• How to organize a private kindergarten at home. Private kindergarten as a business Private kindergarten in your home


    It is very important for kindergartens to meet the standards of the time - to look modern and progressive in the eyes of their clients (young parents of children). All other things being equal, their kids will end up in a kindergarten that has its own website. Simply because they will find it faster, especially when it comes to big city with a considerable number of kindergartens in the area of ​​residence. Well, the image: there is a website - it’s good, if not, it’s not the same, the managers are stuck in the Stone Age, let’s look at the next one.

    The presence of a kindergarten website does not guarantee the completeness of groups. The kindergarten should be good in the classical sense: with qualified teachers, renovation of the premises, normal toys, equipment, kitchen, walking areas and other things. The presence of a website cannot in any way compensate for the gaps in the professional and technical base. But a good reputation, supported by a high-quality website, will work for the prosperity of the institution with redoubled force.

    1. Why does a kindergarten need a website?

    In principle, for the same as for any business, but adjusted for the specifics of the organization:

    A well-structured website will contribute to the prosperity of the preschool educational institution. But how to create it? What set of capabilities should a platform have to create a full-fledged website for a kindergarten?

    2. Criteria for choosing a service for creating a kindergarten website

    A website for a kindergarten can be implemented in different ways depending on the goals pursued and the tasks to be solved. In the simplest and most obvious version, this could be a business card website. With information about the material base, teachers, events, some articles on the topic, photo reports and contact information. Review and advertising site to attract parents and their children. With this approach, you will need a good designer with a visual editor. It is easy to work with and the results are wonderful.

    If you need a heavy website of a preschool educational institution with a bunch of pages, a forum, and mountains of various information, then a business card will no longer be enough. Not every website builder has a sufficient base for its implementation. In fact, this is a rather complex type of project. A large number of pages, a complex structure, many types of materials, design styles, various gadgets like voting, polls and other things. In this case, “business” platforms are no longer needed. A more serious weapon will be required.

    Requirements that a designer must meet to create a kindergarten website:

    • Low cost, and even better - the possibility of free use;
    • Availability of suitable templates within the system and flexibility of functionality for editing them;
    • Powerful functionality for implementing specific things like polls, a forum, additional fields, tabs, beautiful tables and other things like that;
    • Possibility of implementing a version of the site for the visually impaired- these are legal requirements for websites of government agencies. You can’t get around it, they’ll check.
    • Convenience and ease of use. Yes, teachers are competent people, but most likely, website development is a hobby for few of them.
    • The system must work quickly, that is, to be well optimized and located on servers located in Russia. When there is an influx of visitors, drops in loading speed can annoy even the most patient of them.

    It's time to decide which designers are better suited for creating a preschool website than others.

    3. The best designers for creating a kindergarten website

    So, we need one good WYSIWYG service and one that will be able to implement a complex version of the site, in the style of a portal. uKit is best suited for the role of a business website builder: it is extremely easy to learn, very affordable and effective. There is everything you need - templates, the ability to present content beautifully, clear means for promotion, and so on. A win-win.

    The second option is more difficult. With complex requirements, there is practically nothing to choose from. Perhaps there is only one solution that satisfies all the conditions - this is uCoz. No other system will allow you to create a portal with a forum, surveys, a blog, chats for visitors, all sorts of counters, statistics, a complex page structure, and so on. Naturally, working on such a project will be more difficult.


    is a specialized designer for creating business websites. That is, business cards to demonstrate the potential of organizations, companies and individuals. With it you can beautifully and informatively present your kindergarten parents. So much so that they want to bring their children to you. This is a very easy to learn service, convenient, with a pleasant interface, which is its main advantage along with functionality.

    One of the important features of the designer is its low cost. Only $36/year with promo code, not expensive at all. At the same time, there are often sales with even more interesting conditions. That is, in terms of the price tag in the niche of high-quality WYSIWYG services, Yukita has no real competitors. In terms of functionality, this is one of the best systems, despite the modest price. This is a Russian designer, promising, fast and efficient. Ideal for creating a preschool business card.

    After registration, you need to go to the “Education” template category and select a design for a kindergarten. You will receive an almost finished website with the correct page layout and menu structure. Next, you need to replace the demo data with your texts, numbers and photographs. Also, do not forget to add the correct contacts, mark the location of the kindergarten on the map and enter group accounts on social networks, if any.

    When you go to the control panel, you will see the “Promotion” section. In it, the system shows tips that, if followed, will help promote your site in search engines. Here you can put the site on indexing and add the location of the organization to the maps. There are also statistics - connect Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics. If necessary, you can activate and configure the version of the site for the visually impaired - it's easy. Also, don't forget to attach your domain upon completion of the project.

    Examples of kindergarten websites created in the uKit constructor:

    Yukit allows you to get impressive website designs. They are very fast thanks to optimization of the code and user-uploaded images: no matter how many photos you add to the page, it will still remain fast. On any type of device. Your website will look equally good on desktop and phone, which is extremely important: at least half of the parents will find you from their iPhone. In uKit, a good kindergarten website can be created in 1-2 days without preparation.


    uCoz is a hardcore option for implementing a complex variation of a kindergarten website. Among all the web services known to us, only the uCoz website builder meets the increased requirements (detailed review). And even those that we have not listed or those that can be pulled out of thin air. In principle, one attribute is enough to weed out all other constructors - free. Yes, you know, Free tariffs are available everywhere, but they work with large functional limitations (the inability to connect your domain alone is enough). In Yukoz, you can not only get all the functionality without money (write to technical support, the system is free for government websites, everything will be unblocked and ads will be removed), but you can also connect any domain without restrictions. You won't find anything like this anywhere else.

    On other points, everything is also excellent: Yukoz is powerful, works quickly, has a comprehensive set of modules (forum, blog, photo gallery, surveys, tests, etc.), a template designer and a good set of ready-made copies. You don’t need to pay for hosting, you don’t need to set it up either, the site’s security is guaranteed by the system, there will be no advertising, technical support is prompt - uCoz is simply a promised land for those who want to create structurally complex websites for institutions. Everything is there, and it will all be given for free. What is required of you? Work.

    Examples of kindergarten websites created using uCoz:

    It is important to mention that services to uCoz users are provided by the Russian legal entity Yukoz Media LLC. uCoz servers are physically located on the territory of the Russian Federation. Company employees have written about this on their blog several times. You can even get online information about the location of the server and domain ownership.

    4. How to create a kindergarten website in uCoz yourself?

    It is worth providing separate instructions for creating a website for the preschool educational institution Yukoze. Let's not fuss. You have a lot of work ahead of you. Such a site, of course, can be designed in the form of a simple business card of several pages. But if you take the task seriously, you will need time. Better yet, helpers. You will not be creating a website for yourself, but for the common good.

    In general terms, the steps towards creating a website for a kindergarten in Yukoz look like this:

    • Registration . Use your account social network, corporate UID or email account.
    • Next, you need to specify the name of the site, select a basic template (or purchase a premium template) and a starting set of modules (for example, a file directory, news, forum, polls, voting, blog, photo albums and videos). Don’t worry, you can remove or add missing modules from the control panel at any time.
    • Now in the “Design” - “Menu Builder” section you need to create a site structure from menu items. If you're in doubt about what should be on a kindergarten website, Google it and see what kind of content your colleagues are using. Take what you need and create menus accordingly. Next, in the page editor, create the required number of pages and link each of them to a suitable menu item. Work on the design - set your background, adjust the fonts, select an image in the header, replace the demo content with your own. Fill the resulting site with materials.
    • Fill in the general site settings (name, region, material display settings, etc.) and SEO parameters for the entire site and each page separately.
    • After completing the site creation work, you need to send a request to technical support to remove the system’s advertising banner.
    • Connect the domain to the site and publish it, removing it from quarantine.

    Thus, you can create an advanced website for a kindergarten for free. Yes, we have described the general progress of work. In addition, you will need to set up a forum (create sections, topics, configure access to them, appearance options), a blog, select places to post questionnaires, an event calendar and everything else. Lots of small details. But we believe you have grasped the essence of the process.

    5. How to make a kindergarten website attractive

    You will need a lot of good photographs and videos of everyday situations and festive events held in the kindergarten. For each aspect of life inside the garden, you can create a separate section with a description of the process, exact data, and those responsible for certain areas. For example, the kitchen is clearly important. There should be tables with menus, grams, photos, etc. Also detailed description game rooms, courtyard, sleeping area, condition and quantity of furniture, toys deserve. Group descriptions and lesson plans are extremely important.

    It is imperative to focus on the qualifications of the staff, methodological developments, awards, and other things that will help parents form an idea of ​​the level of teaching. The more useful information will be on the site, the better. Don't limit yourself to advertising slogans - provide numbers, documents, statistics, photos. Believe me, many parents will be extremely interested in familiarizing themselves with all this in advance. They will not be too lazy to do this, there will be no unnecessary information - they will read everything to cover before bringing your child to you.

    From a technical point of view, it is important to choose a suitable template. It is desirable that it be clean and light. Do not overuse toy motifs - a little is okay, but do not forget that parents will visit the site. Maintain a balance of seriousness and simplicity, there is no need for a circus. Everything related to SEO is also extremely important - you want your kindergarten to be found in search engines? Pay attention to optimization. All texts must be correctly written and contain a small amount of key phrases. Photos and videos are only high quality.

    Whichever builder you choose, once your site is published, you will gain an audience of parents, colleagues, educational services, and possibly potential sponsors. It’s not difficult to promote it: after publication, you’ll already get hits, you just have to announce the launch. Parental traffic will flow to your domain like a river, and then things will go faster. New visitors will start looking directly from the search. This is all simple: there are fewer kindergarten websites by region than there are electronics stores with their huge competition. You won't get lost.

    1. There has already been a tradition in Runet to create websites for government agencies in uCoz. The thing is that no other system provides such favorable conditions and does not have the specific functionality necessary to create them in full. The service developers provide such a combination of characteristics that it is impossible to compete with it on equal terms.
    2. A lightweight version from a technical point of view, but no less high-quality version of a kindergarten website in business card format can be created in uKit. Most likely, this is an even more profitable service that is interesting for most. Due to the low cost, excellent quality and extreme ease of use and short deadlines for launching the site. You will receive a modern responsive website with beautiful design, expressive presentation of content and a full complement of technologies to maintain contact with parents.

    The main thing is that the site must be of high quality: the more useful information and means for feedback you give your visitors, the better. The forum will help maintain open communication between the site administration and parents. Make a separate section with a tour of the garden for those who are just thinking about where to place their child. Publish pedagogical materials so that parents can work with their children at home. In general, this is a very broad topic. There are a lot of options for approaches. There is no need to try to cover it all at the time of publication. You can gradually add sections and features to the site.

    It's not that difficult to create a good kindergarten website. uKit or uCoz - choose for yourself what you like best. Both options are the best in their respective weight categories for creating educational websites. Try it and start working, the result is guaranteed!

    During kindergarten classes, teachers and children make various crafts. Often parents are asked to do some things at home for the group or site. The presented ideas with photos will help you show your imagination and please your child with a beautiful composition, painting or toy.

    In kindergarten, teachers and children often make various crafts from paper, cardboard, plasticine, clay, and waste materials. These activities help develop imagination, Creative skills, fine motor skills hands Often parents are also involved in an interesting process, offering to make some toys or compositions in a group or at home. For those who don’t know how to surprise or please a child, the ideas below will help you on what you can do with your own hands at different times of the year for an exhibition or an area for walking.

    Seasonal crafts

    When thinking about what crafts you can make for a three- to six-year-old child in kindergarten, you should take into account not only your capabilities, but also the seasons. Typically, educators give parents a rough outline or theme based on seasonality. So, in the fall it is easy to make an application of bright leaves, dry branches, acorns, pine or fir cones. In winter, you can make a feeder on the site, bring a picture or poster with New Year's greetings. In the spring, many people make birdhouses, and in the summer they use small stones, moss, mushrooms, fruits, vegetables, etc.

    Here are several options for autumn work in kindergarten:

    • a house made of branches, leaves, stones or pumpkins;
    • an animal made from vegetables or fruits (caterpillar, hedgehog, piglet);
    • a picture of dried leaves and flowers in a frame;
    • a lawn of moss with mushrooms and trees made of branches;
    • bouquets of "roses" from red-orange maple leaves;
    • figures made of cones, acorns, fastened with toothpicks and plasticine.

    Ideas for winter exhibitions in a group:

    Examples of spring crafts:

    • birdhouse made of plywood or wooden boards;
    • artificial flowers made of cardboard, felt, corrugated paper, sweets;
    • spring picture made of plasticine on glass;
    • Easter tree made of branches, ribbons, paper flowers;
    • toys made from disposable paper plates and cups.

    Ideas for what to do in the summer:

    • toys made from bright plastic bottle caps;
    • beads made from pasta, berries, flowers;
    • a picture of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, beans or lentils;
    • applique made of colored paper, cardboard;
    • a doll made of woolen threads or fabric;
    • wreath, paper bouquet.

    Ideas for site design

    In the summer, together with your parents, you can make not only wooden ships, trucks or stairs, but also cheerful flower beds, tree decorations, large flowers and bright fences. You just need to purchase materials, paint, and bring your tools and supplies to the cleanup. Some crafts for a sandbox or flower garden can be easily made at home, calling on children and other family members to help.

    Here are a few simple ones, but interesting ideas for crafts for the kindergarten area:

    • ladybugs made from painted stones;
    • figurines in the form of insects, butterflies, lanterns;
    • toy wooden transport in the form of a car, plane, ship;
    • garden house;

    When thinking about what crafts to make, it is advisable to consult with teachers and find out the opinions of other parents. Together, at the kindergarten site, parents can make various benches, tables and chairs from sanded stumps, a steam locomotive with carriages from slats or boxes. It’s easy to make windmills and flowers from five-liter plastic bottles at home. All these decorations will help decorate the area.

    Examples of crafts for a group

    Often, kindergarten teachers ask parents to make some costumes, accessories for parties, decorations for the hall or foyer. And if boards, plywood, and nails are required to make items for the site, here you only need to purchase materials such as fabric, glue, and paper. For example, for the New Year or March 8 it is easy to make a paper garland, snowflakes, cardboard flowers or fans.

    Here are a few interesting options group decor:

    • photo frames made of fabric, branches, ribbons or shells;
    • bouquets of branches covered with ribbons, fabric or pieces of paper;
    • screens made of fabric, plywood or slats for a puppet theater;
    • themed toys made of felt, wood, fabric, thread;
    • huge paper flowers on the wall in the hall;
    • details for the concert;
    • garlands of autumn leaves, lanterns or artificial flowers.

    Some parents make beautiful pictures They make appliqués from dried flowers, leaves, and make pictures from salt dough and ribbons. If there are dads in the group who know how to work with plaster or wood, you can ask them to design panels, frames, or cut out a couple of original shelves with a jigsaw. Usually, teachers’ requests are responded to; many, for the sake of the children, agree to do some work to organize the group. To interest children and parents, kindergartens should organize competitions, exhibitions, and issue certificates and certificates of appreciation upon completion.

    Over the past decade, the number of newborns in Russia has increased sharply. And immediately an acute problem arose of a lack of places in state kindergartens. Young parents probably know about the problems of placing a child in kindergarten - to do this, you need to get in line immediately after birth and wait 2-3 years to get into the coveted free place. And in big cities you may not be able to get into a kindergarten at all. Therefore, the only way out of the situation is to enroll the child in a private kindergarten.

    What it is

    Private kindergartens - good way out from the situation if in your area all the places in municipal institutions are occupied. You can also consider private kindergarten as a business. Moreover, the business is very effective and ideal for a family. A private kindergarten is an educational institution that provides social services not at budget expense, but with parental money.

    Private kindergarten is an excellent solution for parents

    The responsibilities of the kindergarten include:

    1. Upbringing and primary education for the baby.
    2. High-quality health improvement and prevention.
    3. Child care from a very early age - supervision of him at the specified time.
    4. Educating parents about caring for their baby.

    Such institutions operate for extra-budgetary funds. This means that money for operation will be allocated not from the city budget, but from sponsors or parents.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon. The advantages include:

    1. Small groups. Usually their capacity is no more than 10-15 people. An undeniable plus is that the teacher will devote time and monitor all the kids, so they will never be left without attention. In small groups, children learn better, receive more attention, and hone their communication skills. With such a number of children, there are practically no conflicts.
    2. Professional educators. For the owner private kindergarten in the apartment This is a full-fledged business. Therefore, he chooses exclusively qualified staff who will satisfy all the needs of children and parents.
    3. Wide selection of additional services and programs. In a private kindergarten they can study foreign languages ​​with your child and prepare him for admission to best schools and lyceums, they will teach you to swim, play musical instruments, ride bicycles and horses. The programs in such institutions are much more interesting - children are happy to attend classes.
    4. Homemade food. In municipal kindergartens they cook from products imposed by the education department through a tender. At home, everything is prepared from fresh ingredients purchased the day before. Here the child will be offered balanced diet, treat him with fruits and vegetables, give him a supplement without any problems, exclude a product that causes allergies from the diet, or prepare a dietary meal.
    5. Virtual absence of queue. You can sign up for most private gardens after the start of the “season”. You don't have to wait several years to enroll in kindergarten.

    Main disadvantages

    Such establishments also have certain disadvantages - you need to know and keep them in mind:

    1. The cost of “training” is quite high. On the other hand, both father and mother will be able to work, so it is more profitable to send the baby to kindergarten rather than sit at home with him around the clock.
    2. Lack of a dedicated walking area. However, this only applies to kindergartens in apartments. Now there are many private gardens in houses - they have their own quality playgrounds, fenced off from outsiders.
    3. The difficulty of opening this type of business. Getting started is very difficult - you will have to equip the premises, draw up a lot of paperwork and go through various approvals.

    Organizing a small home kindergarten in an apartment is a profitable solution

    Is it worth starting?

    You should correctly calculate your strengths and capabilities. A kindergarten is more of a family business than a get-rich-quick scheme. Usually it is opened by mothers with small children, they are also educators, and fathers are involved in maintenance and solving all issues. Nevertheless, you can consider a kindergarten as a profitable business. Especially in large cities - there are always a lot of newborns and there is often an acute shortage of places in municipal institutions. In small towns the level wages population is not very high, so not everyone will be able to afford such services, although situations vary.

    Note:There is practically no competition in this type of business, so with the right approach, your investment will definitely pay off. It will also be possible to offer parents additional programs for a fee.

    It is also important to develop a good program and overall concept for the institution. Original name, convenient location, modern programs, original methods, additional classes, round-the-clock opening hours - all this increases your attractiveness and motivates parents to come to you, and not to the municipal kindergarten.

    Registration process

    It should be understood that working with children requires strict adherence to all standards and regulations. Therefore, you will have to spend a lot of money on equipment for the premises.The registration process begins with obtaining a non-commercial patent. To do this, you will need to contact the Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and submit an application. When registering, you inform the specialist about the chosen field of activity, after which he indicates this specificity in the documents according to the all-Russian classification. Typically, the application is reviewed within 30 working days.

    A wide variety of activities are possible in a private kindergarten

    If it is approved, you should contact:

    1. To the tax service.
    2. To the pension fund.
    3. To the social and health insurance fund.
    4. To state statistics bodies.

    In parallel with registration in the above services, you will need to contact the authorities local government(city hall) and the education department to approve the opening of the institution. You will also need a bank account, a license from the Department of Education and accreditation from local governments.

    Set of documents

    To open you need the following list of documents:

    1. Agreement on ownership of premises or lease agreement.
    2. Conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station on compliance with standards.
    3. Conclusion of the fire inspection on compliance.
    4. Document on assignment of TIN status.
    5. Charter of an educational institution.
    6. Detailed educational program approved by the Department of Education.
    7. List of educational materials and methodological literature.
    8. It's up to every teacher.
    9. An exact list of all children (preferably with phone numbers and full names of parents).

    Note:Doing business without a license and educational programs is strictly prohibited - criminal liability is provided for this. But you can cheat and organize an organization for short-term visits by preschoolers (up to 4 hours a day).

    In this case, you do not need a license - your enterprise will be registered as a training or development center. Programs are designed in any case - they are even made for clubs and sections.

    Requirements for kindergarten

    There are increased requirements for the premises in which the establishment will be located. All standards are regulated by SanPin, as amended on 04/04/2014. Study them carefully before choosing a room and starting its renovation. Among the key requirements:

    1. 6 m2 for each child.
    2. Different rooms are needed for eating, sleeping and entertaining.
    3. Mandatory presence of a nurse's office with medical supplies for first aid.
    4. Mandatory presence of the manager's office.
    5. Premises for “clubs of interest”. Roughly speaking, these are rooms in which children can practice choreography, fine arts, sports (gym with equipment), and communicate with a psychologist.
    6. A separate catering unit is required.
    7. Special toilet rooms for children. Can be combined with washbasins. They should have special cabinets installed in which towels and personal hygiene products (soap, toothbrushes, etc.) will be stored.
    8. Clothes storage room. Wardrobes in which children hang outerwear should not be in the bedroom or dining room - they are located in the hallway.
    9. Each room must have a working fire alarm.
    10. Each room should have natural and artificial lighting.
    11. The temperature in the premises should not be lower than 22 degrees.
    12. The walls are painted with moisture-resistant red.
    13. Beds and dishes must have quality certificates.

    You will need to purchase children's toys and sports goods


    If you have the appropriate education, you can start working on your own. But if you are wondering about how to open a private kindergarten and where to start, then, most likely, you are far from raising children. In this case, you need to find good teachers. Doing this is not as easy as it seems. Personnel should be selected not only based on experience and the presence of various categories, but, first of all, on personal qualities and love for children. For a full-fledged kindergarten, you will need to hire at least a couple of teachers, a nanny, a cook, a health worker, and a cleaner. We also need a manager who will keep order and communicate with parents on all issues. You will also need other specialists if you are going to offer any additional services. For example, a teacher of English language or choreographer. You don’t have to hire them on staff—you can simply sign an outsource agreement to conduct classes.

    Selection of children

    Once you have done and organized all of the above, you will want to recruit children of any age, just to recoup the investment. But you can’t do that. One group should contain children of approximately the same age (plus or minus a year). According to the program, teachers will work with children on drawing, learning letters, and developing logical thinking. The tasks should be completely different, because you cannot read the same thing to a three-year-old and a six-year-old. Therefore, either one group of approximately identical children, or several of different ages.

    When admitting a child to kindergarten, parents must sign an agreement with you for the provision of educational services. It is necessary to describe as much as possible all points and possible situations. In principle, you can find a standard agreement on the Internet and adjust it to suit your realities.

    Small groups in a private garden give more freedom to children and teachers

    Family kindergarten

    Above we described what is needed to open a private kindergarten. But you can take the path of least resistance and create a family kindergarten. Even an ordinary apartment or house will do for this. Children are in the establishment part-time (we wrote about this above), so a license is not needed. The requirements for premises and personnel are also significantly simplified, which allows for significant savings. But usually in such kindergartens there are 3-7 children - this is more of a club of interests than a full-fledged kindergarten. Nevertheless, this is an excellent solution for young parents and a very good solution for a family business.

    Business plan

    Now let's look at what all this will entail and how profitable it is to engage in such a business. First, let's calculate what you will need before opening the establishment:

    1. Registration will cost 7-10 thousand.
    2. Renting premises varies in different regions. But, on average, a suitable premises will cost you 30-40 thousand rubles.
    3. Utilities cost about 5-10 thousand per month.
    4. Repairs in the building, equipment of a bedroom, bathroom, playroom, medical room, etc. Here the amount can be very serious - from 100,000 to a million rubles.
    5. Advertising at the initial stage - at least 5,000 rubles per month.

    On average, to open a modern kindergarten with video surveillance for several groups of people you need about 500,000 rubles. If you save, you can fit in 200,000 rubles, but this will be only one group.

    Now we need personnel, various household chemicals, office, toys, educational materials. On average, with a staff salary of 20 thousand and taking into account current expenses, the cost of visiting for a child will be about 20-25 thousand rubles per month. This is the minimum figure, taking into account the fact that 12-15 children will attend the kindergarten. An increase in their number leads to an expansion of groups and personnel. Download detailed business plan for a private kindergarten at home you can on the Internet - there are specially designed options for different traffic levels and cities.

    In contact with

    * The calculations use average data for Russia

    We previously wrote about how to organize a private kindergarten, which can become quite profitable, although troublesome, small business. At the same time, we considered the option of opening a kindergarten at home, which did not require large investments. Quite a lot of time has passed since the article was written, and only now have the sanitary standards and rules by which such children's groups should work been approved. In this material we will look at the new format of “home” kindergarten in more detail.

    Although the government is trying to eliminate queues for municipal kindergartens and has even achieved some success in this direction (in several Russian regions, according to official reports, it has already been possible to eliminate queues for kindergartens), nevertheless, the problem of a lack of places for children remains relevant for most mothers. This is due to the increase in the birth rate and the desire of many women to return to work as soon as possible after maternity leave (in most cases for financial reasons). And someone, even if there are no problems with enrolling their child in a municipal kindergarten, would like to provide their child with best care and more attention from educators, which is not very possible in groups with a number of children of 25 or more. For this reason, despite the improvement (at least declared by the authorities) of the situation with state kindergartens, private kindergartens do not lose their relevance.

    When opening a kindergarten, the following two factors must be taken into account: private kindergartens are attended mainly by younger children preschool age– from 9 months to 3 years. Parents prefer to transfer older children to a municipal kindergarten, since the children are already more adapted, their immunity is quite strong, and the cost of a child’s stay in a municipal kindergarten is, of course, much lower than in a private one.

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    Until recently, opening a private kindergarten in compliance with all formalities was very difficult and expensive. Therefore, many parents who were thinking about creating such a mini-business looked for workarounds: registering their garden as a center early development or looked for clients among friends and acquaintances, recruiting small groups right at home and without formalizing it. Since this year the situation has changed somewhat. Now they're like that preschool groups can be fully legalized and even receive financial support from regional sources, like ordinary municipal kindergartens (the corresponding resolution can be found on the website “ Russian newspaper"). There is, however, one condition - for this you will have to obtain a license to conduct such activities.

    This kindergarten accepts children under the age of eight. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that they be the same age. At least according to the law. However, in practice, it is still desirable that the children in your group are approximately the same age. In this case, it will be easier for educators to organize activities for children, fewer expenses will be required for purchasing toys, and it will be easier to provide food for children.

    Both an ordinary apartment and a private house can be used as a room for a mini-garden. Even a room with stove heating and without a centralized sewage system is suitable for setting up a kindergarten. However, in the first case, it is necessary to install the stove in such a way that children cannot get to it. If you own a suitable premises or, moreover, if you are going to purchase an apartment or house specifically for a kindergarten, you should consult in advance with your regional office of Rospotrebnadzor whether it meets the established requirements.

    The air temperature in the room should be maintained at 21 - 24 degrees Celsius. At the same time, it needs to be ventilated regularly. It is best to create an hourly ventilation schedule, during which children need to be transferred to another room so that they do not catch a cold (we are, of course, talking about the cold season). It is also necessary to ensure daily wet cleaning. In an apartment or private house of a small area, it is quite possible to do it yourself without hiring a cleaner. There are no special requirements for the renovation of premises. The main thing is that this repair, at a minimum, exists (it is unlikely that any parent will send their child to poor conditions) and does not make cleaning difficult. If the walls in the rooms are covered with wallpaper, then it is highly desirable that they be washable, since both the walls and ceilings also need to be washed regularly. In the toilet and bathroom, it is best to tile the floors and walls with ceramic tiles. The floor in the hallway (where children change shoes and take off street clothes) it is recommended to lay it with ceramic granite. When choosing tiles, give preference to materials with a rough, non-slip surface.

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    There are also no strict requirements for the layout of the premises. Of course, it is desirable that all rooms - a playroom, a bedroom, a dining room (if any) should be separate rooms, but with a small area you can combine a playroom and a bedroom. As in a regular kindergarten, each child should have his own separate bed. To save space in a home children's group, you can use compact cribs - sliding or 2-3 tiers. Please note: multi-tier beds should not be located on top of each other, but in the form of steps so that the child does not fall from the top tier. You will also need other children's furniture - chairs and tables.

    You can buy inexpensive furniture at stores like Ikea. For example, a table and two chairs made of natural wood will cost 1000-1500 rubles. In the case of a short-stay group, you can do without beds. With this format, you can do without quiet time and lunches, so this kindergarten is closer to the children's early development center. In addition to a minimum set of furniture (tables and chairs will still be required - for breakfast and for activities with children), you will need to purchase racks and boxes for storing toys, as well as the toys themselves.

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    The standards also specify certain requirements for the latter: they must be made of safe materials and so that they can be washed every day and disinfected from time to time. Toys made of plastic and rubber meet these requirements. And also combined with textile materials so that they can be washed. It is better to avoid purchasing soft toys. A typical set of toys for a kindergarten includes: construction sets with plastic parts (wooden ones, although they look more attractive, are not suitable for hygienic reasons - the wood will quickly warp from frequent contact with water and, especially, detergents), plastisol dolls, plastic animal figurines, a PVC play house, various toys for children (pyramids, labyrinths, etc.). In addition to standard toys and play sets, it is also worth purchasing toys for children's learning. These include, for example, puppet theaters (toys that are put on the hands), puzzles (the main thing is that they do not contain small parts if they are intended for children under 3–4 years old), game and sports complexes (if the space is limited, you can get by with a standard Swedish wall), etc. Please note: in a home kindergarten it is strictly forbidden to keep any pets - from fish to hamsters. So you will have to get acquainted with living nature through paintings and while walking on the street.

    The number of children in such a group is calculated based on the area of ​​the room that is used as a playroom: at least 2 square meters must be allocated for one child. meters. Special attention deserves a hygiene issue. As in municipal kindergartens, each child in the home group should also have his own personal potty. Older children can use one toilet, but in this case it is necessary to provide for each of them to have their own seat - a toilet seat. Also, each child needs to have their own towels (separate for the face, hands and feet) and bed linen, which need to be changed regularly.

    Home daycare hours may vary. Thus, the law provides for a short-term stay regime (up to five hours a day), which is suitable for very young children, a shortened day (8 - 10 hours), a full day (10.5 - 12 hours), as in a regular kindergarten, and, finally, , extended day (13 – 14 hours).

    The most difficult thing is to provide food for your students. In theory, you can prepare it yourself, but be sure to comply with all the necessary requirements, of which there are a lot. It is much easier to order ready-made food from a nearby municipal kindergarten, school or cafe. The menu deserves special attention. As in state children's institutions, in home kindergartens there must be fresh food every day (feeding children with what is left from yesterday is strictly prohibited), and the dishes must be varied (the same dishes cannot be repeated in the children's diet twice and two days in a row).

    If you are going to work according to the law and expect to receive subsidies from the state, then you will need to obtain an educational license. In the case of an individual entrepreneur, you can do without licensing if you plan to carry out such activities yourself. If you intend to involve other teachers in your work, you will have to obtain the appropriate permits.

    The number of staff for a “full-scale” kindergarten is quite large. Both teachers and nannies, cooks, a nurse, sometimes a speech therapist and psychologist, cleaners, security guards, and janitors work here. A home kindergarten can get by with a much smaller staff. If you are registered as an individual entrepreneur, then you can enter into contracts with teachers who also work as individual entrepreneurs to provide services for conducting classes with children. In any case, no matter what the number of your staff, all your employees must have medical records, undergo regular medical examinations, receive the necessary vaccinations and have permission to work with children.

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    The problem of lack of places in kindergartens educational institutions- kindergartens - at the moment not only is it not decreasing, but in many ways it is gaining momentum. Young parents find her solution different ways– lining up for kindergarten immediately after the birth of the baby (to get the desired place just when the baby reaches kindergarten age), hiring nannies or entrusting childcare to grandmothers.

    However, there is another alternative - private kindergartens at home. Since this area of ​​business is not sufficiently developed in our country, it has good prospects for receiving a stable income in conditions of low competition.

    Licensing of activities and collection of documentation

    Opening a private kindergarten associated with the collection and preparation of certain documentation. The minimum list of which includes:

    • Licensing of activities for the implementation of preschool preparatory education.
    • Permission from the relevant government authorities to locate the kindergarten in a specific room, checked for compliance with established sanitary and epidemiological standards, as well as fire safety requirements.
    • Conclusion of permanent contracts for carrying out planned measures to maintain indoor conditions that comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards (measures for deratization, disinfestation, cleaning of ventilation and air conditioning systems, removal and disposal of garbage, waste, etc.).

    Unlike ordinary kindergartens, in Russian legislation such a service as home kindergarten is not mentioned, therefore obtaining a license to organize it is not required. And many such institutions operate on a semi-official basis without any licenses.

    However, in order to carry out pedagogical and educational activities legally and to be able to hire staff, registration is still required. It can be carried out in the form of an individual entrepreneur indicating the type of activity “preschool education”.

    This form of registration of a kindergarten at home will allow you not to be subject to control by educational authorities and not to license activities, which frees you from red tape in collecting and signing the required documents.

    The registration process must be accompanied by registration with the tax authorities. Also, the entrepreneur himself needs to register the cash register, obtain statistical codes and order a seal.

    Premises requirements

    Opening a kindergarten at home means finding suitable premises. It can be rented, purchased or built, and must also be part of the housing stock (an apartment in a residential building or a private house) and meet certain requirements. In this case a private house is a more favorable option in terms of the availability of territory adjacent to the house, which can be used for safe games and outdoor activities. Such circumstances are very useful for growing children's organisms, and also affect the increase in the prestige of the kindergarten itself.

    A two- or three-room apartment in a residential building is also a pretty decent option for organizing a garden. This option involves dedicating one room for beds and quiet time, and the second for meals, games and educational activities. A separate room can be reserved for physical education and music classes.

    Difficulties in choosing this particular option may be associated with the dissatisfaction of neighbors, and to prevent such dissatisfaction from developing into conflicts with the law, it is recommended not to spoil relations with the residents of neighboring apartments. In addition, if it is decided to undergo redevelopment of the apartment, then these actions must also be carried out with the written permission of the relevant authorities.

    One of the most important requirements for such premises is compliance with fire safety standards. It is also necessary to take care to block children’s access to networks of any kind - electricity, water supply, ventilation, etc. The total area of ​​the room is also subject to the following requirements: per child there should be approximately 4-7 sq.m of area.

    There are certain requirements for the premises itself:

    • floors must be insulated;
    • walls – covered with moisture-resistant non-toxic materials;
    • special attention must be paid to the height of ceilings (from 3 m) and window sills (at least 0.6 m);
    • The location of the windows also plays a big role, so their direction should only be to the south and east.

    A private kindergarten must have a parking lot, which should be located at a distance of approximately 50 m. At the same time, garages, parking lots and other buildings that pollute the air should not be located directly under the windows.

    An alternative to these options is to rent part of the premises of a state kindergarten. Such a room meets all the requirements listed above, since it was originally built to support children.

    However, renting such premises requires coordination of all activities with local authorities, significant costs for organizing activities and collecting an impressive package of permits.

    In general, before looking for a specific place to locate a kindergarten, it is necessary to conduct marketing research to determine the presence of competitors and the level of demand for services in the selected area. If similar institutions already exist, or in a given area public kindergartens can cope with the number of preschool children, then it is better to choose another area as the location for a private kindergarten.

    Furnishings of the kindergarten premises

    Organizing a private kindergarten presupposes not only compliance with the requirements for the premises, but also the availability of appropriate conditions. First of all, this concerns furniture. It (like the rest of the environment) must be absolutely safe. Therefore, all pieces of furniture with sharp and protruding corners are absolutely not suitable. In addition, children should not have access to piercing or cutting objects.

    To provide games and activities, you must purchase toys, teaching aids and books, stationery and appropriate furniture (tables, chairs, etc.). Carrying out physical activities will require the purchase of equipment and toys for outdoor games.

    Since the stay of children in a private kindergarten will be associated not only with activities and games, but also with sleep, this requires the purchase cots, bed linen(at least 2 sets per child), and also individual lockers for placing spare clothes and outerwear.

    In addition, you need to purchase:

    • towels;
    • pots;
    • children's plumbing (toilets, washbasins, etc.);
    • cutlery and dishes;
    • furniture for dining.

    To service the stay of children, it is necessary to purchase equipment for washing and ironing clothes, as well as for cooking. Music lessons will require the purchase of musical instruments.


    Since the kindergarten involves the full-time stay of children, it is necessary to think through the issues of their nutrition. Based on the fact that children will be in the garden from the morning until approximately 18-20 hours, meals will include several dishes for breakfast, lunch (with first and second courses) and an afternoon snack after a quiet hour.

    Accordingly, catering should be carried out in one of three ways.

    1. The first is the personal preparation of food by an individual entrepreneur himself. The implementation of this method is quite difficult from the point of view of the lack of time for purchasing products, checking their freshness and quality, as well as for preparing the food itself.
    2. Another way is to organize the delivery of ready-made food prepared by organizations that specialize specifically in delivering meals to offices, schools and kindergartens. When choosing this method, the main thing to do is to constantly monitor the freshness and quality of the delivered food.
    3. There is a third way, which is to use the services of a chef who prepares meals at home. In this case, food can be prepared directly in the kindergarten premises or in another room with subsequent delivery and heating.

    In addition, when drawing up or approving the menu, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each child (availability allergic reactions for certain products), which must first be clarified with parents.


    As already mentioned, if a private kindergarten is planned to be opened in the form of an individual entrepreneur, then the presence of staff is not expected, and the entrepreneur must independently carry out teaching, educational and educational activities. To do this, it is necessary to have appropriate education, experience and a developed training program for preschoolers.

    However, Russian laws do not prohibit an individual entrepreneur from using the services of other organizations and individuals on a contractual basis. Accordingly, such services may include not only the organization educational process and nutrition, but also music and physical education.

    The choice of personnel must be approached with all responsibility, as it influences the formation of the authority, popularity and image of the kindergarten itself.

    If you plan to open an “advanced” kindergarten with the organization of training using exclusive methods, then highly qualified teachers will be needed to develop such programs.

    How to find clients?

    The success of a private kindergarten largely depends on the number of people who want to send their children to this institution. In order for the recruitment of children to be successful, first an extensive advertising campaign must be carried out. To do this, you can place advertisements in local media, post them around the area in which the garden has opened, and also distribute leaflets at public transport stops and places with high traffic ( shopping centers and multifunctional complexes).

    Since most often the owners of kindergartens are young mothers who are not ready to send their children to state kindergartens, it will not be difficult to find clients among friends (who really need to send the child for upbringing and maintenance while they themselves work or relax). Moreover, as a rule, the children of the owner of the kindergarten are together with other children.

    General expenses and payback periods of the business

    The costs of opening a private kindergarten primarily include finding and creating optimal indoor conditions. If the owner plans to open a garden in his apartment, then there are no rental costs, otherwise they will be approx. 30-32 thousand rubles monthly. You also need to pay utility bills every month, the fee for which will be approx. 5 thousand rubles.

    Additionally, the apartment must undergo repairs worth at least 40 thousand rubles. The purchase of furniture and equipment will require more 120 thousand rubles. Total start-up costs will be not less than 190 thousand rubles.

    If you plan to hire staff consisting of at least 2 people - a teacher and a nanny-cook, then the monthly costs of paying for their labor will increase by 30 thousand rubles. To this amount you must add the cost of purchasing food. Total costs for the kindergarten will be approximately 275-280 thousand rubles.

    Income flows are much simpler to calculate: the approximate monthly fee for one child to stay in the kindergarten is 18 thousand rubles. If there are 8-10 children in the garden, then monthly revenue will be 144-180 thousand rubles. In addition, to join a kindergarten, an entrance fee may be set, which amounts to a monthly fee (similar to state kindergartens).

    The payback period can vary greatly depending on the specific conditions of the garden, but on average it is about 14 months.

    To summarize, it can be noted that opening your own kindergarten is a very promising area of ​​business development that can generate decent income. However, since this activity is related to the upbringing and maintenance of children, the level of responsibility in this area is much higher than in all other areas of business.

    Video about the opening of a private kindergarten

    The video shows a detailed story about the beginning of this business:

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