• Breeding cats as a business with high profitability. How to start breeding cats


    Cats are many people's favorite pets, so their breeding business can be very profitable. It should be taken into account that in addition to financial investments, this business requires a lot of time and effort. So, before you start, it’s worth understanding all its details in detail.

    Where to begin?

    Even if cats are beloved pets, this is not enough to open a cat breeding business. It is recommended that a new entrepreneur prepare thoroughly by following these steps:

    After theoretical training, it is worth purchasing kittens about 2 months old, since such pets are already able to feed on their own, move and get acquainted with the world around them.

    Choosing a cat breed

    Today, about 100 species of cats are known, which differ in appearance, coat length and color, behavior, etc. Such diversity makes it somewhat difficult to choose suitable breeds. It is better for a beginner to choose unpretentious but profitable species. These include the following breeds:

    • British (British). Good-natured guys with round eyes and calm character. Once a week you need to thoroughly comb the coat. They are very popular regardless of pedigree.
    • Maine Coons. The largest cats in the world. They are loved for their peaceful disposition and big size. They do not require much grooming, but since the coat is long, it will need to be brushed several times a week.
    • Bengals (Bengal breed). Beautiful cats with a wonderful leopard color. Wool does not require special care. The character is playful and active. Due to the color, the demand for the breed is growing, but the supply is still small.
    • Sphinxes. Hairless breed with an original appearance. Requires careful care - a warm room, possibly warm clothing.
    • Siamese. Playful active cats with almond shaped teeth bright eyes and smoky-colored wool.
    • Persian. They were once wildly popular, but have now subsided somewhat. The main problem is grooming.
    • Siberian. An inexpensive, common breed, unpretentious in everyday life and with an easy-going character.
    • Scottish lop-eared. Well suited for an apartment, as it is an unpretentious breed. Very cute, reminiscent of a cartoon character.

    Separately, it is worth noting that a business can focus on breeding expensive breeds. In this case, you need to take into account the TOP 5 most expensive cats:

    • It is distinguished by beautiful leopard fur and long life. Costing over $20,000.
    • Chausie. It looks like a lynx and it is no coincidence that it is a mixture of an Abyssinian cat and a swamp lynx. Costs over $10,000.
    • Burmilla. A mixture of Burmese and Persian breeds. This cat is very cute and usually has different colored eyes. Costs about $5,000.
    • Peterbald (hairless St. Petersburg cats). Elegant and intelligent cats that appeared as a result of crossing the Don Sphynx with a short-haired Oriental breed. Cost: $3,500.
    • Manx tailless. The breed was bred in Great Britain. The main feature is the absence of a tail. Costs about $2,700.

    In general, it is worth distinguishing 3 groups of kittens:

    • Show class. It is necessary to breed kittens of this class if you plan to regularly perform and win prizes.
    • Breed class. This category includes kittens that have certain defects, but they are not inherited. Such pets are cheaper, and there will be no problems when breeding them.
    • Pet class. Unlike the previous class, this group involves culling all offspring. Of course, there is no need to purchase such kittens.

    It is recommended to choose breeds that are popular in a particular area so that there are no problems with sales. Too expensive and rare breeds require large expenses both for acquisition and maintenance. In addition, due to problems with implementation, it may happen that the cat will already grow up while you are looking for new owners for it.

    You should definitely buy kittens from reliable nurseries. In addition to visually assessing pets, it is worth asking breeders to provide their pedigrees.

    Where to breed cats?

    A kitten breeding business can be organized in two types of premises:

    • Apartment. In this case, you can have 2-3 pairs (or only cats with the condition of incoming cats). It is best to allocate a separate room for this with mandatory natural ventilation and good heating. For such purposes, electrically heated floors are often installed, which allows you to not depend on utility companies and not be afraid that the kittens may get sick or die in the off-season. This is especially important for sphinxes and similar “hairless” cats.
    • Non-residential premises. If you plan to create a nursery with enclosures, you must have at least a separate plot of land available. The building must have an area of ​​at least 60-70 square meters. m. It must have running water, heating, electricity, a ventilation system, and sewerage. If such conditions exist, you can have approximately 12-15 cats and 4-5 male cats.

    It’s worth starting the business in your own apartment, and if it turns out to be profitable, you can expand and open a separate nursery.

    The business idea for breeding purebred cats contains several attractive factors for investment. The price of one purebred cat can exceed $10,000. The gestation period for all cats is 2 months. Cats have strong immunity and a high survival rate. No wonder people say that they have 9 lives. You can implement this business idea right in your apartment. Also, no specialized investments are required here. You can start organizing a cattery for your home business with less than $500. This business idea can be either the main or additional source of income. But in order to invest money profitably, you should analyze the entire business concept in detail.

    The most expensive purebred cats

    Before breeding, you should decide which purebred cats are best to work with. Now that you already know information about the components of the pricing policy, we present to your attention the “rating” of the 10 most expensive cats in the world:

    1. Savannah. This cat is the most expensive in the world. This cat breed is classified into F1, F2, F3, F4, F5. The most expensive purebred cats are F1 and F2. The cost of adult individuals ranges from $4,000 to $22,000.
    2. Diamond eye. She's kao-mani. The cost of these cats can reach 2 thousand conventional units.
    3. Bengal cat. The pricing for these pets starts from $1000 and can go up to $4000.
    4. Toyger. The price of such a “domestic tiger”, depending on its performance according to TISA standards, as well as for the Belgians, can reach $4000-$5000.
    5. Maine Coon. He's an American raccoon cat. This breed has a price range from $1000 to $2500.
    6. Long time ago Rex. The price can be $400 or $1200, it all depends on the parameters that determine the cost of the kitten.
    7. Scottish lop-eared. The price for Scottish Folds starts at $200 and reaches up to $1500.
    8. British cat. The price of these beauties, aristocratic in manners, ranges from $200 to $1,500.
    9. Russian blue. This breed is one of the most famous breeds in the whole world. The price of these peaceful and playful pets ranges from $300 to $3000.
    10. Manx. This breed stands out among others due to the absence of a tail. Or has 2/3 of a regular cat's tail. Manx prices range from $500 to $4000.

    To start gaining experience in breeding purebred cats, you should take a closer look at unpretentious and very profitable breeds such as:

    • Bengal;
    • British;
    • Maine Knu.

    They are easy to care for, attractive and perfect for a cattery.

    Cat business strategy

    As in any business, here it is necessary to follow the sequence of actions:

    1. Buying a cat.
    2. Maintenance and nutrition.
    3. Visit to the veterinarian.
    4. Participation in exhibitions.
    5. Opening of the nursery.
    6. Knitting.
    7. Nursing kittens.
    8. Sale of 3 month old kittens.

    Naturally, the beginning of this business involves purchasing a cat of a certain breed with the right to breed. The right to breeding is not just a title, but a special certificate, the price of which will be included in the price of the pedigree upon purchase. You receive the right to breeding along with the cat's pedigree. A cat for business must be purchased exclusively from a reputable cattery. Not infrequently, business interest in purebred cats forces one to look for a female breeder in large and developed cities or even countries. So when buying a stud cat, sometimes you have to shell out a tidy sum.

    Unpretentious and profitable cat breeds

    To start breeding purebred cats, let's get acquainted with unpretentious and profitable breeds.

    Bengal cat. The Bengal cat is a piece of wild nature at home. This is what attracts buyers to this breed. Leopard color, golden and chocolate shades are a distinctive feature of Bengal cats. Caring for these animals involves virtually no physical costs. This breed only needs to trim its claws occasionally, and the animal's coat requires minimal care, consisting of infrequent brushing. Kittens of this breed, like adults, will require a lot of attention from their owner. They are very playful, active and sociable. Bengal cats are becoming increasingly popular in our regions. The demand for kittens is growing, but there are still not enough breeders of this breed.

    British cats. Today, British cats are the most popular and desirable among our population. They have thick short hair and beautiful round eyes. To many children and people they resemble plush toys. Her smoky, blue-tinged color gave her another nickname: "British Blue". These are calm, not “mischievous” pets, true aristocrats. They find a common language with all members of the family in which they live, and perceive it as their clan. They are not picky about grooming, but their coat must be brushed once a week. The British are in great demand among all segments of the population, so such kittens can be sold both with and without pedigree. Naturally, the pricing policy of the issue will be either high or low.

    Maine Coon. These are some of the most big cats in the world. A distinctive feature, in addition to their ears, is also the sounds they create. Their meow is more like a purr. This is a calm breed of cat. They are affectionate, peaceful and friendly. At the same time, they are quite independent and will require their own personal space. Since these are long-haired cats, they will require special attention in grooming. Although, unlike Persians, their fur does not get tangled so much, the Maine Coon still needs to be brushed 2-3 times a week.

    If possible, it is better to start this business with the three breeds described above at once. If you still don’t have enough financial resources, start with the most inexpensive British breed. They are not expensive, attractive and in good demand.

    Caring for purebred cats

    Speaking about purebred cats, one should take into account the peculiarities of their maintenance during breeding. You will need to purchase auxiliary tools:

    1. Tray-pot.
    2. Pot filler.
    3. Comb, nail clippers, shampoos and other hygiene equipment for cats.
    4. Drinker and feeder (bowls).
    5. Scratchy.
    6. A place to relax.
    7. Feed.

    After purchasing a cat, you need to take care of maintenance and nutrition. If you purchased a kitten under 3 months old, you will have to take care of its first vaccination yourself. But you can also obtain a veterinary passport when purchasing an animal. Let's look at the most important questions about caring for kittens.

    Vaccination. Your pet needs to be vaccinated 3 times in the first year of its life. Kittens are vaccinated against panleukopenia, calicivirus, rhinotrichitis, and some vaccines also include chlamydia. All this is included in one vaccine. The first vaccination occurs at the age of 2-3 months. Then, after 21 days, but not more than 28 days, they are re-vaccinated with the same vaccine as the first time. The last vaccination is given to a one-year-old cat. A three-component vaccine for cats costs from $7.

    In addition to vaccinations, the kitten must be taken to the veterinarian regularly for examination. By following his instructions and recommendations, you will certainly be able to raise a healthy cat that produces good offspring.

    Food for cats. Particular attention should be paid to the cat's nutrition. If your cat receives a balanced diet, she will become the owner of a beautiful shiny coat, strong bones and claws and a brilliant look. Basically, their health is directly related to what she eats. For example, a lack of tuarine in the body of an adult cat negatively affects its reproductive system. Tuarine is found in large quantities in fish products and beef heart. You can also feed your cat ready-made food that is designed specifically for pets. Store-bought food can be wet or dry. This food is completely balanced, it contains everything a cat needs. healthy eating. But still, some veterinarians do not recommend feeding cats exclusively with finished products.

    Cats themselves are predators. The diet of this predator mainly consists of animal feed; in the wild it is mainly mice, birds, etc. To be more specific, your pet’s daily diet should consist of 70% food of animal origin (various meat products, with the exception of pork) and 30% of other types of products (cottage cheese, or cottage cheese). baby food, vegetables, cereals, etc.).

    Few people know, but cats in the wild eat exclusively fresh food. So, make sure that the portions are such that the animal eats it in one meal. Food should be at room temperature, or a couple of degrees warmer. Water for your pet should be clean and settled. Change the water 2-3 times a day.

    Animal hygiene. Of course, each breed has its own hygiene needs. General requirements include the following:

    Pedigree. When buying a kitten with a pedigree from a nursery, it will include three generations of cats along the line of the kitten’s mother and father. During the subsequent mating, you need to contact the nursery, everything is registered there, and after the litter is delivered, in the same nursery where the mating took place, your female and their male, your kittens will be given metrics. You can either make a pedigree yourself based on this metric, or sell them only with the metric. The presence of a metric will enable the buyer to independently purchase a pedigree, if necessary.

    Exhibitions. This is an integral point for obtaining permission to breed offspring. Moreover, this item is the most expensive in all maintenance for breeding offspring. Your cat, before the first mating, must take part in at least three exhibitions. At shows, you earn your cat titles and titles. These documents give you the right to join the club. By joining the club, you can register your nursery and breed various breeds.

    Ways to sell kittens

    After reading all the information, understanding all the difficulties in the colossal work that every breeder does, you understand why a purebred kitten with a pedigree is worth so much money. You can sell purebred kittens at exhibitions, via the Internet, bulletin boards and through other media.

    If you do not have a pedigree and metrics for kittens, you can sell them at a significantly reduced price, although this does not bring a bad income. But in the absence of documents, you can sell them only to pet lovers who are not interested in the development of their pet.

    An enterprising felinologist makes decent money

    Breeding domestic cats of various breeds can bring good income. Initially, you need to understand that to become a good felinologist, you need to have good enthusiasm, average starting capital and have free time. A felinologist is a veterinarian, a breeder, and a specialist in the care and maintenance of domestic kittens all rolled into one. It’s just that a person on the street will not be able to properly raise and prepare an ideal stud cat to produce further offspring with an ideal pedigree. If you decide to devote yourself to the kitten breeding business, you first need to read some useful information.

    Today, a good purebred kitten, with documents and an excellent pedigree, can cost from $200 (British breed) to $2000 (Savana F1-F2). The cost of a kitten is determined by the following parameters:

    1. Gender of the animal.
    2. Coat color.
    3. The right to breeding (the most important thing when buying for offspring).
    4. Pedigree.
    5. Veterinary passport.
    6. Living and feeding conditions.
    7. Age.

    When choosing any breed, even if you have all the necessary documents confirming its origin and classification, you can and should demand the right to see one of the kitten’s parents.

    Many people surfing the Internet see information about the sale and breeding of purebred kittens and are surprised at the astronomical price tags for a small fluffy ball. Immediately thoughts arise that you need to buy a male cat, breed and sell their children at an inflated price - an easy and profitable business, on the one hand. Only few people know about the various pitfalls that are present there.

    How to start breeding cats

    If you are still thinking about purchasing and breeding animals, then you first need to choose the breed with which you would like to work. Explore detailed information about different breeds, their character, habits, characteristics, shortcomings. Most often, breeders select a breed that matches their character.

    Breed selection

    Here are some of the most popular breeds:

    A few more popular breeds are Russian Blue, Seaamese, Siberian, Cornish Rex, Abyssinian.

    All of the above breeds are quite popular and are in good demand; this should also be taken into account when choosing. You can pick up a rarer purebred cat, with a price much higher than Persians or Sphynxes, but, as they say, there are not very many lovers of such breeds and will there be a demand for your kittens?

    Having chosen a specific breed, scour the Internet or books, study diseases, care, genetic features, the animal’s diet and much other useful information. Undoubtedly, you must evaluate your work very soberly and understand that animals, almost like people, require considerable expenses.

    After all, first you need to buy a kitten, raise it, feed it, breed it, then care for the offspring, vaccinations, food and much more. If you are mentally and physically ready for this, then you can start looking for the right kitten and equipping your home as a nursery.

    If you decide on one cat or cat, then there will be no special problems. He or she may well simply live with you in a house or apartment, however, after the bonding, you will need to allocate a place for the cat and her kittens. There should be everything you need, from food and water cups to cat litter. In any case, the room where the cat lives must be clean and ventilated.

    If you decide to purchase several animals at once, then you should think about the place where they will live. If you have a private house, That ideal solution There will be enclosures built for each cat. Ventilation, heating in winter, and light are needed there so that the animals feel comfortable. There should be cat litter with or without litter, cups for water and food, houses for each animal, scratching posts, and possibly some toys.

    Enclosures with all amenities, houses, toilets

    In addition to all of the above, food or feed is needed, because each animal reacts differently to the same product, filler; it is best to purchase wood, low in price and good in terms of reviews and quality. You will also need nail scissors, shampoos, and combs for long-haired animals.

    Where to buy a kitten

    If you want an animal with good health, pedigree and for breeding, then under no circumstances should you look for a cat in markets where they sell all kinds of pets. The ideal option would be to purchase a cat from a special cattery that has an excellent reputation and good show animals.

    But it happens that such nurseries have very inflated prices, so the simpler option is to look for an animal through friends, or through the Internet in advertisements. But here you should be very careful and careful, cheap is not always good. You must look at the animal live, study the documents for the kitten (, birth certificate, or pedigree), documents for the parents, and you can also look at diplomas from exhibitions, if any.

    The metric or pedigree for a kitten indicates that the parents have a pedigree, the kitten itself is purebred, and breeding is possible. A veterinary passport is a card about the state of health, it should contain information about vaccinations, flea and worm treatment. It is drawn up by the breeder, upon sale it is given to the buyer and the records there are kept by him. Often, breeders write their telephone numbers for communication and any questions, as well as the telephone number of a veterinarian who works specifically with this nursery and is time-tested. Do not forget about concluding a contract when purchasing an animal.

    Obtaining a pedigree for a kitten is discussed with the breeder, they are given a ready-made document or metric, which will need to be changed to a pedigree within a certain time. It is necessary to clarify how this can be done and how much it will cost. The metric contains data about the animal, its name, date of birth, color, gender, breed; in addition, there must be a seal of the nursery or club, information about the breeder and contacts of the club where the nursery is registered. To obtain a pedigree, you will need to send the animal’s registration and money to the club to which the nursery is assigned and within a couple of weeks you will be issued a pedigree.

    How to become a breeder

    To start breeding, you need to register with the cat club and obtain the status of a breeder. What does the club do? Conducts cat shows, prepares documentation for animals (metrics, pedigrees, certificates for adults), and prepares documents for the nursery.

    To obtain official breeder status, you must submit an application to any cat club in your city. In turn, the club will send your application to an international organization, where it will be checked for uniqueness and a decision will be made to issue a certificate for opening a nursery. This takes about 7–14 business days. You also need to join the club and pay an annual membership fee. Through the club you can issue certificates for adult cats, diplomas, pedigrees for offspring, and on the club website you can advertise about matings or the sale of kittens.

    Participation in exhibitions

    Before breeding cats and getting offspring, you need to earn status and “get out into the world.” This is why there are exhibitions of purebred cats. Such exhibitions are organized by cat clubs, where judges determine the class of your cat and its status as a producer. Shows are a very expensive business, so not all breeders attend every event.

    Titles, medals and cups for the first place animal

    To earn the highest score for your animal, you need to properly care for it, do not forget about caring for the ears, claws, eyes and fur. The animal must have adequate character and behavior, it must not be aggressive, and it must behave adequately around other people and cats. All necessary vaccinations and treatments are also required.

    Before introducing your pet into the world, it is better to go to any exhibition as a spectator. See how such events are held, what a future champion should look like, how he should behave, what judges pay attention to when examining cats. Then it will be easier for you to prepare for this nervous and costly event.

    There are several exhibition classes:

    • Open - cats from 10 months compete for the title of candidate for CAC champion.
    • Young - from 6 to 10 months, the selection of “Best Young Animal of the Show” is underway.
    • Kitten class - from 3 to 6 months, choice of “Best Kitten in Show”.
    • Liter - animals from 10 weeks to three months of age, there must be at least three kittens from one litter.


    Felinology is the study of the anatomy and physiology of domestic cats, their care, breeding and other features.

    To know enough about the animals you are going to work with, you need to study their physiology and genetics so that in the future there will be no problems with the offspring or health of cats. You need to know the basics of veterinary medicine and the rules of breeding. You can study all this on your own, taking information from a variety of sources. There are also special paid courses that will tell you about all the intricacies and rules. After the training there is an exam, after which you will receive a diploma.

    How to organize an animal advertisement

    If you go to exhibitions and decide to breed your animal for mating, then advertising is necessary. Some offer mating services on classifieds websites, others on the website of the club in which they are registered. You can advertise your animal at shows by talking to other breeders or handing out your business cards.

    The ideal age for breeding a female cat is after a year. In order to breed a cat, she needs at least one exhibition title, for a cat - at least several titles, the presence of good offspring and excellent reviews and recommendations. When choosing a pair for your animal, study pedigrees so that there is no relationship between cats. In some breeds, the color of the animal plays an important role in mating; do not forget to study this issue very carefully.

    Most often, the mating conditions are given by the cat’s owner, and the cat is taken to him for several days. He sets the cost of mating with his animal, pledging to ensure that the mating happens. As payment, he may demand one or two kittens from the resulting offspring. Before mating, it is necessary to draw up a special agreement so that there are no further claims from either side.

    Birth and care of offspring

    A pregnant cat walks for approximately 58 to 70 days, counting from the first mating. If a cat gives birth for the first time, then she needs your constant attention. After the kittens are born, you can safely leave the cat for 3 weeks, after which you need to start feeding them. In addition, you need to start potty training the kittens and interacting with people.

    Little lumps require careful care and education

    Don't forget about vaccinations and treatment for worms. It is recommended to start selling kittens no earlier than three months, so that the animal eats and goes to the toilet on its own.

    Kittens for sale

    When the offspring are old enough, you can safely advertise for sale, indicating gender, color, breed and date of birth. You can advertise on the Internet, on the club’s website or your own website, or by telling your friends and acquaintances about the kittens.

    When selling, you must give the buyer the birth certificate or pedigree of the kitten, explaining what it is and why, a veterinary passport indicating the vaccinations and treatments performed. If you have your own veterinarian, please provide his contact information. Be sure to include your contact phone number so customers can call you with any questions or concerns. Give some dry food for the first time, a disposable diaper for transporting the animal to its new home. Tell us about the care, nutrition and characteristics of the kitten.

    Advantages and disadvantages of breeding cats

    As with any job, animal breeding has its positive and negative sides. Any animal, purebred or not, requires time, money and attention. How more cats, those more money you have to invest in keeping them healthy and well-groomed. It is necessary to soberly understand that most of the money received from the sale of cat offspring will go into business - the purchase of food, filler, vitamins, vaccinations and preparations for treatment. Of course, if you have several cats and your own cat, then the costs will be lower; you won’t have to spend money on mating with someone else’s cat. And from each cat you can get up to six kittens, so the profit will be quite good, even despite all the costs.

    Breeding cats is a big commitment, you can't just breed your cat and sit around waiting for the kittens to grow up.

    Unfortunately, cats do not always give birth to healthy or live kittens. You always need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to keep a not entirely healthy kitten for a long time, care for it like a child, and nurse it so that it can have a good and happy life.

    First you need to purchase animals. It is clear that not at the “bird market” but in a good nursery, and preferably not in Russia. Then raising them on the right food is also an expense. Then take it to exhibitions and it’s good if your animal is not rejected, because... Anything can grow, even from a super nursery on super feed. Next is payment for mating. Then raise offspring and find buyers who always want cheaper. In general, if for the sake of money, then it’s definitely not worth it. I have an unsterilized cat, I’ll tell you this, it’s not much fun, so I take her to mating once a year. More precisely, I’ll get better, I love kittens, I love playing with them, I teach them to do everything - then they follow me like dogs. But when it comes to selling, this is where it begins.... I feel sorry for the kittens, not all buyers are adequate... well, etc.


    They won’t pay off, club animals are very demanding, and if you are an inexperienced breeder, you will most likely suffer losses. And not all of the offspring can be sold (one spot on the skin where it shouldn’t be, and the kitten is rejected; you can only sell it for next to nothing), but for those you sell you must first find buyers. And these exhibitions are endless, all this consumes time and money.



    It seems to me that breeding for profit is possible, just buy a few breeds first, a Siamese or a Russian Blue. So this is very profitable, kittens can be sold from 5,000 to 20,000, and this is taking into account 1 kitten, and provided that they are from champions and with a passport, vaccinations and a chip, a kitten can be sold for (from) 25,000 to 40,000 thousand rubles



    In conclusion, we can say that breeding purebred cats is very good and enjoyable. This will become not only a permanent income, but also a wonderful hobby, provided that you love animals. Yes, you can get a high profit from this activity, but you will have to try very hard for this.

    Exists a large number of directions and areas of entrepreneurship. Every person has the right to choose an activity to his liking, which would bring not only pleasure, but also money. A striking example growing a hobby into a way to earn money is cat breeding as a business. In this article we will talk about this.

    Cats are popular pets. Almost every family has a kitten, or maybe several. Since ancient times, in some countries, for example, in Egypt, the cat has been a sacred animal. Killing or harming a cat was considered a serious crime and was severely punished.

    Let's discuss in more detail the pros and cons of the cat business in order to understand how profitable this business is.

    Advantages of cat breeding as a business

    • Hobbies and work. Few people believe that the business of breeding purebred cats is profitable. But in fact, this is a completely promising area of ​​activity, promising great profits with a competent approach to the implementation of the idea.
    • Fast payback. The business of raising cats is a fast-paying field of activity. That’s why it attracts newcomers who want to make a quick profit.
    • Availability of the idea. Breeding purebred cats is a very affordable type of business. Naturally, you will have to study some of the nuances regarding the breeding, maintenance, and nutrition of these animals, but there will not be any special difficulties even after a short time, you will become a professional in this field.

    Age of the cat

    Disadvantages of the cat breeding business

    • Big competition. This field of activity is quite attractive, so there are a lot of people who want to start such a profitable business.
    • A lot of time. Raising animals requires a lot of time and effort. You need to learn how to care for kittens, raise them, teach them to use the litter box and bathe. This is quite difficult, not every person can cope with it. You must love animals, only then can you really overcome all the difficulties associated with breeding cats.

    Where to start breeding cats?

    Choosing a breed

    Naturally, you won’t be able to sell ordinary yard kittens at a good price; you need to breed purebred animals. In addition, the buyer will definitely require a passport confirming the origin of the kitten; you must have all the documents available. IN otherwise, the price of the animal will be significantly lower.

    The most popular cat breeds for breeding:

    • Scottish Folds (Scottish Fold);
    • Canadian Sphynxes;
    • Siamese;
    • British Shorthair;
    • Russian Blues;
    • Siberian;
    • Persian;

    You can learn about breeding and feeding cats on thematic forums on the Internet, as well as by studying special literature. If you are a beginner, be sure to study in detail all the information related to breeding purebred animals before getting started.

    Having decided on the breed for breeding cats, you can start breeding animals. First of all, you need to arrange a place for them to live.

    It is best to keep cats in a separate room. The room must be properly equipped. Must do Fresh air. Also, this room must be equipped with everything necessary for keeping animals: drinking bowls, feeders, trays, etc.

    It is worth noting that you can make money selling cats several times a year. These animals are very fertile and can give birth up to 3 times a year. On average, one litter can have 3–5 kittens. The length of pregnancy depends on the chosen breed. But as a rule, it is from 55-65 days. During pregnancy, a cat needs special care and nutrition. Create a quiet place in the house; a regular drawer lined with soft cloth where the cat can rest. As for nutrition, during this period it is necessary to provide the animal with a complete, healthy and varied diet. Remember that a healthy cat will produce strong offspring.

    Preparing for childbirth

    Caring for small kittens

    Breeding cats at home as a business is quite profitable, but only if the breed of the animal is confirmed by the appropriate documents. It is no secret that the price depends not only on the breed, but also on the elite origin. If the kitten’s parents have awards and medals for participating in exhibitions, then the price of the cub automatically increases several times. Therefore, if you have already started doing this business, then the participation of your pets in exhibitions should become an integral part of life.

    Kittens that are being prepared for sale must be taught the basic rules of living in an apartment. It is necessary to accustom the animals to the tray, develop a diet, and the animals should not be aggressive, they must be played with, accustom to handling, and bathing. Kittens need to be loved, and then raising animals will not seem like a difficult task to you.

    Business advertising

    If your pets are ready for sale, you should conduct a competent advertising campaign. There are several options to help you inform potential buyers.

    Internet advertising. You can place your ad on a popular website. Most people look for information about purchasing animals there. You can also create your own website selling purebred cats.

    Video on the topic Video on the topic

    Business profit

    A cat breeding business can bring you a good and constant income. Your profit will depend on the breed and elite origin of the animal. The cost of a kitten may vary significantly, monitor the prices and determine the optimal price at which you agree to sell the animal.

    Is it profitable to breed cats?

    No one can answer this question for you with accuracy. As in any other area of ​​entrepreneurship, the cat breeding business will be profitable for some, and unprofitable for others. It all depends on many important nuances that significantly affect the cost of the animal.

    Therefore, you can only find out whether it is profitable to breed cats through your own experience. It is not necessary, at the initial stage, to turn cat breeding into the main way of generating income; such an activity is more of a hobby, an additional opportunity to make a profit.

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