• It's fun to go to work after the New Year holidays. Going to work after the New Year holidays: your legs don’t carry you to work... What will you achieve


    Noisy New Year's feasts, pre-New Year's corporate parties, friendly meetings during the holiday holidays - there are times when nothing comes in as handy as a good New Year's anecdote or joke. And if you are a born actor and comedian, do not deny the audience the pleasure of laughing heartily and recharging yourself good mood. Mister Christmas wishes everyone a merry New Year and hopes that our selection of New Year's jokes will cause a lot of smiles and uncontrollable laughter.

    Gifts should be purchased at the last minute to avoid crowding among people who decide to buy gifts in advance to avoid crowding.

    Dad, guess which train is the most late?

    Which one, son?

    The one you promised to give me last New Year.

    Do you know how to distinguish the Snow Maiden from Father Frost?
    - Look carefully at the sheepskin coats. Some have buttons fastened from left to right, and some do the opposite.

    Hello. Did you buy a Christmas tree?

    Bought. We just don’t know how to install it.

    Green up.

    On New Year's Day everything comes true, even things that cannot be realized at other times.

    Mom, can I go for a walk in the yard with the others?
    - You have already peeled the potatoes; cleaned all the rooms; did homework; read "War and Peace"; went to the grocery store; took out the trash; washed my things; played with younger sister; wrote a letter to grandfather; washed the windows and wiped off the dust; rolled up jars of compote; fixed the faucet in the bathroom and sewed a bunny costume for my brother New Year? No?!!
    Then you say that I’m being picky...

    70 percent of people decorate their Christmas tree only from the side that is visible.

    Where did your Snow Maiden go? - they ask Santa Claus.

    They gave her so many compliments that she melted!

    Before the New Year, Christmas trees try to look as bad as possible.

    New Year, festive table. A fork slowly falls from the table. The father of the family, overturning the table, catches the fork a centimeter from the floor.

    Phew, thank God, there will be no more guests.

    And then my daughter comes into the room and says: -

    Dad, dad! Aunt Sonya is stuck in the elevator.

    MaryVanna crucifies herself before the fifth “B”:

    What time is it: “he cleans, she cleans, you clean...”?

    Vovochka, thoughtfully:

    It must be New Year's Eve.

    Will you have a tangerine?

    What if I clean it?

    A Russian tourist was walking down the street of Hanoi on New Year's Eve and saw a Dragon coming towards him.

    “Fortunately,” thought the tourist.

    “For dinner,” thought the Dragon.

    Claustrophobia - fear of Santa Claus.

    A black man returns to his homeland after studying in Russia. The tribesmen who surrounded the newcomer inquire:

    Hey, how do you like the famous Russian winter?

    The one with grass and leaves is still tolerable. And the one with SNOW is just some kind of nightmare!..

    So, what did you decide about the New Year?

    We decided - let it come.

    A little boy comes home all scratched, his face is scratched, his arms are scratched, his chest is also scratched.

    Son, what happened?

    Yes, you understand, dad, we had a matinee in the kindergarten, and we danced in a circle... There are few children, but the Christmas tree is big...

    Exchange. There is a room on top with windows looking out onto the hall. Three brokers. Two are running around, three telephone receivers in their hands, shouting: “Bring it to two! Take it! Throw off ten and hand it over! Four down!...” One, looking dreamily out the window:

    Snow is falling... Second pause...

    Grandfather Gandalf once came to the hobbits for New Year. They sang songs and danced in circles. Then grandfather says: - Sell!!!

    Christmas tree, light up!

    But the Christmas tree doesn’t light up.

    He again:

    Christmas tree, light up!

    To no avail. Then grandfather got angry and commanded:

    Naur ann adriat ammin!

    The fire was only put out by morning...

    How was your New Year?

    So how did it go?!

    Accused, when did you find someone else's wallet?

    As soon as you found him, you should have immediately turned him in to the police.

    There was no one at the police station that day.

    And the next day?

    The next day there was nothing in the wallet.

    We have two holidays in Siberia: New Year and summer. And both last the same.

    The whole country, exhausted by the hardest celebration of the New Year, happily went to work on the morning of January 11th...

    Dear, I really want for the New Year... a fur coat... - You are my mistress! Tomorrow I’ll go buy beets and herring!!!

    The longer a snow woman's nose, the more vitamins she contains.

    “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter! We took the Christmas tree home from the forest...” sang the fireman.

    Restaurant. New Year. Half past midnight.
    - Waiter, what kind of steak did you give me? I haven't been able to cut it for half an hour!
    - You don’t have to rush, sir, today we close at seven in the morning.

    Syoma! Why weren't you given a train ticket?
    - They said that all tickets for it were booked until the New Year!
    - What is this, an armored train?

    New Year's cocktail "I don't understand" - take an empty glass... that's it.

    A young family celebrates the New Year. One of the guests asks a question:
    - Who is the boss of your house?
    - Master, give me your voice!
    Husband (complainingly):
    - Woof!

    Conversation between two eternally hungry students:
    - Listen, Vasya, maybe let’s get a pig, raise it, fatten it, and in four months, just in time for the New Year, we’ll slaughter it, huh?
    - No, just think, such a stench, dirt...
    - It’s okay, Vasya, he’ll get used to it...

    Grandfather Frost, last New Year you came to us with some drunk woman, washed your hands in compote, ate all the food from the dog’s bowl, and then, shouting “Now for snowballs,” began throwing cabbage rolls! I liked it... come again. Petya is 6 years old.

    Tomorrow, rested after the New Year holidays, cheerful and energetic, Russians go to work.......

    Morning of the first working day of the year

    Never set your alarm clock for 24 hours. You will sleep much better if it rings not at 7:00, but, for example, at 10:53...

    The consequences of the festive week can be clearly seen on the joyful faces of our compatriots.

    What a pain... what a pain...
    I have to go to work tomorrow at 8:00...

    Dear Santa Claus! Make it so that dad and next year continued to write all the passwords on back side keyboards! And also to download more beautiful babes to the “My work” folder. Vasya, 12 years old

    Why Russian Orthodox Church does not switch to the Julian calendar accepted throughout the world, but continues to live according to the Gregorian calendar, creating a lot of inconvenience for believers?
    - Because then in Russia they will also celebrate “Old Christmas”... just like they celebrate “Old New Year”!!!

    Judging by the amount of alcohol purchased, people celebrated the Year of the HORSE, crawling like a snake....

    New Year's hairstyle!

    At work after New Year's holidays a new employee asks a colleague:
    - Where do you smoke here?
    - We don’t smoke after the New Year.
    - Why??
    - They are afraid that the fume will detonate.

    What have you got for New Year?
    - Do you see the blue BMW under the window?
    - Cool!!
    - This is the same color scarf...

    Manhood is not what's in the pants, but what's in the garage. What's in pants is a woman's happiness.

    Hello, hello, Happy New Year to you!
    I listened to the weather... how are you coping there?
    - And what?
    - You have an unreal oak tree there!
    - Yes, it seems okay, just minus 20.
    - And on TV they said that minus 50!
    - Ahhhh, so it’s on the street...

    Never praise your husband. This causes envy in men, and a desire to check in women.

    Almost everyone has two problems after the holiday:
    1. Did we take pictures?
    2. Where is the one who has all the photos?

    I wonder why Father Frost has a granddaughter, Snegurochka, but Santa Claus does not...
    - Yes, this Santa, even in his youth, drunkenly tried to Snow Queen to sleep, since then not only his granddaughter, but even his children have nowhere to go...

    Doctor, three months ago you found rheumatism in me and told me to avoid dampness.
    - And what are you up to this time?
    - Can I at least take a bath for New Year?

    Dad, is it true that in some Eastern countries the groom does not know who his wife is until he gets married?
    - This is in any country, son!

    The clatter of hooves is heard - it’s the Horse rushing to visit!
    Crawl away Queen Snake, don’t hiss or grumble!
    It will be your turn again,
    Until then, crawl forward!
    Give the Horse a place
    This is correct and fair!

    Tomorrow, rested after the New Year holidays, cheerful and energetic, Russians go to work.......

    Morning of the first working day of the year

    Never set your alarm clock for 24 hours. You will sleep much better if it rings not at 7:00, but, for example, at 10:53...

    The consequences of the festive week can be clearly seen on the joyful faces of our compatriots.

    What a pain... what a pain...
    I have to go to work tomorrow at 8:00...

    Dear Santa Claus! Make sure dad continues to write all his passwords on the back of the keyboard next year! And also to download more beautiful babes to the “My work” folder. Vasya, 12 years old

    Why does the Russian Orthodox Church not switch to the Julian calendar accepted throughout the world, but continue to live according to the Gregorian calendar, creating a lot of inconvenience for believers?
    - Because then in Russia they will also celebrate “Old Christmas”... just like they celebrate “Old New Year”!!!

    Judging by the amount of alcohol purchased, people celebrated the Year of the HORSE, crawling like a snake....

    New Year's hairstyle!

    At work after the New Year holidays, a new employee asks a colleague:
    - Where do you smoke here?
    - We don’t smoke after the New Year.
    - Why??
    - They are afraid that the fume will detonate.

    What have you got for New Year?
    - Do you see the blue BMW under the window?
    - Cool!!
    - This is the same color scarf...

    Manhood is not what's in the pants, but what's in the garage. What's in pants is a woman's happiness.

    Hello, hello, Happy New Year to you!
    I listened to the weather... how are you coping there?
    - And what?
    - You have an unreal oak tree there!
    - Yes, it seems okay, just minus 20.
    - And on TV they said that minus 50!
    - Ahhhh, so it’s on the street...

    Never praise your husband. This causes envy in men, and a desire to check in women.

    Almost everyone has two problems after the holiday:
    1. Did we take pictures?
    2. Where is the one who has all the photos?

    I wonder why Father Frost has a granddaughter, Snegurochka, but Santa Claus does not...
    - Yes, this Santa, when he was young, drunkenly tried to sleep with the Snow Queen, since then he has had nowhere to go not only for his granddaughter, but even for his children...

    Doctor, three months ago you found rheumatism in me and told me to avoid dampness.
    - And what are you up to this time?
    - Can I at least take a bath for New Year?

    Dad, is it true that in some Eastern countries the groom does not know who his wife is until he gets married?
    - This is in any country, son!

    The clatter of hooves is heard - it’s the Horse rushing to visit!
    Crawl away Queen Snake, don’t hiss or grumble!
    It will be your turn again,
    Until then, crawl forward!
    Give the Horse a place
    This is correct and fair!

    Hello, my dear! The New Year has passed, Christmas has come. Does everyone remember that they are going to work soon? Is everyone ready? Returning to work after the New Year holidays is not an easy task, unfortunately. This is not for you to come after the weekend... On Monday I got hurt, on Tuesday I thought it was time to get ready for work, on Wednesday I worked a little, on Thursday I have to get ready for the weekend, and on Friday no one really works.

    In 2017 Most people were robbed of one day from the holidays, so to speak. Need to go to work January 9. Although, depending on how you look at it, December 31 was a day off. It turns out - the same 9 days of continuous fun!

    In today’s article I’ll tell you what to do if you can’t carry your feet to work after the New Year holidays. How to return to everyday work in a painless way. Do you know that, according to statistics, people most often quit after vacation and New Year? (By the way, I myself did exactly this).

    If your plans do not include dismissal, read on.

    Of course, no one wants to go back to work after another celebration. But, after all, it is necessary... As a result, our body cannot immediately rebuild itself, as a result of which it is so stressed that the nerves are out of control, and the work somehow does not go into hands, but, my dears, we gathered our thoughts, our spirit and go ahead and change the situation!

    Once you start working after the New Year, you will continue to do so throughout the year. That is why I recommend starting to work actively and cheerfully. Tell this to yourself before work and forward to the heights of your work.

    1. Enter your office with a smile. It doesn’t matter how hard it will be for you, but make an effort on yourself, smile with all 32 teeth.
    2. Even if your colleagues are sitting with sour expressions, still cheerfully greet them and congratulate them on the past holidays.
    3. To create a friendly, encouraging and pleasant atmosphere in the team, wish everyone a great start to the work week. Believe me, it is difficult not only for you, but also for everyone else.

    What will you achieve with this?

    Colleagues will reach out to you, and together, as you know, it is much easier to resist the bad, including dull everyday life and routine. Even those who went to work gloomy, overwhelmed, and grumpy will pick up your rhythm and tune in to the desired positive wave. Thanks to your smile, everyone around will smile, which is why everyone will have great mood, which means the start of everyday work after the holidays will be more pleasant.

    Delay the holiday a little

    No, I don’t recommend continuing to celebrate, especially at work, but here are a few things you can do to help get you back into the holiday spirit.

    1. Stock up on tangerines at work.
    2. Set a ringtone for your call that will remind you of the New Year.
    3. During your lunch break, write or call the friends you spent with New Year's Eve and recreate it.
    4. Constantly remember how fun and friendly you celebrated the New Year.

    What will you achieve?

    The holiday will continue even on weekdays at the workplace, and with it a great mood.

    Do not overdo it

    1. Don't rush into battle right away. It will be ideal if you make an action plan for January and gradually implement it. If you don’t strain yourself during the first working days, you will only benefit.
    2. Every day for a week you should complete a maximum of two major tasks. Even if you can handle a large volume, it’s still not necessary. It’s better to praise yourself for the work done, but if you set big tasks, then there is a risk of not being able to cope with them.
    3. In addition to the primary important tasks, plan several medium-urgency and minor ones. Let it be the delivery of documents, sorting out papers, cleaning the desktop, registering at new retail spaces, etc.
    4. If you have time left, you can complete more tasks, that is, beyond the planned plan. Just write them down after the fact and consider them completed.

    What will you achieve with this?

    You will feel that you are working very effectively, and this, in turn, will greatly inspire you to new achievements. But if you don’t do what you planned, your performance will decrease.

    Time for business - time for fun

    Be more lenient on the first weekdays of January. Schedule yourself 3-4 breaks of 20 minutes, or take one hour at once. Dedicate these moments of relaxation to something pleasant and joyful, and not to gatherings in in social networks, unless it's watching a funny video from your New Year's Eve.

    These are the tips. It doesn't seem difficult if you follow them. Then, perhaps, there will be no feeling of melancholy and hopelessness in the first days after the New Year holidays.

    And now I suggest you unwind a little and take a look cool pictures Regarding going back to work after the holidays:

    Watch the video “Going to work after the New Year holidays”:

    I wish you, my dears, not to fall into despair, not to immediately run to your superiors with a letter of resignation. Just slowly, without straining yourself, get into the working rhythm. If you share this article with your friends on social networks, you might save someone from the post-New Year blues.

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