• Funny Health Worker's Day cards. Medic's Day - congratulations in poetry and prose to colleagues and friends. SMS, pictures, funny and comic congratulations on Doctor's Day


    Dedicated to all doctors, nurses, paramedics, and ambulance workers, Medic Day 2016 in Russia falls on June 19. It just so happens that this year we celebrate three big holidays on the same day - Trinity, Father's Day and Doctor's Day. Don't forget to say good words in prose to colleagues and friends. Dedicate poems to relatives and friends who save people's lives. If you yourself work in medicine, congratulate your comrades funny SMS or sign them funny postcards with pictures depicting scenes from the practice of doctors and emergency workers.

    Official congratulations on Medic Day 2016

    On June 19, television will show programs about doctors and nurses who saved the lives of many seriously ill patients. The central channels and radio will sound official congratulations Happy Doctor's Day 2016. Veterans of the medical service and doctors who have made a special contribution to medicine will not only be verbally celebrated, but also awarded. Some doctors will become owners of honorary state awards and orders presented by the President of Russia.

    Dear medical workers! We congratulate you on your professional holiday and thank you for the health that you give to others. On this day we wish you joy, happiness, Great love and a piece of that great health that you generously give to us. On this holiday, let your families see your smile and sincere pleasure from the national recognition of your merits.

    What you do for people cannot be overestimated, because you help people live full life and very often you just save lives! Congratulations on your day medical worker and I wish you great success in your noble and so necessary work, I wish you the respect and love of your colleagues and patients! Long and happy years of life, good health, warmth and love! Let your hearts not grow cold, but always be sympathetic and warm!

    Our dear doctors, nurses, paramedics and orderlies, we congratulate you on your professional holiday! We wish you to be healthy, successful, energetic doctors. May your salary grow exponentially, and may the number of grateful patients never decrease.

    Postcards and pictures Happy Doctor's Day 2016

    Congratulating your family doctors and nurses on their professional holiday on June 19, 2016, give them postcards with pictures about Doctor’s Day. These can be funny, humorous images, or solid congratulations. Children can give drawings to their doctor moms and dads, signing them in their own words.

    Heartfelt congratulations on Medic’s Day in prose

    If you want to congratulate your fellow doctors, do this at any time on the eve of Medic Day. Most will have a day off on this day (Sunday), so wish them well in prose on Saturday. Patients in hospitals will not forget the words of gratitude to their attending physicians - they are on duty with patients around the clock, protecting their lives and closely monitoring their health.

    Congratulations to all medical workers on their professional holiday! Easy work, responsive patients and good colleagues Wish. Thank you for saving lives, taking care of our health, for your responsiveness, fantastic endurance, diligence and painstakingness.

    Medical professionals heal us and our souls. We are especially grateful to them for the care and participation that they reward us with in difficult moments of illness. We wish you patience in working with patients and a special love of life, because you, like no one else, realize the pricelessness of human life.

    Over the entire period of our acquaintance, which is a certain number of years, it has always been your prerogative to help others. And it is obvious that your choice fell on medicine. Happy Doctor's Day to you! On your day, which is so significant and full of wishes, I wish you peace of mind, vivid impressions, adequate patients and tranquility. I would also like to wish you not to forget about your leisure time and new feelings. Don't lose your life in everyday life.

    Congratulations on Doctor's Day to colleagues

    Only his colleague can fully understand how a doctor feels when he makes a decision on which the patient’s life depends. Ingoda doctors seem cynical, but only another doctor, constantly faced with a “life or death” situation, can appreciate the stamina and endurance of such a “cynic”, who has probably not slept for a day or two, fighting for another human life. Congratulations on Medic's Day to colleagues may be slightly ironic, but behind this irony lies a lot of pain, work and responsibility.

    Without medicine there is no health.

    There is no life anywhere without him.

    Colleagues, we will celebrate again.

    The day is here again!

    Congratulations to colleagues on this holiday

    I hurry loudly, with all my heart!

    Let all troubles pass us by.

    Doctors will find us even in the wilderness!

    Medical worker

    So important to us, my friend.

    Let him find a vaccine,

    So that evil passes around.

    I congratulate you.

    I wish that in the future

    If life were like this

    Since there is medicine.

    It's good to have a doctor as a friend,

    You can contact through friendship,

    If your health is “ooh” and “ah”,

    The help of a pro will be very useful!

    I wish you, super-medic,

    Good health for years to come,

    May your wife and children

    They never get sick either!

    Comic and funny congratulations on Doctor's Day and SMS

    It is almost impossible for doctors to live without humor: every day when faced with troubles and illnesses, they use jokes as a screen that saves them from the penetration of other people’s grief into themselves. Congratulating doctors on Doctor's Day, “cloth” your words in comic form or send them funny SMS.

    Oh, green knights! Vassals of potassium permanganate!

    Descendants of Hippocrates, whose brother is X-ray!

    Let me congratulate you, comrade health worker,

    On the day of your personal glory, on your medical day!

    Fill beakers and test tubes with pure alcohol,

    Let's eat some aspirin and drink it in two sips.

    Let all other professions be forgotten -

    But a doctor will always be needed. For all ages!

    Let them cry over the doctor's salary,

    Doctors don't know any other way -

    Worker with stethoscope and pen,

    A romantic at heart, a bit of an altruist.

    Congratulations to those who from night to morning

    He heals us, not sparing our tired legs,

    It's yours, June holiday, nurse,

    Love to you, Aesculapians, that is from God!

    Today everyone is wildly happy:

    The ambulance honks solemnly,

    Old Hippocrates rejoices,

    Patients open their mouths

    To shine with the main phrase:

    Happy Medical Worker's Day

    Today I congratulate you!

    Kind congratulations on Medic's Day in verse

    Many doctors are very talented in other fields of science and art. Doctors often draw well, have the gift of writing, and write poetry. You, too, can dedicate your kind poems to women doctors on Doctor’s Day by writing the lines yourself or choosing your favorite examples from us. For a male physician, more stern, formal congratulatory words are appropriate.

    Your work is responsible and important,

    because everyone, every person

    hands over his life once

    into the hands of doctors, doctors.

    Today I want to say “thank you”

    tell you from the bottom of my heart

    and wish only to live happily,

    desired to reach the top!

    To protect our health,

    A medical worker stands

    For acute respiratory infections and anemia

    He will have vaccines,

    He will remove the tonsils instantly,

    And it will easily get into a vein,

    He will certainly heal everyone,

    He will tell you everything about hygiene,

    Helps cope with the disease

    And he will suggest prevention,

    About vitamins, which is healthier,

    He will be happy to tell you.

    We won't get sick today

    And we won’t come for the recipe,

    Let's just congratulate you on Medicine Day,

    We'll give you flowers and leave!

    We congratulate all doctors today,

    And doctors, and paramedics, and nurses.

    We wish you every success,

    So that your mind is both clear and sharp.

    After all, sometimes our lives depend on you,

    Here you need patience, knowledge and warmth.

    So that your eyes glow with joy,

    Well, my soul is bright and light.

    Medic's Day is a holiday that is not celebrated as widely as, for example, Trinity Day, which falls in 2016 on the same day as the professional holiday of all medical workers. However, congratulating your colleagues, friends, and family on their day is not so difficult. Take a few minutes away from everyday affairs and celebrations and congratulate doctors in prose or poetry. If you are far from your family doctors, send them SMS, funny messages, postcards with funny pictures. Don’t forget about those to whose sleepless nights and skill we owe our health, and, sometimes, our lives.

    1:502 1:507

    The third Sunday in June is a date that is remembered by, if not everyone, then very many. On this day, the country celebrates Medical Worker Day.

    1:786 1:791

    Today we congratulate everyone,
    Who goes by the name "health worker".
    May success accompany you,
    More carefree thoughts.
    For mercy, goodness,
    For a sensitive, big heart
    We wish you always have good luck
    And I have never encountered grief in my life!

    1:1196 1:1201


    2:4 2:9

    There is no such person who has not encountered medicine in his life. After all, everyone wants to live long active life, and for this it is necessary to prevent the appearance of the disease or treat it if it has already appeared.


    People trust medical workers with the most precious thing they have - their health and that of their loved ones, and this requires doctors to have modern knowledge, high dedication and the best human qualities.

    2:762 2:767

    Medical Worker Day was established by the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1980. This is a holiday not only for doctors, but also for paramedics, nurses, and junior staff, because no modern device can replace a sensitive and attentive attitude towards the patient. The specificity of this holiday is such that many doctors will celebrate it at their workplace, treating patients.

    2:1427 2:1432



    And on this day, every person tries to express their respect and respect to medical workers. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a doctor or an ordinary nurse - they work together for the benefit of our health. There are really few real doctors (from God), but they do exist. And if it weren’t for them, our world would not become more beautiful and healthier!

    3:574 3:579

    Happy holiday, our dear doctors!!!


    Happiness and peace to your families,
    Good, sincere friends,
    Limitless luck,
    Bright and good days.

    Grateful patients
    And good health to you too,
    Many joyful moments
    And all the best. Hurray for doctors!

    3:1010 3:1015



    Who proudly bears the title "medic"
    He deserved respect
    Let the sun shine brighter in life,
    There is enough strength for everything,
    Let the profession bring
    Prosperity, joy and success,
    Let all questions be resolved,
    The boss appreciates it the most!

    4:423 4:426

    5:930 5:935

    Your work is not more important in the world!
    Profession - from ancient times and forever.
    After all, everyone knows, both adults and children,
    That the doctor is the most main man!
    We sincerely congratulate you on Doctor's Day.
    We want you to always be lucky in everything.
    We wish you warmth and prosperity,
    Move forward, in spite of all diseases!

    5:1432 5:1435

    6:1939 6:4

    For those who wear white coats
    Wears it proudly at work
    Who took the Hippocratic oath,
    Always care about others:

    We always take care of our health
    We trust you without looking,
    And today you with love
    We sincerely congratulate you!

    Every day at your service
    Let it go well.
    May it always be, during all shifts
    Everything will be easy for you!

    6:562 6:565 7:1069 7:1074

    On Doctor's Day we wish from the bottom of our hearts:
    Let gratitude flow to you like a river,
    And may it continue for many years to come
    This work remains the best.
    We wish to cope once or twice
    With any problem, no matter what happens,
    So that there is 10 times more in your life
    Goodness, love and happiness appeared.



    8:510 8:513

    People in white coats... bow to you,
    For sleepless nights and labors.
    For the lives saved once upon a time,
    For saving someone's dreams!

    Your work is important and everyone really needs it,
    After all, a person is nowhere without you.
    May earthly blessings come to you,
    Trouble passes by!

    Health workers, angels of God,
    Many lives are in your hands.
    May the Lord grant you health,
    Happiness, joy, all the best!

    8:1185 9:1696

    Wish you health
    Very important and honorable.
    For all doctors I myself
    I'll gladly take ten grams.
    For the sake of such a holiday,
    And Doctor's Day is once a year,
    This is what I wish again:
    May you be very lucky!
    Who's talking about what - I'm talking about one thing:
    Joy, good luck in everything,
    You will have everything in a bundle!

    9:476 9:479

    10:983 10:988

    Medical worker,
    Like an angel, he protects us,
    Health improves
    He doesn't tell us to get sick.
    And on this wonderful holiday
    I want to wish you
    Saving someone else's life
    Don't forget yourself.

    10:1295 10:1300



    There are many professions in the world,
    Everyone is important in their own way
    But to those who save the sick.
    There really is no price.

    Saints, wizards, gods?
    People just like us.
    Yes, only a few people can achieve this feat,
    They are the pride of our country.

    Your Day, medical worker,
    Marked on the calendar
    And life without grief and pain
    We are obligated to you personally!



    You give good things to people
    May it return to you.
    You are simple health workers,
    But people are just golden.
    Happy Doctor's Day to all of you now,
    In your work you know the class,
    And let everything go smoothly at home,
    Let your health be fine!

    12:1500 12:4

    13:510 13:515

    Happy holiday to all doctors!

    13:590 We wish you bright and unique days.
    May happiness open its arms to you,
    The holiday in the soul should not end.
    Treat people and be healthy yourself,
    May life spoil you with miracles more often.
    May everything be great in your families
    And people say thank you more often.


    Doctors and nurses


    Paramedics and nurses
    Happy holiday to them
    And I shout at the top of my lungs:

    “Happiness, joy, luck,
    More light shifts per year,
    To have fewer patients
    They demanded “our own approach”!

    Dissatisfied with medicine
    Let it not happen right now.
    You will vaccinate them -
    And they will be healthy in no time!

    14:556 14:561

    15:1067 15:1072

    There are many doctors in the world,
    But I confess - you are from God!
    To you, a good doctor,
    All ailments are within our reach.

    Took the Hippocratic oath
    And they are very faithful to her,
    Feel free to treat illnesses
    There is no more useful profession.

    I want to wish you
    Avoid all diseases
    And good health, strong
    Make us all happy consistently.

    Your hands are golden
    Many people were healed.
    My bow to you to the ground.
    Happy Professional Day!



    Everyone who wears white robes,
    Everyone who will explain everything to us about health,
    Everyone who is often asked for help,
    We congratulate you today with love!
    Medical work is not easy, we know
    And patients are sometimes difficult.
    Doctors! We sincerely congratulate you!
    Thank you for the golden hearts!

    16:1004 16:1009



    Congratulations to everyone who is in medicine
    I gave my strength and efforts,
    Who are the diseases of the evil web
    Removes from body and soul.
    Health, joy, good luck to you,
    Strength and desire to help.
    Let all problems be solved successfully,
    May you always be able to heal.

    17:438 17:441

    18:947 18:952

    On Doctor's Day, we sincerely wish
    Smiles, happiness, joy, health.
    We value you and respect you very much,
    We are grateful for your work today.
    May the world always bloom and smell for you,
    Your mood will be wonderful
    And let failures and obstacles languish,
    To spite them, have fun!

    18:1464 18:1467 18:1470 18:1475

    Medical Worker's Day
    Today the light has arrived.
    Nurse, Doctor and Doctor's Day -
    All those who are called upon to heal us.
    Today I wish the doctors
    I am happiness, joy, love.
    So that patients respect
    To bring gratitude.
    Wish for long years you life
    And many life victories.
    And understanding from loved ones,
    So that you don’t know the word “no”.
    May your Hippocratic oath
    It will turn out to be good luck for you.
    And the freckled angel
    Let the sky smile on you.


    To health workers on their holiday
    We will say thank you together,
    May they always heal us
    Their work is important and we need it
    Let's wish them good luck
    Adequate patients
    A sea of ​​joy and happiness,
    And many successes!


    Today we congratulate
    Medical team.
    We wish you happiness and love.
    And in everything - only positive!
    Doctors and nurses
    And nurses and doctors,
    We respect and appreciate you,
    You know how to heal.
    Your work is difficult, but useful,
    And he is held in high esteem.
    Save your optimism
    You are here for many years.

    19:1365 19:1368 19:1371 19:1376

    On a warm, bright day in June
    I am extremely happy to congratulate
    Those who perform miracles
    And he doesn’t expect rewards in return.

    Be healthy, beloved doctor.
    Strength, patience to you.
    Optimism, inspiration,
    Only happiness according to fate.

    Let it always be appreciated
    Yours is not easy, important work.
    Life will give you abundance
    Bright, joyful moments.


    19:4 19:7

    Every year on the third Sunday of June in Ukraine, according to a long-standing tradition, they celebrate Medical Worker Day. In 2017, Doctor's Day falls on June 18.

    "Vesti" found out the history of the holiday, and also collected ideas for congratulations in words and pictures for its readers.

    Doctor's Day: history of the holiday

    For the first time about professional day medical workers started talking back in the 70s of the last century. The issue of assigning a fixed date to the holiday of doctors and nurses has been considered more than once.

    However, only in 1980, at the next meeting of the Supreme Council, a decision was made to honor medical workers at the all-Union level. By a special resolution of the Presidium, from now on it was customary to celebrate Doctor's Day on the third Sunday of the first month of summer. And until 1991, this holiday was regularly celebrated throughout the USSR.

    Today, of all the former Soviet republics, only three countries still celebrate Doctor's Day in June - Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Other countries moved this holiday to another date.

    It is customary to mark this day with awards for the most outstanding workers in the medical field.

    Congratulations on Doctor's Day in prose

    Happy Medical Worker's Day! I wish your hopes and dreams come true. So that the joy of doing what you love brings inspiration and motivation. So that every working day is a step aside professional growth and development. Be happy, healthy and successful!

    What you do for people cannot be overestimated. Because you help people live full lives and very often just save lives! I congratulate you on Medical Worker’s Day and wish you great success in your noble and much-needed work. I wish you respect and love from colleagues and patients, long and happy years of life, good health, warmth and love! Let your hearts not grow cold, but always be sympathetic and warm!

    Dear medical workers! We congratulate you on your professional holiday and thank you for the health that you give to others. On this day, we wish you joy, happiness, great love and a piece of the great health that you generously give to us. On this holiday, let your families see your smile and sincere pleasure from the national recognition of your merits.

    Happy Doctor's Day, I sincerely congratulate you. I wish you not only to take care of the health of others, but also to take care of your own. May life give you happy moments and pleasant memories, understanding and gratitude from people. Good luck in your business and Have a good mood.

    Congratulations on Doctor's Day to colleagues

    Congratulations, colleagues,

    Happy our main, glorious day.

    Medicine is all about life

    We go hand in hand.

    I wish you all good health,

    So that you don’t have to undergo treatment,

    So that everything you dreamed about

    It definitely came true.

    On Doctor's Day, I sincerely wish you

    I say thank you to fate.

    They don’t choose their colleagues

    But you can't find these anywhere.

    You all have humanity,

    Resourcefulness and kindness.

    Let there be perfection in life,

    Let your dream come true.

    For us, so good,

    In such white robes,

    For the professionals,

    For skilled doctors!

    For the elders and for the younger ones,

    Interns and associate professors,

    For our nurses

    And faithful nurses.

    For difficult work

    Loved to the grave,

    Don't be sorry for a glass of alcohol,

    What is of the highest standard!

    Happy Doctor's Day, dear colleagues!

    And let those bad times pass,

    When you have been underestimated in some way.

    I wish you that everyone loves you,

    Gave joy, roses, compliments

    Both on holiday and in ordinary moments.

    So that patients are grateful,

    You were respected and always appreciated!

    Funny congratulations on Doctor's Day

    There are no barriers or obstacles for doctors,

    It’s just the carriages that give us health,

    And we spend it, we consume it,

    And we remember the doctors with a good word.

    Today - yes, yes - we will not deviate from the rules,

    We congratulate all doctors on the Doctor’s Day,

    And having clearly expressed my gratitude,

    Let's improve your health with a good glass!

    After all, you are simply an ace in medicine!

    I wish you every success,

    May good luck await you every hour!

    Step forward, without knowing any barriers,

    Let work bring pleasure,

    So that every patient is always happy

    That your treatment helped!

    Let the chambers be free

    And doctors’ salaries are decent,

    Let all patients follow the regime,

    And they don’t forget to say thank you.

    Nurses, shorter skirts,

    Put on a suit, doctors,

    On the day of the doctor I wish you from the night

    Walk until the morning!

    Let your health not fail you,

    Salary will increase this year

    Let the crisis pass by

    And only joy awaits in life!

    I congratulate you on Doctor's Day,

    Good will return to you a hundredfold!

    And if I were alive now, I know -

    Hippocrates would be proud of you!

    After all, you work tirelessly,

    And he has already cured so many people!

    Let the money arrive in your wallet,

    And you yourself will only become healthier!

    Let the line of patients be very short, their illnesses will quickly pass, and the gratitude of the patients will become limitless, as will the payment for your noblest and most difficult work! Happy holiday - Happy Doctor's Day!

    Congratulations on Doctor's Day in short prose and in SMS

    Let the mood be on the rise,

    Prosperity always reigns in your home,

    Hearts are filled with goodness and love

    Happy Doctor's Day! And endless happiness!

    Congratulations and on Doctor’s Day I would like to wish you never to break the Hippocratic oath, never to deviate from the principles of good luck, happiness and prosperity in life.

    We wish you to work without shocks and stress.

    Great salaries, golden weekends,

    Have only wonderful family events,

    Always happy and “easy” patients.

    1 SMS - 67 characters:

    Happy Doctor's Day to you!

    Good luck and goodness,

    Health and success

    I wish you.

    2 SMS - 111 characters:

    I wish you a festive mood,

    An addition to your salary.

    3 SMS - 187 characters:

    Good luck to all doctors!

    Let God give everything that is in his power.

    Thank you patients,

    Health without drugs.

    And just more good days,

    Let work not be a heavy burden.

    Hi all. A holiday is just around the corner, which means it’s time to prepare beautiful, original and cool pictures Happy Medical Worker's Day. Once again I will surprise you with a selection of unusual postcards in different categories, which you can download for free and send to your friends on holiday.

    Everyone who does not self-medicate rushes to a medical facility at the first ailment. These professionals, though not all of them, put us on our feet, provide assistance and advice. Without them, it would be difficult for us to live and overcome health problems, for which we are always grateful to them.

    In 1991, a decree was signed to celebrate this day; since then, every year we thank people in white coats for their work and labor.

    Back in 1980, the Supreme Council approved this date, but the order was officially signed in 1991. To find out what date the Medical Worker's Day holiday will be celebrated in Russia, just count three weeks of June. On the third Sunday in June, all workers in white coats celebrate the holiday. In 2018, the date falls on the 17th.

    Happy Medical Worker's Day – pictures

    First, let me introduce you to postcards that are suitable for acquaintances and friends of healthcare workers. A little later there will be a category for colleagues, dentists, with congratulations and funny ones.

    If you liked my selection, then I suggest downloading a picture of Medical Worker’s Day and sending it to your relatives, friends and comrades.

    Funny pictures of Happy Medical Worker's Day

    I suggest downloading the picture you like on a postcard and sending it to your friends, colleagues and possibly relatives. Express your gratitude to them, write them a thank you, or send them a beautiful congratulation in poetry or prose.

    Happy Medical Worker's Day pictures - beautiful

    I think these are beautiful congratulations small congratulations in the form of poems and cards with flowers. Of course, cards with flowers for Medical Worker's Day are suitable more for women, for men I have other supplies. I suggest you take a look at the large gallery, I’m sure you’ll like something.

    Congratulations on Medical Worker's Day in prose

    And a little bit kind words for people in white coats, let's congratulate colleagues, friends and people close to you beautiful wishes in prose or, as many are used to saying, in their own words. By the way, you can download these wonderful GIFs in the form of glowing pills and send them in a message.

    On this day, we wish you to identify all the obvious symptoms of happiness: an increased content of joyful thoughts in your head, a relapse of love, a swelling of your wallet, an abnormal growth of positivity, an uncontrollable smile.

    Congratulations on your professional holiday. Your profession is everyday work that brings goodness, care and light, allowing people to become healthy again. We wish you achievements of significant results in medicine, success, friendly patients, vigor and optimism.

    Happy Doctor's Day, I sincerely congratulate you. I wish you not only to take care of the health of others, but also to take care of your own. May life give you happy moments and pleasant memories, understanding and gratitude from people, the Therussiantimes website reports. Good luck in your business and good mood.

    Dear friends! We congratulate you on Doctor's Day, because you, like no one else, deserve the most warm wishes And sincere words gratitude. We can only guess where you get so much strength from to help people cope with their illnesses, overcome obstacles in the struggle for health, and support them positive spirit. My deepest bow to you, dear doctors, for your hourly useful work!

    There is no more necessary profession from time immemorial to now. What is the profession of a medical worker? After all, you don’t just work, you give life, give hope and a future to everyone who needs help! May today bring you inspiration and give you a push forward! After all, you save the lives of many people and at the same time do not demand anything in return! Not only the country but the whole world can be proud of such workers! Happy Doctor's Day to you!

    Congratulations on Medical Worker's Day - funny

    To all of you who take the Hippocratic Oath,

    He gave loyalty before God,

    Who is faithful to her throughout life,

    Doctors, nurses, paramedics!

    Low bow to the midwives too,

    From your hands we came into the world!

    Have a wonderful and long life

    In the bosom of mother earth!

    Today is a holiday for all people,

    What do they wear white coats,

    All orderlies and doctors,

    Who treats patients in wards!

    We ask that you be able to help,

    So that when trouble comes,

    They came and weren’t sick themselves,

    May happiness find you in life!

    Little boy in new jeans

    Once upon a time I became friends with a doctor,

    A little boy came to the reception:

    One knee is turning blue.

    The little boy trusted the doctor

    The boy and the doctor stayed in the office,

    The doctor looked down on his knee:

    There is no way to save the leg,

    Apparently there is gangrene, they will have to cut it off...

    The little boy left on a prosthetic leg.

    A month passes, he goes to the doctor again:

    The second knee turns a little blue.

    The doctor was attentive and spoke soberly:

    This means that this one will have to be cut off too.

    The boy relied on the doctor’s experience,

    And these were new jeans that were fading.

    You, inspired by love,

    Inherent in true doctors,

    To protect our health

    Don't even sleep at night.

    And all patients agree:

    There is no kinder person in the world!

    Please accept our gratitude.

    Bow to you. For long years!

    It's good to have a doctor as a friend,

    You can contact through friendship,

    If your health is “ooh” and “ah”,

    The help of a pro will be very useful!

    I wish you, super-medic,

    The medical profession is considered one of the most noble and necessary for society. Indeed, many medical workers perform feats every day, saving dozens of human lives. Mercy, kindness, compassion - all these traits should be inherent in a real doctor, because often in his hands not only the health, but also the life of the patient. Every year in many countries of the post-Soviet space, Doctor's Day is celebrated, which falls on the third Sunday of June. So, beautiful congratulations With Doctor's Day 2017, colleagues can prepare for June 18 - this is a holiday for everyone related to the field of medicine. In addition to doctors, representatives of this important and respected profession include nurses, laboratory assistants, orderlies, biologists, and chemists. On the eve of such a wonderful event, we have made a selection of the most beautiful comic congratulations in poetry and prose - they can be dedicated to colleagues (women and men), as well as pronounced on behalf of grateful patients. Original version there will be congratulations on Doctor's Day in funny pictures - choose the funniest ones bright cards, handwriting warm lines of wishes on a “medical” theme.

    Comic congratulations on Doctor's Day 2017 to work colleagues

    Every day, doctors and other medical workers experience significant stress - both physical and moral. After all, the work of a physician requires high self-discipline and the ability to quickly make decisions in various, often stressful, situations. Therefore, doctors are always “saved” by common sense and an excellent sense of humor - there are many anecdotes and funny stories. According to tradition, on Doctor’s Day 2017, colleagues exchange comic congratulations with wishes for a good mood, good luck in work, and good health. We present to your attention funny congratulations Happy Doctor's Day, which can be said in the circle of your family or sent to the recipient-colleague in writing - in the form of a bright postcard.

    A selection of comic congratulations on Doctor’s Day 2017 for colleagues:

    You can say, our guardians,

    You are our healers for various ailments.

    Today is your bright holiday - Doctor's Day,

    Not an astronaut and not cybernetics.

    Love your job, treat people,

    So that there are fewer queues for you.

    So that your personal life flows like a river,

    And always use rubbing alcohol with your hand.

    On Doctor's Day we kiss you warmly,

    We wish you love and good luck

    To you, doctor or nurse,

    Veterinarian or rural doctor!

    Let there be no instruments, chambers

    Sometimes old and cramped,

    But your souls are like robes,

    Light. They contain the first spirit of spring!

    Treat us: patch us, glue us,

    Take a chair, give me iodine!..

    But just yourself - don’t get sick,

    And happiness will find you on its own!

    Doctors are equal to Gods on earth

    And they entrust their lives to them.

    Let’s say “thank you” to them together,

    For the fact that in any way

    They own it one hundred percent

    And they take care of us like no one else!

    We wish them happiness and love

    And in the heart of kindness there are lights!

    Cool funny congratulations to the doctor on Doctor's Day 2017 - short poems

    Doctor's Day 2017 is an excellent occasion to congratulate a doctor you know on his professional holiday. After all, it is important for every medical worker to hear words of recognition and gratitude for their hard work, especially from family and friends. When choosing congratulations to a doctor on Doctor’s Day, we advise you to pay attention to cool funny poems - such short messages can easily be “fitted” into an SMS message. Alternatively, you can send a funny poem by email - accompanied by a bright humorous picture with a medical bias. We are sure that such a cool congratulation on Doctor’s Day will lift your spirits and become a pleasant sign of attention for any representative of the most humane and noble profession.

    Examples of cool funny congratulations in verse for Doctor's Day 2017:

    Let all the doctors walk wildly,

    Celebrating your legal holiday,

    And the sick sit quietly,

    Or at least once let them get treatment at home.

    Measuring each other's blood pressure

    And having drunk some caustic medicine for you,

    Let them send congratulations with translation

    We wish you good health.

    We congratulate the doctors,

    Associate professors and professors,

    Sisters, nurses, paramedics:

    Favorite doctor! Be healthy!

    A good doctor is always held in high esteem

    I send you congratulations,

    You conquer illnesses at work,

    Let them only infect you with happiness.

    Congratulations on Doctor's Day 2017 - in funny pictures and postcards

    The work of a physician involves a huge commitment of time, effort and nerves - this is the specificity of the profession. So, most often, doctors become people with a special character and soul, capable of sacrificing themselves for the sake of others. Therefore, on Doctor’s Day, I really want to brighten up the “harsh” everyday life of doctors, nurses and orderlies at least a little - with the help of congratulations in funny pictures and postcards. We have prepared several bright congratulatory pictures for Doctor's Day 2017, which can be supplemented with warm, sincere lines of wishes for all the best. Such cool funny cards and pictures will “dilute” the strict atmosphere of the holiday with notes of humor and fun - Happy Doctor’s Day to you, dear doctors!

    The funniest greeting pictures and cards for Doctor's Day:

    Doctor's Day - funny congratulations to colleagues in prose, funny SMS

    The medical profession has long been considered one of the most respected, sought-after and well-paid in society. With the development of technology, methods of treatment and patient care have significantly improved - modern doctors are successfully treating many diseases that until recently were considered incurable. So medical workers deserve the most sincere words of gratitude in their professional holiday. In our country, on Medical Day, thousands of “people in white coats” receive my sincere congratulations with wishes of success in your work, optimism, grateful patients and, of course, good health! Here you will find options cool congratulations Happy Doctor's Day 2017 in prose to colleagues for whom the most sincere words wishes. According to tradition, such cool congratulations to colleagues are said for festive table- as funny toasts. In 2017, Doctor's Day falls on Sunday, so you can send an SMS to your colleagues with short congratulations in prose.

    Options for funny congratulations to colleagues on Doctor’s Day – prose:

    Dear Colleagues! And even if our workdays at times resemble Sisyphean work, but, nevertheless, you and I are doing something truly important and necessary work. Congratulations on this wonderful day! Let there be as little stress as possible in your life and as many fun and joyful moments as possible! Happy holiday!

    Positive emotions are good for health! Therefore, congratulations on Doctor’s Day!

    On Doctor's Day - congratulations! Let there be no vitamin deficiency in your life, but maximum positive emotions!

    Beautiful congratulations on Doctor’s Day 2017 to a woman - in verse and prose

    In every medical institution The majority of workers are women - doctors, nurses, orderlies, and laboratory assistants. Indeed, the ability to be compassionate and supportive is considered truly feminine qualities, which, combined with the professionalism of the physician, gives excellent results. Of course, sometimes a huge responsibility lies on the fragile shoulders of a female doctor - for the health and even the life of the patient. The work of a nurse or orderly also requires a lot of strength and patience, because thanks to their caring and skillful hands, patients receive proper care and procedures prescribed by the doctor. How to congratulate a female doctor on Doctor's Day 2017? Our pages present the most beautiful congratulations in poetry and prose - such words will warm the heart of every beautiful lady who has dedicated her life to a difficult but important profession medic. With our congratulations, may Doctor’s Day be remembered for a long time by all women workers in the medical field - good luck, joy and happiness to you!

    How to beautifully congratulate a female doctor on Doctor’s Day - poetry and prose:

    To my sister, a doctor from God

    I want to wish for a little bit of everything!

    May there be happiness and love forever!

    I cordially congratulate you on Doctor’s Day!

    I wish you fewer difficult trials

    And fulfillment of sweet dreams!

    I wish you a lot of joy and good luck!

    Let it be only this way and not otherwise!

    Today, on Doctor’s Day, from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you that life gives you only joy! Never get upset over trifles, don’t be sad, believe in yourself and your strength! May everything in your life be the way you have always dreamed!

    You to patients instead of “Goodbye”

    Say “Be healthy!” with a smile.

    For your daily efforts

    The whole world congratulates doctors today!

    And you will accept our congratulations,

    We wish you good health and love,

    And so that only the best moments

    You could be made happy in life!

    Short congratulations on Medical Day to a male doctor - surgeon, ENT specialist, dentist

    Thousands of male doctors work in the field of medicine and have chosen this important and difficult profession as their life’s work. So, for a skilled surgeon or dentist there is a job in any medical institution, and an experienced ENT specialist with “experience” always has a queue of patients. Indeed, to become a good doctor, it is important not only to get an education, but also to learn to apply your knowledge in practice, to be able to contact people and sympathize with the pain of others. On the eve of Doctor's Day, we have collected short congratulations to the male doctor, as well as to all representatives of the stronger sex, whose calling is to treat, save, and help!

    A selection of short congratulations on Doctor’s Day - for a male doctor:

    The surgeon will easily help,

    If you have appendicitis,

    Or what else hurts?

    Our surgeon will easily help -

    It will destroy all the diseases,

    We only wish you good luck

    Become, my friend, richer,

    Help patients

    No troubles.

    If your throat hurts,

    We wish it from the bottom of our hearts,

    You are always, my friend, brave,

    Rush to see an ENT specialist.

    It relieves pain

    Everything will help you survive.

    We wish ENT from the bottom of our hearts

    We are always happy to be!

    Conspiracies don't help me

    Folk remedies do not remove pain,

    I go to the dentist with hope,

    And I slowly groan from pain.

    Even though it’s your holiday, help me,

    And you free me from pain,

    Celebrate Dentist Day

    Accept congratulations from patients.

    So, what to prepare for congratulations on Doctor’s Day 2017? Take a look at our holiday collection and pick up a comic greeting to your fellow doctors - beautiful poems for a woman or a line of prose for a male physician. Bright funny pictures or postcards will be an excellent addition to the words of the most sincere wishes on Doctor's Day. Happy holiday, dear healthcare workers!

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