• Features of caring for a guinea pig. Guinea pig care


    Guinea pigs are very cute animals that are sure to become the most beloved pets in the house. What is surprising is their name, which does not reflect the truth at all. Pigs are not pigs as such, but look more like huge hamsters with an unusual head, and they don’t like water at all. Caring for them is not difficult, but not entirely simple, but first things first.


    It is very important for guinea pigs to live in comfortable conditions. In the wild, they have vast territories in their possession; they love to run around and stretch their bones, which, unfortunately, is impossible to do in a cramped cage. If you want your beloved “piggy” to live many happy years, then first provide her with housing. You have two options:

    Option one is to buy a suitable cage. Pigs are accustomed to living, so to speak, in two-dimensional space, that is, height is not so important for them. The most important thing is that the cage has a suitable area. Pigs are quite clean and like to share space, their toilet is in one place, their place for food is in another, and they sleep in a third, although not all individuals can boast of such organization.

    The minimum cage size for one guinea pig is 100 cm on one side.

    Of course, this figure is rounded; if the model you find is slightly larger or smaller, that’s okay. If you have a couple living with you, then the cage should not be less than 120 cm. Starting from three pigs, the cage area should increase by half a square meter.

    Option two is organizing an enclosure. This option is good because you can make a suitable enclosure yourself. You can even use cardboard for its walls, although it is not advisable. The pigs are not so jumpy that they can overcome it, but they are strong enough to pry the cardboard with their nose or completely demolish the walls by sneaking out. The best option- These are wooden or plastic partitions. They are more resistant to moisture and sit better on the ground.

    Many people use fences for flower beds and lawns as pen walls. They are easy to assemble, expand, and all sections are interconnected. The only drawback is the legs, which are stuck into the ground, but they can always be sawed off or detached.

    What and how to feed

    The second very important thing for the longevity of a pig is. If you really want to take good care of your boar, be prepared to spend a significant amount on food. Remember that in nature pigs consume more than 40 different kind herbs, vegetables or fruits, Such a wide range allows them to receive all the necessary vitamins for full functioning and health. Based on this, we can conclude that the more varied food you can provide your pigs with, the better.

    The entire diet of a guinea pig consists of several components:

    1. Hay;
    2. Fresh food, which includes grass, vegetables and fruits;
    3. Dry grain mixtures;
    4. Water.

    It is advisable that all parts of the specified diet be present every day. Hay should always be in the hay barn, since for guinea pigs it not only serves as bread, but also helps to grind down the animals’ teeth, keeping them in good condition. With a lack of hay, the teeth do not grind down, grow strongly and lead to various injuries and diseases. Hay is inexpensive and can be purchased at any pet store. The cheapest will cost 50 rubles for a pack of 20 liters, which is enough for one pig for about a week.

    You need just a little bit of dry grain mixtures - literally one or two tablespoons for the whole day for one individual. It is advisable to purchase good and expensive food, especially since one pack will last for a long time. If finances do not allow, then you can completely abandon this part of the diet.

    Fresh food must be present and form the bulk of the diet.

    Inexpensive foods include carrots, raw beets, cabbage, Chinese salad, and some fruits such as apples. In general, the list of products is very large, but there is also a considerable list of prohibited foods. Before you try to give anything to your pig, it is better to search for this product online and find out whether it can be given to your pig and in what quantities.

    Should you get a mate for your pig?

    A guinea pig is not the cheapest pleasure, but true friend will be by your side for a very long time. , pigs are larger and live much longer - 5-8 years. A logical question that might interest anyone - Do you need to buy a pair for your pet? Here another difference between pigs and hamsters comes to light.

    If hamsters are single-parents, then guinea pigs hate being alone and they definitely need to buy a partner, and always a same-sex one.

    Why do pigs have to be the same sex? A male and a female can get along calmly with each other, and there may not even be any conflicts between them, but they will breed with great zeal, since males know no boundaries in this regard. Of course, frequent childbirth and pregnancy greatly affect a woman’s health. If you do not want such problems and are not going to breed guinea pigs, then different-sex individuals should be kept separately, and only a same-sex relative should be purchased as a friend.

    No sharing with hamsters or rabbits - only pigs with pigs.

    Fun for your pet

    Do you think your pet is bored and don’t know how to brighten up his gray days? There are several solutions to the situation, but first let’s say a little about what absolutely cannot be done.

    There are three things that are not allowed in relation to guinea pigs - these are various harnesses for walking outdoors, wheels and balls, guinea pigs cannot tolerate them, and they may experience broken bones!

    Pigs have a very fragile spine, and their body structure does not allow them to spin wheels, walking balls or suffer in harnesses, although they are offered in any pet store. Under no circumstances, we repeat, do not buy them, much less use them, your animal will suffer greatly!

    The best entertainment for your pet is a variety of tunnels and, of course, a hammock, which your inhabitants will surely love.

    Since pigs do not dig minks and cannot live in three-dimensional space, since their skeletal structure does not allow them, they love various tunnels, corridors and small shelves and hammocks, on which they can easily jump.

    If you buy or make a hammock, please note that it does not need to be installed in the same way as a human hammock. Rather, it needs to be pulled tightly so that it becomes a kind of fabric shelf. A poorly tensioned hammock causes the pigs' spine to bend, which can lead to injury.

    For tunnels, you can buy plumbing pipes and splitters, preferably with three pipe outlets. This thing costs around 150 rubles. One will be enough. But guinea pigs are not interested in all sorts of balls and balls.

    Pet hygiene

    We have already mentioned that guinea pigs are quite clean. Let's take a closer look at this topic, because a lot depends on the owner. What exactly will you need to do to ensure good hygiene for your pet? The following points will need to be observed:

    1. Clean up the cage as it gets dirty. If the amount of waste is quite high, and the filler begins to get wet, then this means that it is time to change it.

    On average, the filler is changed every three days, but maybe more often, especially in the summer, when pigs drink a lot.

    2. Wash the food bowl and drinking bowl regularly. Over time, dirt from food and filler accumulates on them, and a green coating may form in the drinking bowl. Clean them in a timely manner; you yourself prefer to eat from clean dishes, don’t you?

    3. Be sure to keep an eye on your pigs' claws. Buy special scissors for trimming nails (they are inexpensive, 150-200 rubles) and trim them if you notice that they have grown too much or are even starting to curl. Do not forget about this point under any circumstances, it is one of the mandatory ones, since the claws are constantly growing, twisting and cutting into the paws of animals!

    4. Guinea pigs should not be bathed, under any circumstances and in almost no circumstances, they do not tolerate water very well! Don’t be confused by the pet’s name; pigs don’t like moisture and don’t tolerate it well. You can only bathe your pig in critical situations.

    As you can see, caring for and maintaining guinea pigs is real work, but there is nothing supernatural about it. You will quickly get used to all the rules described above, but your pets will always greet you when you come home with a cheerful and playful whistle. And don’t be afraid if you notice that the pig suddenly began to jump up strangely and run around the cage as if it had been stung - this means that it is very happy!

    Video about the appearance of guinea pigs

    If you decide to have a pet, but are not ready to devote a lot of time to its maintenance and care, a guinea pig is suitable for you. This is a cute, friendly, sociable and non-aggressive animal that will become a friend for any child.

    Buying a Guinea Pig

    You need to check if the animal is healthy. Take your pig in your arms Don't be alarmed if it becomes nervous, this is normal. Carefully examine the animal, its fur should be clean without bald spots, its body should be strong and smooth, its eyes should be clear and free of discharge, and its nose should be clean and dry.

    You need to find out what gender the animal is. Females can get along together, but keeping males together is not recommended, as they can fight.

    It will be useful to find out about the age of the pig. It is better to purchase 6-9 week old animals. If the animal is older, it’s okay, because with good care, pigs live up to 8-12 years.

    You can transport your pig home in a special carrier or a regular one. cardboard box, with holes made. The last option is not suitable for long journey, since the cardboard can get wet from the animal’s urine.

    Guinea pig adaptation

    In the first days, a guinea pig at home may behave quietly and lethargically. This is due to the fact that she needs time to adapt. Once in an unfamiliar place, the animal becomes timid, may eat poorly and sit for a long time, frozen in place. To help your pig adapt, try to create a calm atmosphere and touch the animal less. Talk to her in a calm voice, and only after a couple of days can you pick her up.

    Keeping and caring for guinea pigs

    Guinea pigs love company, so if you have one animal, it is recommended to place it in an area where the whole family gathers. Spend at least 10 minutes a day communicating with the animal, talk to it and take it in your arms, otherwise it may become sad.

    Since guinea pigs are active, they need to be given the opportunity to walk around the apartment or outside every day to satisfy their need for movement.

    The bottom of the cage must be covered with bedding. Sawdust, straw, hay or granular litter are suitable. If you use sawdust as bedding, make sure that it is not small, as small particles can get into the animal's respiratory tract or eyes. Granular fillers absorb liquid better and eliminate odor. It is recommended to change the litter as it gets dirty, every 2-3 days.

    Don't forget about the pig's fur. It should be brushed with a soft brush about 2 times a week. Nail trimming may be required 1-2 times a year if the animal does not bite them off itself.

    Necessary items for maintenance

    • Cage or aquarium. Both are suitable for keeping a guinea pig, the main thing is that their length is at least 50 cm. The larger the home, the less often you will have to clean it. It is better to select a cage with a plastic tray. An enclosure with a wooden base is not suitable due to the fact that these animals excrete a lot of urine. In a cage you can place a house for a guinea pig, in which it will sleep with pleasure, but it is worth considering that having somewhere to hide, the animals become more timid. It is recommended to set up the house only for the night. If you decide to use an aquarium for your pet, remember not to cover it with a lid.
    • Feeder. It is necessary that it be heavy - this will prevent the guinea pig from turning it over. It is better to buy a couple of ceramic feeders. Use one for green food, the other for dry food.
    • Drinking bowl. It is better to use a vertical ball drinker. The water in it needs to be changed daily. To prevent liquid from dripping from the drinker, it should be filled completely.

    The content of the article:

    Each of us wants to have a true friend. So small and defenseless, requiring warmth and care, but so that he looks with smart eyes and understands everything. Of course, a dog immediately comes to mind. But, alas, not everyone has the opportunity to keep a dog in an apartment and devote the required amount of time to it. A parrot or some other small bird is a simpler and cheaper option. But a bird is a bird: it chirps, flaps its wings - it seems cute, but there is no return. The hamster is too small. The cat is too capricious. So what should I do?

    Guinea pigs make great companions without the staggering cost and time commitment. Moreover, they are actually smart and sympathetic, playful and funny. These cute animals are not averse to “talking” to their owner. They make sounds characteristic of their mood, similar to birds chirping or water boiling in a kettle. And how they love to bask in the arms of their owner, burying their pink nose right into your palms. Guinea pigs live from 7 to 15 years, provided proper nutrition and content in general.

    Many people do not want, or even cannot, devote a lot of time to their pets and try to choose the one that will require minimal time spent on care and maintenance. So, I want to warn you right away that caring for guinea pigs will take you a maximum of 4 hours a week. A lot of? Then you'll be jealous Teddy bear, although it will also need to be looked after - washed sometimes. Okay, let’s laugh and get to the point, which will take your time:

    • Feeding animals should be given 2-3 times a day.
    • Once a day, open the cage for ventilation and easy cleaning of the feeder.
    • The litter can be changed once every 3-4 days.
    • Once every 3-4 days, take the time to examine the guinea pig (to see if anyone has any fur, or if there are any scars or other painful manifestations on the pet’s body).
    • It is advisable to comb the hair once every 3-4 days (if the pig is purebred, it is fluffy).
    • Once a week it is necessary to do a general cleaning of the cage.
    • Nails should be trimmed once every six months.
    I think there is nothing complicated here; even an eight-year-old child can cope with this. By the way, this is the best animal for children over 7 years old. Teach your children to animals and tell them how to treat them.

    Video about caring for a guinea pig

    The most important thing for a guinea pig is a warm room and a spacious cage. They are not picky about their diet: carrots, cabbage, hay, and oats are their main source of nutrition. But the main thing here is not to overdo it! Everything should be in moderation. But exotic fruits and vegetables can be fatal, so it is better to avoid them. Another important point- Guinea pigs love to drink. Therefore, it is important that there is always a drinking bowl with fresh water in the cage. drinking water. Also, don't forget about chalk. Chalk is important for pigs; it is their kind of dietary supplement. Chalk is sold in small blocks on special holders in pet stores.

    Despite their name, guinea pigs have nothing in common with ordinary piglets. On the contrary, they love cleanliness! Therefore, not only sawdust should be used as bedding, but also wood filler (the simplest and most inexpensive), which is usually purchased for cat litter boxes. Sawdust does not absorb well, but the filler absorbs more intensely, while destroying unpleasant odors. However, it is worth remembering that the filler is poured only in the corners of the cage; the rest of the bottom surface should be filled with sawdust and hay. It is important not to forget - fresh hay must always be in the cage! In addition to being a very important nutrient for your guinea pig, it also provides pleasant entertainment when your pet gets bored.

    If you are going to the country, take your pet with you. Guinea pigs will be happy to have an active holiday with you! The main thing is to make sure that no one bites or hurts the pig, that it does not run away, does not eat bad grass that it does not need, and does not overheat or freeze. In fact, it is absolutely not difficult. An old wooden box without a bottom can serve as a house for it. It needs to be placed on fresh, clean grass, and covered with a mosquito net (or old tulle) on top if necessary. A small nuance - after every walk in the fresh air, check your pet for ticks, since ticks are a real scourge for these animals, which is difficult to remove once they get started.

    Detailed video about keeping an animal:

    Pet home: cage or terrarium

    You can keep your pet in a terrarium or a regular cage, each has its own advantages. From a general point of view, we can advise that housing should be, the larger the better, but not less than 50 cm in length and 20 in width. These rodents love to move.
    • Advantages of a terrarium: Thanks to the solid transparent plastic, there are no drafts, hay, food and other debris from the guinea pig do not fly, and they do not chew on the grate - there will be no noise.
    • Advantages of the cage: You can play with the rodent through the bars, more fresh air, you can open the door and the pet will be able to go out for a walk and return home; it is more convenient to equip the guinea pig’s house with a feeder, a drinking bowl, a hammock and other furniture.
    Then the choice is yours, which is better!

    Despite the word “sea” in the name of these animals, they do not like to swim. These are earthen rodents. But it happens that they should be bathed, it is better to do this without fanaticism, try to wash only the part of the animal that is dirty, for example, the fur is crumpled in the back area or something else.

    To do this, pour about three centimeters of water at a temperature of 30-38 °C into a small basin, no more. You need to bathe your guinea pig carefully and do not get its head wet. If necessary, you can use baby shampoo. After swimming, dry with a towel; if the apartment is cold (less than 18 ° C), you can use a hair dryer at the lowest temperature. If the pig has long hair, then you can’t do without a hairdryer.

    Place the dried animal in its clean, dry house with fresh hay. It is very important - after bathing, a guinea pig is very sensitive to drafts and cold, in principle, like humans and other pets. Protect it from drafts by placing the cage in a warm place.

    When buying an animal, you should pay attention to the fur and eyes. The coat should be thick, shiny, and the eyes should not be cloudy, dry, without suppuration. And, of course, think about your pet’s gender in advance. Boys have one feature that not everyone will like - they mark their territory, so you can’t let them out on the new expensive carpet!

    Adopt these smart fluffies and enjoy communicating with them! As you can see, there are a minimum of problems and nuances, but a positive attitude and a frequent smile of tenderness on your face are guaranteed!

    Surely, it will not be a secret to anyone that guinea pigs are one of the most popular types of rodents that animal lovers keep in their homes. Well, there is no arguing about tastes - some like it, some like it, and some prefer to keep a guinea pig in the house...

    If you are just thinking about getting a guinea pig, or you have already been given such a pet, then our publication is about how to care for guinea pigs at home, and what you need to know about the special conditions for keeping these rodents- you will definitely need it...

    Benefits of keeping guinea pigs

    First of all, it is their ease of maintenance and care that has made these rodents such popular candidates for pets. Even if you live in a one-room apartment and spend a lot of time at work - caring for guinea pig will not cause you any particular difficulties. By the way,

    If you spend a lot of time outside the home, then in order to prevent your pet from getting bored, you can purchase several rodents at once. After all, in nature, guinea pigs live in packs. Thus, your pet will not experience a lack of attention and communication even during your absence...

    Otherwise, these cute tame creatures are ready to accept your love and give you their affection and affection. By the way, some guinea pig owners even manage to teach their pets a couple of tricks, which turns them into completely “reasonable” family members who can distract from sad thoughts and bring a smile to their lips...

    Disadvantages of keeping guinea pigs

    Even though caring for guinea pigs is easy and simple, they still need to be groomed and cared for on a daily basis. Moreover, this care includes cleaning the cage in which you keep the pig, feeding, as well as hygiene procedures (combing if the pig has long hair, trimming its claws, etc.), taking care of the pet’s health if it suddenly gets sick. Therefore, you must be prepared for the fact that you will need to allocate time and money for all this. Are you ready for this? If not, then you should refrain for now from such an important step as showing up in your home pet. Because

    pets always mean responsibility and new responsibilities for caring for them...

    Another disadvantage that arises as a result of not proper care behind these pets is the smell... However, if you regularly clean and tidy the cage in which your rodents live, you can get rid of this smell.

    Features of keeping guinea pigs in the house

    So, if you think that the advantages of keeping guinea pigs at home outweigh the disadvantages, and the difficulties do not scare you, we suggest that you move on to specific points and aspects of keeping such pets.

    Guinea pig cage

    Although many owners of these pets keep them out of their cage, we would not recommend that you do so. Firstly, the cage will protect your pet from possible dangers in the form of inattentive family members who accidentally stepped on the guinea pig and from other pets who wanted to get to know it better. Secondly, every animal has the right to its own personal space, and such space for a guinea pig is its cage. As for the size of such a space, no matter how many guinea pigs live in your house, each of them should have at least 40 centimeters in length and 40 centimeters in width. If you have 2 guinea pigs, this minimum area should be multiplied by 2...

    As you understand, a cage for such a pet should be spacious, durable and reliable. There must be a “shelter” in it in which the animal can take refuge - due to their natural instincts, in case of danger, guinea pigs in their natural habitat hide in holes and shelters.

    Cage filler

    We would recommend that you use straw, shavings or hay as the bedding that you will use to line the bottom of the cage (by the way, it would be nice if the cage has a retractable tray that will make it easier for you to clean it). As for small sawdust, although they are softer, as the experience of those who keep guinea pigs in their homes shows, they often get into the pets’ eyes and respiratory tract, so it is better not to risk the life and health of the pet. By the way, you can also find special fillers in veterinary stores and pet pharmacies - they absorb moisture well, eliminate odors and make cage cleaning easier. We would call this option the best, since the peculiarity of guinea pigs is frequent urination- this is the norm for them, therefore, to keep the cage dry and there is no specific pungent smell in the room, it is better to use such fillers (you can take ordinary ones, if there is no special one).

    There can be no question of any paper or fabric as a bedding...

    Temperature conditions for keeping a guinea pig

    We would call the optimal temperature for comfortable keeping of guinea pigs a temperature of 20 degrees above zero Celsius. These animals do not tolerate heat well, however, they also have a negative attitude towards cold, therefore, in winter, the temperature in the room where they are kept should not be below 10 degrees above zero Celsius. As for humidity indicators, they should be at 50%. If there is dry air in the room where the cage with guinea pigs is located, it must be additionally humidified.

    In the summer months, if you travel outside the city to the country and take your pigs with you, you can take them outside in a cage. And, if you have the opportunity and time, you can even build a small enclosure for them in the shade at your dacha, with a top protected from rain. Guinea pigs will be delighted with such a summer house, and since they themselves are very active by nature, the size of such an enclosure should be made with a reserve so that the pigs can run and frolic there to their heart's content.

    To comply with safety measures, do not forget to cover the top of the enclosure with a metal mesh to protect your pets from birds of prey, cats and dogs.

    What do guinea pigs eat?

    A feature of guinea pigs is their long intestines (this is a natural feature caused by the need to break down cellulose), its length is more than 2 meters, therefore, their digestion processes take a lot of time. Entering the stomach, food lies there in layers and enters the intestines only after an hour, and can lie there for up to 7 hours. But the process of food passing through the entire intestine can take a whole week. Why do we need to know all this? All this indicates that

    guinea pigs are conservative in terms of nutrition and a change in diet can cause digestive disorders in them, so in relation to these pets it is better not to experiment with the feeding diet.

    It is better to immediately choose a balanced food (you can take a specialized one) and adhere to such a strict menu. IN otherwise If you feed your guinea pig anything, the animal may get sick and die.

    It is also very important for guinea pigs to follow a feeding schedule and feed them 2-3 times a day at strictly defined hours. Violations of the feeding regime can cause diseases of the digestive system.

    As for the products that can be given to such a pet, in addition to specialized food, these are wheat bran, carrots, oats, green food, and hay. At the same time, in order for you to have an idea of ​​how much 1 guinea pig should eat per day, we present approximate menu for an adult -

    this is 0.5 kilograms of green food, 100 grams of vegetables or fruits, 50 grams of bran or grain. Green food can be replaced with hay, then you need up to 60 grams of it per day. As for ready-made granulated food, a guinea pig can be given 10-20 grams of such food per day.

    Guinea pigs are considered the most unpretentious pets. They are not aggressive towards people, they love affection and warmth. The ideal home for them would be a cage or an aquarium, but it is worth letting your guinea pig frolic on the floor. If you put her on a chair or sofa with you, then be careful - even a fall from a small height can cause serious injury and even death to the animal. Not only hay, but also sawdust can serve as filler. The litter needs to be changed every 3 days. They are found among guinea pigs and clean ones that relieve themselves in a certain place. You can put a small toilet there - a tray.
    A guinea pig simply needs shelter in a house. If your pet is extremely shy and constantly sits inside it, you need to make the pet more friendly towards people. In this case, the shelter should be installed only for the night. A device is needed in the cage with which the guinea pig will grind his teeth. In the house, the animal should have a drinking bowl and two feeders. Why two and not one? The answer is simple, one will serve for dry food, the other for wet food. The water needs to be changed every day, even if it seems to you that its quantity is not decreasing.

    The lion's share of food should be dry food. You can buy it in a specialized store ready-made or prepare it yourself. Guinea pigs are big fans of dandelions, so don't deny them this pleasure in the summer. The bulk of the diet of these animals consists of hay, legumes and grains. Dry grass normalizes the digestion of animals, so this point should not be neglected. During the season, your pet can be pampered with twigs and bark of oak or maple. If you choose store-bought food, then you should not change the manufacturer often. Guinea pigs are very sensitive to taste and with frequent changes in food, they may not accept it at all.
    Don’t forget to treat your guinea pigs with vegetables and fruits. They should account for 20% of the total diet. These animals have a big sweet tooth, but do not follow the lead, as this may harm them. Guinea pigs simply love fresh cucumbers, herbs and apples. But don't give your guinea pigs food from your table, it will simply kill them.
    A situation may arise when you have to watch your pet eat its own feces. This should not cause you any anxiety or concern, since your pet is not starving. It’s just that vitamins of groups K and B are absorbed by guinea pigs only after repeated passage.
    If you see that your pet is sad, this should make you think about getting a mate for your pet. In the wild, guinea pigs live in groups of 20, so they find it difficult to tolerate being alone. You must know the gender of your animal so as not to make a mistake in choosing a friend for it. Two males should absolutely not be kept together, but females can easily get along with their new neighbor. However, it is still better to take females - sisters.

    Bathing and caring for your guinea pig

    Sometimes the question arises about additional care for guinea pigs. It is necessary to trim the nails of animals periodically. This can be entrusted not only to a veterinarian, but also done independently. In this case, even cat scissors are suitable, the main thing is to be careful and do not injure the animal.
    If you have a short-haired animal, then it can handle cleaning its fur on its own. Long-haired guinea pigs need to be brushed daily. These animals are washed only when they are significantly dirty. For this, specialized shampoos are used. After bathing, it is necessary to dry your pet so as not to provoke a cold.

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