• The secrets of the “Fashionable Sentence” program have been revealed, and here’s what’s really going on there. In fact, with Dmitry Shepelev - Unfashionable verdict of Alexander Vasilyev (05.10.2017) In fact - Unfashionable verdict of Alexander Vasilyev


    I would like to say a few words about yesterday’s publication on Echo entitled “Fear and Loathing in Dagestan.”
    I have written many times that Dagestan needs a person for president who is equidistant from all nationalities, from clans, and neutral in his mentality. A non-systemic person, meaning a person far from the deformed system of political values ​​that have formed in Dagestan over the years. An honest, principled person, a person who cares for the population, a person who would break the back of this entire gang of chronically irremovable corrupt officials who, having taken deep roots in the treasury, robbed the republic for years with impunity.

    When Abdulatipov came, many thought that he was one of those people, that he could defeat this Makhachkala Chimera, cut off all the heads of this Makhachkala Medusa Gorgon. But, unfortunately, I couldn’t do everything; I cut off only one. As they say, and thanks for that. He couldn’t, not because he was a weak person in this regard, but because his relatives were there. Dagestan is a harsh land, and the “mafia” is vindictive and cruel. Well, besides, his closest relatives got a taste big money, and he couldn’t tell them “no!” But he managed, most importantly, to “neutralize” the “uncrowned thief in law” of the Dagestan political elite, the then mayor of Makhachkala, the powerful Said Amirov. At that time, he really was the shadow president of Dagestan, with all the attributes, including the army.
    And this is not entirely the merit of Abdulatipov, but rather of the Kremlin. Without the Kremlin’s guarantee, he would hardly have been able to do so. The clans would not have allowed him; he himself would have been swept away earlier. Everything was tied to this in appearance weak person V wheelchair. The entire criminal community, popularly called officials, fed from his hand. He was the key “hub” for the distribution of cash flows, without his knowledge, and without his share, no one in Dagestan dared to “put their hand” into the budget.

    Be that as it may, he was unable to stir up this foul-smelling political pile on luxury cars in the center of Makhachkala. But it was necessary, you see, and he would have remained in the memory of the people as a hero. And now he is just one of many presidents, no more, no less. Corrupt officials in Dagestan have developed fairly stable mechanisms for dealing with people “undesirable” to them. There's a lot different methods, from force, provocations, to fake publications. Yesterday's publication is clear evidence of this.
    The author of the article is maliciously trying to pin the blame on General Vasiliev. And for some reason the word “general” is put in quotation marks.
    He further writes that Dagestan society expected Vasiliev to solve real problems that had accumulated in Dagestan, but instead he organized something like a “witch hunt.”
    “Instead of fighting criminals, a PR campaign of “General” Vasiliev began,” the author writes. – Vasiliev created the atmosphere of 1937 in Dagestan - fear and intolerance towards certain social groups" As they say - oh, how! When did you have time, may I ask?
    “The Dagestanis had hopes for positive changes in the republic with Vasiliev, that new roads would be built, kindergartens and schools would be opened, which would be enough for all children, and the delays of the already one of the lowest salaries in Russia among the Dagestanis state employees will stop. However, what we see now no longer gives any reason for even cautious optimism about the development of Dagestan under “General” Vasiliev.”

    Now tell me, please, which president the people do not pin their hopes for positive changes on? Show me people who expect corruption and theft from the president?
    With the arrival of Vasiliev, according to the authors, the mountainous region will be ruined. None of the previous presidents ruined it, but Vasiliev will take it and ruin it. Everything was blamed on “poor” Vasiliev, they even compared it with Stalin: “under Vasiliev, Dagestan can plunge into the darkest years of the past, when the phrase “member of the family of an enemy of the people” will no longer seem archaic.”
    “Vasiliev was expected to create mechanisms to combat corruption, to fight the rot that is corrupting the bureaucracy - the permissiveness of large, corrupt bosses, but instead ordinary officials came under attack...”

    In other words, the authors are trying to blame him for what he is doing now, the arrests of corrupt officials, clan leaders and their henchmen. That is, instead of fighting the “rot” that corrupts officials, he fights the officials themselves. And it would be very good if you explained what you call the “rot” that is corrupting the bureaucracy. Maybe money? Then it turns out that the only correct mechanism for counteracting the influence of money that is corrupting the bureaucracy is to stop allocating it. In a word, friends, you will sort it out among yourselves; are you in favor of clearing Dagestan of thieves, or against it?
    Next, the most important thing in this entire publication, let’s say, is the truth that prompted the “author” to take up the pen. To do this, I will quote the quote itself:
    “... so shouldn’t we kick them (the judges) out of the courts, should we first put the Dagestan themis in order so that we have worthy judges who will not approach the consideration of cases based on the political situation, but will begin to judge exclusively according to the laws Russian Federation?! “Telephone law” of Dagestan courts under “General” Vasiliev is becoming the norm, the question “Who are the judges?” It sounds banal when no one can be protected from judicial arbitrariness, although it is the current judges who need to be judged, but “General” Vasiliev will not touch them, since he will always need the tame “servants of Themis”, although few people believe in their selfless service law."
    Besides the fact that this article is pure defamation, I want to say that one hundred “authors”, to the best of their abilities, are trying to shamelessly manipulate public opinion, trying to convince the reader that Vasiliev is to blame for everything, although, I repeat, he is in office without year week. Knowing these people, we can say with confidence that Vasiliev struck the right note, he is doing everything right, God grant him health and that he has the strength not to loosen his grip. Only an iron grip and ruthlessness towards corrupt officials is what long-suffering Dagestan lacked.

    It is clear that with all the desire, for such short term, it is impossible to do even three percent of what, according to the authors, the people supposedly expect from him. But people really expect changes for the better, this is true, and this is the basic state of people. They always and everywhere expect only the best from rulers. But people also understand that if almost nothing positive has happened for almost thirty years, except for the squandering of budget money and the secret division of state property, then even the Lord God himself will not be able to correct the situation in a few months, with all his desire.
    The author writes that, they say, there are good officials there, why should they suffer just because his relative is a thief. First, this is also defamation, no one suffers. It is clear that the bureaucrats are agitated; trouble suddenly came to their calm and measured rhythm of a well-fed life. How can they not worry? Secondly, as they say, don’t steal. If you steal, be prepared for the fact that sooner or later the hour of reckoning will come. Here it is, I hope. In addition, small and medium-sized bureaucrats understand, and they say that they don’t jail everyone, officials are an important link in modern society, if you jail everyone, then who will work? Then the republic will definitely plunge into chaos. And this is what Vasiliev least of all wants, like any normal president. The people, as far as I spoke with people, were enthusiastic about the appointment of Vasiliev as governor general. But the situation here is really somewhat nervous, in the sense that people see that something out of the ordinary is happening. The heads of political bosses are flying, whose stability yesterday did not raise any doubts. In this sense, the situation is the same as when a comfortable SK helicopter was suddenly handed over to the despotic mayor Said Amirov.

    People, of course, are slightly shocked. But this is a noble shock; one does not die from such a shock, but quite the opposite. Except, of course, those who were taken by the gills, and those who will still be taken.
    The good thing about Vasiliev is that the local “lads” don’t know what to do with him or how to fight him. First of all, they are afraid. They know that Putin is behind Vasiliev, and he stands behind him more reliably than he stood behind Abdulatipov. But, there are rumors, and I agree with them, that the main work on preparing corruption cases was done by Abdulatipov, Vasiliev, with all his efforts, would not have managed to do such a thing in such a short period of time great job, if he started from scratch, he would simply not have enough time. And to complete what was started, a more decisive and invulnerable person was needed. Vasiliev was perfect for this role. I think when he finishes reorganizing the political system in Dagestan, he will leave his post.

    I don’t think that becoming the president of Dagestan was his life’s dream.
    Another one funny quote: “Vasiliev’s destructive work is already affecting the provision of government services to the population.”
    What kind of destructiveness are we talking about? Since when did catching thieves become known as destructive work? And I would also like to ask, what services are we talking about? If several snickering officials were arrested, does this mean that water has stopped flowing to the apartments of Makhachkala residents, or, say, they have stopped issuing pensions? Of course not. This article is a provocation, the goal is obvious, through manipulation and insinuation, for which Dagestan has always been famous, to concoct a negative image of Vasiliev.
    In Dagestan, it’s always the case that when someone is taken by the gills, there is an immediate appeal to public opinion, to nationality, they say, discrimination, or “the people are against”, “hands off a respected person.”

    A few words about those who concocted this article. It just so happens that I know well both who wrote the article and who is behind the resource where the article was taken from.
    Regarding the resource, I can say that two years ago, by court decision, a site was blocked, it was called “Kavpress”. Dagestan officials should remember, because this resource continuously poured dirt on their heads for several years. So, this “resource” and this “resource” have the same “editor-in-chief”. But, you see, the wind in his sails temporarily changed direction, now he seems to be on the side of those whom he just recently mercilessly threw mud at.

    That site was blocked with approximately the following wording, to paraphrase slightly: for publications discrediting such concepts as “humanity,” “morality,” and “morality.” And indeed, so much dirt that poured from the pages of this site, and some kind of animal aggression and bile, could only be found in a public toilet for truckers not far from Makhachkala.

    To give some undertones to the characteristics of these individuals, I must also say that the “editor” also appeared in the comments under his publication. And, as usual, from many “nicknames”. Apparently, he had been planning to “break into” Echo for a long time, and registered a couple of dozen of them here in advance. Although it is not clear why he needs this, he certainly cannot be called an oppositionist. But, apparently, for the sake of business, he needed it.

    I am well aware of his methods of work, which is why I am writing. He registers many “nicknames” in advance on all popular resources, mainly in Dagestan, which gives him ample opportunities. When necessary, he uses them to his advantage, creating a false public opinion. He has been practicing this method for a long time on the Kavpolit website. This may be a small thing, but I had to say it.
    But I want to draw your attention to one of his comments under my publication. I think this should be prosecuted. Considering that we are also attracted for more harmless comments on social networks.

    For this one: “The right to elect one’s leadership is not given, but taken by force. I hope Dagestan will understand this and free itself from the Urusni.” (“Urusni” are Russians. By portraying “illiteracy and slang,” the “editor” tries to pass himself off as a “simple Dagestani”). “Freed from the Urusni”, that is, “drive the Russians out of Dagestan” - isn’t this a call for the overthrow of the existing government and separatism?

    I also know the second member of this gang, the “author,” well. He looked for a long time for someone to edit this article for him, apparently he found it.
    But the most important thing is that a criminal case has been opened against the “author” for fraud under Article 159, Part 4. of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and he faces up to ten years in prison, and he is now under house arrest. Why does the article place special emphasis on the judicial system? The fact is that he recently, through fraud, managed to transfer the consideration of his criminal case from Moscow to Makhachkala. It seems that he re-registered his company there. But then Vasiliev suddenly appeared and confused all his cards. Dagestan is known for the fact that there you can win any case for money. Apparently he didn't have time.
    Now, it seems, he sensed the real smell of chamber gruel and became agitated. All.

    Alexander Vasiliev and Maria Poynder met in the studio of the program “Actually” by Dmitry Shepelev. Almost thirty years ago they had a close relationship. They dreamed of flying away from the USSR and living in Paris. However, Maria fell in love with someone else and married a French journalist. After which, the woman gave birth to a son. Alexander began to suspect that this was his child.

    “As a child, I was called a pear because of the shape of my face. She named the boy Grunya or Grusha, telling me that it was just such a coincidence,” Alexander said in the studio.

    Later, Vasilyev’s former lover, Maria, passed a lie detector test. Now a well-known artist in Paris, Poynder claims that she gave birth to a son 28 years ago, after she separated from Vasiliev. The woman avoided answering the experts in the studio of the talk show “Actually.”

    “Masha, is this child Alexander’s son?” - asked the experts. “History is silent, I will refrain from answering. Once we were close, a part of him remained in me. Fate wrote it that way,” Maria answered the specialists in the studio.

    Experts agreed that Maria and Alexander do not want to tell the truth, but are playing a comedy in the talk show studio. However, experts clarified that the likelihood of Vasiliev’s paternity still remains, because ex-lovers they do not remember the exact date of the last intimacy and the timing when Maria could have become pregnant.

    Separation was inevitable for this couple. As Poynder explained, they could not get married and maintain a relationship because they are both creative and freedom-loving.

    “You can open up creatively outside of marriage, where both halves can fully realize themselves. It is necessary to remain true to yourself,” Maria noted.

    However, today Maria and Alexander often travel and relax together. Vasiliev periodically visits his former lover in Paris. Alexander admitted that during joint voyages they live in the same room and sleep on the same bed. The fashion historian admitted that he could have had children with Poynder if they had lived together. However, experts were never able to bring the heroes to clean water.

    Dmitry Shepelev returns - with personal experience.
    He experienced the loss. Survived deception and betrayal. And now he knows for sure: the one who was condemned by the crowd will never judge others. He is ready to help his heroes talk frankly so that the truth becomes inexorably obvious.
    "Actually" is a revolutionary new talk show. A confrontation between people who were once close. The lie broke this relationship, but could not break it completely. And only the truth can change the course of this personal history. It can separate people forever, or it can unite them. Because even the participants in the events sometimes do not fully understand how everything really happened.
    Presenter: Dmitry Shepelev

    In fact - the unfashionable verdict of Alexander Vasiliev

    He is convinced that people are not only greeted by their clothes and know better than anyone how to look truly stylish and fashionable. He does not tolerate bad taste and is merciless in his criticism. Alexander Vasiliev, fashion historian, collector, art critic and popular TV presenter. Every day he makes his fashionable verdict on Channel One. Vasiliev’s childhood passion for collecting wardrobes brought him worldwide recognition, its collection contains more than sixty thousand unique exhibits. Today in the studio, fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev will meet his first and only, as he himself admits, love. Let's find out whether then, 28 years ago, the fashion maestro really became a father?

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    Have you ever wondered what the filming process is like for many well-known shows? We decided to present you with this opportunity using the example of the well-known “Fashionable Sentence”.

    The program has been going on for many years and is causing a lot of positive and negative emotions. “Fashionable verdict” is conducted by two very highly regarded experts in the fashion world - Alexander Vasiliev and Evelina Khromchenko.

    They shared information with us about how everything actually goes. As they say, during filming in the studio it is very fussy, several dozen people are running around the set. Some are responsible for the front cameras, others point the cameras at the audience, others at the heroes, and also several cameramen near the presenters. Don’t forget the make-up artists, who are always ready and located close to what is happening.

    As they say, Alexander Vasiliev often falls into a kind of “creative trance” and begins to talk and explain for a long time how this or that wardrobe item is selected, but, unfortunately, this is often not included in the rules of the program, so they have to stop him.

    The studio itself is small and is located directly opposite the “Evening Urgant” studio. The presenter's throne occupies much more space than it seems, and Evelina and Nadezhda Babkina are located a couple of meters from it.

    Directly behind the chair there is a path that goes behind the stage, where there is a mirror and a dressing room in which the heroes of the episode change clothes. Opposite the presenters sit the audience, for whom for some reason simple benches made of boards were installed, rather than chairs.

    The entire filming process lasts from the very morning until late at night, since several episodes are filmed in one day, before each of which the presenters change clothes.

    Filming is carried out in parts, first there is a part where conversations are held with the characters, then a similar part of the next episode is filmed. Then the program itself is filmed with outfit changes and comments from the presenters.

    He is convinced that people are not only greeted by their clothes and know better than anyone how to look truly stylish and fashionable. He does not tolerate bad taste and is merciless in his criticism. Alexander Vasiliev, fashion historian, collector, art critic and popular TV presenter. Every day he makes his fashionable verdict on Channel One. Vasiliev’s childhood passion for collecting wardrobes brought him worldwide recognition; his collection includes more than sixty thousand unique exhibits. Today in the studio, fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev will meet his first and only, as he himself admits, love. Let's find out whether then, 28 years ago, the fashion maestro really became a father?

    "Actually" is a revolutionary new talk show. A confrontation between people who were once close. The lie broke this relationship, but could not break it completely. And only the truth can change the course of this personal story. It can separate people forever, or it can unite them. Because even the participants in the events sometimes do not fully understand how everything really happened.

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