• A fashionable sentence where Vasiliev kicked out a woman. Alexander Vasiliev was removed from the “fashion sentence”


    A famous fashion historian, a sparkling critic of Russian outfits socialites Alexander Vasiliev was removed from “Fashionable Sentence”. The one who will take his place has already been announced.

    According to information posted on the Channel One website, the highly rated show “Fashionable Sentence” will be hosted by another fashion industry guru – experimental artist Andrei Bartenev. A flamboyant designer famous for original outfits, will be on air soon. The program “Fashionable Sentence” with the new leading experimental artist Andrey Bartenev will be broadcast on March 1. Information on this matter appeared on the official website of Channel One.

    The channel's management does not name the reasons for the departure of Vasiliev, who had been running the program since November 2009. At one time, Alexander also came to “Fashionable Verdict” as a replacement. He took over the functions of fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev, who left the show.

    Meanwhile, in a conversation with NSN, Alexander Vasiliev hastened to reassure his fans and viewers of “Fashionable Sentence”. He said that Andrei Bartnev will become a temporary presenter - he will replace him for only eight programs.

    “This is a temporary action. I'll be back soon. I also need rest, because I’ve been doing this for eight years without a break. And now I’m preparing a large exhibition at the State Historical Museum on Red Square, called “Russian Fashionista”. It will feature 200 items from my collection. Its installation is so complex that my presence there is simply necessary. Therefore, I asked for time off for eight programs,” said the NSN interlocutor .

    According to Alexander Vasiliev, the retrospective exhibition will open on March 14. It will feature not only his “things,” but also exhibits from the collection of the Historical Museum. The fashion historian emphasized that for the first time in Russia there will be an exhibition that will be dedicated exclusively to men's fashion.

    Speaking about the reasons why Andrei Bartenev will replace Alexander Vasilyev in the “Fashionable Sentence” program, NSN’s interlocutor said that the management, apparently, was looking for someone who would be quite famous. At the same time, the candidate must be able to speak well.

    “I haven’t seen any of his programs yet. As soon as I can look at it, I will immediately give an assessment,” said the fashion historian.

    The new host of the fashion project, Andrey Bartenev, became famous for his unforgettable performances in original clothes. The designer's costumes are sometimes so unusual that it seems as if he flew to Earth from outer space. It will probably become a real decoration and highlight of the “Fashionable Sentence”.

    His performances in outrageous costumes, which bear little resemblance to usual clothing, became especially popular. He owns such shares as " Underwear for Africa", " Mineral water", the project "Botanical Ballet" and the exhibition "Love Couture!"

    Let us add that Alexander Vasiliev has been presiding over the “fashion court” since November 2009. Then he replaced the permanent host of the program, fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

    “Fashionable Verdict” has been airing on Channel One for ten years. The “defendant” heroes are people who, according to relatives or friends, commit crimes against fashion on a daily basis. They are offered to transform themselves by choosing a new image for themselves. After this, a team of stylists works with the hero. Guests in the studio will have to vote and approve the best image, in their opinion. If success is on the side of the stylists, the participant in the show will receive a wardrobe selected by them for his personal use.

    The new host of the “Fashionable Sentence” program, Andrei Bartenev, told why fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev needed a replacement. According to the designer, he really enjoyed taking part in the filming.

    “The program that we recently filmed will be aired on March 1. It was with great pleasure that I met with my old friends Evelina Khromchenko and Nadezhda Babkina, and once again admired their professionalism, heroism, resilience and health. Because in order to present” A fashionable sentence, “you need to be a very healthy person - not only mentally, but also physically,” Bartenev explained to the correspondent website.


    Andrey emphasized that he used to often watch the program with the participation of Alexander Vasiliev. “Even then I had thoughts that something needed to be changed in it. I didn’t like the scenery, I would have changed the music, but it turned out that we were dealing with such a well-worn blockbuster that changing any detail would mean killing the audience’s interest ", shared the new presenter.

    The fashion judge admitted that he carefully prepared for the shoot. “The producers told me that they would like to see me as a presenter when I was on a business trip. I packed a whole suitcase of classic English suits, thought that the audience was used to seeing me in bright clothes, and decided to surprise them. However, the producers said: “No, no, we need you exactly like this! Bring back your bright suits!

    The artist added that viewers will see only eight episodes of the program with his participation - then Alexander Vasiliev will return to the presenter’s chair. “Now he is preparing for his exhibition of costumes of the 18th – 19th centuries, as soon as it is completed, he will again become the presenter,” Andrey noted.

    Program " Fashionable Sentence” decided to celebrate spring with a bang and officially announced that from March 1, the artist and fashion designer Andrei Bartenev will temporarily take the chair of Alexander Vasilyev. The outrageous designer is known for coming up with the most extravagant costumes and hats, which he wears with pleasure. Now he is entrusted with the task of becoming a fashion judge and dressing up ordinary Russian women who turned to professionals for help.

    As many as eight programs have already been filmed. And this fact seriously worried numerous fans Alexandra Vasilyeva. Is he going to leave the project in which he worked for so many years? Various rumors spread around Moscow.

    Photo: courtesy of Channel One

    The fashion historian immediately began to be tormented by journalists with similar questions. Alexander hastened to reassure everyone: “I’m not leaving the program anywhere. This is temporary. Can I take time off for the first time in several years? And use your temporary vacation to your advantage! I need to prepare for a very important exhibition, which will open at the Historical Museum in March. She's dedicated men's clothing past centuries. And I’m providing 200 costumes for the exhibition.”

    Photo: courtesy of Channel One
    Photo: @alexandre_vassiliev (Instagram of Alexander Vasiliev)

    In addition, Alexander is currently at the Mosfilm film studio, where filming of programs for the second half of March is in full swing.

    According to information posted on the Channel One website, the highly rated show “Fashionable Sentence” will be hosted by another fashion industry guru – experimental artist Andrei Bartenev. The outrageous designer, famous for his original outfits, will appear on air from March 1.


    The channel's management does not name the reasons for the departure of Vasiliev, who had been running the program since November 2009. At one time, Alexander also came to “Fashionable Verdict” as a replacement. He took over the functions of fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev, who left the show.

    The new host of the fashion project, Andrey Bartenev, became famous for his unforgettable performances in original clothes. The designer's costumes are sometimes so unusual that it seems as if he flew to Earth from outer space. It will probably become a real decoration and highlight of the “Fashionable Sentence”.

    Let us remind you that the popular show, in which the heroines radically change their clothing style, has been airing on Channel One since 2007. Relatives or acquaintances bring to the shooting a “defendant” who, in their opinion, dresses poorly. The heroine of the program is asked to choose a new image on her own, after which stylists work on her. As a result, the studio audience must choose whose choice was better. If the team of stylists wins, the participant in the show gets the wardrobe they selected. In 2015, the project received TEFI in the category " Entertainment: Lifestyle".

    Hello, subscribers and those passing by. Today I’m reviewing the show “Fashionable Sentence,” which has been airing on Channel One for several years now. I’ve been wanting to write for a long time, but somehow I never got around to it and there was no reason, but here there are two of them at once. The first is the first day of spring, March 1st! Hurray, we're exhausted. I congratulate everyone on this. The second reason is the new presenter Andrei Bartenev, who replaced fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev in this post. Even if the replacement is short-lived - only for 2 weeks, while the fashion guru is preparing an exhibition in Moscow, but still this event is out of the ordinary and signals that not everything is in order in the fashion kingdom.

    The structure of the program “Fashionable Sentence” became ossified many years ago and cosmetic changes are periodically made to it. Sometimes there are more serious interventions. Unfortunately, the 2017 version of the “Fashion Sentence” has little to do with fashion. Discussion fashion trends and trends, shows with elderly models, excursions into fashion and even shopping in a clothing store - everything is a thing of the past. Now “Fashionable Verdict” is a tongue-lashing for an hour, like in any other talk show on the First, and at the very end of the episode there are two transformations - a demonstration of the heroine’s old wardrobe and a show of the stylists’ work, and before that there are 40-50 minutes of cries from the husband or other relatives and the heroine's colleagues, lamentations about fate, tears and turning dirty panties inside out.

    The “fashion verdict” rests on three pillars: Evelina Khromchenko, who knows how to analyze style problems in detail and give clear recommendations, Nadezhda Babkina, who knows how to choose the right words in everyday terms, well, the host-toastmaster Alexander Vasiliev. All three have been sitting in their chairs for a long time and it’s time for everyone to move on. Evelina Khromchenko’s participation in “Fashionable Verdict” is a huge step back and stagnation in her career. Publicity is good and beneficial, but why throw pearls before swine? The morning audience of Channel One and the world of fashion are two non-intersecting planes. All her advice and comments are, of course, valuable, but for some reason, after her transfer, models that meet the requirements of fashion and good taste do not appear in clothing markets. Cheap clothes will always look cheap and shabby, since clothes are an indicator of the status of the wearer. Nobody will sell fashionable style for 100 rubles. For 100 rubles they will specially make the ugliest design so that you can see a beggar woman walking over there from a kilometer away. Even Yudashkin in his collection for Faberlic charged the price for a skirt (judging by the advertisement) to one and a half thousand. Chinese Faberlic for one and a half grand! Go crazy.

    Nadezhda Babkina - she definitely suits to sit on the jury. I don’t know what’s going on with her concerts and who generally listens to her songs and goes to her concerts. It's definitely not me. She doesn’t release hits, she doesn’t make videos. The rare performances that I catch on TV make me immediately switch to another channel. Here’s the thing: I like Babkina as a person, despite the fact that she is a confidant of you-know-who, but I would never listen to her songs. Before Babkina, Larisa Verbitskaya sat in the same place. This was quiet horror. How could a professional presenter be unable to connect two words without prompting and last in the defender’s chair for 6 years? Thank God it was removed in the end.

    Alexander Vasiliev... It seems that at first he came to “Fashionable Verdict” for fun, and then he was drawn in. This is better than sitting anonymously in Paris among the dusty rubbish that he bought at flea markets, but you also need to know honor. In fact, he says the same words in each episode - only the jokes and banter towards the heroines of the program differ. It seems to me that if he could choose the heroes of the program, he would not have allowed all these freaks with sad destinies to air on Channel One.

    Am I glad that Vasilyev was replaced, albeit for two weeks? Yes. The artist Andrey Bartenev is no less famous than Alexander Vasiliev and is no worse than Khabalit. He’ll sit there for a week and make it so hot—mama, don’t worry. They write on the Internet that they would like to see the evil pug Lisovets in the presenter’s chair. Well, I do not! Who is Lisovets? A name and nothing more. Celebrity became famous thanks to TV, and not because of his work. Vasiliev is a fashion historian and has written many books. Bartenev is an avant-garde artist with a name. Everything is correct, IMHO. I would generally introduce rotation of the central seat into the rule.

    The heroes of the show are a separate conversation. 99% of the episodes are with women and very rare programs where they dress up as men. My aunt’s work colleague took part in the “Fashionable Verdict” a long time ago. She said that all the problems that the heroines broadcast from the podium are complete fiction, fantasy. They need to somehow justify their appearance on the show. Nobody gives the wardrobe that stylists select for heroines to anyone - everything has to be returned. I also read revelations on the Internet from owners of clothing stores and boutiques that they sincerely hate the stylists of Channel One, since they always return the clothes they bought. It’s a shame, of course, that a well-known program cannot afford to give Demshan things to the heroes who have been used far and wide. And yes, it’s very infuriating that the presenters always say “I’m putting on/dressing” correctly, but the characters are extremely incorrect - they’re always “dressing” and no one corrects them.

    I’m not a fashion expert and generally wear the same clothes for years, but I still have a sense of beauty. And sometimes I’m just shocked by how stylists disfigure the heroines of the show. In fact, there is one visual-psychological trick here. The main transformation that stylists make is not in changing clothes, but in applying proper makeup and the construction of a normal hairstyle on the head. The “before” version of the heroines is a quiet horror, mainly because of the bullshit that’s going on in their heads. Unwashed, unkempt - everything looked as if it had just come out of the forest. Another option is freaks, but they are less common. Basically, these are unwashed, unkempt, shapeless village women. Body shapes cannot be changed in 1-2 hours of stylists’ work, just as a sense of style cannot be instilled, so they change their hairstyle, and, as it seems to me, any clothes will go well with a good hairstyle. Yes, I have general principles- so that clothes do not fit too tightly around saggy boobs and a fat butt, so that the top of clothes covers the nurse, you should not wear a black bra under white blouse etc., but 90% of success is still in the head and, as a result, in the head. It seems to me that the program would have benefited significantly if they had shown how stylists work with patients, otherwise now it’s just some kind of WHAM! and the beauty came out. What did you do, how did you do it, what principles did you use to select outfits and style? It is obvious that they dress everyone with the same brush - a wealthy woman with a slight extra. After the end of the program, for some reason they don’t give a million dollars to the account so that the proposed style can be maintained. And even if all the things were actually given as gifts, I can’t imagine how these ladies would flaunt in chic outfits on dirty roads in their villages and towns with knee-deep mud, where everyone wears quilted jackets and rubber boots.

    It really upsets me that people are ready to make public (albeit not seriously, as it turns out) accusations against each other, promises to divorce, etc. If they told me this even as a joke, I would be left with a trace of sincere resentment for a long time, if not forever. When a loved one is ready to utter terrible and shameful words to the whole country, it means there has been no smell of love there for a long time. Calculation, self-interest, ambition - whatever. After the “Fashionable Sentence” you can safely file for divorce, IMHO. Before participating in “Fashionable Verdict,” the program’s heroes need to make an important decision - what is more important to them: relationships or five minutes of fame. Many choose fame and put on a show on Channel One, where all that is missing is a fight. Television corrupts people, makes them go against themselves, makes them deceive viewers. The heroes' karma suffers from this - I'm 100% sure. People, don't go to such deceitful programs. Then it will come back to haunt you! Alisovika from “Tomboys” also asked her husband to beat her on camera, and now they (in her own words) no longer live together. And don’t forget that the word is not a sparrow and “betrayal” of yourself and your relationship will forever remain recorded on video. This too should not be forgotten.

    A separate category of experts in the “Fashionable Verdict” are pop, theater, film and TV stars who came to mock the poor clothes of the heroines. Here you can immediately see who is experienced and wise, and who is narrow-minded. Wise stars unconditionally support the heroines and say that everything suits them, no matter what they wear - this way they earn +100 to their karma and their popularity. Narrow-minded starlets zealously criticize and mock the heroines, taking the side of the accusation. After all, “Fashionable Sentence” is a popular show, and after all, you have to bend your heart and hide your essence, otherwise streams of dirt will fall on social media, and then no one will come to the premiere of the play or to the concert. The role of a star expert was created not for criticism, but for PR, and not everyone understands this. Some stars, by the way, would do well to transform themselves before dispensing advice. For example, Tatyana Bulanova spoke in the first issue of “Fashionable Sentence”. I love her as an artist, but listen fashion tips and criticism of her performance... uh... A shoemaker without boots, as they say. People with an impeccable sense of style should be invited to become celebrity experts, and not those who can dress up normally every once in a while or less often.

    What disappoints me most about “Fashionable Verdict” is not the complete rejection of fashion and not the ossification of the format, but... the advertising that is pushed in the program. Until recently, Alexander Vasiliev advertised suitcases with DeSheli, for example. Now switched to " Horsepower". There's something I don't understand - why is advertising ordered exclusively by companies with a dubious reputation, and celebrities sign up for it? Where are L'Oreal-Paris, Avoni and prastikhosspadi Arichleims?

    Well, I’ll end on a positive note, although 5 years have passed since that event. year 2012. Release of "Fashionable Sentence" with... lesbians ( link to legal online viewing). What a success it was! That issue of “Fashionable Verdict” showed that they are not there just for the money. It's no secret that mostly LGBT people work in the fashion and beauty industry. And it is very strange that in a program about fashion this topic was carefully hushed up and is still being hushed up. Everyone sees everything, everyone understands everything, but you can’t say or talk about it. Funny! By the way, the next day after the broadcast, that episode was removed from the Channel One website and it remained only on the official website of Fashionable Sentence.

    Here’s another question I have for you, dear readers. Have you figured out the secret to filming a show where the heroine transforms in a matter of minutes? It is clear that the process takes a long time, but the presenters do not sit and wait for the stylists to work a miracle. As far as I know, “Fashionable Verdict” is filmed in blocks of several episodes a day. I suspect that episodes are filmed exactly until the heroine goes backstage for a makeover, and then the presenters run to change clothes and film the next episode exactly until that same moment. And so on, until transformations happen and the endings are filmed, again with the presenters changing clothes. Do you think so too or is the shooting technology still different?

    I give the show “Fashionable Sentence” three stars and, unfortunately, I cannot recommend watching it, because the further it goes, it becomes simpler and worse in terms of filling and presentation. “Fashionable sentence” is not developing, but is steadily degrading and will soon become obsolete, since all that is left of fashion in it are horns and legs and the meaning of the program has been reduced to empty talk about life. And yes, I don't believe that problems can be solved with new hairstyle and clothes.

    “Fashionable Verdict” airs Monday through Friday at 11 a.m. on Channel One. All issues and much more can be found on the official website of the Modny-TV project .

    Thank you for your positive ratings and comments!

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    Sincerely, Andy Goldred

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