• Psychology of men: How to understand a man and his behavior. Understand a man? You can’t understand a man with your mind, it’s easier to remember his features


    In the last article we talked to you about the first male quality - structure! In this article I will talk about 2 qualities that will help you understand men, and you will also learn 3 simple secret How to ask your partner correctly!

    Directness is the key to peace in relationships

    Second masculine quality- This straightforwardness. Remember the times in your life when you thought a hundred times about what a man meant, what he wanted to say in certain words.

    We come up with millions of versions of why he could say this, and rush between these versions. Moreover, we can choose one of the versions ourselves, say: “Yeah, he said that because he doesn’t love me,” and we ourselves can be offended by him.

    The joke about salty soup has become a classic of the genre. The husband sits having dinner, says to his wife: “The soup is salty,” and the wife begins a stream of thoughts, a typical female spin: “The soup is salty, he doesn’t taste it, he doesn’t like it, which means he has already stopped loving me, he’s probably already there with his mistress " And then she throws a ladle into this soup: “Oh, the soup is salty for you! Divorce!"

    But in fact, the beloved did not mean anything except that the soup was really salty. If you just listen to your loved one and don’t look for hints behind his words, you will understand that it is much easier to communicate with men in reality. And if something is unclear to you or raises doubts, it is better to simply ask him again.

    Make the man the head of the family

    The third important quality, or rather, the need of a man - be a winner or participant, head of the family.

    This happens precisely because a man has such a need - to be a winner or a participant. In this way he realizes himself, feels that he is a man. And it doesn’t matter whether he plays football or just watches.

    If a loved one just watches football on TV, perhaps he has no need to be a winner, but in this way he feels like a participant in the events. And if you start swearing at your partner about this, or blaming him, or forbidding him to do this, it turns out that you want him to refuse to be a man.

    And if these qualities irritate you, then remember more often that he is a man, he needs this in order to feel like a man.

    Making your beloved number one at home, the head of the family, a winner is one of the three most important conditions for a man to be happy with you and want to return home to you faster. And this is an excellent prevention of all kinds of betrayal. Therefore, be sure to make him the head of the family, put him first.

    Knowing these characteristics will help you understand a man more easily and deeply and accept his characteristics. This means it will be easier for you to build relationships.

    I'll share 3 secrets of
    how to ask a man

    How to get what you want from a man?

    Very often, women quite sincerely believe that their loved one should guess what they want. I also had a very long period when I was offended by my partner, because I quite seriously believed that he should guess about my desires, I was afraid to ask for something, so that in case of refusal I would not feel humiliated. This often causes misunderstandings and conflicts.

    Secret No. 1. State your requests directly.

    A man is built completely differently, and he has no idea what we really want.

    Let me give you a classic example. A man and a woman walk past a store window, and the woman says: “Oh, what a beautiful ring!” And at this moment, as a rule, she thinks that he will buy her this ring - but for a man this is simply a fact. Yes, the ring is beautiful. But he doesn’t understand that behind this is your hint that you want him to give you this ring. Therefore, be sure to speak directly.

    Secret No. 2. It is important to ask men several times, and most importantly - without offense.

    I’ll tell you another amazing example of how a wife asked her husband to go get milk. When she asked him the first time, he refused her. She wasn't offended. After some time, she repeated the request again. He refused her again.

    And we remember that a man has a rigid structure, and therefore they need time for our requests. She asked for the third time. And this time he grumbled, but agreed. He went for milk, returned, and his wife generously thanked him for it.

    The next day he went for milk more willingly, and so gradually it became a habit. And at some point, when his wife suddenly forgot and went for milk herself, he felt disappointed. Can you imagine? It was as if he had lost his reward, that he had not done something and was not thanked.

    The main conclusion that can be drawn from this story is that you need to ask the man several times after some time. Give him time to integrate your request into his rigid structure, so that he gets used to this request and sees that it is really important to you. Key point: ask multiple times and don't be offended.

    Secret No. 3. Why might a man want to fulfill a woman's request?

    He wants gratitude, wants to please, to feel like a man. Indeed, the man feels very good fulfilling his role. And he feels good because the woman next to him is happy.

    And a request is one of the opportunities for men to make a woman happy. Of course, if he has the opportunity, that is, the resources to fulfill this request. And of course, dear women, fulfilling your request, the man will greatly appreciate your appreciation and gratitude.

    So remember this and don't skimp on praise. When you say a request to a man, you are giving him the opportunity to feel better, take care of you and make you happier.

    How to help a man be successful?

    Every woman imagines a man’s success in her own way: for some it is a successful career, authority, self-realization in work and business, for others it is happy family, true friends, interesting hobbies. What do you think is needed for success? Spouse support, reliable support and, of course, motivation.

    A man’s success rests on “three pillars”:

    • high self-esteem;
    • worthy goals;
    • strength and energy to implement them.

    Interview with Nadezhdaabout how to inspire a man!

    When a woman inspires her partner, she increases his self-esteem and self-confidence. If you compare a man with a computer, then a woman will act as a battery: accumulating energy, she gives it to the man.

    In this way, a man draws strength in order to act in the world, in his business, in business, in his career and achieve the goals that he sets for himself or that perhaps they set together.

    In this regard, the story of Henry Ford, who made an engine, a new type of engine, is indicative. And his wife supported, believed, and inspired him for five years, although nothing worked out for him. But she did not give up, and the result was their prosperity. Author of the article: Nadezhda Panchulidze, expert in relationships between Men and Women and author of the training “How to inspire a man.”

    There is no need to prove that men and women are completely different, because this is obvious. And here we are not talking about appearance, but about psychology. While women can make a big deal out of a mountain, men prefer to keep things simple. Women and men are fundamentally different and this is expressed in their every action. So how can you understand a man? While a woman needs at least understanding from love, a man may not think about it. Most often, a man and a woman have completely different views on life, and it is for this reason that many families break up. And, by the way, both partners may be to blame for this. So, for example, a woman’s “gift” of perceiving real things differently from a man can lead to disastrous consequences. By the way, exactly the same as men’s inability to grow up.

    So what is the peculiarity of male psychology?

    While men don't think about some things, women tirelessly try to study them. And probably any woman knows very well that the male brain is about two hundred grams larger than the female, or that a man’s skin is not as sensitive as hers. In addition, a man will never worry that he has cellulite, and will always be sociable in company, without looking at his friend with an appraising glance. Well, if a man has at least some weaknesses, then this only decorates him, making him more earthly.

    Character and “secrets” of men


    Typically, men are assertive, strong, impatient, strong-willed, aggressive and able to resist. Any man is proud of the fact that he is strong and is ready to do anything to prove his superiority. Every victory, even a small one, is a big step for a man. The psychology of men is designed in such a way that they do not know how to express emotions in the same way as women, but they still know how to be offended, upset and look at things pessimistically. And while a woman will jump with happiness, the man will only change his facial expressions, then when the woman dies of grief, cries and screams, the man tries to be alone. Anything that attacks his pride can offend a man.

    Pride and respect

    Any reproaches and screams, mentions of his shortcomings, can greatly hurt a man. If you utter an unpleasant phrase in his direction, it is better to immediately close your mouth and not raise this topic again. But the specificity of women is such that this is incredibly difficult to do. In fact, this is what men do during quarrels, and if they spoke out once, they will not repeat it again. No matter how hard it is to understand, men are designed in such a way that they don’t guess and don’t notice the little things. And believe me, they are not pretending. Something is bothering you, you recently cried, or maybe you changed your hairstyle - prepare yourself for the fact that a man will not notice this, and not because he doesn’t want to, but because that’s how he works.

    Man in conversation

    There is nothing complicated here. Usually men always say directly what they think about a given situation. If a man wants to lie, then naturally it can be seen. It may be that the deception will not be noticeable right away, but after some time, everything secret becomes clear, and in the case of men, as they say, “everything is written on the forehead.” Most men prefer actions to words, and they really believe that it is easier to prove their love than simply saying the word “I love you.” Men, just like women, experience stress. But unlike them, they prefer not to shed tears over failures, but to get down to business. Therefore, it is worth saying that a man is silent not when he is indifferent to you, but when he has no words.

    Psychology of men and feelings

    It's no longer a secret that men don't love just like women. No, of course, this does not mean that their feelings are less or absent. Throw romantic films aside, and do not think that a man’s love rests on showering you with rose petals every day, or endless gifts in the form of beautiful bouquets. Men prefer to prove their feelings, and this proof does not lie in flowers and gifts. They are sincerely confident that once they have spoken about their feelings, they don’t have to repeat them again. Believe me, this is how they are designed, that if something changes, they will notify you about it. A man who is in love does not say much, but he tries to protect his woman in every possible way. He is never embarrassed to be with her among friends and proudly declares that this is his wife, girlfriend or fiancee. Simply put, if you want to ask a man why he loves you, or for what, then just ask. Just ask the question directly, without any hints or misunderstandings, because, as you know, they do not understand hints, but are used to telling everything as it is. Moreover, you should not limit yourself to platitudes. If he says that you are kind or smart, then let him justify “why?” A man who loves will easily answer the specific question posed.

    Men and attitudes towards marriage

    Usually men don't marry early. Unlike women, they love to be respected and believe that a happy family is built on respect and mutual understanding. For men, all sorts of tenderness and affection fade into the background. Scientists have long proven that married man who lived happy life married at sixty, looks seven younger than that a man who cheated on his significant other and is eight years younger than the single man.

    Let's sum it up

    In addition, scientists around the world have repeatedly conducted surveys, and as it turned out, most men will not build relationships with women with whom they did not like the first kiss. Just like women, they store memories.

    • men don’t like to talk a lot, they prefer to prove everything with actions.
    • men don't like hints and don't understand them
    • Men's inattention is innate
    • throughout their lives they remain “children”
    • men love to show their strength
    • they do not know how to express joy, pain, disappointment, experiences, as women do
    • family life for men is built on mutual understanding

    It has been proven that any man cannot talk on the phone for a long time; it is important for them that the interlocutor is nearby. If we are talking about the girl he loves, then in addition to everything that has been said, he must touch her. A man still can’t talk for more than ten minutes with a girl who has the sexiest voice.

    I can understand and am quite calm when a man and a woman break up because of different life values, principles and interests. After all, too different values ​​can be difficult to combine. But part of the conflicts and breakups occur due to the inability of women to “steer” men and due to a lack of understanding of the psychology of men, and the second part is due to male irresponsibility and unwillingness to grow up. Today we will discuss the psychology of men, which is very similar to the psychology of dogs :)).

    Men are very easy to manage, and basic knowledge and skills can be mastered within a month, well, two at most.

    He asks how to ask a man for what a woman wants, and most importantly, how to ask and demand so that he does it and does it with pleasure?

    How can you prevent a man from looking around, at least in the presence of a woman?

    How to please a man, and subsequently get married successfully? And in general, what do men want?

    Naturally, I am a person interested in ensuring that my beloved understands me better, and I try to answer in more detail how to manage a man, in a particular case, myself. And recently I even wrote a book - I recommend reading it.

    Recently we went to a cafe and she asked:

    - What are you men like? How do you think and what is the best way to communicate with you? How to please a man and understand him? And, most importantly, what should you do and what shouldn’t you do for a man to appreciate and respect you?

    Then I said:

    - Yes, men are generally simple, and in many ways they are like dogs.- Then he gave her several comparisons. She laughed for a long time and then asked:

    - Why haven’t you written an article about this yet?

    And so every day, for many weeks, she came up and asked:

    - Did you write? Have you already written an article about how the psychology of men is similar to the psychology of dogs? You wrote how to understand a man?

    Yes, I wrote, I wrote...

    First. Almost all dogs and men are the same in that they love affection and attention. They love to be petted, “tugged behind the ear,” and praised.

    Dogs, when their owner comes, run out to meet him, wag their tails, and climb up to be petted. Or, when they see one of the owners on the street, with a joyful bark and a wild wagging of the tail, they rush towards him with all their canine joy, just to jump on the light trousers with their furry, dirty paws and lick the owner from head to toe, while receiving a portion of affection and attention. Almost all dogs and men are like this. There are, of course, distrustful even of dogs’ owners (again, you need to understand “why”), and men who are distrustful of their wives, but there are few of them.

    This is not at all obvious rule communication with men and, according to my observations, women, especially young ones, do not always greet and hug a man with a smile when he comes home. And, most importantly, not because he is offended by him, but because he does not understand how important it is!

    - Well, I didn’t meet him every day, but every other day, what’s important about that? Well, I didn’t hug you today, I’ll hug you tomorrow, what’s important?

    - Important, very important! From time to time I observe the same situation. The dog ran away from the owner, and it’s time for the owner to go home. He starts running after the dog. Finally he caught it, or the dog itself came to its owner. What do different people do next? A not-so-wise owner will lash out at the dog and start hitting and scolding it. After all, he is late, and the dog doesn’t want to go home. Next time he will run after the dog twice as long. A wise owner will pet the dog, maybe even give him something tasty, after he runs up to him. Next time he just calls her, and the dog is already running towards him.

    How simple in theory, how rarely this rule is constantly observed.

    Second, dogs love to follow commands that are feasible and understandable. Men love to fulfill feasible and understandable requests for their beloved.

    Dogs expect commands from their owners, and the commands must be feasible for the given dog and easy to understand. Of course, with long-term training, the dog understands the owner perfectly. But, at the beginning,

    You need to give instructions that are simple and easy for the dog to follow.

    A man also loves to do something for a woman. But for this it is desirable that:

    First: her requests were achievable by a specific man without undue strain, so that they were understandable to him.

    Second: you need to express them out loud repeatedly, since 500 - 700 :), and not think that the man will figure out to do something himself.

    I already wrote about this in detail in the book. “How to make a man fall in love with you for life? or Don’t run after the Man, let Him run after you.”, but now an example to both points: there is no need to ask your boxer friend to help with higher mathematics, and mathematics - to punch the face of your annoying, annoying neighbor. This is usually understandable. When it comes to things that are not so obvious, then an error is an error.

    For example, sometimes it is useless to require a man to do home repairs himself if he does not know how to do it and quietly hates it. It is better to direct his energy to earning extra money for repairs.

    Well, just a women's hit. I always wonder where women are taught to think that men will figure out what is important to a woman? Well, he won’t guess, he won’t guess :)

    Well, he won’t understand on his own that a “broom” is important for a woman, not even suitable for sweeping the floor, which she calls a bouquet of flowers :) If you, of course, tell your man that flowers are very important to you, then gradually he will begin to give them. According to my wife's observations, it takes about 714 repetitions for a man to remember something and begin to do what the woman wants him to do. Again, if she demands this regularly, persistently, but at the same time in a calm voice, but without screaming or manipulation. Although sometimes you can growl at a man so as not to sit on his neck, but there’s no point, let him know :)

    Start respecting yourself and your needs, then you can get them fulfilled from us. I recommend reading Anastasia Gai’s book on this topic. “What happy women are silent about. Or How to make a man get off the couch"

    Of the most common things that a man “should have guessed” but doesn’t:

    - he must think of giving the woman flowers;

    - guess to marry her;

    - talk and care for her after he has achieved her;

    - help her with household chores;

    - protect from his parents;

    - take more care of your hygiene, cleanliness in the house, etc.

    In general, do not hesitate to demand all this from us. Talk about it, demand calmly and confidently, and when a man understands what is important to you, he will do it with pleasure.

    In the first years of our marriage, I couldn’t understand what all the fuss about flowers was about, but now I’m happy to give flowers to my wife, she’s so happy! How can I now deprive myself of the pleasure of being a hero and a breadwinner, hmm, you can’t wait.

    Third. Dogs love all sorts of toys, especially ones that they can run after and hunt, etc.

    Men also love to play all sorts of games and toys that they can run and hunt for or with. Many men's games for women are: “Well, just real stupidity!”. After all, in many of them, men hurt each other very much (boxing, hockey), or do something that can be done much easier and cheaper, fishing, for example. Or they do such “senseless” things as lifting a barbell back and forth, or throwing their arms and legs forward while shouting “yay.” I understand all this. However, I ask you, be gentler towards men.

    Without games, dogs and men quickly age, grow dull, become very boring, fat and lose interest in life and their lives. the only woman. Therefore, there is no need to interfere with men's games. It's better if the woman encourages them. Well, I'm not even talking about if she is interested in them and even participates in them a little. Such a woman immediately becomes several points higher than other women. This is exactly the answer to my wife’s question “How to make a man fall in love with you and marry him?” Throw a stick a couple of times over the weekend so that the dog can bring it back, take an interest in your partner’s car, listen carefully and learn the name of the “insides of the car” - and you are out of competition. My wife is interested and understands investments, like me, and can listen to me for hours, and often asks questions to which I myself do not always know the answer, or may notice something that I did not see. She is interested in what is interesting to me, which means she is interested in me - and, for this reason alone, she is beyond competition.

    Of course, whenever possible, games that are not as stupid from a woman's point of view as others should be encouraged. For example, encourage playing football, business, career, investment, science rather than computer games, watching football on TV with a bottle of beer and sitting in the yard with friends until the night.

    Fourth. The dog loves to lie down in his kennel and lie down. And he doesn’t like a leash, especially a short one.

    The dog cannot run continuously; it needs periodic rest. Likewise, a man cannot work, play, or even communicate with his only and beloved woman all the time. He needs to be alone. Lie on the sofa, etc. Give yourself and him the opportunity to be alone, and after a while he will come running to you, bored, joyful and satisfied.

    Dogs don't like leashes, especially short ones.. And if they are not allowed out without a leash at all (chain dogs), then they become overly vicious and have underdeveloped intelligence. However, there are many dogs that walk without a leash, and at the slightest call from the owner they will happily run to him.

    It’s the same with men. They don’t like it when women put a leash on them, especially a short one. Where did you go, where were you, where did you spend the ruble, why did you say this, say this, don’t say that, if such questions and instructions come continuously, then you want to run away from the leash.

    However, there are men, or rather their women, to whom men happily return and ask how to help, etc. This is the position women should strive for. How to do this is a question for a separate article.

    Fifth. The dog loves bones and other tasty foods.

    Everything seems to be clear here, but there are a few comments. Even if everyone in your family agrees that the woman does most of the cooking, this does not mean that the man does nothing. My wife cooks herself, but she requires me to go to the store to buy groceries, cut and peel vegetables , washed the dishes. Involve your man more actively in cooking, rather than complaining.

    And the second note, do not overfeed the dog, that is, the man. The sooner you pay attention to this, the better and much easier. It's a hundred times harder to lose 20 extra pounds than not gaining excess weight at all.

    Sixth. The most important thing is that if dogs are not trained, they can become completely stupid, and climb onto the sofa with dirty paws, grab food from the table, bite their owners and their children, etc.

    Almost everyone knows that puppies, especially large guard and fighting dogs, must be severely spanked, even for the hint of trying to bite or growl at the owner or family members. Please note that not even for a light bite, but simply for growling at the owner, the dog must be spanked. If you don't do this, then she may bite you lightly. And then a little more, then the child and it happens that nothing can be done, and all that remains is to euthanize the dog, which, with a different upbringing, would bring only joy to the owner.

    It’s the same with men, especially strong and aggressive ones. This does not require any special understanding of male psychology. You just need to remember this! Even a hint of disrespect for a woman should never go unheeded. Today you left without attention easy a hint of disrespect, “swallowed and pretended that it would resolve on its own”, tomorrow it may manifest itself in greater form. And then all that remains is to break up with a man who, if treated differently, would carry you in his arms all life together. And, naturally, the stronger the male character, and the less he was raised in childhood, the more attention needs to be paid to this. I spoke in as much detail as possible in my book about how to put a man in his place, how to make him respect and appreciate you.

    If you are not attracted to a man in this matter, then think about whether you can live happily with him. Maybe it’s better to give him to another woman, and take yourself a less aggressive and strong man. In any case, if you live with such a man, you need to develop confidence and increase self-esteem.

    Best regards, Rashid Kirranov

    Many women will agree that sometimes it can be very difficult to understand a man. He may not say anything or express his own emotions, and at the same time he does not ask anything. It's amazing how difficult it is sometimes loving people understand each other.

    The longer a man and woman are together, the more disagreements arise between them which can lead to scandals and quarrels. It would seem that it would be possible to study each other in so much time, but complete acceptance of each other is rather an exception.

    Sometimes women make sacrifices because great love and adapt to the man, playing the role of a good wife. But in this case, suppressed protests and desires will still find a way out. The main reason for all scandals and disagreements between a woman and a man is misunderstanding.

    Simple rules - how to understand a man

    In order to understand a man, you first need to learn how to talk to him correctly. After all, we can talk for a long time about the fact that a man does not show his emotions as clearly as a woman, about the fact that the hemispheres of the brain of men work differently, about their upbringing differing from that of women. But this is not the most important thing.

    Actually much more important to a woman learn to speak the same language with a man.

    Women often want from men what they cannot give them, not because they don’t want to, but because they simply do not understand what a woman wants from them.

    To understand a man, it is important to learn how to convey your thoughts and desires to a man. And for this you need to learn the language of men.

    First, you need to learn to clearly formulate the topic of conversation. Puffy cheeks and rolled eyes, questions like “what kind of relationship do we have?” are incomprehensible to men and frighten them. Therefore, they do not know how to react and what will happen next.

    Instead, you just need to say directly what you want and why.

    • For example, say that you want him to kiss you when you meet, because this will make you feel needed and loved. Or say that you want him to call back so you don't worry.
    • Secondly, during conversations, do not try to hurt a man’s pride. You cannot compare him with other men, otherwise he will close down and there will be no constructive conversation.
    • Thirdly, each conversation should end with some specific conclusions. After all, all the long emotional introductions will not make sense if the result is not clear. Therefore, after finishing the monologue, be sure to draw a conclusion.

    And don’t be surprised if a man understands everything, but answers in one phrase, after all, all his thoughts take place in his head, and are not spoken out loud.

    How to understand a man - psychological characteristics of men

    Men differ from women not only physiologically, but also intellectually, emotionally and, of course, psychologically. For some reason, everyone knows about this, but few people remember it during everyday problems. But in most cases, this can help avoid insults and quarrels. It will be easier to understand a man if you understand the differences between men and women.

    Women should learn to perceive men adequately, not to get irritated or offended. This phenomenon can be compared to your sparkling eyes when you see a beautiful dress.

    The most important thing in a relationship with a man is not to forget that only language of love and respect will help you unite with a man and harmoniously complement each other. And then it will be easier for you to understand each other!

    Men and women differ not only in gender characteristics, but also in psychology. Sometimes male psychology how to understand a man remains a mystery that is very difficult to understand and comprehend.

    Women read books trying to figure it out on their own what male psychology is like, how to understand a man and what to expect from him. But sometimes everything is in vain. Conflicts and misunderstandings sometimes reach the point of absurdity and divorce, but others, on the contrary, are happy.

    Ability to resolve any issue;
    Ability to understand hints;
    Desires for love, not just sex;
    The ability to admit your mistakes.

    In fact, there are even more requests, but these are the main ones.

    What are a woman's mistakes? Not all men are self-confident; many need to be pushed to solve problems. Moreover, this indecision manifests itself not only on dates, but also in real life.

    A man will put off visiting a doctor, buying a new car, or other problems because he is not sure that it will be better. This is also his male psychology: how to understand a man when he is stubborn.

    Refer to logic and common sense, men love confirmation with facts, if you convince him, he will agree.

    Due to the fact that he is not confident in himself, he can live with a woman who is used to leading or manipulating him, he is calmer with her, although he may be unhappy.

    It is difficult for him to decide to be alone or leave for another, because he is not sure that it will be better.

    A man tries to hide his insecurity and dependence with bravado., disobedience or harmfulness, but if a woman understands him, then his tricks are meaningless.

    A woman expects him to solve any issue, from renovating an apartment to enrolling a child in a prestigious university, but the man cannot or does not want to do this. It's easier to give him money, and a woman should do this.

    Therefore, you should not be offended if your husband did not go to the child’s party. It’s better to ask him to buy a dress for his daughter.
    Men think more globally, and little things don’t bother them. Family problems and everyday life is, in their opinion, little things.

    So what is the difference between male psychology, how to understand a man and why a man cannot understand hints?

    A man is simpler than a woman, and he needs to speak directly. There is no need to hint, otherwise you can wait indefinitely for a response.

    We shouldn’t talk about the fact that all my friends are already married. And ask the question: “When is our wedding?” Let the man announce the date, or say why it won’t happen.

    You don’t need to say how cool your friend’s kitchen is, you need to ask, when will we buy the same one?

    Besides this a man is afraid of losing his girlfriend, and he will do his best to avoid answering. He may say that he has no time, he is tired, or try to postpone the conversation until better times, but the thought has already settled in his brain.

    And he will think about how to accomplish what is necessary.

    Love and sex

    In love, the differences are even greater, because a woman needs attention, affection, and the ability to listen to her. A man only cares about sex, the opportunity to own a woman undividedly.

    A woman loves to flirt, smile at everyone, make advances, a man is annoyed by this, and he considers the woman approachable. This is where jealousy comes in.

    If a man is jealous, he shows how he depends on his partner emotionally. He can express his resentment in hard sex, but the woman does not understand this.

    A man proves his love with material goods, and they demand emotions from him.

    Likewise, a partner’s bad mood may not be understood. The friend tries to hug the man and feel sorry for him, to bring him into conversation, but he only withdraws deeper into himself or snaps.

    You need to know this, in such actions lies the male psychology of how to understand a man, and in order to avoid scandals, you should not babysit him, but act like his friends. Of course, not every woman can behave like a fighting friend, but you can try sometimes.

    Well, of course, not a single man doesn't like to admit his mistakes, so your friend should not say the phrase: “I told you so” too often. This not only humiliates a man, but also kills self-confidence.

    He already knows that he is wrong, but here he is further lowered below the plinth, so he will not forgive this, but he will remember.
    Men are emotional, and stress is already finishing them off at work, so at home try to be softer and kinder.

    Meet your man with a smile. Try to take care of him, feed him, be a friend, not a saw.

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