• Exercise-test “16 associations”. Universal for working with problems. Jung's “16 Associations” Test will help you find the key to the unconscious


    Carl Jung test is an exercise in association. The power of the subconscious is colossal: it is capable of making changes, creating a new reality that is comfortable for its owner. But to do this you need to understand it and be able to decipher the clues... Try this powerful technique for yourself!

    Take the test now and you will see where your focus is now.

    Carl Jung's test will help you with this

    First of all, you need to create a calm environment for yourself and be left alone with your thoughts.

    Arm yourself with a pencil and a piece of paper, position it horizontally and place it vertically at the left edge of 16 points.

    Near each point, write down any, even the most delusional, noun that comes to mind, preferably in the singular. Words must not be repeated!

    So, you have 16 words. Now, in order, for each pair of words, write down the association. Here it is more important to rely on intuition rather than spontaneity. That is, it is important to write down the word that you think is necessary, and not the one that suddenly came to mind.

    There are half as many words - 8. You need to repeat the procedure with them. And so on until you get one thing, the last one, "yours" word.

    This word is key. This is the word that will help you unravel the tangle of problems and get rid of negative attitudes.

    Sometimes it happens that immediately after receiving "your word" a person gets the necessary idea, an understanding of certain things and actions. Sometimes you have to wait, think, analyze the situation.

    If over the next one or two days you constantly keep in mind "your word", try to apply this word to different aspects of your being, then a lot of thoughts may arise that will help you better understand yourself and your subconscious.

    You can repeat Carl Jung's test, but in order to get the best results - once a month, not more often, so as not to interfere with the associations with each other in your head.

    Remember that your comments can help others, so feel free to share your experiences with other blog readers. This test can be done from time to time - it helped me see where the focus of my attention is directed. different periods life.

    PS: I combine it with the awakening of images. The word that comes out at the end of the test, I go inside myself and look))) Try it and write about what you get.

    When we work with a client’s request in technology, we observe an amazing picture: If we manage to find and work out deep associations on the topic of the request at the very beginning, then often the topic itself is either nullified or becomes very insignificant, which the client can easily cope with. This effect depends to the greatest extent on the therapist’s ability to reach the deep associative connections of the request with the client.
    The “16 Associations” technique will help you break through to this deep level, bypassing the client’s mental traps and resistance.

    “16 Associations” is an exercise from the field of psycholinguistics aimed at finding your deepest association to one word or concept that is important to you.

    Our brain is designed in such a way that when we need to remember something, it is encoded by a set of visual images, information from the senses and associated emotions and sensations in the body - that is, what is already in our long-term memory. Moreover, all these “pieces of memory” are also, in turn, encoded by a similar set, which is why the activation of one of the memories activates entire circuits. These are associations and chains of associations.

    Using the “16 Associations” exercise, you can pull on a chosen keyword, like a string, and pull out the main associations associated with it - to find the one that has the greatest influence on our perception of the keyword. This influence is almost always subconscious - after all, the activation of many associations occurs simultaneously and in a split second.

    The result of the “16 associations” technique
    1. Awareness of what influences our perception and subconscious attitude towards a situation/phenomenon/fact.
    Even if you complete “16 associations” and do nothing else to work on the area from which you chose the word, and repeat the exercise three to six months later, you will get a different result and see that your attitude towards the keyword has changed . This is how awareness works: having unloaded our thoughts and associations onto a white sheet, we humans simply cannot help but begin to analyze them. Firstly, by transferring words from our heads to paper, we have freed up some of our brain resources, secondly, we see graphically expressed relationships, and thirdly, we are curious. Why is this so? Where did this and that come from? We reflect, remember, analyze, draw conclusions - and get a second benefit.

    2. Transformational effect. Conscious perception changes the attitude, and this also has an explanation in the mechanisms of memory: scientists have found that we do not remember the event itself, but the last memory of it. The more new associations we attach to a keyword, the more the circuit activated by that word will change. The emotions that color these associations will determine how much the overall emotional coloring of the chain will change - and what feelings we will have the next time we remember this word. And we know that the brighter the emotion, the stronger (and faster) the rewriting effect will be.

    3. We receive a ready-made map for further work and clarification of the request. It becomes clear what can be used as a resource, and what and why needs to be changed.

    So, awareness, transformational effect and the question “So what now, when...”.
    The higher the awareness, the more honest a person is with himself and the more sincerely he is determined to work on himself, the stronger the changes will be as a result of performing the technique.

    We choose the word we will work with. When asking for pregnancy in case of infertility, this is the word Child or Pregnancy
    Think about Pregnancy... Pregnancy in general in general... Pregnancy as a concept... your personal Pregnancy... Now write in a column 16 of your associations to the word Pregnancy. These can be nouns, adverbs, verbs, pronouns... The main rule is that not a single word should be repeated throughout the entire exercise.

    Combine the resulting words in brackets of two - the first with the second, the third with the fourth, and so on.
    For each pair, find the word that combines these concepts for you. Be as honest as possible, listen to yourself - this should be yours, your personal association with these two words.
    When you have 8 words, we again combine them into pairs in order.

    And again find your association for each pair of words. Be careful, listen to yourself. Does this word resonate with you?.. The more honest, the more sincere you are with yourself, the stronger the result will be.
    We continue until there is only one word left.

    Please note that when finding the last word - a deep association - there is always a reaction in the body.

    Pay attention to positive and negative words - which ones are more? In which column?
    Deep association is not a concept itself, it is an anchor that pulls the associative chain. And only you can decide whether to use it to enhance your potential or rewrite it.
    “Keys” to the “16 associations” technique - what is hidden in each column:
    The first column of words shows the writer’s stereotypes, superficial and completely conscious associations. What was put into our heads in childhood, and what we ourselves absorbed from the environment, TV/Internet and society...

    The second column is the level of thoughts, what we think about in connection with the keyword.

    The third is images of our emotions in relation to the keyword.
    Last - the last two words before the key word help to identify the root of the problem, the most significant issues and internal selection strategies.
    During the exercise, it is important to focus not on generally accepted associations, but on your own personal ones that resonate within you. If stupor occurs, say a few words within yourself again and again and listen to what unites them or what they are not both for you. Correctly found association gives a clear bodily reaction, especially the last, deep one.

    The second tip is to pay attention to the sensations in your body. If the association you find is yours, you will feel it literally, with your body. The bodily reaction will be especially strong when finding the last word, that very deep association.
    The reaction is quite strong, and the one who performed the exercise will never be able to hide from himself whether he is comfortable with such a deep association or not, whether it is negative or positive.
    If the same word comes to you at different levels over and over again (and you cannot repeat already used words in the exercise), then this is a hint from your subconscious. Most likely, the chain triggered by this particular word influences your perception of the first one.
    It is very useful to invite the client to do the same exercise, leading him to the state of the Inner Child.
    Compare the results.
    A deep internal conflict may surface and there will be an active request for a therapy session.

    Carl Jung used a method free associations as a lie detector, as it helped to establish a person's motivation. Thanks to this technique, a person can come to the realization of what is gnawing at him and begin to eliminate his psychological problems.

    The “16 Associations” exercise works similar to Jung’s association test, and it will not take more than 15 minutes to complete. If you want to better understand own feelings and understand what you really need - Jung's association test is an unrivaled assistant in this matter.

    The human brain is designed in such a way that, if it is necessary to remember something, it is encoded by a set of visual images, information from the senses and associated sensations in the body and emotions.

    What will you get from the “16 associations” exercise?

    1. Awareness of what influences your perception and subconscious attitude towards a situation/phenomenon/fact. Even if you make no attempt to work on the area from which the word was chosen, after 3-6 months you will get a completely different result when you take the test again. This is all the work of the subconscious - when thoughts and associations are put on paper, a person begins to analyze them in any case.

    2. Transformational effect. Thanks to conscious perception, a change in attitude occurs and this is reasonable scientific explanation. A person remembers not the event itself, but the last memory associated with it. The more new associations we apply to a keyword, the more the circuit that is activated by that word will change.

    Depending on what emotions arise during associations, the change in the future emotional color of the chain and the feelings that will arise the next time this word is remembered depends. Thus, the brighter the emotion, the stronger the rewriting effect.

    3. You receive a ready-made map for further work on yourself - it becomes clear what can be used as a resource and what should be changed. The higher the awareness, the more determined a person is to change - this will help achieve maximum results after passing the Jung association test.

    Jung's association test: exercise “16 associations”

    For the exercise to be effective, it should be performed in absolute peace and solitude.

    • Think about what word you would like to work with. For example, if you think that you are currently experiencing financial difficulties, let it be the word “money,” and if you think you are lonely, write the word “love.” Draw the following sign on a sheet of paper:

    Research word

    • As quickly as possible, without hesitation, enter in the left column all the associations that you have with this word - any phrases, idioms, words.
    • Next, fill out the second column - you need to combine the words into pairs - 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, etc. In the second column you need to enter associations that arise when combining words into pairs.
    • To fill out the third column, you need to do the same thing - combine the 8 words received in pairs and display associations; we do the same with the 4th column.
    • As a result, you get a key word - something with which you can unravel the tangle of problems and get rid of negative attitudes.

    If over the next few days you don't let the keyword out of your head, trying to apply it to various areas your life, then many thoughts may appear that will help you better understand yourself and your subconscious.

    Recently, the word “Test” has caused a trigger for most users, associated with a huge number of questionnaires a la “Who are you from the series “Univer””, “Can you survive the zombie apocalypse?” or “How suitable is Brad Pitt for you?” The validity of such diagnostics is rapidly approaching zero, and even the method of scientific poking has nothing to do with it. Because a random set of results is only an indicator of how violently the ideas about the essence of testing in general, and from the point of view of psychology, in particular, have degraded. And, even tested, valid questionnaires are discredited by the strange interpretation of the results and the test object itself.

    In the case of this test, approximately the same story happened. When various kinds of coaches on finding the meaning of life, mothers from baby forums and schoolchildren from near-psychological publics reached him, they began to call him “My problem”, “Find yourself”, etc. Which, in general, seems to be distantly related to the original idea, but, in terms of settings, resembles word of mouth, when the phrase “Uncle Vanya fell off his bike yesterday” turns into “Baba Klava gave birth to twins today.” Therefore, in this article we will try to figure out what is true and what is false, and, of course, conduct self-analysis based on the results of the questionnaire.

    Without going into the historical details of the technique, I want to start with the fact that the method of free association is the most famous technique, which has hardly changed over the hundred years of its existence. Of course, he has Freudian supporters and critics from humanistic psychology, but the scientific nature of the experiment takes place, which, by the way, is still used by marketers, managers, various advanced managers and, by the way, everyone’s favorite NLP has legs too they grow from there.

    And its essence is very truthfully described in Karel Capek’s story “Professor Rouss’s Experiment,” where, despite the author’s specific manner of presentation, the exact practical application of this phenomenon is revealed. Namely. Our brain is designed in such a way that when we need to remember something, it is encoded by a set of visual images, information from the senses and associated emotions and sensations in the body. That is, by what is already in our long-term memory. Moreover, all these “pieces of memory” are also, in turn, encoded by a similar set, which is why the activation of one of the memories activates entire circuits. These are associations and chains of associations.

    Our beloved Carl Jung used free association as a lie detector because it helped determine a person's motivation. Thanks to this technique, a person can come to the realization of what is gnawing at him and begin to eliminate his psychological problems. Thus, first of all, this test does not serve to solve any difficulties according to the principle: “Anuka! Solve the problem!”, and is aimed, first of all, at identifying intrapsychic conflicts, unconscious fears, feelings of guilt, denial and everything that is not visible on the surface.

    However, for the initial formulation, you need a set of words that are associated with the problematic situation that has developed at the moment. As a result of analysis of which, by pulling the selected keywords like a string, and bringing to light the main associations associated with it, one can clearly identify the influence of the subconscious, since the activation of many associations occurs simultaneously and in a fraction of a second.

    So, if you have read this far, then you are fully interested, motivated, and ready to take the test and interpret it. First of all, let me tell you what you can get with this method?

    1. Awareness of what influences our perception and subconscious attitude towards a situation/phenomenon/fact. Even if we complete the task and do nothing else to work on the area from which we chose the word, and after three to six months we repeat the exercise, we will get a different result and see that the attitude towards the keyword has changed. This is how awareness works: having unloaded thoughts and associations onto a blank sheet of paper, people simply cannot help but begin to analyze them.

    2. Transformational effect. Conscious perception changes the attitude, and this also has an explanation in the mechanisms of memory: scientists have found that we do not remember the event itself, but the last memory of it. The more new associations we attach to a keyword, the more the circuit activated by that word will change. What emotions these associations will be colored with will determine how much the overall emotional coloring of the chain will change - and what feelings we will have the next time we remember this word. And we know that the brighter the emotion, the stronger and faster the rewriting effect will be.

    3. We receive a ready-made map for further work and clarification of the request. It becomes clear what can be used as a resource, and what and why needs to be changed.

    Let's begin! For the exercise to be effective, it should be performed in absolute peace and solitude, try to write down the first associations that arise, without unnecessary thought, no matter how strange they may be.

    We choose the word we will work with. If there are financial difficulties, then let it be the word “Money”. If you feel lonely, write “Love”. If you feel a lack of attention from management, feel free to put “Work”, etc. Next, as quickly as possible and without hesitation, enter into the left column of the sample table below (yours is handwritten!) all the associations that arise with this word - any phrases, catchphrases, words, any case, gender or part of speech. Next, fill out the second column - you need to combine words into pairs - 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, etc. In the second column you need to enter associations that arise when combining words into pairs. To fill out the third column you need to do the same. Combine the 8 words received in pairs and display associations; do the same with the 4th column. As a result, you get a key word - something with which you can unravel the tangle of conflicts and get rid of negative attitudes. PS: try not to repeat associations, even in different columns.

    Transcript Free association method - Jung's test. As you already understand, the result can only be truly interpreted by you. Let me make a reservation right away - don’t even dream that the results will predict the future. They will write what to do, how to behave, and you will step towards that very bright thing at the end of the tunnel called “Zen”. First of all, pronouncing these associations in itself has an excellent effect on realizing a particular fact. Secondly, the key of the unconscious is not the result, such as the current situation and not the expected development of events, but, perhaps, fear or denial of the obvious, which does not allow you to free yourself from the burden.

    When analyzing, pay attention to such things as positive and negative words, which ones are more numerous and in which column they are located. If the same association comes to you at different levels again and again (although you cannot repeat already used words in the method), then this is a hint from your subconscious. Most likely, the chain triggered by this particular word affects your perception the most and is an obsessive thought, the deciphering of which is worth thinking about more carefully. Compare how well the key matches your conscious ideas about the root of the problem. Think about what you could change at various levels so that a negative outcome (if any) becomes an optimistic one. Watch your own emotions when writing the test. If the association you find is yours, you will feel it literally. After all, it is impossible to hide from yourself whether you are comfortable with such a result or not and what sign it turned out to be.

    Carl Jung used free association as a lie detector because it helped determine a person's motivation. Thanks to this technique, a person can come to the realization of what is gnawing at him and begin to eliminate his psychological problems.

    The “16 Associations” exercise works similar to Jung’s association test, and it will not take more than 15 minutes to complete. If you want to better understand your own feelings and understand what you really need, Jung’s association test is an unrivaled assistant in this matter.

    The human brain is designed in such a way that, if it is necessary to remember something, it is encoded by a set of visual images, information from the senses and associated sensations in the body and emotions.

    What will you get from the “16 associations” exercise? Awareness of what influences your perception and subconscious attitude towards a situation/phenomenon/fact. Even if you make no attempt to work on the area from which the word was chosen, after 3-6 months you will get a completely different result when you take the test again. This is all the work of the subconscious - when thoughts and associations are put on paper, a person begins to analyze them in any case.

    Transformational effect. Through conscious perception, a change in attitude occurs and there is a reasonable scientific explanation for this. A person remembers not the event itself, but the last memory associated with it. The more new associations we apply to a keyword, the more the circuit that is activated by that word will change. Depending on what emotions arise during associations, the change in the future emotional color of the chain and the feelings that will arise the next time this word is remembered depends. Thus, the brighter the emotion, the stronger the rewriting effect. You receive a ready-made map for further work on yourself - it becomes clear what can be used as a resource and what should be changed. The higher the awareness, the more determined a person is to change - this will help achieve maximum results after passing the Jung association test.

    Jung's association test: exercise “16 associations” For the exercise to be effective, it should be performed in absolute peace and solitude. It’s easy to fill out - connect the first word with the second, the third with the fourth, the fifth with the sixth, etc. and write in the second column from the left the Association derived from the pair of words.

    Think about what word you would like to work with. For example, if you think that you are currently experiencing financial difficulties, let it be the word “money,” and if you think you are lonely, write the word “love.” Draw the following sign on a sheet of paper:

    Research word

    As quickly as possible, without hesitation, enter in the left column all the associations that you have with this word - any phrases, catchphrases, words. Next, fill out the second column - you need to combine the words into pairs - 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, etc. In the second column you need to enter associations that arise when combining words into pairs. To fill out the third column, you need to do the same thing - combine the 8 words received in pairs and display associations; we do the same with the 4th column. As a result, you get a key word - something with which you can unravel the tangle of problems and get rid of negative attitudes.

    If over the next few days you do not let the keyword out of your head, trying to apply it to various areas of your life, then many thoughts may appear that will help you better understand yourself and your subconscious. Analyzing the first column The first column of words reflects several points at once: 1. Our “level of reality”. This is what fills our daily life. At the level of reality, our “clichés” “live”, beliefs that have no serious basis, but nevertheless influence our lives.

    For example, a good half of city residents claim that they are afraid of mice, rats, snakes, and enter the entrance almost with their eyes closed, but rarely have any of them ever seen a live mouse in their entrance! Why are they afraid of them? This is a cliche - “women are afraid of mice,” and since I’m a woman, I should be afraid.

    The same thing happens with money (any other word being studied). We think in cliches and these cliches are clearly visible in the first column.

    Money is dirt, money is a lie, money is a test, money is pity, money is charity, big money is obtained dishonestly, etc.

    It's interesting that money is such a topic that everyone has something to say about. But few of those who talk about money actually have money. Therefore, discussions about money are, by definition, the most stupid. Few of the debaters understand what they are talking about, but nevertheless, everyone has cliches in their heads.

    2. At the first level of our test, the strategy for obtaining what we are studying is also very visible. In our example, the strategy for getting money. Someone is an honest hard worker and his words: “Work, plow, hard, tired, don’t give it, boss, salary...”. And someone thinks that money should fall from the sky: “I want it, give it to me, a bank, a yacht, a plane, a cruise, an inheritance...”. Analyze how you are doing with the way you receive money. The first person from my example will most likely work hard and conscientiously all his life, but if easy money comes into his life (let’s say he receives an inheritance), he will not know what to do with it, and “out of grief” he will get sick or will drink. The second one will continue to wait for the weather by the sea, be angry that the yachts still don’t arrive, and be offended by the world. But it is unlikely that it would occur to him that money can simply be earned.

    It happens that a person has already outgrown the previous strategy, like short pants, but still does not understand that it is time to abandon it. So the Ugly Duckling, who had long ago become a Swan, out of habit hid from the swan flock in the bushes.

    3. Also, the first column of words allows you to assess the level of pessimism - optimism in relation to your money situation. To determine it, read 16 words and try to evaluate - as you get closer to the end, do the words become more optimistic or less optimistic?


    If the level of optimism goes up, good! This means that no matter what financial situation you are in now, you will overcome everything! You're on on the right track, and you will be fine.

    If the level of optimism goes down - bad! But I hope that thanks to the test results, you will reconsider some of your beliefs and achieve success in a timely manner!

    4. The next thing we analyze in the first column is the fears and beliefs induced (transposed, imposed) on us. Sometimes they are also called “mind viruses.” This is something that for some reason you took into account, although if you think about it, it has nothing to do with you.

    So, parents very often transfer their fears onto their children! A lot of money is a shame. But my parents picked up this belief at a time when it was completely impossible to earn a lot by honest work unless you belonged to a very narrow bohemian or scientific stratum. Therefore, they sincerely believed in it. But for what reason do you still carry this belief with you?

    There is simply a darkness of false and alien attitudes floating in our consciousness! We are saturated through and through with other people's ideas, plans, motives and fears. Now we have a difficult task ahead of us - to catch these OTHERS' problems in our test!

    Write this test by hand on a piece of paper! And this is very important precisely in order to detect “strangers”! Interesting! People often identify handwritten “virus words” using hidden signs (mistakes, blots, a word is written with a capital letter, and all the rest are written with a small letter, or, conversely, the word is written smaller or larger).

    When I performed this test myself, it turned out that I wrote all the words accurately and completely, and only one word was not completely written - responsibility. When I began to think about him, my mother immediately appeared before my eyes, telling me that big money is always a responsibility.

    But analyzing what is written by hand is not the only way to detect “strangers.” Do the following - read the first column out loud, quickly, in one breath, trying to pronounce the words clearly and tracking your emotions and bodily sensations.

    Most likely, at some word, a wave of disagreement will rise in you, as if it was not you who wrote it. You may even feel a drop in energy, instant fatigue and apathy.

    For me, out of the 16 words I wrote down, the word “labor” became the word. And then again the picture of my mother surfaced, as she said that you need to work hard so that everything in your life is good.

    The following example: work a lot love buzz begging hotel greenery car children education Even without being an expert in psychology, you can feel that the person who wrote this set of associations is a hard worker, firmly standing on his feet, understanding a lot about earthly pleasures, and oriented towards the future.

    But where did this terrible word “begging” come from? It rudely breaks into the list of associations linguistically (if this word belonged to the person himself, he would have written - poverty). And it breaks the connection between the logical block, where the main motives and strategy of this person are clearly visible (work well - have a good rest, and don’t forget about the children). It becomes clear what this person spends his energy on. To avoid this very “begging” at any cost.

    When I asked the person who wrote this column about the origin of the word “begging,” he remembered that as a child his mother often yelled at him: “Study, you idiot, if you don’t learn, they won’t hire you, you’ll be begging!” He studied, graduated from two universities, works hard in a management position at a state enterprise, because he is sure that it is more stable. Many times I received invitations to go to private business both for a salary and as a partner, but he always refused. Why? He says that he doesn’t like to take risks, but at the same time he drives a car at great speed, he goes alone into the taiga to hunt a bear, that is, you can’t call him not a risk-taker. He says he's slowed down. He promises himself to change something, but does not find the strength.

    Is he afraid of poverty? Yes, but he tries not to think about it; if such a thought comes, he drowns it out with a shot of good vodka. This is a typical case. After working with the test and removing maternal programming, I tried to combine my main job with management in a private business. Now he runs a large timber processing plant.

    Other people's fears and beliefs take away much more strength and energy from us than our own, and force us to do completely unthinkable things! It has been noticed that the most common way to drown out the “voice” of someone else’s beliefs is alcohol. Is this why in our country, where everyone lived only according to orders, there are so many people who drink heavily?

    But let's get back to the test. When you find thought-form viruses on your list, think about their origin. Perhaps you will remember the edifying look of the old teacher, the instructions of the father and the admonitions of the grandparents. But oddly enough, most often we all remember our mother. That's who basically puts everything in our heads. Now that you understand where you got it from and, perhaps, even remembered how much you had to lose or not do because of it, give up this word - belief!

    How? Just cross it out and write a new one in its place! Any word, not necessarily close in meaning, but chosen by you personally.

    Let's move on to analyzing the second column

    The second column is the level of intelligence! That's what I think about it! Let me explain... The fact is that most people do not think about their problems at all. They bathe in them, live in them, worry about them, talk a lot, but think very little! But in vain... Sometimes a good, strong, unemotional analysis would give much more than hours of exciting conversations.

    At this level, your own limiting beliefs come out! Example: Not sure Equality Age Asking is bad In decoding it would sound like this: It won’t work out for me. I don’t have enough education... start-up capital... experience... I’m not the right age... It’s too late... Etc. Analyze the second column of your test and find limiting beliefs and obstacles in it. If they are, think about them by asking the question: “Why do I think this is so?”

    Each time, ask yourself a clarifying question until you are convinced that you have arrived at the absurd. Having caught yourself on the absurdity of the arguments, laugh at them and part with your conviction, like shoes that have gone out of fashion.

    Here is an example of a typical dialogue between a psychologist and a person stuck on his conviction: - Conviction: I am no longer the same age. - What is “that” age? - Well, 20 years. — When you were 20 years old, what could you do? - Nothing. - And now? - Now I can, I have education and experience. - So why do you think that the age is wrong? - Health is not the same. - What does “that” health mean? - Young. - There were rich people in your family - Yes, your great-grandfather was very rich, he returned from the mines at the age of 40, opened a shop, became a merchant... - How old was your grandfather when he started, and was he in good health? Yes, no, he returned from the mines, completely ill. So it's not a matter of health or age? - It turns out that yes...

    This is the kind of dialogue you need to have with yourself for every limiting belief. It is better if the dialogue is conducted in writing.

    Let's look at the third column - What is the reason?

    The third column is the level of feelings! It shows our “emotional hooks”! “Tails” of the past, fears, causes of emotional conflicts. Example: I want I'm afraid Lie Mom These are words from a young woman's test. At the time of testing, she was planning to marry a rich man and move abroad. Her parents categorically did not approve of her choice. This was already the third candidate for husband, the previous two were rejected thanks to their parents. The woman was afraid of her parents, afraid of men, their money, possible changes in life, everything... But the reason lay precisely in the fear of maternal condemnation.

    Take a close look at this column of just four words, and perhaps you will understand real reasons not only financial, but also general ill-being.

    Interesting! From the words in the third column you can usually create an expression that can be used as a kind of “slogan” or motto! Play with words and make up a phrase. Sometimes it’s just a call to action, even if it’s written in capital letters and hung on the wall. And sometimes, as in the case of our heroine, the quintessence of internal experiences.

    I had 4 words in the third column: Goal Confidence Work Luck The slogan turned out as follows: My goal gives me confidence that work will bring good luck

    Analysis of the fourth and fifth columns is the key to yourself. What are these last key words for you? Think about it!

    There is no standard transcript for the last three words. Usually this is a tool for analysis or a hint for further psychological work. There, a person’s key fears, true and not far-fetched causes of problems, as well as genuine motives can “pop out”. One thing is clear, if the meaning of the words - the keys - is far from the associated concept (in our case it is money), the root of the problem lies in spheres and planes that are far from the sphere of money as such.

    This means that the financial situation will not improve until the real problem is worked out and solved. As a rule, it is organically tied to one of three: the problem of parent-child relationships; self-esteem; value system Now take a piece of paper and draw the last word! If it's good, save the drawing! This is your energy resource! If it’s bad, look at it for a while, say goodbye and solemnly burn it! The work with the test is now complete. I hope it led you to some useful discoveries!

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