• Mouton fur coat - what is it made of? Mouton fur coat - from what animal? Thin muton what is the name


    Fur coats made of mink and other types of valuable fur are considered a sign of high status and luxury, but not every woman can afford such an expensive item. A worthy and more affordable alternative to a mink product is a muton fur coat. Whose fur is this - a muton? What advantages and disadvantages does it have? How to properly care for a mouton fur coat?

    What is a muton?

    Not everyone knows from the fur of which animal such fur coats are made. If by the name of a mink or sable product it is immediately clear what raw materials are used for its production, then in this case the word “mouton” does not clarify the situation, but only confuses it more. To answer this question, it is enough to know what is hidden under the word "muton". It comes from the French "mouton", which in translation into Russian means "ram, valukh, sheepskin." Based on this, it is easy to conclude that Mouton fur coats are made from specially dressed sheepskins.

    How is this fur obtained?

    Sheepskin production technology involves several operations. First, the raw material is subjected to skinning - mechanical cleaning from subcutaneous muscles, fat and loose connective tissue - and dumping - rotation in a vibrating drum for several hours to make the skins soft. After that, the blanks are stretched on a special table. When stretched, they do not lose strength and elasticity, and a large area of ​​​​the working surface when sewing fur products allows you to achieve a minimum number of seams, which makes them more durable and durable.

    At the final stage of production, the blanks are treated with a formalin solution to give them hydrophobic properties. This substance does not pose a health hazard to the future owner of clothing made from processed skins, because after processing with it, the product is repeatedly cleaned, which allows you to remove its particles.

    Not every sheep's wool is used to make fur coats. In Russia, Australian merinos are grown for these purposes, which graze in the Caucasus. Much attention is paid to their nutrition and time spent outdoors. Other breeds of these sheep are raised in Argentina, Australia and New Zealand. In the production of muton fur coats, the length and density of the pile are taken into account.

    Some unscrupulous manufacturers are trying to pass off artificial sheep fur as natural. They are only at first glance similar, but if you carefully consider them, you can find many differences.

    The following parameters will help to distinguish a fake from the original:

    • Tactile sensation. Natural material is dense, thick and soft to the touch. Artificial voluminous, but does not "lay down" at hand.
    • Dimensional stability. When compressed, the real material quickly restores its shape, the substitute does it slowly, while the pile sticks together.
    • Shine. In a natural fur coat it is delicate, in an artificial one it is unnatural.
    • The weight. Products from natural raw materials are quite heavy, from synthetic - much lighter.

    • Quality certificate. The seller of a counterfeit is unlikely to provide the buyer with such a document.
    • Reliability of fastening pile to the base. Attempts to pluck the villi from a natural thing will not be successful, which cannot be said about a synthetic product, which is why the latter has a short service life.
    • Reverse side. In a natural muton, this is skin, in faux fur, it is a fabric base.

    • Price. Despite the fact that muton coats are not as expensive as mink and other valuable types of fur, they cannot be too cheap.
    • Manufacturer. When buying a thing from a muton, it is recommended to find out whose product it is and where it was made. Mouton fur coats of domestic production are sewn in Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Moscow, Kirov, Zheleznovodsk. You can look on the Internet to see if the manufacturer makes such a model. If it is not in the lineup, it is better to refuse such a purchase.

    Pros and cons of mouton fur coats

    Muton benefits include:

    • Availability. This fur is the most affordable of all, but it cannot be called cheap. Many fashionistas prefer to use outerwear from it for everyday wear, leaving more expensive things for special occasions.
    • Durability. In terms of wear resistance, this fur ranks second, second only to the otter. On average, muton clothing is able to maintain its appearance for 10 seasons, provided proper care is taken.

    • Softness. Mouton is very pleasant to the touch. The tactile sensations experienced when touching it are compared with those that arise when touching velvet and silk.
    • High pile density. Thanks to this quality, fur coats made of this fur are not cold even in severe frosts.
    • Moisture resistance. Due to the formalin processing of raw materials, products made from it are not afraid of precipitation.
    • Aesthetics. This outerwear looks great.

    Muton has no significant drawbacks. Among the relative disadvantages are:

    • The use of formalin in the productionfur coats. This is not the most environmentally friendly procedure. For this reason, in European countries, the production of products from this fur is prohibited.
    • Roughness. Mouton will forever remain an ignoble type of fur, and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to look luxurious in clothes made of it. Products from this fur are more suitable for everyday wear than for special occasions.

    The disadvantages of sheepskin also include the need for careful operation, features of care and storage. However, they are also inherent in mink, and sable, and astrakhan, and muskrat products.

    Mouton coat colors

    Sheep fur has an inexpressive color, so it is usually dyed. The color range of sheepskin products is diverse - from pastel to bright shades. The most popular fur coats of natural colors - black, white, brown.

    Mouton is often combined with other materials. Things with leather elements look beautiful and unusual. Finishing - collar and cuffs - can be from other fur, such as mink.

    Care of products from a muton

    In order for clothes made from this fur to last as long as possible, while maintaining a beautiful appearance, you need to properly care for it:

    • Do not attach brooches and other jewelry to the fur coat. Sharp objects can ruin a fairly delicate pile.
    • Do not carry bags on your shoulder. In the place of constant friction of the belt, the pile will take over, peel off, and it will not be possible to restore it.
    • Avoid contact with perfumes and cosmetics. Under their influence, it will become dull.
    • Dry clothes naturally on wooden hangers away from heaters. Do not attempt to speed up drying by using a hair dryer. Mouton does not like high temperatures.
    • Upon returning home, shake the clothes and hang them on wooden coat hangers.
    • Do not wash the product from the muton. Under the influence of moisture, it is deformed, and it will not be possible to restore it.
    • Do not wear fur clothing in wet weather. Despite the formalin impregnation, exposure to moisture on this fur is undesirable.

    • Store the product in a special breathable case, periodically airing it in a cool, dark place. When storing, you need to take into account that the muton, like any other type of fur, loves space, lack of bright light and coolness. If the fur coat hangs close to other clothes, the pile will take over. High humidity and air temperature can adversely affect the quality of the muton.
    • Before storing a fur product, take it to a dry cleaner or clean it yourself using special products.

    With the onset of cold weather, one important task arises: to find decent, high-quality and stylish outerwear that will become the base in your wardrobe. Mouton fur coats are a worthy specimen that combines functionality, sophisticated appearance, and an abundance of styles. Among them there are both classic and trendy for the latest weeks of fashion in major capitals.

    Such a fur product has long occupied the highest positions in the ranking of women's outerwear. Mouton fur coats are suitable for building perfect evening looks, as well as for comfortable wear every day. The optimal combination of price and quality allows you to choose even more than one copy for the upcoming winter season to look especially stunning!

    Mouton fur coats: whose wool is used?

    The word "muton" in Russian sounds like "ram". Accordingly, the woolen cover of this particular animal is used for the manufacture of fur coats, hats, and various accessories. As a result, the finished fur coat looks exactly the same as from mink or sable. Sheep suitable for "shearing" are bred only in Austria and New Zealand, this is a certain breed of animal.

    What stages of processing does the muton fur go through?

        • The animal must be young and healthy, these moments are carefully controlled by breeders on farms. After all, its condition plays a key role as a raw material: it must be very tender, completely soft, easy to process.
        • To obtain this winter outfit, a layer of wool about 7-10 cm long is sheared from sheep and rams with the help of technical devices. It allows you to gently carry out the procedure without injuring the skin, without damaging the coat.

      • Future fur coat passes the stage of mezdreniya - that is, cleaning from dust, dirt, and other defects.
      • Then the raw material is placed in a large drum, which rotates for several hours in a row. After that, a silky and shiny, completely even coat is obtained - ideal for the future winter outfit that every fashionista dreams of!
      • This is followed by processing with special compounds that provide the Mouton product with high moisture resistance even in heavy rain.
      • The final stage is colorization. With the help of modern pigments, you can get absolutely any shade of the finished product. Some buyers seek to take possession of a fur product of an exclusively natural color.
      • A fur coat from a muton acquires its signature luster with a satin sheen thanks to special polishing techniques on special equipment.

    Charming girls look chic and stylish in a fur coat made of this fur. Comparing the price of this product with other types of outerwear, you can notice an advantageous feature.

    Fur cost

    • sable - from 300 thousand to 1 million rubles;
    • chinchilla - from 500 thousand to 1.4 million rubles;
    • marten - 150 thousand rubles;
    • muton - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

    With such a significant savings in money, you will be able to purchase an incredibly comfortable and practical winter outfit.

    8 reasons to buy a fur coat from a muton

      1. The finished product has an incredibly attractive appearance: the fur glistens in the rays of light, shimmers with different shades, each hair is visible in great detail and allows you to enjoy its softest texture.
      2. Thanks to the energy-efficient properties of sheepskin, a muton fur coat is very warm. It withstands piercing cold winds, snowfalls, and severe frosts, reliably protecting with its warmth.
      3. The operational life with timely and thorough care is at least 5-10 years. This is due to the special structure of the hairs, they are very dense and firmly seated in the core.
      4. In the durability rating, the Mouton fur coat takes second place after the otter skin! This is an undeniable benefit if you plan to use the product daily.

    1. The fur lends itself perfectly to various types of processing: glossing, dyeing. At the same time, absolutely all of its positive characteristics are preserved in the form of elasticity, shine, well-groomed appearance and softness.
    2. Durability is also the trump card of this fur outfit. The fur does not wear out in the most vulnerable places, remaining whole and beautiful.
    3. It does not get wet at all even in heavy rain thanks to the use of innovative impregnations.
    4. An affordable price is an opportunity to purchase a stylish version of a fur coat without significant expenses from the family budget.

    The only disadvantage of this type of winter clothing is its significant weight. This is directly related to the naturalness of the material and the significant area of ​​the finished product.

    How to care for a natural fur coat from a muton?

    • You should choose a hanger according to the size of the product. It must be made exclusively from wood.
    • The storage location must be stable low temperature and low humidity.
    • The coat cover must be made of woven material. Storage of natural fur in polyethylene is not allowed.
    • Mouton wool quickly absorbs odors. It is advisable not to be in smoky rooms or places with unpleasant odors.
    • At the end of each season, don't forget to take your favorite outerwear to the dry cleaners.

    1. A fur coat made of faux fur can be easily distinguished from natural fur by the degree of softness of the wool and the degree of its wrinkling. Run your hand in different directions along the canvas: if the villi quickly straighten and take their original position, the fur coat is natural.
    2. Fur villi should be evenly distributed and shiny. The density is necessarily uniform, because this is the future guarantee of good thermal insulation characteristics.
    3. Squeeze the fur coat in your hand: if there is no wool left in the palm of your hand, and the surface quickly takes on its primary shape, the hairs sit tight and the product will last a long time.
    4. There should be no extraneous crunching or rustling during the palpation of clothes. This may be a signal that during the manufacturing process, the mezdra was overdried and became significantly thinner.

    If you are looking for a beautiful and stylish muton fur coat, then you have come to the right place. In our boutique of fur products, there are certainly high-quality items from leading manufacturers that can satisfy the most demanding taste.

    A muton is a specially treated sheepskin treated with formalin, which “preserves” wool hairs. Mouton comes from the French word mouton and means sheepskin, ram, valukh.

    Mouton is 100% natural fur of natural origin, which provides the best protection against cold, wind, moisture and other weather conditions, allows you to maintain body temperature and protect against physical environmental influences.

    Mouton gained popularity due to the positive properties of fur. Mouton is a soft, durable and very practical material. Differs in fine gloss, ease, elasticity and is not exposed to rolling at daily carrying. For a long time, it retains an excellent appearance, the pile does not break or deform.

    Sheepskin fur villi create a natural air layer and support air circulation, which has a positive effect on the microclimate of the body, retains heat, preventing freezing at the lowest temperatures, in harsh climates.

    What is a muton made of?

    Australian merino- a breed of fine-fleeced sheep, bred in Australia. Merino wool is a fine-fleeced wool, less than 24 microns thick, sheared from the withers of sheep grown in special nurseries in Australia and New Zealand.

    Useful properties of merino wool have been known to mankind for a long time. The ancient Scots wore clothes made from this wool by heating it over steam. Now it looks a little strange, because wearing wet clothes is uncomfortable even in summer. The fact is that a little wet merino wool becomes hygroscopic. It is able to absorb up to 33% of moisture from its volume, heating up to the temperature of the human body and remaining not blown. In Spain, products made of merino wool were intended only for the royal court, export outside the state was punishable by death. Widespread industrial use began only at the end of the 18th century, when the British managed to smuggle merinos to Australia.

    Merino wool is an excellent thermoregulator, retaining a large mass of air inside a high layer of fibers. Maintains a constant body temperature without overheating. At the same time, it absorbs moisture from excessive perspiration and provides perfect ventilation. It is also worth noting the medicinal properties. Products made of merino wool provide micro-massage that improves blood circulation. Recommended for rheumatic diseases, arthritis, back and spinal pain. In addition, merino wool is very elastic - even if the product is stretched by 30%, it returns to its previous shape. Due to this property, merino wool products are considered very durable.

    Australia and New Zealand are famous for their pastures and sheep farming. Therefore, raw materials are purchased there, which are manufactured in Russia using a special technology. The Australian Mouton is the fur of an Australian breed of sheep. Manufacturers have long noticed that the skins and fur of this breed compares favorably with others. The skin (dermis) is much thinner than that of sheep raised in Russia. In addition, Australian fur is thinner and more pleasant to the touch. This is due to the fact that in Australia the climate is much milder than ours.

    Russian fur is also suitable for the production of clothing. Sheepskin coats, hats, shoes, capes on sofas and carpets are sewn from it. However, sheepskin coats and hats are not of such good quality, due to the denser dermis. Therefore, many manufacturers around the world have long switched to Australian fur.

    Mouton production technology

    The production of a muton is a Russian technology, therefore, muton products are sewn only in Russia. Russian specialists with the help of imported equipment dress, dye, and sew mouton fur coats. Abroad, the muton is not produced because of the smell of formalin, which is released during the processing of skins, this is considered a harmful production.

    In factories, for the production of a muton, the wool of dressed sheepskins is carefully sheared, leaving the required length of pile, then, when tanned, raw sheepskins are treated with a preservative solution of formalin, carefully processing each hair so that the fur acquires extraordinary softness and shine. Thanks to this treatment, the fur material becomes resistant to moisture and mechanical damage.

    They also produce deep staining or toning, since the natural color of the material is not very beautiful. The fur acquires a “noble”, rich color and attractive appearance. The color of the painted muton can vary from snow white to jet black. There are about two dozen shades, the most common color of the muton is black and brown.

    Mouton coats - a budget option

    Thanks to the rich color range of finished products, even the most fastidious customers can make a choice. The excellent compatibility of the muton with other furs allows you to create dozens of different fur products, of various styles and models, for both young people and women of any age.

    Mouton - has high strength and excellent wear resistance, resistant to precipitation - wet snow, wind. Mouton products are unpretentious in care, they are easy to clean with a regular damp handkerchief. The Russian muton is designed for a service life of 5-7 years. If you follow the storage rules, Australian Mouton fur products will last up to 10 years.

    Mouton products are the perfect balance of beauty, style, warmth and convenience. Mouton fur coats are elegant, comfortable, practical, durable. This fur perfectly retains heat, perfectly resists moisture and is very wearable. It is light, elastic and does not roll even with daily wear. And the muton is a great alternative to expensive furs. The main advantage of this fur is its affordability. Any woman who dreams of practical, warm and very beautiful winter clothes can afford to buy a product from a muton.

    Mouton coat is a budget, economical option available to every fashionista. Prices for fur coats from a muton are much lower and more affordable compared to similar products made from mink, beaver, chinchilla fur. Mouton products are leaders in the winter outerwear market in the CIS countries.

    Miraculous sheepskin fur

    Sheepskin fur has excellent heat-shielding properties, practicality and versatility, does not get wet under the influence of moisture. Products made of natural sheepskin are very warm, provide air circulation, this eliminates the "greenhouse effect", that is, they allow the body to breathe. The wear resistance of sheepskin products is 55% of the accepted standard, so a fur coat or hat will be worn for at least 6 seasons.

    Previously, underweight children were placed on sheepskin bedding. On sheepskins, children quickly calmed down and cried less. Plus the complete absence of allergies. Similar experiments have been carried out at home with normal children - with the same excellent results.

    Sheepskin fur contributes to the faster development of the baby in external conditions, it does not lose heat and always remains dry. Provides effective prevention of colds and infectious diseases. Sheepskin warms the child, soothes, improves blood circulation, as a result of which it relieves abdominal pain in a child suffering from gases. Normalizes intracranial pressure - the cause of headaches, anxiety, poor sleep and appetite, improves blood circulation and microcirculation, and improves muscle tone. In the future, children who were on lamb skins in the first months of life are much less likely to suffer from viral and bacterial diseases.

    Sheepskin in modern fashion

    The well-known phrase “Sheepskin is not worth the candle” is not about sheepskin fur, which is very popular, despite its centuries-old age and competition among more fluffy relatives. Sheepskin coats or "Siberian sheepskin coats", as they are called in the West, are fashionable, comfortable and practical everyday clothes.

    Fashionable sheepskin coats and sheepskin coats are also relevant, only the style has changed slightly. They are beautiful, warm and comfortable, with a high, voluminous collar or with a turn-down double collar. The length can be both short and extended to the knees.

    It is preferable to choose sheepskin products in brown - chocolate, cream, sand. But the color scheme may not be limited to one shade and amaze the imagination with the play of a wide variety of tones, from snow-white to blue.

    Short sheepskin jackets with a large fox or polar fox collar look very stylish. Also expressive are short military-style aviator jackets, decorated with leather straps and metal details.

    Shearling sheepskin coats look great in an ensemble with mini shorts, a pencil skirt, leather trousers and a knitted dress. However, stylists warn: do not overdo it with volume. If the upper part of your silhouette is voluminous, then it is advisable to visually narrow the lower part.

    Sheepskin production

    Sheepskin is a skin taken from an adult sheep and young animals older than 6 months. The structure of sheepskin wool is characterized by a thin epidermis. The dermis consists of thin fibers intertwined in a horizontal direction. The boundary between the papillary and reticular layers of the dermis is quite clear. The papillary layer is usually thicker than the reticular layer. Sheepskin leather and fur have low strength, especially the front layer of the skin, strong ductility, high friability and water permeability. Mereya leather made from sheepskin has evenly scattered small pores and a fairly smooth surface.

    According to the structure of the hairline, sheep are distinguished on: fine-wooled, semi-fine-wooled, semi-coarse-wooled and coarse-wooled.

    Sheepskin is a mass type of fur raw material. There are three groups of sheepskin: fur, fur coat and leather.

    In fur production, fine-fleeced, semi-fine-fleeced, fine-fleeced-coarse-wooled sheep are used, with homogeneous or heterogeneous semi-coarse wool with a significant content of fluff. Which have a secondary hairline, which consists of thin, thick hair (staple fleece). It contains up to 35% fat from the mass of the fleece, which gives the hair a yellowish tint. The hairline of fine-fleeced and semi-fine-fleeced sheep consists mainly of downy hair. The fleece of semi-coarse-wooled sheep contains transitional and guard hairs. According to the height of the hairline, the sheepskin is divided into wool (over 5 cm), semi-woolen (from 2 to 5 cm) and bean (up to 2 cm).

    Depending on the breed and quality of the hairline, sheep are divided into types- Russian, steppe, Mongolian, Romanov. Fur sheepskin is used for the manufacture of women's and children's coats, men's and women's collars, hats, while the hairline is turned outward. Fur coat sheepskin is used for sheepskin coats. Sometimes covered with a film for a waterproof effect.

    In sheepskin and fur coat production, coarse-wool sheep are used, with heterogeneous, mixed wool with a length of at least 1.5 cm. From fur coat sheepskin, after dressing and dyeing, naked products are made - sheepskin coats, sheepskin coats, jackets. At the same time, the skin part of the sheepskin (mezdra) is turned outward, and the wool cover is turned inward. The skins of sheep of the Romanov breed are most suitable for sheepskin and fur coat production, especially at the age of 5-8 months. The ratio of the amount of down and guard hairs in the wool of the Romanov sheep prevents felting and ensures the preservation of the curl during wear, which gives it good heat-shielding properties.

    In the leather industry, sheep skins are used, which, in terms of the quality of the hairline, do not meet the requirements of fur and sheepskin coat production. Sheep skins used for making leather are divided into 4 groups:

    Russian, includes the skins of all coarse-haired breeds of sheep, with the exception of fat-tailed ones. Suitable for the production of chrome-tanned leather for shoe uppers - chevret.

    Steppe, include the skins of fat-tailed and adult Karakul sheep. The skins are very fatty, so the skins are loose, viscous and have a weak fragrant (easily crushed, detachable) front layer. Haberdashery, lining and mitten leather are produced from them.


    Sheepskin-golyak is fine-wooled.

    Depending on the origin of sheep and the method of dressing, there are many names for sheepskin: smushka, lambskin, shank, moire, klyam, webbing and others.

    Golyak, moire, klam- skins of unborn lambs of coarse-wooled sheep. The hairline has barely begun to develop, with a smooth moire pattern. Klam with a taller hairline (maybe from a 1-2-day-old lamb). It is used for the manufacture of women's coats, jackets, clothing trim.

    Smushka - skin of a lamb of smushka breeds at the age of 2-4 days. The hairline is soft, slightly shiny with loose curls. Used for various fur products.

    Merlushka - skin of a lamb under the age of 1 month. Hairline in the form of curls. Used to make coats, jackets, hats, collars, muffs.

    Lyamka or slink - skins of newborn lambs of semi-coarse-wool and fine-fleeced breeds of sheep. White dense hairline. There are skins in which the ends of the hair are twisted in the form of a ring or peas. They are made cut with a hair height of 0.6-1.6 cm. The skins are similar to broadtail, but have a smaller curl and can be used on both sides. The size of slink skins does not exceed 25 sq.dm. Used for sewing demi-season children's coats, hats, collars.

    Merino is a breed of fine-fleeced sheep, the fur of which is valued more than others. For the production of sheepskin material, Spanish merino is mainly used, since it has the thinnest and most elastic leather. The skins of the Spanish merino are not large, the average size is 55-65 sq.dm. Merino fur is soft and silky. Merino sheepskin coats are light, comfortable and very warm at the same time. Since the color of this breed of sheep is white, merino sheepskin material can be of any color and with various treatments and coatings of leather fabric.

    Merinillo is the skins of merino lambs aged 4-5 months. Compared to merino, these skins are lighter and more delicate, but they have one drawback - their size is no more than 35 sq.dm.

    Tuscany is a tanned material made from Tuscan lamb, which takes its name from the name of a region in Italy. This breed is also grown in Spain. Tuscan skins are small, on average 35-40 sq.dm. This is the warmest type of sheepskin material, since the hair of this lamb is not sheared, its length varies between 4-5 cm. Sheepskin coats made of Tuscany skins do not require additional decoration with valuable furs, since the fur of this lamb itself looks chic.

    Tigrado is a sheepskin coat of lambs with pronounced curly fur. The length of the pile of tigrado skins is 4-5 cm, the size of the skins is 35-40 sq.dm. Sheepskin coats have good elasticity, lightness and high warming characteristics. Recently, the fashion for tigrado has increased, due to its ethnic character.

    Rosado (Rozado) - Skins of lambs of the Tuscan breed with a fur cut height of 5 - 6 mm. This is a thin, delicate, plastic and warm sheepskin, which allows the clothing designer to embody the most daring ideas.

    Intrefino (Intrefino). This sheepskin coat is characterized by subtlety and elegance. Sheepskin coats sewn from it always look very elegant, neat and beautiful. For its manufacture, the skin of a sheep is used, due to which a recognizable texture is formed and a “warm atmosphere” is created. No matter how bad the weather is on the street, you will always look very stylish in a sheepskin coat made of this material.

    Mouton (fr. mouton ram, valukh, sheepskin) is a sheepskin dressed in a special way. Mouton is a very unpretentious fur, resistant to wet snow and wind. For its production, the skins are processed with formalin, due to which each hair is "preserved" and becomes resistant to influences. The skins from which the muton is made are of Australian origin.

    Astragan (a kind of muton). This type of fur is a sheepskin of a special grade (highest quality) of special processing. To obtain "Astragan", modern methods of processing a semi-finished fur product (sheepskin) are used. For the visual effect of "Astragan" a sheepskin with a strong curl of hair and densely stuffed down is needed. The hairline of the fur is cut much shorter than the haircut of an ordinary muton. Due to the curl of the hair, with a short fur cut (0.5 -0.7 cm), an effect is obtained that is visually similar to broadtail. Astragan is much lighter than a regular muton. In terms of heat-saving properties, it is not inferior to an ordinary muton. In terms of wearability, this material greatly exceeds the usual muton, because thanks to a short haircut, the hair does not roll down and the fur coat from this type of fur does not lose its excellent appearance for at least 3 years of its active use. Products from astragan are on average 30% more expensive than similar fur coats and products from muton.

    When processing sheep skins, the most modern technical means and technologies are used, so all the positive properties of sheepskin are doubled and tripled. Sheep skins go through several stages of processing: drying, degreasing the skin, softening, first warm-up, drying, second warm-up, second drying, combing, grinding, knocking out. Sheepskin becomes soft, plastic, light, a little rough to the touch.

    The history of sheepskin from antiquity to the present

    Sheepskin fur has the most ancient and amazing history. Starting from the primitive man, the domestication of animals, the processing of animal skins for clothes and sleeping beds, the development of furriery and to the present day.

    From time immemorial, sheepskin fur has been valued as an unsurpassed versatile material with a lot of positive characteristics. Biblical heroes wrapped their children in sheepskins to keep them warm and dry. The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt were the first to develop a special technology for processing sheepskin, they knew a lot about luxury and had a refined taste. And the inhabitants of Ancient Rome, addicted to a beautiful and comfortable life, borrowed from them the method of processing sheepskin.

    A domestic sheep is an extremely shy, obedient and meek animal. Maybe it was the sheep that was one of the first tamed animals. In the myths and legends of many peoples, herds and flocks of sheep are often mentioned, which accompanied people everywhere, arriving as sources of milk, meat, wool and sheep skins. Sheep skin served people for sewing clothes and shoes.

    Since ancient times, rams, sheep and lambs have been sacrificed to various deities. Then people did not yet know about a single God, but worshiped many deities. There was an opinion that there are heavenly and underground gods. A white sheep was sacrificed to the heavenly gods, and a black sheep was given to the gods of the dungeons. In ancient Greek legends, it is said that the bed of Zeus was covered with the skin of a white sheep.

    In all the books of the Old Testament, sheep are mentioned much more often than other domestic animals. The image of a sheep is also present in many New Testament parables of Jesus Christ. A more useful and convenient pet for mankind simply cannot be found. These wonderful animals continue to benefit people to this day.

    About 3,000 years ago, northern peoples began to use sheep skins to make clothes. If before this period, the skins were practically not dressed and worn like capes with slits for the head, then from that moment the era of using practical and comfortable clothes began. Sheepskin is a unique material that, due to its natural qualities - elasticity, softness, low thermal conductivity, has become an indispensable raw material for the manufacture of vests, capes, hats and shoes.

    In the old days, skins were made in haste, without the use of tannins. The skins were salted, dried, and clothes and shoes acquired the necessary softness in the process of wearing. Light leather shoes made of rawhide sheepskin without soles were worn by the inhabitants of the mountains, in places with fairly dry summers.

    In the Caucasus, in Abkhazia and Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia, soft leather boots have been sewn from sheep's skin since ancient times. These were "elite" boots for wealthy persons close to the princes. For these boots, the skin was specially dressed, the wool was removed from it. Such men's boots, almost unchanged, today can be seen in museums and artists of modern folklore ensembles of the peoples of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia.

    In Armenia and Georgia, peasants sewed vests and capes from whole sheepskin, with a slit for the head and without sleeves. Such clothes were worn with fur outside - the special fatty composition of sheepskin wool made it waterproof. There are also popular special hats made of sheepskin, high and with long wool.

    The harsh climatic conditions of living in our country make fur clothes and shoes an essential necessity. From time immemorial in Russia they wore clothes made from fur coats and sheepskins. Short fur coats, sheepskin coats, shower jackets, due to their practicality and heat-shielding properties, were widespread everywhere. Therefore, a significant part of the population was engaged in furrier's tailoring of sheepskin coats. By the beginning of the 20th century, 18 million people were employed in the clothing industry. In the future, the intensive development of light industry led to the construction of large factories. The craft has become a working specialty for furriers.

    There was a misconception that sheepskin products are purely plebeian clothing, which was intended only for "a dark, illiterate and poor people." On the part of the nobility, sheepskin products were subjected to contempt and ridicule, against the backdrop of luxurious fur stoles and floor-length fur coats made of expensive sable furs.

    Before the revolution, persons of royal blood willingly wore Russian coats and sheepskin coats. Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich in 1868 accepted with pleasure a gift from the hands of Altai merchants - a sheepskin coat. And in 1870, the Siberian sheepskin was highly appreciated by the commission for the organization of the All-Russian Exhibition and the Society for the Encouragement of Russian Industry and Trade.

    Sheepskin fur has always been the most affordable type of fur for every peasant, because sheep were found in every yard and were not a curiosity. In Russian villages, they sewed long tanned coats and jackets with fur inside - that is, sheepskin coats. A sheepskin coat is an old piece of peasant wardrobe, which is a wraparound coat worn with sheepskin fur inside. The sheepskin coat got its name because of the special type of dressing - reinforced tanning gives the skin super strength and one of the quality features is invariably - the upright collar.

    Starting from the 20s and ending with the 50s of the 20th century in the USSR, sheepskins, on the one hand - sheared, and on the other - tanned, were used in the production of military uniforms and uniforms. Sheepskin clothes were worn almost all year round. Depending on the weather conditions, sheepskin is able to conduct or retain heat, as well as repel or retain moisture. The military, pilots and sailors wore sheepskin clothes during the two world wars.

    Sheepskin coats entered the pan-European fashion after the Second World War. Sheepskin coats were worn by members of the legendary band The Beatles and the leader of the famous band The Doors, and after them - almost the entire generation of hippies of the 70s of the XX century. In the wake of hippie fashion, Afghan embroidered sheepskin coats trimmed with Mongolian llama fur became popular. By the 80s, sheepskin coats had become familiar, comfortable and inexpensive clothing. In 1994, with the return of the fashion of the 70s, designers again turned their attention to sheepskin. The golden sheepskin coat with white fur, in which Janet Jackson starred in the Scream video, became a hit.

    Practical sheepskin on fashion runways

    Karl Lagerfeld in the Chanel collection offered dresses made of sheepskin of the finest dressing. Alexander McQueen showed suits made of sheepskin in his collection, and the Emanuel Ungaro collection reflected the chic of the 70s in the thinnest sheepskin coats in all colors of the rainbow with raw edges. An ensemble of tanned leather appeared in the Kenzo collection - a coat and a skirt with a blouse. In London, Tristan Webber, always wary of fur, presented bright coats made from small pieces of sheepskin in the autumn collection, and in Milan everyone remembered the gilded sheepskin coat from Iceberg and tanned handbags from Ruffo. Josefus Thimister, who created clothes from sheepskin for Balenciaga, and Miuccia Prada, who in the autumn-winter collection of 2007 for Prada appeared in a dozen looks with dyed sheepskin with incredibly soft pile, contributed to the popularization of this material.

    The real excitement around sheepskin has risen thanks to the efforts of Burberry creative director Christopher Bailey. For the first time in a long time, sheepskin clothing appears in the Burberry Prorsum collection in the fall of 2009: a gray sheepskin coat is sewn from it, which actress Keira Knightley will wear shortly after the show. After some time, Christopher Bailey also presents the autumn pre-collection of Burberry Prorsum with men's and women's sheepskin jackets. But the real must-haves are clothes made from dressed sheepskin after the Burberry Prorsum FW 2010 collection. models.

    After the end of the autumn-winter 2010 season shows, it becomes obvious that sheepskin will become one of the main trends. Short jackets, similar to pilot jackets, appear in the collections of Phillip Lim, Adam, Giles, Just Cavalli and Rodarte. Shearling coats just above the knee show Barbara Bui, Donna Karan, Hermes, Marc Jacobs and Rag & Bone. Acne and Celine sew a voluminous coat from sheepskin, and Max Mara - a floor-length sheepskin coat.

    Sheepskin has always been needed by designers as a kind of auxiliary material. From the skin of a sheep it was possible to sew a bag, boots or a hat. Paul & Joe trim bags in sheepskin, Kenzo in ankle boots, Rodarte in collars, and Pringle of Scotland in shirts. Hussein Chalayan make a binocular case out of sheepskin. This trend was successfully copied by the mass market: Topshop jackets are reminiscent of Burberry Prorsum and Richard Krakoff, H&M coats hint at Etro, Uniqlo are similar to Adam and Roberto Cavalli, Oasis make sheepskin vests, Bershka, Zara and New Look trim shoes and accessories.

    Sheepskin instantly hits the blogs: Tommy Tone lists a vintage Balenciaga jacket as his favorite piece of the season, Hanneli Mustaparta is seen in a Maison Martin Margiela coat, a simple sheepskin jacket, and Wendy Lau prefers an H&M jacket. Models Lindsey Wixson, Abby Lee and Anastasia Selezneva do not lag behind them, hurrying to auditions in cardigans and coats decorated with sheep's wool. Combined with a floor-length knitted dress, a wide-brimmed hat and a hobo bag, short sheepskin coats epitomize bohemian chic.

    To date, many methods have been developed for processing sheepskin, with the help of which the skin becomes soft and light and, at the same time, dense enough to protect from the cold and itself be protected from premature spoilage.

    You often hear the word muton in all its various variations and forms. Mouton, fur coats from muton and so on. And if you think about it, what is a muton? Can you answer this question?

    And we will try ... to talk about this topic ...

    What is or who is a muton?

    Attempts to find the word muton (in relation to the fur coat industry or type of fur) in dictionaries were crowned with its complete absence in them. The only thing that was found and can be considered a reliable source is the meaning of this word: a muton is a unit of mutation, i.e. the smallest section of a gene, the change of which leads to the emergence of a new (mutant) form of a given organism. The term "muton" was proposed in 1957 by the American geneticist S. Benzer to characterize a certain function of a gene.

    But how does this apply to the fur industry? What are fur coats from a muton now after these buzzwords? What, my fur coat is mutating? Most likely this word has a different meaning and a different story.

    Another historical variation on the muton theme. The word muton comes to us from the French language and has the meaning (in translation) - a ram. And the ram in the animal kingdom is not far from the sheep, from which this fur is made, subsequently using it as the name of the type of fur from which fur coats, short fur coats, coats and jackets, as well as all kinds of other products are made. Appropriate conclusions can be drawn....

    The word muton, generally accepted in the modern lexicon, is called fur material, which in another interpretation is called specially processed (ennobled) sheepskin. The next question arises - what is a sheepskin?

    What is sheepskin?

    Sheepskin, she's a sheep. If we turn to the Big and Heavy Encyclopedia (in 3 volumes), then we can read there: a sheep, a domestic artiodactyl ruminant animal of the bovid family. The sheep originated from wild mountain sheep (mouflons and argali). It is bred for the sake of meat, wool, milk, skins - astray, sheepskin). The fecundity of a sheep is approximately 100-245 lambs per 100 queens.

    Sheep breeding is sheep breeding, a branch of animal husbandry that has several directions: fine-fleeced, semi-fine-fleeced, semi-coarse and coarse-wooled. The rough-haired direction consists of fur coat, fur coat, meat-wool, meat-wool dairy.

    The main areas of sheep breeding in Russia: the Volga region, the North Caucasus. Sheep breeding is also developed in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. More than 80 breeds and breed groups are bred. Breeds that are most common: Soviet Merino, Altai, Askanian, Stavropol, Gypsy, North Caucasian, Karakul, Romanov, Edilbaev. Abroad, sheep breeding is most developed in Australia, Argentina, New Zealand, the United States of America, Great Britain.

    Muton history...

    From some sources, we learned that the muton (a cheap material when compared with mink fur or other types of noble and expensive varieties) was invented in Germany by specialists in the leather and fur industry. They, in search of a cheaper replacement for expensive types of fur, developed a method for dressing sheepskin in a special way, after which it became similar in almost all visual characteristics to mink fur.

    Since then, the production of these not very expensive, but practical fur coats from a muton, which today occupy a large part of the Russian fur market from Vladivostok to Moscow, has gone on since then.

    Compared to other countries, Russia is a northern country, where winter temperatures sometimes reach -40 degrees Celsius. Such cold weather and small earnings of a large part of the population made it possible for Mouton fur coats to win the love of our dear ladies.

    With special attention, we want to say that today, in the Caucasian Mineral Waters, there are the largest manufacturers of products from muton, and Pyatigorsk, probably, can rightly be called the capital of the fur business, since Pyatigorsk fur coats make up a colossal volume of all fur coats from muton in Russia .

    How many fur coats from a muton "walk"?

    On average, a muton fur coat lasts up to 5 seasons. But with correct operation and storage conditions of the product, you will be able to carry a muton fur coat for up to 9-10 seasons.

    What are the advantages of a muton fur coat over other furs?

    Mouton fur coats are not afraid of wet snow and, in some cases, rain. To achieve such characteristics of the resistance of the fur to its wear, the sheepskin is treated with formalin. With this treatment, each hair "gains strength", and the fur becomes resistant to moisture.

    Where to store a muton fur coat?

    Like any item from a home wardrobe, a fur coat from a muton should be stored in a closet, avoiding direct sunlight on it and on the closet. You can not store a fur coat on wire hangers, which can affect it and it will deform. Hangers should be strong, preferably made of wood and wide. Also, the closet should be spacious so that the fur can "breathe". If you create "comfortable" conditions in which your fur coat will spend the warm season, it will most directly affect its service life.

    If you have something to say or add to the above - leave your comments or feedback.

    Agata Vasnetsova

    Style is a way of saying who you are without using words.


    The modern market offers a huge range of winter outerwear to choose from. Mouton fur coats with a beautiful style are very popular - when choosing such products, the finish, which must be of high quality, is of no small importance. When choosing a fur coat, many buyers are scared by prices, but fluffy mouton fur is relatively inexpensive and at the same time perfectly retains its original presentability.

    What is a muton

    When planning to replenish your winter wardrobe with a women's fur coat from a muton, first find out what it is. So, a mouton (fr. mouton - a ram) is a valuable sheepskin dressing, which has undergone a special development. The advantages of muton products are that they are distinguished by good smoothness and combing, silkiness and increased shine of the hairline. You can buy fur coats from a muton today in any specialized online store with delivery by mail, regardless of whether you are in Moscow, St. Petersburg or another city.

    How to make fur coats from a muton

    The cost of muton outerwear is an order of magnitude less than analogues made from mink, fox, beaver, etc. Its diversity is simply amazing, because in stores you can find not only fur coats from a muton, but also coats and jackets. As for the manufacturing process of the material, to begin with, they take an ordinary sheepskin and cut its hairs to a size of at least 1 cm. Thanks to this, the women's fur coat becomes more beautiful and looks like plush, then:

    1. The material is subjected to a special treatment with formalin, which makes it more wearable and moisture resistant.
    2. Then the ennobled sheepskin is dyed, resulting in a presentable and relatively inexpensive fur.
    3. In the end, a number of specialists intervene to create a style, make patterns, hem the right places, etc.

    What to wear with a mouton coat

    Before you opt for long or short models, models with a large collar or a leather belt, check out a few fashionable looks. Having decided in advance on the appropriate style, you can make the best purchase. In this case, it is better not to save much. Buy a really high-quality thing that will keep you warm in the cold season and will not lose its presentable appearance for a long time. You can save on the purchase by opting for an inexpensive artificial option. Options for wearing fur products from a muton:

    • A large palette of shades is suitable for a black fur coat, which is the most common and interesting to many. First of all, these are any pastel colors, white and gray. Such saturated shades as catchy red, green, blue, and blue also look beautiful.
    • If you bought a short fur coat that leaves a lot of open clothes, then play on the contrast and pick up a few tones that are difficult to combine with each other. For example, a black fur coat, a pastel pink sweater, pale purple jeans and purple boots.
    • A short model is perfect, for example, in bows with a wide or long bottom. It can be a blue knitted skirt or an orange floor-length dress.
    • A light fur coat from a muton can be worn with different saturated shades, black, gray, beige and a variety of pastels.
    • Mouton clothing with a large hood can be worn with a hat. Although, it all depends on the style of the fur coat - if it is lightweight, not for frost, then it can only use a hood.
    • Popular accessories include scarves, gloves and belts. The latter are suitable only for fitted and light models of fur coats. The choice is better to give a belt-elastic band.

    Mouton fur coats

    Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of muton outerwear to choose from, which is an excellent alternative to natural furs. In specialized stores you can find both adult and youth options. Models of fur coats from a muton can have a straight silhouette, semi-fitted, fitted, trapezoidal, etc. - the choice is very wide. Before you buy a fur coat from a muton, go around as many stores as possible, so you will have a chance to get into a promotion or sale.

    Mouton short fur coat

    When planning to buy a fur coat from a muton, first read the pros and cons of this option so that the purchase is optimal. Such winter clothes are practical and affordable. Thanks to the use of a muton, which undergoes a special treatment, the finished products reliably retain heat and have an attractive texture. In addition, shortened models are cheaper. They are light in weight and do not restrict movement, but at the same time provide excellent protection from cold wind and frost. A great buy could be:

    • name: French-P mosaic;
    • price: 9900 rubles;
    • characteristics: length - 100 cm, color - black (others are possible), size - from 40 to 52;
    • pluses: good dressing, good quality, presentable appearance;
    • cons: size no more than 52.

    Mouton fur coats of the Pyatigorsk factory

    Among the fur factories, Pyatigorsk enterprises, which include Annushka, Nika, Yunik, and others, have gained considerable fame. They offer high-quality, attractive and fashionable fur coats from a muton. Their products go through several stages of testing, which completely excludes the possibility of getting low-quality goods to retail and wholesale customers. A variety of products from Pyatigorsk fur factories will satisfy even the most demanding persons. An excellent purchase for you can be:

    • name: Arina from the Pyatigorsk fur factory Annushka;
    • price: from 36000 rubles;
    • characteristics: length - 105/135 cm, silhouette - fitted, fur - sheared Australian muton, side - Italian suede, weight - 1.8-2.5 kg, dimensions - 38-62;
    • pluses: high quality, presentable appearance, wide choice of sizes;
    • cons: it's expensive.

    Sheared muton fur coat

    Sheared muton fur coat, which is distinguished by its aesthetics and softness, has gained particular popularity. With the advent of new technologies for processing sheepskin material, the need for a difficult choice simply disappeared. The thing is that outerwear made of sheared muton not only looks great, but is also quite warm. Some models are suitable even for the coldest winter days. The main thing is to choose a really high-quality product. It is worth a fur coat from a sheared muton relatively inexpensively. You may be interested in a product with a collar and a hidden fastener:

    • name: Fur natural;
    • price: 6900 rubles;
    • characteristics: total length - 81-85 cm, sleeves - 67-69 cm, size - 48, color - brown, neckline - collar, machining - flap, silhouette - extended to the bottom;
    • pluses: affordable cost, comfortable silhouette that will help hide some figure flaws;
    • cons: only one size, belt not included.

    Mouton fur coat with mink

    On sale today you can find a huge selection of models of fur coats, fur coats and other products from the muton. If you are interested in buying something original and more presentable, then take a closer look at the combined option - a mink mink product. True, such a product will not be so cheap. Mouton fur sales are a great way to buy products for less, so try to visit as many stores as possible before making your choice. Straight model knee-length, made in a classic style and complemented by a hood:

    • name: with mink fur T-0013-N;
    • price: 24000 rubles;
    • characteristics: length - 95 cm, dimensions - 42-52, color - black, mink fur on the hood, dyed in the color of the muton, there is a long leather belt;
    • pluses: attractive appearance, excellent style, good workmanship;
    • cons: a small number of sizes, not the most affordable price.


    A fur coat of this type is great for cities where winter pleases with relatively warm days. For the production of lightweight Mouton outerwear, a material is used that is made in most cases from the skins of young lambs. To do this, they are carefully treated with formalin, and then stretched. This reduces the weight of the product, but at the same time its ability to retain heat becomes somewhat lower. To make a lightweight muton fur coat more or less warm, pay attention to the lining. A good buy for you could be:

    • name: Olympia A61;
    • price: 26800 rubles;
    • characteristics: length - 115 cm, color - dark brown, decoration - astrakhan fur, size - from 40 to 50, silhouette - half-trapezium;
    • pluses: neat set-in pockets, the lower part is decorated with astrakhan inserts, pockets and side trimmed with genuine leather;
    • cons: cost, a small number of sizes.


    Mouton products with a hood are popular among women of all ages. Fans of fur clothes prefer them because they are able to reliably protect even in severe frosts. In addition, models with a hood have excellent wearability and an optimal ratio of price and quality. Modern manufacturers and designers offer a wide range of products of this type, made from refined sheepskin. Lovers of wear-resistant things prefer them due to their good functionality. The best purchase would be:

    • name: Janifer 08;
    • price: 8900 rubles;
    • characteristics: length - 76-80 cm, color - brown, there is a hood, type of neckline - with a lapel, sleeve length - 66-68 cm, silhouette - fitted, sizes - 42, 48;
    • pluses: aesthetic appearance, good quality, fitted silhouette, which creates the necessary emphasis on the merits of the figure, acceptable cost;
    • cons: the belt is not included, the minimum size.

    Fur coats from the Australian muton

    If you have not yet decided on a purchase, you can order outerwear made from Australian muton. Manufacturers have long noticed that the fur and skins of this breed favorably differ from many others. The skin (dermis) of Australian breed sheep is much smaller than that of sheep that are raised in Russia. In addition to this, Australian fur is more pleasant to the touch and thinner - this is due to the fact that the climate in Australia is much milder than in Russia. A fur coat from a muton of this type is expensive:

    • name: Athena of the Beryozka factory;
    • price: 30210 rubles;
    • characteristics: materials - stand and top made of mink, bottom made of Australian muton, length - 80 cm, color - dark chocolate, sizes - 38-52;
    • pluses: attractiveness, good workmanship, finishes, design;
    • cons: high cost.

    How to choose a muton fur coat

    Buying Mouton winter clothes requires a serious and competent approach. The main task is to evaluate the fur from which it is made. The rules are almost identical to most other types of fur. First of all, you will need to carefully inspect the surface of the clothing. Even if there are small flaws, immediately abandon the model and continue the search. Also pay attention to other criteria:

    • Smell the mouton coat. If the smell is weak, then it can be weathered, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to cope with a strong one.
    • Assess the quality of the paint. To do this, take a white handkerchief and walk it over the surface of the clothes. If the paint is bad or the technology has not been followed, then the scarf will slightly turn into the color of muton fur.
    • Pay attention to the dressing. Squeeze the edge and see how fast it unfolds. Really high-quality muton fur does it instantly.
    • The hairs should not be pulled out, and during stroking against the pile, they should not break or prick.
    • Inspect the outwardly invisible parts of the product, where sometimes low-quality manufacturers try to hide the marriage.
    • Check out the inside of the fur. Make sure the seams are well stitched, not taped and slightly raised.
    • Rub the inside of the mezra. If you hear a dry rustle, then the skin is most likely overdried - it should not be so.
    • Do not forget about insulation and lining - this is very important, because. otherwise, you may start to get cold or have to change the lining after a few years.
    • At the end, try on the model you are interested in and make sure that its style and silhouette fit the features of your figure.
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