• Last call script for a trip to the island. Gratitude to the school from students in verse


    1st presenter.
    A cheerful day has flared up,
    The streets are noisy with the sea,
    From open windows schools
    The guys' voices are heard.

    2nd presenter.
    Today the school bell will ring,
    Which will not be quite ordinary.
    The thread of that habitual series will be interrupted,
    When lesson changed to lesson.

    1st presenter.
    The graduation class is noisy, worried,
    Voices are ringing with a farewell echo,
    The school ship raised its sails.
    And now a completely different path awaits him.

    The music “They teach at school...” plays not loudly, gradually intensifying.

    2nd presenter.
    Let's salute the brave
    Past storms of turbulent school years.
    Marching into life along the path of victories, -
    Graduates are solemn and important!

    “They teach at school” sounds loudly, Graduates enter.

    1st presenter. Dear graduates!
    2nd presenter. Dear teachers!

    1st presenter. Dear moms and dads!
    2nd presenter. Dear guests!

    1st presenter. We allow the ceremonial line dedicated to the Last Bell 2013 to be considered open.

    The Russian Anthem is playing.

    2nd presenter. To read out the order for the school, the floor is given to the school director E.A. Orlova.

    The director reads the order on the admission of graduates to the exams and congratulates the graduates.

    To the director:

    Student: Popova M.

    To root for everything in the world with your soul,
    To delve into everything, to give up your whole life,
    So that children gain knowledge,
    And they could understand the purpose of life.
    Thank you, our dear director,
    We are grateful to you to the point of tears.
    We don’t know where you get your strength,
    Pulling such a heavy cart!

    Student: Shchutskaya K.

    Director, your work is not easy.
    Probably nothing can measure it,
    Your every day is theater and battle
    And you have the strength to believe in victory!
    Bringing teaching light,
    You are altruists by nature
    And in human culture
    There are no such professions anymore!

    1. Song for the director(to the tune of “Everything for you” by S. Mikhailov) (Appendix 2)

    Student: K. Shchutskaya. The alumni council decided to reward the director of our school, E.A. Orlova, with a valuable gift for her dedicated work.

    Head teacher:

    Student: Zakurdaev I.

    So that the learning process is clear
    Went to school -
    The head teacher has concerns
    Find a solution to this
    So make a schedule
    So that the load is evenly
    Encourage children's desire
    Do everything at school
    Don't discourage children
    Learn the lessons firmly
    Masham, Valya, Yulyam, Petyam,

    Student: Tkachenok Yu.

    Look into the origins of knowledge.
    The head teacher keeps control over:
    At school the whole process is educational
    That's why his roles are significant.
    The head teacher is notable in his position
    It's a mess without him
    Inconsistencies, vanity,
    Where the Head Teacher is, it’s immediately quiet,
    Where the Head Teacher is - Beauty!

    Student:Zakurdaev I. The Alumni Council decided: to reward for fairness and rigor the deputy directors for academic and educational
    work of E.V. Rybalchenko and O.M. Sibilev with a valuable gift and a memorable address.

    2nd presenter. The response to congratulate and greet the graduates on behalf of the teachers is given to the head teacher E.V. Rybalchenko.

    1st presenter.

    We have a lot of guests today -
    Alumni, colleagues, friends,
    Touch the school threshold,
    Be sad with your school.

    2nd presenter. The floor for congratulations is given to the head of the Kansky district L.N. Krasnoshapko.

    1st presenter. The word for greetings and congratulations is provided (we list the names of the guests).

    1st presenter.

    School years like steps
    They took me up high for a long time
    The time has come to look back:
    They are sitting with you in this room right now
    Those who have been eleven long years
    They equally shared the burden of troubles and victories.

    Student: Moseychuk I. Today, May 24, 2013, we say goodbye to childhood and leave for the Big Life. And all our words of gratitude to you today,
    dear school, to you, beloved teachers! (So ​​here we go!)

    Student: Tkachenok Yu.

    Hail to the teacher, who gives us knowledge
    Giver of heart, living at school.
    There are no random, cold people here
    There are no such teachers.

    Student: Popova M.

    We are lucky to study at this school
    Every teacher can be proud.
    There are many pearls in the school crown:
    The chemist and lyricist is important and needed here.
    Every lighthouse is a guide for us
    We went with them from class to class.

    Student: Pankina V.

    Oh, school, school, where are you?
    Where are our childhood dreams?
    And all of our teachers?
    We part, loving you.
    The last bell will ring,
    He won't call us to class.

    Student: Khromykh I.

    You all taught us how to live.
    We should thank you
    You will forgive us for our mistakes.
    We will remember and love you,
    Let's not forget our school
    And your kind smiles.

    To the first teacher

    Student: Popova M.

    On days of celebrations and inconspicuous everyday life -
    God knows in what year, in what region -
    We kind words let's not forget to remember
    Your first teacher!
    That she carefully counted us like chickens,
    When I took you under my “wing”,

    When in the autumn I greeted you warmly
    And she solemnly led into the school walls.
    Thank you for your word, for your science,
    For the hard work of mastered basics,
    For that call that foreshadowed separation,
    For a bright moment and an eternal call of the heart!..

    2. Song for the first teacher based on Natalie’s tune “Oh God, what a man” (Appendix 3)

    Student: Popova M. The Alumni Council decided to reward the first teacher V.N. Savisko with a memorable gift for his dedicated work. We also express our gratitude to the teachers primary classes(Name of teachers).

    1st presenter. The first teacher, V.N. Savisko, is given a response for congratulations.

    2nd presenter: Look, graduates, at the kids who came to greet you. This is how you were 11 years ago. You also saw off the graduates then. Standing in the same place with bells in your hands, you, worried, repeated the memorized poems to yourself. Listen to those who are set to graduate in 2023.

    (The music “School Waltz” plays. First graders come out) Read the words. (Appendix 4)

    First-graders hang bells for graduates.

    The music “School Waltz” is playing.

    A response from graduates to first-graders:

    Student: Zakurdaev I.

    Dressy! Front doors!
    So darling!
    Combed with bows
    They're coming for the girl!

    Student: Sosnovskaya I.

    And the boys are great!
    So cute
    So neat
    That just anywhere.

    Student: Pankina V.

    All former pranksters -
    Today first graders
    Everyone is good today
    They are waiting for you at school!

    Student: Pankina V. And according to tradition, we send you a package from childhood to youth.

    We recommend opening it at your last call in 2023 (copybooks in the form of a parcel).

    Literature teacher

    Student: Zagainova N.
    Everything in a person should be beautiful -
    That's what Uncle Chekhov once said.
    And we should not live our lives in vain
    As one of those poets asked us in verse,
    Whose creativity and life path we studied,
    And whose poems we loved forever! you to us literature on
    “five” taught.

    And we will never forget you!

    3. Song for a wordsmith based on the tune of F. Kirkorov “Diva” (Appendix 5) Student: Zagainova N.

    The Alumni Council decided to award a gift with a memorial address to the teacher of Russian language and literature T.P. Trofimenko for his love of his native word and patience.

    Student: Tkachenok Yu.

    To the class teacher Parting words
    , kind look,
    We rejoiced at our victories together.
    Today each of the guys will say:
    Life was very interesting for you and me!
    It all seems like yesterday
    And even on weekends we worked.
    Excursions, hikes, evenings,

    After all, this is also a little happiness!
    Let everyone envy
    How do you cook and sew with us!
    With such a leader, our class is
    He was in plain sight, always held in high esteem by everyone!
    Thank you for everything you gave us,
    Sorry for the worries and disappointments!
    We wish you love, hope and dreams,

    Ideas, good luck, smiles, inspiration!

    Student: Tkachenok Yu. The Alumni Council decided to reward class teacher O.M. for his patience and endless kindness. Sibilev with a valuable gift.

    1st presenter. The response for congratulations is given to the class teacher O.M. Sibileva.

    Student: Pankina V.

    The intricacies of times
    There are many nuances in grammar,
    But the one who is in love with our English,
    A wonderful road awaits you.

    We want to tell the teacher
    Today we thank you,
    Don't get tired of repeating
    That we could become the best!

    Student: Pankina V. The Alumni Council decided to reward English teacher N.S. Shlepochenko for integrity and rigor with a gift and a memorial address.


    Student: Tkachenok Yu.:

    You have invested everything in us,
    Proving year after year,
    What does mathematics need?
    Not only to count income;
    May a pair of your kind hands

    No voltage controls
    Queen of the recognized sciences!
    Let there be peace and harmony all around!
    We all congratulate you today!

    4. Song for mathematics based on the song “ Oriental tales” gr. Shiny (Appendix 6)

    Student: Tkachenok Yu. The Alumni Council decided: for the clarity and strength of mind to reward N.B. Sergienko with a valuable gift and a memorable address.

    Story. Society, MHC, ORR

    Student: Khromykh I.

    With a light tread you entered the classroom,
    Like the eighth wonder of the world, we were waiting for you,
    You took us away at other times,
    An hour of the lesson flew by unnoticed.

    You are a teacher at MHC,
    And smile at us a little,
    Always smiles at us.
    Like the Mona Lisa through the centuries.

    5. Song for the history teacher based on the song “Doll Masha” by Ivanushka (Appendix 7)

    Student: Khromykh I. The Alumni Council decided: to award the teacher of history, social studies, MHC and ORR E.A. Orlova with a memorial address for her love of life.

    Biology and chemistry

    Student Sosnovskaya I.

    Man, as a part of nature,
    Must know it perfectly:
    How everything works in nature
    Coordinated and harmonious.
    And for your wonderful story
    About the structure of creatures
    We wish different things in life
    The most wonderful miracles to you!

    Once the chemical process has started,
    It is already dangerous to brake him:
    It can make a big noise in a test tube too,
    What will all the previous seem

    6. Song for a biologist and chemist based on a song by gr. Paints “Boys” (Appendix 8)

    Student: K. Shchutskaya. The alumni council decided: to reward the teacher of chemistry and biology V.V. Druzhinin with a gift and a memorable address for his love of life.


    Student: Zakurdaev I.

    Among formulas and laws
    You live at work.
    How do phenomena work?
    You make everything clear to us.

    We are very grateful to you,
    After all, now we won’t be lost:
    We are excellent at physics
    Now we know and rent!

    7. Song for a physics teacher based on a song by gr. Demo “Sun” (Appendix 9)

    Student: Zakurdaev I. The Alumni Council decided: to reward physics teacher E.V. Rybalchenko with a valuable gift for his crystal clear conscience.

    life safety fundamentals

    Student: Tkachenok Yu.

    Kind, strong, like a giant,
    Slim as an ancient Greek,
    And he knows everything about life safety
    And all the cataclysms.
    He will tell you how to behave,

    When laughter is out of place,
    How to survive in the snow
    Don't get sick in a snowstorm.
    Where is the body of water safe?
    How to tan evenly.

    8. Song to OBZhist based on the Russian folk song “Oh, the viburnum is blooming...” (Appendix 10)

    Student: Tkachenok Yu. The Alumni Council decided: to award the teacher-organizer of life safety N.Yu. Voitovich for school safety is valuable
    a gift and a memorial address.

    Computer science

    9. A song for a computer scientist based on a song from the film. Adventure Electronics “What has progress come to” (Appendix 11)

    Student: Khromykh I. The Alumni Council decided: to reward computer science teacher A.A. Pazhinsky for his communication skills with a memorable address.


    Student Moseychuk I.

    Someone is sewing, and the guys are whittling,
    They drive nails like crazy
    The lessons with you were not in vain
    We remember everything - we forgot nothing.
    Measure seven times and cut once.
    Smell the glue, fry it, eat it.

    Hammer a nail, wash the stove,
    How to manage everything - the question is?
    How should we distribute things?
    Who should cut? Who should cook?
    Who should drill? Who should I stitch up?
    The question is: how will we live?

    10. Song for technologists based on a song from the m.f. “Bremen Town Musicians” Song of the Robbers (Appendix 12)

    Student: Moseychuk I. The Alumni Council decided to reward technology teacher T.M. Ganchin with a gift and a memorial address for his hard work.


    Zagainova's student N.

    We studied cities and countries.
    We wandered through the valleys and mountains.
    Now we know where bananas grow
    Where do tea and coffee come from?
    And where, what language will be useful to us.
    And where and what miracles to marvel at.
    We are not afraid to get lost in the world
    Now he is no stranger to us.

    11. Song to a geographer based on the tune “Ocean and Three Rivers” by V. Meladze and gr. “ViaGra” (Appendix 13)

    Student: N. Zagainova. The Alumni Council decided to reward geography teacher N.G. Bondukhova with a gift and a memorial address for her comprehensive development.

    Physical training

    Student Moseychuk I.

    Olympic hopes
    They tried to raise us
    Look at the boys -
    Well, it’s not in vain that you worked hard!
    It doesn't matter that their records
    The Olympics are not equal.

    Let them still be eaglets
    In the future there are eagles.
    And girls, look
    How slim and graceful
    Athletics and running
    They take it seriously.

    12. Song for physical education teachers based on the song from gr. Factory “About Love...” (Appendix 14)

    Student: Moseychuk I. The Alumni Council decided: for openness and sociability, to reward physical education teacher S.O. Petrov with a gift and a memorable address.

    To parents:

    Student: Popova M.

    Well, how can we not remember today those
    Who shared with us joy, sorrow, laughter
    Who collected for school every day
    And sometimes he burned with shame for us...

    Student: Shchutskaya K.

    Parents! We are nowhere without you!
    Any trouble with you is not a problem!
    And joy - so full of fun!
    After all, you still have a long time to study with us...

    Student: Sosnovskaya I. Our dear mothers and fathers! Admire it! Your kids have grown up! What you see in front of you is the result of your daily work!

    It was we who provided you with life in extreme situations all these years! It is to us that you owe the unbearable days that smoothly turn into sleepless nights!

    Student: Zagainova N. Yes! We didn’t always bring you only joy and diaries proudly swollen with A’s.

    Hand on heart, we are ready to admit that we cannot be called exemplary children!

    Student: Tkachenok Yu. But we know: no matter what we do, no matter what we throw out, you will attribute everything to a protracted transitional age and you will
    love us even more.

    And we want to tell you a secret: All: We love you very much too!

    Song for parents “Where does childhood go?”

    2nd presenter. The solemn right to tie “Graduate 2013” ​​ribbons is given to parents of graduates.

    The music “They teach at school” plays. Parents knit ribbons. Everyone takes pictures.

    For veteran teachers

    Student: Popova Maria

    Low bow to you veterans,
    For your hard, necessary work
    For all the children you raised
    And those who will grow up soon.

    For your affection and attention -
    For sincerity and kindness.
    For courage and understanding,
    For sensitivity, wisdom, simplicity.

    Student: Pankina V. The Alumni Council decided: to reward veterans of teaching work with sweet gifts for their dedication to the school: full name of veterans of teaching work.

    Psychological and pedagogical support

    Cooks, service staff

    3. Song for a wordsmith based on the tune of F. Kirkorov “Diva” (Appendix 5)

    There are not enough words to express all the feelings,
    Which are overwhelming us now!
    We will say loudly together
    (All in chorus)"Thank you!"
    For the fact that you worked everything for us.

    Pankin's student V.

    Ekaterina is simply a treasure!
    Our organizer is irreplaceable.
    Always smile guys
    She met me very nice.

    Student: Sosnovskaya I.

    To the caretaker - for repairs and order,
    For the cleanliness of the yard we help the janitor
    We would like to say thank you
    After all, the school yard
    It was always swept beautifully.
    For your gigantic work,
    It's so good to have it next to us
    They still live!

    Student: Tkachenok Yu.

    The social worker is simply talented!
    Everyone was happy to meet him!
    He dedicated himself to service
    He was a reliable defender.

    Student: Zagainova A.

    The bus dispatcher is our faithful friend:
    You came to the office with an order-application -
    And she threw us a life-saving circle -
    I tried to send her to intensive care!

    Student: Khromykh I.

    And these are our chefs
    Let's tell them (all together): “Gib-bib “HURRAY”!
    They'll fry pancakes in the morning,
    Delicious borscht will be cooked for lunch,
    Why can't you leave the dining room?

    Student: Shchutskaya K.

    Huge card index
    Kept in the library.
    Svetlana Alexandrovna is an important figure,
    And even somewhat brave!

    Student: Moseychuk I.

    You knew no peace from us,
    And sometimes you scolded us.
    But you and I have always been friends.
    We appreciated you for many things.

    After all, you dragged dirt on us.
    Everything was washed until the morning.
    For this, honor and praise to you.
    Technical staff (All): "HOORAY".

    Student: Moseychuk I. The Alumni Council decided: to award a memorable address for hard work (name of each) to the teacher-organizer, speech therapist, dispatcher, social teacher, librarian. Foreman, cooks, junior service personnel: (name of each).

    2nd presenter. At our school in this academic year There are also ninth-graders. Some of the kids will stay in 10th grade, while others will go on to study further. We give the floor to 9th graders.

    9th grade words

    1st presenter. The word for congratulating the ninth graders is given to the class teacher ___

    2nd presenter. The word for congratulations on behalf of the parents of 9th graders is given to ___

    13. Last song

    To the tune of the song gr. “White Eagle” “How delightful are the evenings in Russia” (Appendix 15)

    2nd presenter.

    In the rain or in the heat,
    But in due date,
    Each new spring
    Last call!

    1st presenter.

    He's the foreplay of the entrance
    Into the infinity of roads,
    He is in any weather
    He will call you over the threshold.

    2nd presenter.

    He is beautiful, desperate,
    Ready to become a springboard
    He signals the beginning
    The main steps in life.

    1st presenter.

    How many promises it contains!
    This ringing calls into the distance.
    It contains the bitterness of farewells,
    And there are a million hopes.

    2nd presenter.

    In the rain or in the heat
    But in due time,
    Every new spring,
    Last call!

    1st presenter. The right to give the last bell in the 2012-2013 academic year is granted to graduate Tkachenok Yuri and 1st grade student Anna Abramova.

    They do a victory lap and the first-graders lead the graduates away to the music of “They Learn at School.”

    2nd presenter. We allow the ceremonial line dedicated to the Last Bell holiday to be considered closed.

    School director is not an easy position,
    You have a great responsibility,
    But you don’t give doubts a chance,
    You are confidently driving the school ship!

    Today we say goodbye to school,
    Life inspires us with a new dream,
    We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
    I wish you good health from the heart!

    Dear Director,
    Thank you too!" we say
    For all the years of leadership
    We sincerely thank you.

    What we collected at our school
    Sensitive, wise team,
    Sowing into children's hearts
    Eternal, kind positive.

    Last school bell rings
    We want to wish you
    Longevity, health,
    Strength to be on time everywhere.

    Let the prestige and status of the school
    They only move up
    And let in bold endeavors
    Success will certainly await you.

    Dear director, throughout all your years of study you have been a wise leader, a competent mentor, a caring and responsive person. Thank you for your sincere participation in the fate of graduates, professionalism and ability to guide and lead. We wish you health and success in your difficult and responsible work.

    Your work is the work of a crew captain,
    Where in every step there is wisdom and struggle.
    You are responsible for everything, always on guard
    Stand strong. And the “hut” is intact,
    And the children in it are the happiest in the world,
    The teachers are reliable and bright.
    Be it in class, or at a teacher's meeting,
    You deserve nothing but praise!
    Look how many couples are looking at you
    Trusting and grateful eyes.
    May our common home prosper forever.
    We are grateful to have you with us!

    We wish you, director, patience,
    Strength of spirit, luck and faith.
    In September there is already a new generation
    It will test your nerves.

    We want to tell you: “Thank you
    For science, for faith, for wisdom,
    For studying, forgiving mistakes,
    Here’s to a happy childhood and youth!”

    You once accepted us into school,
    So that we can gain knowledge.
    Upon admission we were wished good luck
    And learn all your lessons conscientiously!

    They insisted that all this would be useful,
    That we can’t get anywhere in life without knowledge...
    And in the future we will all be proud,
    That we all got here to school!

    Now we say: “You were right.”
    Thank you for this grace...
    We are very glad that you are our director!
    And we are so sorry to leave school!

    Thank you, our director,
    For our neat, clean classroom,
    For the wisest team,
    For your invaluable positivity!

    The responsibility falls on you
    It's like 3 pounds in weight,
    You bore it with honor,
    With a smile, with joy, easily!

    Then the roof needs to be patched up,
    Then punish the scoundrel
    Find a teacher for us,
    When should the director sleep?

    Thank you for everything, for everything,
    May your work be easy from now on,
    Smiles, happiness and kindness,
    Success, joy, warmth.

    Pleasant everyday life and simple ones,
    Just a priceless weekend
    In a family of prosperity and love,
    There is beauty in your whole life!

    The bell rings year after year -
    It is farewell, the last one.
    And see off the graduates
    The director comes again.

    Reliable schools, you are a stronghold,
    Like a rod, strong, strong.
    And from the heart for hard work
    We say “thank you” to you!

    We would like to congratulate you, director,
    Happy day to you last call.
    May your work give you joy,
    After all, your mission is important.

    Thank you for your wisdom,
    For understanding in everything,
    Studying was easy for all of us
    Under your golden wing.

    Who is the sponsor of all the successes of our school?
    Directors' invaluable work!
    He is full of inspiration and strength,
    And, it seems, he even spends the night here,

    And it seems that there are no such moments
    Which he couldn't solve
    Any battle is a victory for him,
    He can teach us a lot,

    Last call, summer is ahead,
    It's time to celebrate the holiday,
    And we will tell the whole class a secret -
    We will miss the director!

    How many worries does the director have?
    But everyone will find an approach.
    The whole school rests on him,
    He understands everything.

    Both discipline and repair,
    Will distribute the educational fund.
    And he will put things in order at school,
    He will establish a routine.

    It's the last call for us,
    And we congratulate you on this.
    Let's say goodbye to school
    We admire you.

    We wish you good health,
    So that the school remains exemplary.
    We wish you inspiration, strength,
    And your work brought you joy.

    The management of the school is in your hands,
    This responsibility is so great.
    We wish you great health,
    So that life is good and easy.

    On graduation day, a “thank you” from everyone!
    May the school always prosper,
    It will be spacious, cozy, beautiful,
    To welcome children again!

    Many thanks to the excellent director,
    For your honesty, integrity, and loyalty,
    For hard work every day, for school work,
    And for order, for repairs and general care!

    We wish you success, love and respect,
    Always good health, great patience,
    To attract rich sponsors and a good team,
    And every year be stronger, more beautiful and younger!

    Dear Director. You and I have lived a large number of years, moving from class to class, from year to year, shoulder to shoulder. Thank you for your care, attention and support. For timely instructions and teachings. Thank you for your patience when we made mistakes. Your care strengthened us and, leaving for a greater life, we thank you for everything, for everything!

    Special words to the director
    At our graduation we want to say,
    Here's to happy school years
    And we thank you for the science.

    We wish the school to prosper,
    It was our home for 11 years,
    So that you have enough money for repairs,
    The glass didn't break and the roof didn't leak.

    We wish the director good health,
    Patience and nerves, stronger than steel,
    We wish that in famous names
    You recognized your graduates.

    Head teacher -
    Not a position, but destiny,
    And everyone in the world knows this,
    At graduation a start in life
    Give it to us, yesterday's children.
    We added gray hair to you,
    And discipline was violated
    You are kind and big at heart
    All our pranks were forgiven.
    Today we, on our graduation,
    Thank you for all the years
    And we believe that someday
    We will bring the children here.

    School taught us a lot
    Gave me good friends,
    Helped me grow and develop
    And she gave us the path to life!

    Thank you very much to the director,
    We appreciate you, we respect you greatly,
    May your good deeds multiply
    Good luck, health, love and kindness!

    You cope with an important task with dignity,
    Like a vigilant conductor of a friendly orchestra,
    May the pleasure of the role bring joy,
    After all, the vastness of the director’s soul is vast.

    You look forward to every graduation with inspiration,
    You always surrounded all the guys with kindness,
    We sincerely wish you may your luck never run out,
    And your eyes sparkle with happiness every day.

    Who is the main person at school?
    Director, without a doubt!
    We will tell him on this day,
    Putting all worries aside:
    Today is our graduation ball,
    We were waiting for this holiday,
    This day is filled with warmth
    And a drop of sadness
    The time has come for us to say goodbye,
    But we won't cry
    We will come to you again and again,
    And we won't forget you,
    We thank you for everything,
    There is no better person in the world,
    You have helped us in many ways,
    Thank you for that!

    Dear school principal,
    We want to congratulate you,
    With graduation,
    With our graduation party.

    Our last time today
    When the bell rings, we go into class,
    And thank you, goodbye
    We want to tell you.

    You give us a ticket
    Into a big unknown world,
    And the original doors of the school
    They stay behind.

    We wish you happiness in life
    And great success to you,
    And so that there are many more
    You are graduating classes.

    To the school director, let's say the words,
    Which I have never heard from us.
    Today we sincerely and from the heart,
    We confess to you our pure love.

    Thank you for school life, for the years,
    They will be happy forever.
    It's time to say goodbye to school,
    But we will never forget you.

    You lead the teaching team,
    You undoubtedly command respect from children.
    We must admit without embellishment,
    That the whole school rests on you!
    Congratulations on your next graduation,
    We wish you strong and talented students!

    Plan In front of the stage are two adult presenters, a boy and a girl. 1. A waltz sounds - graduates come out onto the stage in pairs, waltzing. 4 couples - on stage, the rest stand in front of stage 2. Graduates read poetry. 3. Song “Our evening has come” 4. Congratulations from 1st graders: - poetry - song “Our good teacher” - poetry - Dance “Rumba” 5. Response song to the tune “Sasha + Masha” 6. Song to the director “Everything is fine” ..." 7. Poems for head teachers 8. Song for Russian language teachers 9. Song for mathematics teachers 10. Poems for a history teacher 11. Song for a history teacher 12. Song for a biology teacher 12. Poems for teachers 13. Poems for the SBO teacher 14. Song for the physical education teacher 15. Poems for the art teacher 16. Song “Angel” 17. Poems for teachers 18. Song “Colorful World” 19. Gratitude to the school teachers 20. Gratitude to the school caretaker 21. Words of gratitude to the school staff 22. Song to graduates from teachers 23. Poems for parents 24. Song “Song of my soul” /class teachers present gratitude to parents/ 25. Poems 26. Song “School Anthem” 27. LAST BELL sounds /All guests and graduates go out to the school yard and release balloons / 2 8. “Waltz” 29. Flash mob Young man. Look, look, Second grade has come to us now, second grade To give you his order / congratulations to the kids / - poems - song “My good teacher” - poems - dance “Rumba” Response song - changeover to the tune “Sasha + Masha” We studied at school for many years, everyone studied well. And we’ll tell you a secret that we were very lucky. We learned a lot of different things, the whole school recognized us. We fell in love with each other, we are a huge family. Chorus: We wish success to those who stayed behind. We always get more A's. We won't be able to forget our native school. And we will often remember it. We studied at school for many years, everyone studied well. And we'll tell you a secret that we were very lucky. We learned a lot of different things. The whole school recognized us. We fell in love with each other, we are a huge family. Chorus: We wish those who remained success to always get more A's. We will not be able to forget our native school. And we will often remember it. Presenter 1 I propose to start the festive ceremony. Presenter 2 labor training ! We are pleased to welcome you to the presentation of a new super hit album by the stars of the school scene, dedicated to the most popular theme of the season - GRADUATION 2014 Presenter 1 At the same time, you will witness the “School 2014” ceremony, at which awards will be held in more than ... nominations. Presenter 1. Dedicated to the director Top Secret. Food for thought. Characteristics of the chief of public education agents, Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Denisova. Director - She is the heroine of school experiments. The character is balanced in places, vigilant, merciless towards violators of discipline, has keen hearing, sees everything, knows everything. I have no talent for mathematics at all, I molded it from what was there, only what was not enough. ...I.O....how do you manage to do this? We still don’t understand: Everything that is broken is broken Will certainly come back to life. Your hands are golden - they can fix everything without difficulty. Congratulations, our teacher “Bravo!” master of labor A …I.O……… – simply ace Wash, revenge – well, the highest class. Dear friends . The physical education teacher is also a steppe eagle, a dashing athlete. He was spotted with a group of underage teenagers in different cities of Russia and abroad with the aim of capturing prizes and valuable gifts at sporting competitions and Olympiads. - a reversal song to the tune of “Combat” Fizruk - daddy, daddy - fizruk, After lessons we are without legs and without arms. My knees are shaking and my bones are hurting, and balls are circling before my eyes. To you, our beloved, beloved physical teacher. Thank you for your strength, for our strong spirit, We are grateful to you, and if anything happens, our beloved physical teacher will come to your aid! Presenter 2. The winner’s diploma in the category “A healthy mind in a healthy body” is awarded to a physical education teacher ………………………………………….. for the ability to teach how to overcome any obstacle on the path of life. Presenter 1. Dedication to the drawing teacher You taught us not only to draw But to see the world with open eyes And taught us to understand beauty And show it with one or two strokes Accept my heartfelt congratulations Creator of strokes and lines, master of brushes and pencils You are served by WIZARD - DRAWING TEACHER. Presenter 1. The winner’s diploma in the nomination “Beauty will save the world” is awarded to the fine arts teacher ……………………………………………………………. for the ability to teach to see the world with open eyes. . Young woman. We say words of gratitude to all the teachers of the school. Thank you to everyone who taught us. Everything they taught us at school - you helped us master everything. Be always young and beautiful as you are now. And we will try very hard not to upset you with anything. Boy and Girl. In the “Life” nomination, our beloved mothers are awarded for giving us life - The song “Song of My Soul” - physical culture presenting thanks to parents Presenter 1. The floor is given to the chairman of the parent committee ……………………………………………………………………. Graduates read poetry On this warm and affectionate evening, Of course, we will be sad with you. This is our last meeting. This is our graduation ball. For 9 years these walls embraced us, reliably protecting us from worries, and like caring nannies, they hid everything, That life is full of sadness and worries. The time has come for us to say goodbye to you, And having walked around the school for the last time, Say goodbye to her: “Goodbye!” God bless you as you protected us. Farewell our school! Goodbye to our childhood! We will never return to you, Only a bright melancholy will remain in our hearts Our carefree school years. - Song “School Anthem” Presenter 2. Dear graduates!

    Not every path will be smooth, Not all trials will be easy, And life lies before you like a notebook in which there is not yet a line. Presenter 1. Ring over the past and present Over everything that you have saved and what you have not saved, Ring over childhood to your departing ones A sad, farewell last call. The right to give the last bell is granted to a graduate of class 9 “A”………………………………. and a 1st grade student……………………….

    THE BELL RINGS All guests of the holiday are invited to the school yard - graduates launch balloons. - guys - graduates are dancing a waltz with teachers - flash mob Presenter 2. This, dear graduates, our holiday is over. Good luck, friends, along the entire path, the path of quests, plans and accomplishments, happy journey!!!

    Post your impressions about our canteens, our work, and ask the company a question:

    Feedback "

    Feedback on our work and gratitude received by the company recently...

    Reviews and thanks - archive... What they wrote to us: Visitors to our website gave us their comments about the company’s work in schools and

    social institutions

    Nevsky district:


    On behalf of the parents of classes 3A, 3B, 3C of State Budget Educational Institution Lyceum 572, we express our deep gratitude to the entire staff of KSP Volna and the canteen workers under the leadership of A.N. Vinogradov, for your concern for our children - the food is always hot and fresh. The children eat everything without a trace. Thank you for the delicious, healthy and varied food!


    Good evening. Tell me where I can find a menu for baked goods and other food products that are sold in the buffet? Is the ingredient list visible when purchasing food from a buffet? Perhaps this information is available in the parent access area? This is very important for children with allergies. Thank you.

    Company response

    Good afternoon, Katerina! Here we give you answers to the questions received in this and the previous appeal. For products own production, sold by the buffet, an assortment list of buffet products has been developed by day of the week. It reflects the recipe numbers, product names and the yield of the finished dish (product). The assortment list, as well as the menu, is posted daily on the information stand or at the ready-to-eat food distribution point. Technological maps have been developed for each dish; they reflect: the composition of the products included in each dish, the cooking technology, the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the energy value of the dish, the content of vitamins (B1, C, A, E), microelements (Ca, Mg, Fe , P). Technological maps are in production and are a reference book for cooks - this is an internal document of the enterprise. If you are interested in the composition of a particular dish, you can ask the head of production (dining room) and they will definitely answer you. In each school, free choice dishes are sold daily in the canteen. If your child is allergic to a particular product and this is confirmed by medical evidence, you need to contact medical worker educational institution and resolve the issue of excluding a particular product from the diet in a working manner. Sincerely...


    Good afternoon. At our school, children are fed by your plant. A child, a first grade student, has allergies. Severe allergy to chicken eggs. 1. I would like to know if a technological map is publicly available where I can find the composition of dishes by recipe numbers that are indicated in the menu posted on your website. 2. Is it possible for a first grade child to have a free choice menu? 3. Is there visible information in the canteens when choosing dishes about the composition of the dishes so that school staff can help the child and make the right choice in favor of products that do not contain eggs?

    Question about discounted meals for schoolchildren

    Good afternoon I have two children in high school who receive hot meals at a school in the Nevsky district on a preferential basis (free of charge). For the buffet, we put money on their “Unified Student Card”. Question: Is it possible to put extra money on this card for hot meals, so that children have a choice and can, when they feel it is necessary, eat for free, and when they want, buy the first or second thing from another menu for money?

    Company response

    Good afternoon, Vladimir! Yes, you can put money on both a hot meal and a buffet. Sincerely...
    signature: technical department of the company, October 9, 2018

    Gratitude to the team

    We thank Marina Gennadievna Chistyakova, as well as the staff of the canteen of secondary school No. 667 for organizing meals, attention to our children, always delicious lunches!


    We express our deep gratitude to the workers of the canteen at the State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 343 of the Nevsky District of St. Petersburg for organizing the work during the election campaign on Presidential Election Day Russian Federation 03/18/2018

    Gratitude to the workers of the canteen of school No. 333 of the Nevsky district

    I would like to say a huge thank you to the people who make us, teachers, feel full and healthy all day. We are confident in the quality of food, freshness of products, and balanced nutrition. It's nice to come to the canteen where the workers are always friendly. Thank you!

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