• Congratulations on Air Defense Day. Congratulations on Air Defense Day Official congratulations on Air Defense Day


    Happy Air Defense Day
    I congratulate you! The shield is strong!
    Reliable barriers have been placed!
    And the enemy plane will not fly by!
    I wish you a stunning career!
    May only good things come your way!
    After all, among all military officers
    You won't find a better specialist!

    Protecting the blue sky
    You are ready for a combat fight.
    And no matter how insidious the enemy is,
    It won't fly over your head.
    And you stand guard day and night,
    So that nothing happens
    There is no more reliable protection - that's for sure!
    Congratulations on Air Defense Day!

    Happy Air Defense Day
    Congratulations to everyone now.
    Unnoticed by the crow
    It won't pass us by!
    We all see, we all know
    And friend we wish a friend,
    Only pure peaceful skies,
    Well, in life there are only miracles!

    We are celebrating Air Defense Day.
    We wish you more strength in the fight!
    We know about your work.
    After all, we have chosen the world for ourselves.
    We wish you peace in heaven.
    We wish to visit more often
    Your relatives, even if it’s like a song
    Life will proceed peacefully!

    So that the country sleeps peacefully
    Protect it with dignity
    Needed everywhere - on earth,
    Well, from the sky as well.
    Happy Air Defense Day,
    You, for wearing shoulder straps,
    We congratulate you now,
    We know that you protect us!

    Russian Air Fleet Day -
    Celebration of courageous people
    Whose profession is to live in the blue sky
    As easy as duck to water!
    Whose profession is to sail across the vastness
    Miracle - the “fifth ocean”,
    Embroidering patterns in the sky,
    Defeating rains and fogs,
    Whose ability to fly like a bird,
    Gives people hope and joy,
    Whose work can we be proud of?
    Who deserves a reward!
    Always young and beautiful!
    Congratulations with warmth and love
    With day Air fleet Russia!
    And we wish you good health!

    Our sky is protected -
    Air defense is always on guard,
    So that the children of the whole earth
    We could sleep soundly at night.
    We need anti-aircraft gunners
    Interceptors are important
    And locators too.
    The enemy will then no longer be able to
    Peaceful sleep to explode in the country:
    Our sky is under lock and key.
    Congratulations to the Air Defense!
    There is no one more reliable than him!

    Thanks to all those who do not sleep at the remote control,
    Through the dark night who looks at the sky,
    And he doesn’t take his eyes off the monitor,
    He always searches and finds
    The one who is not invited to fly into the sky with us,
    And if the stranger remains silent in response to “his”,
    Then watch out! We do not spare our enemies!
    We look calmly into the peaceful sky!

    Air Defense Day! And we will congratulate
    Those who are at work or have a day off at home
    Their job is to defend the Fatherland,
    It doesn't matter if you're a general or a private.
    They guard your sleep peacefully
    A country tired after Labor Day.
    Please accept our prostration,
    The country is with you today, as always

    Happy Air Defense Day, I sincerely congratulate you
    And I wish you an easy life,
    So that all the problems do not tarnish her,
    And the troubles didn’t overshadow it!

    Let everything turn out as you wish,
    And every day dreams come true
    So that fate seems beautiful,
    The smile remained on my face for many years!

    I wish you good health
    And the heart did not cool down from excitement,
    So that every day becomes like a fairy tale
    And he never stopped making me happy!

    Our sky is protected -
    Air defense is always on guard,
    So that the children of the whole earth
    We could sleep soundly at night.
    We need anti-aircraft gunners
    Interceptors are important
    And locators too.
    The enemy will then no longer be able to
    Peaceful sleep to explode in the country:
    Our sky is under lock and key.
    Congratulations to the Air Defense!
    There is no one more reliable than him!

    On the day of air defense
    We need to congratulate everyone associated with her.
    And wish everyone never
    We were not threatened with trouble from the air.
    Let them do their job perfectly,
    Watching the sky as peaceful as usual,
    And then they will celebrate their holiday gloriously,
    Let us live peacefully on the planet!

    Then you feel calm from the sky,
    When you know that the anti-aircraft troops,
    In general, they always watch the sky!
    They have an important task in the armed forces,
    They are for us a protective dome from the sky,
    With them we feel confident and lucky!
    Helmet of congratulations on Air Defense Day,
    Let everything be good in their lives!

    Happy Air Defense Day,
    We give our poem,
    We wish you happiness and smiles,
    Let every soldier be able
    Immediately make your dream come true
    And become happy, rich.
    Let them party more often
    You guys can do it.

    You, my friend, serve in the air defense forces,
    This means that you are friends with fame:
    After all, if the terrible hour comes,
    Then you will protect us all!
    On February day we declare this:
    Happy Army Day!
    And we wish only clear skies,
    Hearts - tender, fresh - bread,
    Happiness, strength, love, true friendship,
    Service - honest, successful, exemplary!
    Always good health,
    After all, the years flow like water.
    Don't let the current carry them away
    All your true aspirations.
    We also wish you good luck
    You are lucky to have Us, and that means a lot!
    After all, we sincerely wish you
    Success, happiness and love.

    Congratulations on Air Defense Day, poems for Air Defense Day

    On Air Defense Day
    I congratulate you, dear friend!
    You stand on the sensitive guard of the sky,
    And you keep everything around you under control!
    Let it be like this in your life -
    Hold your destiny in your hands!
    May courage be with you!
    Let the Motherland value you!

    Our sky is protected -
    Air defense is always on guard,
    So that the children of the whole earth
    We could sleep soundly at night.

    We need anti-aircraft gunners
    Interceptors are important
    And locators too.
    The enemy will then no longer be able to
    Peaceful sleep to explode in the country:

    Our sky is under lock and key.
    Congratulations to the Air Defense!
    There is no one more reliable than him!

    Our sky is protected -
    Air defense is always on guard,
    So that the children of the whole earth
    We could sleep soundly at night.
    We need anti-aircraft gunners
    Interceptors are important
    And locators too.
    The enemy will then no longer be able to
    Peaceful sleep to explode in the country:
    Our sky is under lock and key.
    Congratulations to the Air Defense!
    There is no one more reliable than him!

    Because the sky is clear,
    Thanks to the air defense,
    For the radiant sun,
    Moon above your head
    For our peaceful morning,
    For a quiet evening,
    For the trills of nightingales,
    For the warm breeze,
    For your honor and courage,
    Because every hour
    Tired and restless
    Keep the peace for us.

    Congratulations on Air Defense Day,
    And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you all,
    So that what you do for the country is appreciated,
    And how people truly loved you!

    May everything in your destiny go smoothly,
    And life will continue to be sweet,
    Problems will no longer befall
    And happiness will take you by surprise!

    You have earned the right to luck,
    After all, you are performing a very difficult task!
    You defend the country from air disasters,
    And you protect the clear sky for all citizens!

    Congratulations on Air Defense Day, poems for Air Defense Day

    Do you know what someone else dreams of?
    He doesn't even dare. You are much cooler:
    You can fly above the clouds
    You fly above the most menacing cloud!
    Other: are you a bird? isn't it? - will not understand,
    But, the gravity of gravity is stronger,
    You fly a plane into the sky
    It’s like you’re stretching your arms like wings!
    No, not alone to fly under the Sun for a year
    To you, and therefore: earthly luck,
    Soft landings, less bad weather,
    Wives, beautiful children, houses, dachas!
    Flying in the sky like a bird,
    We wish we don’t turn into a bird!!!

    You stand guard over Russian skies,
    So that the enemy does not come to Russia by air!
    We congratulate you all on Air Defense Day,
    And thank you for your skill,
    For fearlessness, loyalty to your beloved country,
    And for our protection - thank you doubly!
    Let your service always be calm,
    Let the enemy never come near us!

    Today we congratulate the air defense troops,
    Let them defend their native country,
    We wish them all peace and joy,
    And we will drink to your dream.

    We all bring our gratitude to you,
    May my dear poem bring happiness.
    We vigilantly ask you to guard Russia,
    May God help you in your service.

    Our sky is protected -
    Air defense is always on guard,
    So that the children of the whole earth
    We could sleep soundly at night.
    We need anti-aircraft gunners
    Interceptors are important
    And locators too.
    The enemy will then no longer be able to
    Peaceful sleep to explode in the country:
    Our sky is under lock and key.
    Congratulations to the Air Defense! There is no one more reliable than him!

    Cool congratulations on Air Defense Day 2020 in verse and prose

    Brave air defense soldiers
    They serve only for
    To protect our sky,
    And knock down uninvited guests.
    Against planes and missiles
    They have a decisive answer.
    No matter how high the goal is,
    The air defense system can easily reach it.
    So that there are no problems in Russia,
    Topol M is always on guard.
    Today is a holiday for those men,
    What they see in the sky above the clouds.
    Thank you for a peaceful sky -
    Smart, strong, brave men!

    I congratulate you on Air Defense Day
    And I have to thank you for that
    That you are a real warrior - man
    And you’re not at all used to grumbling about fate.
    You are cool, because you can shoot down everything that flies
    And our treacherous enemies know this.
    They don't poke their noses into our borders
    Because we are sure that they will get ripped off here!
    I wish to serve you with interest
    And surprise us all with a military career.
    Let the radar keep a watchful eye on the enemy
    And the president will reward you 20 times!


    May our sky be peaceful, safe,
    To look into it without fear day and night
    And I know that there is a first-class defender,
    If necessary, he will tear flying enemies to shreds.
    Only birds fly over the country without permission,
    The sky is closed for missiles and F 16.
    The valiant warrior guards the air borders,
    Today everyone should try to congratulate him.
    Happy Air Defense Day to you, my dear defender of the sky!
    The whole people thanks you today,
    You protect everyone from grief and damage,
    Your keen eye will see the enemy and shoot him down.
    With all my heart I wish you happiness and health,
    Good luck, strength, patience, new impressions
    May your life be permeated with love,
    And big, beautiful stars for your shoulder straps.


    ABOUT nor interception kings,
    They control the sky above us.
    They decorate the parades.
    They stand guard every hour.
    Such sons by right
    The native country is proud.
    Our great power
    You have a mighty strong spirit!

    Sh Iroka is my native country,
    Even wider - the heavens above.
    Many fly in those skies,
    But the air defense does not close its eyes.
    And I thank all the guys,
    That, like the Atlanteans, they “hold” the sky.
    The security of the country is monitored
    Soul and body dedicated to the cause.

    WITH Only precipitation should fall from the sky, and all air defense services are well aware of this, whose employees we congratulate today on the Day of the Air Defense Forces! May the sky be clear and clean for you both in the service and in civilian life, decorated with a friendly sun!

    IN it was Mesozoic...
    Either in the Jurassic or from the chalk
    So the ancestors began to boil,
    They decided to create air defense and air defense systems.
    From then on, day and night
    Protects the sky firmly
    And blows enemies to pieces
    The air defense detachment is mobile, showing skill.

    U You literally have high concerns! Keep an eye on the skies vigilantly and tirelessly, and today we came to you right on the curly clouds to congratulate you on Air Defense Forces Day! And may the warm wind always be with you!

    X good in our Russia!
    Someone sows, someone plows,
    Who aspires to be a dad?
    Or, donning armor, he fights with mills... But
    I would like to point out
    On this day, not those, not these,
    And without unnecessary pathos here
    I want to drink, guys, on this day for air defense!

    IN Air Defense Day
    I congratulate you, dear friend!
    You stand on the sensitive guard of the sky,
    And you keep everything around you under control!
    Let it be like this in your life -
    Hold your destiny in your hands!
    May courage be with you!
    Let the Motherland value you!

    IN We can see everything, everything, right up to the stars... The month has come out for a walk, now the dawn is shining... Congratulations on the Day of the Air Defense Forces! Each of you is a hawk at heart and I wish you high flights, open horizons and a cozy family nest!

    WITH Air Defense Day
    I congratulate you! The shield is strong!
    Reliable barriers have been placed!
    And the enemy plane will not fly by!
    I wish you a stunning career!
    May only good things come your way!
    After all, among all military officers
    You won't find a better specialist!

    P Happy Air Defense Forces Day! It’s not the sparrows who are afraid of your guns, but the enemies! How wonderful it is that every day we admire the clear sky, and every corner of the sky is under your supervision and protection! Be glorious soldiers and real, happy men!

    P may the skies always be peaceful,
    Let the Poplars and the Wasp stand in their cases,
    Let the air defense troops have no worries!
    But if suddenly the enemy comes to our sky,
    We know there will be no mercy for him!
    We don’t interfere with you, and there’s no need for us either
    Poke your snotty NATO nose!
    Hit the target with a rocket - and the whole issue is resolved!

    IN You protect the sky over your Motherland,
    And you are on duty on holidays and on weekdays,
    Once you have taken an oath, remain faithful to it,
    Serving both the country and the people with dignity!
    Your combat effectiveness is at the proper level,
    The Russian air defense system can
    In any range of altitudes and speeds
    Destroy any enemy!
    Today you cannot find a more powerful defense,
    You sacredly protect the peace of the Fatherland,
    We would like to congratulate you on Air Defense Day today,
    Health and good luck to you guys!

    L any weather you can,
    It’s easy to make it non-flying,
    You are a winged intruder,
    Can't go far
    With your "keys to heaven"
    You closed it tightly
    The radars are not asleep today,
    But the air defense is celebrating!

    H so that every moment we could live peacefully,
    So that the enemy does not cause damage to the Fatherland,
    Soldiers of special troops protect the country -
    Air Defense Forces,
    And although sometimes the service is not easy,
    For air defense there is no word “impossible”,
    And the Russian air defense system will cope
    With any task, even the most difficult one!
    On this holiday we want to wish,
    So that you forget about the troubles,
    So that your service is easy,
    And so that any dream becomes reality!

    T You serve the Fatherland, air defense soldier,
    Sometimes you don't get enough sleep, it can be difficult.
    So that the enemy does not fly in, do not launch rockets
    You are always on guard, even though you are tired.
    Our gratitude and bow to you,
    For keeping our carefree sleep.
    We love you, we remember you every day,
    We wish the service to go faster!

    IN readiness of our air defense troops
    Repel the enemy's attack
    And protect the sky of the country,
    May it remain peaceful.
    The Russian sky is always on lock,
    Anti-aircraft guns stand guard
    Locators clearly monitor:
    They will notice the enemy in the distance.
    The air defense troops are reliable, as always,
    People's peace is protected.
    In a country under such protection
    The cities grow like mushrooms,
    People calmly raise children in them,
    Forgetting about the threats of war,
    Other concerns are important
    But all air defenses respect ours.

    IN All airspace is under your control. Happy Air Defense Day! Let your technique be precise, but not inferior in vigilance to your eagle vision! Let the days of service pass with dignity, and sometimes be marked by promotion, but civil life also pleasantly pleases with quiet, bright happiness!

    T You protect the peace of our sky and the peaceful sleep of our children. As long as our peaceful life is protected by people like you, we have nothing to fear. Happy Air Defense Forces Day to you, our dear warrior! I wish you the most peaceful sky, good health and a loving family.


    IN our skies will not allow enemy aircraft
    Anti-aircraft (air defense) troops.
    They will repel the attack with one blow,
    Instruments have been adjusted, radars have been adjusted.

    We wish them health and a friendly team,
    And love, of course, and excellent service.
    So that the enemy could not penetrate into his native sky,
    We dedicate congratulations to the air defense troops!

    U It's an unusual day for the Air Defense Forces.
    We send them this simple congratulations:
    May the rockets always be in good working order,
    Let there be a guarantee that cities
    Planes won't bomb from the sky,
    That we will live calmly and peacefully!
    We also hasten to wish you on the holiday
    The guys should be sad and bored less often!
    Today let the concerts sound for them
    And the girls smile generously!


    IN all air defense soldiers -
    Very nice guys
    It's not in vain that everything is around
    They call you eaglets!

    Congratulations to the Eagles
    And the eaglets, of course, too,
    There is no one in the world
    Who would be more valuable to us!

    And we wish you to fly
    Without war, but only in peace,
    You will live on earth
    In your own apartment!


    IN seven military
    Air defense
    We wish

    You are the enemy
    Don't miss it
    Happiness is personal
    Catch it!


    P apa protects the sky,
    Dad saves the Motherland!
    He is such a hero for us
    His family is rooting for him!


    Z and we provide air defense
    Let's raise a toast and read congratulations,
    After all, we can do this today
    And congratulate the guys on the great day.
    May everything be great for you,
    Let your whole life go smoothly,
    And our congratulations now
    Send it to the masses as soon as possible.


    P holiday today - Air Defense Day,
    And we dedicate our congratulations to them!
    These warriors have stern faces,
    They guard the Russian border,
    Not just a border - air space,
    Therefore, their work is very necessary.
    We owe them clear skies,
    We congratulate and thank them!


    WITH Daytime Air Defense Forces
    We congratulate you and send our deepest bows!
    Guys, we respect you for everything,
    And we simply adore them as friends!

    We wish there are no problems at work,
    And in life - complex mental dilemmas!
    We send you our heartfelt congratulations,
    And may fate protect you from worries!


    IN You, friends, are familiar with anti-aircraft guns and interceptors firsthand. You are ready to react with lightning speed at that decisive moment when the invader looms as a threatening shadow, violating the boundaries of the peaceful sky over the Motherland. On this day we want to salute all air defense troops. We wish you to keep an eye on happiness and good luck so that you can easily intercept them at the right moment!


    WITH Your service is serious for a reason:
    Don't miss the crows in the sky either.
    Therefore, we congratulate you, troops,
    Air defense.

    Let the enemy not even dare to attack,
    While you are keeping a vigilant watch.
    Just don't forget how to dream,
    And you will definitely find happiness.


    P VO is the guardian of the country.
    Defense is a sacred task!
    Tomorrow there will be no war either,
    Even so and no other way!
    For the sake of the clear sky of the country,
    And just for the sake of peace,
    The sons go on duty again,
    They know what it is -
    They take care of the country like the apple of their eyes...
    all year round- day and night.
    It's rare to see holidays here -
    They have eternal everyday life, in short!


    L I love the sun in April.
    Substituting your muzzle to the rays,
    I'm melting with quiet bliss,
    And I send you congratulations!

    First I would like to note:
    UFOs don't fly towards us.
    Mark your business trip here
    The air defense service is interfering!

    Thank you for the boundaries of the sky
    We are locked down all the time!
    I wish to shoot away all troubles
    A flak of happiness in difficult times!

    While I was saying congratulations to you,
    Object with a scary sound "carrr"
    Suddenly flashed over my head...
    And he dealt me ​​such a blow!

    It's a sign of fate! Not assholes!
    That's a sure sign of money!
    To the air defense forces
    I will send this object...


    M We congratulate the brave men,
    Who celebrates air defense!
    We wish you good luck and excellent service,
    Let the warmth of humanity surround you!

    And relatives are waiting at home,
    And they delight you with pleasant calls,
    Today we will celebrate
    And the hall was decorated with balloons!


    D For air defense troops today is not so simple -
    They should celebrate their holiday today!
    Let's raise a glass and say a fiery toast
    For these people who are so important in Russia.

    Let it be in life more luck and victories,
    Let everything that is planned happen immediately.
    Serve your Motherland more boldly every day,
    Protect the country and each of us!


    P may the sky be clear -
    It is dear, ours.
    For this fluffy snow!
    Is there anything more beautiful?
    Guardians of the native expanses,
    And from the enemy - protection.
    On Air Defense Day, even
    Don't rush away from the remote control!
    They won't come to us with swords.
    ...this has happened...
    We answer with a rocket,
    Take it into account - it won’t be enough!


    P May the sky only be peaceful,
    And the sun gives everyone warmth,
    We will celebrate today
    Everyone celebrates air defense together.

    The protection of the sky is in your hands
    From attacks and assaults,
    We would all like your courage, friend,
    There is no way to defeat you.

    And our people sleep peacefully,
    Peace and joy in the cities,
    After all, you serve with dignity,
    You know no fear.

    On your holiday of wisdom, good luck
    I wish you great love and
    May your task be difficult
    At least get some rest today!


    H something flew somewhere,
    Shaking our sky,
    Apparently “it” wanted
    Test your patience.

    Are you ready, restless?
    We won't hide anything.
    Let's experience everything to the fullest
    On this air defense holiday.


    P Representatives of the air defense forces, happy holiday to you! We wish you clear skies and friendly sun above your head today, good luck in all your endeavors, implementation of plans, health, success and great unearthly happiness!


    X to the brave defense troops
    I wish you more of everything.
    Today I'm under the law
    Happy Air Defense Day!

    Happy Air Defense Day
    Congratulations to everyone now.
    Unnoticed by the crow
    It won't pass us by!
    We all see, we all know
    And we wish each other
    Only pure peaceful skies,
    Well, in life there are only miracles!

    Air defense is no joke at all
    And the job is not for everyone,
    But you in this area too
    A huge success awaits.
    I wish the children
    Everyone would be proud of you
    So that you yourself are satisfied
    By your own destiny.
    And today is an important holiday,
    Celebrate Air Defense Day
    I want to be next to you!
    It's definitely decided!
    So that toast hurries after toast -
    There's a lot I want to say
    So that everything always comes true,
    What could you wish for?

    We are for air defense
    Let's raise a toast and read congratulations,
    After all, we can do this today
    And congratulate the guys on the great day.
    May everything be great for you,
    Let your whole life go smoothly,
    And our congratulations now
    Send it to the masses as soon as possible.

    Only precipitation should fall from the sky, and all air defense services are well aware of this, whose employees we congratulate today on the Day of the Air Defense Forces! May the sky be clear and clean for you both in the service and in civilian life, decorated with a friendly sun!

    We are celebrating Air Defense Day.
    We wish you more strength in the fight!
    We know about your work.
    After all, we have chosen the world for ourselves.
    We wish you peace in heaven.
    We wish to visit more often
    Your relatives, even if it’s like a song
    Life will flow peacefully!

    You protect the people
    From air attacks.
    And it won’t break through that defense
    The enemy's weapon, without a doubt.
    Let the enemy tremble, let there be strength,
    And in the body, in thoughts, in the head.
    May your dear ones be waiting for you all at home.
    But troubles were aside.
    We also want you to be lucky
    At work, at home and in life.
    So that they can be famous in spite of their enemies.
    Yes, and prosperity will not be superfluous.

    Your service is serious for a reason:
    Don't miss the crows in the sky either.
    Therefore, we congratulate you, troops,
    Air defense.
    Let the enemy not even dare to attack,
    While you are keeping a vigilant watch.
    Just don't forget how to dream,
    And you will definitely find happiness.

    Big today professional holiday all air defense fighters. The guys at the post guard the air cordons of our mighty homeland day and night. Allow me to sincerely congratulate you on the holiday. May God grant you good health and good luck. May you always have a happy takeoff and an easy landing. Let good mood never leaves you. I wish you good, faithful friends who Hard time they will definitely come to help. Let your endurance, courage and bravery be a great example for beginners. Be always happy.

    So that the country sleeps peacefully
    Protect it with dignity
    Needed everywhere - on earth,
    Well, from the sky as well.
    Happy Air Defense Day,
    You, for wearing shoulder straps,
    We congratulate you now,
    We know that you protect us!

    On Air Defense Day
    I congratulate you, dear friend!
    You stand on the sensitive guard of the sky,
    And you keep everything around you under control!
    Let it be like this in your life -
    Hold your destiny in your hands!
    May courage be with you!
    Let the Motherland value you!

    I love the sun in April.
    Substituting your muzzle to the rays,
    I'm melting with quiet bliss,
    And I send you congratulations!
    First I would like to note:
    UFOs don't fly towards us,
    Mark your business trip here
    The air defense service is interfering!
    Thank you for the boundaries of the sky
    We are locked down all the time!
    I wish to shoot away all troubles
    A flak of happiness in difficult times!
    While I said congratulations to you,
    Object with a scary sound "carrr"
    Suddenly flashed over my head...
    And he dealt me ​​such a blow!
    It's a sign of fate! Not assholes!
    That's a sure sign of money!
    To the air defense forces
    I will send this object...

    What kind of war can there be when we have such air defense troops? We are strongly confident that everything will be fine while you are on duty, keep the peace of the Fatherland! Happy Air Defense Day, heroes! Each of you is a protector, but also just a person, which means you definitely need more luck and love in life!

    Russian Air Fleet Day -
    Celebration of courageous people
    Whose profession is to live in the blue sky
    As easy as duck to water!
    Whose profession is to sail across the open spaces?
    Miracle - the “fifth ocean”,
    Embroidering patterns in the sky,
    Defeating rains and fogs,
    Whose ability to fly like a bird,
    Gives people hope and joy,
    Whose work can we be proud of?
    Who deserves a reward!
    Always young and beautiful!
    Congratulations with warmth and love
    Happy Russian Air Fleet Day!
    And we wish you good health!

    Enemy aircraft will not be allowed into our skies
    Anti-aircraft troops.
    They will repulse the attack with one blow,
    Instruments have been adjusted, radars have been adjusted.
    We wish them health and a friendly team,
    And love, of course, and excellent service.
    So that the enemy could not penetrate into his native sky,
    We dedicate our congratulations to the air defense troops!

    When you eat, when you sleep,
    Or you’re sitting at the cinema with a girl,
    You know that your peace is protected,
    The boundaries of the sky guard
    Russian air defense troops!
    They are celebrating today!
    We all congratulate them together,
    We wish them peaceful duty!

    Happy Air Defense Forces Day! It’s not the sparrows who are afraid of your guns, but the enemies! How wonderful it is that every day we admire the clear sky, and every corner of the sky is under your supervision and protection! Be glorious soldiers and real, happy men!

    Our sky is protected -
    Air defense is always on guard,
    So that the children of the whole earth
    We could sleep soundly at night.
    We need anti-aircraft gunners
    Interceptors are important
    And locators too.
    The enemy will then no longer be able to
    Peaceful sleep to explode in the country:
    Our sky is under lock and key.
    Congratulations to the Air Defense!
    There is no one more reliable than him!

    The air defense troops are having an unusual day.
    We send them congratulations:
    May the rockets always be in good working order,
    Let there be a guarantee that cities
    Planes won't bomb from the sky,
    That we will live calmly and peacefully!
    We also hasten to wish you on the holiday
    Children should be sad and bored less often!
    Today let the concerts sound for them
    And the girls smile generously!

    The country is protected, the people are protected,
    And we know for sure - the enemies will not pass!
    Air defense troops are on guard
    And there are no braver than these guys.
    We congratulate them on the holiday now,
    And we know that they protect us every hour,
    May the holiday bring you goodness,
    Let the star fall on your shoulder straps!

    All air space is under your control. Happy Air Defense Day! Let your technique be precise, but not inferior in vigilance to your eagle vision! Let the days of service pass with dignity, and sometimes be marked by promotion, but civilian life also pleasantly pleases with quiet, bright happiness!

    Not everyone knows what the abbreviation PVO stands for. It is formed from the first letters of the name of the military branch - air defense troops. For the first time these troops were involved in the Great Patriotic War. The air defense forces managed to solve many important problems, so on April 11, 1975 it was announced public holiday, dedicated to air defense. Since 1980, the holiday was moved to the second Sunday in April; this date was officially fixed in 2006.

    Congratulations on Air Defense Day are important for all people who have anything to do with these troops. On this day, you can congratulate military personnel who served or are serving on the country’s air borders and even their relatives. On our website you will find a variety of congratulations on Air Defense Day, which in a few lines will convey gratitude to the people defending their homeland. For military people, it is especially important to recognize civilians, because they protect them too. Sending a small SMS message is not difficult, but it will make a person happier on such an important day for him.

    This section presents short poems containing the warmest and most sincere words. Find congratulations for Air Defense Day in advance to be among the first to congratulate the brave serviceman. On our website there are congratulations for grandfathers, fathers, brothers, sons, husbands, friends, colleagues and just acquaintances. Here is a whole collection of different congratulations, among which everyone will find exactly what they need. Often, military personnel are far from loved ones, so in some cases an SMS message is the only opportunity to congratulate the defender. It is important that all significant words fit in a few lines, because a small message will please the military for many days to come.

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