• Beautiful statuses for your beloved man. Tender statuses for your beloved guy


    There are two time periods in which I want to be with you... “Now” and “Always”!

    So what if she’s little... You love her.

    I love it when you hold me close to you like I'm all you have...

    I love you and miss you. I don't notice the other guys. I only need you, my beloved - I will be happy with you!!!

    It’s so awesome to hear from your beloved guy: I’m so glad we met! You are exactly what I need! I am the happiest.

    His embrace is the only loop I would climb into without hesitation.

    Lord, I pray, give me wisdom to understand the guy, love to forgive him and patience for his moods... but strength, mind you, I’m not asking, otherwise I’ll beat the hell out of him.

    No one calms you down like a loved one...

    If a guy promises to give you the sky, the stars and the whole universe, this means only one thing - he has no money!

    A loved one must be loved, simply loved. And if you want to raise someone, buy a dog!

    Sorry for my stupidity, constant whims, insults and so on... you know, I love you so much!

    Don't trade your sunshine for a cheap light bulb.

    I live by you, I breathe by you, my beloved, my dear, I cannot live without you...

    Between Us - only our own stupidity. And nothing more.

    For beautiful women men are ready to spend huge amounts of money, and for their loved ones, they are ready to do anything.

    I just need him for the rest of my life. Just think...

    Worry about you. Didn't you hit hard when you fell in front of my eyes?

    When he's around I envy myself...

    When people forget you, All your friends will forget, Only your heart will remember you, And that heart will be me!

    And I will definitely invite you to my wedding. No, not because you are a good person, but simply because there is no wedding without a groom.

    Girls are always late... the guy has already fallen in love, the girl doesn't notice him yet... the guy is already in love, the girl has just begun to fall in love... the guy has already fallen out of love, and the girl has just realized that she loves him...

    Oh, I’m not at home at all - I’m crying and sad. Answer me, my stranger, I'm looking for you!

    I'm so looking forward to it! And not only online, I’m waiting for it in my life...

    How wonderful it is, after a long quarrel, to be close to your loved one again!!! I think many will understand me.

    Nothing warms the soul more on a frosty winter evening than a reminder of the hot kisses of a loved one.

    Bear with me. I will still marry you.

    There are two blind people in the world... You - because you don’t see how much I need you; and me, because I don’t see anyone but you.


    Active sections:

    Every girl wants to be loved and desired. Nowadays, love for many is something specific that can turn life upside down and bring incredible bliss to the two people who are in its whirlpool. Favorite guys are chosen based on more than one criterion. A guy should be a support, capable of sharing care with his beloved and giving her the most unforgettable hours and minutes of her life. Everything that a young man shows towards his chosen one is positive and sweet. However, not everything can always go smoothly; sometimes couples quarrel, sometimes they separate. At such moments, you need to show patience and understanding, and not run around and put bold points, unless, of course, the reason is so serious as to cut off all ties. For girls, we have prepared statuses about their beloved guy so that they can please their betrothed with a threesome interesting expressions, perhaps even romantic. We wish you strong relationships with the guys and a long time, sincere love. Good luck.

    If a girl likes a guy, she acts as her heart dictates, and not the people around her, but with guys everything is exactly the opposite...

    Even the smartest girl feels stupid next to the guy she likes.))

    - In love? – I’m not sure... – Just sympathy? -No, I think I just like him... It’s hard to figure it out right away...

    Don't be afraid to admit your crush! Don’t be afraid of your own emotions and words, even if you need to make an effort to say them... But after that it will become easier...

    Best status:
    That’s it, I decided for myself - I’ll offer to date the first guy I meet. I’ll make this stranger happy, since I can’t become happy myself...

    I don’t understand what I feel for the guy... It’s something between sympathy and love... Maybe I like it?...

    We don’t like him yet - he’s just cute...

    Choose a satellite so that it fits into your orbit and does not destroy your space...

    If you don’t like me, don’t start... don’t feel bad - I need heaven... but you smiled in response like a bastard, I know you’re more inclined towards hell...((

    They told me that there is no love... It’s just sympathy and habit... I want to spit in this man’s face... After all, I love you...

    “Make no mistake: flirting is not a sign of sympathy. It's a way of life...=-)

    the heart of every song that you threw on my wall does not yet indicate sympathy for such music. but he already says sympathy for you.

    Why before, when I wake up at my grandmother’s in the village, SHE: “Sunny, I woke up, otherwise the grooms pissed all over the gate” - What is this? Is this a manifestation of sympathy??

    Why do I love this promising thing... if this is just sympathy..?

    Indifference is a shaky bridge between sympathy and antipathy. You won't be able to stand on it for long.

    ...this is when at first sight and forever... the rest... so... sympathy..

    My sympathy for him is like an Internet connection. Doesn't always work.

    You need someone who will love, and not just sympathy. I've already played enough with these.

    There is great sympathy for a person, but he doesn’t have it.....

    This is the story. The guy really likes me, he is 2 years younger than me, very good. But... I won’t move to him, he won’t move to me...

    He and I bet on the bounty, I lost... I bring the bounty, and he says that without me he won’t touch her... It’s so cute... it seems like a trifle, but sympathy is obvious $)

    He and I have mutual sympathy.[I] adore solitude. And [it] apparently can’t live without me!

    I don’t even know to what category to classify my sympathy for him. I like his smile, but if I get drunk, I'll fuck him (c)

    If you love, if you have sympathy for this person, do not be afraid! Don't be afraid to say them. It's that simple)

    there is great sympathy for a person, but he doesn’t have it...

    If, lying on the bed, you think you at least dreamed about him (her), then this is my friend, love and not simple sympathy!

    why does this happen when he didn’t need me, I did everything to be with him... as soon as he himself began to show sympathy... he’s somehow no longer interesting to me...

    ! 🙁

    It seems to me that this is just sympathy... I am not capable of love at this age... and this is bad!

    Love is when they want a child, everything else is a world of sympathy

    But sympathy and love comes with time...

    It sucks when you show sympathy for a person, but he doesn’t give a fuck about you!

    Either sympathy for you, or a habit of being with someone next to you.

    It sucks when you show sympathy for a person, but he doesn’t give a fuck about you!

    It really hurts when a guy leaves you and says... – this is not love, just strong sympathy... it’s enough to grab your heart!

    When you know what to talk about with a person, this is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep silent about together, this is the beginning true friendship. (With)

    You can love yourself and your parents, but you show sympathy and affection for everyone else.

    A strange thing of premonition! As well as the sympathy of souls, as well as signs. The unification of all three is a mystery to which humanity has not yet found the key.

    Why do guys think that a smile or some kind of incomprehensible glance in their direction is an indicator of sympathy? If you believe this, then I am definitely in love with everyone...

    Sometimes you look at women for whom you previously felt sympathy, and you involuntarily begin to doubt your adequacy...

    Well, if a man often uses the pronoun “we” when talking about you, you can be sure: he is probably in love with you.

    You won’t be nice to everyone))) But it’s worth a try)))

    This is when at first sight and forever... the rest... so... sympathy..

    Flirting is not a hint of attraction, it's a lifestyle, don't buy into it

    Ten men are piled at the woman's feet, and she chooses the eleventh, who stands and looks in the other direction.

    there can be love, affection, necessity, sympathy... anything can happen! but love... there is no such thing as love))

    Why do guys think that a smile or some kind of incomprehensible glance in their direction is an indicator of sympathy? If you believe this, then I am definitely in love with every second one.

    In a fit of impressions, we can mistake sympathy for love...

    Either sympathy for you, or a habit of being with someone next to you.

    The personal sympathies of the payroll accountant are costly to the enterprise. Well, the caring hand trembled... on HIM...))

    I don't have love... I have sympathy*

    Love without deception... but it’s hard... so think about it, is it worth saying that you love? Maybe it’s just sympathy?

    I seek justice even in small things, some people think it’s sympathy, but it’s not. kill yourself, this is justice.

    It seems that I don’t like it, but I can also say that it’s just sympathy. I can’t.. And he doesn’t give a fuck, but maybe he said it loudly, but still he doesn’t call, doesn’t write..

    I don’t even know how to express my sympathy for him... Let’s put it this way: “I like his eyes, but if I get drunk, I’ll fuck him!”..

    Sometimes you look at men for whom you previously had sympathy, and you involuntarily begin to doubt your adequacy.

    Love him? - Hardly... - Do you like it? -No, this is something more than sympathy... -In love? -I don’t think so... It’s too difficult...

    – Some people confuse sympathy with love... Fuck... all love has been trashed!

    Sympathy is the result of thinking from the heart.

    You can only love yourself...and feel sympathy and passion for others...

    My sympathy for him is like an Internet connection. Doesn't always work.

    It's always like this! As soon as a girl understands that a guy likes her, coquetry and conceit immediately begin.

    What is love? Sympathy, interest, passion, affection, chewing, pain... this is love... and in the end separation...

    It seems to me that this is just sympathy... I am not capable of love at this age... and this is bad!

    The worst thing is when you find mutual language, you develop mutual sympathy, and after a while he is drafted into the army (truth of life. sad.

    So, sometimes, you look at a guy you used to like and doubts begin to overcome that I am an adequate person.

    I really want to go to Maska! She's super...I like her))) I feel good, very good with her! I don't feel sorry for myself for her sake and the money for her. I adore her!

    Love without deception... but it’s hard... so think about it, is it worth saying that you love? Maybe it’s just sympathy?

    Flirting is not a hint of attraction, it's a lifestyle, don't buy into it.

    Those who turned their backs towards you should just bend over a little! And then according to sympathy)

    The signs that a guy likes a girl are extremely varied.

    – Some people confuse sympathy with love... Fuck... all love has been trashed!

    This is not love - this is just fucking sympathy...

    Most of all, a man likes the woman who likes someone else...

    There is no love :) There is only brain drain and crazy sympathy.

    We have mutual sympathy. [I] adore loneliness. And [it] apparently can’t live without me!

    Now, as soon as the first guy I come across shows sympathy for me, I’ll start dating him. I can’t be happy myself, so at least I’ll make someone happy!

    What happens between a guy and a girl: don’t know each other - acquaintance - friendship - acquaintance - liking - falling in love - love - relationship, and then the reverse reaction is again not familiar...

    More than SYMPATHY, less than LOVE...

    I don’t love him... I only have sympathy for him... great sympathy, but not love... but when he says I love you, I answer that I love you too.. xD..

    There are: NECESSITY, HABIT, SYMPATHY. . .anything, but not love.

    Love is mutual, sympathy is one-sided!

    You can only love yourself...and feel sympathy and passion for others...

    Don’t confuse sympathy with ordinary politeness and tact...

    • Lord, I pray, give me wisdom to understand the guy, love to forgive him and patience for his moods... but strength, mind you, I’m not asking, otherwise I’ll beat the hell out of him
    • I love autumn, that's where I met you...
    • Finally, it happened. We are together now. Wow, love it.
    • My beloved little man began to use measures to scare away suitors from me - he took and perfumed me with his cologne... now no one will definitely approach me.
    • I want to say a lot more, but... I’m silent. I just love...
    • Today I finally understood why I don’t like oranges, sand, coconuts, ketchup and Malevich’s square, they just don’t contain Green colour your eyes. -
    • You are the guy I can't stop thinking about. You're the one who makes me scream. Who can live one day in a million ways. The one I write my love quotes to. If you still have doubts, then yes, this guy is you.
    • I’ll cuddle while dancing, kiss you tenderly, and suddenly say that I love you... and that’s it, I lost this game!
    • I love one and will love him all my life!
    • A loved one is someone whose favorite music you listen to as if it were your own, although it seems stupid and unbearable...
    • I love you, and I don’t care that it’s not easy, I love you and even if sometimes it hurts, but know that I breathe you.
    • We can’t live without each other, because to this day, when I wake up every morning, the first thing I want to see is your face.
    • When you wake up, you will smile at me, Your eyes will glow with love... I will know that these are not dreams, that this is you in real life real life my...
    • You are a ray of light. You're the cutest. You're an angel. Who knew that they love not for this, but for the depth of soul in their eyes. For hearts knocking in silence.
    • We all smile at the monitor when a loved one writes to us.
    • With your appearance in my life, everything changed. Every day you bring more and more light, happiness, love into my world, you are my best, most beloved and dearest person. Thank you for every day spent with you. I love you very much.
    • How wonderful it is, after a long quarrel, to be close to your loved one again!!! I think many will understand me.
    • I don’t need the candy-bouquet period to last forever, I want wild quarrels! But at the same time, so that afterwards you hug me tightly and whisper “I love you, bitch.” I don't want you to be mine, I want me to be yours!
    • Give me the letter “I”. She is cool. It can connect everything you want: heaven and earth, day and night, you and me...
    • You drive me crazy. I'm starting to forget words. Every minute is filled with feeling. With every breath I understand that I can’t live without you.
    • Do you know what happiness is for me? Happiness is just... it's You and Me!
    • I love the sea. His noise. His sand. His sun. His waves. It's very beautiful. And when your loved one is still nearby. Just paradise. And you don't need anything else.
    • Instead of “I love you,” it’s enough for me to hear “My little girl, I really need you...”
    • Today I saw a star fall. I could have wished for anything: a car, a house abroad... But I wished for: “So that we can be together.”
    • The hardest thing is waking up with you in the morning, on weekdays, when you have to get up, and you hug me, hold me close, and I don’t want to get up or go to work...
    • And I dream about a son. To send him to hockey, teach him how to behave with girls, and so that he would be as handsome as his dad.
    • Seconds without a loved one are hours. Hours with a loved one are seconds...
    • Popcorn... Favorite movie... Your loved one is nearby... Sitting in an embrace... Damn, this is happiness... And the fuck with everything else?
    • When I kiss you, it seems to me that I am the happiest person in the world.
    • I love your tangled hair, let me call you again, let’s be silent, smile at each other... -

    - Darling, tell me why in the bouquet you gave me, all the roses are white, and one is red?
    - How can I explain? You see... because everyone is the same... And you are the only one!

    But he is my best. He tolerates my character. I’ve already eaten up all his nerves, but he endures it. The best, and most importantly mine.

    So in love that I stopped adequately perceiving the world.. Became blind and deaf in everything that concerns you...

    All you have to do is carry me in your arms. I’ll climb onto your neck myself.

    Precautionary measures from my beloved guy - to perfume me with his perfume so that other people's guys can smell his love!

    I love my beloved, I am loved by him, I am happy with my beloved, he is happy that I am with him...

    Behind the back of my beloved guy, I feel like behind a stone wall. And not like before, behind a plasterboard partition!

    You are so sweet that the sunbeams play in your hair to the music of the angels, and my love sets their rhythm with the beat of my heart...

    I remember the day when I got sick with you. And I haven’t found a cure for this yet

    We met you by chance, from a million thousand eyes, yours are like little sparks, it all started with ridiculous phrases. And we become closer and dearer to each other every day and the snow becomes whiter when we are together with you...

    And yet he is the only one... So dear, harmful, beloved, and most importantly mine... And no one can compare with him...

    You can’t even imagine how much I would give for your “love”!

    I want you to be mine: Hugger, kisser and sleeper!

    I fall asleep and wake up the happiest person in the world, because next to me is your beloved.

    When you wake up and look at me, your eyes begin to glow, and I understand that this is not a dream, but mine better reality, My love…

    Darling, don’t worry, I will definitely invite you to my wedding! After all, as you know, a wedding will not take place without a groom!

    All day and night, only you are on my mind. It’s you who doesn’t let me get bored, who makes me scream with delight, you’re the one for whom I’m writing poetry for the first time, and you doubt that this is love?

    The hardest thing is waking up with you in the morning, on weekdays, when you have to get up, and you hug me, hold me close, and I don’t want to get up or go to work...

    The splash of waves, golden sand from the sun, endless silence and your love - I don’t need anything else!

    What a pity that VKontakte does not have a function to add your favorite guy to your wish list!

    How to explain to your loved one a stupid woman's heart? I looked into his tender, tired eyes - and was happy just because he was nearby...

    If I were your tear, I would lower myself to your lips to kiss you, and if you were my tear, I would never cry, so as not to lose you!

    You drive me crazy. I'm starting to forget words. Every minute is filled with feeling. With every breath I understand that I can’t live without you.

    Even if it hurts sometimes, even if I can’t breathe, but without you I feel even worse!

    You filled my existence with meaning, gave me such happiness! Thank you, my joy, that I have you!

    You are the guy I can't stop thinking about. You're the one who makes me scream. Who can live one day in a million ways. The one I write my love quotes to. If you still have doubts, then yes, this guy is you.

    If you need statuses for your beloved guy, then look for them in this collection. Here you will find the most sincere, and in some cases, completely incredible phrases.

    It seems like my whole life is for you alone. Or doesn't it seem...

    1. It's good that I'm beautiful. I would suffer if you didn't like me.
    2. I haven't compared you to anyone for a long time. Just because I love it.
    3. If I weren't afraid of losing you, I would never have been with you.

    If there are any misunderstandings between you and your loved one, set statuses “about the guy I love.”

    1. The morning begins not with coffee, but with memories of you alone.
    2. You would know right away if I stopped loving you. My eyes would give everything away.
    3. It’s hard to imagine that I’ll ever get tired of waking up next to you.

    Status for your beloved guy about love - for those who need a little more courage.

    1. You’re close... And then we’ll figure it out.
    2. A good relationship is when they don't let you sleep at night and don't let you get up in the morning.
    3. Sleeping with the teddy bear you gave will be much more pleasant.

    If your heart is full of love, set love statuses for guys.

    1. You can’t even imagine how much I miss you when you leave...
    2. Do you know what thought cuts my heart the most? That someday we might part.
    3. Time passes, but the feelings for you do not disappear. What are you saying about love lasting 3 years?

    It's good when there is someone for whom you want to become better

    Meaningful statuses for your beloved guy will be useful for those girls who want to clarify something in their relationship.

    1. You will say that I will have a million like him. But I don't need a million. This is what loyalty is all about.
    2. We all have that person we're only too happy to hear from late at night. And everyone has their own...
    3. In your arms I feel like a child: I want to sleep and not wake up until the morning.

    If you are now in a period where love simply makes you want to scream, set statuses for your beloved guy with meaning.

    1. When we started dating, nothing special happened. Just a dream come true.
    2. All I need to calm me down is to breathe in your scent.
    3. It’s hard for me to even imagine that someone could, in principle, be in your place...

    Statuses about your beloved guy will say more meaningfully than a thousand words.

    1. His deep voice just turns everything inside!
    2. I was told not to fall in love, because then nothing would save me. And so it turned out.
    3. I won’t say that it’s ideal for me with him, but I can’t imagine myself without him...

    If you understand that love has completely captured you, quickly choose VK statuses about your beloved guy.

    1. Please, please don't hurt me. It hurts a thousand times more from you.
    2. Love is not so wonderful. Because of embarrassment, you simply cannot say everything you feel.
    3. The most pleasant time was when everything was just beginning for you and me.

    I'm ready for a lot. For the sake of our future with you

    The “I love my boy” status will definitely please your significant other!

    1. Since you have been with me, I have stopped being afraid of many things.
    2. They say there is an antidote to love, but I'm not going to look for it!
    3. I realized that I love you when I became ready to wait for you forever.

    When you no longer have any doubts that you want to live your life with this particular person, set something from the statuses about your favorite guy on VK.

    1. Do you remember the place where you and I first kissed?!
    2. They say love can only be mutual. It’s good that you and I have love.
    3. I always condemned “too much” lovers until I became like that myself...

    The VK status “about the guy I love” will definitely come in handy for each of us.

    1. Thank you, honey, for making me not know what a broken heart is.
    2. I trust you. Your phone. There is confirmation of my loyalty.
    3. Love is when you can no longer live without a kiss.

    When a girl is sure that her relationship with a young man is serious, then it’s time to put beautiful statuses about your beloved guy.

    1. Let others think what they want. The main thing is what is good for me and for you.
    2. I was ready for a lot for you. And, you know, I didn’t regret it...
    3. Having fallen in love, I realized that I couldn’t hide this feeling, no matter how hard I tried.

    It's good that we exist and we don't care about formalities

    Statuses about your beloved boy will definitely be clear to those to whom they are actually addressed.

    1. I am ready to either love you, or, in extreme cases, hate you. No friendship!
    2. Everything is fine, but this indecision of yours... You'll drive me crazy!
    3. Or maybe I fell in love with you because you are a bad guy?!

    You shouldn’t be silent, you should talk about your feelings love statuses on VK for your beloved guy.

    1. Love is probably the only reason why I rejected so many guys.
    2. There is heaven on Earth too. He is at night, in your arms.
    3. If he is in your thoughts, you definitely can’t escape him, no matter how bad he is.

    Beautiful statuses about your beloved guy with meaning contain thoughts that will forever remain in the heart.

    1. I don't doubt you for a second. And if you hurt me, I understand that it will be my own fault.
    2. Yes, you are unique. But only for me. And I'm not going to prove it to anyone.
    3. Why is there a pack of cigarettes? Your hand in mine is what is needed for true happiness.

    Love is a wonderful feeling, so reminding about it as often as possible is really difficult.

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