• Pet names for men. Cute nicknames for a guy, how to choose them, what to rely on. What should a nickname express?


    If women love with their ears, then men simply adore with their ears (although they do not openly admit it). Just one kind word from the chosen one can inspire them to heroic deeds or settle a quarrel. Many girls want to express their feelings in order to please their loved one, but they don’t know how to call a guy affectionately. Let's start a “master class” on using kind words!

    Affectionate words intended for a guy should have a slightly different connotation than for girls. The thing is male psychology. What kind words does a man want to hear from you? Words of love are pleasant to everyone. Therefore, no matter how banal the word “beloved” may seem, it is pleasant to the male ear.

    All guys like affectionate words that emphasize their masculinity and exclusivity. Using words like “big”, “strong”, “smart”, “priceless”, “unique”, “brilliant”, “amazing” will be a balm to the heart of every man!

    A woman should be able to choose the kind of tender words for her lover that he is waiting for. It all depends on the character of the man. Let's open little secret: the more brutal he looks, the more he likes diminutives. For example, a two-meter “jock” will melt from the words “kitten”, “bunny”, “chick”, “paws”. And a fragile intellectual with glasses will be delighted if his beloved calls him incomparable, a strongman, or uses the words “beast”, “animal”, “Apollo”, “macho”, “cowboy”, “cool” in his address.

    How can a guy be called an affectionate word so that he is really pleased? There are several main rules that will help a girl not make a mistake with her choice:

    • It's better not to use hackneyed compliments. They will not cause much of a reaction and may even cause irritation (these include: “dear”, “precious”, “darling”);
    • If you want your loved one to listen to your every word, then always use the prefix “my” or “at my place” along with affectionate words. If you address your close friend as “my God”, “my desired one”, “you are the only one I have”, then he will actually be only yours;
    • and finally, what not to say. Some words, even if pronounced with a gentle intonation, will still not please a man. Even if he does not suffer from complexes, he will feel offended when he hears the addresses “goat”, “ram”, “cockerel”. You should not use those words that may hint to him about his weaknesses and secret fears (incompetent, soft-bodied, cute, unlucky).

    Affectionate words should also be used sparingly. If you pepper every phrase with them, they will lose their freshness and may be perceived by a man as a preface to a request.

    The magic of words: how can you call a guy affectionately?

    Even if others know about your close relationship with a guy, not all kind words are suitable for addressing him at work or in a public place. Verbal expressions of affection should be appropriate. For example, if you call him insatiable among his colleagues, this will make him embarrassed rather than happy, although at home he would be very pleased.

    What kind words can you call a guy anywhere? Let's list the “allowed” manifestations of feelings:

    • my sun;
    • my handsome;
    • native;
    • my good;
    • You are so wonderful;
    • Cute;
    • talented;
    • My joy;
    • my protector.

    These words will give the guy confidence and increase his self-esteem.

    Happy moments of love: kind words in private

    More sincere and intimate affectionate words can be used when lovers are alone. Then feelings and situations will probably tell the girl how to call the guy affectionately. A list of the most popular words that will not leave a man indifferent may look like this:

    • beloved;
    • desired;
    • sexual;
    • sweet (delicious);
    • gentle;
    • real;
    • the only one;
    • unusual;
    • passionate;
    • unique (inventive);
    • temperamental;
    • hot, best lover.

    You can give a separate compliment to the features of the guy’s figure, strengthen him in the idea that he has an impeccable, muscular, athletic, seductive body.

    Men like it when girls praise their hands, calling them tender, strong, dear and affectionate. The same can be said about the lips: they are sensual, magical and sweet.

    Unusual but nice: secrets for two

    Men are forced to hide their real emotions most of the time, as it is generally accepted that sentimentality does not suit them. Only if the relationship between a guy and a girl has reached such a level that absolute trust and mutual understanding have arisen between them, can you come up with some kind of funny (or even stupid), but very affectionate nickname for him.

    How can you call a guy affectionately and unusually to add even more tenderness to the relationship? If he has a sufficient sense of humor, he will like these words:

    • sweeties;
    • music;
    • fluffy;
    • fish;
    • mousey;
    • little pig;
    • bear;
    • kitten (cat);
    • hare, bunny;
    • hairy;
    • Ryashechka;
    • sexbomb.

    Of course, there are many more options. An exclusive nickname can be completely unexpected, the main thing is that no one is offended! These kind words are only suitable for home use, it is better not to use them in front of “witnesses”.

    I love it to the point of laughter: affectionate and funny nicknames

    If you are in love and happy, then why not joke with each other? Give your loved one affectionate and at the same time funny words that will give you moments of joy. You can call your loved one with such cool but cute nicknames:

    • shalun (naughty girl);
    • baby elephant (elephant);
    • kisser;
    • darling;
    • badger;
    • bald boy;
    • glutton (belly);
    • dandelion;
    • scops owl;
    • crucian carp;
    • bitch.

    Sometimes tenderness for a loved one is so overwhelming that you want to express it not only in deeds, but also in words. How to affectionately call your loved one? Before offering options for gentle nicknames, let's think about how and when you can call your soulmate, depending on different situations.

    1. Girls are more inclined to search for affectionate names for their loved ones, but men approach this differently. There are those who don’t like being given affectionate nicknames. In this case, it is better not to contradict and call your loved one by name (you can come up with affectionate variants of names, if the person does not mind). There is another situation - he or she does not mind when you call him/her affectionately, but he/she does not use gentle words towards you. Do not rush to be offended; perhaps the person is simply not used to it or does not know how to do this. If you are offended by this attitude, ask him to call you affectionately, but do not insist on this request. If a person can and wants, then he will call you affectionately, if not, then he will have to get used to it.
    2. A familiar nickname or a kindly spoken name is better than offensive words. For example, if a girl has a complex about her fatness, the nickname “my bun” will only upset her. The nickname you choose should please the person and evoke only positive emotions! Observe the reaction of your loved one after pronouncing another nickname out loud. If he has a dissatisfied grimace on his face or a feeling of resentment, forget about this word forever. You can also ask directly whether the person likes what you call him.
    3. Of course, the use of affectionate nicknames, no matter how sweet and kind they may be, depends on the situation. Most people, especially men, do not like it when intimate and tender nicknames are used in relation to them. in public places. This looks like putting your personal life on display, which can be unpleasant for both your loved one and those around you. Therefore, in such places, limit yourself to addressing the person by name, or if you really want to call her affectionately, then whisper gentle words in her/his ear so that no one else hears.
    4. Many people are so fond of using affectionate nicknames large quantities that they are simply boring. If you don't have a good nickname for your loved one, remember that his name, spoken with deep feelings, will always be nice to hear.

    Options for how to affectionately call your beloved guy: beloved, dear, dear, dear, sweet, the best, cat, kitten, cat, bunny, bunny, sun, sunshine, baby, baby, toddler, donut, gingerbread, lion, lion, bear , bear, fox, wolf cub, lapusik, prince, king, handsome, music, tiger cub, tiger, my happiness, my joy, my life, angel, angel, hedgehog, fluffy, little imp, Cheburashka, unshaven, little dragon, dragon, goat, crocodile, hamster, owlet, mouse, hippopotamus, murzik, light, little ray, Apollo, Hercules, cutie, peach, little meteor, little penguin, naughty boy, etc. Come up with your own original nickname, which can reflect the person’s bright positive personality, and he will be pleased with it!

    Options for how to affectionately call your beloved girl: beloved, sweet, wonderful, dear, sweet, best, dear, bunny, bunny, baby, baby, baby, baby, kitty, kitty, kitty, sunshine, sun, beauty, beauty, doll, cutie, baby, angel, little angel, fluffy, sweetie, sweetie, candy, caramel, princess, queen, goddess, mouse, barbie, scratchy, squirrel, little fish, horse, little fox, little fox, fox, pusechka, pussy, baby, swallow, bee, cutie, pumpkin, berry, snowflake, snow maiden, hamster, goat, witch, dove, my girl, star, sweetie, zest, droplet, moth, charming, charming, bird, flower, little mermaid, my heart, my happiness, reed , fairy, queen, chicken, sorceress, naughty girl, etc.

    There are many options for how you can affectionately call your loved one. The main thing is that gentle nicknames strengthen and improve your relationship, and not alienate you from each other.

    Just yesterday I heard a girl call her 3-year-old son ten times in the space of five minutes a bunny, a baby, a chick. This is an example of the mother's influence on what kind of person he is.

    It's also pointless to deny female influence on the present and future of the man with whom she is in a relationship.

    I agree that what will be discussed below are trifles, and there are topics that are much more important. But if you apply my recommendations, you will be able to witness how “little things” can take a relationship with a man to a new level.

    Is it pleasant for a man to be called diminutive words? Yes, it's nice.

    Is it pleasant for a man in a period of despair for a woman to feel sorry for him? Yes, it's nice.

    Is it wise to do this from the point of view of the psychology of relationships?

    "Why? After all, it’s nice for a man. Feminine tenderness, warmth, affection.”

    Do you really think that pleasant = competent?

    Well, for example, I remember my first relationship, I complained to my girlfriend about life, about my parents, I cried about what an insecure guy I was, how difficult it was with work now. She felt sorry for me. I felt VERY pleased, I calmed down. And I told everyone how cool she is, she supports me.

    What then? Nothing. Did this make me more confident? No. Did my relationship with my parents improve? No. Was I able to start earning normal money? No. But it was SO NICE when they felt sorry for me. I don't blame the girl in any way. I’m just giving an example of when a man is pleased, but in fact it’s only degradation.


    The situation is similar with diminutive words... the man is pleased. What EFFECT do these words have? Have you ever thought about it? I propose to replace it with equally pleasant, but strong appeals.

    Example with my friends

    When a friend or good acquaintance calls me, I often answer in the style:

    Yes, Winner

    I'm listening, God

    Hello, world champion in [friend's field of activity]

    Why am I doing this? It makes me happy to inspire another person. It doesn't cost me anything, just a few words. But EVERY TIME I hear HOW MUCH such treatment energizes my surroundings.

    Contact us

    We often address each other as you. It looks funny in public places.

    In this way we express respect, admiration and are inspired to new achievements.

    “Paul, you are simply the best. An example to follow". Yes, we smile at the same time, we understand that this is like a game. But this does not change the fact of inspiration.

    And women who understand this cannot but be respected.

    For wise women, ready-made phrases on how to call a man:

    Name (full). Yaroslav (not Yarik, Yarichka, Yarichek, etc.)

    By patronymic name (Yaroslav Andreevich)

    A real man

    My hero

    My Lord

    My Winner

    My Lord

    My champion

    My king

    My Best

    My teacher

    Your option?

    For those who feel an unpleasant pain inside at the mere thought that you should call your man THAT, I dare to ask: have you definitely attracted/chosen/created/developed a relationship that brings joy and not heaviness?

    You can even explain that you are pleased to call him that way. For example, Alexander.

    I agree that not all men deserve to be called that. So surround yourself with worthy people.

    Therefore, the task is for you, first for a month, and if you like the results, then use it for the rest of your life:

    Gradually (if abruptly, then men may suspect some kind of trick and take it with hostility) eradicate from the lexicon diminutive addresses to the male part of the population.

    Love, affection, tenderness, care towards a man can be shown in many other ways. I'll suggest a few:

    Happy to greet a man from work

    Cook delicious dishes

    ALL OF YOU, your tone of communication with a man, manner of speaking, gestures

    Even “Dear” - you can say it with SUCH tenderness that a man will shine from your warmth

    Ask yourself this question often:

    “HOW does a man feel next to me?”

    Is he the way you want him to be: strong, confident, purposeful, loving, caring?..

    Or a mask, a cat, a little dog?

    What you sow is what you reap. The choice is yours.

    How does your man feel when you call him My Master? Write in the comments.

    Do you want to know the secrets of unnoticeably influencing men?

    Come to the free master class “Man: Honest Instructions” – 5 days, 3 trainers, secret techniques from experts.

    Read the top materials on my blog:

    There are a few general rules, which work with almost every man. The first is not to be a “bunny” partner. This is such a hackneyed nickname that calling your “zayu” in a store will make ninety-nine men out of a hundred turn around. But yours is the one and only. Therefore, the popular nickname is not for him.

    The second rule is do not use a man’s intimate name in public. What you call him in bed should remain between you. Because you can greatly embarrass your loved one and undermine his authority among friends or subordinates by publicly calling him “jumpy” or “curly.” The third rule is that most men do not like it if their chosen one calls them by their last name. They prefer a name or an original affectionate nickname.

    Nicknames derived from English words are very popular nowadays - “darling” (dear), “strong” (strong), “smile” (smile), etc.

    What to call your loved one - a choice together with your husband

    The easiest way to find out what name or nickname your partner likes is by asking him about it. Usually men do not hide their desires. He may ask to call himself by name, with a diminutive suffix (Andryushenka, Serezhenka, Alyoshenka, etc.), or he will say that he prefers a simple abbreviation (Yura, Sasha, Misha, etc.).

    Men with imagination can choose an original nickname. For example, some people ask their loved ones to call them “diamond”, “Apollo”, “Batman”, etc., that is, various nicknames that would emphasize their excellent qualities. Others love - “beloved”, “dear”, “the best”, “wonderful”, etc. They express a woman’s attitude towards her partner and significantly increase his self-esteem.

    In the mouth of a beloved woman, even the funniest nickname sounds affectionate. But if a man is not sure of his feelings, then any will become unpleasant for him.

    A nickname for a loved one is not a constant value, but a variable

    Even the most affectionate or praising nickname can bore both men and women. Therefore, there is nothing wrong if from time to time pet names will change. Usually this happens on its own. After a funny incident, another nickname often sticks to a man. The only thing that should not be distorted is the real name. Men get very used to the way their wives shorten it. And if suddenly the chosen one began to say “Andrey” instead of “Andryusha,” this would lead to the idea that something went wrong. The partner will look for the reason in himself, think about what he did wrong, etc. This will lead to a showdown, and a scandal may even break out out of nowhere.


    • what my beloved calls me

    Each lady has her own affectionate nicknames for her beloved. The most common are: “bunny”, “cat”, “baby”, “sun”. Good word not only is it pleasant for a cat, but even for a brutal creature. But all men on earth cannot be “cats” or “bunnies,” because not everyone likes such treatment.


    To distract him during an important football game, he will have to work hard. However, this is possible if we discard the standard and rather boring address “babe” and some unexpected epithets: secret, brilliant, fiery, burning, and so on. And if you compare your slender, handsome man with Apollo or your strong and resilient man with Hercules, then your significant other will probably switch his attention from the TV to you. And of course, he will appreciate your appeal.

    Sometimes even the strongest, strongest and most independent people want a woman’s affection. They are unlikely to talk about it, but you can’t hide it. Try giving your loved one a diminutive nickname such as “flower”, “masik”, “tiger” and the like. Here you can stretch your brains and come up with something unexpected. Your giant will tolerate such treatment, although his heart may rebel. Then you just need to calmly and clearly explain to him your train of thought.

    But if everything is clear with the strong and muscular, then with representatives of the “botanical” male branch it is more difficult. Here you shouldn’t approach with diminutive words - you might get seriously offended. And all because people with mental work often have self-esteem that is not as high as that of muscular “eagles.” Therefore, it is most pleasant for such men, as a rule, to hear words addressed to them like “lion”, “my hero”, “hero” and the like in the same vein.

    Also think about situations in which a particular word could be used. For example, the usual “sun” can be barely audibly whispered in your ear, slightly aspirated. This turn of events can turn a man’s head. As they themselves state, they prefer to be “loved” or “cute” when at an official meeting or with friends. But in private, he usually agrees to almost everything, allowing himself to be called a “hedgehog” or even something more extravagant and exotic.


    What to call your beloved guy? Sometimes you have to think about what you can call your beloved guy, because you want to call him tenderly and affectionately, and in a way that makes him feel good. In fact, don’t be like the heroes of American melodramas, who address each other only as “dear, dear,” as if they don’t know the words of others.

    Helpful advice

    Women often hear pleasant words from their beloved men, but girls should know that guys also love affectionate speech. If you call your beloved guy affectionately, then you will impress him best experience. For example, if your chosen one is strong and tall, but behind such an appearance there is a gentle soul hidden, then such a guy will especially need affection. Therefore, you can call your beloved guy “baby”, “bunny”, “paw”, and he will be pleased.


    • what do men call their loved ones?

    Christmas fortune telling - the right way to know Name his wives. You need to guess from January 7 to 19, this is the time when devilry reveals all the secrets of the future. Our grandparents trusted Christmas fortune-telling, and, often, the predictions turned out to be true. Many methods of fortune telling Name betrothed have survived to this day.

    Any relationship, no matter what it is, friendly or romantic, requires a large vocabulary in communication. Below you will find some tips for girls on how to affectionately call a boyfriend, a guy you like or just a friend so that he likes it.

    Couples who were recently created especially need beautiful words, because they are just beginning their journey in communication. You can express your love not only through deeds, but also in beautiful words. It is very important to choose Right words when you address a boyfriend or friend. This New Creative Language Helps Create a Unique Connection and Lets You Down closer friend to friend.

    Let's divide all possible words into several categories

    1. Comparison with the beast. The most common option is to compare your loved one in an affectionate tone with some animal. Although some animals look unusual and funny, some people like to be called, for example, a bear cub, a crocodile, a bunny, a kitten, a tiger cub, and so on. These words are quite pleasant to hear and are perfect as an option for your beloved guy.

    2. Compare it to a planet. The word "Sun" is often used as an affectionate nickname. It is especially appropriate when this person makes your life happier and brighter. You can also tell him with love - “You are my Planet” or “My Universe”. For a guy, this will be unusual and pleasant to hear.

    3. Better to avoid the word that hurt him short stature. Not everyone likes nicknames - manyusik, pupsik, lapusik or something similar in the same style. Guys may have complexes, and some may simply be hurt.

    4. If a man has a beautiful athletic body, you can safely call him sex boy or Hercules. This nickname is suitable for a beloved guy or just a friend.

    5. You don’t have to choose a nickname, just call him with gentle words , for example, my dear, you are my happiness, my dear boy, my lover, my treasure, etc.

    6. Call him by name just change the sound in more gentle tones. For example, Dmitry can be called Dimasik, Dimulya, Dimochka; Alexandra - Sashunya, Sashulka, Sanechka and so on.

    Let's look at a few interesting words in English:

    • Luv (love) . Regularly used in everyday speech, many partners refer to their loved one using it, usually at the end of a sentence "How was your day, Luv?"
    • Hun (honey) . This word is often used to compare a loved one to sweet food. For example, as a term of endearment - my sugar, honey, sweet. These words can be used to call guys: Sasha, Vlad, Sergei, Artem, Lesha and others.
    • Deyrling (dear) . This word has several meanings - precious, valuable, dear, beloved.
    • Babes (baby) . The most common word that is used as a term of endearment by a toddler and is seen as a playful option for a loved one.
    • In other foreign languages, you can use the following affectionate words: Mi Amor (My love is Spanish) Mon Cher (My dear - French) Inamorato (Lover - Italian).

    Here are a few more options for affectionate words (some can be used for a guy you like)

    • little angel;
    • friend;
    • button;
    • Casanova, Romeo;
    • chick;
    • handsome, darling;
    • ladies' man, heartthrob;
    • lamb;
    • peach, hot guy;
    • funny guy, humorist, comedian;
    • Tarzan, Mr. Universe, tough guy;
    • seducer;
    • sunlight;
    • sugar lips;
    • love of my life;
    • the guy of my dreams;
    • the one and only.

    You can also use romantic phrases in communication to please your man.

    1. God created you just for me.

    2. I feel completely safe when you are around.

    3. I will give you all of me - my heart, my body and my soul.

    4. I will go crazy if anything happens to you.

    5. Your warm hugs and tender kisses are more valuable than gold.

    6. Words are not enough to express how much I love you.

    7. You are the music that makes my heart sing.

    8. You make me feel like a woman.

    9. You treat me like a princess and I love you with all my heart.

    Try a couple of different cute words and nicknames for your boyfriend, find the perfect nickname and make him feel special and loved.


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