Good evening. So I decided to contact you with my problem. We have been married for 20 years, our daughters are 15. But, nevertheless, scandals and quarrels in the family do not subside. Or rather, there are no scandals, in the usual sense of the word. we never, or almost never, yell at each other. Quarrels arise due to misunderstanding, the inability to express what exactly is the reason for the offense of one of us in each specific case, and if you express it, then the other party does not understand what is offensive in this situation. Quarrels are expressed in silence, non-communication and last from two weeks to two months. This situation is difficult for me, but it seems to me that my husband is happy with it. Why does it seem? Intuitively, he himself has repeatedly said that he is a single person and he likes it when my daughter and I go on vacation. There are 3-4 such quarrels a year, so it turns out that we don’t talk for 3-3 months a year. I'm tired, very tired. I tried different scenarios for getting out of the situation, the result was the same - we remain silent. During quarrels there are barbs from both sides, and lately there has been open humiliation of me in front of strangers. Well, now specifically about the current quarrel. In NG the holidays were in the village with his relatives (this relationship is generally a separate story, if experts deem it necessary to find out to clarify the general situation, I’ll tell you). We returned, he began to get angry with me, i.e. He walks by without looking at me, if something is out of place, he cleans the whole house with a knock, cleans up after the kitten and mutters that there is always dirt in the toilet, without saying a word he suddenly leaves for several hours. So December 5 passed, the next day I woke up, he was no longer at home, returned in the evening, silent, clearly annoyed. I don’t even bother so as not to aggravate the situation. On January 7, we had dinner with my parents, communicated normally, nothing reminded us of the two days of irritation and silence. From there we went to see friends, and they replaced him: he makes barbs at me, I would even say, on the verge of insult. They fussed a lot a few times awkward situations, friends tried to urgently hush them up. We arrived home and there was silence again. 8 in the morning I call for skiing, but the answer is ignore. I left on my own and when I arrived, he was not at home. Strange, where to go? I decided not to humor him and didn’t call to find out myself. His daughter called, especially since she had an urgent question for him. It turned out that he went with the men to the bathhouse. Towards evening I am preparing dinner; my husband took his daughter to the city. One hour away, two, three o'clock, at eight I sat down for dinner, literally half an hour later he arrives. He brought the kebab, laid it out, and called me. I didn’t eat, I explained that I had just had dinner, I’d sit with him and then we’d drink tea together. Although, to be honest, this offended me: he saw that I was preparing dinner. And if you brought barbecue, then at least say a word: they say you smelled the smell, you couldn’t resist, or you wanted meat, or there was dinner left for tomorrow, tomorrow is your first working day, so you can’t cook in the evening. Well, at least a word, why not my dinner. The silence continued on January 9 and 10. On January 10, we arrived home from work (he came to pick me up that day and as soon as I got into the car I saw that he was angry with me), he began to pack his things. I see that I have hunting equipment, I rush around the kitchen to quickly prepare dinner so that I have time to eat, I’m waiting for him to tell me what time he’s leaving, what car he’s driving, and when he’ll be back. He is silent and collects his things very irritably. A friend came to pick him up and even then he said how long he was going and kissed him on the cheek. I was absolutely stunned. Came back on Sunday. Of course, after three days at home, bored, resentment had already welled up in me. It’s unclear why he was offended by me, it’s unclear why he humiliated me so demonstratively. In general, the brought trophy did not help me understand it as usual. True, I decided to please him and asked him to leave one package of minced meat for tomorrow’s dinner. Say, I’ll cook it from fresh meat. I didn’t have dinner again, I just drank tea in the kitchen. And this is a grown man, after the adrenaline of the hunt, after fresh air. We went to bed and tried to make peace. I say, maybe it’s enough to be offended by me for no reason. Answer: I’m not offended. In general, they returned from each other and went to bed. On Monday morning she is silent again, walking by, stubbornly averting her eyes. In the evening I fried belyashi, he ate half of the belyashi and, in irritation, threw it on a plate and left. I decided not to freak out, not to be offended. Then the situation: he sneezed, I say: be healthy, he is silent. Repeated. I couldn’t stand it and asked, I couldn’t even say Thank you, but she answered that she hadn’t heard anything. And today my patience ran out and she offered to talk. He yelled at me that I didn’t know how to behave, in the village I was unhappy and the whites were undercooked and the cat had to be cleaned up after more often and he dripped blood from the meat, but I didn’t wipe it off (honestly, I didn’t see where). I calmly stood up and said: I’m tired, I collected everything in one pile, and specifically I started to be offended on January 5, specifically, what I did wrong. He answers in a raised voice that I don’t know how to behave. I got up and said: find whose behavior suits you, and I am who I am and will behave correctly separately from you. I didn’t even have time to pick up any bags, I started hugging her and saying: don’t be hysterical, calm down. I say: whoever you want to convince of my hysteria, I’ll do the dishes and go quietly. He says: calm down, don’t go anywhere. I say: I’ll go to the second floor and surf the Internet. And she left. Now I’m sitting here writing. In fact, right now I’m not ready to leave him (there have been more serious situations), but I can’t stand humiliation, especially in public, and I’m very morally and emotionally tired of the silence. Why do we behave this way and what exactly am I doing wrong in our relationship, maybe experts can help us figure it out. I have my own assumptions why he humiliates me (and even admitting it is scary, he gets satisfaction). P.s. Sorry for the typos, I’m writing from scratch, it’s difficult to edit here