holy Week), you should definitely forgive all your offenders, even those who did not ask for your forgiveness. Otherwise, all the work in the upcoming post will be in vain. Any sincere and insincere repentance should be accepted, and the bitterness of resentment should be forgotten and released. After all, just as we forgive others, so the Almighty will respond to our requests.
    • Ask forgiveness from the deceased. It is equally important on this day to reach out to those with whom you can no longer see in reality. Deceased relatives and friends will certainly forgive their sins if you take the time to visit the cemetery and kneel before their graves.
    • Ask for forgiveness from loved ones. From the very morning, without postponing the tradition until later, you must sincerely ask for forgiveness from everyone you have intentionally or unknowingly offended. Even those who are on good terms with you may remember an ugly act. Be generous with your requests: it is better to overdo it than to underdo it. In addition, there are many sincere and beautiful words who can be contacted to a loved one for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday.

    I apologize to all my family. All friends and relatives and even strangers. Maybe I offended you, in word or deed. Maybe I offended someone with my silence. We all make mistakes and know how to offend. But I want to repent, because God commanded to forgive...

    LOVE in my soul, pancakes for a treat, and I ask you FORGIVENESS for everything!

    Forgive me for everything I was guilty of: a stupid joke, an offensive reproach. For everything that I once offended you by speaking immodestly and rudely. By forgiving others, we promise to forget all past quarrels for a long time. Forgive me - I forgive you too, and let there be no hard feelings between us!

    Let there be no guilt before you, and let you not offend me. But today you are forgiven by me. And I ask you to forgive me.

    Traditional rituals for Forgiveness Sunday. How to ask for forgiveness?

    What rituals are performed on Forgiveness Sunday?

    Forgiveness Sunday is a beautiful and humane custom. On such a bright day, purification of the soul and obedience should be carried out in the traditional way. Since ancient times, on the last day of Maslyanya, people hastened to the temple to ask for absolution from the clergy, and then went to the graves of relatives and friends. At the cemetery they left delicious pancakes for the deceased and bowed to their ashes.

    Families never went to bed without asking each other for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday. Children made requests to their parents, servants to their masters, etc. The masters also considered it necessary to bow down to their subordinates. The ritual took place as follows: people bowed to each other at the waist, expressed sincere repentance and kissed the cheeks three times. In modern Russia, such a custom is rarely observed, but the words “forgive me” are heard in almost every home.

    An equally popular tradition in Rus' is the burning of a Maslenitsa effigy on the day of Forgiveness Sunday. At the very beginning of Oil Week, young people collected straw throughout the village, from which they built a figure in the square. On Forgiveness Sunday, the effigy was publicly burned, and while the flint was burning, they mentally asked for forgiveness from all close and dear people.

    How to ask for forgiveness: Forgiven Resurrection - verses

    Touching verses for Forgiveness Sunday

    On Forgiveness Sunday, in addition to traditional phrases of apology, sincere congratulations. With the help of beautiful poems with a clear meaning, it is easy to establish understanding between the guilty and the offended, friends who are in discord, and relatives who once turned their backs on each other. Best congratulations with Forgiveness Sunday should convey a sincere desire to build friendly relations and wishes in honor of the great holiday!

    On the Lord's holiday, Sunday,
    I have a lot to say
    And ask for forgiveness for everything,
    Admit your wrongness.

    And with your sincere forgiveness
    I will be pleased and flattered,
    Don't forget on Sunday:
    The one who has forgiven is also forgiven!

    I want your forgiveness
    Ask for mistakes
    After all, today is Sunday,
    And it's time to forget

    About grievances, disagreements.
    Let's remember the good!
    Let the bad weather go away
    There will be peace throughout the whole earth!

    I want to ask for forgiveness
    If you did something ineptly,
    I also ask you to forgive me
    For what, perhaps, he did not do.

    I forgive everyone from the bottom of my heart,
    After all, sincerity is the most important thing.
    Hurry up to forgive everyone, my friend,
    And the world will become a little kinder.

    I ask your forgiveness
    If you did something wrong.
    On Forgiven Sunday
    Both rich and poor

    He hopes for forgiveness.
    I wish you with all my heart -
    Let everyone forgive you,
    So that there is peace in the heart.

    Forgiveness Sunday 2016 - SMS

    Short SMS about Forgiveness Resurrection

    It is not always possible to personally express your remorse to a friend or relative. Either the distance is too great, or the insult does not allow you to look your loved one in the eyes. This time you can send congratulations via SMS on Forgiveness Sunday 2016. Pleasant words with requests for forgiveness will certainly be appreciated.

    Pancake Sunday
    There is an old belief -
    To be happy all year long,
    You need to ask for forgiveness!

    Cleanse your soul and thoughts
    On Sunday before Lent.
    And prayers between you and God
    They will cross like an invisible bridge!

    We are all human, we are all sinners,
    Quarrels are simply inevitable
    If you are wrong, admit it,
    If you offended, stand up for the answer,
    And forgiveness will come to you
    Warmth, calm!

    Forgive the one who is to blame!
    He will be happy, he will be glad
    Let a man stumble
    You can't be angry for an entire century!
    Let him give us forgiveness
    Love, warmth, liberation!

    Beautiful verses about Forgiveness Resurrection

    Sometimes it seems as if beautiful poems about Forgiveness Resurrection have magical powers. Even small quatrains calling for forgiveness and mutual understanding are thoroughly imbued with kindness. Nice words words put into rhymes will always please the recipient, especially if they talk about something good and bright.

    In cruelty, as if in a cave womb,
    There is no way to see the road to dawn.
    You should not wander around in the darkness of demons and anger.
    Try to forgive each other's offenses.
    Farewell in everything: both great and small,
    And even when there’s no way to forgive!
    Farewell and believe that the scarlet star
    The Lord will light the way to dawn!

    There is a tradition of forgiveness
    Before Lent begins -
    My soul is filled with resentment and anger,
    Clear dark thoughts
    Ask others for forgiveness,
    Getting relief
    Like a blessing from heaven.
    Happy Forgiveness Sunday everyone!

    The last day is forgiveness, Sunday,
    Forgive your sins to those who repent!
    The party was raging here all week,
    Those are the big touches of Maslenitsa!

    Let us forgive each other brotherly, three times!
    Let's not remember the grievances,
    The law from our ancestors, we understand this,
    To live in truth means to love and forgive!

    “For God's sake, forgive me! and God will forgive!” -
    Words are heard from everywhere today.
    They greet everyone on the way with a kiss,
    And everyone has a lot of thoughts in their heads.
    On this day, give your friends congratulations,
    Wishing them patience and light in their souls,
    So that there is only luck in life,
    To avoid being captured, drive away temptations.
    To go through life with forgiveness and peace,
    With an honest heart beating calmly in my chest.

    Forgiveness Sunday 2016 is a great chance to ask for forgiveness and cleanse your soul before Lent, and turn your life in the right direction. It is never too late to repent of your sins before the Lord and ask forgiveness from loved ones for unworthy words and actions, no matter whether these repentances are in verse or sent via SMS.

    Forgiveness Sunday - the last day Maslenitsa week, the 7th Sunday before Easter, the day when all Orthodox Christians ask for forgiveness from each other in order to meet Lent with a pure soul and peace in the heart. We invite you to use these verses on Forgiveness Sunday. “Forgive me” - an SMS sent to any person early in the morning will let you know that you want to apologize for all the sins you committed earlier in front of him. Forgive each other and God will forgive you. Congratulations and poems for Forgiveness Sunday 2019 will help you easily ask for forgiveness.

    Let's ask each other for forgiveness
    On Forgiveness Sunday!
    We will not ask each other for our sins,
    We will forgive all insults, without a doubt!
    Let it resonate with peace in your soul
    Forgiveness of our sins!
    And my heart laughs with joy,
    After all, it is free from shackles!

    Forgive me, my dears,
    Why have I argued with you so often!
    I sinned, offended, and sometimes left,
    When I needed to stay...
    But the Lord gave Sunday to us all,
    So that they forgive each other's insults!
    I wish only good thoughts
    Our heads will continue to visit!

    From heart to heart, from door to door,
    From house to house, to any porch
    Forgiveness is coming! After all, it's Sunday
    The Lord sent us for cleansing!
    And let the grievances be forgotten,
    Forgive me and don’t blame me...
    Everyone is not without sin, but there is hope!
    And you don’t hold a grudge in your heart!

    Don't judge me, Lord!
    And forgive me, people!
    On Sunday, on Forgiveness Day
    Let's forget the bad!
    I admit, it's my own fault,
    Sometimes I sin shamelessly!
    But your soul is good,
    He can give me forgiveness!

    I'll bow my head
    And I will repent for everything!
    And on this Forgiven Day
    I confess everything:
    I was wrong, I was guilty!
    But please forgive me!
    My sins
    Let me go!

    Happy Forgiveness Sunday!
    I'll get down on my knees
    Begging for forgiveness
    I won't get tired today!
    I'm sorry! Grievances
    Let's forget each other!
    After all, we are not all without sin,
    These are the people we are...

    I have sinned in a year
    Hastened to get dirty
    Your soul, and heart, and flesh!
    Forgiveness Sunday
    And consecrated in churches!
    The Lord grants us forgiveness!

    The bells are ringing,
    What does he foretell for us?
    Happy Forgiveness Day, Happy Sunday!
    We all pray on our knees
    Forgive us our sins,
    Let go of all the bad things!

    Forgive me, forgive me quickly!
    Don't lock your souls' doors!
    Happy Forgiveness Sunday!
    Grant me forgiveness!

    Today is a special day -
    Happy Forgiveness Sunday!
    I forgive everyone everything, friends,
    And I apologize myself!
    Let's forget the pain
    Offense, lies, doubts!
    Let's give it to everyone on this day
    Cherished forgiveness!

    You can't carry anger!
    Resentment snowdrifts
    May God melt our hearts
    Mutual forgiveness
    On this day, Sunday!
    So that everyone can say “Sorry”!

    This morning I'm in a hurry
    To apologize!
    After all, that’s what this holiday is for –
    Happy Forgiveness Sunday!
    “I will forgive, and God will forgive!” -
    We'll tell each other
    Let kindness drop
    The blizzard will drive away evil!
    Let the words be forgotten
    Offensive and evil!
    Forgive me for everything,
    Beloved, dear ones!
    Happy Forgiveness Sunday to you
    I hasten to congratulate you in the morning!
    And my apologies
    Send with your letter!
    Resentments come out in tears,
    But it's time to stop!
    On this Forgiven Day, on Sunday
    I want to ask for forgiveness!
    Let's not remember evil
    And let's not be sad anymore!
    After all, the good Lord forgives everything,
    Ready to forgive us our sins!

    I bow low to God,
    I beg your pardon!
    He will forgive everyone's sins
    This Sunday!
    I forgot my pride
    I'm full of humility
    I ask you for everything
    I'm sorry now!

    Let's forget the grievances, worries,
    Today is Forgiveness Sunday!
    There is no need to keep bad things in your heart,
    But we just need to give good things to each other!
    I blame myself for everything, that I am wrong,
    Sometimes cruel, sometimes crafty.
    But everyone should be given a chance in life,
    Forgiveness teaches us to be kinder to everyone!

    Forgive me, friends,
    How harsh I can be
    That sometimes I hurt with a word,
    And when I’m angry I can be angry!
    I want your forgiveness
    Today I ask!
    On Forgiveness Sunday
    Please forget the insults!

    Everyone has forgiveness on this day
    I’m not too lazy to ask today!
    I will go around all those close and distant,
    I will come to everyone to repent!
    Happy Forgiveness Sunday to you!
    I will forgive you too this very hour!
    Let's be kind to each other,
    There is no need for grievances or quarrels!

    The heart begs for forgiveness
    The soul is so longing for God...
    I will bow before the icon,
    And I’ll whisper, barely breathing:
    "On this Forgiveness morning
    Let everyone forgive me
    If I hurt anyone
    Grief, adversity and resentment!

    Let it wash away with streams of sincere tears
    The insults that I have caused to you!
    I want to atone for my guilt,
    I will ask for your forgiveness!
    And in this Sunday Forgiven this hour
    Forgive me, I implore you!
    I don’t remember the insults to you, I forgave you a long time ago...
    Today I let go of all evil from my heart!

    Forgiveness can be difficult
    Lovers and enemies!
    But now God demands it,
    That's the custom!
    And I myself blame you before you,
    I'm full of sins!
    “Forgive me!”, “God will forgive me too!”,
    These words are enough for me!

    There is no peace for the soul
    And she will suffer forever,
    Kohl this Sunday
    She won't be forgiven!
    Forgiveness Sunday
    The shadow of resentment will be erased from the soul!
    Please forgive me for everything!
    God is my judge, he should judge!

    I light a candle for forgiveness!
    Happy Forgiven Sunday, people!
    I wish you no secret
    There is resentment in your soul, be kind!
    And everyone who asks for forgiveness,
    He carries a piece of God in his heart!

    It is no coincidence that the day was invented in the year,
    So that we ask for forgiveness!
    After all, we have sinned quite a bit over the past year...
    And Forgiveness Sunday
    Gives you a chance to correct mistakes
    If the heart is ready to forgive,
    If you can, then repent yourself!
    God will forgive all our sins again!

    Don't be angry with me, don't -
    Forgiveness Sunday is now!
    The heart prays for forgiveness,
    And the soul is only looking for forgiveness!
    So let's forget the grudges,
    God will help us in consolation!
    Forgive me for the bad words,
    For misdeeds, for sins!

    This year, Forgiveness Sunday falls on March 17th. On this day, it is customary to ask each other for forgiveness in order to enter Lent with a pure soul, reconciling with your neighbors.

    - How to ask for forgiveness? – you may ask.

    The Monk Nikon of Optina lived on earth, who said this: “When you ask for forgiveness, you must do it from a pure heart, with complete sincerity. In the same way, forgive, say: “God will forgive you,” and in your soul at this time there should be a feeling of sincere forgiveness, so that later you don’t even remember this matter, so that peace and love are established between you.

    Today, the Church also remembers how, for disobedience to God, Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise and became mortal. The human body must die, since it is adapted only for earthly life with its three-dimensional dimension: length, width, height, and even time.

    But in spiritual life all this is not required, there is no time - there is Eternity. It is for this that we must prepare ourselves on earth. This is our task, the successful solution of which requires obedience to the parents and shepherds of the Church.

    So, come on, dear kids, let’s obey dad and mom, study well, and then we’ll celebrate Easter with a clear conscience and joy!

    Sunday, February 22 is not only the last day of Maslenitsa, but also Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, you should sincerely ask for forgiveness from family and friends for the grievances caused, and also forgive the person with all your heart. How to correctly ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday, congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday, SMS “Forgive me” and poems “I ask for forgiveness” read in our material.

    On Sunday, February 22, not only the last day of Maslenitsa is celebrated, but also Forgiveness Sunday. Today is the last day when fasting believers can afford dairy products and products with animal fats. At midnight on the night of Sunday, February 23, Lent begins, which lasts 7 weeks until Easter, and symbolizes the 40 days that Jesus Christ fasted in the desert.

    Lent begins on Clean Monday, and this means that believers must enter the fast with a pure soul and pure thoughts. Forgiveness Sunday is a beautiful and important Russian custom; on this day it is customary to ask for forgiveness from loved ones, from parents, husband, wife, children.

    It is important not only to sincerely ask for forgiveness from everyone you may have inadvertently offended, but also to forgive with a pure heart those who ask for forgiveness from you, forget all bad thoughts and completely cleanse yourself mentally. “For if you forgive people their sins, then our Heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive people their sins, then your Father will not forgive you your sins” (Matthew 6:14-15),” it says in the Gospel, on Forgiveness Sunday, family and friends are told: “I forgive all sinners, forgive me, a sinner!” Also on this day it is customary to go to the cemetery, leave pancakes on the graves, and worship the ashes of relatives.

    How to properly ask for forgiveness:

    In the age of information technology, we often prefer SMS asking for forgiveness to live communication. If possible, it is best to ask for forgiveness from loved ones and relatives in person, face to face.

    Congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday, short and funny sms, SMS “Forgive me” and poems “I beg your pardon:

    On Forgiveness Sunday we ask each other to forgive,

    I wish you to live the whole year without insults, quarrels, and bitter sorrows,

    I wish life to be without worries, to flow calmly and smoothly,

    On this holiday I wish you joy, comfort, forgiveness, goodness!

    On Forgiveness Sunday

    I ask you to forgive me from the bottom of my heart,

    Forget all empty quarrels

    And forget stupid quarrels.

    I wish you forgiveness

    There was nothing to ask for

    So that you want in life

    Only forgive and love.

    This Sunday

    I am sorry

    For insults, for reproaches,

    For your tear-stained cheeks,

    Darling, I'll get better

    I'll deal with my shortcomings!

    To ask for an apology -

    Don't carry bricks in bags,

    But for some it's difficult

    Impossible for some!

    Go ahead and apologize

    Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!

    On Forgiveness Sunday,

    When joy is the same for everyone!

    I ask you for forgiveness

    For big and small sins!

    I ask you today

    May you sincerely forgive me.

    Honey I love you

    And I want you to forget about the bad things

    Happy Forgiveness Sunday!

    I ask my parents for forgiveness

    And with every step a blessing!

    I'm sorry that when I was born,

    Caused a lot of troublesome troubles!

    Forgive me for confessing my sins to you,

    Otherwise I won’t be able to live!

    I ask for forgiveness today

    From the best on earth,

    My beloved mother

    Forgive me my dear

    For all the grievances and sorrows

    Happy Forgiveness Sunday!

    Video: channel Photos from open sources

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