• Traditions of celebrating the Nativity of Christ in the Orthodox Church. Orthodox Christmas: traditions and history of celebration


    Christmas is one of the greatest and most significant holidays for Christians around the world, which has many traditions.

    They prepare for it in advance and very thoroughly. They decorate houses and prepare a rich table, while observing traditions. Which are passed on from generation to generation.

    When is Christmas celebrated

    Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on the night of January 6-7. Catholics celebrate according to the old style - December 25th.

    The ceremonial service begins exactly at midnight.

    Before the revolution, Christmas holidays were accompanied by many traditions and folk rituals. Unfortunately, after this holiday was banned, many traditions were irretrievably lost.

    Christmas - quiet, bright family celebration. After all, the event of the birth of Christ itself happened quietly and inconspicuously. Joseph and Mary, unable to find room in an inn, were forced to stay in a cave where they kept cattle. It was in it that the Savior was born.

    The angels were the first to tell about this joyful event to simple shepherds. A bright star lit up in the sky, which showed the way to the worshipers who brought gifts to the Savior.

    Nativity scenes are built in temples. This is a stationary structure made of cardboard and fir branches, depicting the cave in which Jesus Christ was born. Inside the makeshift cave they place figurines of the Holy Family, angels, sheep, wise men, etc., in other words, of all participants in those events.

    The period from Christmas to Epiphany is called Christmastide. These days, it is customary to do good deeds and visit loved ones with congratulations.

    Traditions of Christmas celebration

    We owe many wonderful traditions to Christmas. The most popular symbol of the holiday is a Christmas tree decorated with toys. At first these were spruce branches woven into a wreath, which was decorated with flowers, fruits and sweets. By the way, not everyone knows that the star that is installed on top is the same Star of Bethlehem, which showed the way to the wise men, and not the symbol of the Communist Party.

    On the evening of the sixth, Christmas Eve begins. The name comes from the dish that was traditionally eaten on this day - sochiva. All family members sat down at the table after the appearance of the first star; before that, eating food was prohibited. The table was set with lenten dishes, and at the top was always sochivo - boiled wheat with honey.

    One of the main and most bright traditions Christmas - caroling. Previously, this tradition was pagan: the carol was a symbol of sun worship. Gradually, almost all pagan symbols were supplanted under the influence of Christianity.

    Costumed people gather in groups and go from house to house in the evening before Christmas, proclaiming the good news that the Savior was born and wishing the owners health and prosperity. In gratitude for the good news, they throw sweets, a loaf, sausage or some money into the bag.

    On the evening of January 6th, godchildren bring kutya to their godparents and sing songs about the Nativity of Christ. Their godparents give them gifts for this.

    Thus, Christmas is traditionally celebrated in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

    Another tradition that exists in all countries is to give gifts to family, friends and those who need attention and care. This tradition originates from the gifts that the Magi presented to Christ.

    Christmas table - traditional dishes

    Christmas is preceded by a six-week fast. That's why the owners cooked a lot for Christmas delicious dishes. The evening of the sixth of January is called Christmas Eve. On this day it is not customary to eat food until the first star, and even those Christians who did not fast try to adhere to this rule.

    After a common prayer, all family members sat down at the table and ate the so-called “hungry kutya” - millet porridge, which was cooked in water and flavored with honey and dried fruits.

    Main courses were served only after the service. According to tradition, there should be 13 different dishes on the table. These include baked pigs, meat in pots, snacks, salads, pies, etc. In addition, traditional “rich kutia” is served, which is prepared with honey, nuts, cream and dried fruits.

    The traditional drink on the Christmas table is a brew made from berries and dried fruits.

    In the old days, there was a tradition of opening the doors wide and inviting any passerby to the table, even if it was a beggar. It was believed that Christ himself could come in the form of any person.

    In which countries of the world and how is Christmas celebrated?


    The French were the first to replace apples on the Christmas tree with glass balls. In this country, boots or boots are placed near the Christmas tree, where gifts for children are placed.

    By the way, for the French, a Christmas tree is not a mandatory attribute of the holiday; many prefer to decorate their homes with flowers.

    At the beginning of December, Christmas markets open all over the country, where you can buy everything you need to celebrate Christmas.

    Traditional dishes on the Christmas table in France are roast goose and a log-shaped cake, which is served at the end of the meal.


    In this country, in addition to the usual Christmas tree, they also put a tree on the street. Bird feeders are hung on it and seeds and crumbs are poured under the tree.


    Christmas in Sweden, like in any Catholic country, is celebrated from December 24 to 25. Here it is customary to celebrate only with your family. Friends, even the closest ones, are not invited to the holiday.

    The traditional dish for Swedes at Christmas is pork ham, but turkey is more often prepared. Herring, potatoes and salmon must be present on the table.

    Christmas trees are not decorated with tinsel, here it is considered in bad taste. Plain light bulbs and very few toys are used as decoration.


    Germans start preparing for Christmas at the end of November. Every family has a tradition of weaving a wreath with four candles. Every Sunday of the next month, one candle is lit on the wreath. By Christmas, all four candles should be burning on it.

    Before Christmas they prepare baked goods: stollen and gingerbread. Stollen is an oblong sweet bread with nuts, spices and raisins, which symbolizes the swaddled Christ.


    Christmas in this country is celebrated according to the new style - January 7th. They celebrate it for more than a month with their family. According to tradition, the father of the family must cut down an oak branch for the fireplace.


    Since the beginning of the 20th century, the British have celebrated Christmas as a purely family holiday. Only a few traditions have survived to this day. One of them: exchanging gifts that are placed in a Christmas stocking.

    Traditional dishes on the Christmas table are plum pudding and stuffed turkey. There is a tradition of hiding small silver coins in the pudding for good luck.


    Nativity scenes are installed in churches and homes. In addition, residents of this country decorate the Christmas tree and decorate their homes with flowers.

    On Christmas Eve, fish or vegetable dishes are served on the table. A rich table is set for Christmas. Mandatory dishes are dumplings in broth, boiled meat, lentils, chocolate and cakes with dried fruits, sprinkled with powdered sugar.


    Christmas is celebrated in this country on December 25th. In Greece this is a national holiday. In the morning, matins and liturgy are served in churches. After the service everyone returns home and sits down at the table.

    They bake traditional “Christ’s bread”, which is decorated with a cross and nuts on top. In addition to the main treat, the table must have dried fruits, honey, Christmas cookies, dried fruits and pomegranates.


    Two weeks before Christmas, the holiday is celebrated with colleagues and friends, who are presented with so-called “Christmas baskets”. They contain food for the holiday, from champagne to cheeses, sweets or ham.

    The entrance doors are decorated with Christmas wreaths.

    In any country, Christmas is a time when there is an opportunity to give a little warmth and care to the weak, orphans, lonely old people and those in prison.

    After all, Christmas is a reminder to us all that love and goodness live in the soul of every person.

    Christmas is a special holiday. And even people who have never crossed the threshold of a church enthusiastically prepare for its celebration. And for true Christians this is one of the most significant church holidays. According to traditions, the holiday is celebrated on a grand scale. But few people know why Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7th. Since there are other dates of the holiday, Christmas falls on different dates for Catholics and Orthodox Christians.

    Story have a wonderful birth The Child of God is well known to every believer.

    The Holy Virgin Mary gave birth to him without experiencing pain or fear. The event took place in Bethlehem. This city in the kingdom of Octavia, where a census of the entire population took place in those days, belonged to the family of David.

    Therefore, everyone who belonged to this oldest family was forced to appear for the census. The Virgin Mary and her husband the righteous Joseph were no exception.

    Despite the pregnancy of the wife, who conceived immaculately, the family arrived in Bethlehem in the evening.

    But, unfortunately, there were no places in the hotel for the couple. And they had to seek shelter on a cold night in caves. Many people have already found shelter in the place that was intended for cattle stalls.

    But Mary and Joseph did not join them, but found a secluded corner for themselves. It was here that Maria went into labor. The Virgin Mary gave birth to a beautiful baby who was destined to change the destinies of millions of people. To warm the baby, a caring woman put him in a manger with the sheep.

    The shepherds were the first to know that the Savior had been born. An Angel who descended to earth informed them about this. The shepherds immediately went to bow to the baby.

    But the rising star of Bethlehem informed the eastern sages of the good news.

    She showed the way to the wise men to the cave, where they brought gifts of gold and incense for the Savior: incense and myrrh.

    Not everyone found the news about the Birth of the Savior joyful. King Herod was predicted that a boy born would bring him death. That's why he decided to find and kill the baby. Since he did not know the exact whereabouts of the boy, the king ordered the killing of all male infants under the age of two.

    The Son of God managed to escape, but by order of Herod, 14,000 babies were killed.

    They accepted martyrdom, not yet knowing that the sacrifice was made to the future Savior.

    The Orthodox holiday of the Nativity of Christ has become for believers a reminder of the miraculous appearance of the Savior, of the beginning of a new era of faith and hope.

    Ask your acquaintances and friends when the Orthodox celebrate Christmas, and you will hear the statement that it is January 7, and the answer will, oddly enough, not be entirely correct.

    After all, there are Orthodox churches that celebrate Christmas on December 25th. And there are not a few of them, but 10 out of 15 existing today.

    In addition, there are Catholic churches that celebrate Christmas together with Orthodox Christians on January 7th. Why was there such confusion with Catholic and Orthodox Christmas Day?

    To understand, you have to look into history.

    And here, oddly enough, there is no definite answer, since the real date of Christ’s birth has not been established.

    Familiar to many, January 6 was long celebrated as Epiphany Day, since this event was considered more important in the life of Christians.

    When the question arose about the birth of Christ, it was calculated based on the date of the news of the conception of God, which falls on March 25 according to the old style.

    In addition, on December 25, many Western countries celebrated a pagan holiday dedicated to the god Saturn.

    It was convenient for the Roman Church to proclaim Christmas on this date. This substitution helped to eradicate pagan holidays, which were more familiar to people at that time.

    The Church of Constantinople joined the celebration of Christmas in the century.

    That's why long time Orthodox Christmas was celebrated on December 25th. And this state of affairs remained literally until the beginning of the 20th century.

    In Russia at this time, a decision was made to switch to the Gregorian calendar, according to which European countries have been living for many years. But the church does not support such a decision.

    That's why church calendar of the Russian Church is calculated according to the Julian calendar.

    And the dates of the holidays were preserved exactly in accordance with the old style.

    According to the Gregorian calendar, the dates of the holidays have shifted by 13 days.

    Therefore, it turns out that Christmas according to the Orthodox calendar is still celebrated on December 25, but according to the Julian calendar, which corresponds to January 7 according to the calendar more familiar to ordinary people.

    These are parishioners of the Russian, Serbian, Georgian, Belarusian and Jerusalem Churches.

    Since 2014, the Polish Orthodox Church has also joined them.

    Ukrainian Greek Catholics also celebrate Christmas with them, but against the backdrop of recent events, the question of postponing the date of Christmas celebrations has begun to arise.

    The date of the celebration of Orthodox Christmas also coincides with the holiday of some Protestants who adhere to the Julian calendar. Christmas is celebrated on the same day Athonite elders. So it’s difficult to give a definite answer as to what date Orthodox Christmas is.

    Orthodox Nativity: celebration and traditions of Orthodox Christmas

    Christmas - Orthodox holiday, and believers especially acutely and deeply experience their encounter with Christ on this day. This is the moment when the awareness of the roots and traditions of the celebration occurs joyfully and colorfully. The holiday gives warmth and faith, kindles light in people's souls.

    Before the birth of Christ, people were far from God and the opportunity to meet the Creator was simply absent.

    Therefore, God was forced to overcome the line separating mortal and sinful people from eternal and joyful life, which was manifested by the appearance of God in human form. He sent his son to the people, who was supposed to tell people about the Kingdom of God and lead them to faith. It is this meeting that the Orthodox celebrate at Christmas.

    Precedes the holiday Orthodox fast- before Christmas, Christians adhere to Filippov or. Lent begins on November 28 and lasts until Christmas. The forty-day fast ends on Christmas morning.

    The celebration begins on Christmas Eve. Families sit down to dinner only after the appearance of the first star.

    Before this, January 6 is not supposed to have a meal. There should be tables, each of which has its own meaning and importance. Sochivo is considered the main dish, which is where the name Christmas Eve comes from.

    Christmas Eve begins with Christmas Eve, which lasts another two weeks. Christmastide ends with another important holiday - Baptism of Water, which is celebrated by Orthodox Christians on January 19 or January 13 according to the old style.

    All night before Christmas there are festive services in churches. And on the morning of January 7th one is supposed to break the fast, as the fast ends.

    Traditionally, rich tables are set for Christmas with, and,.

    People congratulate loved ones, relatives and just acquaintances on the holiday. Orthodox congratulations Happy New Year and Merry Christmas brings good thoughts and wishes of faith.

    Churches and houses are always decorated with pine branches and other Christmas paraphernalia. A Christmas tree must also be installed and decorated with bright toys, tinsel, and lights. This tradition is associated with the origin of the tree of paradise and the “paradise” apples on it.

    Christmas carols are especially interesting. Children and youth begin to go from house to house in the evening with good wishes.

    In some villages, when Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas, the tradition of arranging nativity scenes has been preserved. The figures are attached to a wooden box. Participants in the nativity scene use these figurines to show a biblical story related to the birth of Christ. They sing songs and read carols.

    In gratitude, the owners thank them with candies, sweets, sausages, and money.

    They definitely give Orthodox gifts at Christmas. This tradition is associated with wishing goodness, wealth, happiness to family, friends and dear people.

    Gifts are placed under the Christmas tree or placed in special boots and socks.

    The holiday is always fun and joyful. With feasts, songs, dances, congratulations and gifts. Therefore, the Christmas holiday is very loved by both children and adults, and even by those who are indifferent or skeptical about Orthodox traditions.

    Video: Orthodox stories for children

    Watch a video about the Nativity of Christ


    In any country in the world, in every home, family, every year preparation for this joyful day begins long before it arrives. People love everything related to Christmas m. For children, this is a period of joyful anticipation, and they look forward to gifts; adults’ thoughts are busy with how they can please their loved ones and spend time with their loved ones. In Russia Orthodox Christmas January 7th, in most other countries of the world this day is December 25th. While preparing for this joyful event, think about how you would like to surprise your family members and loved ones. Prepare special gifts for each of them. After all Christmas- a family holiday, the traditions of which originate from the gospel stories, when the wise men (magicians) brought gold, incense and myrrh as gifts to the baby Jesus. It doesn't have to be expensive or gorgeous gifts, let them be symbolic, but memorable and unusual.

    If you are celebrating Christmas before the New Year, decorate your home or apartment long before this holiday: a decorated Christmas tree, garlands, decorations, lanterns will bring the approaching spirit of Christmas and the sweet anticipation of a bright event into your life.

    Christmas Eve is Christmas Eve, a special time during the entire festive period. This evening, read Bible Christmas stories to your children or watch family films together about the miracles that always accompany this holiday.

    Use all your culinary talents to prepare Christmas dinner. In many cultures, the Christmas table should include meat and poultry in abundance. As well as all kinds of baked goods: pies with filling, kulebyaki, bread, pies, rolls. Over dinner, think about some good stories that happened during the year. Wish everyone sitting at the table health, success, and joy in the new year. Spend the entire holiday with your family and dedicate it to your loved ones. And most importantly, remember: no matter where in the world you find yourself, the meaning, traditions and symbols of Christmas will always bring to your family and home not only fun and joy, but with them faith, hope and love.

    Video on the topic

    After the October Revolution Christmas, the main winter holiday of the Russian Empire, was actually banned. Over time, many attributes of Christmas - a tree, home decorations, gifts and congratulations - became part of the New Year celebration. And after January 7 became an official holiday again, many people want to celebrate this holiday, but do not know how to do it correctly, in accordance with traditions.


    In addition to the Christmas tree, you can also use a manger to decorate your home - this is a composition depicting the worship of the Magi. The depiction of this plot in the form of figurines is relevant, first of all, to cultural tradition, but, nevertheless, it is fully consistent with the Russian traditional spirit of Christmas. Nurseries can be purchased either ready-made, although finding them in Russia is quite difficult, or you can make them yourself.

    Prepare the Christmas table. In pre-revolutionary Russia Christmas They started celebrating on Christmas Eve, January 6th. This is the last day of the Nativity Fast, so on this day only Lenten dishes were placed on the table. You can follow the tradition by cooking it lusciously. To do this, you need to cook porridge from peeled wheat grains, then add poppy seeds, ground with honey. You can also serve various fish and vegetable dishes on Christmas Eve. Christmas you can prepare meat dishes, for example, duck stuffed with apples. You can also serve various sweets, including using recipes from other cuisines. A good option For festive table with the participation of children, a gingerbread house decorated with marzipan can become a dish traditional for Germany. The French are on Christmas They prepare a special cake called “Log” - this is a roll covered with chocolate and stylized as a tree trunk.

    IN Christian churches The holiday is celebrated with solemn services. Part of them is an all-night vigil, when the clergy glorify Christ. This holiday among Orthodox Christians is the second most important after Easter. On this day, it is customary for Christians to say, turning to each other: “Christ was born!”, “Let us glorify him!”

    The 40-day fast of Christmas (Korochun) ends the day before. Believers break their fast and participate in 12-day festivities. Everyday celebrations are accompanied by fortune-telling, caroling, and performances by mummers. Christmas Eve ends the Christmas fast, so the rules of fasting apply to it: you cannot eat meat, eggs, or dairy products. If Christmas Eve falls on Saturday or Sunday, then you can drink a little wine. Contrary to some statements, you can drink water.

    On Christmastide, you cannot get married, hunt, or kill animals. Folk beliefs on January 7 prohibit sewing, washing, putting on old clothes, washing, sweeping up trash, and telling fortunes (you can tell fortunes on the other days of Christmastide). A woman should not be allowed to be the first guest.

    In Russia, the main non-church Christmas ritual remains caroling. This tradition dates back to pagan times, when during Christmastide they tried to please the gods, who, being satisfied, would help throughout the year both in the field and in the hut. Caroling includes singing holiday songs (carols), dressing up as animals: bull, bear, goose, goat, etc. Caroling was accompanied by fortune telling and puppet shows. The Church disapproves of caroling, considering it a relic of paganism and superstition.

    Christmas is one of the brightest and wonderful days per year. Perhaps no other holiday has such a rich and mysterious history. And, perhaps, no other holiday unites representatives of different religions and nationalities so strongly.
    The origins of the Nativity of Christ are hidden in an even more ancient holiday, Epiphany, which was dedicated to the birth of the baby Jesus. The Day of Epiphany began to be celebrated in the second century in Egypt. By the 4th century, the tradition had spread to eastern countries, and a century later it came to the West. It is curious that the Day of Epiphany was dedicated to three events in the life of Jesus: his birth, the appearance of the wise men before him with gifts, and his baptism in the Jordan River.
    The Nativity of Christ began to be celebrated as a separate holiday only at the end of the 5th century.
    According to the Gregorian calendar, Christmas falls on December 25th. It is on this day that the holiday is celebrated by representatives of the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches. The Orthodox Church still does not recognize the Gregorian calendar, so the Nativity of Christ is celebrated according to the New Julian calendar, two weeks later, on the night of January 6-7.

    Events of the Nativity of Christ

    All the events of the birth of baby Jesus, a descendant of King David and the Messiah, are described in detail in the Gospel of Matthew. In his commentary on the Gospel, New Testament scholar Barclay states that Mary and Joseph, the parents of Jesus, were on their way to Bethlehem for a census. Unable to find a place in a hotel, they decided to spend the night in a cave not far from the city. When Mary went into labor, Joseph ran into the city for help. But, returning with the doctor, he saw that his wife had already given birth. Thus was born a man who became the central figure of Christianity.

    Symbols of the Nativity of Christ

    The birth of the new Prophet and King of the Jews was announced to the whole world by the Star of Bethlehem, which showed the Magi the way to little Jesus. Some researchers claim that the Star of Bethlehem is Halley's Comet, which streaked across the sky on the night Jesus Christ was born. That is why the Star of Bethlehem is one of the main symbols of the holiday and can often be seen on icons depicting the baby Jesus and the Virgin Mary.
    Another important attribute of the holiday is the Christmas tree. When the king of Judah learned of the birth of Jesus, he ordered the killing of all male babies who were born that day. Mary, saving the baby Jesus from death, goes to Egypt. They hid in a cave for the night, and the entrance to it was closed. spruce branches. That is why the spruce is still a symbol of Christmas, because spruce branches saved little Jesus’ life.

    Who celebrates Christmas?

    Christmas is celebrated by representatives of the Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant churches. For Muslims, Christmas is a completely different holiday that lasts 7 days. Nowadays, Christmas is official holiday and a day off in many countries of the world, including Russia.

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