• Congratulations on the holiday of national unity in prose. Congratulations from the head of the district on National Unity Day


    Today is a serious holiday - the day of national unity. I would like to remember a little history, when on November 4, 1612, the people's militia under the command of Pozharsky and Minin liberated the Kremlin from foreign invaders. And since then this day has become a day of unity. I congratulate you on your holiday. I wish you peace, prosperity, good luck in everything. Remember the history of our state and pass it on to your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Be proud that you live on the great Russian land, which has a wonderful past. ©


    400 years ago, November 4 went down in history as the day of national unity. And now we are celebrating this significant holiday. I want to congratulate you on such a joyful and powerful event. Wish you good health, optimism, peace and prosperity. Give good things to people, do everything so that your soul never hardens. Love your neighbor and help as much as you can. Know that goodness will always return to you a hundredfold. Be a patriot of your Motherland. Good luck to you in everything, happiness. ©


    Russian people with a great past. On November 4, 1612, the feat of arms of our ancestors took place when they defended their independence. You need to remember this. And today we celebrate this event with a holiday. With all my heart I congratulate you on this date. Be vigilant and attentive, appreciate the history of Russia and pass it on to the younger generation. Teach to love the Motherland, as our ancestors loved and appreciated it. I wish you good luck in everything, success in labor activity, good health, peace. Happy holiday! ©


    National Unity Day is a bright holiday and I really want to thank our ancestors for having withstood all the tests and defended our independence. Appreciate the history of our state. Be proud that you were born in a powerful, strong, large country that has a very interesting past. Make sure that the new generation cherishes and loves Russia's past. Let me congratulate you on the holiday. I wish you good health, prosperity in all matters, peace. Let nothing ever darken your life. ©


    By celebrating National Unity Day, we show love and respect for the past of our state. This holiday is a symbol of pride in our ancestors who defended their independence. May the patroness of this holiday, the Kazan Mother of God, guard and protect you from all troubles and bad weather. Pass on your pride and love for the past of our Motherland to the current generation. May your life proceed calmly under a peaceful sky. Good luck to you in everything! Happy holiday to you! ©


    National Unity Day is a wonderful story of our ancestors. Thanks to them, our mighty Russia is now thriving. National Unity Day is a huge holiday. A holiday of great history, a holiday of pride for our Fatherland. Let memory cherish history as a shrine. I sincerely congratulate you, wish you good health, long and happy years of life, good luck in everything. Let your home be protected by a guardian angel. Always remember and be proud that you live on the land of the Great Russian Power. ©


    Our pride knows no bounds for the fact that we walk on a land that is saturated to the smallest grain with the past. And the past is history that we must honor. We are obliged to preserve the heritage that our ancestors bequeathed and pass it on to our children. Today is a holiday of national unity. This day once again emphasizes our attitude towards the past of the Fatherland. Let history always live in the memory of all Russians. I wish you good luck, always be confident in yourself, clearly defend your positions. Peace, goodness and prosperity to you. ©

    Addressed to the Head of the Republic of Kalmykia Alexey Orlov congratulatory telegrams With public holiday Day of National Unity from the heads of federal authorities, ministries and departments. In particular, in the congratulations of the head of the Presidential Administration Russian Federation Sergei Ivanov says:

    "Dear Alexey Maratovich!

    Congratulations on National Unity Day!

    This holiday is inextricably linked with the glorious heroic pages of our history. It symbolizes the idea of ​​national harmony and cohesion around common goals and objectives. A sense of spiritual community, a sincere desire to benefit our Fatherland, unites us even today.

    I wish you success in your work, health and all the best."

    Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Russia Vladimir Churov in his congratulatory message to the Head of Kalmykia notes:

    "Respecting our country's history, we celebrate this holiday as a symbol of national harmony and social unity, pay tribute to the memory of the heroic past of our country and tribute to its defenders. Without genuine national unity, the very existence and development of the Russian state is impossible.".

    "-The origins of this holiday go back to the glorious and heroic events of centuries Russian history, when people of different faiths, nationalities and classes defended the independence of their Fatherland in the fight against foreign invaders, says a telegram addressed to Alexei Orlov from the Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia A. Belyaninov. – The traditions of cohesion and patriotism today are a guarantee of Russia’s security and a guarantee of the further development of our society."

    The congratulations of the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation S. D. Vorobyov, in particular, say:

    « Dear Alexey Maratovich!

    I cordially congratulate you on the holiday - National Unity Day!

    On this day we remember events that played a key role in the history of our country. At all times, the main thing for Russia was the unity of the people. This is the one historical background, which connects our past, present and future.

    And today, national accord and unity of society, based on moral values, tested over centuries, are a necessary condition for the stable and dynamic development of Russia, the calm and peaceful life of its citizens.

    Accept the most sincere wishes good health, long and happy years of life, inexhaustible energy and optimism, new successes for the benefit of Russia!»

    The congratulation from the Deputy Head of the Regional Directorate of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Astrakhan Region, Head of the Service for the Republic of Kazakhstan G. N. Soldatkin says:

    « This holiday is designed to unite people of different generations, religions and political views. On this day, please accept my kindest, sincere wishes for good health, stability and prosperity. Let mutual understanding and harmony become faithful companions of your life

    The Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region M.V. Yurevich sent his congratulations:

    « Dear Alexey Maratovich!

    Congratulations on National Unity Day!

    This holiday is a tribute to age-old Russian traditions and the unity of the people in the name of the Fatherland.

    Civil solidarity and responsibility for the fate of the country are the basis of Russia, a guarantee of the development of our society and state.

    Please accept our wishes for success in your activities and in the implementation of all your plans! Health, happiness, peace and prosperity!»

    Governor of the Ryazan region O. I. Kovalev:

    « Dear Alexey Maratovich!

    Please accept my congratulations on National Unity Day!

    This holiday has become an integral part of Russian history, the personification of the unity of the people, a symbol of selfless devotion to the Fatherland.

    Today, when the country is confidently moving forward along the path of strengthening civil society, economic and social development, it is especially important to maintain unity and loyalty to centuries-old traditions in order to increase the power and greatness of our Motherland.

    I wish you peace, goodness, happiness and success in your work for the benefit of Russia!»

    Telegrams of congratulations continue to arrive.

    Dear _________, compatriots! I cordially congratulate you on national holiday– Day of National Unity.
    This holiday is associated with the glorious heroic events of 1612 - the feat of our ancestors, who rallied in the name of freedom and independence of the Motherland. The unity of the multinational people of Russia has at all times been a decisive force that helped it survive and win, and solve large-scale, truly fateful tasks.
    ___________ is our common home, in which all people should live in peace and harmony, protect and equip it together, and provide each other with all possible help and support. We believe that it will be right if National Unity Day becomes a day of good deeds for every resident of our ______.
    I wish you happiness, dear ______, love, mercy and prosperity, good health, success in work, mutual understanding and a worthy future!

    On November 4, together with the whole country, we will celebrate a young national holiday - National Unity Day.
    The holiday of Russian unity is a kind of tribute to Russian history. This is the memory of the events of November 4, 1612, when, in a single spiritual and military impulse, the people’s militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from the interventionists, which marked the beginning of the country’s emergence from the crisis of the “Time of Troubles.”
    National Unity Day is intended to remind us that we, Russians, belonging to different social groups, nationalities and religions, a single people with a common historical destiny and a common future. It depends on us, our generation, what content this holiday will be filled with. I believe it would be correct if its main idea is to serve the Fatherland, revive the traditions of mercy and charity.
    I cordially congratulate you on the upcoming holiday! I am sure that each of us, regardless of political views and preferences, will celebrate it as a holiday of memory, national unity and peace. Let mutual understanding and kind attitude towards each other always remain the main benefactors. I wish you and your loved ones peace and happiness, good health and success in your business!

    In 1612, on November 1, according to the Gregorian calendar, people's militias and their leaders, merchant Kuzma Minin and governor Dmitry Pozharsky, took Kitay-Gorod by storm. On November 5, the commanders of the Polish garrison signed a surrender, and on November 6, the garrison surrendered.

    In 1649, in honor of the birth of the heir to the throne, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich declared October 22 a public holiday according to the old Julian calendar. Due to the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars and the shift in dates, it is now November 4th (Gregorian calendar).

    Since 2005, Russia has been celebrating National Unity Day - in memory of the events of the distant year 1612. After a long break (1917 - 2005), the tradition has resumed - the public holiday on November 4th is especially pleasing to believers Orthodox Church, in whose calendar this is the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

    On National Unity Day, I would like to wish each other respect and kindness, understanding and mercy, sincere relationships and generosity. Let our people remember our roots, our exploits, our land and our great development. Let everyone be happy and healthy, patriotic and freedom-loving!

    Congratulations on National Unity Day! We must not forget the history of our people and ancestors, because it is she who made us what we are now. Many people of different nationalities live on our land, and we must remember that we are united. On this day I would like to wish you strength of spirit, unity of nations, freedom, independence, stability and confidence. And most importantly, a peaceful sky above all of us, so that not a single person sees war!

    Congratulations on National Unity Day! We wish that not only today, but every day we feel the strength and spirit, culture and power of the Motherland. To understand that we are all one! Each person is a grain. And at the same time, he is a link in a huge and powerful chain, that is, humanity! Good luck to everyone, prosperity and strength of spirit!

    Congratulations on National Unity Day. Let the connection of our people be strong and stable, let everyone be proud of their history and power, let every day be happy, clear, peaceful and joyful for our people.

    Congratulations on National Unity Day! A celebration of the strength of our people, powerful spirit and invincible will. I wish you good health, reinforced concrete strength, pride in your land and outstanding ancestors. Peace, prosperity, goodness!

    Congratulations on National Unity Day and I sincerely wish you to invariably and sincerely believe in yourself, in your people, in common forces and common ideas. I wish you peace and good luck, joy and a prosperous life among kind, generous, cheerful, wonderful people!

    Congratulations on National Unity Day. I sincerely want to wish you to always remember your roots and history, be proud of the exploits of your ancestors and age-old traditions, strive for the good of society and the strength of our people. I wish you self-confidence and stability in well-being.

    Congratulations on the holiday, National Unity Day! I wish that human qualities will always be high and filled with dignity. So that tolerance, mutual respect and support are the basis for friendly and peaceful coexistence of all peoples and nationalities living nearby. Happy holiday!

    Today we congratulate everyone on National Unity Day and want to remind you that despite our differences, together we are strong and we are united by love, friendship, and true values! We wish you warm meetings and a joyful holiday!

    Happy National Unity Day. I would like to wish you to be proud of your origins and always believe in your people. I also wish you a cheerful, happy, prosperous, bright, rich and beautiful life among good people, memorable stories, amazing customs and good traditions.

    There are a lot of people. There are many destinies. But the best ones arise only with joint support and spiritual unity. This is strength, this is a stronghold, this is a fortress! Only thanks to him can any nation, any people reach the highest point of their development. So let's unite together! Let's become stronger, stronger, more united! Let us leave discord and quarrels for the weak in spirit! On this day I wish you happiness, warmth, joint success and aspirations! After all, no one in this world is able to survive alone - only joint efforts bring desired result and give joy! Give a helping hand to your neighbors, don't turn away from each other! Happy holiday everyone!

    On National Unity Day, on this important and very bright day, I congratulate you! Let us remember that our spirit is one and that our strength lies in unity. Let's understand that we all, regardless of mentality and skin color, equally want happiness, love, prosperity and, most importantly, of course, health! I wish that no one could ever break our national spirit, because every person wants peace and life without wars and tears! Let us congratulate each other as heartily as we would like to be congratulated! Our strength is in unity, our peace is in unity! Let nothing darken the clear sun and good mood! Happy holiday!

    National Unity Day is the youngest holiday with a centuries-old history. November 4, 1612 our ancestors - all as one, forgetting about the difference social statuses, origin and religion - managed to unite and liberate the Moscow Kremlin from foreign invaders. Today, November 4, I want to congratulate all of you, my dear compatriots, on this significant day! Let the heart of each of us be filled with a sense of pride for the feat of our ancestors, and let their holy covenant - to take care of the Motherland - be strictly observed. Let's preserve traditions and rituals, share the breadth of the Russian soul, be proud of the vastness of our beautiful land! Happy Unity Day of the People - a people with a heroic past and a bright future!

    Congratulations on National Unity Day! This holiday gives us the opportunity to recognize ourselves as a single people with a common historical destiny and a common future. You and I have one Motherland - Russia. We are responsible for its present and future. Let's be proud of our country, its rich history, centuries-old traditions of patriotism and citizenship, which we inherited from many generations of our ancestors. We wish you peace, prosperity, success, good health and all the best!

    Congratulations on National Unity Day! The events of past centuries remind us of the great power of human community, the importance of patriotism and citizenship in building a democratic state. Unity is ensured by people, not only by economic development, not only by tanks and guns. We are united by a sincere desire to benefit our native Fatherland. The feeling of unity gives energy and perseverance in solving the most difficult national problems. Let this holiday become a worthy occasion for unity for us. I wish you health, new achievements, happiness, all the best!

    Congratulations on National Unity Day! The unity of the Russian people, the integrity of our state is the key to harmony and successful development of Russia for decades to come. Only in unity - social, national, inter-confessional - can real success be achieved. It depends on you and me, on our unity, what country our children will live in, how much they will understand and support each other, how much effort and knowledge they will put into the prosperity of their native country. I wish you happiness, health, success!

    Make peace, people of Russia! Today is a great, holy day. Let's save souls from confusion, let's live in harmony, because the unity of the people is not a joke. Let's walk together, in step, and with the whole country, let's go the right way, we have no other way. Let's go clearly, energetically, the main thing is to move forward. Let our long-suffering and patient people live in peace and harmony. Let the native tricolor fly over our country, and let the disputants and troublemakers have shame and disgrace. May insight finally come to everyone on the holiday of unity and reconciliation! We will become a united family, we will discard unnecessary aplomb, more, friends, positive!

    With all my heart I congratulate you on this significant event - the Day of National Unity and Military Glory of Russia. It is a symbol of respect and pride for the great past of our state. Today, the people must move as a united front towards a bright future. With all my heart I would like to wish you clear skies, a reliable home, personal happiness, professional success and good health. Happy holiday!

    I sincerely congratulate you on the wonderful holiday of National Unity Day. We must remember that in difficult times for our homeland, it was popular unity that became the decisive factor in confronting external threats, defending our freedom and the independence of the country. I wish you to preserve the priceless heritage that our ancestors bequeathed to us and pass it on to your children. Good health, reliable friends, success in work and confidence in the future.

    Dear Russians, happy holiday! Happy day of unity of our great, mighty, Orthodox, invincible and strong-spirited people! Be happy, be loved! Health and peace to you, prosperity and longevity, all the blessings and joys of life! Honor and observe Russian traditions, pass on rituals and customs from generation to generation. Be proud of the vastness of our land, share the breadth of the Russian soul!

    Weekends in early November have become familiar for Russians. But surveys of citizens have shown that many people who are happy to take an extra day off have little idea of ​​why they don’t need to go to work or school. Even passers-by who pronounce the name of the holiday without hesitation cannot always explain its essence. Indeed, this is one of the controversial holidays in the Russian state calendar, but every citizen of the country should know about it.

    We remember history and remember how we were once a united power. As a people we are all still together. Congratulations on the Day National Unity, may it forever remain in our hearts and souls, regardless of the cordons and boundaries between us now or in the future.

    November 4 no longer symbolizes victory, but the unity of the people, which made the defeat of the invaders possible. On this day, the soldiers of the troops of Pozharsky and Minin prayed to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, liberated Kitai-Gorod and entered it as winners along with the icon. Since then, the Kazan Icon began to be revered and worshiped; people were sure that it was the miraculous icon that helped them win.

    The modern Day of National Unity is a holiday that calls on people not only to remember the most important historical events, but also to remind citizens of a multinational country the importance of unity. After all, only together, moving in the same direction, can we cope with difficulties and overcome obstacles.

    On this day we are united as never before. Our country is united family, whose hearts beat in unison. On National Unity Day, I would like to wish you good health, unity not only among the people, but also spiritual unity in the family, and, of course, happiness in Everyday life. Happy holiday to you!

    On this significant day for everyone - the Day of National Unity - you somehow especially feel unity with the people, our unity of spirit and invincible strength. I would like to wish everyone to love their native country, the fortress of self-awareness, friends of all nationalities in different parts of the world! And may there always be a calm sky above your head, may the sun shine brightly, in your soul - great mood. Co happy holiday you, friends!

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