• Happy Mother's Day greetings in Ukrainian. Beautiful and funny congratulations on Mother's Day in Ukraine. World Mother's Day: history of the holiday


    In Ukraine, Mother's Day is celebrated on May 13, 2018. In 24 countries they will congratulate their mothers on this bright holiday, give cards and read poems.

    Today we celebrate Mother's Day / Photo from open sources In 2018, Mother's Day in Ukraine is celebrated on May 13. There is no official day off in connection with the holiday, but this does not prevent Ukrainians from expressing gratitude to their mothers and giving them flowers and gifts. Read also Trinity 2018: when is it celebrated in Ukraine, the history and traditions of the holiday

    Mother's Day: history of the holiday

    In the United States, Mother's Day was first publicly supported by the famous American pacifist Julia Ward Howe in 1872. According to Julia Ward, Mother's Day is a day of unity among mothers in the fight for world peace. Julia Ward's concept did not find widespread support either in the United States or in other countries.

    In 1907, American Anna Jarvis from Philadelphia launched an initiative to honor mothers in memory of her mother. Anna wrote letters to government agencies, legislative bodies and prominent individuals with a proposal to devote one day a year to honoring mothers. Virginia was the first state to recognize Mother's Day in 1910. official holiday. In 1914, US President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in May national holiday in honor of all American mothers. Following the United States, 23 countries declared the second Sunday of May a holiday (including: Bahrain, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Australia, Ukraine, Estonia, etc.), and more than thirty more celebrate the holiday on other days.

    Mother's Day in Ukraine

    In Ukraine, the celebration of Mother's Day was established by presidential decree of May 10, 1999. Despite the fact that in Ukraine the date of this holiday is different every year, in 2018 the date coincides with the international one. On May 13, Mother's Day is celebrated in 24 countries. Behind last years more and more Ukrainians are planning this day in advance, trying to congratulate loved one in a special way, not like other days of the year.

    Mother's Day Traditions

    Mother's Day is a good holiday when you can remind yourself dear person that you love, respect and appreciate him. On Mother's Day, children give flowers to their mothers, holiday cards, give gifts with my own hands, dedicate songs and poems to mothers. If we talk about adults to children, then it is customary to give gifts, however, there are no wishes for them anymore, the main thing is that they are from the heart and with good intentions. In the USA and Australia, there is a tradition of wearing a carnation flower on clothes on this day. Moreover, color matters, so a colored carnation indicates that a person’s mother is alive, and white flowers are pinned to clothes in memory of departed mothers. Also on this day, various concerts, flash mobs and charity events are organized in nursing homes.

    What to give and how to congratulate your beloved mothers

    On this day, children traditionally give flowers, sweets, cards, handmade items, and dedicate poems or songs.

    Read interesting congratulations for Mother’s Day in the UNIAN collection:

    Congratulations to our mother

    And we want to wish her to be healthy,

    To be beautiful,

    Never lose heart!

    Take care of yourself for us,

    We love you very much!

    Happy Mother's Day to you, my dear!

    Your love keeps me from troubles.

    Let only joy surround you,

    Know best mom simply not in the world!

    Happy Mother's Day I want you

    Congratulations, my mom,

    And wish you well,

    Hope, happiness and warmth.

    Let all mothers smile

    They bathe in the love of their children,

    Let them not get sick and not grow old,

    And all their hopes come true!

    My dear mother, my beloved,

    Today this holiday is just for you.

    I wish you a lot of happiness and goodness,

    And faith, and hope, and peace forever.

    Mom is often like a fairy

    Fulfills all dreams.

    Know that the coolest

    In this world, you are a fairy.

    To my mom - the best,

    I want to give the whole world!

    Love, kindness, prosperity,

    After all, you are my angel!

    My idol!

    For the tenderness of your hands, dear

    I say thank you

    Happy Mother's Day!

    And I love you madly!

    There are no mothers on earth dearer than eyes,

    Your love is blessed!

    She treated us with her tenderness from the cradle

    And you endured childhood pranks humbly!

    On Mother's Day we thank you for everything,

    For the warm look and kindness of the smile!

    Because your gray hairs are in the white snow,

    The mistakes of our youth are also intertwined!

    My beloved mommy,

    What a pity that you are far from home now,

    We rarely see you very much,

    May God protect you, mommy,

    And let him protect you from bad weather,

    Let the fire of love burn in your eyes,

    And there will be a lot of happiness in your heart!

    Mom means tenderness, affection, kindness,

    Mom is serenity, joy, beauty!

    Mom is a bedtime story, this is the morning dawn,

    Mom is a hint in difficult times, this is wisdom and advice!

    Mom is the greenery of summer, it is the snow, the autumn leaf,

    Mom is a ray of light, mom means life!

    No treasures in the world can replace that mother's love, which you gave to me during long and sleepless nights sitting by my bed; nothing compares to the tenderness of your voice when you read me stories before bed; nothing will remind me of the warmth of your hands when you wiped away the tears of my first love. Mommy, I want to congratulate you on such a wonderful holiday, wish you with all my heart joy, smiles, goodness and prosperity, as well as health for many, many years to come.

    Dear mom, happy holiday! For me, you will always be the best, most caring and most attentive mother in the world! After all, you are like a real guardian angel who protects you from insults and disappointments, from tears and mistakes, from troubles and losses. Health to you mommy and longevity! And I really ask you - be truly happy! From my first breath to this day, there is no person dearer and closer than you, mom! This holiday is just a reason to tell you what I feel every day: I love you more than anyone on Earth! May life protect you from bad things, you are worth only the best and brightest. Have a long and happy life, mommy!

    Beloved mom, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on Mother’s Day. May happiness always accompany you. Remain as kind, wise and understanding, I love you very much. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than my mother, and I will never tire of thanking you for what you have done for me. Happy holiday, my love!

    Mother's Day is one of the most touching and... happy holidays which is celebrated in the world. After all, the best memories in a person’s life are associated with the image of a mother. She is revered as the ancestor of the clan, carefully guarding family traditions. This solemn day once again demonstrates how highly valued is the status of a woman who gives life to young citizens and educates them worthy people, patriots, builders of the future of their Motherland.

    When is it celebrated?

    Each country has its own holiday date. In Ukraine, Mother's Day falls on the second Sunday of May in accordance with Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 489/99 of May 10, 1999. In 2020, the event is celebrated on May 10.

    Who's celebrating

    This is a national mass holiday. Participating in it are officials, and the public. On this day, celebrations are held where gratitude and love are once again expressed to the person closest to you.

    history of the holiday

    The history of Mother's Day has deep roots. The tradition of honoring a woman who gives life to the next generation was born in Ancient Rome and Greece. The Romans praised the mother of the gods. In Ancient Greece, the earth goddess Gaia became the most revered ancestor of humanity and all living things. Later, during the introduction of Christianity, the Virgin Mary became the main mother, protecting mutual love mother and her child.

    This holiday was officially celebrated for the first time in the United States. At the beginning of May, a woman few people knew left the world elderly woman Mary Jarvis. And her death would not be such a significant event on a global scale if it were not for her loving daughter Anna. Strongly experiencing death loved one, she put forward the idea of ​​​​creating a day of honor and respect for all mothers in the world. Anna Jarvis and her like-minded people, whose number grew day by day, wrote many messages and requests to government agencies asking them to establish a holiday. During several years of lobbying for this idea, the name of an ordinary American woman outgrew the boundaries of one life. By her image they began to mean all women who devote their lives to raising children - the future inhabitants of the country. The efforts of the volunteers were crowned with success. In 1914, the President of the United States signed a decree establishing a national day to honor all American mothers.

    Gradually, the tradition of celebrating the holiday of the closest person spread across all continents. Mother's Day was first celebrated in Ukraine in 1929. The event fit easily into social life people. The veneration of a woman - a mother, a protector of family and traditions - is historically enshrined in the heart of every resident of the country.

    One of the most favorite holidays among Europeans and Americans is Mother's Day, which falls on May 12 in 2019. This is not just another official date invented by officials, but a truly good and bright holiday.


    It would seem that this is just another newly-minted, fashionable holiday, but no, Mother’s Day was celebrated 300 years ago. Perhaps this holiday has common roots Happy spring day, which was celebrated by the ancient Greeks, dedicating it to the mother of Zeus - the goddess Rhea. Perhaps this is a good English tradition dating back to 1600, when on the second Sunday in May, children congratulated their mothers. It was believed that on this day one should under no circumstances go to work, but instead should visit one’s parents.

    Modern History of Mother's Day

    Let's return from medieval England and Ancient Greece to the very beginning of the 20th century. When Mother's Day, as a holiday, was safely forgotten, a certain Anna Jarvis, a resident of America, decided to perpetuate the good name of her deceased mother. The persistent girl knocked on the thresholds of government institutions, wrote dozens of letters to various authorities, even asked for support from the most famous people that time. Finally, three years later, she achieved her goal and the floating date was approved. In 1912, another one appeared in the world unusual organization– Mother's Day Association. The main goal of its creation is to promote the new holiday and establish it as one of the main international holidays.


    To avoid confusion and know exactly what date International Mother's Day should be celebrated, you need to remember that you need to congratulate your mother every second Sunday in May. One big date applies to all countries of the world, so International Mother's Day in Estonia, England, the USA, Russia is celebrated on the same Sunday as Mother's Day in Ukraine, Finland, Poland, Canada, Germany, Australia and dozens of other countries.

    The main word in every destiny

    In every country, this holiday is celebrated with great warmth and love, but at the same time, each nation brings to it something of its own, unique, peculiar only to it. For example, Mother's Day in Ukraine is celebrated in such a way that mothers are freed from all work on the holiday Sunday. Only rest, peace and quiet. On this day, beloved children must take on all responsibilities, if they need to prepare a festive dinner, tidy up the home and go shopping. And, of course, don’t forget about a gift for your beloved mothers.

    For your holy sake, my dear mother,
    On Mother's Day I thank you.
    Let your prayer continue for a long time
    I am so tenderly guided through life.

    Forgive me, dear, for the tears,
    I get sick more often, little one, I hesitate,
    Alas, it's bad - I'll call you right away.
    I love you dearly, my mother.

    I hope that you are holy, I am healthy,
    Let love's years pass,
    Please don’t worry about sadness and tears,
    Let go of your vanity.

    Mom, you are the most beautiful person in the world,
    Gentle, turbotiv, just one,
    I tenderly hover with my mother during the day,
    I wish you good luck,
    In the right everyday terpenes and nakedness,
    And on the robot there is a strong spirit,
    Warm son and kindness,
    Mom, thank you for what is in me!

    I'm celebrating Mother's Day and wishing that every day would give me love, licorice kisses, cheerful laughter, bright smiles. May your children be healthy again, may your mother’s heart not know sadness or injustice. I hope today, and tomorrow, and in 10, and in 50 years, you will lose the most beautiful mother of miracle children.

    Motherhood is a city,
    What is given by God.
    On Mother's Day I wish
    More than earthly happiness.

    Grant hai nathnennya
    The people are very happy,
    Forge in the heart of the wound
    Warm hands.

    May I grant you children
    That strength is exerted,
    Rozfarbuy yaskravo with them
    Everyday life.

    Happy Mother's Day to you, Kohana,
    Matusya is dear, the light of the eyes.
    You're welcome and shabby
    For hundreds of difficult nights.

    You vibach, my dear, all the images,
    Work for disrespect,
    You give me a lot of love,
    Don’t waste the warmth of your heart.

    Low kudos to you, matusya,
    I wish for many years,
    Healthy, happy and safe.
    May you live without grief and troubles.

    Happy Mother's Day! Spring is rising.
    Receive, matusya, great greetings!
    Like you, there is only one in the world,
    May all your dreams come true!

    You gave us so much, matusya
    And days and sleepless nights
    Love, and turbo, and warmth,
    We love you! Be with us forever!

    Dear my mother
    I hover with the saint,
    Let everything in life get better
    I'm sorry!

    Be healthy and happy
    You don’t know the turmoil at all,
    Be as bad as ever,
    Otherwise, open it!

    I won’t say any harsh words,
    You gave me peace, life.
    Happy Mother's Day to you,
    My swearing dear.

    I praise your patience sacredly,
    Good for the sleepy soul,
    Be healthy, my little one,
    I love you all.

    Let your eyes not cry,
    There will be no nights without sleep,
    I want bachiti, kohana,
    Your laugh is clear.

    Happy Mother's Day to you,
    Matusya rіdna, yangol mi.
    Not easy, but so happy
    Your glorious path of motherhood.

    Forgive me all the turbos,
    Sleepless nights, a sea of ​​tears.
    Put Ditina on her feet -
    Folding, important mechanism.

    I’m healthy, sweet, I adore you,
    Happy laughs, warmth.
    Love your motherly mother
    She saved me from grief.

    Our dear mothers, easy-krills,
    So fun, garni, so sweet,
    On Mother's Day we breathe our hearts,
    For your wisdom, endless affection!

    For your hands and kind eyes,
    They didn't sleep, but watched us at night,
    For your tender song, Koliskova,
    I’m happy to see our viburnum!

    May God bless you with great health,
    And happy hi to come to the doorstep,
    So that we don’t forget you, we’ve come,
    They were widely respected and loved!

    The word “mother” has a sense of life,
    The world is a miserable place without mom,
    Without you, it’s impossible to see the bottle,
    Without you, no one can be happy,

    My heart goes out to everyone,
    Our weakness and anxiety,
    I wish you good health,
    There is no one in life,

    Never again will there be tears in your eyes,
    And only laughter and joy,
    May you be happy at home,
    Once upon a time, let them bestow your wisdom!

    The second Sunday of May is Mother's Day in Ukraine

    Mother's Day- an international holiday in honor of mothers. On this day it is customary to congratulate mothers and pregnant women, unlike the International women's day when all female representatives accept congratulations.

    IN different countries this day falls on different dates Mostly in the world, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. celebrated annually on the last Sunday of November, in Belarus - October 14, Mother's Day in Ukraine, Estonia, USA, Malta, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Japan, Belgium, Brazil - second Sunday in May.

    Mother's Day: history of the holiday

    Honoring a woman-mother has a long history.

    From the 17th to the 19th centuries, the so-called “Mothering Sunday” was celebrated in Great Britain - the fourth Sunday of Lent, dedicated to honoring mothers throughout the country.

    In the United States, Mother's Day was first publicly supported by the famous American pacifist Julia Ward Howe in 1872. “Mother's Day” according to Julia Ward is a day of unity of mothers in the fight for world peace. Julia Ward's concept did not find widespread support either in the United States or in other countries.

    In 1907, American Anna Jarvis from Philadelphia launched an initiative to honor mothers in memory of her mother. Anna wrote letters to government agencies, legislative bodies and prominent individuals with a proposal to devote one day a year to honoring mothers. In 1910, Virginia was the first state to recognize Mother's Day as an official holiday. In 1914, US President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in May a national holiday in honor of all American mothers.

    Following the United States, 23 countries have declared the second Sunday of May a holiday, and more than 30 others celebrate the holiday on other days.

    In 1928, the Union of Ukrainian Women of Canada celebrated Mother's Day for the first time, and in 1929 the holiday came to Galicia. The organizer of the celebrations was Elena Kiselevskaya, editor of the weekly magazine “Zhinocha Share”.

    Legislatively, the celebration of Mother's Day in Ukraine on the second Sunday of May was established by Presidential Decree No. 489/99 dated May 10, 1999, and therefore the long-standing tradition of celebrating Mother's Day today takes on a new meaning.

    Unfortunately, not all women who give birth are worthy of congratulations on this day. And, what is especially sad, the number of orphans with living mothers in Ukraine is increasing.

    Dear daughters and sons! Remember your mothers! Take a few minutes and be sure to visit your mothers on this wonderful day - May 13th! If you can't come, call or write an SMS.

    “Mom” is the first word a child says. It sounds the same in most languages ​​of the world. Mom is the dearest, most beloved person in the world. So, on this glorious holiday, let’s congratulate our Mothers and tell them THANK YOU for everything they have done for us!

    Congratulations on Mother's Day in Ukraine poetry and prose (in your own words)

    On Mother's Day, accept Vitanna
    I wish for more good,
    Let him give you strength
    This is your holy mission.

    May the children be happy,
    May you be healthy forever,
    Together they are within reach
    Go as far as you can.

    Let me carry you to us
    Your motherhood is wonderful,
    Let me pray to steal
    Children from grief and disorder.
    © http://pozdravok.ru/pozdravleniya/prazdniki/den-materi-ukrainy/na-ukrainskom/2.htm

    Mommy, kind, gentle and generous, I wish you a happy miraculous saint - Mother's Day in Ukraine! May this day once again remind you of my love, give you tender words and sweet words. I wish you only good health, long life. May you never be overcome by evil, and your eyes not become wet with tears. May you never be so beautiful, young, smart and brave. Know that you are the best in me!

    Today the sun has washed,
    It rose to heaven early,
    Nature has changed all over,
    It's time for us to celebrate!

    Mother's Day all over the planet
    For them the only ones, relatives,
    Children bring flowers to their feet,
    For their affection and care!

    Mother's Day in Ukraine is bright and beautifully holy, on which we all hasten to embrace those for whom we, having grown up with children, have already lost the little ones whom mother will love and cherish... I am dear to you, curse! You are my favorite in the whole wide world! May your life be long and beautiful!

    Congratulations to you, dear
    Happy spring mother's day!
    Let it be for a long time, and not just in May,
    Your home will be filled with happiness!

    May your health be full,
    Let goodness flow like a continuous river
    You, dear, are no more beautiful,
    You are my angel and guardian!

    Mommy is in love! I send you a Happy Mother’s Day and a warm hug. You are the most beautiful, most wise, gentle, beautiful mother in the world. I love you for those that you have with me, for those that you yourself are like that. I wish you eternal youth, eternal beauty and just a good-natured attitude.

    SMS congratulations on Mother's Day in Ukraine

    Kohana Matusya, you’re so sweet,
    Thank you for growing me up.
    Thank you for your hard work and your working hands,
    For happy days and sleepless nights,
    I think you still have a little time to live,
    I wish I could request everyone on the story!

    Thank you, matusya, for more warmth,
    For affection, turbot, hope and goodness.
    I wish you good health,
    Love and joy, blessings to the world!

    Happy Mother's Day, dear! On your day I wish you more tenderness, warmth, and generosity. Let your skin be filled with love and joy. Enjoy happy lives, laugh today!

    Thank you, Matinko, you,
    Why do I live in this wide world,
    And on this clear, grassy day
    I will give you a wedding.
    My little dear, dear,
    The little bird is sleeping heartily.
    Your love, mov heat, stick
    I don’t sleep, I don’t know anything!

    Congratulations on International Mother's Day to your phone you can listen and send what you like to the recipient as music or voice greeting to a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send congratulations on International Mother's Day to your phone either immediately or by specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio card in advance. An audio greeting on International Mother's Day on your phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to your mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving the greeting by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

    Cool congratulations on Mother's Day in Ukraine

    Lash before you, you have an important khvilinu
    Children are always getting bitter.
    No one can handle a child like that
    and sip and shine.
    Say a word more tenderly,
    Delight on weekdays, play on holy days,
    Yak Vi, dear mother,
    There are not many of these on earth.

    Donechka, you know that being a mother is a very rewarding job. It is necessary to change the diaper immediately, wait for a while, and bathe the baby. Ale ti already rang before the reference. So I encourage you not to forget your skills and become a mother all of a sudden. Happy Mother's Day, dear!

    The first word is ditini - “mother”,
    and it’s not easy in Khvylina - “mother”,
    and we say “mama”,
    And in joy, and in grief - “mother”,
    Happy birthday and goodness forever,
    What she brought into the world, gave life,
    Samoviddana, Chuyna, proud,
    Everything in life is like a mother

    Congratulations to a woman on International Mother's Day

    Giving all the tenderness, affection
    And without sparing mental strength
    She takes care of the child
    And decorates his world

    Tears flow down my heart
    When it's hard for a child
    Whims, pranks forgives
    Indescribably easy

    His success is like a reward
    Good luck to him for his efforts
    When there are sleepless nights
    You looked after him

    Your beloved, dear
    From all of us, bow to the ground
    In such beautiful word"Mother"


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