• Comic toasts for a wedding. Video: original toasts from parents. In a folk tale


    A wedding is a great occasion to show off your oratorical talents. If you do not have such qualities and you cannot impromptu give a beautiful and coherent speech, we suggest you use ready-made toasts and wedding congratulations. You can choose memorable and solemn wishes for the newlyweds that will be remembered for long years.

    Well-spoken words have special power, so you need to be careful when choosing congratulations. On our website you will find wedding toasts and congratulations for every taste:

    • short;
    • funny;
    • in verse;
    • beautiful;
    • cool.
    1. Short congratulations on the wedding.
    2. Funny wedding greetings.
    3. Cool toasts for a wedding.
    4. Beautiful toasts for the wedding and poems for the newlyweds.

    Short congratulations on the wedding

    If you are not a fan of long speeches and think that the most successful ones are short toasts for a wedding, then this selection is for you.

    As everyone knows, from childhood, good stories always end with a happy ending when the lovers definitely get married. And on this wedding day, I wish you that your fairy tale just begins with your wedding. Bitter for the young!

    Today is the most important day in the life of your family - it's the birthday of a new social unit, which you should remember throughout your life and value as much as your own birthday. Let your family become stronger every year and your love stronger. For the young!

    You all know that only a wise man can admit his mistakes and only the strong are able to ask for forgiveness for them. And a loving heart forgives and lets go of all insults. On this wedding day, I want to wish our newlyweds that love will always reign in the family, and that the spouses will be wise and strong people.

    Loving hearts look the same way. Therefore, always look in the same direction.

    I want to make this wedding toast to the newlyweds. I can’t speak poetry, so I’ll say it in my own words. Real happy marriages are concluded not on earth, but in heaven. So may your union be guarded by heavenly angels and all earthly trials and difficulties will be of no concern to your strong and loving family.

    Now the husband is responsible not only for himself, but also for his soul mate, who has become his young wife. You are two parts of one whole, remember this and always protect each other!

    Husband and wife, one of Satan. Therefore, share all the hardships and joys between you two and make agreed decisions, taking into account the opinion of your other half.

    Where there is advice and love, there is no grief, so I wish that your family has these two integral components of happiness.

    The husband is the head of the family, and the wife is the neck. Don't confuse your roles, because this is very important. The husband should be the head of the family, and the wife should expertly guide the decisions made by men.

    Funny wedding greetings

    Humor prolongs life and creates a favorable atmosphere, so it will always be appropriate funny toast or a cheerful congratulation.

    So that you have more pleasant banalities and fewer banal troubles in your family.

    Let it be in yours family life will only three black stripes: a presentable car, delicious caviar and the seashore with the color of the same name.

    Married life is like a ship, which either sails calmly and measuredly in the calm, or tries to stay afloat in a ten-point storm. Let your ship have a skilled navigator who will withstand any storms and not lose course.

    Let's drink to the kiss now! After all, it was invented by a man to shut a woman’s mouth. Bitterly!

    I wish you, dear newlyweds, a wedding toast in my own words. So that your family life is not bitter or sweet, but with zest, pepper and sourness.

    Cool toasts for a wedding

    My good one, my beloved one,

    My dear man!

    You chose a beautiful wife,

    Love her forever.

    Don’t look around at others and don’t open your mouth,

    After all, with only one wife, heaven is built on earth!

    I would like to raise this toast to simple arithmetic in the lives of young spouses: addition, through which two halves of a single whole were formed; for subtracting from lonely and free hearts; for sharing equally all the hardships and joys of family life; and, finally, for multiplying the family through the reproduction of their own kind. Let's drink to this kind of mathematics!

    May you be sad only on your wedding day, and your future family life will be like a sweet, big pie with raisins.

    May your garden have a great harvest. After all, children are the flowers of life, so I wish you more children! Girls and boys!

    Did you know that our newly-made husband is a real astronomer and, moreover, he is a professional in his field? I'll explain why: the young husband managed to find a new, unusually dazzling star, distinguished by its beauty and uniqueness. So let’s drink to the talents of our astronomer and to the new star, which will always illuminate the path and show the way to its discoverer.

    Beautiful toasts for the wedding and poems for the newlyweds

    I wish you, newlyweds, love like in heaven.

    So that you are forever inspired by your feeling

    It's time for love and revelation,

    There is no room for regret in life.

    Nothing could be more wonderful than that song,

    What does it sound like when two hearts beat together?

    In unison and forever!

    I wish your life to be like a fairy tale.

    The husband protected his wife from adversity, and the wife gave affection.

    Unearthly love to you, steel health,

    Good children and less bad.

    Love, keep each other forever,

    Don't be careless about your feelings!

    After all, you need to work in the family all year round

    And then happiness will certainly come.

    Lightness in the heart, heaviness in the pocket

    Have a clear path and do not live in deception.

    Appreciate each other, love each other

    Both in happiness and in disaster, when things are really tough.

    Today is a significant date!

    Two hearts merged into one.

    Now you are my married friend,

    And for the wife the only man.

    May God bless you

    And the angels protect the family,

    Adversity and sorrow away,

    Let grief pass by!

    Only happiness reigns here

    And everlasting love

    And in the heart there is light and sincere feelings.

    Love each other tomorrow and always

    This is real art!

    Advice and love to your family,

    May we always live in peace and harmony,

    After all, only sincere feelings

    It can be carried through many years.

    We wish you to live until your golden wedding

    Having overcome the entire path, which is not easy.

    Live in abundance and happiness always,

    To love each other so that there is a need.

    Health, good luck to your home,

    And harmony in the family, because it can’t be any other way!

    Attention, TODAY only!

    Dear newlyweds! We have all heard what people say: “Paradise is in the hut with the darling.” And you have a long life ahead of you, and we want to wish it to be that way for you. After all, only pure and bright love will help you in a difficult family life. At this wedding, you, the newlyweds, can make bitter drinks sweet. And that is why we shout to you: “Bitter!”

    There is a rumor among the people that a wife is a heavy suitcase without a handle and this burden is heavy. Do not think so, because this is what evil tongues say. In fact, the wife is a diamond on her husband’s neck, which glows and thereby illuminates the road. So let’s drink so that my husband doesn’t lose this diamond in his family life.

    Dear guests, today the groom learned a new profession, and it turned out great for him. Haven't you guessed which one yet? This is the profession of an astronomer. Today he opened new star called “The Wife”, which no one can compare with. She shines today and will remain so throughout her life. She will help you get through any family adversity, and will also radiate joy. So let this star always shine!

    Dear newlyweds! From today you are called husband and wife. And remember: no one pushed you to take this step, everything was of your own free will. And you should make decisions together in family life. And also forget the free life forever. And so that your paths in life never diverge. So let's drink to that!

    We wish the young people eternal happiness! And live your life cheerfully and joyfully. Receive guests in your home more often and do not forget about your friends. Don’t upset your parents and visit them together. But we want to tell parents to give it to young people good advice. So we ask you to drink to the young people as a whole!

    Today you are blessed,
    Today all eyes are on you,
    You've taken a serious step!
    Your hearts are filled with love,
    So save it!
    And you can even increase it,
    So that you have enough
    On a long family journey.
    And with your love you will block
    And all the troubles, and all the sorrows!
    So be happy
    And they are in love with each other.
    For the young today: “Bitter!”

    Here everyone is sitting at the wedding feast,
    And you lit your family hearth.
    Which means your cherished dreams
    You can only do it together.
    So do them
    And don't forget about love,
    Carry this feeling through all family adversity.
    So let's drink to him and to you
    And finally to the young people: “Advice and love to you! And it’s bitter!”

    On your special day today
    We would like to wish you family well-being!
    More children's voices in your house,
    And so that your union strengthens every year.
    And so that love and respect do not leave your home.
    Well, if this happens,
    Then call the god Hymen.
    So let's drink to eternal love newlyweds!

    If your hand hits your chest, then at the wedding celebration, say at least a word. Well, if you took the glass, you must say a toast. This has been the case since ancient times. Let it be so. And I want to tell you: today you united your great and pure love for each other.
    May you remain inseparable forever! After all, this is exactly what everyone wants. And finally, we shout to the young people: “Bitter!”

    Please pay attention for a moment! I have a few words for the young people. I would like to wish you that four main companions walk with you through life: HOPE. FAITH, WISDOM AND LOVE!

    Dear guests, please pay attention to the groom. We discovered a deviation in him. Well, don't be alarmed, it's not mental. Look: his heart is not located like everyone else’s - on the left. But this is only today, in order to be closer to the bride. We should raise our glasses to this and wish that the newlyweds would be attracted to each other with all parts of their bodies.

    Dear newlyweds! Today you heard wishes. But wishes alone cannot make a happy marriage. So we see that the wife is beautiful and smart, which means, groom, you should try to make your family life happy and cloudless. May your union be happy, but the groom will help!

    Dear newlyweds! I would like to invite you to learn from the experience of one very famous family. Peace reigns in it, and everything is harmonious there. Many people were jealous of their relationship. But one day people couldn’t stand it and asked about the secret of their family happiness. And the answer we received was this: “Family happiness depends on both of us. And so we divided the responsibilities. The spouse was entrusted with solving small problems, such as spending money, buying and preparing food, and raising children. Well, I took on more complex and global issues. These include: why have our joint relationship with Egypt, etc. Therefore, we suggest that you distribute your responsibilities in advance, and there will always be peace and happiness in your home.”
    So let's raise our glasses to wisdom and shout: “Bitter!”

    This day will remain in your memory forever,
    May it be filled with happiness and fun!
    The love star has lit up
    Which will light the path of your life!
    You are wearing wedding dresses,
    The entire wedding banquet is for you.
    After all, that's what you wanted.
    And you know that when you really want something,
    That's how it all works out.
    But you just have to really want it.
    And so it happened.
    And on this day the melody of love sounds for you.
    So you will carry it through many years.
    And we will drink to you in full. For the young!!!

    Dear relatives and guests!
    I would like to invite you to fill your glasses to the brim!
    And then listen to the toast.
    And the toast is short and simple:
    For the happiness of the young and eternal love
    I want to have a drink.
    So please support me
    Together with me, you drank everything to the dregs.

    Dear newlyweds!
    I'll tell you a little parable.
    And we will draw conclusions later.
    So, in distant years in one provincial town
    There lived a rich family:
    Husband and beautiful wife.
    But one day that husband was sitting with friends
    And he shared that boredom overcomes him.
    Then everyone was surprised and began to say,
    Like, you have a beautiful and smart wife.
    To which he invited one friend
    To my home for a couple of days.
    Having lived as a guest for only the first day,
    The friend only ate sweets.
    And on the second day he was so tired of them!
    And then he asked if there was any
    Fish or meat and, for variety, dishes with pepper.
    So conclude that they are necessary in family life
    And sweetness, and joy, and also a little bit of pepper and bitterness.
    Then you will always be happy!
    And may you never get bored of each other!
    Well, now we will shout: “Bitter!”

    Dear newlyweds! Today you took your oaths of allegiance. And never break them. And if temptation overcomes you, then look at your wedding rings. We want you to become one in your family life forever. Solve problems together and share joy with each other. So I propose to drink to love! Bitterly!

    Bride and groom! We would like to raise our glasses and make a wedding toast dedicated to you. With all our hearts, we wish you to live to see your golden wedding, and that everyone who is here today will have fun at it too. So let's drink to the longevity of the newlyweds!

    It is known that many men dream of a harem. They think that the more women there are around, the more interesting their life will be, the more love and affection they will receive. So let's wish that our young man never dreams of a harem. Because his wife alone could replace him. For the young! Bitterly!

    Dear bride and groom! Today you received the blessing of your parents and, without knowing it, God’s blessing to create a family union to prolong your family line. Take care of each other, and then your home will always be cozy, fun and joyful. So let’s drink to the newly formed family and shout “Bitter!” young.

    Dear bride and groom! Listen to the ancient parable. That was a long time ago. Many people don't even know this. There lived a rich gentleman who had four wives. He also had a fortune teller. So the gentleman comes to him and says:
    - I want to reward you for your truthful and good predictions. For this, choose one of my wives. The fortuneteller approached the first wife and asked her a question:
    - Please answer, what is five plus five?
    - Seven.
    “Yes, the wife will be thrifty!” - thought the fortuneteller.
    Then he approached the next one, and she answered:
    - Ten.
    “Yes, my wife will be smart!”
    He approaches the third with the same question.
    - It will be twelve. “Yes, the spender will have a wife!”
    And he approached the fourth - she struck him with her beauty. He forgot what question he asked.
    So let's drink to our other halves, who amazed us with their beauty.

    Dear newlyweds and guests! I want to ask you a question: “What do a lonely guy and a lonely girl have in common?” If you don’t know, then I’ll tell you that both of them without their other half are like without hands, i.e. “disabled”.
    But our newlyweds have recovered from their disabilities.
    So let's drink to people finding their soul mates. And then there will be fewer disabled people on earth. Here's to the newlyweds!

    Dear groom! I would like to suggest that you shut your wife’s mouth more often. Not with a hand, but with a kiss. After all, you can’t imagine a better way for you to sit in silence for a few minutes. Well, at the end of the toast, of course, we will shout: “Bitter!”

    We would like to tell you that there is a “Family Book”. It includes two main sections. The first section - "Little" - represents the weightlessness of the soul during the honeymoon. But in the second section - “Big” - the newlyweds are influenced by gravity: real family life begins. So, the newlyweds fit the standard for the volume of the section. The bride is petite and the groom is big. And finally, I would like to wish that in your “Family Book” section number one is larger than section two. So let's drink to the beginning of the honeymoon! To the newlyweds: “Bitter!”

    We now turn to our bride. We want to say that the wife should build the family kingdom. Her responsibilities include maintaining home warmth, comfort and a good atmosphere in the house. And don’t forget to fill the house with fun days, which will provide more sunshine in inclement weather outside the window. You, bride, can prolong that reverent feeling that overwhelms you now. So let’s drink, dear guests, to our bride, who always has all these qualities with her. May your life always be sweet, but today may it be “Bitter!”

    Now many people are getting divorced, and this does not surprise or shock anyone. And we wish the bride and groom to live in such a way that others will be surprised. They weren’t just surprised, they were amazed. So let’s drink to the amazing family life of the newlyweds, and, as is not our custom, we shout to the young people “Bitterly!”

    Today we would like to wish you great happiness in life,
    Do not encounter grief, quarrels and disappointments on your way.
    So that there are tears, but not tears of sadness,
    And tears of joy in the eyes.
    They can only be from great happiness,
    with which yours will be filled
    Family life forever!

    Dear newlyweds! On such a significant day for you, we want to say from the bottom of our hearts that joy does not leave your life. And there was so much happiness that no ocean could compare with it in size. May your children be like in kindergarten and may you love them madly. So let's raise our glasses, friends, to the children who will be a joy to young people.

    I propose to remember Hymen,
    Who visits all lovers,
    It also helps and supports
    IN difficult moments life.
    We thank you oh god
    For helping all loving hearts
    To be united in marriage and forever.
    And we wish you to carry it through the years
    It feels like love.
    Now please raise your glasses
    And drink to the most wonderful feeling - the love of young people!
    And let’s shout together “Bitter!”

    We want to tell the young people,
    What life is like.
    It's as colorful as New Year's lights.
    Here are the bright lights - they bring good weather to the house,
    But the lights with darker shades
    They are already telling us about a quarrel.
    You can decide what kind of lights you want
    They will accompany you through life.
    And the main thing in family life is
    Don't pay attention to trifles
    Which can destroy everything.
    We want to drink to your bright lights today,
    And, as always, we will shout “Bitter!”

    Live happily and also in abundance,
    But it depends on the salary.
    As everyone knows, salaries can be
    Only once a month.
    Well, I want to make purchases
    Each hour.
    But don’t worry: we’ll show you a way out,
    It's up to you to decide.
    Ask your father-in-law a little, then your mother-in-law,
    You can also borrow from your father-in-law and mother-in-law.
    But don’t be impudent, because there is a measure too.
    When will you have children?
    Your parent will also help you at that hour.
    So let's drink to your parents!

    Dear newlyweds! We invite you to listen to a fairy tale that tells how one simple man divided a goose. That man had only one goose on his farm. One day a gentleman comes and offers the man to pay off his debts with a goose. The man did just that. He gave the head of the goose to the master, saying: “Since you are the head of the family, the head is for you, and I give the neck to your wife.” This fairy tale gave rise to the popular belief that the husband is the head and the wife is the neck. And you, bride, don’t be offended that you will never be the head.
    Better yet, rejoice: wherever your neck turns, your head will turn.
    So let’s drink to the consent of the young people and shout “Bitter!”

    Every man wants to be in a harem because he is sure that life there is full of variety, since there are many women there. And every woman has her own approach to men. We want to wish the bride that she always uses different approaches to my husband. And then he will not dream of a harem, because next to him is such a beautiful wife! And this is our toast to the newlyweds! And, as usual, we will shout “Bitter!” to you three times.

    We would like to wish you family well-being!
    And in life so that they have what they want,
    What you wished for came true.
    But if obstacles suddenly arise along the way,
    You could easily defeat them.
    Well, and finally, “Bitter!”

    I want to tell you an incident from my life. A drunken man was returning home.
    On this day he received his salary. But in a dark alley, hooligans attacked him and set a condition: “Money or life.” And he gave his entire salary. And so I want to say a toast: “So that our young people do not encounter hooligans on their way, taking away their salaries. Only the wife is entitled to do this, but the husband himself will give her his life! So let’s raise our glasses to this and shout “Bitter!”

    A long time ago there lived a writer who, towards the end of his life, came to the conclusion:
    “When a husband and wife understand each other perfectly, this is family happiness!”
    I ask you to raise your filled glasses to the newlyweds, so that this is how their family happiness will be. "Bitterly!".

    Dear bride and groom! Let's imagine for a few minutes that your family is a newly made ship. This ship will have to go through its first voyage down the river of family life. We wish you that the test is successful, that there are no pitfalls on your way and that family storms do not break your boat. Good luck with your travels in the new world called “Family”. So let's drink to this!

    Let's drink to love
    She deserves it!
    And the order for the young is this:
    To carry it throughout your life.
    And so that happiness does not leave you,
    When you need it.
    So pour it, guests, everyone.
    Glasses to the brim
    And drink to love!
    Let's say "Bitter!"

    Dear bride and groom! Let
    Adversity will pass you by,
    And only in your life do they meet
    And joy and fun.
    Let hope and happiness live in your home,
    And they are joined by such feelings,
    Like faith and love! And let there be tears of happiness in your life.
    We will shout “Bitter!” to you,
    And in return, kiss each other.

    As has been known since ancient times,
    At the wedding, the newlyweds were punished.
    Now we will give an order
    And we ask you to listen.
    First, let's wish you to live long,
    Then we wish you,
    So that the bride loves the groom.
    Well, the order for the groom is this:
    Take care of your wife, dear.
    Well, if you sleep,
    You won't even see your son.
    Be the groom closer to his mother-in-law
    And there will be more finances.
    And the wife’s order is this:
    Feed your husband like he's being slaughtered,
    Then you will have the strength to do everything.
    And you will always, always, always be happy!!!

    Make a wedding toast

    I want to drink to you, dear newlyweds, and make a wedding toast:
    Each of us has our own path, which may be different. For some, this is a winding path full of barriers and obstacles. Someone has a wide road along which you can move freely and easily. Some people like to move quickly and swiftly, while others value caution and calm. Today you have connected two completely different paths into one common one. I would like to wish you that no matter what you encounter, you will always move together, hand in hand, support each other and protect each other. Have a smooth road!!!

    Wedding toast

    I want to tell you this story:
    “Once upon a time, Adam asked Eve: “Who will bear children for me?”
    She answered: “I am.”
    Then he asked: “Who will love me?”
    Eve said, “I am.”
    Adam said: “Who will be my support in any endeavor?”
    Eva: "I am."
    Adam: “Who will caress me when I’m sad?”
    Eva: "I am."
    Adam: “Who will forgive any offense?”
    Eva: "I am."
    Adam: “Who will cook the food and sew the clothes?”
    Eva: "I am."
    Adam: “Who will give tenderness and affection?”
    Eva: "I am."
    She said the famous seven “I”. This is how a family appeared on earth."
    Let's drink to the strongest one, friendly family, in which love, understanding, respect and happiness reign.

    Wedding toast from the groom's mother

    Toast for the wedding

    Today the angels are circling
    Over the heads of the young!
    We want to hold on
    Together they are gray hairs!
    May happiness be endless
    The road is easy, without obstacles.
    And let it sound careless in the house,
    Cheerful, sonorous children's laughter!

    Toast wedding

    There lived a variety of feelings on a distant island: Joy, Boredom, Pride, Happiness, and, of course, Love. One fine day they noticed that the island was slowly sinking into the water, and decided to move to another before it was too late. Only Love was in no hurry to leave her favorite place. But when there was only water around, she began to call for help. No one wanted to save her, only one old man swam to her in his boat and transported her to the island. She tried for a long time to find out his name, and when they told her that it was Time, she was very surprised. Only Time can understand how important Love is in life.
    Let's drink to ensure that this bright feeling never fades in your life and illuminates your long and happy path.

    Toast to the wedding

    On this day, you, friends,
    My own family was born!
    Today we wish you
    May your home always be a paradise!
    So that harmony and joy
    Let's live next to you!
    Our dear guests,
    Don't skimp on toast!
    Let's drink to that, friends,
    To new family
    She gave birth to many children
    Vacationed in the Caribbean!
    So that the house is full
    Our newlyweds!!!

    Toast to sister's wedding

    What could be more beautiful?
    His hand, her hand,
    Let the fire of love not go out,
    It always burns in that hearth.
    Love and happiness to you and only
    Let it sound “Bitter” today.
    I repeat again and again
    We drink to you and to love!
    I want to congratulate our newlyweds on this extraordinary event in their lives, wish them mutual understanding and great love. Today is your day, and we drink to your happiness!

    Toast to the wedding

    Congratulations to the young
    We wish them happiness
    They have great roads in life,
    they can live without sadness!
    Let them live without any troubles
    In a world full of happiness!
    All the guests drink to this!
    Bitterly! Do you agree?

    Wedding toast

    Our young people today, more than ever, need our blessing. Therefore, my toast is precisely a blessing for a long, happy and peaceful life. Love each other, appreciate their characters, even when it seems that such a complex nature is difficult to accept. This is why a family is created, to accept each other, despite difficulties and disappointments. Family is a place where a person can be sure that he is accepted, loved and always welcome. Let's drink to having this in your new home!

    Toast to the wedding

    Because you fell in love with each other,
    For consolidating your union,
    For you to live in abundance and in peace
    I'm not afraid to drink with you.
    I wish your house to be full,
    Filled with unearthly love,
    So that you and I meet in the same way,
    But only at a wedding it’s golden.

    Best wedding toast

    In ordinary, everyday life,
    In the sweet slumber of love,
    Do you remember the parting words:
    The weather in the house is important!
    It can be different:
    Now clear, now sad,
    It’s stormy, stormy,
    It’s affectionate, fragile.
    But all crops need
    And sunshine and rain.
    So life will be like a rainbow,
    Like a spoon in a jar of honey!
    If you want it, you will taste it,
    If you don't want to, don't look!
    So let's drink to the joys
    And the wisdom of the young!

    Toast for the wedding

    “One day two young men decided to get married. The first one said: “I only have my heart, which is ready to give tenderness and love, and a difficult path, so I’m looking for a girl who will share it with me.” The second said: “I have a huge palace in which I invite my companion to share the joy of life with me.”
    One girl chose the palace because she thought that it would be spacious, a lot of light and freedom, and, therefore, happiness. The other chose the difficult path, because she believed that there was nothing warmer and more important in the world than the human heart.
    Life in the palace soon became unbearable, the girl was sad, her heart was racing, but could not find a way out and soon stopped beating. As for the second girl, despite adversity and hardship, she was always warmed by a feeling of calm and happiness, which only a truly loved one can give. Their Love grew, shone and helped them become the happiest in the world.”
    I want to drink to our newlyweds and tell them that to find happiness you have to follow a long and difficult path. But it's worth it, so have a nice trip!

    Wedding congratulations parents

    Children, today we congratulate you,
    We wish you love and fidelity,
    Always protect your family
    Live in harmony with yourself,
    Take care of each other tenderly,
    And, most importantly, raise your grandchildren.
    We drink so that we can live at least a hundred years,
    Love and advice to you!
    Our dears, for parents, Wedding Day is always a touching, joyful and at the same time sad holiday. Sad because we understand that our babies and toddlers have already grown up and are flying away from their parents' nest. Joyful because you have found your happiness and love, because your eyes glow with joy and tenderness. Well, and then, there are more relatives in our family, and beloved grandchildren are not far off. Love to you! AND BITTER!

    Toast for the newlyweds at the wedding

    Dreams Come True,
    You proved it
    A family is born
    And you became one.
    We drink to the bride and groom,
    So always be together!
    Let's drink to the joyful event in the lives of these two wonderful people. A wedding is a special day that marks the beginning of something new. Try to make this new thing bring you as much happiness and joy as possible. All in your hands!

    Toast wedding

    Let it be noisy from guests,
    I'm dizzy with happiness!
    You gathered around your friends,
    Family and friends are not by chance!
    Today it finally arrived
    And your wedding took place!
    I wish the young people love,
    Great joy beyond measure!
    Appreciate the moments from the heart,
    Live together with hope and faith!
    So let's drink together and to the bottom,
    For these glorious words!

    Wedding toast of the witness

    One day there was a knock on the door of the house where a lonely old man lived. "Who's there?" - asked the owner. “We are Love, Friendship and Wealth,” they answered from behind the door. “You can let one of us in.” Choose! The man thought: love at that age was no longer needed, he didn’t need wealth either. “Okay, I let Friendship in,” said the owner of the house and opened the door. Friendship crossed the threshold, leading Love and Wealth. I want to congratulate our newlyweds on this wonderful event in their lives, and say thank you for entrusting me with such an important title - the title of witness. Let's drink so that we will always have friendship, love, and wealth, and we will never have to choose one of them.

    Congratulations toast for the wedding

    I would like to congratulate you with the words of one parable:
    The woman fell asleep and had a dream that she found herself in a store where the Lord was standing behind the counter. She was very surprised, bowed to him, thanked him for everything he does for people. The Lord offered to buy her something. The woman, without thinking, asked for happiness, health, wealth, luck, success, love, joy. It seemed to her that God could help her. However, she was very surprised when he brought her a small bag and said: “Didn’t you know that in my store you can only buy seeds?”
    Let's drink to the fact that your young family, which was formed just today, is the seed that you will raise, nurture and cherish. Then it will bear fruitful shoots and grow stronger every day.

    Toast on your wedding day

    We put rings on our fingers,
    Hearts linked forever.
    Now it's not hours, not weeks,
    A new year of life awaits you.
    Don't be afraid of the obstacle that has arisen
    And the pits that lead to the abyss.
    You can jump higher
    Reach heavenly heights.
    We drink to the success of your life,
    For the happiness of reciprocal love,
    So that you are united in thoughts
    We stayed on the difficult path.
    Hold on to your marriage like an anchor
    And the storm will not carry you away.
    No thunderstorm, no cold, no slush
    Your love will not be broken!

    Toast to the wedding

    Listen to this parable:
    “One day a guy and a girl were walking down the street. The guy very tenderly and carefully held his beloved’s hand and told her: “Darling, be careful, there are pebbles there, don’t trip!” After some time, they became bride and groom and again walked along this street. Now the groom was telling his bride: “Don’t hesitate - there are stones everywhere!” When they walked, having already become husband and wife, he shouted to her: “Where are you going, there are cobblestones everywhere, are you blind?”
    Let's drink to our wonderful couple, to the young husband and wife and wish them that only small stones will be encountered on their path, and that tenderness and love will become the basis of their long-term and happy union!

    Toast to your wedding day

    On this day you can only drink to the newlyweds and their parents. After all, they accomplished what this whole celebration was organized for. Let's drink to the love that unites generations! May the houses in which they live be filled with goodness, peace and prosperity!

    Wedding toast

    My dears, just a few hours ago you were the bride and groom, but now you are husband and wife. I want to drink to you to wear these titles with pride and take care of each other. I would like to remind you of the words of one famous person: “All people live by the same motto: “You can’t use love,” but where to put a comma, everyone chooses for themselves.” Let's drink so that you can remember the rules of the Russian language together!

    Caucasian wedding toast

    Let's imagine that a family is a boat. If only the husband rows, he will quickly get tired and will not swim anywhere. If both are lazy, then the boat won’t sail anywhere either. But only wise wife not only will it do without valuable advice tell my husband how to row, but sometimes she will do the oars herself. So let's drink to this family being the personification of harmony and mutual respect!

    Wedding toast in prose

    I want to tell you this parable:
    “One man came to a sage and asked what love is. He said, "Nothing." The man was very surprised and began to tell him that he had read many books that described how love can be different, sad and happy, eternal and fleeting. Then the sage replied: “Everything.” The man again did not understand anything and asked: How can I understand you? All or nothing?". The sage smiled and said: “You yourself just answered your own question: “Nothing or everything.” There can be no middle!”
    Let's drink to the most great love that we see today. Let it grow stronger and stronger every year, and let us rejoice and believe that there is love in the world.

    Wedding Day Toast

    I raise my glass
    For this pair of doves,
    For the angel to protect
    Your priceless love!
    May there be many, many more years
    They will pass in harmony and happiness,
    Let love reign in the family -
    After all, it is only in your power!
    We drink to your happy day,
    When did you marry your destinies!!!
    We drink to what's on Earth
    You have met your love!!!

    Wedding toast

    Listen to this funny parable: “Once on the day of the 25th anniversary life together the good sorceress decided to fulfill any wishes of her husband and wife, who were both 50 years old. The wife ordered a trip around the world with her beloved husband. And he said: “We spent 25 years with you, now I want a woman 30 years younger than me.” The good sorceress waved her magic wand and turned him into an 80-year-old man.”
    Let's drink to you for becoming husband and wife today! Family life can have both joys and difficulties. Try to go through all this together and maintain the most important thing - loyalty to each other.

    Wedding toast

    Today all eyes are on you only,
    Here you are standing together, next to each other,
    And there’s no turning back time,
    Your family journey has begun
    May it always be easy for you,
    We are very lucky to have each other
    Let's raise our glasses,
    We wish you love and happiness!
    Let's drink to our newlyweds and tell them all together loudly: “Bitter!”

    Parents' toast at a wedding

    Listen to this amazing parable:
    “One day, on his way home, the sage met a man who was unhappy because he had to carry an unbearable burden. He asked him: “Well, why are you doing what you can’t do?” The man answered him: “I want my children and grandchildren to be happy. This is how it happened in our family. My great-grandfather suffered for my grandfather’s happiness, my grandfather suffered for my father’s happiness, my father suffered for my happiness, but I am ready to suffer for the happiness of my children and grandchildren.” The sage was surprised at these words, but what struck him even more was that when asked if anyone was happy in their family, the man replied: “No, but I will do everything so that my children find happiness.” Then the sage said the main words: “Learn to be happy yourself, only then will you understand how to make your children and grandchildren happy!”
    Dear children, we want to drink to you, to this wonderful event in your life. Happiness and harmony in the family is daily work, difficult but necessary, preserving the purity and tenderness of your relationships. Be happy, appreciate each other and every moment of your life. Wedding toast for sister

    For parents Beautiful New Cool From a friend From a friend From a witness Good Wedding From friends

    Wedding toasts from friends in prose and poetry:

    Guys, you had a hopeless situation. This happened a long time ago, when on the mountain of the gods Olympus, Aphrodite and Hermes fell in love with each other, and they had the fruit of their divine love. I won’t name the name, you know it yourself. Then Zeus was very angry and divided this fruit into two halves - male and female. Since then, these soul mates have been looking for each other all over the Earth and if they find them, they are united by love again. And that's all it takes for these halves to be together. Eternal love to you and do not let Zeus rest, give him your divine fruits.

    Let's remember famous fairy tale Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila". Her heroine, Naina, while still young, several times refused to marry a strong and brave young man, because she dreamed of finding her ideal. Desperate to make her dream come true, she finally decided, but it was too late: Naina turned into an old witch and was of no use to anyone. Let us wish our newlyweds that their love sees only each other’s merits and does not notice each other’s shortcomings! Advice and love to you!

    One person said: "The more friends you have, the further you stand from them." And I don't agree with him. It's bad to have not many friends, but little time to communicate with them. Today many friends and relatives gathered in our house. And today we have a lot of time to communicate, because today is a wedding. So let's drink to our large company!

    Dear newlyweds! The Bible says: “A man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife, and the two become one flesh.” You are now two halves of one whole. Take care of each other, appreciate each other, be decent towards each other. May the gold of your rings not darken, may the tenderness of your hearts not cool! Bitterly!

    An old parable says: one noble and rich gentleman had a beautiful wife. One day he began to complain to a friend about boredom. He exclaimed:
    - You have everything! Your life is like a sweet dream! The signor did not answer. Having invited a friend to stay with him, he ordered the cook to serve only cakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Soon the guest begged:
    - Is there meat, bread, spices in your house?
    “You see,” the signor remarked, “how quickly sweets become boring!”
    So let's drink to the fact that the life of young people will be varied, interesting, with a twist, but not with bitterness!

    Dear newlyweds!
    Let this moment be remembered
    Let it be sacred!
    From now on, you are not just friends and girlfriends,
    From now on you are husband and wife.
    So let's drink to that, friends!

    Once upon a time there lived a wise man who knew about everything that was happening in the world (for example, how much water is in the seas, how many birds, etc.). And so one young couple decided to test this sage, to prove to him that he is not omnipotent and does not know everything. They caught a butterfly. And they decided to do this: Place this butterfly in your palms. And ask the sage - what is in our hands? he will of course answer - a butterfly. Then we ask - is it alive or dead? if he says - alive, we will clasp our hands and she will die, if he says dead, we will release her. They came to the sage. And they ask what we have in our hands. The sage is a butterfly. And alive or dead? Sage - everything is in your hands! We wish you newlyweds your love, prosperity, etc. was in your hands. Love each other and be happy!

    There are three words that denote the desire of people for each other: infatuation, infatuation and love. Each of these states is beautiful, and in our current case there is no point in separating them. I would like to wish our young people all three of these states in one bottle! Bitterly!

    One married couple, in which peace and tranquility has reigned for many years, is asked by friends:
    - How do you manage to live so friendly?
    “Very simple,” the husband answers. - From the very first day of our marriage, my wife and I divided responsibilities or, in other words, spheres of influence.
    - This is interesting, tell me in more detail.
    - Small issues - money, food, children - are decided by the wife in our family. I solve major problems: for example, why our relations with China have deteriorated.
    I advise young people to take this experience into account. I raise a glass to the young people!

    Among all peoples of the world, the creation of a new family is accompanied by a huge number of rituals, customs, and beliefs. Their diversity suggests that a wedding is not just a holiday in honor of the bride and groom, but some kind of sacred event. And an important element of this action is the wedding feast with parting words, congratulations and greetings. Wedding toasts are rarely impromptu. More often congratulatory speech prepared in advance. Below is a selection of toasts that you can rely on when preparing your own wishes to the newlyweds.

    Beautiful toasts for a wedding

    In modern thinking, a wedding is, first and foremost, a celebration of love. Therefore, lyrical and beautiful toasts for weddings are always in demand and sound like festive tables more often. Their main distinguishing feature is poetry, although they are not necessarily presented in rhymed form. Even in prose, such texts have a pronounced coloring high style, have solemnity and metaphor. Their obligatory element is wishes of love and happiness.

    Wedding toasts usually end with the table cry “Bitter!” According to tradition, the bride and groom stand up after him and kiss. Often their kiss is accompanied by a count. But modern etiquette dictates not to turn this custom into fun for guests. Therefore, if the person toasting has the opportunity to end his speech differently, you can do without a final exclamation, limiting yourself to congratulations and an invitation to raise glasses.

    Friends of the same age can congratulate the newlyweds and in a comic form. Youth "pranks" modern wedding originate from ancient custom wedding games and fun. They reduce the pathos of the event and can sometimes be somewhat provocative.

    Wedding congratulations include not only cool toasts. They are often accompanied by the presentation of funny gifts, performances, and songs. Comic poems help to congratulate a friend on the beginning of family life in a funny way.

    After the bride and groom, the main ones characters wedding celebration - parents of the newlyweds. For them, this is both a bright and a little sad day, when the realization of the final maturation of children comes, their emergence on their own wing. Therefore, congratulations from parents are both a blessing, and parting words, and anxiety, and joy.

    The parents of the bride and groom make speeches not only at the table. Their words accompany almost every stage of the ceremony - from the bride price to the ceremony of removing the veil. However, it is table congratulations that are usually the most heartfelt.

    According to tradition, the first toast should be given by the bride's father, and the second by her mother. After them, the groom's parents enter. The newlyweds themselves are obliged to make a response toast and express their gratitude in it. The response of young people to parental instructions can be joint.

    A wedding is most often a fairly crowded event. Considering the number of invitees and the desire of each of them to offer to fill glasses and say their parting words, the brevity of table toasts becomes special meaning. Short toasts at a wedding are a sign of respect from one guest to everyone else.

    The brevity of speech does not at all mean its conciseness. On the contrary, it is toasts of two or three sentences that better attract attention and are remembered by young people. Of course, if the main condition is met - the brightness and originality of the congratulations.

    Making a toast original and memorable is an art. But knowing a few secrets and techniques, anyone can create a unique, “one-of-a-kind” toast.

    One such technique is an unexpected first phrase. This could be an offer to listen to a joke, an accurate aphorism, or even a shocking statement. All this equally attracts attention to the toaster.

    Another interesting technique is creating a paradox. Its essence lies in the fact that speech includes a fictitious situation that contradicts generally accepted ideas or common sense.

    Wise and intelligent congratulations

    In order for the newlyweds to single out a congratulation from a series of others and remember it, it is not enough to say: “I wish you a happy life together.” Only a speech that is imbued with sincere emotions and deep meaning is remembered well.

    Quoting helps give your toast depth and strength. This is a well-known oratorical technique that “catches” the audience well. In this case, speech begins with the phrases “as so-and-so said” or “they said in the old days.” After the quote, the toaster’s own wishes follow, which can be quite ordinary. However, the preliminary wise saying automatically gives it a special coloring and perspective.

    Wedding toasts of witnesses

    Witnesses at a wedding perform an honorable and responsible role. In the old days, the “girlfriend” and “boyfriend” were obliged to monitor the exact fulfillment of all the required rituals, hold crowns over the heads of the bride and groom in the church, and even served as a kind of living amulets against the evil eye for the newlyweds. Now their main duty is to witness marriage. But echoes of ancient traditions have survived to this day, so witnesses at a wedding must be very active.

    As a rule, one of the close friends of both newlyweds is invited as a witness. At the wedding feast, their speeches are given Special attention. A toast to a friend from a witness can be tinged with gentle humor, comic “grief” or intimate parting words. The witness makes a toast to her friend in more lyrical tones, focusing on the future birth of children.

    Pronunciation order wedding toasts strictly defined. Witnesses usually complete the "obligatory program", speaking after all blood relatives. After “boyfriend” and “girlfriend,” the rest of the guests can say their congratulations.

    Beautiful toasts for a wedding

    Take a look at this wine glass filled with champagne - let your home be like a full cup! The champagne in this glass is sweet and sparkling - let there be room for jokes and games in your relationship, and let every night be sweet and unforgettable! Look how many glasses are filled for your happiness. We wish your family capital to increase by the same amount! For your happiness!

    Love is a mystery. It affects like a disease, but people do not want to be treated for it. Love is an art in which everyone - great talent. Love is as old as time, but it never repeats itself. Her words are the same from century to century, but each time they are heard for the first time. I want to drink to our newlyweds to keep this secret in their hearts throughout their lives!

    Each of us has our own path, which may be different. For some, this is a winding path full of barriers and obstacles. Someone has a wide road along which you can move freely and easily. Some people like to move quickly and swiftly, while others value caution and calm. Today you have connected two completely different paths into one common one. I would like to wish you that no matter what you encounter, you will always move together, hand in hand, support each other and protect each other. Have a smooth road! Bitterly!

    Bride and groom! I ask you to rise.
    Guests bow. Kiss.
    From now on, your fate is decided,
    You have been given the titles “husband” and “wife”!

    We wish you great and heartfelt love,
    May your union be the strongest and most eternal.
    Let it become more beautiful day by day,
    And let your home be a full cup!

    How funny is it to congratulate a friend?

    Be healthy, live richly,
    As much as your salary allows you.
    But know that the salary is never enough
    Shake all your ancestors - they will give you more.

    You have twice as many parents,
    Love them more, stay longer.
    Don't be afraid of booties, don't be afraid of diapers -
    Give birth to boys, give birth to girls.

    But parents get bored with children
    Throw them to the grandmothers - they will educate them.
    But most of all I wish, however,
    So that there is no marriage in your marriage!

    Fellow bachelors! There are fewer and fewer of us, our ranks are thinning. Another best comrade is being snatched from our ranks. The wedding filled our already sad hearts hopeless melancholy, and for a long time, at the memory of the word “bitter,” a man’s tear will roll down our unshaven cheeks. However, we report with feeling bright joy and sadness that the pride and beauty of the bachelor society (name of the groom) marries (name of the bride). And for the edification of others, so that they do not behave, I order:

    1. Exclude Alexey from the ranks of bachelors and do not accept him in the future
    2. If he asks, then don’t take it anyway.
    3. To commemorate this event, make a fireworks display of one hundred glass toasts!

    That's all - no freedom to be seen,
    They have now become husband and wife.
    We hasten, friends, to wish you
    Always be one team!

    No substitute players needed
    And referees are not needed either.
    We wish you strong shackles,
    So that the two of us can go all the way to gray hair.
    And let your team grow
    The junior roster is expanding.
    Happiness, friends, will find you everywhere,
    Just honor the family charter.

    Let's have fun, let's rejoice!
    Let the wine sparkle, we don’t have to be bored!
    At this super wedding, surrounded by super guests,
    Let's have fun and everything will be okay!

    Let's take a superbride and a supergroom,
    We'll pull super gifts out of the bag for them!
    And we wish them together full house children!
    Oh, you’re not at home yet? So everything will be okay!

    Let's have fun, let's rejoice,
    Let's shout the word “bitter” thirty times!
    Invite us to your golden wedding!
    And everything in your life will be simply top class!

    Congratulations on behalf of the parents

    Looking at you, children, we enjoy your youth, happiness and beauty. The phrase pops up in my mind: “How young we were...”. But it is losing relevance, because thanks to your happiness, we ourselves are getting younger. Let your new family adhere to the principle: “I feel good when you feel good.” And then the fire of love in the hearth of your home will never go out. Let's raise our glasses so that each of us can feel good!

    Beloved and dear children, we have a parting word for you! Today is the most long-awaited, most important and happiest day in your life - your wedding day. Remember every minute of this celebration and remember if you feel sad. We wish your family to become the happiest and most friendly, always appreciate and respect each other. We wish the bride to be a thrifty keeper family hearth, faithful friend and the happiest mother. The groom must be the strongest “wall” and support of his family! We raise our glasses to you, our dear ones, always be healthy, love each other, and everything else will work out! This is what every parent dreams of. Bitterly!

    Today you have become a family,
    Dear, beloved children.
    So let it never go behind your back
    The winter wind does not dare to pass through.

    Let it never be in your house
    The warmth of the lights does not go out,
    Let your life be like in paradise
    Blooms like a spring flower.

    May your union be sealed forever,
    Let children's laughter ring in the house.
    Today is your day, our children,
    So be the happiest of all!

    The best short toasts for a wedding

    Friends! We offer to fill the glass for a kiss! After all, it was a man who invented it as a way to shut a woman’s mouth. Bitterly!

    I’ll say in the words of Will Rogers: “Live, young people, so that you won’t be ashamed to sell your pet talking parrot to the main gossip in town!” Bitterly!

    A giant who has not experienced love will never be able to reach even the knees of a person in love. And all because love gives wings and lifts you to the skies! For love that can lift us above the mortal world!

    In the first year of family life, the husband speaks - the wife listens, in the second year - the wife speaks - the husband listens, in the third year - both speak - the neighbors listen. I would like to wish the young people to live as in the first and second years, listening to each other. Let your shared feeling show the way to family happiness! Bitterly!

    They say that on their wedding day, newlyweds in love light a beacon of love, which then shines on them for the rest of their lives. Let's raise our glasses so that this beacon only becomes brighter over the years!

    For the young and for the young,
    Pour wine and vodka!
    And then, having just taken a sip,
    Let's yell, guys: “Bitter!”

    Original toasts to newlyweds

    Our groom has one anatomical feature. No, of course, he is absolutely healthy. Only his heart is not like everyone else’s, not on the left side, but on the right, where his wonderful wife now sits. I propose to drink to ensure that this anomaly is preserved throughout its entire long and happy life. So that his heart every time strives for his wife, and his wife’s heart strives for him. Bitterly!

    One day a man went to heaven. He looked at the people: everyone around was joyful, cheerful, everything was very beautiful and light. He then asked the angel to show him hell for at least one minute. They came to hell, the beauty around them was the same as in heaven, but only the people were very sad, angry and offended. “I don’t understand,” said the man. - “Why are they all so disappointed, because there is such beauty around?” “Yes, they just think that it’s better in heaven,” answered the angel. So let's drink to our newlyweds building their own paradise, which will be the best for both of them!

    An exemplary wife will never reprimand her beloved for over-salting scrambled eggs, and an exemplary husband will pretend every time that he does not see how his wife hammers a nail crookedly. Let's drink to an exemplary marriage and complete mutual understanding of our newlyweds!

    I want to say my congratulations in the form of an anecdote. coming trial about a car accident. The judge addresses the accused:

    - How did the collision happen?

    “I drove the car, as always,” says the girl. – And my husband was driving, as always!

    So let's drink to those who sit behind the wheel of the family car and who controls it, may they always move together along the road of life, overcoming all the obstacles they encounter easily and quickly! Bitterly!

    Wise and intelligent congratulations

    Ancient Eastern wisdom says: “He who wishes to hear the melody of beauty, let him have hearing; let him dream of seeing her appearance, let him see. The more beautiful the spouse, the stronger her love should be, because only tenderness and devotion can withstand all the troubles that occur because of beauty.” Let the beauty of the young wife fill the life of her beloved husband with sunshine! Bitterly!

    The old man, wise in life, said: “The moment of happiness is short, and it is especially sweet when you realize that you have found true love, and then this moment will last a lifetime! “I raise a glass to the newlyweds, so that they will carry this happy moment throughout their lives! For the young!

    As the English playwright Bernard Shaw said: “When you chase happiness, one day you will realize that it was right under your nose all along.” It’s so good that our newlyweds found their happiness quickly enough! Never lose it, take care and cherish it! For the young!

    The American poet Longfellow said: “A husband and wife are like an onion. A bow with a strong bowstring. Although she pulls him, she herself is obedient to him. Although she bends him, she is inseparable from him. Separately, both are useless.” Let's raise a glass to a long and happy life for the newlyweds and their beneficial interactions!

    So they say: “The husband is a unit.”
    And “zero wife,” so they say.
    It all depends on how they line up
    Two digits, subject to change.

    When the wife comes into the house
    Daughter-in-law with tact and insight,
    She, having become zero behind her husband,
    The wife will make it a ten.

    And a stupid wife in front of her husband
    Zero becomes forward -
    And the count goes backwards
    And the result, of course, is worse.

    I drink for a good reason
    A wife sharing life with her husband,
    Led him to high numbers,
    But it didn’t reduce it to zero.

    Wedding toasts of witnesses

    Buddy! Today, when you say “stop” to single life, I want to tell you that life is either a bold adventure or nothing of the kind. Now that you have found your soul mate, you will begin an interesting adventure, for which a real man should exist!

    What advice and instructions can I give you?
    At a wedding, everyone has known the words for a long time...
    You just love.
    And with great excitement
    In thirty years, kiss at the movies!

    Friends! Today at an early hour
    Suddenly the muse visited me!
    She came to ask about you
    And she gave me a toast for good luck!

    Which tender words
    She dictated to me, brothers!
    And... my head started spinning!
    I have to admit now...

    Search eternal words,
    Take a spoon full of tenderness!
    And let it burn like firewood,
    Love passion inevitability!

    And the muse’s toast was simple:
    “We must love each other steadfastly!”
    And I, a single boy,
    Raising my glass, I’ll shout to you: “Bitter!”

    And by the way, maybe it’s inappropriate
    For the first time I want to raise
    A toast to the family bed!
    So that for a hundred years,
    At least once a week
    The beds creaked a little.

    My dears! Don’t think that it’s like in fairy tales - a wedding is a happy ending. Not at all! Yours happy story it's just beginning! And I really hope that soon a new, albeit small, main character will appear in your fairy tale!

    Today I give mine best friend to be the lawful wife of (groom's name). I hope our friendship will only get stronger from this, and soon we will not only be friends as families, but best friends our children will become!

    I raise this glass to my friends, (bride's name) and (groom's name)! Today they have become legal spouses? and I am immensely happy for them! I want to wish you: fidelity and love, prosperity and health, happiness and mutual understanding, and of course, healthy children!

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