• The best statuses for Odnoklassniki. The best statuses in Odnoklassniki and VKontakte - selection


    This page contains a selection of the best statuses for the Odnoklassniki website for all occasions for men and women: funny statuses, funny, with meaning about life, about love, wise statuses, sad statuses.

    • Cool statuses for Odnoklassniki, funny statuses;
    • Beautiful statuses for Odnoklassniki with meaning about life;
    • Statuses for Odnoklassniki about love;
    • Statuses for Odnoklassniki: wise thoughts;
    • Sad statuses for Odnoklassniki.

    Funny statuses for Odnoklassniki: funny statuses

    Undressing a sleeping child is like defusing a bomb; one sudden movement means minus 4 hours of sleep.
    The sun is shining but not warming, vacation is warming but not shining...
    To all the girls who are waiting for a prince on a white horse, I inform you that the horse is dead! I'm walking, so I'm delayed...
    Don’t make me angry - there’s already nowhere to hide the corpses. I'm kidding, I'm kidding - in fact there are plenty of places...
    I got up at 4 o'clock in the morning, broke my fishing rod, flushed worms down the toilet, cut up my rubber boots and boat, and then went to bed and gently pressed myself against my husband's back. I had no more than an hour to live
    At heart I am a very kind and sensitive person... But as soon as I get out of the shower, I’m such a bastard!
    -Darling, do we have anything to eat? -Eat everything you find in the refrigerator. -Oh, my hostess! Did you make the ice yourself?
    Dad, dad, who is that there, in the corner - shaggy, with red eyes, sitting all night??? - Don’t be afraid, daughter, this is our mother in Odnoklassniki...
    At least they talk about women's logic! Nothing is known about men at all!
    In order to identify the leader in an unfamiliar team, pay attention to whose desktop there is an air conditioner remote control.
    You become an adult not when you stop listening to your mother, but when you realize that your mother was right!
    Love is a struggle of the sexes: both opponents know well what they want, and all means seem legal to them.
    · One, looking into a puddle, sees dirt in it, and the other sees stars reflected in it.
    Today I have a musical attitude towards life... I don’t care about everything!
    I live for those who need me... I am friends only with those in whom I am confident. I communicate with those who are pleasant... And grateful to those who appreciate!!!
    Never doubt your attractiveness! Remember: scales lie, people are jealous, and the mirror is generally crooked!
    A woman is like salt; it is not sweet with her, but without her it is not tasty.
    Everywhere is good, where we are not, but we will definitely be there and ruin everything...
    Who is more valuable than anyone in the world! Well, of course our children! bunnies, suns, flowers! our daughters and sons!
    Give me pills for greed: more, more...
    Female meanness is to notice that a friend has lost weight and not tell her about it
    5 years - mom knows everything; 10 years - mom knows something; 15 years old - mom, what does she know? 20 years old - I should have listened to my mother!

    Beautiful statuses for Odnoklassniki about life with meaning

    Those who supported me when I fell, now hold on, we are taking off!
    Life is not about the days that have passed, but about those that are remembered.
    Life is like a game of poker: you always have to be prepared for someone else's bluff and have an ace up your sleeve.
    Life is a fairy tale that everyone writes for themselves.
    Life is like a piano: the key is black, the key is white, the lid...
    If we can master one day at a time, we have the key to life itself...
    The best way to keep your promise is to not make it.
    Life is like mathematics, until you calculate everything you won’t get the result.
    The most best road- the one that leads home.
    Life is too short to imitate anyone, better be yourself.
    Look forward with hope, backward with gratitude, upward with faith, and around with love.
    · A new life begins with the disposal of previous mistakes.
    If you sow an action, you will reap a habit; if you sow a habit, you will reap a character; if you sow a character, you will reap a destiny.
    Time has only one problem - sooner or later it runs out.
    There are no cowardly men. Either a man or a coward.
    · Desire to start new life- not from a good life.
    Weak people believe in luck, strong people believe in cause and effect.
    · Life is a cross-country race in which everyone strives to get ahead in order to reach the finish line last.
    Getting up at 7 am for work is torture, pain and tears. Getting up at 5 am to travel abroad is easy!
    · There is nothing complicated in life. We are the ones who are complex. Life is a simple thing, and the simpler it is, the more correct it is.
    Life is like hot tea. Burning, but ok with sweets!
    · Life is a wonderful adventure, worthy of enduring failures for the sake of success.
    Life is always fair, it just tests your strength sometimes...
    · You need to live in such a way that your presence is necessary, and your absence is noticeable...
    If no one criticizes you, it means you have not yet achieved success.
    The life given to us is short by nature, but the memory of a life well lived remains forever...
    Everyone must pay for their own stupidity, otherwise they will never grow wiser.
    · We are all mired in the swamp, but some of us are looking at the stars. Oscar Wilde
    The best teacher in life is experience. True, he charges a lot, but he explains it clearly.
    · Life is the art of extracting significant benefits from minor circumstances. Samuel Butler
    When they really wait for us, we return even from the other world.
    The main thing is to believe in yourself. The opinions of others change daily.
    Don't try to fix the past. Better make every effort not to ruin the future.
    With the onset of a crisis, losers and lazy people finally have an explanation for why everything is bad for them and who is to blame for it.
    The more difficult the chosen path, the fewer fellow travelers.
    I try to avoid problems, but they seem to like me.
    Life is short! Break the rules! Goodbye quickly! Kiss slowly! Love sincerely! Laugh uncontrollably!
    Live now, not just once! There is only one life and it is not given twice!
    Our whole life is a game! Play nice!

    Statuses for Odnoklassniki about love

    Inexperienced love says: “I love you because I need you,” experienced love: “I need you because I love you.”
    · Love is a game of cards in which both bluff: one to win, the other so as not to lose.
    Love is a disease that has new symptoms every time.
    · Love is the only axiom that requires constant proof.
    Life is like a piano. White keys represent love and happiness, black keys represent grief and sadness. To hear the real music of life, we must touch both.
    · Love was invented in order to equalize the smart with the fools.
    Love is the only thing you can give and still have it.
    · Love does not tolerate those who have pointedly turned their backs on it for too long. Love loves the decisive and courageous, who do not make mistakes precisely because they are not afraid to make them.
    One-sided love is suffering cured by another love.
    · Love is a game. Whoever said “I love you” first lost...
    It is not difficult to kill love in yourself, it is difficult to kill memories.
    · If my boyfriend leaves for someone else, I don’t regret him. Since childhood, my mother taught me to give away old toys to those less fortunate!
    Love is like a cat. She scratches us until we bleed, even if we only wanted to play with her.
    Everyone can love. But not everyone can be loved. If you want to become one, love the one who loves you.
    I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.
    Appreciate those people who sincerely talk about their feelings, because they are the bravest, most faithful and reliable.
    A girl in love would rather forgive a major indiscretion than a small infidelity.
    Separation has one big advantage, because only after parting with a person do you feel who he really is to you and how much you need him.
    And even though his name is the same as half of the globe... for me it still sounds special...
    The one who values ​​the relationship more is always the first to ask for forgiveness, not the one who is actually to blame.
    A million words, a million phrases, A million sweet and loving eyes. A million roses, a million orchids, a million snow-white swans... But I have one, only YOU, And I don’t need any flowers...
    Love is the only thing that makes a Man stronger, a Woman more beautiful, a Man kinder, a Soul lighter, and life more beautiful! I wish you love!
    The heart can withstand the pain of separation, distance and time... but it can break from one careless word.
    Look into your child's eyes. What you see is called love, and what you feel at this moment is called happiness!
    You have to be able to close a boring book, leave a bad movie and part with people who don’t value you...
    If you have love, then you don't need anything else. If you don't have love, it doesn't matter what else you have.
    It’s a shame, it’s difficult, it hurts, but I’ve had enough, enough is enough!! I don’t know what will happen next, but I’m letting you go...
    Love is the most best cosmetics, it amazingly decorates the face of a woman in love.
    When you leave, leave me in the rain so that I don’t cry alone...
    Love is when you are not compared to anyone, because they know that there is no one better than you.
    If you love me, then I will move mountains! if you don’t love, then the neck.
    Love is not where it’s good with someone, love is when we feel bad without someone!
    For every Shrek there is a Feona who will be purple that he is green!
    Love doesn't pass by. She's biding her time.
    Love is a temporary state and often ends in marriage.
    Love is when sometimes you try on HIS surname and think whether it SOUNDS or not...

    Statuses for Odnoklassniki: wise thoughts with meaning

    You will never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
    Obstacles seem too big to us because we are on our knees in front of them. Honoré Mirabeau
    Only we ourselves can create heaven on Earth.
    The greatest pleasure is to do what others think you cannot do. (Walter Badgett)
    If you want to rejoice for a moment, take revenge; if you want to rejoice all your life, forgive. (Franz Peter Schubert)
    One of the laws of life says that as soon as one door closes, another opens.
    Don’t even think about why the person did this or that to you. It is enough to understand one simple truth: the offended try to offend, the happy try to make happy. That's all.
    You must have a dream so that you can get up in the morning.
    If he wants you in his life, he will achieve it. You don't have to fight for the right to be with him.
    Do you know what is the worst thing in life? Give up. This is the easiest thing.
    Love and be loved - this is the greatest happiness.
    If yours former men they want to be with you again: it means you were better than those who came before you and much better than those who came after.

    Sad statuses for Odnoklassniki

    Sorry dear, but I'm tired. Forgive me, but I'll go. I've been looking for the key for too long, but I can't see the right thing in my heart.
    The melancholy is not from the lack of men, but from the absence of one loved one.
    There is no point in happiness if there is no one to share it with...
    Another day in which there was everything except you.
    I have heard a lot in life - promises, oaths, but the best thing I have heard is silence. There are no lies in it.
    Happy even in his melancholy is the one to whom God has given a soul worthy of love and misfortune. Victor Hugo
    There are times when the best lighting for your further path is a flaming bridge behind you!
    Sadness before a long journey is quite natural, even when a person knows that happiness awaits him at the end of this road. M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”
    Some people have something to remember, while others have only what they want to forget.
    Just as a tree quietly drops its leaves, so I drop sad words. Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin
    The resentment will go away, the trust will not return.
    The price for individuality is loneliness.
    People who hurt us don’t want to do us harm, they want to do themselves good!
    The more people around you, the more acutely you feel your loneliness.
    · Sometimes you just want to cry, cry for no reason, realizing that you have lost a lot of things... but everything could have been different.
    – I’m covered in scars that hurt and ache... – Something is not noticeable... – My soul is covered with them...
    · And it doesn’t seem sad... And it doesn’t even hurt... But it’s wildly empty... And the tears involuntarily...
    I want a heart of stone so that I don’t feel any resentment, pain, or disappointment.
    · Sadness in the soul cannot be covered with dark glasses.
    It is not autumn that is to blame for our sadness, but only the absence of spring in our souls...
    This is how you all live: without meaning, without purpose and without brains.
    Stabs in the back are most often inflicted by those whom you protect with your chest.
    We often say that everything is fine, but at night we suffocate from pain.
    And I closed the gates to my soul. Some people simply cannot understand me... They often tell me that I am beautiful... I would like to exchange beauty for happiness...
    Now someone is born, dies, laughs, enjoys life, catches snow with their palms, falls in love, lives, gets sick, loves, cries, and I just listen to music, while crying for you.
    Losing someone you loved is scary, but it’s even worse to never meet him.
    I sit and move a brush over a sheet of paper - I draw love... But for some reason I use dark colors...
    I like rain. You can hide your tears in it...
    I don’t need much - I just want you to be next to me... Here and now.

    I hope the article “The coolest new statuses for your Odnoklassniki page for free” was useful to you.

    A slight sympathy, an impatiently awaited date, a hint of something more, nostalgia for the past - all display specially created cool statuses for classmates, and phrases for them only complement the ease of communication. After all, this age group people of the same period, in which youth flowed or is currently flowing, feelings arise, and not necessarily mutual. Together you can laugh at past pranks, remember past experiences over trifles, and outline your current credo. And what will help you accomplish this act is not a debate or a round table meeting, but the “cool statuses for classmates” section.

    It is unlikely that you will want to solve international problems and quote classics when communicating with classmates, although this is not forbidden. For this purpose, there are official events in office centers or specially organized debates of political scientists. The best period of life - school youth - is characterized by ease of communication, when almost every interlocutor becomes your friend in a minute, because they share a common interest and the same status in society. AND social network- not an exception.

    By wisely using cool statuses for classmates, you can tell a lot in an ironic tone about yourself, your hobbies, and your friends. Why ironic? Yes, because there is already enough seriousness in life, but humor is always in demand, especially in youth society. Jokes, anecdotes, caricatures - everything is received with a bang, and this only lifts the mood. I want to be original and hooligan, presenting cool statuses for my classmates in this communication group, funny, perky, but, most importantly, new ones every day. And a site where you can dig up an icon that reflects your current state, one hundred percent hitting the top ten, helps a lot in this regard.

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    Don’t give up your soul or your book or they’ll tear it up

    I see no point in regretting the past. It didn't spare me...

    Life chooses your best friends.

    The one who doesn’t give up, who is always ready to fight for it, is worthy of love!!!

    Life brings surprises, happy is the one who bears them!

    People who love each other will be together not because they have forgotten all their mistakes, but because they were able to forgive them.

    In our age, having sex is a trifle that does not oblige you to anything, and giving flowers is a serious act, which not everyone can decide to do.

    Love is when they throw dirty shoes and cacti at you and pour ice water from balconies at you, the cat whispered sadly.

    Most often, it happens that after giving the key to her heart to her lover, the next day a woman changes the lock.

    Man, is that your Jaguar standing in front of the club entrance? - My. - Will I finish my drink?)

    In this article you will find a selection of “fresh” statuses for every day.

    About life: the best statuses for Odnoklassniki and Contact

    • Winnie the Pooh lives well in the world! If I had his problems, I would also live well...
    • I read the news and don’t know how to react: it seems like it’s time to cry, but I feel like laughing. Nervous, probably.
    • If you won't tell me what to do, I won't tell you where to go.
    • Sometimes things change. Your attitude towards people, things, events... This is neither bad nor good. It's just life.
    • Bright Future reminds me of Scarlett O'Hara. Instead of finally coming, it decides to “think about it tomorrow.”
    • Everyone is actively losing weight, doing fitness, at worst half-dancing, learning Chinese and mastering the new kind extreme cross-stitching, and I... I fry cutlets for my husband in the most primitive frying pan and am quite happy with life. Happiness is in the little things.
    • I don't swear. I use profanity to constructively express hidden emotions.

    About relationships

    The most best statuses in Odnoklassniki, of course, it’s about love and relationships. For example, these:

    • Looking for a prince. Please do not contact horses.
    • If my status is “actively searching,” it means that I’m lying on the couch and waiting for the men of my dreams to fall from the ceiling.
    • If a guy has the status of “actively searching,” this does not exclude the presence of a couple of ladies who consider themselves “the one and only.”

    • Yesterday I broke up. Today - in tears. Tomorrow I will go to conquer new heights.
    • If a girl calls first, it's not because she has no one else to call. She fucking likes you.
    • You need to strive not for her to change her status in Odnoklassniki to “in love,” but for her to be happy with you.
    • Love is not when you look beautiful together, but when you cannot live without each other.
    • When I see your message, I smile. Without even knowing what's inside. Just because you remember me.
    • There is no such thing as “comfortable” in love. Can be comfortable with music and books. And “your” person should cause a storm of emotions. Otherwise, this is not love, but a profitable existence, like “you for me, I for you.”

    About work

    If you are interested in the best Odnoklassniki statuses about work, read this small selection.

    • In the morning you want to sleep, in the afternoon you want to eat, in the evening you want to go on a break. And when to work?!
    • The work will not work itself. Stop sleeping, go plow!

    • I work like in a fairy tale: the boss is Koschey the Immortal, his deputy is Baba Yaga, the team is geese-swans, and I am a hybrid of Ivanushka the Fool and Marya the Mistress.
    • The most effective alarm clock is a call from your boss: “Where are you anyway?”
    • I love Thursday. Because after Friday comes Saturday. The main thing is to start thinking about it on Wednesday, and that’s it - the week is a success!

    And let’s add a few more to the collection “The best statuses in Odnoklassniki”:

    • If you don't like your job, it's time to change something: either your job or your attitude towards it.
    • The boss’s catchphrase: “No one is irreplaceable!” Until it comes to vacation. Then you realize that you are the only one.

    About friends

    • Happiness is when there is a person in your life whom you call in deep depression, and hang up with a smile from ear to ear.
    • Friends are people too. And they have the right to privacy. Your own, not someone else's.
    • Friendship does not tolerate subjunctive moods.

    • If a friend talks about his problems, this does not mean that he is complaining. He just trusts you.
    • It's not scary if you have no friends. It's scary if they are envious and corrupt.
    • A friend is not someone who does stupid things with you. And the one who keeps them away.

    The best statuses for Odnoklassniki about vacation

    • Even my bag travels more often than I do.
    • Summer, sea, sun, beach...
      This is clearly not about us.
      Summer, rain, garden -
      People are having fun.
    • Egypt, Turkey, Maldives... It’s good where we are not... Vegetable garden, potatoes, weeding - this is the harsh reality.
    • When going on vacation, don’t forget to tell everyone that you are roaming. There will be fewer people willing to call for work.

    • After such a vacation, you need another one - to relax.
    • Do you want to become pumped up and tanned in a couple of weeks? Go on vacation to the country!
    • Boss, make me happy! Send me... on vacation!
    • To have a good rest, you need to work hard.
    • Vacation is two weeks of blissful doing nothing.

    New love has nothing in common with old love, love is always new.

    A person will be able to understand who he really is only when they begin to accept him for who he is.

    Let your eyes always shine with love and affection!

    Offending a Woman is so simple and easy. Just a word or a careless gesture. But it's better to let it reach the clouds. And this can also be done in one word...

    Love and gentleness are the main weapons of the gentle sex. It is known that there is no power in the Universe greater than the power of Love. This energy can change anything. Therefore, the strongest can be called the most loving.

    And my man will definitely be with me. They all come back - sooner or later.

    His thoughts smelled of vanilla and orange zest, and his world was filled with beautiful rhyming words. And he knew for sure that love was about to touch his heart.”

    Happiness is where love is, and what less words, the stronger the feelings will be.

    The past is not clothing, it cannot be bought, and it is difficult to throw it away later.


    Everything has changed: the look and the views. And, may we be in a thousand networks, God grant that we may be glad. Always love your children. I know true happiness. I know what's most important. Oh my God! Protect my child from all misfortunes!

    When the heart of a man and a woman is filled with love, another heart is needed - the heart of a child...

    Law of Nature: Everything beautiful is very dangerous! Ah, I wonder why they are afraid of me!)))

    You say I'm your dream, but that doesn't mean I'm going to come true.

    Love is a delicious flower, but it takes courage to walk to the edge and pluck it.

    Under the same sky... in the same city... with a smile we break each other’s hearts...

    You can call me your girlfriend. I will call you My little world.

    Don't hug anyone you have to. Not everything is good that comes easy.

    Now I am with you forever... I kiss you deeply, YOUR PAIN!!!

    If your mind and your heart are in constant motion, then why do you worry about it? After all, only those who have stopped making mistakes and stopped loving can bury themselves alive.

    First you took the whole world away from me and replaced it with yourself, and then you took yourself away...

    For the sake of some people, sometimes I’m ready to go all-in...

    Often when we fall in love, we forget about our friends. There is no need to do this. True friends help us understand who we really are, and we especially need them in moments of joy and sorrow.

    Men hang out not because they are strays and bastards, but because ALL WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL

    The sky drops your name in drops, your name whispers the music of the rain... Only the sky, only the rain understands how bored my heart is without you...

    If you want someone to remain in your life, never treat them indifferently...

    Try to become the most important reason to live in someone's spring!!!

    The World Health Organization has recognized love as a mental disorder and assigned it the international code F63.9. But, perhaps, this is the only disease that everyone needs to get over :)

    It is better to work with love than to make love with difficulty.

    Men who value their woman, but do not notice everyone else, do not exist.

    As long as a butterfly can fly, it doesn't matter how worn out its wings are...

    In search of the best, you can miss the present, which is possibly the best (((

    New statuses for classmates
    I came home today, I’m just crying inconsolably..., I was abandoned..., I poured a glass of wine, sat down in front of the mirror, looked at my reflection - NO, I DIDN’T Abandoned, I WAS LOST...)))

    They say that power is on the side of those who don’t care anymore... How I would like this power to be on my side...

    And I am happy. But, I'm only happy when I have some hope. Hope for love, for the fulfillment of my desires. For reciprocity. Then all the signs of love are on your face: your eyes sparkle, your heart beats faster...


    A child is the truth of love.

    She was beautiful... The trail of her perfume made you follow her! He fell in love... BUT then she opened her mouth!

    Life is a flower... And love is nectar... Everyone is on a course with the bees)))

    A bachelor is a person who has a table and a sofa, and the history of the sofa is much richer))))

    I don’t know myself without you. Without you, I’m still without myself. I can’t imagine myself without you. So save yourself for me!!!

    We cannot do great things - only small things with great love.

    How did it all start?... How was it?... It’s all simple - plus and minus and sparkle...

    Don’t stir up the ashes of the past... otherwise they will circle in the light air, getting into your eyes... calling for my tears...

    I’m like the ocean - she loves to swim in it, but she’s afraid to swim far...

    Locking your feelings away means dooming yourself to unhappiness!

    Don't chase happiness: it is always within you. A person is happy when his soul becomes good. It is impossible to be happy alone: ​​happiness is a matter of two.

    What the woman says to a loving person, written on the wind and fast flowing water.

    I don't need words to tell you that you are everything I want...

    Friendship between a man and a woman does not honor the man and deprives the woman of honor.

    Fate once told us: I found you, I connected you! Don't expect any other gifts from me! What is sacred, save it yourself!!!

    I miss, I miss, I miss... But I won’t call. There is no logic, but it is correct.

    While your hearts are beating, fight for your life to the end!!!

    If you have good intentions, great things will happen.

    The most interesting thing about him was my sympathy. Now it’s like that, nothing special, just like everyone else...

    The eyes saw tits of the fifth size, the head began to spin, the heart began to pound, the trousers became tight... And only the wallet trembled with fear and hid...

    Only for you is my love, only for you do I dream! And every time, again and again, I say: - I need you!

    Invite me to a Japanese restaurant and I will become your geisha for a while...

    Don't give up. Happiness is in your hands, crooked ones.

    A bird may fall in love with a fish, but where should they live?

    Who needs teary eyes now? Crumpled soul? Fake smile? Broken heart? No one will undertake to fix this...

    There is no better monument to a father on earth than his son.

    The most unbearable torments are caused by prolongation of the most intense pleasures.

    New statuses for classmates
    I love expensive cars, beautiful shoes, silk underwear, headbands, cute dogs and kittens... Come on, I love everything. Just not to love you...

    I can’t understand with whom it’s better - who do you love with your soul or who do you love with your body?

    People are like windows. Some are closed, others are open. Some have transparent glass, others are curtained. Some are forever broken, others reflect bright lights

    Previously, for me, YOU and I were the meaning of life, but now it’s just a combination of letters!!!

    A man in love seeks peace, not war. Nothing irritates a man more than an aggressive woman.

    Treat yourself... And others will definitely treat you...)))

    Delete me everywhere - I’ll still dream about you...

    People should be judged not for their sincere feelings, but for their insincerity towards their family and friends...

    Don’t yell at the one you love, you won’t win love by shouting, you will only receive hatred.

    You know, my love for you is the size of a sparrow’s tear... This may seem small to you, but don’t forget that sparrows die when they cry...

    Seeing the truth is possible only with the heart; essence is that which is invisible to the eye.

    We all live deeply hiding our true desires. And only cats have the courage to live for their own pleasure.

    You can't please everyone and not be a hypocrite.

    When you can’t influence something, influence what you can influence.

    I'm fine. I have nothing to please you with.

    Don't ruin what you have by wanting what you don't have!!!

    The world is certainly a small place, but this does not mean that we need to push each other.

    He who feeds the hungry feeds his own soul.

    In our turbulent age, the ability to enjoy every moment of life has, alas, become an unaffordable luxury for many.

    Sometimes, it is better to leave those habits that you are already accustomed to than to change to worse ones.

    New statuses for classmates

    Don't push the girl into a corner. She will cry at night, think for a day, and YOU will be the one looking for the corner...

    I'm not jealous. I guard my happiness...

    I love you every second, minute, hour, day and night, week, month, year and century. We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart.

    Don't lose the worthy for the sake of the affordable!

    All I have to do is turn on the computer and that’s it... the end of all my grandiose plans for the day!

    Life is short, and you need to spend it only on one, real relationship, with the person you love and who loves you, because if there is love, then it cannot just pass away, which means that if there is love, then with Always be this person, no matter what happens.

    Beautiful statuses for classmates - I want to be with you until your last breath... both in joy and when you feel bad.

    To hell with rose-colored glasses - they don’t suit me, to hell with the past - it prevents me from being in the present... To hell with everything that happened - I’m happy!..

    I want to go where the stars are, where there is a sea of ​​jubilant joy and aching delight...

    Give each other warmth and smiles. Forgive insults and other people's mistakes. A smile is omnipotent and worth the reward. Just a smile and you will be welcome.

    She forgets her keys in the morning and, when returning to get them, she always looks at herself in the mirror, because she believes in omens. She eats a lot of apples, but is in love with oranges. She always smiles, but sometimes she hates everyone. She believes in the future, but lives in the past

    There are things more important than bars and clubs. There are feelings. Smiles. And your favorite lips.

    Happiness is that moment when a wave of love, inspiration and goosebumps rise within you. This is it... real...

    Lifestyle... If music, then an alternative... If you love, then... with all your heart... If you dissolve, then... without a trace... If you leave, then... beautifully in English... If it’s morning, then... in a tender embrace... If you cry, then... with happiness... If it’s time of day, then... night... If you live, then... brightly... If it’s a feeling , then... sincerity... If a look, then... beloved eyes... If you walk, then... by the hand... If you hope, then ONLY FOR YOURSELF...

    The photos on my hard drive constantly remind me of a past life in which everything was different...

    And then I found out that the clouds are not soft, you cannot touch the sky with your hand, toys do not come to life at night, sand cakes are not edible, and there are only 2 princes left on earth. And my life collapsed...

    It’s strange... I don’t think about you anymore, but my dreams still want us to be together!

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it can be so annoying for others that it's worth a try.

    We love to dress beautifully, they love to undress beautifully, we love strength and firmness in them, they love fragility and tenderness in us, we know how to kill with a look, they - with a word...

    Sometimes it hurts so much that it’s impossible to breathe, then the pain dulls and becomes easier, but then you forget everything, but the pain still remains in your heart...

    Love also has autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of his beloved knows it.

    Finding wealth, we lose conscience. When we find a woman, we lose our minds. Finding the truth, we lose faith. While we find power, we lose honor. And only after losing everything do we find freedom!

    The first snow is a wonderful phenomenon!! First you wait for it for a long, long time, and then you watch with delight as snowflakes wrap the world in a white shroud

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