• Educational information. A wedding cake. Nuances of choice


    A wedding cake is always the highlight of the celebration. To do right choice, it is necessary to take into account several important aspects: general wedding style, personal preferences, time of year and your financial capabilities. You should take care of ordering a wedding dessert in advance, since good confectioners always have many orders and are busy with work for several weeks in advance. If the newlyweds want the cake to have additional decoration, it’s also worth looking for it in advance.

    To find a suitable wedding cake, you should visit local confectioners and check out the range of online stores. If the bride and groom have already decided what type of dessert they would like to see at their wedding, ask for recommendations from professionals and read their proposals. After that, choose a pastry chef that suits you and calculate your budget, taking into account all the stages of preparing the main wedding treat.

    The ideal newlywed dessert should be:

    1. Delicious and aromatic.
    2. Fabulously beautiful.
    3. Have an original, unique look.

    Cake base

    Often the basis of a wedding cake is a sponge cake - it is soft, light and very fragrant. However, if the newlyweds want to order a multi-tiered dessert, the sponge cake will not be able to withstand the weight of the entire structure and the upper cakes will easily crush the lower tier. IN in this case It is possible to go in two ways: choose stronger cake layers (walnut, honey) as the lower tiers, or order a multi-tiered cake on a stand.

    When using a special stand, the tiers will not put pressure on each other - each of them will be assigned a separate dish. Therefore, the newlyweds will not have to worry about the integrity of the festive dessert. In addition, the stands look very beautiful and solemn; with their help, the wedding cake is easy to transport, cut and serve. But you will have to worry about the high biscuit structure all the time.

    Cake filling

    The cream for a wedding cake can be anything, the choice depends solely on the preferences of the newlyweds. However, the bride and groom should think not only about their own tastes, but also about how the guests will like the dessert. And, although it is impossible to please everyone, there are more universal fillings that almost everyone likes. The main rule is to avoid too bright, unusual flavor combinations.

    It is better not to choose too fatty filling for wedding cakes, because by the time dessert is served, all the guests will already be full. So, if the cake is too “heavy”, the majority of those present at the banquet simply will not be able to try even a piece. The ideal filling option would be cream, yogurt, berry, fruit soufflé or jam. If the celebration is planned for the summer, choose ingredients for the cream that do not spoil so quickly in the heat.

    Number of tiers

    Some brides come to the pastry chef with photographs of gorgeous three-tier cakes, and only 30 guests are invited to the wedding. For such a number of people, a five-kilogram dessert is enough, but the problem is that cakes consisting of 3 tiers must weigh at least 7 kg. This requirement is explained by the peculiarity of the technology: in order for the first cake to withstand the weight of the top ones and not break, its weight must be more than 3 kg. If the newlyweds still want to order a multi-tiered wedding cake for a small number of guests, choose the 5 kg option with one fake cake layer.

    Decor and shape of the wedding cake

    A wedding cake should delight and surprise. It’s not for nothing that his presentation is one of the most highlights holiday. To ensure that guests are not disappointed, you should take care of worthy decoration of the dessert. Modern confectioners present a huge selection of different decorative elements: figurines, natural or artificial flowers, mastic, edible beads and ribbons.

    The newlyweds can choose to decorate the cake with any icing and cream roses. Even fresh flowers or classic version– figurines of the bride and groom. Moreover, such figures may have different type: be made in a humorous or romantic style, have a traditional look or look like the newlyweds’ favorite cartoon characters. If the bride and groom do not want to use the usual decorations, the top of the dessert can be decorated with two wedding rings, hearts or swans.

    Many couples prefer to make their own jewelry using plain white or colored paper. Learn how to create figures using origami techniques and original decor wedding dessert will be provided. However, the most popular at the moment is decorating the cake with sugar mastic. The plasticity of the material allows you to create any figures without limiting the scope for creativity. Using mastic, the dessert can be colored to match the main colors of the celebration and decorated with elements that match the wedding theme.

    How big should a wedding cake be?

    Before ordering a wedding dessert, newlyweds should know the exact number of guests, since the required weight can be calculated solely using this indicator. Most pastry chefs advise about 150 g of cake for each guest, but there are aspects that should also be taken into account. If the cream or cakes are light and airy, then this norm will be enough, but when the dessert is soaked in liqueur and generously topped with chocolate glaze and mastic, then you should allocate up to 250 grams for each guest.

    For example, newlyweds order a light wedding dessert for 50 guests, then the weight is calculated as follows: 0.15x50 = 7.5 kg. Don’t worry that there won’t be enough of this dessert, since there are always people who don’t like sweets or will simply refuse their portion. However, it is better to calculate the amount of cake so that each guest gets a piece and there are a few extra left (in case there are people with a sweet tooth at the party).

    How to choose a cake depending on the time of year?

    Depending on the season, the weight and filling of the wedding dessert may vary. Yes, for summer wedding It is better to choose fresh fruit filling: strawberries, peaches, raspberries. Yogurt dessert will also be an excellent solution for a summer celebration. Decorations made from fresh flowers would be appropriate for an autumn cake; at this time of year, guests will enjoy vanilla or cream filling. The winter dessert is distinguished by an abundance of chocolate. It is advisable to use white - this will give the baked goods a solemn look. In spring, a strawberry wedding cake with butter or protein cream would be appropriate.

    The most expensive wedding cake on the planet, worth $30 million, was studded with diamonds!

    A wedding cake is not a simple dessert, it is also one of the main decorations wedding banquet, and a tribute to tradition. It’s hard to imagine how the holiday can end if the newlyweds don’t cut off the first piece of the birthday cake together, which, According to legend, it will bring those who eat it many years of good luck and joy. Often the first piece is auctioned off to guests, but there is another good tradition - give this happy piece to your parents.

    But no matter what you choose, one thing is clear - there will be a wedding cake, but in this article we’ll talk about how to choose one, the best holiday dessert, among the many proposals.

    The right wedding cake must meet two important criteria: be very beautiful (so that its photo spreads all over social networks) and delicious.

    Fortunately, these two qualities can be successfully combined, but for this It’s worth turning to professional confectioners.

    Cake base

    Most often, the basis of a wedding cake is a sponge cake. It is light, soft and fragrant. However, the lower tiers of the cake cannot be made from sponge cake. If it is high enough, the upper tiers will simply crush the bottom sponge cake.

    When using a stand, the tiers are not stacked on top of each other. Each of them has its own plate. Such stands can look very solemn.

    Another important point: The cake, which will be placed on a stand, is easy to transport and serve, but behind a high biscuit tower
    you will have to worry all the time.

    Cake filling

    The filling of the cake can be anything! It all depends on the wishes of the bride and groom. And of course, it’s worth thinking about what guests will like. Of course, it is impossible to please everyone, and, nevertheless, there are fillings that almost everyone likes, you just need to avoid too unusual flavor combinations.

    An important point is that the cream in the wedding cake should not be too greasy. By the time the cake is served, your guests will already be full. And if the cake is heavy, then most of them will not be able to taste even a piece.

    Yogurt, cream, fruit and berry fillings, soufflé - these are good things to use for a wedding cake.

    If the wedding is taking place in the summer, work with the pastry chef to select ingredients that will not spoil in the heat in a few hours and will not lose their appearance.

    Cake decor

    As mentioned at the beginning, the cake should surprise and delight. It will become one of the most memorable moments of the wedding and will be captured on all cameras and phones. Confectioners now present a luxurious selection of various decorations.

    The cake can be covered with all kinds of frostings and cream colors. The top can be decorated with fresh flowers (which will give the dessert a certain charm) or figurines of the bride and groom. By the way, these figures can also look completely different: romantic or humorous, or maybe they will be your favorite cartoon characters?

    If you don't want to use classic figures, you can decorate the top of the cake with two swans, hearts or wedding rings.
    You can also make funny paper figures yourself.

    The latest trend is wedding cake, which
    the color and some elements have something in common
    bride's dress. It looks very interesting.

    How big should a wedding cake be?

    The size and weight of the wedding cake is chosen on the basis that each guest should receive approximately 120 grams wedding cake.

    By the way, this is not as little as it might seem at first. Keep in mind that many will simply refuse the cake, but there will also be those with a sweet tooth who will eat a couple of pieces. Therefore, calculate the amount of cake so that each guest has exactly one piece left, and let there be a few extra.

    It’s not at all scary if a little cake is left on the second day, but spending a lot of money on a 5-tier dessert if you have a wedding for 30 people is not rational.

    World's tallest wedding cake 18 meters 5 centimeters. We worked on the creation 75 people.
    Weight 5 tons.

    Nowadays at some weddings you can see “cakes” made from pastries. The cakes are beautifully laid out on a special stand, and the whole structure is crowned with a small cake, from which the young people, according to tradition, can cut off the first piece.

    The advantages of such a wedding dessert are that it is easy to transport, and the number of cakes is easier to calculate. In addition, you can order cakes decorated in the same style, but with different fillings and from different doughs. Then each guest will be able to find something he likes.

    Care should be taken to match the cake to the style of the wedding. If your celebration is decorated in a rustic or rustic style, a much more appropriate final dish would be a loaf or pies. A cake with cream, cream and roses will look strange.

    However, please different tastes Guests can also make tiers of a large cake different to taste.

    Confectionery shops always offer delivery of the cake to the banquet venue. Usually it is very expensive, and young people often prefer to save money, thinking that they themselves can easily cope with transporting the cake. This is very reckless
    opinion. Carry several kilograms of airy sponge cake with cream and
    decorations - a task that only a professional can do.
    By saving on delivery, you can be left without a cake at all or be content with one that you had to buy in a hurry and which does not at all meet your ideas and wishes.

    Here's an example. Thankfully this is a joke.

    We hope that our tips will help you and the cake will become a worthy decoration for your wedding!

    The wedding cake plays an important role in the wedding celebration. The final events of the holiday are connected with him. In addition, a wedding cake is considered a symbol of abundance and family well-being.

    Dear my readers!

    The site provides only informational information for creating an original and beautiful wedding celebration. I'm not selling anything ;)

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    General information about wedding cakes

    Tradition wedding ritual, associated with cutting the cake by the bride and groom, dates back more than five thousand years. It originates in the ancient belief that friendship is sealed by the breaking of bread. Bread was the ancestor of the modern wedding cake.

    In general, it is no coincidence that a wedding cake should be present at a wedding. Since ancient times, the wedding cake has symbolized abundance, and many rituals have been associated with it.

    The wedding cake has become an important attribute at every wedding since antiquity. So, in the Roman Empire it was a special flatbread made from barley. The groom broke it over the bride's head as a sign of her submission. This depicted a symbolic form of the destruction of her virgin state and the subsequent domination of the groom over her. The crumbs were gathered as guests as a sign of good luck. In medieval England The role of the wedding cake was played by small sweet buns. The guests at the celebration tried to place them in a high mound between the newlyweds. If the lovers managed to kiss over her without destroying her, then this marriage promised to be happy and fruitful.

    It was from this mountain that the tradition of making a multi-tiered wedding cake came from.

    French wedding dessert- the croquembouche was also distinguished by its originality.

    This is usually a tall cone. It consists of profiteroles with filling.

    Profiteroles are small (less than 4 cm in diameter), rounded, spherical culinary products of French cuisine made from choux pastry with various fillings.

    Profiteroles are held together with caramel or a special sweet sauce. They are decorated with caramel threads, candied almonds, fruits, and candied flowers.

    Croquembouche, like many other traditional wedding dishes, such as the wedding loaf, has roots going back centuries. During the 17th century, the cake was called the bride's cake and became a popular dish. The ingredients in the cake have changed. A new one has appeared interesting tradition. When preparing a wedding cake, a ring was placed in it, and it was believed that the girl who was lucky enough to find the ring would soon get married.

    It was also believed that if you put crumbs from a wedding cake on your pillow, you would certainly dream about your future spouse.

    Wedding cakes became really popular during the 19th century, and instead of a simple raisin cake, variations were added to the old cake, and it has been used ever since. decoration cake.

    At first it appeared simply as a very tasty confectionery product. But then, and not least thanks to the cinema, it became almost a symbol of a successful wedding celebration. The imagination of confectioners, the creativity of designers, and simple human vanity have turned the wedding cake into a cult.

    The wedding cake grew in size. It took on incredible architectural forms. Designers turned it into works of art. The wedding cake acquired not only greater physical weight, but also significance for the whole wedding ceremony.

    At the Russian national wedding feast the amazingly complex and rich traditions associated with wedding baking. In ancient pagan times, the loaf was considered sacred bread among the Slavs, and no wedding was possible without it.

    In Rus' they prepared it in compliance with many rituals and rules.

    So, I only had to make the dough married woman, bake - a man, cut - a child, and the distribution of pieces of loaf to the invitees was entrusted to the matchmaker - the “loaf maker”.

    The entire process of making a loaf was accompanied by the singing of special “loaf” songs performed by the “loaf girls”. Before the ceremony of consecrating the marriage began, the newlyweds had to be the first to touch the loaf with their faces and cry.

    Wedding loaves were decorated with complex patterns of dough and branches of viburnum, which has been attributed mystical properties since pagan times.

    Of course, the wedding menu different countries very different, but the concepts with which this or that dish is associated are similar everywhere - probably because people everywhere strive to find happiness and find fidelity in love and marriage.

    Options for preparing a wedding cake

    There are many options for making a wedding cake.

    One of the most popular, of course, multi-tiered cake. The tiers of the cake are stacked one on top of the other, or presented on a special stand, where each tier is placed on a separate dish and mounted on metal or glass legs.

    This wedding cake looks very solemn, looks impressive in photographs and really attracts the attention of guests.

    Cakes of different tiers can be prepared according to different recipes, placing them on stands. It will turn out interesting and very beautiful.

    You can also find square cakes, heart-shaped cakes, and very original ones - in the shape of castles, cars, sofas, gift boxes etc. and so on.

    In a word, it all depends on your imagination and capabilities. The appearance of a cake created for a wedding is taken very seriously.

    Traditionally it is decorated "lucky talismans"- roses, figurines, ribbons, bells.

    Recently, cake decorating has become increasingly popular. gorgeous bouquets from live, candied or marzipan flowers. Truly, the sight of such a king cake will take your breath away!

    Traditional figurines of doves or the bride and groom, which decorate the top tier of the cake, also represent a huge selection for every taste and color.

    These are not only romantic princes and princesses, but also funny scenes from the life of the bride and groom, as well as favorite cartoon characters, for example, Shrek and Fiona or Mickey and Mini.

    In ancient times, a wedding cake was always dark in color and always decorated with fruit, but now most often at weddings we can see cakes white.

    – one of the obligatory attributes of a wedding celebration. His appearance in festive hall, as a rule, is one of the exciting moments of a wedding. And the better this moment is prepared, the brighter and more memorable it is for everyone present!

    • it should be light, without greasy cream, so that after a rich wedding feast there will be “enough room” for sweets;
    • It is undesirable to use meringues or waffles as decoration or base of the cake, since when cut, these elements are very fragile and will crumble and break, so that little will remain of the beauty of the cake;
    • It is preferable if no dyes are used so that the bride, witness or mother-in-law does not start to become covered with red spots right at the table due to a sudden onset of allergies. But at the same time, the cake may lose a little in appearance.

    What determines the size of the cake?

    • number of guests;
    • calorie content - light (fruit) or fatty;
    • amount of remaining food;
    • entertainment program.

    For example:

    For an ordinary wedding with over 20 guests, it is planned entertainment and has a standard menu, it is recommended to order a cake, and for the following reasons:

    Light (fruit) - 1 kg per 10 people, or 100 g per man, 150 g per woman; at small quantity toaster and lack wedding table It is recommended to increase the quantity of cake by two to three times, that is, for 15 people it will be 3-5 kg;

    Cake with thick cream more filling, you can order less of it.

    Decor and accessories for a wedding cake

    There are many special accessories designed to give the cake a truly fabulous look.

    How to cut a cake correctly?

    A wedding cake. And then the solemn moment comes, to the general applause, the groom gently takes the bride by the hand, and they cut the cake.

    No wedding is complete without this beautiful ritual.

    Using a special silver knife, the bride, with the help of the groom, cuts off the first piece from the bottom cake. Sometimes she cuts off two pieces - one for the groom, the other for herself, and each of them gives the other a bite of his piece.

    After this, the upper layers are removed from the bottom cake, cut into pieces and handed over to the guests.

    The first to receive the cake are the bride and groom and the wedding ceremony participants. The smallest top tier with decorations is set aside to be saved for the bride and groom when they return to the guests on the second day!

    How to order a cake for a wedding? Even if the bride decided on the appearance of the cake several months before the celebration (and this happens quite rarely..), many questions remain. When should I order a cake and when will it be prepared? What does the price depend on? What will the filling be? And so on, and so on... We will help you in this difficult matter. In this article we will collect the most frequently asked questions and answers about them. We will be happy to answer all your questions in the comments!

    So before order a wedding cake, We advise you to choose a reliable performer for the important mission of making a cake. Your cake is the end of the holiday, the embodiment of your sweet life together, a very important element of the wedding. Research about confectioners and organizations on the Internet, ask your friends or, better yet, a wedding planner (he has more experience), look at the results. Choose only the best for such an important day!

    Criteria for your choice must be:

    — reliability of information. Beware if the photos you are shown are of cakes from the Internet, and not the master’s own work.

    — price. Too low a price means too low a quality; a true professional will not work for free. Making a wedding cake takes a week of work, how can it be cheap? By skimping on the quality of products, you won’t get anything good as a result either. Be careful.

    - guarantees. If an order for a cake is accepted without prepayment, the order is placed under your signature, if you discuss the cake not in a pastry shop, but over the phone, you have no guarantees. Pay attention to these points and protect yourself.

    When to order a wedding cake? One of the features of our cakes is exclusively handmade. Each flower petal is made by hand; assembling a bouquet for a wedding cake can take from 2 weeks to a month. Please order your cakes in advance! To get a good photographer for your wedding, you need to order him at least six months in advance. To receive it, order at least 2-3 months in advance. However, we cannot guarantee you a free date - registration is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis, and we will never make more cakes at the expense of their quality. Let your cake become a unique decoration for the event!

    You reserve a date by making an advance payment, and your cake will be made exactly at the specified time, plus or minus 15 minutes.

    What's inside the wedding cake and can you choose the filling? A tiered wedding cake is more than just a cake. In a sense, this is not only a delicacy, but also a complex engineering structure. The cake is placed on a special durable stand, to which a hollow plastic pipe is securely attached as a base-rod for the cake. Under each tier of the cake there is a dense metallized supply - this will make it more convenient for you to cut the tiers and the entire structure will be reliable. It is this assembly method (which our pastry chef learned during her internship at a famous confectionery in Moscow) that allows us to guarantee that the cake will arrive at the restaurant intact, will not fall, will not bend, and will retain its beautiful appearance.

    Multi-tiered wedding cakes have their own characteristics. The ideal filling is chocolate (chocolate sponge cake with sour cream, chocolate mousse, fresh cherries or prunes, alcoholic or berry impregnation). In any case, for at least two lower tiers - if the cake is five-tiered - chocolate filling is suitable. It holds the weight of the entire structure better than others. Our new filling White chocolate (Belgian white chocolate, natural citrus, vanilla sponge cake), Raffaello (vanilla cream, vanilla sponge cake, coconut or almond dacquoise) is also well suited for the middle tiers. For the top tier of the cake, which is usually eaten by young people, you can choose absolutely any filling.

    When ordering a cake over 10 kg, we will prepare 3 fillings (mini-cakes) to try for free.

    What weight of cake do I need? What size will it be? T An ort with flowers for a wedding is considered to be 200 grams per person, without flowers or with a small composition - 150 grams per person. Keep in mind that up to 30 percent of the weight of the cake is decorations, and the top tier (about 600-1000 grams) goes to the young people. That is, taking into account this calculation, guests will receive a piece weighing 120 grams on average.

    No one knows better than you yourself how many kg of cake you need (What if Uncle Gena leaves early, and grandma doesn’t eat sweets, and so on). But let us give you an approximate table.

    Pay attention to the diameters of the tiers - in the finished cake they will differ by no more than 3 cm.

    In the photo the cake is 18 kg.

    How to bring a cake to a restaurant and how to store it? Please store the cake in the refrigerator! You will need to agree on free space in the refrigerator in the restaurant kitchen. It is best to appoint a person responsible for the cake at the wedding - for example, the manager or godmother. This way you will avoid unnecessary worries.

    We deliver cakes weighing 10 kg or more free of charge within the Moscow Ring Road. Delivery outside the Moscow Ring Road is negotiated and paid separately. You can also pick up the cake from the cafe yourself - we will tell you how to bring it safely. It’s also more convenient to pick up cupcakes and mini cakes yourself.

    Your perfect wedding cake will be prepared only by the Cakes Buy team! We love what we do.

    Even a modest celebration is not complete without dessert. But in this case, as a rule, the choice of the newlyweds is a small wedding cake.

    Cake is a traditional treat at a festive banquet in honor of a wedding day. The tradition of a multi-tiered wedding cake dates back to medieval England.

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    Then, a pile of baked goods was served at the festive table in honor of the bride and groom. The newlyweds pay special attention to its selection and order.

    Need for dessert

    Since ancient times, baking has been a symbol of the well-being of a new family. In the distant past, an ordinary bread cake was served at a wedding feast, which, according to tradition, was broken over the heads of the newlyweds. Later they began to bake a festive pie; in Rus' it was called a loaf. In the 19th century, an analogue of the modern wedding treat appeared - a lush multi-tiered cake decorated with white icing. Today, many newlyweds choose such modest but original small wedding cakes as in the photo.

    Today, many people also order white dessert. It is associated with the image of the bride. At the end of the 19th century it was a necessary necessity. Back then it was not possible to decorate baked goods with multi-colored icing. It was made from sugar, and there were no food colors in the arsenal of confectioners. Modern newlyweds can order a wedding cake of any size, taste and color.

    What kind of celebrations is it suitable for?

    We are used to celebrating a wedding on a grand scale: a huge banquet hall, many guests, and for dessert - a magnificent dessert in several tiers. There should be enough sweet treats for everyone present. A small wedding cake can also consist of several tiers. To prepare it, cakes of small diameter are baked.

    Whatever style of wedding the newlyweds prefer, a wedding dessert must be served at such a celebration. However, for the holiday in small company there is no need to order baked goods in several tiers. A small cake is the best choice for such an occasion. Even those who decide to simply sign and celebrate this event in private should not be left without a traditional dessert. But the filling and appearance of a small wedding treat can be different.


    The classic wedding dessert consists of several tiers, covered with light glaze and decorated with flowers.

    A small traditional cake differs only in size. The cooking technology remains the same.

    To prepare the cake according to the classic recipe, use sponge cakes, butter cream and mastic. You can use nuts or chocolate as additives.

    This dessert cannot be called original. However, its universal taste will appeal to almost all holiday guests.

    The advantage of a classic wedding dessert is that its ingredients allow the baked goods to remain fresh and attractive for a long time. The cake will not spoil and will not “float” by the end of the banquet. But it is at the end of the holiday that a sweet treat is served. A traditional small cake is suitable for a wedding at any time of the year.


    Those who like to stand out prefer original cakes. There are many options for unusual desserts.

    • Small colored cake– if previously wedding desserts were decorated with white or pink glaze, then modern confectioners have the opportunity to make baked goods of any color. Small beautiful wedding cakes in blue, red, purple or light blue will decorate a themed wedding.
    • Turret– for its preparation use profiteroles or maracoons (almond balls) of different colors. They are laid out on a tower-shaped dish. All sorts of decorations give this dessert a festive look.
    • From pancakes- This is a budget dessert for a family celebration that you can prepare yourself. Normal, at first glance, pancakes are coated with any desired filling and decorated. This dessert is quite suitable for a modest wedding.
    • Ice creaminteresting option for a summer celebration if you have a good refrigerator. Guests will be happy to cool off with this dessert on a hot day.
    • good idea for a small wedding. It is created entirely from ready-made candies or used as a filling. Multi-colored lollipops, marmalade, and toffees will appeal most to the little guests of the holiday.
    • Snack cake– some newlyweds who are not afraid to go beyond the standards prefer a layer cake filled with meat, cheese, aspic or mushrooms to sweet desserts. It can be made, for example, in the shape of a hamburger.

    Keep in mind that small cakes will not support bulky decorations. For such baking, miniature decor is chosen.

    Without mastic

    Mastic is a well-known ingredient in wedding baking. With the help of this mass, all kinds of patterns and decorations are created. However, today many people refuse to use mastic in making desserts. The so-called “naked” small wedding cake without mastic “naked cake” is more popular., in which the layers and fillings are on display. These desserts do not contain synthetic ingredients or dyes. They are prepared only from natural ingredients.

    It is not easy to create large structures without mastic. The cakes will not withstand voluminous decorations without such a coating. For small treats, you don't need to use fondant. Miniature baked goods decorated with flowers and berries look much more attractive at a small wedding.

    Today, treats with the so-called ombre effect are popular, combining several shades flowing from the darkest to the lightest.

    Interesting! Haven't chosen the dessert filling yet? We've collected delicious options.

    Another advantage without mastic is the ability to prepare it yourself. This dessert can be baked in your own kitchen. You will have to order a cake with mastic from a professional chef. Only a specialist can skillfully handle this ingredient.

    Decoration options

    Even a small wedding cake will look like a masterpiece of confectionery art if it is decorated accordingly. Baking decor is chosen in accordance with the general style of the celebration and the preferences of the newlyweds:

    Modern newlyweds do not always choose the traditional format of the celebration. Many people prefer a modest wedding in family circle. In this case, small wedding cakes like those in the photo are the best choice.

    A modest holiday is celebrated for various reasons. This could be a desire to save money, a lack of funds, or simply personal preference.

    Contrary to popular belief, a wedding cake does not have to be big. Miniature baked goods will be a wonderful decoration festive table. The main thing is to calculate the amount of dessert so that there is enough for all guests and decorate it correctly.

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