• Traditions and rituals of Belarus. Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa - the beginning of Maslenitsa week in Belarus


    Perhaps now no one will argue with the opinion that Maslenitsa has long been far from the most popular holiday. But, at lunchtime on a working day, it is the symbol of this wonderful week that makes this week itself just that wonderful!))

    Mmm... a hungry stomach thinks about warm, transparent pancakes with butter, fish, caviar, honey, caramel, chocolate, strawberries... oh... And that's why few people celebrate Maslenitsa now? It’s clear that city residents can’t afford to walk for weeks at a time. And winter sports fans go to all sorts of “Silichi” anyway, but pancakes are no longer associated with holiday menu. But! How can you miss a reason to go for a walk? And not in the sense that “there is no reason not to drink,” but in the sense that everyone can think about how to make any of the Maslenitsa days memorable.

    Eg, You can celebrate Maslenitsa in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park. February 25 at 12:00 There the farewell to winter will begin with competitions, games, horse riding and an exhibition and sale of works from the city of masters. You can’t do without the symbol of Maslenitsa – delicious pancakes. And for meat lovers - fragrant kebab. Transport will depart at 11:30 from the central gate.

    Belarusian State Museum of Folk Architecture and Life suggests celebrating as expected for a whole week. AND Celebrations will begin this Sunday, February 19th. A will end on February 26, Farewell Day. All visitors to the museum will be able to go back in time and find out and feel how this holiday was celebrated before. Such an atmosphere will be created best folklore groups: “Minsk music”, “Milavitsa”, “Dubravitsa” and “Matchmakers” and “Majsternya Urazhannya”. All children and their parents will be delighted by the performances of the Batleyka puppet theater. Guests of the museum will be able to dance, ride horses, buy memorable souvenirs and, of course, try skillfully prepared pancakes. Celebrations will take place from 19 to 26 February from 11 to 16 pm.

    You can also spend a “pancake weekend” with your loved ones - You can rent a manor for Maslenitsa. Some home owners specifically think about entertainment programs to make this holiday week special and memorable for every client.

    Maslenitsa in Belarus: bright photos and video, detailed description and reviews of the Maslenitsa event in Belarus in 2019.

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    Maslenitsa - Old Church Slavonic Orthodox holiday, and Belarusian traditions of celebrating it are in many ways similar to Russian ones. True, in the western part of the country, where historically there were many Catholics, this holiday was celebrated on a much smaller scale. But Orthodox Belarusians walked at Maslenitsa with all their hearts for a whole week. It symbolized the end of winter and the return of sun and warmth.

    Maslenitsa begins to be celebrated 8 weeks before Easter, so it falls on the different dates and even different months. In most places, the first day of the holiday coincides with the beginning of the week, although in some areas of the country Maslenitsa is shorter and begins only on Thursday or Friday. In Belarus, Maslenitsa is sometimes called “Maslenka” or “Syrnitsa”. The fact is that by the time Shrovetide arrived, the cows had just calved for the first time of the year, and the abundance of milk and dairy products made it possible to enjoy a wonderful treat. In Belarus, to a much greater extent than in Russia, it is customary to prepare cheesecakes and dumplings for Maslenitsa.

    At Maslenitsa in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, the Belarusian Father Frost and his granddaughter are present in person.

    Maslenitsa in Belarus

    Despite the fact that each region had its own traditions for celebrating Maslenitsa, they were all united by an abundance of fun and delicious food. And today, Shrovetide events are held in every city and village of Belarus. So, in Minsk every year, according to folk tradition, they organize a fair, and even more than one. Most of the festivities take place in city parks. There you can meet peddlers and mummers who dance, sing and invite those who wish to take part in traditional fun. On Maslenitsa, women are supposed to wear beautiful, colorful and warm scarves. Pancakes are baked in the tents and people are treated to bagels and warm drinks. And in the evening, when it gets dark, the city traditionally sets fire to a straw Maslenitsa effigy.

    In addition to pancakes and cheesecakes, traditional treats at the Belarusian Maslenitsa are pryazhentsy (fried potato pies), grated potato kopytki, pancakes, sorcerers and sbiten.

    Maslenitsa is also celebrated in Belovezhskaya Pushcha - the homeland of the Belarusian Father Frost. He himself and his granddaughter are present at the celebration. True, for them this holiday is a little sad, since they have to leave for colder climes.

    In many places in Belarus, the custom of celebrating Parents' Day on the Saturday before Maslenitsa has been preserved. This day was dedicated to the commemoration of ancestors, for whom pancakes were prepared and then left on graves, roofs of houses and shrines. On this day, it is customary to have dinner at home and leave the uneaten food on the table overnight along with the cutlery, covered with a tablecloth.

    At the end of Maslenitsa, for Belarusians, as well as for Russians, it comes Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, it is customary to ask for forgiveness from everyone, close and distant, including deceased relatives.



    1.1 Essence and content of festive ritual technology…….6

    1.2 Specifics of development calendar and ritual holiday "Maslenitsa" for youth………………………………………………………18


    2.1. Scenario of the calendar and ritual holiday “Maslenitsa”………28





    Relevance of the topic thesis is associated with the need to revive and preserve Belarusian ritual mythological and folklore traditions, which carry the memory of many generations of the people. Maslenitsa rituals have always been an integral part of culture and folk life, intertwined with other rituals, customs and ceremonies.

    Let's start with the fact that in ancient times this holiday was much more multifaceted than in pre-revolutionary times. It was based on a cyclical perception of time common to all pagan cultures, and the more archaic a civilization was, the more attention it paid to emphasizing this idea of ​​cyclicality.

    Proto-Slavic Maslenitsa was celebrated at the beginning of spring - on the day spring equinox, when the day finally won the advantage from the night. According to the modern calendar, this is approximately March 21 or 22. In the middle zone, on the territory of present-day Russia, in Belarus and Ukraine - regions where, in fact, oilseed customs originated - last days The first month of spring has always been unpredictable. Either the thaw will come, or the frost will press down. “Spring fights winter,” our ancestors said. And it was precisely on Maslenitsa that a certain milestone was drawn, before which the world was dominated by cold, and after which the warmth finally came. Everything was returning to normal again, and this return of life was one of the main points of celebration.

    And where there is life, there is its multiplication. Maslenitsa, in addition to the idea of ​​cyclicality, carries elements of the cult of fertility. The earth was resurrected, absorbed the last winter snow, and filled with juices. And now people had to help her, give this process some kind of sacred basis. In more familiar language, Maslenitsa rituals are designed to sanctify the land, fill it with strength so that it produces a bountiful harvest. For the peasants who formed the basis of ancient Russian society, the harvest was the main value, so it is not surprising that Maslenitsa ceremonies were given Special attention. Maslenitsa was a kind of pagan liturgy, only the role of God here was played by nature itself and its elements, to which the Slav made an impromptu sacrifice.

    Third - no less important point- procreation. The fertility of the earth continues in those who live on it and feed on its plants. If you eat the food that Mother Earth gave you, then you must give life to others. The idea of ​​the cycle of life, its giving and transmission to children was key to pagan consciousness. Life itself was the fundamental value, and everything else was just a means to achieve it.

    Currently, the interest of society and, in particular, the younger generation in the history of Maslenitsa is fading. Children do not know or understand the history and significance of this holiday, but the adult generation perceives it as one of the reasons to take a walk and have fun. Therefore, the issue of developing and preserving the rich traditions of Belarusian folk culture is especially relevant at a time when all means of mass communication, social media and society as a whole promote and support the Western way of life, values ​​and cultural stereotypes that are alien to us. All this not only does not allow the younger generation to develop moral and aesthetic feelings and pride for their country and its customs, but also forms in them traditions and norms that are unnecessary and alien to our country’s mentality.

    Theatrical performance is one of the most effective ways tell and remind society about Belarusian rituals and customs. Theatrical performances are distinguished by their imagery, colorfulness, musicality, unusual lighting and plastic solutions, and therefore their content can be retained in the memory of the audience for a long time. In addition, the audience is often involved in the process, which also has a positive effect on the emotions, feelings and mood of the audience.

    The peculiarity of folk festivals is that the main thing actor people themselves become, there is no division into artists and spectators, everyone can take part in events, show activity, initiative and find something to do according to their interests. Folk festivals are a complex form of work; they require a lot of organizational and creative activity.

    Purpose of the diploma research:

    1. Develop a script for a theatrical performance (using the example of Maslenitsa).

    2. Determine the main directions for improving the modern celebration of Maslenitsa.

    3. To acquaint and attract the viewer to the ritual and playful actions of the Maslenitsa holiday, among the residents and guests of the sanatoriums of the Naroch region.

    This goal involves solving the following tasks:

    1. Study the history of the Maslenitsa holiday in Belarus;

    2. Justify the director’s intention;

    3. Demonstration of regional features of the traditional “Maslenitsa” in the song creativity of folk groups of the Myadel region;

    4. Reconstruction of the Maslenitsa ritual;

    5. Involving youth and children in traditions and culture;

    6. Reveal the semantics, symbolism and functionality of the ritual events of Maslenitsa;

    7. Draw up a cost estimate, a plan for preparing a theatrical performance, and a rehearsal schedule.

    Object of study: the process of organizing leisure time for children and youth, residents of the settlement. Naroch, vacationers in the sanatoriums of the Naroch region.

    Subject of study: technology for developing the Maslenitsa script

    Place and time of the holiday: k.p. Naroch, Myadel district, Minsk region.

    The structure of the thesis consists of: from the introduction, two chapters, conclusion and list of references and applications.


    The essence and content of festive ritual technology.

    The history of Maslenitsa celebrations in Belarus.

    Mass holidays have always occupied a prominent place in the system of education and organization of leisure, characteristic of each historical era. In this process, the social connections of the organizer of a mass holiday with its spectators are presented in socio-cultural relations that are most consistent with the current way of organizing production, in which its ideological component is absent.

    Today we are witnessing a qualitatively new stage in the development of culture and leisure. “Cultural and educational work” has been replaced by cultural and leisure activities, the very idea of ​​which characterizes the processes developing in the sphere of free time: democratic ways and means of organizing mass actions, alternativeness in adoption management decisions, pluralism in the discussion of emerging problems, lively and direct participation of the population in the implementation of cultural projects and programs.

    The concept of a holiday is associated with something joyful, cheerful, carefree, free. This perception of this word is typical both for the participants of the celebration and for its organizers. But, undoubtedly, a holiday is a complex and complex concept that involves various shapes, options, goals, objectives of organizing and holding the holiday.

    The very word “holiday” expresses abolition, freedom from everyday work, combined with fun and joy. In most cases, there is such a holiday free time, when something is noted, for example, a certain event that needs to be distinguished from the flow of other events. They always celebrate something; according to folk tradition, celebration is impossible without a reason.

    The next characteristic feature of the holiday is communication. A.I. Mazaev defines the holiday as follows: “The holiday unites people with bonds of community, generates a sense of freedom and collectivity. At the holiday, more than anywhere else, people feel concretely and sensually their material unity and community.”

    The Belarusian land is famous for its rich ancient everyday, folk and musical culture. A people that does not know and does not want to know its past will never have a future.

    The famous Belarusian pioneer printer, asvetnik and humanist Francis Skaryna wrote: “Even from birth, the animals that walk in the desert know their pits; birds flying through the air know their nests, fish swimming in the sea and rivers sense their vipers; bees and the like harrow their hives, and people, where they were born and nurtured by God, have great affection for that place.”

    This bright, colorful holiday at the end of winter delights both kids and adults. Games, songs, dancing, cheerful laughter and noise are its main signs. And it’s called Maslenitsa. True, in some regions of Belarus this holiday is called differently: Maslenka, Syrnitsa, etc. Church calendar also recorded the celebration of Maslenitsa: here it appears as “Cheese Week”. These “milk” names are not accidental. At this time - when Maslenitsa was celebrated - dairy products appeared on the table of the peasants in very large quantities, since the cows had already calved. It was forbidden to eat meat during the holiday week, so these dishes became the main ones.

    Maslenitsa is one of the most ancient Slavic holidays. It never had a specific date in the calendar: it began to be celebrated 8 weeks before Easter. A huge advantage of this holiday was that it lasted for a whole week. According to one version, our ancestors began to celebrate this holiday to honor the god Veles, who patronized domestic animals. It is also significant that the church has changed practically nothing about the pagan holiday. The ancient rituals were simply given some religious features.

    Butter and cheese are the obligatory attributes of the holiday. Besides, what would Maslenitsa be without pancakes? During Maslenitsa week, pancakes acquired truly royal significance - people tried to eat them every day. Ghee, sour cream, honey, jam, fish, caviar, cabbage - everyone wrapped whatever their heart desired in pancakes. Besides meat, of course. The holiday week was given another name - meat-eating week. Therefore, empanadas were strictly prohibited.

    In different regions of Belarus they began to celebrate Maslenitsa differently: some people treated themselves to pancakes on Monday, while others endured them until Thursday. Each day of the holiday week was special and required certain actions. For example, Monday (it was also called “Meeting”) was considered the symbolic beginning of Maslenitsa. It was then that they made a stuffed animal that represented frosty winter. Tuesday was called “Flirting”: from this day you could start visiting. Wednesday - "Gourmand" - called for baking even more pancakes and inviting even more guests. And on Wednesday it was customary to visit the mother-in-law, hence the famous “to the mother-in-law for pancakes.” In that part of the country where celebrations began on Thursday, “mother-in-law” day was Friday. On Thursday, who was called “broad” or “fat”, they catered to their pets. They even baked pancakes specially for them. In addition, young stallions were ridden on Thursday; this day was considered the most favorable for such an activity. In some areas Thursday there were grandmothers-midwives. Children who were born with their help came to visit them with treats, and then sledded around the village. Friday - or "mother-in-law's evening" - was the time when the young family visited the bride's relatives. If the son-in-law did not come to his mother-in-law that day, this was a great insult, which could cause the divorce of two families. On Saturday came “sister-in-law’s evenings.” Everyone went to visit each other, rode horses and sleds. Sunday is the last day of Maslenitsa week. On this day we said goodbye to winter and welcomed spring. The culmination of the holiday was the burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa - Forgiveness Sunday. On this day it was supposed to ask for forgiveness from all relatives and friends. According to tradition, the head of the family had to sit under the images and read a prayer, and then ask for forgiveness from the ancestors. After this, all the household members asked him for forgiveness. The ritual ended with the father asking for forgiveness from each family member. In the church that day, the priest at the end of the service also asked for forgiveness from his parishioners, and they answered him: “God will forgive! God will forgive! God will forgive!".

    On Maslenitsa there was a large number of different rituals. Our ancestors believed that it was possible to work during the day during Maslenitsa week, but in the evenings it was only for entertainment; it was forbidden to sew or spin.

    Here is one of the legends recorded in the Grodno region:

    One girl was so eager to work that she stopped observing the holy evenings. And so one day she spun until almost midnight. Suddenly she hears someone knocking on the window, she asks:

    I brought you a job girl. Look, what would you do tonight, that you have spun twelve spindles?

    The girl was frightened, her hair stood on end - horror!

    Hurry up, sit down and spin your hair, if it is not ready this night, then prepare your coffin the next night.

    Everything was quiet. The girl, neither alive nor dead, crossed herself three times and carefully walked out onto the porch - no one was there. Only a heap of flax lies. She took it, brought it into the house and thought:

    “What am I going to do now, poor thing? God's will, we need to spin"

    She decided to cheat: she wrapped the tow with linen scraps, and on top she spun the thread in two rows, and in this way all twelve spindles were ready. Meanwhile, dawn broke and the family woke up.

    Mother asks:

    Where did the tow come from? Have you been spinning all night?

    The girl is silent, doesn’t say anything to anyone, and doesn’t know what to say. She took the yarn into the pantry, and also brought out the flax that was left - if it was put into production, it would take twelve days and evenings to spin, no less. And went to bed. I got up late in the evening, prayed to God and went into the closet to look at my work, but there was nothing there. She returned to the house.

    Well, you did your job, otherwise death would have come to you for not observing generous evenings. And if you continue to spin, I will bring you three times more flax. The girl was scared, but still decided to look out the window. The night was moonlit, and she saw an old man with a long beard carrying twelve spindles on his shoulders. The girl fell on the floor unconscious and was sick and delirious for two weeks. They barely got out.

    These days they wash and clean the dishes especially diligently, and once upon a time on Mondays they also whitewashed the stove and thoroughly cleaned the house. Guys and girls hung swings (goydanki) on the yard gate or at the entrance to the barn and while swinging they sang songs:

    Yes, today we have Maslenitsa!

    Yes, the gusset flew out!

    “What did you bring us?”

    I shook the wheat out of the boxes,

    All live wheat,

    For any arable land!

    At this time, everyone went to visit, games were organized in the villages, young people rode sleds, swings, and horses.

    One of the most interesting Maslenitsa customs that existed on our land was “carrying blocks.” Young guys who did not get married for a long time were subjected to this test. A piece of log was tied to their leg and they had to walk around the village with it. In some regions, women pulled this piece of log and tied it to the first unmarried guy they met. Anyone who did not want to “carry the stocks” had to pay off with money or treats. In other areas, guys who were forced to try on “pads” had to go into the houses where they lived unmarried girls and demand a treat. If a guy with a shoe did not stop near such a girl’s house, it was considered disrespectful towards her.

    Another (perhaps even more ancient) name for this holiday is Kolodiy. It is connected with a custom that was celebrated in Ukraine and Belarus in later times. During the whole Kolodochny week in parallel with other rituals rural women performed an amazing action - “the life of a block.” They took a thick stick, dressed it up and pretended it was a person. On Monday Kolodka was “born”, on Tuesday she was “baptized”, on Wednesday she “experienced” all the other moments of her “life”. On Thursday Kolodka “died,” on Friday she was “buried,” and on Saturday she was “mourned.” On Sunday came the culmination of Kolodia.

    Throughout the holiday, women walked around the village with the Kolodka and tied it to everyone who was still single or unmarried. They did not forget about the parents of unfamily boys and girls. Of course, no one wanted to go around with such a “label”, and therefore women were given a certain payoff. They could be colored ribbons, beads or saucers, drinks and sweets. The next feature of the holiday - also characteristic primarily of Ukraine and Belarus - is its “femininity”. Maslenitsa was popularly called Baba Week. It was perceived as a period during which, in one way or another, the main role in the fun rituals was played by the fair sex. On these days, engagements were held, and in an even more ancient era, marriages were celebrated. That is, there is the very cult of fertility that we talked about above. At the same time, attention was paid to all aspects of female existence - virginity (the idea of ​​a beautiful girl and a bride-girl was praised), and motherhood (a woman as a mother, a woman as a guardian), and wisdom (a woman as an old woman, a woman as an adviser). Negative qualities also got the hang of it. For example, on Friday the son-in-law had to invite his mother-in-law to his house, treat her, treat other guests to vodka and say: “Drink, good people, so that my mother-in-law’s throat does not dry out!” This was a subtle hint at my wife’s mother’s excessive talkativeness. By the way, the so-called “sister-in-law’s get-togethers” and, in general, women visiting each other are also part of the “women’s” element of the holiday.

    We loved dressing up games during Maslenitsa. Villagers dressed in fancy dress and burst into someone's house. If the owners were slow with the treat, then a clownish destruction of the house began - things were scattered, objects were rearranged. Such a company threw every person they met on the street into a snowdrift and rubbed snow on their cheeks and nose.

    Today Maslenitsa traditions are not so strong, but still this holiday is still bright, noisy and cheerful. The celebration of Maslenitsa calls for waking up after hibernation and getting ready for new spring, and therefore a new life.

    In 2018, Maslenitsa in Belarus will be celebrated from February 12 to 18. For a whole week, you can indulge yourself without a twinge of conscience with pancakes and pancakes, generously flavored with sour cream or honey. Good tradition the farewell of winter and the invocation of spring will be felt most clearly on the weekend of February 17-18 - it is during this period that main Maslenitsa festivities. Belarusians love Maslenitsa, which is why they celebrate it on a grand scale. The travel portal VP.BY has reviewed the options where you can celebrate Maslenitsa in 2018 and shares with you the most interesting offers. So, here we go:

    1. Traditional celebrations of Maslenitsa will take place in Dudutki. On February 17 and 18, they promise delicious and hot festivities, noble entertainment and round dances around the fire. There will be burning of effigy, pancakes, potato pancakes, Belarusian cuisine and much more.

    For those who decide to travel to Dudutki on their own, a free transfer Rudensk-Dudutki and Dudutki-Rudensk will operate. The holiday starts at 11.30, and the first thousand visitors are promised a free pancake;)

    How to get to Dudutki from Minsk:

    1. by personal car: along the Slutsk highway P23 (GPS coordinates: 53°35.782" N, 27°40.990" E)

    2. public transport: bus No. 323 Minsk-Dudutki - departs from AB Central (Bobruiskaya St., 6-1), bus station information desk 114

    2. Maslenitsa in Museum of Folk Architecture and Life in the village of Ozertso will be held on February 17 from 12.00 to 16.00. Here you will be able to take part in traditional Maslenitsa festivities and try yourself in various games and activities.

    The following program will be presented on this day:
    performance of folk groups “Traetskaya Muzyki” from the city of Borisov, “Svitanak” of the Victoria Center for Children and Music, “Gamanina” of the BSUIR, “Talaka” of the Department of Ethnology and Folklore of the BSUKiI, “Collected Saturday” from the city of Uzda, “Crane” from the Lyubanshchyna, “ Yavar" secondary school No. 159, "Svyatki" CDODiM "Zolak", etc.;
    a unique exhibition of utensils used to make cheese and butter;
    puppet theater "Batleika";
    shadow battle "Nativity scene";
    Maslenitsa games and fun for children and adults;
    master classes on making Maslenitsa amulet dolls, weaving belts, etc.;
    competitions “Maslenitsa doll 2018” and “Best snow figure” (if there is snow);
    photo zone;
    Maslenitsa quest;
    demonstration of unique Maslenitsa rituals “Grandfather’s Funeral”, “Visiting the Midwife”, etc.
    knight's platform with archers, etc.;
    The culmination of Maslenitsa festivities will be the burning of the effigy of winter - “Madder”.

    At extra charge:
    traditional Belarusian dishes in taverns and food outlets;
    the best souvenirs from folk craftsmen;
    horseback riding;
    riding a motor hang glider, an Ikarus plane, or a helicopter (subject to good weather).

    Ticket prices:- for adults – 13.00 rub.;
    - for students – 9.00 rub.;
    - for schoolchildren – 6.50 rubles;
    - for children before school age- for free.

    The museum exposition is open from 10:00 to 17:00.
    The ticket office is open from 10:00 to 16:30.

    See details.

    3. You can touch not only the traditions of Maslenitsa, but also nature in Berezinsky Nature Reserve. During Maslenitsa week you can order there special one day tour(by prior reservation). The program includes a tour of the reserve, a visit to the Museum of Nature, open-air cages and, of course, funny songs, competitions, round dances with mummers, “restless” fun and lively dances with pancakes.

    You can book this tour through travel agency "4 sides of the world" or "Bon Voyage" .

    4. You can celebrate actively and with children "Wide Maslenitsa" V Country club "Festivalny", where the celebrations will take place on February 17th. The program will include “Gukanne Viasny”, burning of effigy, folk entertainment and competitions, conquest of the Maslenitsa pillar, quests and tournaments. For children, there will be a separate children's area (where it will be warm!) and entertainment.

    On Maslenitsa at Festivalny want to deliver record for fastest time eating pancakes, therefore, if you are confident that you are the one who eats pancakes the fastest, then you can take part. Also "wake up the bear" In addition, all the services of the complex will be available to guests in full - this includes a rope city, a shooting range, a questroom, downhill skiing, skiing, a bathhouse, cottages and a hotel.

    Entrance ticket cost 15 rubles(free for children under 12 years old). The price includes an entertainment program for the whole day and refreshments from the organizers.

    The holiday starts at 12.00.

    5. "Royal Maslenitsa" fun and folk traditions will be celebrated in Park-Museum of Interactive History "Sula" on February 17.
    On this day, everyone who wants to have a fun and interesting Maslenitsa will be treated to a family festival, which has already become traditional and annual for the “Park-Museum of Interactive History of Sula” - Royal Maslenitsa. Hundreds of stoneflies and nightingales will play over the snowy expanses of Sula, cheerful songs and ringing laughter, ringing bells and music will echo. The festivities open with a theatrical show. And then guests will be able to fully enjoy the wild Maslenitsa festivities:
    • active games on fresh air,
    • medieval and folk dances,
    • folk concert,
    • ice slide,
    • performance of the traveling theater "Scottish Infantry",
    • archery range,
    • Maslenitsa legends and fortune telling and much, much more.
    For the youngest guests of the festival, a children's area will be prepared in the warm and cozy Royal Assembly. The climax of “Royal Maslenitsa” will be the traditional burning of the Effigy of Winter, which festival participants will be able to decorate throughout the day, and jumping over the fire for good health and happy days.

    But besides the cheerful holiday and festivities, Maslenitsa is famous for its hearty and plentiful food. This year, the Royal Maslenitsa festival will delight friends of the complex with a variety of dishes of Belarusian cuisine. There will be 4 food courts, where everyone will find a dish to their liking. Those who wish will be able to take part in a culinary competition: cook the most delicious, golden-brown pancakes that will be the envy of all housewives .

    The holiday starts in Sula at 12.00.

    Address: Park Museum of Interactive History “Sula”, Minsk region, Stolbtsovsky district, Sula village, 14. Entrance fee: 10 rubles. – adult, 5 rubles.

    6 – school-age children, preschoolers – free. . Maslenitsa in the best noble traditions will be held in Dukorsky maentke

    - a tourist set, where the only inverted house in Belarus is located. The program promises guests a lot of things - noisy entertainment, fun, festivities, ancient rituals

    and most importantly - a plentiful treat. There will also be an effigy burning, so stock up good mood .
    See details.

    , ringing voice and warm clothes 7. You can also

    celebrate Maslenitsa in Stankovo.
    In a programme:
    -Games and fun in the fresh air
    -Competitions with prizes
    -Performance by the folk group "Zababony"
    -Burning the effigy of Winter

    -Visit to the zoo
    Admission ticket:
    6.00 rub. for adults
    4.00 rub. for children from 5 to 16 years old

    up to 5 years free.
    *Shopping arcades
    *The most delicious pancakes with various fillings
    *Horse and pony riding
    *Sleigh/stagecoach rides
    *Laser/pneumatic shooting gallery
    * Quad biking
    *Cinema 5D
    *Military-historical complex "Partisan Camp".

    • festive program Maslenitsa for the whole family
    • outdoor entertainment program
    • tasting delicious pancakes with sour cream, jam, honey
    • dances, round dances and songs, competitions.

    Starts at 12:00.

    Ticket price:
    adult 37 rub.
    children (7-12 years old) 12 rub.
    children under 6 years old are free.

    Where: Belarus, Minsk region, Myadel district, Nanosy village
    GPS coordinates: 54.8627444, 26.7151029

    10. And also 18th of Febuary you can go to Alpine skiing sports and recreation complex "Logoisk".

    Here you will find not just folk festivities, but a real theatrical performance “Hello, I am your mother-in-law!”, in which every viewer can feel like a real actor for a while.

    Buffoons, stilt walkers and mummers will hospitably welcome all guests of Maslenitsa. Interactive themed platforms will be organized for guests of the holiday, where they can demonstrate their strength, dexterity and ingenuity. Traditional folk games and fun: tug of war, fight with felt boots, “Sun-fish”, “Ribbons-braids”. For those who want to demonstrate their vigilance, there will be a shooting gallery. And for those who want to enjoy the winter there will be organized horse-drawn carriage rides and, of course, skiing and snowboarding. The most active, cheerful and courageous guests will receive prizes and gifts. During the holiday there will be a photo zone stylized as a Belarusian hut with traditional Belarusian towels and costumes.

    A real folk flash mob will take place near the main stage. Not only children, but also adults will be able to show themselves in fiery dance. The main characters of the holiday, represented by the son-in-law and mother-in-law, will entertain the guests with fun competitions and folk games. Place of honor among which, will take pancake eating competition, because the celebration of Maslenitsa has always been associated with this delicacy. Every moment of the holiday will be filled with warmth and light, because pancakes represent the sun, and there will be an infinite amount of this delicacy.

    Closer to 15.00, all participants of the holiday will experience the main rite of Maslenitsa - burning Scarecrow of Winter. And throughout the entire territory of the Logoisk GSOC there will be located food outlets with flavorful pancakes and kebabs. Participants in the festivities will be able to win valuable prizes, have fun with their hearts, stock up on a good mood and simply get rid of the bad, letting only the best and brightest things into their lives along with spring!

    If new options appear, we will quickly add them! And if you are a company, museum or estate where Maslenitsa will also be celebrated, you can write to us about it and we will post your information!

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