• Notes on drawing in the middle group “Road signs. Summary of GCD on traffic rules in the middle group “Road signs”


    Target: introducing children to basic rules traffic.

    1. Introduce children to traffic lights and “Pedestrian Crossing” and “Zebra” road signs.
    2. Develop a desire to know and follow traffic rules.
    3. To develop communicative qualities in communication.

    Organizational moment: Game “Hello” (with a ball).
    (Children sit down).
    There are three eyes hanging on a pole,
    We recognized him immediately!
    Each eye, when it burns,
    The team tells us:
    Who can go where?
    Who is walking and who is standing (Traffic light).

    Educator: Why do we need a traffic light on the street? (he controls the movement of pedestrians and vehicles so that there are no accidents on the street and everyone moves according to the rules).
    At what traffic light can you cross the road? (green).
    What should you do if the traffic light is yellow? Red light?

    There's a knock on the door. A child dressed as a bunny enters.
    Educator: A bunny comes in, barely alive.
    Where did you ride?
    Bunny: On the pavement!
    I didn't listen to my mother
    The bus crushed its paw.

    Educator: So you probably don’t know the rules of the road?
    Bunny: No! And what is it?
    Educator: Traffic rules are rules that must be followed on the road!

    Educator (addresses the children): Guys, see what can happen if you don’t know the rules of the road.
    Sit down, Bunny, and listen, and the guys and I will tell you the main rule of traffic lights. And they will remind us of him (children’s names):
    The traffic light has three windows:
    Look at them as you go!
    The traffic light understands everything without words,
    He speaks in the language of lights:
    Red - Stop!
    Yellow - Wait!
    And the green light - Go!

    Game "Traffic Signals"

    Educator: Guys, do we have traffic lights in Kizner? (children's answers).

    We don't have traffic lights. They are only in cities where there are a lot of cars and a lot of people live. It helps them to follow the traffic rules correctly.

    And since we don’t have traffic lights, then what should we do? How do you know where to cross the road correctly and safely? (at a pedestrian crossing).

    How does a pedestrian crossing stand out on the street? How can we recognize him? (Wide, white stripes are drawn on the road. They are far visible to both pedestrians and drivers).

    Who does this striped path look like? (children's answers)
    Yes, to the zebra! It's called a zebra crossing. There's even a poem about her! Listen here:

    A bit like an accordion
    And up the stairs a little,
    On a vest and a mattress, -
    I've walked along it more than once
    And the cars slowed down
    And they said to each other:
    “Quiet! Quiet!
    Do you see that the zebra is a pedestrian?!”
    (V. Ovchintsev).

    Educator: And the pedestrian crossing is indicated by this sign (the pedestrian crossing sign is shown). It's easy to remember.

    Educator: Now, little bunny, have you remembered how to cross the road correctly? (You need to cross the road only when the traffic light is green or only where there is a pedestrian crossing sign).

    Educator: But road users on the roads are not only pedestrians, but also cars. And now I invite you to stand up, close your eyes, and when I count to three and you open your eyes, you and I will turn into little cars. Ready? So! One…

    Physics minute "Cars". (Children run after the teacher to the table and again turn into children on the count of “three”).

    Educator: Look at the sad traffic lights we have here. ? (children's answers). Why do you think you are so sad? What's wrong with them? (children's answers).
    Do you want to help our traffic lights? Let’s hang them up?
    Then take your seats.

    Here there are a lot of colorful lights. Glue, etc. Grab your mugs now desired color and place them correctly on our traffic lights? (then a picture of a traffic light turns on so that the children compare their work. Did they do it right).

    Educator: Well done guys! Now our traffic lights are just like real ones. And the bunny also got everything right.

    (Children get up from the table around the teacher and show their work to each other and guests).

    Well, Bunny, now you know the rules of the road! Did you remember everything?

    You all did great today. And you guys, and you bunny. I really enjoyed our meeting today. And so that you never forget the main rule of traffic lights, I want to give you these medals!

    Bunny: Thank you guys! Today I learned a lot from you and now I will always follow the rules of the road. Goodbye! (The bunny runs away).

    Title: Summary of GCD for traffic rules in middle group « Road signs»
    Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, SDA, Middle group (4-5 years old)

    Position: teacher
    Place of work: MBDOU Kiznersky kindergarten general developmental type No. 1
    Location: UR, Kiznersky district, village. Kizner

    Derkacheva Victoria Viktorovna
    Educational institution: MBDOU kindergarten No. 21, Stavropol
    Brief job description:

    Publication date: 2017-10-02 Lesson summary on the topic “Traffic rules” Derkacheva Victoria Viktorovna Repetition of traffic rules, road signs, traffic lights. Introduction to the profession - traffic police inspector.

    View certificate of publication

    Lesson summary on the topic “Traffic rules”

    Age group: middle preschool age.

    Integration educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, communicative development.

    Target:skills formation safe behavior on the roads.



    - secure Traffic Laws;

    systematize knowledge about road signs and their meaning;

    — expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights ;

    — teach children the rules of safe behavior on the street.


    - develop observation skills, visual memory;

    — develop a sense of responsibility when observing traffic rules;

    — develop a culture of communication, enrich the vocabulary.


    cultivate a conscious position as a pedestrian;

    - cultivate interest and desire to comply with traffic rules;

    - continue to cultivate goodwill, responsiveness, and provide assistance.

    Materials and equipment:

    — poster “Traffic Light Advice”;

    — cards on traffic rules;

    - Audio Speakers;

    - children's songs on traffic rules;

    — three-dimensional layout of the road;

    - traffic police inspector uniform.

    Preliminary teacher preparation:

    — work with reference and methodological literature;

    — work with Internet resources;

    — selection and preparation of gaming and audio materials;

    — preparation of the necessary equipment and material.

    Preliminary preparation of children: looking at pictures of road signs and traffic lights.

    Lesson plan.

    1. Organizational point:

    A) greeting children;

    B) surprise moment(motivation for activity);

    C) communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    2. Main part:

    A) theoretical;

    B) outdoor game;

    B) practical.

    3. Final part:

    A) summing up;

    B) reflection.

    Progress of the lesson.

    1. Organizational moment.

    - Hello guys. Today we have an unusual lesson, and it’s unusual because you need to find out the topic of the lesson by listening to the song.

    A children's song about traffic rules is played.

    — What do you think this song is about? (children's answers).

    — This song is about…..? (children's answers).

    — Tell me, are we pedestrians or drivers? (children's answers) That's right, you and I are still pedestrians and therefore, like drivers, we need to know and follow the rules of the road.

    — The topic of our lesson: “Young pedestrians.” During the lesson, we will review the rules of the road, road signs necessary for a pedestrian.

    2. Main part.

    “To never get into difficult situations,
    You must know and follow the rules of the road!”
    What is the name of the path on which pedestrians walk? (children's answers).

    - Well done boys!

    — What is the name of the road on which cars drive? (children's answers).

    — If you need to cross the roadway, what should you do?(children's answers).

    - That's right, you need to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing. How will you and I know where the pedestrian crossing is? (children's answers).

    - That's right guys, markings on the roadway will help us with this, white stripes - “Zebra”. They are needed so that pedestrians immediately notice where to cross the street and so that the driver sees that a pedestrian may appear here ( look at the street layout). And there is also a sign “Pedestrian crossing”, let’s see what is depicted on it…. The song “Road Sign” plays.

    - But we’ll find out what else will help us from the next song. The song “Traffic Light” plays.

    — Guys, to regulate traffic we need……. (children's answers).

    — That’s right, our song is about a traffic light. I have three magnets on my board: green, red and yellow. Let's remember and arrange the colors correctly, like at a traffic light.

    Red light - no way through

    Yellow - wait a little,

    And green - you can go.

    - Guys, at what traffic light can you cross the road? (children's answers).

    — That’s right, but for pedestrians the traffic light consists of two colors, which ones?(children's answers).

    - Well done. Now we will play the outdoor game “Traffic Signals”.

    Target: develop the ability to respond to a specific traffic light signal.

    Progress: In the hands of the game leader is a bag of balls (balls) red, yellow, Green colour. The captains take turns putting their hand into the bag and taking out one ball at a time. If the captain takes out a red or yellow ball, then the team stands still; green – moves to the next rack. The team that reaches the finish line faster wins.

    - Well done boys. Look on the board I have a poster with tips from the traffic light that we need to repeat with you.

    Guys, we have repeated the basic rules of the road. I also want to introduce you to the profession of people who monitor compliance with traffic rules. Maybe some of you know? (children's answers).

    - Let's see who it is? (a child comes out dressed as an inspector).

    - That's right, this is a traffic police inspector, what is in his hands? (children's answers).

    - Well done, this is a rod. The rod is needed to control the movement of cars and pedestrians on the roads.

    GCD drawing on the topic “Road signs”.

    Program content:

    1. Consolidate children’s knowledge about warning, prohibitory, prescriptive, information and directional road signs and service signs.

    2. Practice the ability to schematically depict road signs using various visual materials.

    3. Develop spatial orientation skills and conscious use of traffic rules in everyday life.

    4. Develop children's attention and creative imagination.

    Vocabulary work: warning, prohibiting, informational and indicative, prescriptive.

    Individual work: Help children who have difficulty choosing images of signs and choosing visual materials.

    Methods: gaming, visual, verbal, practical, heuristic, partial search, motivational,

    Techniques: examination, conversation, artistic expression, instructions, explanations, independent activity, use of various visual materials, development of resourcefulness and activity, activity of children through inclusion problematic situation, persuasion, encouragement, the arrival of a hero.

    Preliminary work: conversation “Road signs”; traffic rules classes in a group; didactic games“Cautionful pedestrian”, “ABC of road signs”, “Smart cars”, reading fiction on the topic of traffic rules; familiarity with road signs in everyday life.

    Progress of the lesson.

    Traffic Light comes to visit the children for a lesson.

    Traffic light: Guys, I came to you for help. The fact is that I live in a magical land, everything was fine with us, but one day the Confusion Fairy sent a mischievous whirlwind. He stole all the road signs and threw them into a deep ravine at the edge of the country. Residents found road signs, but they are in such poor condition that they are simply a disaster. Not a single sign looks like itself anymore, I’ll show them to you now (hangs out “damaged” road signs, gives time to look at the signs). Accidents began to occur in the city, pedestrians fell under the wheels of cars, cars could not cross a railway crossing, wild animals were afraid to cross the road through the forest, pedestrians quarreled with drivers, passengers could not understand where the “food point” was and where the “maintenance point” ". Guys, help us, please correct our signs.

    Educator: Shall we help the residents of the Magic Land?

    Children: Yes!

    Educator: Okay, but first we’ll repeat once again what road signs exist and what they mean, and the Traffic Light will listen to us and tell us his opinion.

    Children's stories about road signs.

    Traffic light: Well done, guys, everything is right! But what should we do with “damaged” signs?

    Educator: Don’t worry, Traffic Light, we will help you, the children will draw you existing signs that will help the inhabitants of the Magic Land in life, right, guys?

    Children: Yes!

    Educator: We will divide into three groups; the first group will draw warning signs (triangle shape, white field with a red border - warn drivers and pedestrians of possible danger); the second group is prohibitive (the shape of a circle, the color of the field is white with a red border around the circumference - some maneuvers are prohibited for drivers: speeding, stopping, parking); and the third - information, directional and service signs (quadrangle shape, blue field - notify drivers and passengers about the locations of parking lots, food outlets, hospitals).

    Children are divided into groups and distribute among themselves who will draw which signs. Independent work children, during which the teacher provides individual assistance and reminds them of the methods and techniques of drawing.

    Physical exercise "Pedestrians"

    The guard stands stubborn (Walking in place).
    He waves to people: Don't go! (Move your arms to the sides, up, to the sides, down)
    Here the cars drive straight (Hands in front of you)
    Pedestrian, you wait! (Hands to the sides)
    Look: smiled (Hands on belt, smile)
    Invites us to go (We walk in place)
    You machines, don't rush (Hand clapping)
    Let the pedestrian pass! (Jumping in place)

    Educator: Are you finished, guys? Traffic light, look, did our children complete the task?

    Traffic light: Yes, thank you.

    Educator: Now your signs will help the inhabitants of a magical land in their cheerful life.

    Thank you guys, I will definitely pass on your signs and wishes, I have to go. Goodbye.

    Educator: You did a good job, completed the task, and whose signs and stories about them did you like the most?

    Analysis and self-analysis of children.

    The city where you and I live

    We can rightfully compare it with an ABC book.

    ABC of streets, avenues, roads

    The city gives us a lesson all the time.

    Here is the alphabet above your head:

    Signs are posted along the pavement.

    Always remember the alphabet of the city,

    So that no trouble happens to you.

    Well done, did you like the lesson? In the next lesson we will continue to familiarize you with the rules of the road.

    Preliminary work:

    Progress of the lesson:

    Children: Hello!

    Three colorful circles

    They blink one after another.

    They glow, blink -

    They help people.

    Children: Traffic light


    Yellow light - warning, wait for a signal to move;

    Green light - says “Come on, the way is open!”

    Children: Green light.

    (one child comes out)

    Educator: Guys, your task is to correctly arrange all the colors of the traffic light in order. So let's begin!

    1. Black and white stripes

    Pedestrian walks boldly

    How many of you guys know

    What does the sign warn about?

    Give the car a quiet ride -

    Children: Pedestrian crossing

    2. Only cars drive here

    The tires flash menacingly

    Do you have a bicycle?

    So stop! There is no road!

    (4, child comes out)

    3. In the white triangle

    With red border

    For schoolchildren

    Very safe

    This road sign

    They know everything in the world

    Be careful,

    On road -

    Children: Children (5)

    Physical exercise “We are drivers”:

    I'm flying, I'm flying

    At full speed

    (children are walking)

    I'm a driver myself

    And the motor itself

    (shoulder circles)

    I press the pedal

    (bend the leg at the knee)

    And the car rushes into the distance.

    (running in place)

    Children: plane, helicopter.

    (child comes out)

    Children: on the roads

    (7, child comes out)

    Children: in the sky

    Educator: I need one more assistant. There is also a missing picture here.

    (8, child comes out)

    Educator: Look, guys, is everything right? What type of transport is this? Where can we meet him?

    Children: on the water

    Educator: Well guys, it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. We learned a lot about traffic rules. Did you enjoy our trip? What did you like most?

    View document contents
    “Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the middle group “Country of Road Rules” (middle group)”

    Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the middle group “Country of Traffic Rules”

    (middle group)

    Software tasks:

      consolidate children's knowledge about traffic lights and their signals;

      systematize children’s knowledge about road signs and their meaning;

      consolidate knowledge about land and air transport;

      develop observation skills, visual memory;

      develop the ability to answer fully.


      a picture depicting the street and various situations on the road;

      pictures of road signs;

    Preliminary work:

      problem-search conversation: “Our friends on the road”;

      looking at pictures about road signs, traffic lights, transport.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Educator: Hello, guys!

    Children: Hello!

    Educator: Guys, today I want to invite you to the country of “Road Rules”.

    Educator: Let's imagine that you and I are walking along this unusual country. There are many streets in this big beautiful country. Many cars and trucks, buses move along them and no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. To maintain our health and life, we must strictly follow traffic rules. And our friend today will help us remember them, who invited us to this country. (showing the picture “Traffic Light”) But first, we need to solve the riddle.

    Three colorful circles

    They blink one after another.

    They glow, blink -

    They help people.

    Children: Traffic light

    Educator: Why is it needed, guys?

    Children: To regulate movement

    Educator: The traffic light has three light signals:

    Red light - The strictest, Stop! There is no further road, the path is closed to everyone!;

    Yellow light - warning, wait for a signal to move;

    Green light - says “Come on, the way is open!”

    Educator: Children, at what traffic light can you cross the road?

    Children: Green light.

    Educator: Well done, guys! Shall we play a game?

    Educator: It’s called “Assemble the traffic light correctly.” I need an assistant. Who wants to help me?

    (one child comes out)

    Educator: Guys, your task is to correctly arrange all the colors of the traffic light in order. So let's begin!

    (the child places the circles in a certain order)

    Educator: Look, guys, did he do the right thing?

    Educator: That's right, sit down! The traffic light also has riddles for everyone. He has assistants, they are called road signs. Have you heard about them?

    Educator: So, the first riddle, listen carefully!

    1. Black and white stripes

    Pedestrian walks boldly

    How many of you guys know

    What does the sign warn about?

    Give the car a quiet ride -

    Children: Pedestrian crossing

    Educator: Guys, look, our “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign is missing. I need an assistant to help me find him.

    (the child comes out and chooses the appropriate sign)

    Educator: Guys, look, right? Why is this sign needed?

    Children: He shows us where to cross the road

    2. Only cars drive here

    The tires flash menacingly

    Do you have a bicycle?

    So stop! There is no road!

    Children: Bicycles are prohibited.

    Educator: Look, the “No Bicycles” sign is missing! Who will help find him?

    (4, child comes out)

    Educator: right guys, look? What does this sign tell us?

    Children: This sign warns us that riding bicycles here is very dangerous.

    3. In the white triangle

    With red border

    For schoolchildren

    Very safe

    This road sign

    They know everything in the world

    Be careful,

    On road -

    Children: Children (5)

    Educator: Guys, who will help find him? (one child comes out)

    What does this sign tell us?

    Children: This sign means “Caution Children.” The driver sees this sign from afar and slows down, because children may be crossing the road at this point.

    Educator: Where do they usually put such signs?

    Children: Near schools, kindergartens.

    Educator: You see how many helpers are on the road at the traffic light! And now we will imagine that we are drivers. Do you know who they are?

    Children: Those who drive a car?

    Physical exercise “We are drivers”:

    (children must show movements)

    I'm flying, I'm flying

    At full speed

    (children are walking)

    I'm a driver myself

    (simulate steering wheel)

    And the motor itself

    (shoulder circles)

    I press the pedal

    (bend the leg at the knee)

    And the car rushes into the distance.

    (running in place)

    Educator: Guys, what types of transport do you know?

    Children: land, air, water.

    Educator: What kind of transport is ground-based?

    Children: car, bus, trolleybus, truck, etc.

    Educator: What kind of transport is airborne?

    Children: plane, helicopter.

    Educator: What type of transport is aquatic?

    Children: ship, steamship, motor ship

    Educator: Well done! Let's play the game “Which picture is missing?” (6) Who will help me?

    (child comes out)

    Educator: Look, right guys? What type of transport is this? Where does he go?

    Children: on the roads

    Educator: I need one more assistant. There is also a missing picture here.

    (7, child comes out)

    Educator: Look, guys, is everything right? What type of transport is this? Where can we meet him?

    Children: in the sky

    Educator: I need one more assistant. There is also a missing picture here.

    (8, child comes out)

    Educator: Look, guys, is everything right? What type of transport is this? Where can we meet him?

    Children: on the water

    Educator: That's right, guys.

    Educator: Well guys, it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. We learned a lot about traffic rules. Did you enjoy our trip? What did you like most?

    Program content:

    Educational task:

    Instill in children responsibility for road safety.

    Educational objective:

    Expand children's knowledge about the road and the rules for driving on it; familiarization with the concepts of “slippery road” and “braking distance”.

    Developmental task:

    Develop children's attention and interest in learning road maps

    signs, develop children's speech.

    Methodical techniques:

    Artistic word

    Teacher's story

    Phys. just a minute

    Surprise moment

    Questions for children

    Show illustration

    Lesson summary

    Activating the dictionary:

    Activate terms and concepts in children’s speech: “road”, “transport”, “pedestrian”, “pedestrian path”, “pedestrian crossing”, “slippery road”, “braking distance”


    Road signs


    Didactic games

    Preliminary work:


    Monitoring the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Educator: A thread stretches, winding among the fields.

    Forest, copses without end and edge.

    Neither tear it nor roll it into a ball.

    Children: road.

    Educator: that's right, dear.

    Educator: what types of roads do you know?

    Children: road, railway...

    Educator: What types of roads do you consider dangerous?

    Children: wet road covered with snow...

    Educator: People and cars feel differently on different roads. It's good when the road is dry and smooth. But after the rain the road becomes wet and slippery. The road can be damaged by wet snow or ice; a road covered with fallen leaves or doused with foreign liquid is also dangerous.

    Drivers and pedestrians should be careful and be prepared for hazards. Do not get close to cars. Especially if they are turning, braking or moving away.

    Educator: Guys, now let's play a game with you:

    "Say the opposite"

    There are different roads:

    long -...short

    wet -…. dry

    rough -…. flat

    asphalted -…. unpaved

    narrow-... wide

    Educator: Well done children, you were attentive and gave

    right answers.

    Phys. just a minute:

    Our little feet

    They walk briskly along the road

    The path is open for us everywhere - they go

    We are pedestrians now

    Now we'll run

    We are rushing to the bus.

    We were afraid of being late - they ran

    We were very worried

    Now we are passengers

    Well settled

    We drove for a long, long time - they sat down

    And we arrived in Nurlat

    A beautiful city and a big one - they are surprised and

    He greets guests with all his heart and raises his hands up

    The children sit down. There's a knock on the door. Dunno comes in, greets the children and begins to talk about his adventures: “It’s winter now and it’s very slippery outside. I went to kindergarten and forgot that it was slippery. Suddenly I see a bus driving very close to me. I thought - “Well, let him go - I’ll have time to cross the road - and off I go.” Suddenly I slip and fall! The driver saw this and started to slow down, but the bus on the slippery road did not listen to the brakes, it kept going anyway. Although not fast, it goes as if on skis. He stopped right next to my nose, a little more and would have crushed it. Oh, and the driver scolded me, but I still don’t understand why.

    Educator: Children, why did the driver scold Dunno?

    Children: the driver scolded Dunno for crossing the road at

    in the wrong place.

    Educator: What should Dunno have observed?

    Children: Follow traffic rules.

    Educator: What do you call people walking along the road?

    Children: Pedestrians.

    Educator: Who was Dunno on the road?

    Children: On foot.

    Educator: Children, choose the signs that the pedestrian needs.

    (children choose signs).

    Educator: Why did Dunno almost fall under the wheels of a bus?

    Children: The road was slippery, so the bus was unable to stop suddenly.

    Educator: Now we will see how the cars drive on a slippery and rough road. The teacher shows how the cars drive. Why do cars drive like that?

    Children: Because one road is slippery and the other is rough.

    Educator: Now, children, you have seen for yourself that on a rough road the braking distance is shorter, and on a slippery road the braking distance is longer.

    Children demonstrate this technique once again in order to consolidate knowledge. Dunno thanks the children and gives them emblems with road signs:


    Underground crossing

    Overhead passage

    Rough road

    Educator: What signs are intended for pedestrians?

    Dunno: I don't know

    Educator: Children, let's help Dunno!

    Children: Yes!

    Educator: This kind of sign

    He is on guard for the pedestrian.

    Let's move together with you

    We're on our way to this place. (Crosswalk)

    Educator: When using a pedestrian crossing you need to be very careful. After all, you will walk to the other side of the road along the roadway. When approaching a pedestrian crossing: look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the road, look to the right, make sure there is no traffic nearby.

    Overground and underground pedestrian crossings are the most convenient because you do not have to go out onto the roadway.

    Educator: Dunno, now you all understand what these mean


    Dunno: Yes

    Educator: Dunno, what other cars are moving on the road?

    Dunno is silent.

    Educator: Let's tell Dunno!

    Children: Trolleybuses, trams, trucks, cars

    cars, taxis.

    Dunno: Thank you children, I remember everything. I have to go. Goodbye! .

    Children: At a red light there is no way

    On yellow - wait

    When the light is green

    Bon Voyage.

    Educator: What new did we learn today?

    Children: we met a new sign - a slippery road.

    A game:"Collect a sign"

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