• Pistachio shell craft. Crafts from pistachios. From a pistachio shell crafts Lilies from pistachios


    Materials for interesting crafts are available to everyone. Pistachio shells are a great example. Do-it-yourself pistachio crafts will be an original gift or an unusual decoration for your home.

    Decorative plate of pistachios

    Decorate the craft using fantasy or our example.

    To make a plate you will need:

    • base plate;
    • pistachios;
    • PVA glue;
    • super glue or glue gun;
    • brush for glue;

    Step by step production:

    1. Choose a plate that will become the basis for the future dish. Lubricate it with PVA glue, and lay the pistachio shells in one layer.
    2. Fix subsequent layers with super glue or a hot rod.
    3. When you reach the desired thickness, pry off the edge of the plate or moisten its edges with water: the PVA will dissolve and you can easily take out the craft.

    An original room decoration or a gift made with soul - choose any purpose for this craft.

    You will need:

    • cardboard;
    • shell;
    • glue.

    Step by step production:

    Glue the first circle of shells with cups up to the cardboard, then the second inside and so on until the middle, until you form a flower. Fasten the inner circles not to the paper, but to the back and adjacent shells.

    This decoration can be used for any decor.

    Pistachio Candlestick

    Crafts made from pistachio shells in the form of candlesticks are ideal for decorating a room for Christmas.

    Making them is easy, like a flower. The difference is that instead of the central circles, there is space for a candle. Cups can be turned inside or up, but in any case, such a candlestick will look original. Especially if you decorate it with acrylic paint.

    Pistachio Christmas toy

    Such crafts can be made for kindergarten or hung on a home Christmas tree.

    To make a hanging toy you will need:

    • drop-shaped whole or half base;
    • pistachio shell;
    • glue gun;
    • ribbons for hanging and decoration.

    Step by step production:

    1. Choose a light base, similar in shape to a bump. Foam molds are great. Start pasting it with pistachios in a circle, starting from the very bottom. The cups of the shells should be turned inward.
    2. When you get to the last circle, fasten a loop under one of the shells for hanging.

    For a simple pistachio shell craft, you will need improvised means.

    You will need:

    • light foam base in the form of a donut, or a base made of thick cardboard;
    • a lot of pistachio shells (depending on the diameter of the base);
    • Super glue;
    • acrylic paint;

    Step by step production:

    1. A convex shape is ideal for a beautiful voluminous wreath, but cardboard can also be used. Glue pistachio shells in a circle layer by layer. For a more interesting design, first glue a few flowers together and then arrange them randomly on the wreath.
    2. Fill the voids with neat rows of walnut cups.

    The finished wreath can be left in its natural color, or covered with paint to make it look more like needles.

    Crafts from pistachios are indispensable on New Year's Eve. Walnut shells make unusual Christmas trees.

    You will need:

    • cardboard rolled up by a cone;
    • pistachios;
    • glue;
    • dye;
    • decorative elements;

    Step by step production:

    The cardboard rolled up with a cone will become the basis of the Christmas tree, on which the shells need to be glued. Start from the lowest tier, and work your way up to the top. Stick the shells in circles or in a spiral - as you find it more interesting. Paint the finished tree with acrylic, add glitter and decorations.

    Pistachio pendant

    You will not immediately guess that such a decoration is made by hand. The pendant will be appreciated by lovers of original eco-jewelry.

    You will need:

    • pistachios;
    • transparent glue;
    • acrylic paint metallic;
    • tassel;
    • chain or cord.

    Step by step production:

    Choose the most even and similar shells, lay out in a suitable shape and glue. Cover the pendant with metal paint and hang it on a chain.

    Unusual walnut shell crafts will be enjoyed by children and adults. It is not a shame to present a tastefully created product as a gift, or keep it for yourself to admire the original decoration.

    pistachio creativity

    In the East, pistachio is called nothing more than the "tree of life" - these bright green nuts with a resinous aroma are so useful and tasty. In Persia, pistachios even served for some time as local currency instead of coins, as they symbolized wealth along with gold. Pistachios have a high nutritional value: they contain about 60% fat, as well as proteins (23%), carbohydrates (13%) and cellulose. However, at the same time, they remain the least high-calorie: 600 kcal per 100 grams of nuts. Pistachios are not only a very powerful source of energy, but also have invigorating properties due to the presence of fiber - 30 grams of nuts contains as much of it as in the morning portion of oatmeal. This fact also contributes to the normalization of bowel function. The phenolic compounds contained in this delicacy give it antioxidant properties: they do not allow free radicals to destroy the body at the cellular level, and thus keep the body young. In addition, these substances promote cell growth and renewal. Since pistachios have a tonic effect, they are recommended for chronic fatigue, various types of physical exhaustion, anemia, beriberi, and high physical or mental stress.

    If a seasonal cold strikes, tasty nuts will also come to the rescue - pistachios are known for their effective antitussive effect. They are also used as a prophylactic for diseases of the cardiovascular system caused by a violation of the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels (with daily use of nuts, the amount of "bad" cholesterol decreases by 7 times).

    It is worth noting that no product - no matter how good it is - is immune from an allergic reaction to itself, including pistachios. If you or your child suddenly develops a nut allergy, it will be easy to notice by symptoms such as sneezing, skin rashes and indigestion. Well, it means that pistachios and dishes from them should be postponed.
    Pistachios are the only nuts that contain carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin) - substances that help maintain vision, as well as help strengthen the body's bone tissue: skeleton, bones, teeth. Pistachios contain such important trace elements as magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese and phosphorus. Among the vitamins, one can distinguish mainly B vitamins and vitamin E, due to which pistachios are sometimes called "rejuvenating" nuts. It's time to remember the southern delicacy - its nutritional and medicinal properties, as well as accumulate a handful of shells and turn them into mind-blowing crafts!

    Therefore, shells should not be thrown away, as they will serve as excellent material for interesting DIY crafts. The simplest and brightest option is to create "wooden flowers" for decoration: they can be used in an art panel:

    To decorate homemade boxes and topiaries...

    as an original decor for serving a festive table:

    And even jewelry!





    From the author: “My husband loves pistachios. These nuts have a nice creamy taste and are a great snack while watching movies. We always have a bowl of pistachios on the coffee table.
    A month ago, after watching several videos on the Internet, Evgeny began to furtively collect shells from his favorite nuts in a separate bowl. When I found out why he was doing this, I was completely delighted and now I try to do the same.

    DIY home decor

    As it turned out, pistachio shells are an excellent material for creativity! Here is a simple, but, in my opinion, just a brilliant example of how you can make a soap holder out of 6 halves of the shell.
    Here's what it looks like.

    You can also use pistachio shells as drainage for indoor plants.

    I have prepared for you a step-by-step master class on how to make small birds from pistachio shells to decorate the walls of the house. Everything is so simple!
    Just look how bright and unusual the switches in the interior can look.

    First you need a pistachio shell. It must first be prepared, namely: rinse thoroughly to remove all salt and other debris.

    To dry the shell, lay it out on newspaper, and when dry, start painting it with spray paint. Try not to press hard on the button of the spray can with paint, because the shells can scatter all over the room. Paint over all the details of the future decor, both outside and inside.

    Make sure the paint is completely dry.

    You can also paint the shell by hand if you need a variety of colors and the spray paint is only one color. I used acrylic paints for this!

    In order to attach future pistachio birds to the wall, you will need double-sided tape, scissors and a little patience.

    Voila, our decoration is completely ready! How do you like the result?

    Use acrylic paints to create a tree for these lovely birds to sit on.

    I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with 9 more vivid examples of the use of pistachio shells. Great idea for a voluminous card for Valentine's Day! I will probably adopt this method.

    To create such a decorative panel of pistachio flowers, you need to work hard, as this is a slow and painstaking task. But the result is definitely worth it!

    And how do you like such a master class on creating a stylish and unusual necklace? I am already preparing the shell for such decoration.

    Pistachio shells make very original crafts that will beautifully decorate the interior of any room. To create such a pistachio tree, you will need a piece of plasticine the size of a walnut, which should be rolled into a ball, pistachio shells, dry tree branches and your irrepressible imagination.

    And you can easily make such a frame with your children.

    Stylish and tasteful, right?

    I really want the same stylish necklace made of pistachios and shells.

    A few more examples of interior trees made from pistachio shells.

    Eco-style lovers will like this vase. It will take time to collect the right amount of shells. Let your friends know that you have a new hobby and need help. You can also ask the employees of a nearby cafe to give you this, at first glance, garbage.

    "Smiling Nut" - this is how our favorite pistachios are called in our homeland. These tasty and extremely healthy nuts are loved by adults and children, but only a few know that its shell can also be used. Amazingly beautiful crafts are made by kids and needlewomen from this natural material.

    DIY pistachio shell crafts

    An ordinary photo frame, box or plastic jar takes on a completely different, very presentable look if you decorate them with pistachio shells. Original paintings and panels are by no means the limit of fantasy for a talented master who came across a handful of pistachio shells. Kids work wonders from this natural material, children are happy to make autumn and other themed crafts from pistachio shells in and

    As a rule, the most beautiful compositions are based on "pistachio" flowers using glue, which are easier to make - three or four shells glued together form the basis of the bud, then petals are added - alternately glued to the bud. Such flowers can be made in different sizes and colors, depending on the wishes and ideas.

    If it is difficult for a baby to cope with glue, then as a basis for plasticine can come out of a pistachio shell flower.

    You can color the shell in advance using acrylic or spray paints, or you can give a shade to the finished product. If children will work with blanks, it is better to use food coloring or ordinary gouache for coloring. Creative pistachio flowers can serve as a separate decor, a Christmas toy, a candlestick, an exclusive brooch or pendant, and become the basis of a composition.

    With your own hands, you can make incredibly beautiful crafts from pistachio shells in the form of topiary trees. Of course, such masterpieces require perseverance and patience, but what is the result.

    Children's applications using this material look no less interesting and creative. For example, you can lay out a grout of “pistachio” grapes on cardboard, you can add volume to the elements of an autumn landscape. As for simple children's crafts, young craftsmen are quite capable of making a small pistachio tree. In this case, you can avoid complex painstaking work with glue using plasticine.

    Below are some more ideas for crafts from this unusual material:

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