• Cool statuses about yourself to your beloved new ones. Funny statuses about yourself beloved


    It’s like spring, the reptiles started to come out, today I saw a snake, a lizard, my ex...

    The main thing is not what I am on the outside, the main thing is how many devils there are in my pool!

    It turned out that I am a goddess... Wherever I go, everywhere “Lord, you again!”

    But I have a good character, it’s just that everyone’s nerves are somehow weak!

    While you hate me, I'm making plans to take over the world.

    Of course, I’m not a marshmallow person, but I also don’t mind being covered in chocolate.

    I'm a Brunette... The best black streak in your life!

    I learned to find a way out of the most confusing situations! The only thing that amazes me is how I find the entrance there!!!

    "HERE I AM!!!" No more good news for today!

    What do I need in this life? - never mind! But there should be plenty of it.

    You think that I’m strange because I’m not like everyone else... But I think that you’re strange because you’re the same...

    I was kind until I was 2 years old. They haven't taught us to talk yet.

    I'm not a bridge, you can't separate me.

    I live as I’m supposed to, and I’m supposed to do everything!

    I sneezed and it was at that moment that a gust of wind lifted the skirt of the girl standing next to me. For the first time I felt loved by the omnipotent.

    There are seven wonders of the world on earth, but there is one more, the most amazing and beautiful - you!

    I bought us two chocolate bars - for myself and for me!

    Of course, I’m not perfect... but I’m still a masterpiece...

    They don’t look for people like me... they run into people like me...

    I am a quiet, modest girl. If you offend me, I’ll quietly bury you and modestly celebrate.

    I’m not a prostitute, I just have poor loyalty.

    Unfortunately, the most Nice words a person does not hear to himself, these are speeches over the coffin.

    Searching for myself. Whoever found me, please return me!

    I have no shame or conscience. Nothing extra.

    I can be destroyed, but I cannot be bought.

    I am a creative person, I want to create, I want to create!

    I scream to myself, I can’t hear it loudly.

    Somehow the weather is bad today, I wouldn’t fall off my broom!

    I’m looking for a millionaire husband, well, I just like them as people.

    I’m a little chubby, but I’m also a person of love, I want to be beautiful so I can immediately lose weight.

    I don’t know who is writing the script of my life, but I see that he has a sense of humor.

    First of all: I'm good! Secondly: Enough with the “first”!

    Dear, how can I ask you more gently - are you a fairy tale with a good ending?

    Sometimes I pretend that I'm normal, but then I get bored and become myself!

    I am serious, but there will always be someone with whom I will fool around.

    I appreciate my friends. Love Mother. I don't forgive betrayal. It hurts. I only believe in myself. I know how to surprise...Dad can be proud of me.

    If I want, I will take everything from you, even your last name.

    I'm not looking for a soul mate, my mother gave birth to me intact.

    Are you waiting for a miracle? Can't wait, I'm home today!

    Those who want to explain to me... what I am... - relax... I am aware of my strengths!

    They say... Beauty will save the world! Beauty, I didn’t sleep, didn’t have breakfast, and in general I can’t do everything at once like that...

    I am like perfect girl, I always know where to remain silent... I know, it’s an infection, but I can’t!


    Active sections:

    Sometimes it's so nice to hear something funny about yourself or find similar jokes that relate to us in one way or another. In general, a humorous attitude towards one’s own person is very useful property, because it allows us to perceive all adversity and criticism from people with a smile on our face. People are designed in such a way that they can tell us nasty things to get under our skin, and then we become subservient to them and dependent on their opinions, although we pretend that we don’t care. It happens that someone wants to see your reaction to certain taunts, especially for girls, since they like to test a guy for his penchant for humor and attitude towards himself. And, if a guy is offended by every word that a girl says to him (except for swearing and swearing, of course), then it is unlikely that she will respect him fully, because he behaves too predictably and takes everything seriously. Funny statuses about yourself will help you unwind a little and understand that positive thinking always prevails over all negative circumstances in this World. Good luck.

    I love being alone, but next to someone I love.

    Only the person who considers himself lucky can rightfully be called lucky.

    I blew and blew away specks of dust from it and... I accidentally blew it away... Now I'm blowing away specks of dust from myself... MY BELOVED!!! Don't catch a cold...)))

    Of course, I’m not perfect... but I’m still a masterpiece...))))))

    I don’t envy anyone, I don’t take revenge, I’m not tormented by resentment. I live, love and enjoy life.

    Know how to control yourself if you don’t want others to control you.

    Yes, I am a sinner, not a righteous woman, not ugly, not beautiful... Maybe there is still time to improve? Only I like my role...

    Ex to someone, faithful to someone, loved and loved, confident in herself)

    Listen to yourself and look at yourself... in complete silence with your eyes closed you will be able to hear and see yourself... you will learn a lot about yourself...

    My thoughts are like my lunch: some I eat myself, and some I throw to my dogs.

    I am very good, one might say outstanding... in places...)))

    I don't owe anyone anything! Except for yourself... Or rather, you shouldn’t, but simply must... be loved and happy!

    No matter what everyone around you says, you won’t be happy on your own!

    What difference does it make to me what you think about me... I’m sure that your thoughts about me do not coincide with mine at all... And this is the main thing...

    Take half of Yourself from Me and give it to Someone? ... I'm not even a little ready!!! ...I am greedy!!!)

    Briefly about yourself: Year of manufacture 1986. Mileage 26. Light tan color. The headlights are green. Documents in hand. The body is not damaged. The roof is in place. The brakes are fine. All options. I start with a half turn...

    Love is great self-respect.

    I’m worried, my soul is anxious, only when I got sick, I was able to understand: When I die, it’s quite possible... I will miss ME.

    Don’t try to compare me and look for me in others, I don’t wander around anywhere, I’m always within myself.

    Be more concerned about your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are, and your reputation is just what others think of you...

    In my environment there were, are and will always be men - where would I be without them!

    I don’t ever say that I’m good, I’ll say this - I’m not bad and I’m loved...

    Are you tired of the prince? Love yourself, and a whole regiment will ride on white horses.

    Briefly about myself: selfish, alcoholic, complete bastard, pervert - in short, a normal woman.

    My roof has gone so far that... I CANNOT DETERMINE its direction)))

    Self-love is not a manifestation of selfishness; it is self-esteem.

    Whatever I do, I do it confidently, without thinking about what people will say... And in general, I played other people’s opinions on male organs!!!

    I look in the mirror and think: Mm-yes... Not the Fountain I... Not the Fountain. I AM FIRE!!! Statuses about yourself beloved, statuses about yourself beloved

    It's a shame when you can't kiss the person you love, even on the cheek, because it's you.

    Love yourself, otherwise who needs the love of a person who doesn’t even love himself.

    I love it when someone good mood, someone’s salary was raised, someone bought an awesome dress... I love it even more when that someone is ME!


    The time comes when you begin to understand that if you commit “unseemly” actions, then either accept yourself for who you are... Well... or don’t do them...

    Don't think that people are against you, for the most part they are just for themselves.

    The hedgehog doesn't want to sleep. The hedgehog wants to sing.

    I will look at myself and I will be my own joy - neither crooked nor askew, but as beloved as it should be.

    I don’t need handouts of beautiful words. I am quite confident in myself and enjoy life.

    I'm not greedy, I always share my wisdom with others and my stupidity with others))))))

    From adversity and from illness, she is both a doctor and a friend to herself)

    When I fell in love with myself, I freed myself from everything that harms my health - food, people, things, situations. Everything that leads me astray. Today I call it Self-Love.

    Tell us about yourself in a few words? - "Anything has happened)

    Not ideal, but real...

    There is no need to flatter me, I already know that everything is good in me, and that everything is simply wonderful!!!

    I have decency, but it’s disordered...

    I did not declare war on the world, I declared a boycott of people unworthy of my attention.

    I know that I’m very harmful, that’s why not everyone likes me! I take it into account! Tomorrow, so be it, I’ll fix it!


    Dear MEN!!! Well, your butts won’t be able to handle... such an adventure... as I...)

    The only thing that is cheap is what you wear without feeling confident.

    We must learn to love ourselves - with a healthy and holy love, in order to remain true to ourselves and not lose ourselves.

    Oh, and I love myself, my beloved!!!

    Always smiles at me in the mirror beautiful woman! And I smile back at her, let her be pleased too!

    Without wasting your labors in vain, love yourself.

    And according to the horoscope... today I... AMAZING!!!)))))

    I quarreled with a young man... I started gnawing at myself. Afraid of getting poisoned, I stopped)))

    Only those who do not know how to love do not love me.

    No matter how well they say about you, THINK BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF!

    I laugh at myself and say: “Well, hello..., beloved woman-child!”

    I can be serious, oddly enough... To hell with all the humor, there’s no time for jokes!!! And it’s not my fault that I’m fickle... After all, I’m not a minibus schedule!)))

    himself better opinion about me are usually those who judge me by themselves; the worst - oddly enough, too.

    The world has never seen anyone like me - people like me are not released into the world...

    The hardest thing is not to forgive anyone, but to forgive yourself!!! Statuses about yourself beloved, statuses about yourself beloved

    I'm not a princess - the crown is falling off all the time... I'm not an angel - the wings are in the wash... I don't love myself - I'm just being silly... I'm not a bitch - I'm smarter... I'm not crazy - I'm still trying to get off... I'm not stupid - I'm just too lazy to think sometimes … I am not a gift, I am a surprise!

    Loving is one pleasure, and not denying yourself is another.

    As soon as I start to start, one thing stops me... comparing myself, in a similar situation, with a car without a muffler.

    Settle down? RIGHT NOW... I'm really in the juice! And the juice is in the FERMENTATION stage...

    When you live in tune with your soul, the Universe sings along...

    The shortcomings of others should be used as a mirror to discover your own.

    They say you need to love yourself. I took a closer look at myself: but there was nothing to love. I will love just like that - for what I am!

    Even self-love can be unrequited!

    The amount of self-love is directly proportional to the amount of dislike for others.

    It's so good that I exist!

    Self-love and selfishness are two different things. A person who does not love himself is not able to love others. As the Bible says: “Love your neighbor as yourself!”

    I am like the ocean: sometimes affectionate, gentle and quiet, and sometimes I can send a tsunami.

    I am a scar in someone's life. I am spring in someone's life. And for some, a genius, for others, a stump.

    I don’t regret for a second that not all dreams come true...

    To enter my soul through the heart, a sound mind must agree.

    Look for the one you love... until you find it.

    My beloved said that I am a treasure... I'm afraid to sleep... in case he takes me and buries me somewhere!

    Maybe I’m a little hysterical sometimes, but I have beautiful eyes and a million-dollar smile.

    No need to ask how I’m doing, it’s time to get used to the fact that everything is fine with me!!!

    It doesn't matter what I am. It is important that with you I will be what you deserve.

    I’ll prepare a project and renovate my life... and, perhaps, I’ll build it from scratch and deliver it turnkey...

    The painful “I” - in which self-doubt is balanced by hypertrophied pride, the healthy one - in which calm self-confidence reigns...

    Not impressed with my IQ level...? And manners full of grace...? Then, perhaps, I’ll finish you off with my eyes... or with obscenities... of the right size!!!

    Damn, I'm so cool! It's so good that I have you)))

    I forbid myself to think badly about people. I save time.

    Love yourself as you are. None of us can surpass the most talented and objective sculptor - NATURE...

    When you behave like a slave, what can you expect to be treated like a queen?

    From time to time you need to arrange pogroms for yourself.

    Anyone who is satisfied with his life does not prove anything.

    Statuses about yourself beloved, statuses about yourself beloved

    • When you learn to smile internally to yourself, you will notice how much the world around you will change.
    • You need to be like air - light, transparent, invisible, but so that without you they will suffocate.
    • I have a lot of friends, but few friends, real ones, for life, those who are ready to lend their shoulder to you. Hard time who rejoices at your luck, perhaps more than you yourself.
    • You won't meet beautiful girls on the road. They need to be recaptured from fools who simply don’t value them.
    • I'm that girl who catches your eye, but will never throw herself around your neck.
    • Statuses about your beloved with meaning - Girls are amazing creatures, they want to please even those who don’t like them.
    • Don't be too persistently interested in my life. It may turn out to be so interesting that you will be disappointed in yours.
    • Don't think about what awaits you tomorrow, until you live today to the fullest, there will be no tomorrow!
    • It should be remembered that you need to be able to command a woman so that you can later command her.
    • It’s very easy with me - the main thing is to always agree with me on everything.
    • I am like good wine: over the years I become stronger, richer and brighter.
    • The man leaves quickly, but often returns. The woman thinks for a long time before leaving, but leaves forever.
    • I always smile in life. Only for some sincerely, and for others out of spite.
    • Women are the best psychoanalysts, until they are in love.
    • Only in critical situations do you get to know yourself.
    • Do you think I'm too smart to be a woman? No, it’s just that the level of intelligence of men is too low now.
    • For a guy, a girl will do anything for love, even make love. On the contrary, a man is ready to do anything to make love, and even love is not a problem for him.
    • Too expensive for a rusty coin. Too free to hold. Too free to live in a cage. And too lonely to fly...
    • A girl should have a little riddle, not a two-page Japanese crossword puzzle.
    • If God is my judge, then the devil is my lawyer.
    • If I was born in this world, then the world without me is lonely.
    • I'm not someone you can live with. I am the one without whom it is impossible to live.
    • There are corners in a woman’s soul where no man will look, and if he looks, he won’t see anything, and even if he sees, he won’t understand anything.
    • Any woman is capable of stupid things. But this is not from a lack of intelligence, but from an excess of feelings.
    • A smart girl takes care of herself, a stupid girl takes care of her boyfriend.
    • Always watch your posture, the world does not lie on your shoulders, it lies at your feet!
    • I don’t want to be like anyone, but at the same time I want many to imitate me.
    • People around me only see my masks and think they know me.
    • I am the sister of the weather, only even more unpredictable.
    • To test a man’s love, you need to check not what he can do for you, but what he is ready to give up forever.

    After several disappointments, I became an iron lady. Now only I monitor and control the situation and, if necessary, put an end to the relationship. But sometimes you really want someone to take it, cross it out and draw a comma.

    I'm different. For one, the former, for another - the future, for the third - loving, selfish and bitchy. This is me, but I am real.

    The main thing is to love your family, appreciate your friends, have enemies, feel the moment that passes unnoticed. In a word, let's enjoy life.

    I can't find my love in this life. Anyone who finds it, please respond!

    Best status:
    I love myself, of course, stupidity. However, she is structured in such a way that she is full of sarcasm, but is kind to people. I know how to appreciate and thank for generosity. But most of all I want to love.

    I like people who love me for their sense of...good taste.

    I am so sweet, good, gentle, a little careless, mischievous, early, I am very beautiful.

    I look at myself and am surprised: I’m pretty, smart and witty, but no one needs such a loved one... should I go see an ophthalmologist?

    No, why the hell do we have hair on our legs? It would be better if the eyelashes were longer...

    While some are waiting for fate to put a prince in their bed, I have been sleeping with the king for a long time.

    You should never bare your soul. For what? After all, that's what legs and chest are for.

    My boyfriend will have the most Gorgeous girl! After all, it's me!

    If God is my judge, then the devil is my lawyer...

    Being a bitch is so nice. Stop wiping your snot and join us!

    Looks like I'm the baddest bitch in your life.

    I love not blindly, but squinting with happiness...

    If you can’t be beautiful and smart at the same time, that means... Does that mean I don’t exist?

    Don’t wake up the bitch in me, the poor thing can’t get enough sleep anyway...

    Cheerful, mischievous, groovy doll. Alluring, foaming and simply real.

    I could never become the one you dream of. But I can become the one you won’t get! I could never become the one you dream of. But I can become the one you won't get!

    You think that I’m strange because I’m not like everyone else... But I think that you’re strange because you’re the same...

    Let me introduce myself - the Queen! Snowy! Very cold!

    I'm not blonde, not brunette, I'm not meringue, not chocolate. I'm just a daring coquette with sweet poison in my blood. I don't look like a bagheera, and I don't look like a kitten. My soul is full of resentment, sadness is frozen in my eyes. They promised me a lot in life, they led me to a lot, they forgave me for all my sins. In return they only demand love!

    I hate it when someone watches me eat - I immediately try to eat gracefully and beautifully, but I will either choke or have tea pouring out of my nose.

    I'm good, I don't have a boyfriend, and I also like you, and I like to drop hints!

    I don’t care what the crowd thinks... To offend me, you need rank and preparation...

    There was no one like me, and it’s better not to be.

    Yes I am. I sleep a lot, I take everything to heart. I quickly get used to people and get offended. But I'm sincere.

    I'm tall, if I wear heels... Kind, if I don't make you angry... Loving, if you love... Smart, if you don't ask stupid questions...

    I am your bad mood.

    I'm not a bitch, just a person with a complex character. I'm not a rude person, but I can say too much... I don't believe in miracles, but I expect them every day and every minute.

    I live as best I can... I don’t regret anything. I find and lose, and start from scratch. I would have told you, but they didn’t ask me how sometimes they betrayed me, even those who loved... But I didn’t give up... I laughed through my tears, and no matter what happened. I remained myself.

    I'm not a switchman - I'm a translator, I move the arrows.

    Yes, I’m not perfect... But I’m real...

    I was kind until I was 2 years old. They haven't taught us to talk yet.

    I don’t give a damn what you think about me, but my grandmother says I’m sunshine.

    I can be charming... I can be disgusting... I can be passion... I can be sweet... I can be hysterical... I can be calm... After all, I am a woman - this is typical for me!

    I'm not smarter than you - you're just dumber.

    Of all my qualities, only the Rh factor is positive.

    Some people hate me, some people like me... But no one is indifferent!

    I don't like this life... I just use it.

    I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, when I hear the word ASS, I faint.

    Who said that I am far from ideal?!? This ideal is far from ME!!!

    About myself: In the morning, when I woke up, I at least knew who I was, but I think from that time on I changed several times.

    I thought I was special, but it turned out that I was better than everyone else!

    You can’t be good for long... Because sooner or later they will make you bad...

    Tell me what I can't do and I'll do it.

    I’m such a greedy person that when I go to barbecue with friends, I secretly eat “Mezim” - so that I can fit in more!

    While I was putting on makeup in front of the mirror this morning, I fainted five times from my beauty.

    My character is sugar with glass.

    White and fluffy until they step on my tail.

    I will have a THOUSAND people like YOU, but you will NEVER have people like me!

    You can't understand me with your mind. My brain cannot be measured with a ruler. You just need to adore me, love, cherish and rave about me!

    I bought us two chocolate bars - for myself and for me!

    It’s a unique feeling to be someone’s happiness...

    I love good words when they are all about me!

    When I'm good, I'm very, very good, but when I'm bad, I'm even better!

    I'm tired of playing, I'm tired of winning. I need to lose... I want to love!

    I'm not arrogant - I'm squeamish.

    Yes, I'm a bitch. If you know me differently, you are incredibly lucky...

    Too many guys have told me: I wish I had met you sooner. Someone meet me on time already!

    Only a cheap woman knows the value of her heart, and I, with sparkling eyes, will answer: “I am priceless!”

    I love MYSELF, SELF loves ME, I love ME, and WE are happy!

    I was such a fool as heaven did not know, but she had a figure and awesome eyes!

    No consistency. Or I'm hysterical. Or in the clouds. Airborne seizure I!!!

    I’m like street graffiti – always unpredictable and unexpected!

    I learned to find a way out of the most confusing situations! The only thing that amazes me is how I find the entrance there!!!

    I don’t have delusions of grandeur... Great people don’t suffer from this!

    Somehow the weather is bad today... I wouldn’t fall off my broom!

    I just have amazing intuition. I notice everything except the obvious things.

    I use bits and pieces of other personalities to form my own!!!

    My character is not the best, but my butt is great.

    They say that only when you're drunk do you understand who you really love... Bullshit! When I'm drunk, I love everyone!

    I'm not being sarcastic - I'm just saying what I think.

    Just think, she cried for a long time, sitting on the tiled floor with a glass of cognac and a crystal ashtray in front of her... She left beautifully, with her head held high.

    I'm not lying - I'm just good at writing.

    Among the things that really interest me is your opinion of me, somewhere between the problems of migration of the long-eared owl and the peculiarities of taxation in the Congo.

    I want to be like “Masha and the Bear”: I’m so small, impudent and annoying, but he’s so big, strong, protects me and, no matter what, endures and will always be there!

    I grew up - this is when you go drunk into the kitchen at night in the trash to drink water and think: “What the fuck is a woman? If only I didn’t meet my mother!”

    I’m like a little kitten that needs to be taken by the scruff of the neck, placed on your lap and said: you’re mine now and I won’t let you go. And then I will lie down and purr gently.

    And, if I understand that you love me in different ways and sad, and crying, and in home clothes, and not only beautifully made up and dressed, then I will also marry you!

    When I eat, I am deaf and dumb, cunning and fast and devilishly smart.

    The only thing better than me is my reflection in the mirror!!!

    I'm not a coward - I just know that this will end in hell.

    I went to the store to buy a bag, but I liked the boots and bought a blouse...

    He has intelligence and a cool character! I have stockings and a lace bra! He is ready to take risks and there is strength in his eyes! I have breasts... That's it, I won!!!

    Even as a child, I didn’t have a favorite bear to sleep with. I took all my toys to my bed one by one, so as not to offend anyone.

    The only man I will run after is the one who will shout to me: “Ma-a-a-am, catch up with me!”

    I forgot the word “love” and forgot the word “separation”, I will be like Barbie, a beautiful bitch!!!

    About Us beautiful eyes, kind hearted, complex character, with childish whims and yet it’s hard to imagine life without her... i.e. without me…

    And here I am - one of a kind! Those who are able to admire - admire, others can gnaw their elbows with envy and faint!

    I guess I just miss someone’s gentle hand, kind, loving look and power over the whole world...

    I have me. We can handle it.

    I’m wrong, stupid, cruel, I offend and say nasty things, I’m unfair, I can’t understand something, but I prove my opinion, I demand too much attention, I’m capricious, I don’t admit my guilt, and of course I’m not an angel, but I love , I love you madly and truly... Isn’t that enough!?

    A beautiful bitch - that's what her friends say, a ruthless bitch - that's what the boys think, an exemplary girl - that's what her parents hope...

    I'm realistic. Romantic. And indecisive. In general - a treasure.

    I'm a girl and that means I'm beautiful!

    Unfortunately, a person does not hear the best words about himself; these are speeches over the coffin.

    What can I tell you so disgusting about myself that I’ll make you sick?

    Right now my grandmother comes to visit after her birthday... on the threshold she says: “Katya, don’t ever drink. After that it’s sooooo bad...” Well, I laughed, but thought to myself, “I don’t fucking know” =) )

    Every morning I say to myself, “Screw him,” but I think to myself, “He’s probably already woken up too.”

    I don't know what I did before the Internet came along.

    She was such a fool as heaven never knew... but she had a figure and awesome eyes!

    I have no shame or conscience. Nothing extra.

    If someone offends you, don’t sulk, don’t get angry. Come, hit me in the face, step back and smile!

    I'm not arrogant - I'm squeamish.

    If life fucks you, it means she’s getting hard, it means she likes you - so why are you worrying?

    You're a guy, you have to act. I'm a girl, I have to fuck.

    It's better to be smart and dumb sometimes than to be dumb and smart all the time!

    I’m a little chubby, but I’m also a person of love, I want to be beautiful so I can immediately lose weight.

    Having won the hand of your beloved, you will constantly feel it in your pocket.

    My parents taught me from childhood - if you do something, do it well and to the end.....that's why I carry out my brain efficiently and with love)))))

    No matter how happily a woman is married, she always notices with pleasure that there are men in the world who would like to see her unmarried.

    Do you have a boyfriend? - No. - Like such a sweet, beautiful one, charming girl no boyfriend? - He died of happiness.

    Girl, are you studying? - No, I already know how. Cool statuses about yourself, funny about yourself

    They say that if you can’t sleep, you need to count sheep - Anton, Vanya, Kirill, Zhenya...

    I can be destroyed, but I cannot be bought.

    "HERE I AM!!!" No more good news for today!

    - end of the world?? - I'll put some make up on.

    Searching for myself. Whoever found me, please return me!

    I’m cheating!!! For this they call me a sheep, I’m not even offended! After all, they are now rams with horns!

    I have me. We can handle it.

    Maybe I’ve become smarter, maybe I’ve become more cynical, but I don’t care about many people now...

    You don't need to re-educate me! I raised myself for too long.

    Sometimes my mind goes crazy too. Like in a convertible.

    I scream to myself, I can’t hear it loudly.

    I like it when people discuss me. I’m a fan of gossip about myself. Black PR is super!! It’s better to be the subject of ENVY than PITY! You spend time on this, I’m flattered!!

    Anyway, each of us seeing VK “Photos (1)” thinks to himself - damn, I wish I wasn’t in the photo, or at least I was sober...

    Real, like reality itself.

    Yes, I'm a bitch. If you know me differently, you are incredibly lucky...

    I bought us two chocolate bars - for myself and for me!

    They say that only when you're drunk do you understand who you really love... Bullshit! When I'm drunk, I love everyone!

    You think that I’m strange because I’m not like everyone else... But I think that you’re strange because you’re the same...

    I was kind until I was 2 years old. They haven't taught us to talk yet.

    I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, when I hear the word ASS, I faint.

    The only man I will run after is the one who will shout to me: “Ma-a-a-am, catch up with me!”

    Somehow the weather is bad today... I wouldn’t fall off my broom!

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