•  Social studies: The spiritual life of society. Spiritual life and human needs


    Adults often think about self-development and self-awareness, about issues of ethics and morality, spirituality and religion, about the meaning of life. What is spiritual? We can say that this is a accumulation of his impressions and experiences, which are realized in the process of life.

    What is spirituality?

    Issues of spirituality are dealt with by such sciences as philosophy, theology, religious studies and social studies. What does a person's spiritual life consist of? It is very difficult to define it. This is a formation that includes knowledge, feelings, faith and “high” (from a moral and ethical point of view) goals. What is the spiritual life of a person? Education, family, going to church and occasional alms? No, this is all wrong. Spiritual life is the achievements of the senses and mind, combined into so-called ones, which lead to the construction of even higher goals.

    “Strength” and “weakness” of spiritual development

    What distinguishes “spiritually” from others? developed personality"? What does a person's spiritual life consist of? Developed, she strives for purity of ideals and thoughts, she thinks about her development and acts in accordance with her ideals. A person who is poorly developed in this regard is not able to appreciate all the delights of the world around him; his inner life is colorless and poor. So what is a person’s spiritual life? First of all, this is the progressive development of the individual and its self-regulation, under the “guidance” of high values, goals and ideals.

    Worldview features

    What is the spiritual life of a person? Schoolchildren and students are often asked to write essays on this topic, as this is a fundamental question. But it cannot be considered without mentioning such a concept. as a "worldview". That the term describes the totality of a person’s views on the world around him and the processes that occur in it. The worldview defines the individual’s attitude towards everything that surrounds him. Worldview processes determine and reflect the feelings and thoughts that the world presents to a person; they form a holistic idea of ​​other people, nature, society, moral values ​​and ideals. In all historical periods, the characteristics of people's views on the world were different, but it is difficult to find two individuals with the same views on the world. That is why we can conclude that the spiritual life of each individual person is individual. There may be people with similar ideas, but there are factors that will definitely make their own adjustments.

    Values ​​and guidelines

    What is the spiritual life of a person? If we talk about this concept, then it is necessary to remember about the value guideline. This is the most precious and even holy moment for every person. It is these guidelines that collectively reflect the individual’s attitude to facts, phenomena and events that occur in reality. Value guidelines are different for different nations, countries, societies, peoples, communities and ethnic groups. With their help, both individual and social goals and priorities are formed. We can distinguish moral, artistic, political, economic, professional and religious values.

    We are what we think about

    Consciousness determines being - this is what the classics of philosophy say. What is the spiritual life of a person? We can say that development is awareness, clarity of consciousness and purity of thoughts. This is not to say that this entire process occurs only in the head. The concept of “awareness” implies some active actions along this path. It starts with controlling your thoughts. Every word comes from an unconscious or conscious thought, which is why it is important to control them. Following words come actions. The tone of voice and body language correspond to words, which in turn are generated by thoughts. Monitoring your actions is also extremely important, as they will become habits over time. But it is very difficult to overcome a bad habit; it is much better not to have it. Habits shape character, and this is exactly how other people see a person. They are not able to know thoughts or feelings, but they can evaluate and analyze actions. Character, together with actions and habits, shapes the path of life and spiritual development. It is constant self-control and self-improvement that form the basis of a person’s spiritual life.

    TO spiritual life a person includes: knowledge, feelings, needs, experiences, abilities, faith, beliefs, aspirations and goals.

    The spiritual sphere of social life covers various shapes and levels of social consciousness: moral, scientific, aesthetic, political, legal and religious consciousness.

    The spiritual sphere of society's life covers various forms and levels of social consciousness: moral, scientific, aesthetic, religious, political, legal consciousness. Accordingly, its elements are morality, science, art, religion.

    Morality - this is a set of rules of behavior derived from people’s ideas about good and evil, justice and injustice, good and bad, which are a consequence of a person’s inner conviction or the force of influence of public opinion on him.

    The science- these are theoretically systematized views on the world, reproducing its essential aspects in the abstract-logical form of concepts, theories, laws) and based on the results of scientific research.

    Art- this is a specific form of social consciousness, which is a reflection of the surrounding reality in artistic images.

    Religion- this is a set of certain myths, dogmas, cult and ritual actions, as well as religious institutions (church).

    Unlike material spiritual needs not given biologically, not given to a person from birth. They are formed and developed in the process of socialization of the individual.

    The peculiarity of spiritual needs is that they have a fundamentally unlimited nature: there are no limits to growth for them, and the only limiter to such growth is only the volume of spiritual values ​​already accumulated by humanity and the desire of a person to participate in their increase.

    In order to satisfy spiritual needs, people organize spiritual production. The results of spiritual production include:

    Ideas, theories, images, values

    Social connections of individuals

    Level of development of the person himself

    Scientists distinguish three types of spiritual production:

    Science and education

    Arts and culture


    Spiritual world of personality(human microcosm) - holistic and at the same time contradictory phenomenon. This is a complex system, the elements of which are:

    1) spiritual needs in understanding the surrounding world, in self-expression through the means of culture, art, other forms of activity, in using cultural achievements, etc.;

    2) knowledge about nature, society, man, oneself;

    3) faith into the truth of those beliefs that a person shares;

    4) representation;

    5) beliefs, defining human activity in all its manifestations and spheres;

    6) values, underlying a person’s relationship to the world and himself, giving meaning to his activities, reflecting his ideals;

    7) capabilities to certain forms of social activity;

    8) feelings and emotions, in which his relationship with nature and society is expressed;

    9) goals, which he consciously sets before himself.

    An important element of a person’s spiritual world is his worldview, the totality of his views on the world as a whole and the associated attitude towards the world. There are several types of worldview:

    1) ordinary(or worldly). It is formed under the influence of life circumstances and is based on personal experience;

    2) religious. It is based on a person’s religious views, ideas and beliefs;

    3) scientific. It is formed on the basis of the achievements of modern science, reflects the scientific picture of the world, the results of modern scientific knowledge;

    4) humanistic. It is spoken of more as a goal than as a reality. The humanistic worldview unites best sides scientific worldview with ideas about social justice, environmental safety, and moral ideal.

    The spiritual world of the individual expresses the inextricable connection between the individual and society. A person enters a society that has a certain spiritual fund, which he has to master in life.

  • priest
  • archbishop Sergius (Korolev)
  • Hegumen Boris (Dolzhenko)
  • priest Ilya Gumilevsky
  • St.
  • Spiritual life There is new life who believes in a person, generated by the Divine Holy Spirit with the consent of a free human.

    The spiritual life is called spiritual for two reasons. First of all, it appears, grows and improves only through the gracious action of the Holy Spirit of God. Further, because the human spirit takes part in it. From the union of the Spirit of God and the human spirit comes spiritual life, in which the Spirit of God gives life itself, and the human spirit receives.

    The beginning of a full-fledged spiritual life lies in the sacrament, where a person is abundantly given grace for spiritual rebirth. In the sacrament of baptism, a grace-filled seed of spiritual life is laid in a Christian, the development of which depends both on and on the will of a person. If a man “with free will he will devote himself to God and with a willing, joyful and grateful perception he will assimilate the grace-filled power that has been acquired in himself” then spiritual life "will become the person's own, will appear in its full form"(St.).

    A person’s spiritual life is made up of Divine grace and human freedom. An effort of will is required from a person in the fight against and acquisition. From the gracious help of God comes the very victory over sin and the virtues themselves. Spiritual life is realized in the cooperation of God and man. Spiritual life flows in, since in it (in its and) Divine grace itself abides and is given.

    Concept of spiritual life

    Spiritual realm represents the most sublime sphere of life and.

    Here the spirit, spirituality is born and realized; spiritual needs are born, the production of ideas and their consumption unfolds. Emerging as a subsystem of society, spiritual life completes it from above.

    Spiritual life is a sphere public life, associated with the production and distribution of spiritual values, the satisfaction of human spiritual needs.

    The study of the spiritual life of society should begin with consideration spiritual needs, and they are nothing more than the need of people and society to create and master spiritual values, i.e. the need for moral improvement, for satisfying the sense of beauty, for essential comprehension of the world around us. To satisfy such needs, the branch of spiritual production is formed and functions.

    Spiritual needs, unlike material ones, are not given biologically, they are not given (at least in their essence) to a person from birth. The individual’s need to master the world of culture has for him the character of a social necessity, otherwise he will not become a human being. This need does not arise naturally. It must be formed and developed by the individual’s social environment in a long process of his and.

    In spiritual (scientific, aesthetic, religious) values expresses the social nature of man, as well as the conditions of his existence. This is a unique form of reflection by public consciousness of objective trends in the development of society. In terms of the beautiful and the ugly, good and evil, justice, truth, etc. humanity expresses its attitude to reality and contrasts it with a certain ideal state of society that must be established.

    Spiritual production

    Spiritual production- the production of consciousness in a special social form, carried out by specialized groups of people professionally engaged in qualified mental labor. The result of spiritual production is ideas, theories, spiritual values, and ultimately the person himself.

    The most important function of spiritual production is a spiritual activity that is aimed at improving all other spheres of society (economic, political, social). The process of spiritual production will be completed when its product reaches the consumer. Important has such a function of spiritual production as the formation of public opinion.

    What is the specificity of spiritual production, its difference from material production? First of all, its final product is ideal formations with a number of positive properties. The main one is the universal nature of their consumption. There is no spiritual value that would not ideally be the property of everyone. Material goods are limited. How more people they are claimed, the less each has to share. With spiritual benefits everything is different - they do not decrease from consumption. On the contrary: the more people master spiritual values, the more likely their increments.

    Human spirituality

    Human spirituality

    Spirituality- a property of the human psyche, consisting in the predominance of moral and intellectual interests over material ones. A spiritually rich person is characterized by high culture, readiness for dedication and self-development. His spiritual needs prompt him to reflect on the eternal values ​​of existence, the meaning of life. Spirituality is a person’s responsibility for himself, his actions, and the fate of his Motherland.

    The spiritual life of society is formed by such principles as moral, cognitive and aesthetic. These principles give rise to morality and science and art and creativity. The spiritual life of man and society corresponds to the following types of spiritual activities, as religious, scientific, creative. These types of activities correspond to three value ideals that a person strives for:

    • truth is an adequate reflection of reality by the subject, reproduction of it as it is outside and independently of consciousness;
    • good is a general evaluative concept denoting the positive aspect of human activity, the opposite of evil;
    • beauty is a set of qualities that bring pleasure to the eyes and ears of a person.

    A person is guided by his education and upbringing by a variety of values ​​created by previous generations. A person's true wealth lies in his spiritual world.

    Spirituality of Russia

    IN Russian society Recently, unfortunately, the idea that a person is rich only by having big money, dachas, cars - in a word, material assets. This is a deep and tragic mistake. There is a great danger of loss as a value for a generation that lives only by material interests, seeks only benefits for itself and, because of this, loses the meaning of life. A person is truly rich only in his knowledge, spiritual values, and culture. Household, everyday life, naturally, are important for a person. But if all desires are limited to this, you can lose your roots, the basis of being. By how closely a person is connected with spiritual culture, one can judge the richness of his soul and intellect, his ability to generate new ideas and defend truth, goodness and beauty. It is with the help of culture that unique, inimitable features are formed.

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