• DIY voluminous heart made of corrugated paper. Ideas for crafts made from corrugated paper DIY crepe paper heart


    The heart symbolizes love and tender feelings. Decorating a room with hearts different forms and flowers do not lose their relevance as on romantic evenings both holidays and on ordinary days. A handmade heart is an excellent gift option for Valentine's Day, a relationship anniversary, or a birthday. It also looks good as a design element in a girl's room.
    The presented product, in the form of three-dimensional hearts, attracts with its simplicity of the work process and affordable materials that do not require large financial investments. Despite this, it looks attractive and interesting. To make flowers, you can use corrugated paper, but based on the price category, ordinary napkins look no worse, but are several times cheaper.
    Materials for production:

    • cardboard;
    • scissors or stationery knife;
    • glue Moment transparent Crystal;
    • stapler;
    • pink table napkins;
    • acrylic paints, brush;
    • glitter;
    • rope or ribbon for hanging.

    Manufacturing process

    1. Draw a heart on cardboard for the base. In this craft, a composition of three hearts will be made, one - 30 cm, two - 20 cm at the widest part.

    2. Cut out the hearts with scissors. A more convenient option is a stationery knife.

    3. Paint the back of the hearts with paints. Here we use pink paint to match the color of the napkins. If pink is not available, it can be obtained by combining red and white.

    4. Immediately, before the paint has dried, sprinkle it with glitter. They will stick directly to the paint without requiring additional adhesive. We decorate the back if the heart will be given as a valentine, or hung in the center of the room or on the windows. In the case where the heart is hung on the wall, it is possible to skip these steps and focus on the design of the front part.

    5. Leave the hearts to dry completely.

    6. The front of the hearts will be decorated with flowers. To make one flower you need two napkins.
    7. Cut the napkins into single-layer squares.

    8. Fold the resulting 8 squares like an accordion, one side measuring 1 cm.

    9. Secure the accordion in the middle with a stapler. If it is not available, you can tie the accordion with thread. But this will require additional time and, possibly, the help of another person.
    10. Trim the corners on both sides. You can, by cutting, make a sharp corner to obtain a flower, such as a dahlia or chrysanthemum. You can cut it in a semicircle, then the flower petals will be softer, like a rose.

    11. Open the accordion. Gradually, carefully lift all layers towards the center.
    12. Fluff the flower randomly to give it a finished shape.
    13. Prepare the remaining flowers in a similar manner. For smaller hearts you will need, on average, 13-15 buds, and for a large one about 25 will fit.
    14. Before attaching flowers, take care of the hanging hole. Make it using scissors or an awl, stretch a ribbon or string in advance for the loop.
    15. Apply Moment glue to the entire surface of the heart.
    16. Starting from the bottom, fill the entire area with flowers. Moment glue is good because it quickly secures parts, important factor For this use the first firm pressure is applied.

    A paper heart for children can become a craft that is relevant for any holiday: this symbol reflects everything warm feelings, which every child experiences for his closest people.

    By making even a simple heart out of paper with your own hands, your baby will be reminded that there is always a place in his little heart for a loved one.

    Of course, there are a huge variety of ways to make a heart out of paper. We propose to consider the most interesting and unusual of them, and then choose the one that your child will like best and will be able to do.

    In order to make a heart we will need to cut out a base from white paper. To do this, fold a sheet of paper in half and cut out half a heart on the fold. We open both halves - the base of the craft is ready.

    Cut strips from pink paper. You can use paper different shades.

    Cut up pink paper. It is not necessary to cut it into even squares - random cuts look interesting in their own way.

    Apply glue to the base and glue our paper cuts.

    Heart applique made from pieces of paper - ready!

    Paper heart (openwork postcard)

    For an openwork heart, we need to cut out three hearts of different sizes and shapes from red paper, one heart from pink paper, as well as a frame and a declaration of love.

    Glue the large hearts together so that the red plain one is in the back, the red openwork one in the center, and the pink one in the front.

    Glue the red one little heart above. The paper heart is ready - all that remains is to hand it to your loved one.

    Heart made of paper napkins (video):

    From small colored pieces thin paper You can make a heart using the cutting technique.

    Heart with paper roses

    A heart with roses, decorated with a ribbon around the edge, looks very beautiful.

    Fold using a stapler or glue the flower buds together.

    Glue stems with leaves and buds to the heart. At the bottom we decorate the craft with a beautiful ribbon. Paper heart with flowers - ready!

    Hearts made from paper cupcake tins

    Hearts cut out of paper cupcake tins are interesting. Cut out the heart from the mold.

    Let's straighten it out.

    You can color them using prints made cotton swabs.

    Moisten such prints a little with water and you will get an original color.

    You can glue a ribbon to the heart.

    Paper hearts - accordion

    A very unusual heart can be made from paper folded like an accordion.

    Watch how to make a garland of paper hearts in the video:

    Simple hearts made from paper strips

    Hearts are easy to make from paper strips using a stapler.

    Dip one edge of the heart in glue.

    We use them to decorate a whole tree, into the silhouette of which it is very easy to turn the contours of a child’s hand cut out of brown paper.

    One by one, glue the hearts to the palm.

    In this way you can arrange greeting card or a picture.

    Slightly more complex hearts are made from strips of colored paper, the ends of which are twisted into curls. You can make a very beautiful, elegant pendant from such hearts.

    You can cut a heart out of paper, cut it into strips and glue it onto a plastic tube. We'll make a very simple and sweet Valentine's card.

    Heart - valentine

    Heart with roses applique made from rolled paper

    An interesting paper heart is made using the appliqué technique from rolled paper. We will need to roll the colored paper into a tube, then cut the tube into small curl pieces.

    We fix the ends of the curls with glue so that the curl is sufficiently free. Glue the curls onto the paper base.

    Glue small green curls onto the base. Here is a “heart” applique decorated with a bouquet of roses!

    Applique “heart with roses”

    Card with a heart made of curled paper

    We take special paper for quilling or cut it into thin strips. We twist the strips into curls. The ends can be fixed with glue or left free.

    Glue a heart from a strip of paper onto the folded base of the card.

    We place our curls of rolled paper (rolls) inside the heart. We fix them with glue. Postcard with quilling heart - ready!

    Watch the video on how to make a beautiful heart pendant using the quilling technique:

    Heart made using quilling technique

    In order to make a heart using the quilling technique, we need quilling paper. Roll paper into rolls ( basic elements quilling). If you glue paper strips of different colors together, you get very interesting two-color rolls.

    We make a heart out of paper rolls. We fix each roll with glue.

    Heart made using quilling technique - ready! With this heart you can decorate a greeting card or make an original Valentine’s card for your loved one.

    And here is a wonderful heart using the contour quilling technique:

    Paper heart scrapbooking

    Design paper heart possible using the popular scrapbooking technique. The main thing for scrapbooking is multi-layering and the effect of antiquity. Based on this, we select materials for crafts.

    Glue the openwork onto the paper heart paper napkin, inscription, figurine of an angel.

    We complement the craft with paper flowers and ribbons. Scrapbooking heart - done!

    Volumetric paper heart pendant

    You can make a very impressive heart pendant from thin tissue paper. We cut out nine identical hearts according to the template.

    Sew the heart in the center on sewing machine. We do not cut the thread - we will use it to hang the craft.

    Straightening the paper - volumetric heart ready!

    Origami heart

    To make a heart, take a square of red paper. Special paper from origami kits is best, but you can also use regular colored paper. Cut the square into two parts.

    Fold the triangle, then straighten it.

    Fold the top of the triangle down along the center line.

    We bend the side part up.

    We bend the other part.

    Make crafts from corrugated paper DIY is very fun and exciting. This beautiful and pliable material has gained great popularity among needlewomen. In addition, corrugated paper is inexpensive and boasts a huge variety of colors.

    We present to your attention several simple lessons on creating crafts from corrugated paper. They will help you study this fascinating process in detail and suggest a lot of new ideas for creativity.

    Bouquet of hyacinths made of corrugated paper

    We will need: corrugated paper of different colors, wooden skewers or sticks, glue and scissors.

    Step one. Cut the paper into equal strips. We fold each strip in several layers and cut it into thin strips (not all the way!), as shown in the photo.

    Step two. We wind each strip of the resulting fringe onto a wooden skewer, which we then remove. As a result, we will get curls along the entire length of the paper tape, which we wrap around a skewer to make a hyacinth inflorescence. Before doing this, we dip the tip of the skewer in glue. To make the inflorescence more magnificent, it is better to use two stripes with curls.

    Step three. We cut thin strips of green corrugated paper. We drip glue onto the lower part of the inflorescence and from this place we wrap the skewer with a green stripe to the end of the stem, where we secure it with glue.

    Step four. We cut out two green rectangles of different sizes, and from them we cut out leaves, giving them a convex shape. Next, glue the leaves to the stem.

    Step five. We make the rest of the flowers in the same way. Inflorescences can be made from two multi-colored stripes. The more colors we use, the more interesting the composition will be.

    A luxurious bouquet of hyacinths, made by yourself, is ready!

    Topiary “Heart” made of corrugated paper

    We will need:

    • pink corrugated paper
    • trimming pencil
    • tree pot
    • cardboard, foam, glue and scissors
    • tree trunk - any stick of suitable size
    • elements for decoration

    Step one. Cut the pink corrugated paper into equal squares and cut out a large heart from the foam. Next we design the heart using volumetric applique in the cutting technique. To do this, press the pink square to the blunt tip of the pencil and press it down, as shown in the photo. We have a tube-end.

    Step two. Apply glue to the tip of each end tube and glue the element onto the heart. We continue to attach the formed pieces of paper elements until we cover the entire surface of the heart. We try to place the end tubes very close to each other.

    Step three. We trim the finished heart with scissors so that it looks even and neat. We fill the pot for the tree with any filler. Next, we cut out a circle from cardboard along the diameter of the topiary container with a hole for the trunk, decorate it using the trimming technique with green corrugated paper and install it in the pot. We also cover the trunk with green paper strip, fix it in the pot, and glue the other end to the heart.

    Step four. We decorate the tree with birds and satin ribbons. Decorate at your own discretion and flower pot. You can make such a wonderful souvenir with your own hands and give it to your loved ones or friends on Valentine's Day.

    Easter egg stand

    We will need: corrugated paper, cardboard for the base, scissors, decorative elements and glue.

    Operating procedure:

    1. We make the base for the stand from cardboard.
    2. We cut out a fairly wide strip of corrugated paper and glue it onto a round cardboard base.
    3. Fill the inside of the stand with pieces of organza, lace or soft wire. We complement our creation with bright elements. You can use paper flowers, beads, pebbles and other decorations. The DIY egg stand is ready.

    Corrugated paper pineapple

    We will need: green and yellow corrugated paper, a short bottle with a low neck, golden foil, scissors, glue.

    Operating procedure:

    1. From green paper we cut out leaves 2 cm wide and 8 cm long, and from yellow paper we cut out pineapple scales 2-3 cm wide and 9 cm long. Then we fold the scales in half and twist them in the fold.
    2. We close the bottle with a cork and wrap the top of the neck with gold foil. Next, we glue leaves from top to bottom on the neck of the bottle, and scales on the rest of it. We arrange them in a checkerboard pattern.
    3. We make a bottom with leaves and color the pineapple with a felt-tip pen with brown strokes.

    Corrugated paper butterflies

    These cute butterflies can be made in 15 minutes using the simple pattern we have provided. For creativity we will need: corrugated paper, threads, scissors, glue and decorative elements.

    Operating procedure:

    1. We cut out two pairs of wings of different sizes from multi-colored corrugated paper, put them on top of each other, and then tie them in the center with thread and straighten the wings. If the butterfly will be used as a pendant, there is no need to cut the thread.
    2. Next we make the body of the butterfly. To do this, cut out a narrow strip, bend it in half, make a cut as shown in the diagram, and wrap it around the central part of the butterfly. We twist the antennae from the cut ends.
    3. Glue sparkles or sequins onto the wings - and the fluttering beauty of the butterfly is ready.

    A few more craft ideas

    The most popular crafts made from corrugated paper are flowers. There are many simple and detailed diagrams. Here are just a few of them.

    Corrugated paper pom-poms are a great party decoration or decor for photography.

    Another one interesting idea crafts made from this wonderful material - bright and elegant baskets.

    As you can see, corrugated paper is an amazing material from which you can create real masterpieces. Create, experiment, involve your loved ones in creativity - and your life will be filled with new colors.

    You can make this original fluffy heart with your own hands from corrugated paper and cardboard. Looking at the photo, you can see that there are flowers in the window on the right. In this window you can place any attribute or symbol of your love, thereby turning the heart into unusual souvenir, which can be given to your beloved man or woman on St. Valentine's Day. Valentina.

    Souvenir for Valentine's Day: DIY fluffy paper heart

    Making such a valentine heart using trimming begins with preparing the materials. We will need a sheet of white cardboard, colored corrugated paper, scissors, a stick with a blunt end, PVA glue, in full size.

    Cut squares from colored paper. We choose the size depending on the size of the heart, but the finer the details, the more delicate the finished work looks. The heart itself is also cut out.

    We draw the contours on the blank that we will fill. Apply glue and start trimming. To do this, press a square of paper to the blunt end of the stick and crimp the edges. Instead of a stick, you can use a pen rod. Glue the resulting molds to the heart.

    We fill the heart in this way, leaving the desired area.

    Next we need paper of a different color. Cut out thin strips and curl them using scissors. After that we place them in our window. To create petals, cut out a green leaf the desired shape. Then we make cuts and curl the edges. After that, use glue to secure them in the right place.

    Using a simple pencil you need to mark the locations of future flowers. Using the same stick and paper we create flowers. 4-5 elements are enough for one flower. All that remains is to dry the valentine and present it to your loved one.

    Hello dear readers and blog guests! The festive atmosphere before Valentine's Day settled in our house. We read, we craft, and now we’ve gotten to the “Volume heart made of corrugated paper” craft together with the child.


    Even before the New Year, I purchased a small roll of bright pink corrugated paper from a craft store. Just the other day a roll caught my eye and I decided, what an idea for joint creativity?! Moreover, to do volumetric heart made of corrugated paper, there is no need to purchase additional materials. Everything that is required, I am sure, is in every home.


    1. corrugated paper of suitable colors;
    2. cardboard;
    3. scissors, a stationery knife or a special knife for cutting paper/cardboard;
    4. glue stick;
    5. regular pencil or pen, felt-tip pen with a flat bottom.


    1. Cut out a heart from cardboard. In my case, I made a cardboard heart frame by cutting out the core from the template.

    2. Cut the corrugated paper into rectangles measuring approximately 1.5 by 3 cm;

    3. Now comes the most important and rather painstaking work. We glue rectangles of corrugated paper to our cardboard blank. But first I let the child thoroughly tinker with the paper, and when it was my turn to bring our craft to fruition by February 14, I threw myself into work for half an hour. The principle of gluing rectangles is that we wrap paper on the flat end of a pencil, pen or felt-tip pen,

    coat the workpiece with glue and glue the rectangle directly from the pencil to our heart.

    To be honest, it takes longer to write than to do. The main thing in this matter is the progressive transition from one end of the blank heart to the other. And after half an hour, the volumetric heart made of corrugated paper is ready:

    The use of such a voluminous heart can be very diverse: this is the decor of the room, and the use of the heart in a photo shoot, and even as a frame for a photograph of a beloved baby or for a family photo, or even for a baby’s hand made by . Looks bright and beautiful!

    I hope I have inspired you to build such a heart. Older children will get to work with ease and enthusiasm, and the baby will be given all possible help.

    Everyone is in a great mood!

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