• "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten". Holiday script for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. Entertainment script for Victory Day for older preschoolers Competition “Help the Wounded”


    Lyudmila Levchenko
    "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten". Holiday scenario for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren

    « No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten»

    Prepared musical director Levchenko L.V.

    MAOU « School No. 30» (preschool level)


    Leading. Dear friends, we have gathered today to remember holiday,

    Which is our whole country Russia, and not only our country, but also

    Other European states that were liberated from German rule

    Great Victory! Russian victories over the Nazis!

    Attention! The Victory Banner and the flag of the Russian Federation are being brought in!

    The Russian anthem is playing, everyone stand up!

    The Russian anthem plays. The flag is brought in Russian Federation and the banner of Victory.

    How far that war is from us, we now learn about it from books.

    They shine among the veterans of the order, among the great-grandfathers of today’s boys.

    We recognize them in squares and gardens, on days of remembrance and holidays

    By shine in ageless eyes. They're still brave

    On this day we remember the soldiers who did not return to their families with

    Child. In that holiday we honor grandfathers who defended their native country,

    Those who gave Victory to the peoples and returned peace and spring to us!

    Child. Even then we were not in the world when they came home with victory.

    Soldiers of May, glory to you forever! From all the earth, from all the earth!

    Child. Victory Day! Long-awaited holiday! Peaceful blue skies.

    Peoples and countries on earth remember that the war ended on this day.

    Child. Thank you, veterans! For life, for childhood, for spring!

    For silence and a peaceful home, for the world in which we live!

    Child. Not forget this date that ended the war.

    To the winner - the soldier - bow to the ground hundreds of times!

    Child. Victory! Glorious victory! What happiness there was in her!

    May the sky be clear forever and the grass be greener!

    Child. Victory Day! Sun of May! You can hear music everywhere!

    The veterans all put on military medals!

    Child. The war is over, the suffering is over! But the pain calls people:

    Let's, people, never forget about this!

    Child. Let the faithful memory of her be kept about this torment

    And the children of today's children and our grandchildren, grandchildren!

    A song is being performed "Great grandfather", Music by A. Ermolov.

    Leading. Let in everything that life is full of, in everything that is dear to the heart,

    We will be given a reminder of what happened in the world.

    And where battles once raged, there is now majestic granite.

    He preserves eternal memory of the soldiers who passed into immortality.

    Child. The fire is burning near the obelisk, the birches are sad in silence.

    And we bowed low and low - an unknown soldier is sleeping here!

    Child. Your name unknown, soldier! Were you a father, or a son, or a brother?

    Your name was Ivan, or Vasily. You gave your life to save

    Your feat, soldier, is not ours forgotten- eternal flame on the grave

    The fireworks stars are flying into the sky, we remember you, unknown soldier!

    A song is being performed "Eternal flame", Music by A. Filipenko.

    Leading. Remember! Through the centuries, through the years - remember!

    Remember about those who will never come again! Do not Cry!

    Hold back the moans in your throat, the bitter moans.

    Be worthy of the memory of the fallen, forever worthy!

    Through centuries, through years! Remember those who will never come again!

    Leading. Yes, guys, there are a lot of monuments that immortalized

    The valor and courage of our people is established in the cities

    Countries and European countries. And in these May days, millions of people go

    To memorials, obelisks, to lay flowers and honor

    Memory of fallen soldiers.

    Child. Memorial Day - Victory holiday! Carrying wreaths is a living connection,

    The warmth of bouquets of different colors, so that the connection with the past is not lost.

    And the mournful slabs are warmed by the flowers with the breath of the field.

    Accept, fighter, all this as a gift. After all, we, the living, need this.

    A dance with flowers is performed. Music of the muses' choice. leader.

    Leading. Today we will not be sad anymore. Yes, we remember ours

    And great-grandparents and great-grandparents. We remember what a feat they

    They did it in the name of life on earth. We will try to be

    Similar to them: strong, brave, courageous,

    Hardy. And today we will rejoice in that great

    Which they won for us. We dedicate our concert to them.

    Child. Glory, glory to the veterans! Glory to the dear army!

    Fly the tricolor flag over the road of your fatherland!

    There's a song playing "Russia, we are your children", music V. Ososhnik. A composition with Russian flags is performed.

    Child. What is Victory Day? It's morning parade:

    Tanks and missiles are driving, a formation of soldiers is marching.

    Child. What is Victory Day? This festive fireworks:

    Fireworks fly into the sky, scattering here and there.

    Child. What is Victory Day? These are songs at the table,

    These are speeches and conversations, this is my grandfather's album.

    These are fruits and sweets, these are the smells of spring...

    What is Victory Day? This means - no war!

    Child. To the veterans of all battles we "Thank you" we say

    And we will together protect them from troubles, enemies, and violence.

    Child. We will also love our Motherland - Russia.

    When we grow up, we become big, we go to serve in the army.

    A song is being performed “Don’t be afraid, mom, I’m with you!”, music M. Protasova.

    Child. We love the sea wave and the noisy wave of the surf.

    We hold our helm tightly in stormy weather.

    We have caps, we’ll dance now.

    The sailors' dance is performed to the tune of the song "White cap"

    Child. Let the Victory fireworks thunder, the world will be warmed by this light.

    Congratulations to our grandfathers, a huge greeting to them!

    Dance being performed "Firework!", D. Dargomyzhsky.

    Child. Salute and glory to the anniversary of an forever memorable day!

    Salute to Victory, that in Berlin the power of fire was trampled by fire!

    Salute to its great and small creators who walked the same path,

    To its soldiers and generals, heroes fallen and alive! Firework!

    A song is being performed "Firework", music M. Protasova.

    Child. May the sky be blue, may there be no smoke in the sky.

    Let the machine guns not fire and the menacing cannons remain silent.

    So that people and cities can live... Peace is always needed on earth!

    Child. Let the stork build its nest on the roof, let the cranes chirp in the sky,

    Let there be peace, we need it so much, the children of the whole earth need it!

    Dance being performed "Stork on the Roof", to the music of a song by D. Tukhmanov.

    Child. Thank you for everything, our great-grandfathers, to those who defeated the enemy with a bayonet and a bullet

    And for those who, as Victory Day approaches, do not leave the workshops for days

    Child. Thanks to the women who worked in the fields

    Orphaned villages and hamlets,

    Thank you for our happy holiday,

    Here's to this wonderful and wonderful day!

    Child. No! We will declare to the war, to all evil and dark forces...

    The grass should be green and the sky should be blue!

    Child. A cry is heard over the planet, a song in every heart rings:

    May there always be sunshine! May there always be childhood!

    May there always be friendship! May there always be peace!

    Child. The sons of Russia are growing up again, and we are all ready to serve our Motherland,

    So that the sun does not disappear into the night forever, but in the morning illuminates the earth again.

    Children line up in a semicircle and sing a song "May there always be sunshine", music A. Ostrovsky.

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    Children, to the music of the song (music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by V. Kharitonov) “Victory Day,” enter the hall in a solemn march and remain standing in the hall.


    Children! Today we have gathered together to celebrate a joyful holiday - Victory Day over Nazi Germany. Every year people celebrate this day. For the fact that we are now rejoicing and laughing together, we are indebted to our grandparents, who defended this joyful day in fierce battles and battles. 4 years of terrible war are behind us. So let us rejoice and take care of this wonderful world, in which we live!

    1 child.

    Looking into the blue expanse of the sky

    We cannot remember without tears,

    May day of the 45th year,

    The one who brought Victory.

    2nd child.

    The beauty that nature gives us

    The soldiers defended themselves in the fire,

    May day 45th year

    Became the last point in the war.

    3 child.

    There is no company or platoon without losses.

    Well, those who survived.

    May day 45th year

    They saved it for their grandchildren.

    (M. Plyatskovsky)

    SONG "Kalina"

    VED: June 1941. People are enjoying summer, proms are taking place everywhere.

    June 22, 1941. Early morning. People were still sleeping. The weekend is ahead, there's no rush.

    Everything breathed such silence,

    It seemed that the whole Earth was still sleeping

    Who knew that between peace and war,

    Only about five minutes left.

    Enemy planes violated the border of our Motherland and began dropping bombs on villages and sleeping towns, shelling quiet villages, not distinguishing where the adults were and where the children were. The radio notified the entire Soviet people about the outbreak of war.

    Video "Holy War"

    Ved: Get up, people!

    Hearing the cry of the Earth,

    The soldiers of the Motherland have gone to the front.

    Soldiers bravely went into battle

    For every city and for you and me!


    A bird's trill rings over the world,

    There is no place for military troubles in it,

    But the pain in my soul remains:

    Sadness and joy - Victory Day!


    Those warriors are less and less often arrayed -

    Alas, veterans do not last forever.

    And the holiday chimes strike

    It stirs their souls and wounds.


    Thank you for this sky,

    For the whiteness of native birches,

    For a peaceful home and for Russia,

    Where we happened to be born!


    “My Russia has blond pigtails...” (after the song they sit down, placing flowers and flags against the central wall) in formation.


    Our people are brave, courageous, they went through difficult trials during the war years, but they survived and won.

    Dance "Border"


    69 years ago the war against German fascism ended.

    We remember with gratitude our glorious warrior-defenders,

    who defended the world in fierce battles. More than 20 million of our people died during the war. There is a monument to the Unknown Soldier in Moscow, near the Kremlin wall. No one knows his name, but everyone knows that he fought bravely. People bring flowers and say:

    “We will never forget you, heroes! »

    So the Eternal Flame burns without going out! With great pain in our souls, we mourn those who did not return from the battlefield.


    Above the grave in a quiet park

    The tulips bloomed brightly,

    The fire is always burning here

    A Russian soldier is sleeping here.


    We bowed low, low

    At the foot of the obelisk

    Our wreath bloomed on it

    Bright fiery fire.


    Soldiers defended the world

    They gave their lives for us

    Let's keep it in our hearts

    The memory of them is bright.


    Let's honor the memory of all those who did not live to see our time, fighting the German invaders, with a minute of silence, and everyone will thank them in their hearts for the happy world in which we live. (raise children from their chairs)



    Thanks to our veterans, we continue to live in our happy country of Russia! They defended and defended our land so that you and I could live happily. So let us, children, rejoice and take care of this wonderful world in which we live.

    Song "Drummer"

    I suggest playing the ATTRACTION: “Flags” (children go scattered around the hall).

    If I raise the white flag, you will float.

    If it's green, jump

    if pink - fly.

    If it’s red, they shout “HURRAY!” »

    Let's see what kind of warriors you make.

    (after the game they sit down).



    Our warriors have always been distinguished by courage, dexterity, resourcefulness and endurance. When our boys grow up, they will also serve in the Army. And now we will test your resourcefulness, speed and endurance. You will need to complete the task. You must urgently deliver 2 secret packages to headquarters, overcoming obstacles.

    (Put the bags on the chairs near the central wall) Two children, overcoming the obstacle course (walk through the swamp on two planks to the middle of the hall, then climb through hoops and walk along a narrow bridge, reaching the chairs near the audience, take 2 flags and signal that “ the way is clear.” And the last one in each detachment is already running with the package and giving it to headquarters.


    The war ended in victory, those years are behind us.

    Many people have medals and orders on their chests.


    We celebrate Victory Day in May,

    A bright holiday for all people.

    In May the rainbow laughs

    The color of bird cherry is more delicate.


    Glory! Glory to the veterans! Glory to the dear Army!

    Fly the tricolor flag over the Fatherland Road!


    You and I need peace, clean air on earth.

    Bird hubbub, children's laughter,

    Sun, rain, white snow.

    Only war, only war is not needed on the planet!

    SONG “With Grandfather to the Parade”

    This concludes our holiday. Thank you for your attention.

    MKOU Poselkovaya secondary school

    For students 1st - 4th grade

    Completed by a primary school teacher

    Efremenko Olga Vladimirovna

    /The curtain opens. On stage is a modern school classroom. Pupils are preparing for the lesson. A schoolgirl runs in./

    Shkl . Hello! We heard that today after school there will be a meeting with a veteran of the Great

    Patriotic War, and then let's go watch the film.

    1st. Again!

    2 - y. Yes, as much as possible!

    3 - y. It would be better if they came up with some kind of disco!

    1 - y. What movie?

    School They said, “The dawns here are quiet.” About war.

    1 - y. And I love comedies. And let it all end happily.

    2 - y. Of course, whatever war you want, give you comedy.

    3 - y. Let's not go. Why do we need this?

    4th. And I'll go.

    Shkl . Certainly go. You will represent our entire friendly class.

    4 - y. I'm not going to class. I'll go for myself. My grandfather, my mother’s father, died at the age of 18 near Berlin. And my grandmother’s sister went missing in 1944.

    1 - y. It's like you're the only one. My family still has a funeral memorial for my great-grandfather.

    2 - y. And my great-grandmother worked as a nurse in a hospital during the war.

    3 - y. And my relatives also died in the war

    4 - y. You see. We did not know this war, but it passed through our families. Do you remember how many people died then?

    Shkl . It seems to be more than 20 million.

    4 - y. Like b. Just think about this number. After all, many of them were a little older than you.

    School How scary!

    4 - y. Yes, it's scary. But we must not forget the terrible pages of our history. Because to forget means to betray. Betray those who did not return from the war.

    1 - y. Shall we go to meet the veteran?

    2 - y. Yes. And let's go to the cinema.

    Children read against the background of music.

    A thematic entertainment scenario using a multimedia presentation for preschool children.

    Presenter: Hello, dear children and our dear guests. Today we have gathered in this hall to pay tribute to the memory of the feat of the Soviet people, the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who defeated fascism. And to say that we remember the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. We are grateful to them for peace. They forged Victory, and in a fearless fight they defeated the enemy; we will never forget the Great Victory.

    The song Victory Day sounds (children enter the hall.)

    Presenter: Childhood! Wonderful, carefree time! Peaceful sky above. And you don't know what fear is. You don’t know that you can be afraid of explosions, raids, hear bombs exploding, hide in bomb shelters.

    Child: May the sky be blueLet there be no smoke in the sky,Let the menacing guns be silentAnd the machine guns don’t fire,So that people, cities live...Peace is always needed on earth!

    Presenter: However, 70 years ago, on June 22, 1941, this silence in our country was broken by German planes with bombs.Nazi Germany, without declaring war, attacked our country from the radio loudspeaker, people heard:Levitan's recording sounds: "Attention! Attention! Moscow speaks. We are conveying an important government message. Citizens and women of the Soviet Union! Today at 4 o'clock in the morning, without any declaration of war, the German armed forces attacked the borders of the Soviet Union. The Great Patriotic War has begun."
    The Nazis bombed cities and ports, airfields and railway stations, bombs rained down on kindergartens, hospitals, and residential buildings.

    Presenter: And then our entire huge country rose up to fight the enemy. Every day they took soldiers to the front. These were difficult breakups and those last minutes of parting remained in the heart of every fighter.

    Dance "Blue Handkerchief"

    Presenter: The homeland was defended by soldiers, women, old people, and children. Everyone did everything they could, some on the front line, and some in the rear forged victory through military and labor feats

    And our hometown of Sarapul also helped the front. Machine tools were brought to the city from other cities covered by the Nazis. The machines were installed right on the street and despite the cold weather, blizzards, snow, and rain, people worked without knowing any rest. Everything for the Front! Everything for Victory! - this is the motto of that wartime.

    The bloody war lasted for four years, 1941-1945. It touched every family in our country and brought so much grief, tears, and devastation. Fathers, grandfathers, brothers, sisters, mothers - all fought for one common victory.

    To become a soldier

    There's a lot to learn.

    Be agile and skillful.

    Very dexterous, strong, brave!

    Relay race "Throw March". Team members take turns with a backpack and a machine gun and run to the landmark and back, passing on the attributes to the next one. The team that completes the task first wins.

    Presenter: During the breaks between battles, sitting around the fires, the fighters remembered native home. Someone wrote a letter, someone re-read letters from relatives. Front letters were in the form of triangles. Because the war was a difficult time, there was a shortage of not only food, clothing, ammunition, but also ordinary paper. On one piece of paper, the soldier wrote a letter, folded the sheet into a triangle and wrote the address on a blank space.

    And here is what a father wrote to his son from the front:

    Child: Hello, dear Maxim!Hello, my beloved son!I am writing from the front line.Tomorrow morning - back into battle!We will drive out the fascists.Take care of your mother, son,Forget sadness and sadness -I'll be back with lunch!I will finally hug you.Goodbye! Your father.

    Presenter: At the front, the letter and report played an important role. He had to be brought to headquarters as quickly as possible


    Each participant takes turns running a snake between the pins (in their hands is a report that each participant passes on to each other).

    Presenter: The war was very cruel. Not only men, but also women fought for the Fatherland. They were nurses, doctors, orderlies, intelligence officers, and signalmen. Many soldiers were saved from death by gentle, kind female hands.

    Game "Help the Wounded".

    Girls nurses are playing. They play in twos. Opposite them, “wounded soldiers” (boys) are sitting on chairs. At the signal, nurses should run, crouching low or bending over. Run to the wounded person, quickly bandage an arm or leg and take him to the medical unit (a certain place). The game is played several times.

    Presenter: The path to victory was difficult and long defending freedom, many fighters fell heroes - the war took away a lot human lives their names remained forever in people's memory. No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!

    Bird Dance (older children)

    Presenter: Let us take a minute of silence to honor the memory of those veterans of the Great Patriotic War who are no longer among us. I ask everyone to stand up.A minute of silence.

    Presenter: Despite everything, our people survived and won.

    The war ended on May 9, 1945. It was on this day that the Victory Banner was hoisted over the Reikstag in Berlin! Peace has come on earth.

    This day has become great in our country national holiday! Every year our country celebrates this great holiday - Victory Day. On this day, people remember those who, without sparing their lives for the peaceful future of their country, fought on the battlefield.

    Song of Victory

    On May 9, the younger generation gives flowers to veterans, those who fought and won this cruel battle. Loud cheers for Victory!

    And now there will be fireworks in honor of Victory Day.

    Hands out fireworks to the children, invites three adults, gives them yellow, green and red fireworks.

    Children (in unison).

    Above the ground here and there

    Fireworks light up.

    Adults and children

    They shouted “Hurray!” in unison.

    The game "Salute" is played:

    Three adults participate in the game. They get up in different places hall, holding fireworks (bundles of paper ribbons) red, green, yellow flowers. Children are given fireworks in the same colors as adults.

    1st part. A merry march sounds. Children with bundles of ribbons march around the hall in different directions. At the end of the music, the adults say: “Fireworks, light up, get ready quickly!” Children gather around an adult who has fireworks of the same color as theirs and shout “Hurray!”

    Part 2. It sounds like a waltz. Everyone is dancing. Adults also dance, changing places. When the music ends, the adults say: “Fireworks, light up, get ready quickly!” The children again gather in three large groups (according to the color of the fireworks) and, raising the fireworks high above their heads, shout “Hurray!”

    3rd part. Fun, fast music sounds. Everyone is running around the hall in different directions. When the music ends, they gather in the “Salyuts” and unanimously shout “Hurray!”

    Preparatory work: during a preliminary conversation in the group, find out what children know about the Great Patriotic War, tell in an accessible form about the events of the war and the victorious May 1945, explain to children the meaning of the words Fatherland, Patriotic (war), front, veteran, fascist, invader. Show the symbols of Soviet and German troops (red star and swastika). Visit the Eternal Flame with your parents, express your impressions in the form of a drawing or craft.

    Design of the central wall:

    On the projection screen there is a “Victory” slide screensaver from the accompanying presentation, along the edges of the screen there are blooming maypoles and white doves.

    The children enter the hall to the song “Victory Day” and the “Victory” slide screen is shown on the projector screen.

    Presenter. Dear Guys! Today we have gathered in this festively decorated hall to celebrate the biggest holiday of our people - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War.

    MAY 9 is a bright and joyful holiday. 70 years ago on this day the war against German fascism ended. We remember with gratitude our warriors, defenders who defended the world in a fierce battle. We owe it to all our defenders, today’s veterans and those who are not with us, that we now live under a peaceful, clear sky.


    Victory Day

    The whole country celebrates.

    Our grandfathers put on

    Military orders (T. Belozerov).

    And the parade is going on in the capital.

    Grandfathers wear orders.

    Happy Victory Day! (A. Shamarin)

    3. What is Victory Day?

    These are the smells of spring...

    These are the birds in the clear sky

    This means - no war... (fragment of the poem “Victory Day” by A. Usachev)

    Presenter: War... What a terrible word!.. A long war, a hungry war, a cold war, which destroyed and burned houses, entire cities, trampled flowers, killed people - both adults and children. The German invaders attacked our country unexpectedly early on a summer morning in 1941. The path to victory was difficult and long. The entire huge country rose up to fight the enemy. Every day trains carried soldiers to the front. Relatives and friends saw them off with tears in their eyes, but with faith in victory.

    Children appear on stage to the sounds of A. Alexandrov’s “Holy War.” Boys portray soldiers, girls - their mothers, sisters, loved ones. Children stand in groups.

    There are three children in the first group. One boy is a “soldier” and two girls are “mother” and “sister”. The girls hug the “soldier” and wipe away their tears.

    1st boy:

    Don't cry, little sister,

    Mom don't cry

    I will return victorious

    To our native land.

    The second group of children are two “soldier” boys.

    2nd boy. We have tanks, we have machine guns!

    3rd boy. We have guns and planes!

    2nd and 3rd boys (in unison): We will fearlessly destroy our enemies,

    To liberate the Fatherland!

    The march “Farewell of the Slav” sounds. The boys walk in formation. The girls wave their handkerchiefs after them. Everyone sits on chairs.

    Presenter: The Great Patriotic War lasted for four and a half years. Our soldiers fought bravely in battles. And in rare moments of rest, they wrote letters home from the front. (slide No. 7) Such letters were called “triangles”. During the war, postal envelopes were used only for funeral notices, and letters to family and friends were sent without envelopes - the paper was folded so that the letter was inside, the address was written on the outside. With what joy the “soldier’s triangles” were greeted in every home, every family! After all, this meant that dear person is alive and will soon return home victorious.

    The Boy enters the center of the hall. In his hands is a letter from the front, folded into a triangle. He unfolds and “reads” the letter:

    Hello, dear Maxim!

    Hello, my beloved son!

    I am writing from the front line. Tomorrow morning - back into battle!

    We will drive out the fascists.

    Take care, son, mother.

    Forget sadness and sadness -

    I will return victorious!

    I will finally hug you.

    Goodbye. Your father.

    Presenter: But listen to the letter Danil wrote and sent.

    On the radio

    Letter I tried

    Write without blots:

    "Please do

    A gift for grandfather..."

    Been on the road for a long time

    Musical hello.

    But here he comes

    And my grandfather hugged me -

    Came to see him on holiday

    Frontline. (S. Pivovarov)

    Presenter: Yes, and there was music during the war. Many different songs were written during the 4 years of the war: soldiers went into battle with songs, they rested with songs after battles, songs helped them endure pain more easily and believe in victory.


    Presenter: Our soldiers fought bravely on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Watch the sketch “We are military” by S. Mikhalkov. It shows how our defenders fought.

    Children come out in costumes with elements of military uniforms.

    Telephone operator (with telephone):

    Hello, hello, Jupiter, I am Diamond.

    You are almost completely invisible.

    We occupied the village with a fight,

    How are you, hello, hello.

    Sailor (looks through binoculars):

    There's an airplane on the horizon.

    Full speed ahead, forward!

    Prepare for battle, crew,

    Leave us alone, our fighter.

    Machine gunner:

    So I climbed into the attic.

    Perhaps there is an enemy lurking here.

    We clean the house behind the house,

    We will find the enemy everywhere.

    Pilot (with map):

    The infantry is here, and the tanks are here.

    Five minutes left to fly.

    The combat order is clear.

    All: The enemy will not leave us.

    Private (in a cap, with an order):

    I'm a young infantryman.

    He fought with a fascist near Moscow.

    More than once I went on reconnaissance missions,

    The colonel awarded me.

    Host: Only strong, skilled, dexterous warriors were able to win this war.

    There is an attraction “Who is the smallest shooter?” (knock down the pin with a ball).

    The presenter shows three envelopes and explains that these reports must be delivered to headquarters

    A competition is being held: “Walk through the “swamp” and deliver a report.” (Three children, rearranging the boards, move forward and bring envelopes to the veteran).

    Presenter: People did not lose faith in victory even in the most difficult days of the war. “The enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours” - these words sounded everywhere. And then the day came when the end of the war was announced on the radio on May 9, 1945. The country rejoiced! They sang and danced in the streets, strangers hugged each other, many cried with joy

    What do we now call people who went through the war and survived to this day? (Veterans)

    How can you recognize a veteran? (This old man, in uniform, with awards).

    What should we do if we meet a veteran on May 9? (Congratulate you on the holiday, thank you.)

    Presenter: The victorious Soviet soldiers gave us a peaceful sky and happy life. But not everyone returned home from that terrible war. In memory of those who died, the Eternal Flame burns in the cities and towns of our large country - the Fire of Memory, to which people bring fresh flowers on Victory Day. We will remember their feat.

    Song« Eternal flame»


    A minute of silence is declared in memory of the fallen soldiers.

    Ved. Guys, look at the screen - an image of the St. George ribbon

    St. George's ribbons, which volunteers hand out on the streets of Russian cities, symbolize the common memory of the great Victory, a memory that unites the most diverse generations and strata of Russian society.

    The goal of the action is “St. George’s Ribbon” - to create a symbol of the holiday - Victory Day.

    This symbol is an expression of our respect for veterans, a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front. To all those thanks to whom we won in 1945.

    Presenter: and now I propose to listen to the song and watch a video clip dedicated to the heroes of the war and their memory.

    A video clip for the song “Scarlet Sunsets” is shown. At the end, a frame with a burning candle remains on the screen.

    Presenter: Of course, this is not the kind of childhood our grandfathers and great-grandfathers dreamed of. And so that a cruel war never happens again, we must cherish peace and friendship.

    Children read poetry:

    1. What do children dream about?

    We have one dream:

    Let it be on the planet

    The world is kind, like spring.

    2. Adults, children are asking you,

    So that you take care of the world!

    So that the sun shines on the children

    In every corner of the Earth!

    Children perform dance with balloons

    Everyone sings the song “Sunny Circle” together

    Leading. Congratulations to everyone on the Victory Day! Hooray!

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