• DIY New Year's souvenir made from salt dough. Master class “New Year’s toys made from salt dough


    You know, New Year not far away? Today it seems that it’s still autumn on the calendar, and you’ll have time to do everything, but tomorrow - bang-bang! - and winter has come, and time is running out. Yes, yes, it's time to hurry if you want to decorate the Christmas tree this year New Year's toys made from salt dough! This is a completely affordable project that is 100% family friendly and matches your DIY skills perfectly. Well, seriously - that's it necessary materials can be found at home (and if not, then most likely we will talk about paints, but you can buy them at the nearest stall, and if a package of gouache or a couple of tubes of acrylic is not currently included in your financial plans, you can completely refuse to paint toys and do them in such an emphasized eco-style), and even a child can roll out the dough and cut out circles from it with a glass (yeah, don’t want circles? This means that your handicraft skills have stepped a little beyond the level of a novice pithecanthropus, and you will be able to create advanced-level New Year’s miracles) .

    All in all, less words, more business: - the most complete step by step guide with photographic evidence, go under the cut and study carefully. Also join New Year's marathon "Handicraft Runet" VKontakte and show your finished toys on topic of a partner. Waiting for you!

    Step 1 - dough

    There is nothing complicated, the main rule is intuition. And even if the word “approximately” doesn’t scare you, everything will work out.

    Let's start with the fact that there are wagons and carts of recipes on the Internet, loaded with heaps of them. And all the very best, of course - the best, tested, accurate and generally practically guarantee that New Year's toys from salt dough will be made on their own, dry and jump onto the Christmas tree. We urge you to believe everyone, but do it your own way - listening to your intuition. We tell and show in pictures.

    Need to:

    1/2 cup fine salt "Extra";

    1/2 glass of water;

    1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;

    approximately 2.5 cups flour.

    We measure out the salt. Many sources write that this should be the most ordinary small “Extra” and definitely not iodized-fluoridated. Yeah, that's right. But the author of the master class does not have non-iodized salt at home and, as you understand, her common sense does not allow her to leave the house in the nasty frost and disgusting slush to find non-iodized salt in the thirty-eighth supermarket. Believe me, for some reason it works with the one you have at hand.

    Yes, for the haters of such a measure of volume as half a glass, let us clarify: we weighed it, it turned out that salt was exactly 170 g.

    If you don't have a food processor, you're out of luck - you'll have to play with your hands. Pour salt into the bowl in which you usually knead the dough for dumplings. If you are using a food processor, pour it into the food processor bowl.

    We measure out the water. Yes, yes, half a glass. Happened 130 g water.

    Gurgle - to the salt, let them be friends.

    Vegetable oil - to the same company. By the way, you can get by - if you are greedy and don’t want to transfer precious olive oil for some New Year's toys, but you never had cheap industrial palm and rapeseed at home, don't add it at all. The oil is needed so that the dough is a little more elastic than it would be without oil, that's all. By the way, if you suddenly feel the urge to show miracles of unprecedented generosity and pour half a glass of butter into the dough at once (why waste time on trifles, we measure everything out in glasses!), we warn you: this dough will have to dry until the next New Year. So you better be greedy. Or remember about golden mean and add a spoon, just one tablespoon of oil.

    Now it's time to turn on your intuition. Add flour. We immediately measure the glass (the scales said that it turned out 160 g flour).

    And into his water, straight into salt water.

    Stir - you get thick, thick sour cream. You can't fashion anything out of it! The photo is a little unclear, but the meaning is 100% clear - there is not enough flour, you don’t have to be a professor of salty toy business to understand this.

    Therefore, feel free to add another full spoonful of flour ( plus 20 g flour).

    Mix. Nothing like that, it already looks like something.

    But in essence, it’s not enough: the dough sticks to your hands and with all its appearance speaks of your personal unwillingness to turn into Christmas decorations.

    Add another spoon ( plus 20 g flour).

    Oh, this is already beautiful - the dough has gathered into a ball, nothing sticks to the walls.

    We check - everything is in perfect order in our hands too.

    Well, almost completely - still, some tiny particles still stick to your hands, so you can play it safe and add another teaspoon of the dry ingredient (plus 5 g of flour). Extremely intuitive.

    By the way, the longer you knead, the better the gluten of the flour will develop and the easier it will be to work with the dough - so let the processor work, it won’t hurt.

    We check with our fingers - nothing sticks at all, the indentations in the dough do not blur, the dimples “hold” their shape. It’s worth stopping at this point - excess flour will negatively affect the products, they will crumble, such dough is very, very nasty and difficult to work with.

    Last test just in case - everything is fine.

    Next is a proprietary secret: take a lump of dough and throw it forcefully on the table. Collect again into a ball and throw again. Once again. And so on - until you get tired of it, but at least 10-15 times - this way you will make it homogeneous, more elastic, pleasant and smooth.

    That's it, you can wrap it in a bag so that the dough does not dry out while you prepare for the second stage.

    By the way, many sources say that the dough needs to rest, they suggest wrapping it in three rolls of cling film and hiding it in the refrigerator for at least a day, or better yet, for almost a month. Liars! No, of course, nothing bad will happen if you have a week left and you let the test rest, but if you feel the urge to work with it right now, if you can’t deny your inspiration, then there’s no need - let’s do it right away !

    Step 2 - cutting out the figures

    This is perhaps the most interesting stage of work - creative, imaginative, “pure” and simple.

    You can go three ways.

    The first is not to cut out figures from salt dough, but to sculpt them - remembering school labor lessons or Roni Oren’s books, puffing and trying. In general, this is a very worthwhile and interesting option, but on one condition: if the level of your skills is such that, if you are going to sculpt an elephant, you at least get a cat, and not, waving a crooked hatchet, claim that this is actually a sleigh Santa Claus, then, of course, you can try.

    The second is to print from the Internet or draw templates of flat New Year's toys yourself ( Christmas balls, Santa Claus' bag, jingle bells, icicle stars, and then, following solely the call of the love of art, apply the templates to the dough, carefully and almost jewelry-cut them with a knife, making sure to be especially careful when turning: one awkward movement -

    The third is not to reinvent the wheel and not to discover America, but to simply take cookie cutters and cutters for working with mastic and, using their help, cut out something simple, accessible and thematic. If you have a special passion for creativity, you should reassure yourself with the hope that your needs will be fully realized at the stage of painting and painting.

    So, place a small piece of dough (we hide the rest in a bag, don’t relax) on a lightly floured surface.

    We roll it out as we want, the main thing is evenly, while remembering that the thicker the toy is, the longer it will take to dry. The optimal size is 3 mm: it won’t break, but it will dry quickly.

    Of course, not themselves: the use of child labor at this stage is welcomed and encouraged in every possible way. Mom needs to drink coffee sometime!

    With a properly organized labor process, everything will be done quickly and efficiently.

    Don’t forget to immediately make holes for future strings that will help hang the toys from the Christmas tree.

    Or a lot of holes - for reliability: so that there is definitely something to cling to.

    Please note that some cookie cutters leave “rags” on the cut - if they are thin and small, there is no need to remove them; they will fall off during the drying process, but if they are thicker, then it is better to spend another five minutes and carefully cut everything off.

    Yield of products from the specified proportions.

    Step 3 - drying

    But here you have to slow down. If you want to cope with the task of making New Year's toys from salt dough in one day, you need to dry the products in the oven at a minimum temperature. Depending on the thickness of the toys, you will need 3-7 hours - put everything on a baking sheet, turn on the oven at 50-70 degrees, do not forget about the fan and wait, periodically opening the door slightly to “release” the moisture and occasionally turning the figures from side to side.

    You can take a simpler route - lay out the toys on a sheet of parchment paper and leave them alone for several days. Depending on the room temperature, you will need 3-5 days for the salt dough figures to dry completely. Once a day they need to be turned over to the other side - you will see how the color of the toy will change during the drying process: the wet spot in the middle will be yellower than the white dried edges.

    Do not try to speed up the drying process of toys - they will either burn (yes, this is possible!) or become severely deformed. Be patient, go for a walk, work out your abs, make homemade marshmallows - in general, anything, just not to rush things.

    Well-dried products are uniform in color, do not wrinkle or bend, are light and pleasant.

    Step 4 - painting and decorating

    Do I need to tell you something? Take acrylic, gouache or even watercolor, outlines and varnishes, multi-colored rhinestones and beads, brushes and sticks, toothpicks and cotton pads, forks and markers, pencils and needles - everything that can be used for drawing in one way or another.

    And draw. Paint it. Create. Decorate. Get creative. Create. Gush out. Create. All in your hands.

    It is convenient to immediately hang painted toys on all protruding parts of the house to dry.

    And the final decoration is done after the first layer of paint has dried.

    A very wonderful product - spray paint: quick and easy. Lays down smoothly, dries instantly, labor costs are minimal.

    Children's creativity - it is so... childish and beautiful!

    Salt dough figurines can also be used as Christmas decorations, both as decor for self-wrapped gifts, and as figures for other projects - for example, advent calendars.

    Made with the child. Colored and shiny, a little uneven and this makes them even more touching and memorable.

    On New Year's Eve, every adult, not to mention children, awakens the desire to create cute little things that bring a feeling of comfort and warmth to the house... And although the stores are overflowing with factory-made toys and New Year's accessories, I want to make something of my own, unique, inimitable.

    Elegant toys for the New Year's green beauty can be made from paper, fabric, and thread. Can you use salty dough- another interesting and quite accessible material. How to do it for the New Year? This is what we will talk about now.

    How to make salt dough?

    First, you need to prepare the right salt dough. To do this, prepare one measure of fine salt and two measures of flour in advance. Dissolve the salt in warm or hot water, and when it cools, gradually add the salt solution to the flour, stirring constantly. You can add a little sunflower oil to the dough - it will make the mass more elastic and less sticky. However, it is more difficult to mold something from dough with added butter, since its pieces do not adhere well to each other. This option is good for simple single-layer crafts.

    The dough should be quite stiff and hold its shape. Let it sit for the gluten to dissolve and get to work. Christmas tree decorations made from salt dough can be easily made using cookie cutters.

    DIY New Year's crafts

    Figurines made in this way are very reminiscent of traditional gingerbread and create a feeling of homeliness. You can make cute hearts, Christmas trees and stars: just roll out the dough into a thin (about 1 cm) sheet and invite your child to make figures out of it.

    If you don’t have ready-made molds, you can cut them out of tin drink cans, bending them inward at the edges so that the baby doesn’t get hurt. Even simple round pendants that can be made using a glass, small glass or small jar will look beautiful. Don't forget to make a hole for a loop in each figure.

    Place the cut out figures on a mesh and let them dry thoroughly; If drying on a dense, flat surface, periodically turn the crafts over. You can use the oven, carefully drying the workpieces at low temperature.

    We paint the dried figures with bright colors and cover them with sparkles.

    The top of the crafts can be coated with transparent varnish - this will give them a beautiful gloss.

    Thread a ribbon or thick thread - and the decoration is ready.

    Christmas tree made of salt dough.

    Salt dough heart.

    You can paint Christmas tree decorations made from dough with paints.

    The imprint of a child's hand makes a charming Santa Claus. The craft is done using the same technique. Let the craft dry well.

    Apply a layer of white paint.

    We paint the craft and cover it with varnish. Santa Claus is ready!

    You can make a wonderful New Year's decoration “pig with wings” from salt dough.

    Do-it-yourself New Year's crafts from salt dough made in this way will become especially dear to children, and the children will be happy to join in the process of decorating the main symbol of the New Year.

    DIY New Year's crafts from salt dough (video)

    Christmas tree decorations made from salt dough (sweet and pink):

    Crafts made from salt dough for the New Year 2016 are original, cute and very easy to make. The material will not stain your hands, and it can be easily painted in any color! In addition, it does not contain harmful substances, has no unpleasant odor, such as plastic. Crafts made from salt dough for the New Year create a special atmosphere in the house. There are many options for such products that can be easily made at home. They can be made at any level of complexity, so you can even involve your children in the work, who will be delighted with these activities, so feel free to prepare salt dough. Anyone can make crafts for the New Year from such material.

    Santa Claus made from salt dough for the New Year

    A cute Santa Claus made from salt dough for the New Year will be an excellent decoration for the Christmas tree and your interior. We hope that our article will help you make New Year's crafts from salt dough; the master class is presented below.

    To create original crafts from salt dough for the New Year 2016, you will need the following materials:

    • flour;
    • foil;
    • PVA glue;
    • acrylic paints;
    • tassels;
    • small jar for water;
    • water;
    • various decorating materials.

    So, now you know what you can make from salt dough for the New Year to please yourself and those around you, as well as decorate the interior in an unusual way, bringing originality and zest to your home.

    Cute Santa Claus made from salt dough: master class, recommendations

    Do you want to succeed handsome Grandfather Salt dough frost? The master class that we offer you in our article will help you with this.

    1. Knead an elastic dough that will not stick to your hands and place it in plastic bag so that it does not dry out.
    2. Roll a small ball from a miniature piece and flatten it. Then we put foil on it, which needs to be rolled into a cone shape. It will be required for a larger volume of product. Leave the foil in the middle of the dough and roll out into a cone. This is the basis of our craft.
    3. Roll into a small sausage by pinching off a piece from the main piece. We attach it to the base - the cone, leaving a small part. This part is the character's hat, and the sausage is the fur of the hat.
    4. We roll up another sausage, which will be longer than the previous one, and attach it to the product, sculpting the shape of a collar.
    5. We make a small ball - this is the nose of our Santa Claus.
    6. We create another sausage and scroll it (we twist it like a rope). The ends should be pressed. This is a beard product. We attach it to the head. The mustache is made from two pieces of material. They should also be slightly flattened when joining.
    7. We make fur for a fur coat, pressing it down a little when fastening it.
    8. To make the arms, roll the sausages, extending them from the shoulder to the wrist. Don't forget to make indentations for the mittens, which are made from tortillas.

    As you can see, it’s easy to make DIY New Year’s crafts from salt dough. All you have to do is be patient and create.

    Place the product in the refrigerator for 24 hours. When the craft is dry, it needs to be painted and decorated. We glue beads and sequins, apply them to the “fur” and beard clear nail polish for nails, on which you can sprinkle a pinch of glitter.

    Creating crafts from salt dough for the New Year 2016 is a very pleasant activity that will give you a lot of pleasant impressions.

    Sunflower from plastic bottle do it yourself - photo, how to make it DIY figures from plastic bottles - photo, video master class Do-it-yourself pig from a plastic bottle - photo, how to make it

    Master class on testoplasty. Craft “New Year's Clock”

    The master class is designed for older children preschool age, teachers, parents.

    Purpose: This salt dough craft can be used as New Year's gift or group decoration kindergarten for the New Year's holiday.

    Target: develop children’s aesthetic senses, emotional and value orientations, and introduce children to artistic culture.


    · Develop children's independence and initiative, friendly relationships and cooperation with peers and adults.

    · Develop spatial and figurative thinking.

    · Develop the skill of carefully working with salt dough.

    · Develop the ability to assemble a whole from parts

    · Foster a culture of communication, a desire to bring the product to the desired image.

    You will need: For the dough (salt 1 tbsp, flour 2 tbsp, water by eye, 1 tbsp sunflower oil); foil, stack, paint, brush, sippy cup.

    New Year's watch

    The alarm rings twelve times

    New Year has come again

    He boldly opened the doors to us

    Entering the house without asking

    And our souls will feel sad again

    We will remember the old year

    We will remember the old chimes

    And the old firmament

    Or maybe we want

    Take back that year

    Where I saw it for the first time

    That gray firmament

    But a year has passed

    And he will never return again

    So let's meet friends with fun

    Your new year and new hour.

    Step by step process

    So, you can make this original composition from salt dough with a clock. It just takes a little effort. First, prepare the salt dough for further modeling. The recipe is: 1 glass of salt, 2 glasses of flour, 1 glass of water and 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil. Next, knead the dough, bring it to the desired consistency so that it does not stick to your hands, and begin work.

    1. Take a piece of foil and place it on a baking sheet. Roll out the dough and cut out the base of the house.

    2. We determine a place for the clock and begin to roll out the flagella 1 cm thick and lay them out in the form of logs. Lubricate one side with water to make it sticky. All excess must be carefully trimmed with a knife.

    3. When the entire house is covered with sausage, use a flagellum to identify the window and the roof. For the roof, roll out the rope and flatten it a little.

    4.Next we move on to the figures. As usual, the house has its own residents. You can do anyone. I made a snowman and a Christmas tree. I also depicted icicles along the edge of the roof. I made a clock with numbers and arrows in the window.

    Most of New Year's decorations not only for skilled needlewomen, but even for small children: Many New Year's salt dough crafts are created using cookie cutters. These “cookies” can be hung on a Christmas tree or made into garlands.

    Another advantage of cookies is their safety: even curious kids or puppies will not harm themselves.

    Commemorative prints

    To make the simplest New Year's craft made from salt dough, all you need is your hands. Print your palm on a piece of dough, and when it dries, color it like a Christmas tree. You can collect memorable handprints from the whole family.

    A souvenir version of the craft is a Christmas tree with fingerprints. The prints are painted in different colors, the thread of the garland is completed, and such a craft can already be given to your closest and dearest people.

    New Year's decorations - salt dough cookies

    New Year's salty “cookies” can be made from colored dough, or after drying they can be painted with gouache or glitter sparkles. For example, like in these photos.

    If you are familiar with first-hand decoupage, use your skills to decorate the base cookies with beautiful New Year's scenes.

    Salt dough crafts made for the New Year can be decorated with any available means - fragrant spices, beans or cereals(birds outside the window will be happy with such a gift) or even pasta(they are good for imitating the curly wool of a sheep).

    Snowflakes and Christmas trees made from salt dough, painted, look unexpectedly elegant and airy markers. Such snowflakes can be collected into garlands or used as Christmas tree decorations.

    To make snowflake crafts made from salt dough shine like real ones on New Year’s Eve, before coloring them you can hprime with silver paint. Another technique that will help make the salt dough more airy is to cut windows in the middle of the dough star, also in the shape of stars.

    You can quickly paint Christmas tree decorations from salt dough using stamps- cut them out of eraser or use them as decorations, twigs, toys as stamps...

    Solar garland

    A simple New Year's decoration of fabulous beauty - a garland of snowflakes with transparent centers. To make it, you need to fill the middle with plastic beads and bake the craft. Of course, the whole house will smell of burnt plastic, but the result will shine in the sun.

    If you want to avoid the plastic stink, put a caramel in the middle of each snowflake. When the sugar melts, you will see a colored window - or brown if you leave the snowflakes a little too long.

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