• Charades. Great birthday charades


    Games for New Year and Christmas

    What will an ordinary person do? New Year unforgettable? Of course, fun games! You'll see - both adults and children will take part in them with pleasure.
    We all played a little: both as children and with our own children; in pioneer camps and at student parties... Why not delve into the baggage of games and create a “cultural program” for the New Year?

    The game is simple but fun. Everyone writes answers to the questions: who? with whom? Where? When? what did you do? how did it all end? what did people think? Having answered one question, everyone wraps the piece of paper so that their phrase is not visible and passes it to their neighbor. And he himself writes on a piece of paper that was passed around to him. This way you will end up with several stories with unexpected twists.

    Everyone “hands over” 1-2 of their things and chooses two presenters. The first one turns to the wall, and the second one takes one thing and asks: “What should this phantom do?”
    His co-host, without looking, pronounces his verdict: “This phantom... Shout Pushkin’s poem out the window (dance on the table, call at random on the phone and keep the conversation going for 5 minutes).” The presenter comes up with tasks to the best of his depravity. However, there is always a possibility that now it is his forfeit that is being held and he is inventing a trick for himself.

    The Cherry Orchard
    Why this student game is called "The Cherry Orchard" is unknown. Well, that's not the point. This is how it is done. One creative person writes a story on a free topic. One condition: there should be no adjectives before nouns. Having finished the opus, the author does not read it out, but first invites those gathered to “throw” various epithets at him. Everyone is trying to come up with something as hooligan or exotic as possible. The author enters them into the text in the order they were received. And then he reads out what happened - for example: “On the burnt street there grew an alcoholic tree.” Sometimes it turns out so great that sleep disappears completely even at five o’clock in the morning.

    Everyone comes up with rhymes together. For example: stick-verb-fishing-gone; cat-moon-potato-wave. Then everyone writes their own poem based on these rhymes, and a poetry tournament is held.

    The presenter leaves the room, and the rest make a wish for one of those present. The presenter returns and finds out what associations this person evokes among the conspirators. For example:
    - What flower does it remind you of?
    - Mmm... Gladiolus!
    - Why? - the presenter has the right to ask.
    - Well... It will bloom here and there! - the player will explain.
    What did he mean? Who knows! Probably someone's versatile personality.
    The presenter goes further and asks, for example:
    - What piece of music does it resemble?
    “To Ravel’s Bolero,” they answer, for example, to him.
    After going through one or two circles (including talking with the mystery person himself), the presenter tries to guess who it was that was “attached” to.

    This game is good and fun to play in a state of slight “daze”. The players stand in a circle. And someone, selflessly ready to start the game, squats down, depicts a “locator” on his head with the help of his fingers rotating to the right and left, and in a sepulchral voice says: “I am Lunokhodik-1.” Then the “lunokhodik” begins to goose-step in a circle, not forgetting to rotate his “locator” and repeat that he is “lunokhodik-1”. The first one to laugh or at least smile should join him in the tail and say: “I am Lunokhodik-2.” The next one, of course, will be “Lunokhodik-3”, and so on. At the end of the game, a whole string of numbered “moon walkers” with “locators” begins to circle around the most persistent ones, randomly telling them who they are and calling out their serial number. As a rule, even a person who is deeply depressed cannot help laughing here. Whoever laughs last wins.

    Rucheek and Co.
    Once you've gotten really excited, you can move on to more childish forms of leisure time.
    For example, you can play trickle to music. There’s probably no need to remind you how this is done?

    A worthy successor to the trickle game is “ring”. All players stand in a row, making a “boat” with their hands. The presenter also folds his hands - he has a ring or coin hidden between his palms. Several times the leader walks along the row, plunging his hands into the palms of the players, and quietly puts a ring on one of them. After which he pronounces the fatal words “ring, ring,” go out onto the porch!” The task of the “ringed” one is to jump out of the row, the task of the others is to keep him from this step.

    Board games
    If you literally have nowhere to turn around, it’s worth remembering that there are very
    gambling board games interesting for both adults and children. Something like the famous "Monopoly" or "Erudite". But it’s better to play them not at the end of the night, but at the beginning, when most people are not yet falling asleep.

    Fun for kids
    If many of the above games can be played not only by adults, but also by children (starting from the age of 10-12), then children need to be occupied separately.
    Introduce them to the Snowball game. Going out to the center of the circle, the first participant identifies himself and makes some characteristic gesture, movement or makes a sound. The next one repeats everything after the first one, and then introduces himself. The number of actions increases from time to time, like a snowball. Each guest repeats everything that was done before him and adds his own.

    For those who sit modestly in a corner, offer the game “Piano”. Players sit in a row and place their right hand on the knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left hand on the knee of the neighbor on the left. The last one hits his knee with his hand, then the one whose hand is on his other knee should clap - and so on in turn until the end of the row. But someone may hurry up and slam their hand ahead of time (or, conversely, gape).

    When choosing this or that game, remember that children 4-5 years old get tired quickly and cannot sit for a long time. You can play the simplest games with them: leapfrog, “Cold-Hot”, “Edible-Inedible”, and do round dances.

    For older children
    Schoolchildren have more sustained attention and love competition. If the dimensions of the apartment do not allow for fun relay races or a football match, you can compete in accuracy by knocking down pins or throwing a ball into a bucket.
    Announce a competition of ditties, video clips, lies (named after Baron Munchausen). Create a “Victim of Gluttony” or “Surgeon in Operation” monument with your children.

    And, of course, children of any age love to play blind man's buff! And one of the most favorite children's pastimes is cutting gifts. Hang candies or souvenirs on a thread stretched between two chairs. And, blindfolding the children, send them “for luck.” You can hang up not gifts, but pieces of paper with tasks (like forfeits), and reward them with prizes for completing them.

    If your child has never heard of the elephant hen, then it’s time to teach your child and his friends this fun game. On a sheet of paper, one of the artists draws the head of some animal and folds the edge of the sheet so that only a small part of the drawing is visible. The next one (he didn't see what was drawn) draws the body, and the last one draws the tail. The canvas unfolds, and the resulting creation is given a name.

    And when the festive evening is drawing to a close, you can go in search of treasures. Think over the route in advance, and encrypt all its points in riddles. Guessing them, children move from one point to another and at the end of the journey they find a treasure, for example a bag of candy or stickers.

    Birthday is perhaps the most favorite holiday not only for children, but also for adults. Relatives and friends gather around the table, toasts and congratulations are made, and gifts are presented.

    It’s incredibly nice to see all the people who care about you and who care about you mutually. Every family member, friend or colleague who is invited to the celebration on this day tries to give the birthday person as many pleasant moments as possible.

    In turn, the host of the holiday must make sure that the guests feel comfortable in the company and do not get bored during the feast. The easiest way to cheer up the adults gathered at a birthday party festive table- hold table competitions. This will make the holiday special, will cheer up the guests, and most importantly, all invitees will be able to take part in comic competitions at once.

    Table competitions for birthdays

    A feast that does not stand out in any way will not be remembered by anyone. Don't let boring food and drinks become your holiday.

    If you manage to cheer up your guests and make them laugh, then everyone will remember their birthday and everyone will like it. On next year they will come to you with even greater desire, remembering the previous holiday.


    The guest sitting at the edge of the table is given a roll toilet paper. He must tear off as many pieces for himself as he needs and pass the roll to the next one. Everyone does the same.

    The competition is held to get to know the birthday person. After all, someone knows him more, and someone less, and most importantly - everyone different sides. How many scraps a person has in his hands, so many facts about the birthday boy, or joint interesting stories he must tell.

    Everything will be interesting to listen to. Perhaps we will remember those cases that were long forgotten.

    Necessary attribute for the competition: toilet paper roll. Since everyone will still be sitting at the table, it is better to purchase a colored roll rather than a gray one. For example, pink.

    “Like it - don’t like it”

    The guests have already visually gotten to know each other, even if they didn’t know each other before. Each participant in the feast is invited to tell what he likes and what he doesn’t like about the appearance of the neighbor on the right.

    After everyone finishes their story, it is necessary to announce what the competition was about. Participants must kiss what they don't like about the neighbor on the left. You are guaranteed half an hour of laughter at your birthday party. Perhaps someone will say that he doesn’t like his neighbor’s mustache or his tie.

    Warn everyone in advance that you shouldn’t be offended at each other, because it’s just a game.


    There will be only one winner of this competition out of all participants. The last one is given a button, which is placed on the tip of the finger.

    The person must pass this button to the guest sitting next to him so that it ends up on his finger and does not fall off. If the button is dropped, the participant is eliminated from the game.

    So in the end there are only two participants left who will pass the button to each other until it falls. The winner is awarded a prize. This could be a set of sewing threads or a certificate for manual dexterity.

    Required attribute- button.

    It is best to choose a large one, with holes in the middle, and also bright, so that after a fall it will be easy to find. Just in case, keep a couple of spare buttons, exactly the same.

    "Rumors about the birthday boy"

    Participants in the feast are given a sheet of paper. The first participant writes on it what he knows about the birthday person, then folds the sheet so that only the last word remains visible on it. Passes a sheet of paper and a pen to a neighbor. He must continue the sentence on this word, adding his information.

    So, after the last participant, a whole story of gossip about the birthday boy will remain on the sheet. By the way, this is approximately how they are born. One said it, the other didn’t hear enough and thought of it himself.

    The resulting story can be given to the birthday boy as a souvenir.

    Required Attributes: a piece of paper and a pen.

    "Deaf telephone"

    The famous children's game "Deaf Telephone" can be played as a table competition.

    If the last person to name the word he heard pronounces it correctly, he deserves a prize. And if not, then a fine.
    A fine can be considered to be fulfilling the wish of the birthday boy, drinking a glass of wine or something like that.

    "Praise with adjectives"

    Participants are asked the question: “Who is our birthday boy?” They must answer with an adjective. For example, handsome, smart, brave, desperate, purposeful, and so on. One after another, the guests praise the birthday boy. You can't repeat yourself.

    The game continues until the participants begin to think about what to say and drop out of the game. The one who says the most compliments – adjectives – to the birthday boy wins.

    "Remember all"

    Every guest invited to a birthday party knows the birthday person well. Surely they have many interesting and funny stories. Why not remember them and laugh again.

    The guests take turns telling funny stories related to the birthday boy. If someone cannot remember, they are out of the game. The one who tells the most funny stories wins.

    The winner can be awarded a certificate for the most better memory or give some small gift.


    Each participant in the feast, except the birthday boy, is given a piece of paper and a pen. The task is to describe yourself. These can be qualities of a person, adjectives describing his appearance, or facts about his appearance.

    After everyone has finished, the sheets are handed over to the birthday person. He reads out what is written and must guess which of the guests wrote it to himself.

    It will be a lot of fun if guests describe themselves with humor. It is important that you only write the truth, but not lies. However, everyone can praise themselves.

    Required Attributes: sheets of paper, it is better to take small pens, cut into squares.


    Why not do it as a competition? win-win lottery for guests. After all, the birthday boy will receive his gifts in any case, and the guests will have nothing left as a keepsake.

    As guests arrive, they need to be given tickets with numbers. As soon as the feast is in full swing and everyone has gathered in one place, you need to start holding a holiday lottery. This could be the moment when the birthday person blows out the candles on the cake. So each guest will receive their own small gift.

    Attributes required: small low-budget gifts - prizes (mugs, plates, notepads, pens, photo frames, notebooks, towels, toys, mirrors, sweets), sheets of paper with numbers. Prepare lottery tickets in advance equal to the number of guests.


    And while every competition should bring some fun to the gathering, don’t forget about the birthday boy who makes sure everyone is at the same table and having a good time.

    Buy a notebook with a thick cover in advance. It will be good if it has a festive look or an inscription suitable for a birthday. The person sitting at the edge of the table is given this notepad and pen. His task is to sincerely wish the birthday boy everything he wants. This is how each of the guests writes their sincere congratulations.

    It’s good if the guests sign their words so that the host of the holiday knows who wrote what. The notebook remains with the birthday boy as a keepsake. He will be able to re-read whatever he wishes as many times as he wants, charging himself with this positive energy.

    Required Attributes: a pre-purchased notebook, preferably with a thick cover that will last a long time, a pen for writing congratulations. Keep a few pens in case one of them stops writing.

    Now you know that it is not necessary to have an extensive dance floor in order to hold competitions at a birthday party; it is enough to just gather your family and loved ones at one table and have fun. Spend your time not only usefully, but also with joy.

    In charades, the hidden word consists of several parts, each of which represents a separate word. In a charade, they first give the characteristics of each individual word - part, then general characteristics words. Charades are fun to solve and fun to create yourself.

    ● My first syllable is a preposition.
    The second syllable is summer house.
    And sometimes the whole
    It is difficult to solve.

    ● Pronoun, preposition,
    Between them is the poet’s surname,
    And the whole is a famous fruit,
    What is ripening at the end of summer.

    ● The first syllable is familiar to
    Who is good at math?
    The second occurs in animals,
    And we eat the whole thing willingly.

    ● The first syllable is a male name,
    The vowel letter is the second.
    The word as a whole is a postal sign,
    Can you guess which one?

    ● You will find your beginning in dancing,
    You'll find the end of the drinks.
    The answer to the charade is very simple:
    It will replace the bridge on the river.

    ● Part one is simple - this is the note,
    And I don’t want to meet the second one,
    The cow can butt us with it!
    And the word in general means “path”.

    ● Part one is a preposition, it is familiar to everyone.
    The second part is a dense pine forest.
    And in a word, they generally surround the forest,
    So that the insidious thief does not get into it.

    ● The crow screamed -
    We heard the beginning.
    In the swamp - completion.
    Overall, it's a master's creation.

    ● My first syllable is a preposition,
    The sign of agreement is my second syllable,
    My third syllable is evil fate,
    All together - we get it on holiday.

    ● And the third one caught the guests
    The hero of one famous fable.
    Which places I won't go to,
    I bring destruction to the harvest,
    But the forests are rising,
    The forest strip is growing,
    Blocking my path to the crops.

    ● Look for a preposition at the beginning of a word,
    And the pretext is a pine forest.
    If you have skill in grammar,
    At the end you will find a pronoun.
    And the word is a whole charade -
    In battle, the enemy is an obstacle.

    ● Beginning - the letter in the word “raft”,
    The end is a pronoun,
    And the middle is a couple of notes.
    And together - encouragement.

    ● Conjunction, number, then preposition,
    This is the whole charade.
    And so that you can find the answer,
    We need to remember about rivers.

    ● In charade, the first syllable is a number,
    Let’s cross out the letter sparva in it,
    Cattle will give the second syllable.
    We'll find the answer in the tree.

    ● Look for the first syllable in the numbers,
    Replace the letter on the left in it,
    The second is a military battle,
    All the seas are very rough.

    ● In charade, the first syllable is poison.
    There is a second one in the apiary,
    Cross out the letter in it.
    Together everyone will figure it out:
    In ancient times it was a weapon for wars,
    Now - sports equipment.

    ● My first syllable in the music lines,
    The other two are protection in animals.
    And the whole will always connect
    Villages, villages, cities.

    ● Take my first syllable from the list of birds,
    The second is from a ram's head.
    Open the oven and take it there
    What you have eaten more than once.


    With this book, your holidays will become original and fun, because here are games for all occasions. Do you want to arrange youth party, celebrate a birthday or just have a fun Sunday evening with loved ones? This collection will completely satisfy the desire to diversify your leisure time! It can be used not only by hospitable hosts, but also by a professional toastmaster, presenter corporate party, solemn anniversary, etc.

  • Pleshkova E.V.
    The best ideas for a fun company. Games. Competitions. Practical jokes. Jokes


    Game is a great invention of man. Since ancient times, people, planning to celebrate some kind of celebration or holiday, expect from such an event not only good food, because “man does not live by bread alone”... Each of the guests hopes to have a good time and have fun.

    And if for the invitees a party is just fun, then for the hosts organizing a fun-filled party is a serious matter. How to entertain a gathering of unfamiliar people or, conversely, a close group of like-minded people? Any event requires some preparation.

    Do you want to throw a party or just have a fun Sunday evening with some random friends? The proposed collection will satisfy any of your desires and needs in an effort to diversify your leisure time.

    Word games, comic problems and quiz competitions will interest fans of a calm and intellectual pastime. Fun games, song quizzes, art competitions and theater games will allow you and your guests to express their creativity. Well, for the brave and uninhibited, for those who love jokes, we have prepared jokes, practical jokes, funny congratulations, - in a word, everything that allows you to create a relaxed atmosphere of fun.

    We hope that with our book your holidays will become more interesting and fun. After all comic competitions, games and competitions are not only a wonderful recreation for acquaintances and friends, but also bring people closer together. We can talk about games for a long time, but it’s much more fun to play them. So let’s open this wonderful collection and let’s get started!


    Word games

    From some words - others

    The presenter names ten words (nouns) and invites the players to rearrange the letters in each word so that new words (nouns) are obtained from each word.

    In this case, in each word you need to use all the letters, without excluding or adding any. The first player to score greatest number such words, and will be the winner.

    Let's give possible options words with answers:


    "Burime" means "rhymed ends" in French. You need to compose comic poems based on given rhymes that are not related in meaning.

    There are three rules of burime:

    1. Rhymes are chosen from words that are difficult to combine and unexpected.

    2. Rhymes should be varied.

    3. Rhymes cannot be changed in time and cases or rearranged.

    One of the players names any word, the other selects a rhyme, and a poem is composed based on the proposed set of rhymes. Either one player or several can compose (one line each). As a rule, the simplest rhymes are chosen. For example: cat - compote, bed - jelly.


    Charade is a type of complicated riddle. The guessed (original) word is divided into several parts (most often by syllables), each of which has an independent meaning. First, a figurative description of the meaning of each of these parts is offered, and then - the original word. Charades come in prose and poetry.

    Here is an example of a Russian folklore charade:

    My first will be born from the whole,

    and my whole is afraid of the latter.


    Only in rhyme

    The first player names any word, preferably a short one. The second one selects a word that rhymes with the first one, the third one adds his own word, etc. Anyone who cannot name the word in rhyme receives a minus. Anyone who gets three minuses leaves the game. The player left alone wins.

    Here is an example of rhyming words: court - sport - board - lord - cake - etching - variety - record.

    The game can be complicated, which will make it more entertaining. In this example, nouns in the nominative singular are used, but you can take all kinds of parts of speech, and also try, alone or together, to compose a poem from the rhymes heard.

    Synonyms, antonyms

    Participants in the game write down five words under the dictation of the presenter. For each of these words, players must choose one word that is similar in meaning (synonym), and another that is opposite in meaning (antonym). The game ends after half of its participants give the presenter their finished lists.

    The one who provides correct and complete answers wins. If the game drags on, the presenter limits the time to ten minutes. After this time, all players give their lists to the presenter. Who will have greatest number of correctly chosen words, he comes out the winner.

     each word must be composed only of those letters that are in the word;

     monosyllabic words are usually not allowed to be written.

    You need to set aside a certain amount of time to compose new words. After the appointed time has expired, the player who has composed the largest number of words reads them out. The results of the game are summed up, and participants can be asked to write a poem or compose a short story with the obligatory use of all written down or named (if the game is played orally) words.

    If four people play “typist”, then a word that is composed by only one participant is worth three points, a word composed by two players is worth two points, by three – one point, and if it is written down by everyone, it is simply crossed out (0 points).

    New New Year's game on the topic of nanotechnology "Catch a Molecule". Author - Valeria Pride

    The presenter reads out a simple explanation of the proverb and offers to name it.
    Several people play (at least 4).

    1. Several people make up a nanorobot from their own body modules. The required minimum modules are: two manipulators (right and left) and a motor (in the center). Manipulators hold tightly to the engine with one hand (people can be tied to each other), the other is free for manipulation.

    2. The motor sets the direction and speed of the nanorobot’s movement. If the manipulators are drunk and the engine is powerful, they can simply drag along the floor behind the engine.

    3. Task: to catch freely moving atoms and molecules and form a new structure, for example: to form a water molecule from two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen. If there are not enough molecules and atoms, you can simply catch and tame the molecule. The captured molecules and atoms must obey the nanobot.

    Additional information: the body of a nanorobot can be more complicated: there may be more than 2 manipulators, in the center there may be not only an engine, but also a “body” of the nanorobot, there may be an additional communication module. In the latter case, the remaining parts of the nanobot should not make articulate sounds!

    Game "Guess the Proverb"

    • They don’t discuss the gift, they accept what they give... ( They do not look at a given horse's teeth.)
    • You need to learn throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is endless. ( Live and learn!)
    • If you start something, bring it to the end, even if it’s difficult! ( I picked up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong!)
    • Trouble and disaster usually happen where something is unreliable and fragile. ( Where it's thin, that's where it breaks.)
    • How you treat others is how you will be treated. ( As it comes back, so will it respond.)
    • Don't take on unfamiliar tasks. ( If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water.)

    The same thing, but with animals. “Repetition is the mother of learning!” - parrot. "Hold your pocket wider!" - kangaroo. "Tears of sorrow will not help!" - crocodile. "There is safety in numbers!" - locusts.

    Game "The most sensual"

    Nuts (sweets) are placed on the chairs and covered with newspaper. The player must sit on top and count with his sensitive spot how many nuts are under him (he cannot see them in advance). Nuts (candies) are taken as points (if you guess correctly, of course).

    Song competition

    In a hat, notes are passed around in a circle, in which words are written on a New Year's theme (winter, snow, Christmas tree, Christmas tree, needles, sleigh, Santa Claus, horse), etc. The one who pulls out the note must sing a song in which this word appears.

    Game "Twins"

    Two people approach each other and hug with one hand (one takes the partner’s waist right hand, the other - left). It turns out that each of them has one free hand. Then they are given a task that they must complete as if it were two hands of one person. For example, cut out a shape. The 1st participant holds a sheet of paper with his left hand and guides it correctly, with the second right hand he cuts it with scissors.

    Playing in banality

    Usually "banality" is played in small companies, when 5-10 people gather. A certain topic is given, and each player, in secret from the others, writes down 10 words related to it. If, for example, the topic is “Cities of Russia,” then the entries may include St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Ufa, etc. When all entries have been made, scoring begins. For each written word, the player receives as many points as the number of people (including himself) who wrote this word. For example, if the theme “Cities of Russia” is played by 10 people, and they all wrote “Moscow”, then each of them will receive 10 points. If 9 people wrote “St. Petersburg”, and the tenth did not mention this city, then each of the nine gets 9 points. And if someone alone wrote “Uryupinsk,” then he will receive only one point. The final result of each player is equal to the sum of points for all the words he wrote down. Whoever has more points wins. Thus, the essence of the game is to guess the massive, popular names and write them down. Hence the name of the game.

    Game "Fairy Tale"

    When you have at least 5-10 guests (age does not matter), offer them this game. Take a children's book with a fairy tale. The simpler the better, “Ryaba Chicken”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok” are suitable. Choose a reader. From the book, write down all the characters in the fairy tale on separate pieces of paper, including, if the number of people allows, trees, stumps, a river, and buckets. All guests pull out pieces of paper with roles. The presenter begins to read the fairy tale, and all the characters “come to life.”

    Game "Charades"

    Traditional charades can also come in handy. Choose words that can be divided into several parts and play each part: half-wasa, par-o-voz, half-tina, seven-ya. To warm up, you can practice by playing, say, the word “tina.”

    Game "Burim"

    Guests may want to show off their talents in Burim - composing poetry to a given rhyme. They play either together or team-on-team. You and your partner have chosen the following pairs of rhymes: “cat - compote”, “bed - jelly”. Now come up with a poem. You can do it together, you can do it separately, and it will be even funnier when you say one line and your partner says another. You say: “Vasily, my fluffy cat,” your partner picks up: “When he wakes up, he likes to drink compote.” You: “And before going to bed,” he: “Vasily likes to drink jelly.”

    Game "Triple Trap"

    Two participants stand opposite each other - there is a prize on a chair in front of them. The presenter counts: “One, two, three... a hundred!” “One, two, three.... eleven!” “One, two, thirty...twenty!” etc. The winner is the one who is more attentive and the first to take the prize when the presenter says “Three!”

    This game can be played like this:

    I'll tell you a story

    In one and a half dozen phrases.

    I'll just say the word "three"

    Take the prize immediately!

    One day we caught a pike

    We looked at what was inside.

    We saw small fish

    And not just one, but... five.

    A seasoned guy dreams

    Become an Olympic champion

    Look, don’t be cunning at the start,

    And wait for the command “One, two... march”

    When you want to memorize poems,

    They are not crammed until late at night,

    And repeat them to yourself,

    Once, twice, or better yet... seven.

    One day the train is at the station

    I had to wait three hours.

    Well, friends, you took the prize.

    I give you a five.

    Game "Black Box"

    Place items or products whose names begin with the same letter in an opaque bag or box. For example, on “k”, book, paints, envelope, candy, potato, button, cassette, cracker. Guests guess what is in the package, knowing that all the prizes start with the same letter. Whoever guesses correctly receives the specified prize.

    Game "Body"

    In the game, everyone sits down at the table, puts a basket on it, and the presenter says to the neighbor at the table: “Here’s a box for you, put what you have in it, okay, if you say anything, you’ll give the deposit.” The neighbor, and after him everyone else, take turns calling words starting with -ok: “I’ll put a ball in the box,” “And I’m a scarf,” “I’m a castle,” and others. Whoever says something or doesn’t find anything to say puts a deposit in the basket - a scarf, a pencil, a badge, and so on. At the end of the game, the basket is covered with something and one person takes out pledge after pledge with the words: “Whose pledge is taken out, what should he do?”

    Everyone is given a ransom - to jump around the room, sing a song, and ask a riddle.

    Game "Prize by touch"

    With your eyes closed, wearing thick mittens, you need to determine by touch what kind of item you were given.

    Game "Blind Prize"

    A rope is pulled and various small prizes are hung on strings. The participant is blindfolded and given scissors. He must go to the rope and cut off the prize he can. Then the next participant gets the scissors.

    Game "How Green Is Everything"

    Game participants are invited to take part in the auction “How green everything is!” Everyone, in turn, names any item of the most popular color on New Year's Eve - green. It is not allowed to repeat items already named. The last one to name a green item is the winner.

    Game "Funny Choir"

    The driver leaves the room. In his absence, the players choose a line from a poem or popular song. All participants are divided into groups according to the number of words in this line and distribute which word which group will pronounce. The driver returns and is greeted by a “funny choir.” Each group pronounces (chanting or syllable by syllable, all at the same time) its word. The driver's task is to compose a poetic line from these words and guess where it comes from.

    Snowball game

    Ransom New Year's prizes from Santa Claus's bag can be arranged as follows.

    In a circle, both adults and children pass a specially prepared “snowball” - made of cotton wool or white fabric.

    “Kom” is passed on and Santa Claus says:

    We're all rolling a snowball,
    We all count to five -
    One two three four five -
    Sing a song for you.

    And read poetry for you.

    You should dance a dance.

    Let me tell you a riddle...

    The person who redeems the prize leaves the circle, and the game continues.

    Poetry competition

    You can prepare cards in advance with rhymes for future New Year's greetings (toast) and distribute them to guests (including children school age) at the beginning of the evening.

    Rhyme options: grandfather - years; nose - frost; year - goes; third - millennium; calendar - January.

    The results of the competition are summed up at the table or when gifts are presented.

    Game "Clenched Fist"

    A cheerful group at the table begins to sing a popular song. The presenter, acting as a conductor, waves his arms to the beat of the music. Suddenly, unexpectedly, the presenter clenches his fingers into a fist, which means a signal for an immediate stop. Whoever did not have time to stop is eliminated from the game. The procedure is repeated. The remaining winners will receive a prize from the table owners.

    Game "Giving a collective toast"

    4 or more people participate.

    The host begins to make a toast, then significantly interrupts it, and continues next person from the company. The same presenter finishes the toast.

    Game "I see a bear"

    4 or more people participate.

    The players stand in a line, shoulder to shoulder, away from fragile and sharp objects, so as not to injure themselves or spoil the situation. The leader stands at the beginning of the line. Everyone repeats his movements and words. The leader extends his hand forward and says “I see a bear!”, waits until the last participant repeats this, then squats down with his hand outstretched and asks “where?”, again waits until the ritual is completed, and then, shouting “there!”, pushes his neighbor with such force that the entire line fell down. The game ends with a friendly fight. It is recommended to place the weakest players at the end of the line.

    Game "Guess Who?"

    10 or more people participate.

    The company is divided into 2 equal groups. One group thinks of some abstract concept (for example, love, trip, Christmas tree). The representative of the other group is told this concept without other members of his group finding out. After which he depicts this concept, and the members of his group guess by asking leading questions. The person depicting can only answer in monosyllables, “yes” or “no.”

    Game "Woo-hoo"

    8 or more people participate.

    The players stand in a circle. The presenter points his hand at anyone other than his immediate neighbors and says “wow!” His neighbors put their hand to the ear (closest to the leader), lean towards him and say “wow!” The one pointed at repeats the actions of the leader, pointing at someone, etc. It is necessary to adhere to the given rhythm. Whoever makes a mistake watches the game from behind the circle. The game continues until 4-5 people remain.

    Game "Associations"

    4 or more people participate.

    The presenter leaves the room, and the rest decide who will be guessed. Then the presenter tries to guess the person based on his abstract description. The presenter asks leading questions. For example: “If this person were... a cloud (a tree, a monkey, a hanger, a Snow Maiden), then what would he look like (run, fly, play hockey?).” It is necessary to compare and guess. A very fun game.

    Game "Group Rhythm"

    4 or more players participate.

    The players sit in a circle. The leader places his left hand on the right knee of the neighbor on the left, and the right hand on the left knee of the neighbor on the right. Everyone does the same with their own hands and their neighbors. You beat out a simple rhythm with your left hand (tra-ta-ta). Your neighbor on the left, hearing the rhythm, beats it with his right hand (on your left leg). Your neighbor on the right, hearing the rhythm, beats it with his left hand (on your right foot). And so on in a circle. You'll have a lot of fun before everyone gets the beat right.

    Game "Change Hand"

    Players are invited to try to draw or color something, but with their left hand, and those who are left-handed - with their right.

    Game "Secrets of the Circle"

    Players must turn a simple circle drawn in advance by the leader into a drawing. The player with the most interesting drawing wins.

    Game "Nonsense"

    The game “Nonsense” is very famous and forever young.

    Each participant has a piece of paper in front of them. The presenter asks questions that need to be answered: who, when, where, did what, what did he see, what did he say?.. The questions may be different - the main thing is that, having answered the question, you need to pass your piece of paper to the neighbor on the left (with In this case, the top edge of the sheet is folded so that it is impossible to read what is written). In turn, you yourself receive a piece of paper from your neighbor on the right. When the sheets go around everyone in a circle, the leader collects them and reads the result out loud. Sometimes it turns out to be really nonsense, and sometimes it’s just hilarious.

    Game "Chicks"

    This is an Italian game. Six to eight people play. One player is the seller, the other is the buyer. The rest squat down and cover their knees with their hands. They're chickens. The buyer approaches the seller and asks: “Are there any chickens for sale?” - “How not to be, there is.” - “Can I take a look?” - "Please". The buyer comes behind the chickens and touches them one by one: “I don’t like this one, too old,” “This one is wiry,” “This one is skinny.” And finally, touching the selected chicken, he says: “I’ll buy this one.” The seller and buyer lift the chicken by both elbows into the air, swing it and say: “You are a good chicken. Don’t unclasp your arms and don’t laugh.” If the chosen chicken starts to smile or laugh or opens his arms, he is eliminated from the game.

    Game "Apple"

    One leader is selected, and everyone else stands in a very close circle (shoulder to shoulder). Moreover, the players’ hands should be behind. The essence of the game: you need to quietly pass an apple behind your back and take a bite of it at every opportunity. And the presenter’s task is to guess whose hands the apple is in. If the leader guessed right, then the player he caught takes his place. The game continues until the apple is eaten.

    Game "Ducks - Geese"

    All guests stand in a circle and put their hands on each other's shoulders. The presenter says “duck” or “goose” randomly in everyone’s ear. The word "duck" needs to be said to more players. Then he explains the rules of the game: “If I now say: “Goose,” then all the players whom I called that will tuck one leg. And if “Duck”, then the players whom I called “Duck” tuck both legs in.” Guess what happens.

    Game "Reel quickly"

    To play, you need to prepare two spools and threads 3-5 m long. A mark is made in the middle of the thread - with paint or a knot. The players stand opposite each other, holding a spool in their hands so that the thread is taut. On command, they begin to quickly wind the thread onto the spool, all the time getting closer to each other. The first one to reach the middle of the string wins.

    Game "Air Ball"

    Balloons are the perfect "balls" for the room. Simple fun: click to keep the ball in the air. They all do this at the same time, and therefore the task is not an easy one. In order not to confuse the balls, they must be of different colors.

    Game "Piglets"

    For this competition, prepare some delicate dish - for example, jelly. The participants' task is to eat it as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks.

    Game "Monkeys"

    The players repeat everything after the leader.

    The presenter says the words:

    We are funny monkeys.
    We play too loud.

    We clap our hands
    We stomp our feet
    Puff out our cheeks
    Jumping on your toes
    And even to each other
    We'll show you the tongues.
    Let's jump to the ceiling together
    Let's put our finger to our temple.
    Let's stick out our ears,
    Ponytail on top of head.
    Let's open our mouths wider,
    We'll make all the faces.
    When I say the number 3, -
    Everyone, freeze with grimaces!

    Game "Locomotive"

    Everyone becomes a train and begins to move forward to the music. The presenter abruptly turns off the music, everyone must stop. Whoever at the same time “knocked down” the person in front or broke away from everyone else is eliminated. For convenience, there can be two presenters: the one who is responsible for the music, and the one who drives the “locomotive”. The more people, the better. It can't be done without landfills. The main thing is to choose the right music and not make even intervals between switching off.

    Game "Caterpillar"

    All participants line up like a train and, holding each other by the waist, squat down. The presenter announces that they are portraying a caterpillar and must show how the caterpillar sleeps, stretches, gets up, washes itself, does exercises, and dances. In this case, the tail specifically prevents the head from doing its business.

    Game "Mummy"

    Toilet paper will make a magnificent “Mummy”. Two or more pairs of volunteers are called. One of the players in each pair is the “mummy”, and the second is the “mumiator”. The “mumiator” must wrap the “mummy” with “bandages” made of toilet paper as quickly as possible.

    Game "Cribs"

    The game requires two or more participants. They are given a roll of toilet paper. These are the cheat sheets. The participants’ task is to hide all this in their pockets, behind the collar, in their trousers, in their socks, in small pieces. Whoever is first is the winner.

    Competition "Jump-jump"

    Participants of the competition stand in one line. When the leader says “land,” everyone jumps forward; when they say “water,” everyone jumps back. The competition is held at a fast pace. The presenter has the right to pronounce other words instead of the word “water,” for example: sea, river, bay, ocean; instead of the word “land” - shore, land, island. Those who jump at random are eliminated, the winner is the last player - the most attentive.

    Competition "Funny Nonsense"

    You will need: sets of strips of paper with text.

    This competition improves the mood of those present and adds joy to the holiday.

    The presenter has two sets of strips of paper. In the left hand - questions, in the right - answers. The presenter goes around the tables, and the players take turns playing “blind” and pull out either a question or an answer (read aloud). It turns out to be hilarious nonsense.

    Use your imagination when composing questions and answers. The larger the list of questions and answers, the more options for funny combinations you will get.

    Sample questions:

    • do you read other people's letters?
    • do you sleep well?
    • do you listen to other people's conversations?
    • Do you hit dishes out of anger?
    • can you screw your friend?
    • do you write anonymously?
    • are you spreading gossip?
    • Do you have a habit of promising more than your capabilities?
    • would you like to marry for convenience?
    • Are you intrusive and rude in your actions?

    Sample answers:

    • this is my favorite activity;
    • occasionally, for fun;
    • only on summer nights;
    • when the wallet is empty;
    • only without witnesses;
    • only if this is not associated with material costs;
    • especially in someone else's house;
    • this is my old dream;
    • no, I'm a very shy person;
    • I never refuse such an opportunity.
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