• Approximate menu for a wedding. Which wedding menu is better to choose? Based on the menu per person for the wedding you will need


    Oh, this wedding! How much excitement, anxiety, and worries befall the future newlyweds to make the upcoming celebration unforgettable. The choice of outfits, flowers, rings, scenario for the holiday - all are important points in the plan as the key to a successful celebration. And if in resolving these issues the couple proceeds from own preferences, then organizing a wedding feast, without which it is difficult to imagine this celebration, will require a different approach. What should you consider when creating a banquet menu?

    Start choosing a menu for festive table future newlyweds will not be able to do so until they decide on the location of the celebration. An establishment that specializes in hosting wedding feasts will certainly recommend what dishes, drinks and in what quantity to choose so that guests are satisfied and well-fed. If the bride, groom and relatives still have doubts, then when choosing a menu a number of factors should be taken into account:

    • There’s no arguing about tastes, that’s why a variety of dishes are main principle, which you should rely on when creating a menu for the celebration. It is even theoretically impossible to please every guest, and the option with different dishes - albeit in small portions - is suitable as a universal one.
    • Decide on the number of invited guests, will there be children at the banquet and how many? Even if there are only a few small guests, it is better to provide them with a tea table with sweets.
    • Seasonality is another important factor, which should definitely be taken into account when creating a menu. In the summer you will have to increase the number of soft drinks, and in the winter you will need to serve more hot dishes than snacks on the holiday table.
    • The tradition of holding a wedding feast calls for taking into account that the banquet, from salty to sweet, lasts at least four hours. Therefore, dishes from the wedding menu are served to guests gradually and at predetermined intervals, which as a result creates the effect of abundance on the festive table.

    Cold appetizers and salads

    The right to open the festive table belongs to salads and cold appetizers. At this stage, the principle of diversity works in the best possible way. Serving should be organized before the wedding banquet, and when drawing up the menu, you should proceed from an approximate calculation: 350-400 g of salad and 250-300 g of cold appetizers per person. Fresh vegetables, pickles, cold cuts, cheeses, seafood, caviar, smoked salmon and other snacks - all of this, except warm salads, is served before guests sit at the table.

    Hot appetizers

    Before the main dishes with side dishes are served at the festive table, it makes sense to include hot appetizers on the menu. If there are fans among those invited to the wedding banquet healthy eating, vegetarians or those who are on a diet, then baked vegetables, mushroom julienne, cheese truffles, battered shrimp, and crayfish will be necessary. These dishes are served either in portions or on large plates, and in time - no earlier than half an hour from the start of the banquet.

    Hot dishes and side dishes

    In any wedding menu these are the main dishes of the festive table. The best option is to choose classic dishes; variety also plays a role, because not everyone eats meat. Offer your guests a choice of several hot meat or fish dishes, and you can vary the menu by adding poultry (chicken, turkey). When calculating, it should be assumed that the weight of a serving per person should not exceed 300 g of the main dish and 200 g of a side dish. It is recommended to provide sauce for meat and fish, and hot dishes should be served two hours after the start of the banquet.

    Potatoes as a side dish for main dishes also apply optimal option, because it is served in different forms - from puree to fries. Roast vegetables - not so much universal option side dish, like potatoes, but it should be provided at least in small quantities. Observing the order, first the guests are offered the main dishes in the form of fish with a side dish, after that the meat is brought out, and then the game. The hot dish can be served in portions or whole, if the newlyweds want to treat their guests to stuffed pig, goose or sturgeon.


    An hour after the main course is served, it is time for dessert. Traditionally, it includes sweets, although in fact this is all that is offered to guests after the hot one. The role of the main dessert is intended to be played by a wedding cake, the removal of which represents a whole ritual. When compiling a menu, expect that the dessert will account for about 200 g, and approximately the same volume will fall on the fruit plate.


    And what would a wedding feast be without drinks?! General rules does not exist, we can only assume what and in what quantities guests prefer to drink. The time of year factor will play an important role. On a hot summer day, you will need twice as many soft drinks as for a banquet held in winter. This factor will also have an impact on the choice of alcohol, because less strong drinks will have to be served in the summer.

    It’s easy to decide on the number of drinks based on an approximate calculation, which provides for two people:

    • 1 bottle of champagne,
    • 1 bottle of wine (red accounts for 70% of preferences, and the rest is white),
    • 0.5 l of strong alcoholic drink,
    • 2 liters of soft drinks (on hot days of the year it is recommended to double this volume).

    Rules for ordering a wedding banquet in a restaurant

    Holding a wedding banquet in a restaurant has become a convenient tradition for newlyweds. A beautifully decorated hall, professional chefs, partial or full service - all this immediately solves many issues related to holding a celebration. Each establishment will have its own ordering rules, but there are general principles:

    1. When meeting with the administrator, ask him questions that are important to you. Wait until you receive a complete answer before signing the contract. Without it, any oral assurances and agreements are not valid, therefore, taking into account the interests of the two parties, it must be formalized.
    2. You should definitely ask permission to bring your own alcohol or food, the opportunity to use sparklers, candles or other paraphernalia. Find out the amount of the fine for broken dishes, broken furniture, whether table setting is paid separately or not.
    3. The duration of the celebration is not infinite, so be sure to check by what time the celebration should end.
    4. In the vast majority of cases, establishments require prepayment - this is normal, since this serves as a guarantee that no matter how the situation develops, the time spent on preparation will be recouped.
    5. Many establishments have already calculated the average bill per guest. When discussing menu details in a personal meeting, be prepared for the amount to increase.

    Who is best to entrust choosing the wedding menu?

    Preparing a wedding banquet on your own is too labor-intensive and troublesome. Many nuances that only a professional can foresee can affect the celebration, so it is better to trust the event organizer when choosing a wedding menu. Taking into account the wishes of the newlyweds, the specialist will resolve issues with the administrator of the establishment or hire a catering company to ensure that the wedding feast is perfect.

    A wedding is an important and important event in the life of every couple in love. After all, in addition to traditional vows, newlyweds must also be prepared for a huge list of worries related to preparing and organizing the celebration.

    The unrest will not subside until the long-awaited day arrives. An integral part of every wedding is the festive table. This is where the mothers of the bride and groom can show all their culinary skills.

    Menu preparation

    There are many factors to consider when choosing food for your wedding. Here you should definitely think about your basic food preferences, dietary requirements, as well as the number of guests. As a rule, the wedding menu includes cold and hot appetizers, 2-3 main courses. And the absolute highlight of every wedding is the dessert – the wedding cake.

    Culinary recipes for a wedding should be versatile and original at the same time. And preparing delicious dishes doesn't have to be too complicated. We offer many delicious recipes for a wedding with photos that will suit everyone’s taste. Detailed description And step by step tips with photos will allow you to prepare a very tasty dish.

    In addition, for less experienced housewives, our section presents video recipes in which professional chefs give clear recommendations in the cooking process. So, even a child can learn to cook with video recipes.

    A wedding is, of course, a very important event: guests need to be tasty and satisfying, given plenty of drink, comfortably accommodated, and cheered up. Therefore, all the nuances of the menu, the arrangement of the holiday, and entertainment program you need to think it through carefully. Especially if all this enchanting action is planned to be held at home. Let's look at the features of the “food” program for such a home wedding and look at the most common dishes on the wedding table at home.

    What to serve

    The main advantage of home weddings, unless of course it is a large-scale party with the whole village, is a small number of guests whose gastronomic preferences you are well familiar with. It is these passions, along with your own culinary talents and financial capabilities, that will be the main determining factors in your wedding menu.
    There is no fundamental difference in the composition of the menu or the serving of dishes in the case of a wedding celebration in one’s own home. The only thing you need to pay attention to Special attention– this is serving and decorating dishes and the scale of activity, that is, how much you can “expand” both in the number of dishes and in their volumes.
    Depending on what category of guests you expect, you can roughly distinguish 2 menu options: traditional and exotic. Now let's look at examples of what is prepared for the wedding table in each of them, including recipes.

    Traditional wedding menu

    We start, as usual, with appetizers. IN traditional version it can be colorful aspic, colorful sandwiches, obligatory meat and vegetable cuts, all kinds of rolls, popular salads and pickles, meat and fish pies. By the way, it is not at all necessary to abandon the traditional salads that are familiar to us - you can “modernize” them, both externally and by adding a new, piquant component to them. For example, a long-loved herring under a fur coat can “sound” in a completely new way if you use a little culinary imagination. Use our recipe - both you and your guests will see for themselves.

    Herring under a fur coat in the form of a roll

    Required ingredients:

    • boiled beets (small sizes) – 3 pcs.
    • apple (small) – 1 pc.
    • boiled carrots (small sizes) – 2 pcs.
    • boiled potatoes – 4-5 pcs.
    • onions (small onions) – 2 pcs.
    • boiled eggs – 3 pcs
    • smoked fish (herring or any other) – 3 carcasses
    • lightly salted herring
    • mayonnaise – 3-4 tbsp. l.

    Cooking method:
    1. clean the fish (both smoked and lightly salted), carefully select the bones from it and finely chop it;
    2. chop vegetables and fruits: grate (separately) carrots, apples, beets, potatoes and eggs, finely chop onions;
    3. Cover our work surface with cling film (take somewhere around 0.5 m) and begin to lay out our roll: first, evenly distribute a layer of beets, then potatoes. Make a thin layer of mayonnaise. Next, lay out a layer of carrots and apples, coat it with mayonnaise. Now lay out a layer of eggs, again grease with mayonnaise, sprinkle with onions. Again we make a mayonnaise layer, lay out the fish and complete our multi-layering again with a thin layer of mayonnaise;
    4. and now let’s move on to the most important moment - carefully roll up our roll with film and place it in the cold for a couple of hours, or better yet, longer;
    5. Serve our original fish under a fur coat, garnished with herbs and lemon slices, cut into several pieces or portioned pieces.
    As a main course, you can serve delicious stuffed sturgeon or rosy chicken. You can also cook according to original recipe cabbage rolls, roast, chops.
    The choice of dessert, in addition to the obligatory wedding cake, is yours - you can limit yourself to only sweets, or you can continue the celebration with cakes, fruit salads and desserts with ice cream.
    As for drinks, the traditional wedding menu at home includes the usual juices, mineral water, alcohol (at your discretion), as well as compotes and lemonades. You will also have no problems making tea or coffee if you wish.

    Exotic wedding menu

    Here, as appetizers, we choose original tartlets and canapés, multi-layer sandwiches, and cocktail salads. At the same time, give preference to recipes that include seafood, fish and light meat, as well as “overseas” vegetables and unusual sauces. One of the most successful options in this case for what to put on the wedding table is tartare. For example, from salmon, the recipe for which we offer you.

    Salmon tartare “Mix”

    This recipe for an original appetizer consists of 3 variations of tartare, which can be placed and served on one dish, preferably on lettuce leaves.
    Required ingredients:
    – salmon – 750 g
    – shallots – 3 heads
    - pickled capers - 1 tbsp. l.
    - soy sauce
    - Worcestershire sauce
    - lemon, lime
    – chives – 1 bunch
    - olive oil
    - freshly grated ginger - 1 tsp.
    - Tabasco sauce
    - sesame oil - 1 tbsp. l.
    - sesame seeds (lightly toasted)
    - salt pepper
    Cooking method:
    1. prepare the ingredients: finely chop the fish and very finely chop the shallots, also chop the capers and a little chives (the rest will be used for decoration);
    2. tartare No. 1: carefully mix a third of the volume of salmon, half of the onions and capers, a little soy sauce, olive oil and pepper, sprinkle everything with lemon juice;
    3. tartare No. 2: mix the rest of the onions, capers and a third of the salmon, add a little Worcestershire, olive oil, a couple drops of Tabasco, pepper and sprinkle with lime juice;
    4. tartare No. 3: mix the remaining salmon with ginger and sesame oil, add salt and sprinkle with sesame seeds;
    5. Quickly put our tartars into molds and put them in the refrigerator for half an hour.

    The choice of what to serve on the wedding table as the main course is also quite large on the exotic menu - it can be risotto or pilaf (with seafood or chicken), lasagna, meat or fish in original sauces, baked in foil or on the grill.
    You will also have to try to surprise your guests with dessert - choose unusual sweet recipes (tiramisu, mousses, multi-layer desserts, etc.). The cake should be non-trivial – if not in the recipe, then in the design.
    Take an exotic approach to drinks - prepare various cocktails and mixes. But don’t forget about pairing drinks with dishes.

    The intricacies of creating a wedding menu almost always frighten future newlyweds, because no one needs talk about how the guests were hungry at the wedding and the kitchen was terrible. Of course, you can play it safe and order a lot more, but what to do with the remaining portions. And the money spent on extra dishes can be used more wisely. What is the best way to place the accents of the wedding menu, be it a wedding buffet, an outdoor picnic or a full-fledged banquet in a restaurant? How to take into account the quantity and quality of wedding dishes and please the guests? Our portal Svadebka.ws will tell you about this.

    How to create a banquet menu

    In order to correctly create a banquet menu, you need to answer a number of questions:

    1. What is the maximum amount you can spend on a wedding reception menu?
    2. Which cuisine do you think is most suitable for your wedding?
    3. How many guests will be invited to the wedding?
    4. What time of year is the wedding planned?
    5. How long will the banquet last?

    The answers to these questions will be the keys to the ideal choice of dishes for wedding table. For example, if the budget has been planned in advance and you know approximately the number of guests, you can calculate the desired wedding menu options and see if you can include gourmet dishes on the list.

    Advice: You shouldn’t try to surprise your guests at any cost, because if you have a limited budget, the most the right decision will become simple, but at the same time diverse and delicious dishes, rather than a limited number of expensive delicacies.

    Wedding menu calculation per person

    Are you planning to hold your wedding in a restaurant or cafe? In good quality establishments, the person accepting the order for a certain banquet should be aware of the optimal number of dishes and drinks per person. If you are planning to have a wedding at home, Svadebka.ws presents approximate figures for the main menu items per person:

    • Cold snacks - about 350 grams;
    • Hot snacks - about 100 grams;
    • Salads - about 250 grams;
    • Hot dishes - about 250 grams;
    • Side dishes - about 200 grams;
    • Fruits - about 200 grams;
    • Cake or alternative to wedding cake - about 200 grams.

    As you can see, there are about 1500 grams per person. Then you adjust this list according to the preferences of the guests, the time of the banquet and your budget. However, in order for the guest not to remain hungry, the calculation is made from 1200 grams.

    Calculation of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks per person

    Incidents can arise with alcohol at a wedding. It’s terrible when the guests have gone wild and there is nothing else to drink. Panic begins, ordering more alcohol or running around the nearest stores. Want to avoid this? Please note the standard calculation of drinks for one person:

    • Champagne - from 0.75 liters for 3 people;
    • Wine and other low-alcohol drinks - from 0.75 liters per person;
    • Vodka and other strong drinks - from 0.5 liters for 2 people;
    • Water and soft drinks - from 1.5 liters per person.

    It is worth considering that in the cold and hot seasons the amount of soft drinks differs significantly.

    General menu calculation for a wedding for 30 people

    How to correctly compare the required grams and ready-made dishes so that each guest has enough food? Sample list of wedding menu for 30 people:

    1. Several types of cuts- meat, cheese, vegetables, pickles (about 12-15 servings).
    2. Variety of salads- from mayonnaise to neutral dressings (at least three types, about 25 servings). An interesting solution could be a salad bar, where guests can make a salad according to the buffet principle to their liking. You can read more about the types of wedding bars on our website.
    3. Hot appetizers- depending on the serving size, at least 3 kg in total.
    4. Main dishes- 70% meat dishes (including poultry) and 30% fish dishes.
    5. Garnish- about 25-30 servings of several types, served on a common plate.
    6. Dessert- fruits (about 6 kg), ice cream, sweets (about 3 kg).
    7. A wedding cake- about 6 kg.
    8. Strong alcoholic drinks- from 10 to 15 liters.
    9. Low alcohol drinks- from 15 liters.
    10. Champagne- from 10 bottles.
    11. Soft drinks- from 50-60 liters (taking into account the time of year).

    Hot dishes for the wedding table

    Usually, hot food is served at a wedding after the first dance break, when the guests have drunk a little, moved around and are ready to try something tasty. It is this menu item that needs to be thought through carefully.

    Appetizing hot snacks

    This type of appetizer will significantly diversify your holiday banquet. Ordinary products with an original presentation will be a godsend for the wedding table. Here are a few options for delicious snacks, which are very easy to diversify according to your culinary preferences:

    • Stuffed dishes - vegetables, mushrooms, squid, chicken legs and others.
    • Hot sandwiches or pies with various fillings.
    • Meat or fish rolls.
    • Julienne or baskets.
    • Pancakes with salty filling.
    • Warm salads.

    Organizing a wedding is a responsible and extremely exciting process. Future newlyweds have hundreds of questions, but drawing up a wedding menu is rightly called the most difficult, because neither a modest wedding dinner nor a full-fledged one can do without it. cheerful banquet. Are you afraid of making the wrong choice of snacks and drinks? Take our advice into account.

    Wedding menu - principles of composition

    The festive table depends on your own tastes, culinary fashion trends, the number of guests and the amount you can spend. Therefore, before going to a restaurant or cafe, take a pen and notepad and sketch out your “business plan”:

    • Number of guests;
    • Sample menu. Of course, any restaurant will provide you with a maximum list of dishes and offers, for which they will demand a considerable amount. Consult with those who celebrated the celebration not very long ago, look through cookbooks and create the menu that you want to see on own wedding. Don’t rush to experiment with new treats, even if they start assuring you of their wonderful taste. Give preference to dishes that are familiar to you or try new culinary products;
    • Tastes of the guests. You can't please everyone, but it's still worth trying. Review your guest list again and see if any of them are vegetarians, fish aficionados, or beer drinkers. Remember, all guests must be full! The interests of applicants also need to be taken into account. Prepare more vegetable and low-fat dishes especially for them.

    The basis of the wedding menu

    The traditional feast begins with appetizers and ends with a wedding cake. Dishes are served in three or four stages - this prevents the food from getting too dry or cold. And guests will have a chance to break away from the glass! A sample menu looks like this:

    • Cold fish and meat appetizers are served first, and in huge quantities. All kinds of canapés, sandwiches, zrazy and curd croquettes will please almost everyone and decorate the festive table;
    • Hot snacks - sometimes served along with cold ones, sometimes they are brought to the second table. Roasted pig and stuffed pike, chicken with pancakes and duck with apples, rice and potatoes - all these dishes should be placed in the center on beautiful plates.
    • Seafood. A variety of salads from squid, shrimp and mussels will be the highlight of the wedding and will add a touch of freshness to your menu;
    • Salads from mushrooms and vegetables - both fresh and pickled or salted;
    • Dessert – sweets, cakes, fruits, loaf and wedding cake. Along with them, coffee and tea are served on the table. The latter would be good to drink anytime, and not just at the end of the feast. The cake can be the simplest, or multi-tiered, with figures of the bride and groom - it all depends on your finances.

    How to calculate the number of dishes?

    In order not to seat guests at an empty table, carefully calculate the amount of food per person. The administrator of a restaurant or cafe can solve this problem.

    1. Cake size: approximately 2 kilograms for ten guests;
    2. Sliced ​​meats – 120-150 grams;
    3. Cheeses – 30-35 grams;
    4. Fish different types– 65-80 grams;
    5. Vegetables – 50 grams;
    6. Pickles – 40-50 grams;
    7. Mushrooms – 30-40 grams;
    8. Olives, black olives – 20-30 grams;
    9. Alcoholic drinks and juices and waters. There is no exact figure here, because it all depends on the appetites of your guests. An approximate calculation for 10 people looks like this:
    • Strong drinks - three to four bottles;
    • Champagne - two or three bottles + an emergency supply that will be on the table of the newlyweds (there are also two of them: one is drunk on an anniversary, the other at the birth of a baby);
    • Wine - three or four bottles.

    But it’s better to have a larger supply, you never know. Besides, this is not an Olivier salad, which will spoil within a day. Please also consider that wine, fruit, champagne and light snacks will be needed by guests and newlyweds during the walk. Place them in one of the machines along with napkins and utensils, preferably disposable ones. And don’t forget about those who will not go with the newlyweds, but will wait for them near the cafe. Agree with the establishment's employees about a buffet with a small amount alcohol and food, otherwise you risk “losing” the guests before the main feast begins.

    And so that neither you yourself nor your relatives or friends suffer from overeating and can relax to the fullest, use the services of a wedding toastmaster. With dancing, songs and entertainment, time will fly by cheerfully and unnoticed, and the memories of a fun party will warm both souls and hearts for a long time.

    Making a menu for the second wedding day

    This is another tradition that you won't be able to escape. The good news is that the number of guests on the second day is reduced by at least half; only witnesses, relatives and closest people remain. You have two solutions to this problem:

    • Option number 1 – organize a feast in the lap of nature. You can get by with kebabs, grilled fish, a couple of salads, one hot dish and fresh vegetables.
    • Option #2 – set the table at home. If there is anything left from yesterday, feel free to put the dishes on the table. Serving fresh broth will also not be superfluous.

    A properly composed wedding menu is the key to a successful celebration, and it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a quiet dinner or a luxurious feast.

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