• Unexpected details of the divorce between Buzova and Tarasov have surfaced. Olga Buzova broke up with her husband. And he commented on this Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov are getting divorced


    Dmitry dreamed of large family, but Olga chose a career
    ​Photo: Instagram

    In addition, the athlete assured sports journalist Alexander Golovin that the huge house that he put up for sale a few months ago had nothing to do with Buzov. According to Dmitry, Olga was there in one room only during construction, but never lived.

    “I really like this house, everything is done the way I wanted, but now it has become too big. The renovation took two years, but Nastya and I realized that we needed something smaller and more comfortable. And there are more than a thousand squares there! Selling for 250 million...

    Olga didn’t live in this house at all, I bought it when I was married, but there was nothing here - emptiness. After which we divorced, and no one lived there. When there was construction, she came here for the first and last time, and that’s it,” continues the athlete.

    Tarasov notes that Buzova has never lived in the house he is selling
    Photo: Social networks

    By the way, Tarasov still watches the TNT channel, but now switches to “DOM-2”. Just like turning off songs ex-wife, if he hears them on the radio.

    “If I hear her songs on the radio, I switch them, to be honest. But I rarely hear them. I do not feel anything. I understood that the divorce would benefit Olya, it was obvious. She is a victim who should be pitied, she will finally do what I did not allow her to do. But I didn’t allow her to work as much as she wanted. I don’t know to whom she dedicates the songs, but I switch them,” Tarasov summed up.

    The news that Buzova and Tarasov are getting a divorce can hardly be called fresh, because we are talking about the events of 2016. But despite the relative age of this story, it continues to excite the consciousness of millions of fans of this beautiful couple, especially considering the fact that divorce is constantly acquiring new juicy information and contradictory facts.

    The background of star separation

    The acquaintance of the leading famous construction site of love “Dom-2” and the midfielder of the Russian football club “Lokomotiv” took place back in 2010, however, at first the couple hid their relationship. And all because at the time of his meeting with Olga, Dmitry was already married to rhythmic gymnast Oksana Ponomarenko. Little of, the couple raised their one-year-old daughter Angelina, and then no one could have thought that this wonderful family could be threatened.

    Nevertheless, love for the charming blonde, who at that time had already become famous and built a fairly successful career, won and forced the football player to leave the family. And here are the most Interesting Facts from the history of the guys’ relationship:

    • Olya and Dima were introduced by mutual friends in one of the capital's restaurants. At that time, the girl, after a string of unsuccessful relationships, was only focused on her career. By the way, Dmitry also did not intend to enter into a relationship, being already married, and he initially did not like Olga terribly, since she behaved, according to him, too defiantly.
    • The guys started dating on the very first day they met, and since then they have been practically inseparable. Buzova later admitted that she could talk to her lover all night long while he was at training camp.
    • In 2011, Dmitry filed for divorce, and no matter how Olga denied her role in this painful process, she was the reason why Tarasov left the family.
    • When the guys started dating, the football player’s father became seriously ill. Nevertheless, he managed to meet Olga and even bless the young couple’s marriage before they even lived to see the wedding.
    • The couple got married on June 26, 2012, having played a very beautiful and tender wedding on board the famous floating restaurant “Swallow” in the capital.
    • Soon Dmitry purchased a plot of land in an elite village near Moscow and began building a house on it. The couple dreamed of having many children and a big dog in this cottage.
    • The Tarasovs loved to travel, visiting the most expensive hotels in the world in the UAE, the Maldives, Singapore and other elite resorts. At the same time, the guys willingly shared the details of their vacation with their subscribers, publishing photos of a beautiful life.

    Marriage Olga Buzova(30) and a football player Dmitry Tarasov(29) . And not only for the public, but also for Olya herself, who even wrote a book “ The price of happiness”, in which she talked about how to maintain a marriage relationship. But it seems her advice didn't help.

    Just a week ago, that Buzova and Tarasov were not doing as smoothly as we would like: for three weeks, Olga did not post photos of her and her husband on social media, and a little later she ended up in the hospital. And in such a difficult time, only her sister Anna supported the TV star.

    Then Tarasov ended up in the clinic. Olya did not come to visit her husband. Everything seemed more than strange, and tonight Buzova posted a photo on Instagram in a white dress and signed it: “You know, Angels one day get tired of someone’s lies, betrayal and pain. From the promises you make, which you don’t have the will to keep... From small humiliating insults, from bitter tears that are hidden behind a smile, from long waits in silence that torments you with terrible torture. They suddenly understand that they are not needed. The one to whom they were sent was not waiting for them. And the wings that are wounded, sick - they stood in vain in trouble. Everything is in vain - like a death sentence. And, folding his wings, the Angel disappears. And only then will you understand that you are alone. There is no more Angel, no one is covering..."

    Myself Dima This is how he commented on the situation when I contacted him Life.ru: “Olya likes to comment on everything, so call her. And I’ll comment on this right after it.”

    We sincerely hope that the couple will overcome all problems.

    Today, December 30, Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov have become free people who are no longer held together by anything. Why the couple that seemed ideal to the public (which fans affectionately called “tarabuziki”) broke up in an instant is still unknown.


    During discussions on the Internet, several versions were put forward. They said that Tarasov was cheating on Buzova, and her patience finally ran out. Others argued that Dmitry dreamed of a family, but Olga did not want to give birth to a child, but was exclusively focused on her career. And then the football player’s patience ran out.

    Someone whispered to reporters that the host of the notorious reality show “Dom-2” had health problems, which is why she was unable to give birth. Olga herself indirectly confirmed the information about her ill health.

    A short short story has appeared on the Internet video, in which Buzova was captured by her friend named Denis. During the conversation, Olga, with barely restrained tears, stated that she understood one thing - “we are needed when we are healthy,” so she wished good health to all viewers.

    Photo published by Olga Buzova (@buzova86) Dec 29 2016 at 7:14 PST

    One can only imagine the mood with which he will greet New Year Olga Buzova. Earlier, the presenter summed up the results of the outgoing year. Buzova made several conclusions, and they all turned out to be disappointing. “This year has taught me how to repair my own heart, how to put myself back together piece by piece, how to cope without people you thought would be in your life for a long, long time. This year has taught me that no one is truly with you, that you need to deal with everything yourself. No one will put you back on your feet except yourself,” Olga wrote on her page on the social network.

    There are several reasons, but one of the main ones is that she did not want children. Olesya Kurdyukova > St. Petersburg 8(812)33-22-140 Society

    Footballer Dmitry Tarasov spoke about the reason why he divorced Instagram diva and singing TV presenter Olga Buzova. In an interview on the Youtube show “Everything Golovin”, he said that his ex-wife did not want children.

    You could say this is one of the reasons [she didn’t want a family and children]. She knows everything perfectly well, how everything happened, so... What she says is some kind of betrayal... It’s funny to me, it’s real. Do not want to talk. I still treat her absolutely normally, I have no complaints about her. And if I see you, I’ll say hello and ask how you’re doing,” says the athlete.

    When presenter Alexander Golovin clarified, if this is one of the reasons, then what others are there, Tarasov began to sing. But not Olga Buzova's song.

    The first reason is you,” the football player sang, laughing. - This is the totality of everything, if we talk about it, it will take an hour.

    But there was no betrayal on your part?

    From my side? No.

    Olga said that you had been talking to another girl for a year.

    I'm a celebrity. If I talk to another girl for a year, I need to go somewhere. It's impossible to hide it.

    The conversation about Buzova also came up in the context of a conversation about the house in which the interview took place. Tarasov is selling it now. And Golovin’s interlocutor immediately denied the rumor that he transferred the house to his mother before the divorce so that Olga would not get anything.

    Olga couldn't get anything, we had marriage contract. And now, literally yesterday, they sent me that she could take something else. But do you know what a prenuptial agreement is?

    Golovin immediately reminded the football player of a video circulating on the Internet, where a crying Buzova complains to her friends that her husband left her without an apartment and a car, came, supposedly, with Caucasians and began to kick her out of her home when they just got divorced.

    What Caucasians, look at me! I'm a good person in life. I didn’t have any problems with her, I said: “Ol, I’m leaving now, I’m on my own. Live as long as you need. But find an apartment for yourself, I’ll rent it for you.” And then all sorts of dirt began. I took the car from her only after insults began to be directed at my family.

    When asked why, if Tarasov is such a good-natured person, he is kicked from all sides, the athlete said that he has an explanation for this.

    It’s clear who is saying this. An army of fans, young girls. Their opinion doesn't matter to me.

    The athlete commented on his songs ex-wife. It turns out that he tries not to listen to them.

    I switch, to be honest. It rarely hits, but I switch and don’t feel anything. I understood that when the divorce happened, it would be to her advantage; it was obvious that the person would be a victim who should be pitied. And she will finally do what I did not allow her to do - I did not allow her to work as much as she wanted.

    Let us remind you that Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov got married in June 2012, they divorced in December 2016. Just a year later new girl, and now his wife, model Anastasia Kostenko, became pregnant, and in 2018 the couple got married. Now they have a daughter, and the girl is already expecting her second child.

    Earlier, Buzova, in an extravagant dress, received the “Singer of the Year” award.

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