• Entertaining tasks for children 5 6 years old. Educational games


    (5-7 years) is the period of formation in a child of knowledge and skills that he will later need at school and in life. At this time, children go through a period of “why”, and the children begin to be interested in more global issues. A preschooler should already be able to read, count to 10, and know the names of basic geometric shapes on a plane and in volume. The formation of the concepts of “good and bad” is very important during this period. At 5 years old, a child can already concentrate well on a specific task and complete it without distraction. That is why at this age it is necessary to develop the child in all directions. Assignments for a 5-year-old child will help him prepare as much as possible for school.

    Speech development in a preschooler

    As a rule, at this age children already speak well. They know many words, can construct complex sentences, and also describe events and objects using synonyms and antonyms. Children aged 4-5 years listen very carefully to how adults speak and copy their communication style. It is very important that a five-year-old child learns to pronounce every sound and word correctly. In order for a child’s speech to be clear and sonorous, it is necessary to perform speech development exercises with him.

    Speech therapy classes

    Speech therapy tasks for children 5 years old are divided into several categories: finger gymnastics and tongue twisters. Tasks using the fingers greatly contribute to the development of speech, articulatory gymnastics allows you to open your mouth correctly and position your tongue while pronouncing sounds, tongue twisters, in turn, reinforce the acquired knowledge. Let's look at each of the categories separately.

    Finger gymnastics

    An example of a development task for a 5-year-old child fine motor skills: "Flower"

    Fold your hands so that they form a flower bud. When reading a poem, open the flower at the words “blooms”, and close the flower at the word “lays down”.

    Articulation gymnastics

    Articulatory (facial) gymnastics are exercises to develop the muscles of the tongue and lips. If these parts of the child’s body are not sufficiently developed, then he will not be able to pronounce sounds correctly and clearly. It is recommended to complete tasks for a 5-year-old child to develop articulation near a mirror.

    1. Ask your baby Let him imagine that the tongue is a swing, and swing it on the count of one - towards the upper teeth, on the count of two - towards the lower teeth.
    2. Exercises with lips: on the count of one, stretch your lips into a tube, on the count of two, smile widely. You can also try scratching your upper and lower lip with your teeth.

    Tongue Twisters

    There are a huge number of tongue twisters for each sound. All of them help develop the child’s speech: make it clearer and more expressive.

    Developmental tasks for children 5 years old in the form of tongue twisters:

    Such tongue twisters teach you to pronounce the sounds [t][d][h]. Children really enjoy reading and learning such funny rhymes.

    Developing memory

    A child’s memory must begin to be developed in preschool age. At the age of 5, children perceive and remember new information very well, and in order for such results to be maintained in the future, some effort must be made. So what developmental tasks for 5-year-old children help train their memory?

    1. Memorizing objects. Place 4 in front of baby various subjects(for example: a typewriter, a pen, a telephone and keys). Ask your child to take a good look at them and turn away. Move objects out of sight. Now, when the child turns around, ask him to name what he saw before. If this is not difficult for him, complicate the exercise - ask the color of the objects, shape, purpose.
    2. Memorizing words (objects and actions). Say 4 different words in a row (objects - table, cup, house, flower, or 4 different actions - sit, read, play, laugh) ask the child to repeat them. If such tasks for a 5-year-old child turn out to be easy, feel free to use 5-7 words.
    3. “Spot the difference” pictures, as well as reading and analyzing books you’ve read, help train your memory. For example, start reading to your child a long tale. Read half and leave the rest for the next day. Before reading the next part, ask your child what he remembers from the previous one, analyze together the characters and events of this story.

    Developmental tasks for logic

    Logic is a very important ability that needs to be developed. The thinking of a child at the age of 5 is very unique. Surely many mothers have noticed that at this age children are sometimes smarter than adults. It is very important not to miss this period and help the child develop.

    Before studying for children 5 years old, it is necessary to determine what types of thinking a child at this age already operates on. As a rule, at 5 years old children are able to compare, analyze, classify and synthesize objects and actions.

    Exercise “Complete the Draw”

    The bottom line is that the child needs to finish drawing part of the object.

    Children's puzzles help develop logic. Putting together puzzles with the whole family is a very fun and rewarding activity. In addition, math assignments for 5-year-old children help develop thinking. For example, place 8 coins on the table and give your child matches. Ask him to put as many matches as coins on the table.

    Spend at least 30 minutes every day. However, you should not overtire or force your baby; be sure to take breaks for gymnastics. The process of studying with a child should look like an exciting game for him, and then he will learn and remember everything well.

    The development of children should not stop for a minute, especially in older preschool age (i.e. 1-2 years before entering 1st grade). Educational games for children 4, 5 and 6 years old are more complex games than in the previous section for kids. Here children will have to really rack their brains to complete the tasks. But that’s exactly what they are designed for. This section presents games for the development of memory, imagination, attention, counting and other qualities important for a preschooler.

    Educational games for logic and thinking designed for children aged 4, 5, 6 years and older. Here the child must demonstrate the ability to think logically when performing various interesting tasks.

    Math games created for children from 4 to 6 years old with the aim of preparing preschoolers for their first mathematical knowledge and the ability to count. Here you will find interesting colorful games in which the child will need to find and count the specified number of objects or living creatures and other tasks...

    Memory games allow in game form teach your child to train his memory with certain tasks to remember objects and pictures. Such educational games for children are very useful for schoolchildren of any age.

    "Assemble a picture from parts" are educational games that are designed for children aged 4, 5 years and older. Here the child needs to assemble a whole picture from scattered parts of the picture. These are one of the most favorite games of all preschoolers. And older children enjoy playing with them.

    Find the odd one out. These tasks develop the ability to find a pattern in a number of objects and find among them the object that does not fit into this pattern. Children love such games very much, as they are quite simple, but with bright, rich pictures and an interesting task.

    Connect the numbers by dots. Here you need to connect the dots in the correct order (each dot has a certain number) to get the outline of the picture. When the child does everything correctly, he will see what kind of picture he got.

    Coloring by numbers You cannot color at your own discretion. Since here each color corresponds to a certain number. It is in this color that you need to paint those elements of the picture that are indicated by this number. When the child does everything correctly, he will hear a corresponding musical notification.

    The following sections are also very useful for children 4, 5, 6 years old and older:

    Crosswords online for children from the children's portal Miracle-Yudo designed for children different ages, from toddlers to schoolchildren. Online crossword puzzles can keep your child engaged useful activity at the computer, which not only develops thinking, but also develops the habit of constant brain activity.

    "Find the differences in the pictures." These games are very popular with both babies and older children. Such games are good for developing attention and observation, and also develop in the child the ability to concentrate on a specific task.

    Make sentences from words - these are tasks that are extremely necessary for children (especially preschoolers and primary schoolchildren) for speech literacy and the ability to write stories. This skill will be very useful in primary school when a child encounters great difficulties when trying to retell or compose a text.

    Any caring parent wants his child to grow up smart and successfully solve various problems. How to achieve this? Organize proper activities with children. You can spend them at home or visiting your grandmother. What will it take? Only Personal Computer and Internet access. After all, they are beautiful useful exercises You can even take it online.

    What is important to consider? Modern educational activities for children should be carried out in a playful, exciting way. After all, it is in this format that the exercises will seem entertaining to them. In any case, when choosing a portal for preschoolers, mothers and fathers should pay attention to the age range. After all, for children over 1 year old, exercises will differ significantly from tasks for children over 5 years old. Besides age criterion, it should be borne in mind that some activities are aimed at boys, while others will be more interesting to girls. Also, educational activities for children online can be intended for children with various types temperament. They can be active, bright, and fast-paced. Other exercises for kids are quite calm and do not create emotional stress.

    Latipova Aisylu
    Developmental activity for children 5–6 years old

    Methodological development classes for seniors preschoolers: “And we can do a lot!”

    Description: Developmental activity“And we can do a lot!”, intended for older children preschool age. Conducted by an educational psychologist to prepare children for school. Development classes can be used by educators and additional education teachers.

    Target classes: Development cognitive activity preschool children at the stage of preparation for school through play activities.


    1. Teach children to solve the tasks assigned to them in a playful way.

    2. Contribute development creativity, imagination, attention, speech of a child, development feelings of unity.

    3. Cultivate interest in future school life, awaken interest in one’s own personality, and develop a positive interest in learning.

    Children's age: children 5-6 years old

    View classes: combined.

    Methods: verbal, visual, practical (exercises, game).

    Preliminary work: prepare the following educational and methodological support classes:

    Mittens cut out of paper with different patterns

    Drawings of a bicycle, letter, boots, hat, book, umbrella, hammer and nail

    Soft toy


    Blackboard, pencils for children

    Progress of the lesson:

    I. Introductory part

    I.1. Greetings “Hi everyone with braids”

    Who has sisters, who ate candy today, who behaved well today and who behaved poorly, who blonde hair. (Children instead of answering "Yes" They say "Hello").

    II. Main part

    II.1. Exercise “Call it in one word”

    Target: development of the cognitive sphere

    Carrying out: Let's check if you are ready to work. Now I will tell you words, your task is to name them in one word (children answer in turns)

    Faith, Hope, Elena, Love

    January, March, July, September

    A, B, C, C, N

    Monday, Sunday, Thursday

    Table, sofa, chair, bed

    Flip flops, boots, shoes, shoes

    Ox, bear, hedgehog, fox

    Chicken, heron, pigeon, swallow

    Dandelion, clove, chamomile, clover

    Hammer, screw, saw, screwdriver

    II.2. Exercise-game "Mittens"

    Target: development the ability to interact with peers and negotiate a common cause. Establishing emotional contacts in a group

    Carrying out: to play the game you need to cut out mittens from paper, the number of pairs is equal to the number of pairs of participants in the game. Each pair of mittens has an ornament painted on it that is not similar to other mittens. The presenter lays them out around the room. On command, the children scatter around the room, find their pair, take pencils (three colors, and try to color their mittens as quickly as possible, having previously agreed on what colors the ornament will be painted in so that the mittens are the same. The winner is the pair of children who is the fastest colors his mittens the same way.

    II.3. Physical education minute "Grasshoppers"

    1. Physical education minute. Stork

    (Back straight, hands on waist. Children smoothly and slowly raise either their right or left leg, bent at the knee, and also smoothly lower it. Watch their back.)

    Stork, long-legged stork,

    Show me the way home. (The stork answers.)

    Stomp your right foot

    Stomp your left foot

    Again - with the right foot,

    Again - with the left foot.

    After - with the right foot,

    Then - with the left foot.

    And then you will come home.

    II.4. Exercise "How can you use...".

    Target: development of imagination, creative thinking.

    Carrying out: The presenter names an object and invites the children to say how it can be used. Example: newspaper - read, write, build a boat, lay it on the floor, use it as a toy, tear it up for a cat, make a hat on its head, just tear it up, etc.

    II.5. Exercise "What does this word mean?"

    Target: development of thinking, speech

    Carrying out: There are drawn objects in front of you. Imagine a person who doesn't know the meaning of any of these words (you can sit the toy down and tell it). Try to explain to him the meaning of each word, for example, "Boots"– waterproof shoes for walking through water and mud.

    III. The final stage

    III.1. Reflection classes: what exercise did you like best, what did you not like.

    Task results children,their activity,responses show that the,goal classes achieved.

    Good parents know that they should not waste time in such an important matter as raising a child. Up to 6 years of age, children can acquire knowledge, skills and abilities that will become an excellent basis for further development.

    Many parents independently conduct classes with their children and teach them to read and introduce them to the world around them.

    Learning to read from age 5 will prepare your child for school

    Preschoolers have phenomenal potential.

    Therefore, adults often strive not only to provide basic knowledge, but also to teach the child to read English and independently compose simple statements in this language.

    Development guidelines at 5-6 years old

    Developers without a specific goal will not bring success. You need to know what to teach children. For example, at the age of 5 years, a child can cope with the following tasks:

    • tell about yourself and your family;
    • name the time of year, time of day;
    • explain the simplest cause-and-effect relationships (mom does the laundry because...; dad took the umbrella because...);
    • explain the purpose of household items (why do you need a table, chair, pan, pen);
    • name geometric figures and objects similar to them in shape;
    • count several objects going through ten;
    • name the colors;
    • tell what parts furniture and household items consist of;
    • remember and pronounce words and phrases in a foreign language;
    • shade the outline drawing; cut strips of paper with scissors and make a rug out of them; copy the pattern.

    At 5 years old, children can explain their thoughts, know colors, and can count.

    At 6 years old, children are able to perform more complex actions:

      • understanding the plot connection of pictures and composing a story;
      • explanation of the meaning of simple proverbs;
      • performing basic arithmetic operations;
      • generalization and division into groups;
      • explanation of the meaning of the word (actions, signs, concrete objects and abstract concepts);
      • drawing up the rules of the game;
      • orientation in space and time;
      • drawing a person, copying patterns and geometric shapes;
      • performance game exercises, repetition and composing simple dialogues in English language.

    Skills at 6 years old depend on the amount of homework and kindergarten attendance

    Special home study opportunities

    Educational activities with your child at home have many advantages.

    A flexible schedule allows you to take into account children’s temperament, speed of perception and thinking, and character traits. During classes at home, various “rituals” (poems, songs, special words, fun warm-ups) are easily invented and performed, setting the child up to start or complete work.

    Home classes are very convenient

    Always at hand at home necessary supplies. During the lesson you may need not only paper and pencils, but also construction sets, cubes, and toys for role-playing games.

    Even furniture is quickly turning into a piece of educational equipment. And if a child is learning English, then during the lesson the necessary cards with letters and words are quickly prepared. This will help parents teach their child to read English and prepare them to master written language.

    Preparing for a “lesson” at home

    In order to properly organize developmental activities for a 5-6 year old child, you need to take into account certain conditions.

    It is very important to have a plan for the lesson cycle, as well as prepared tasks for each of them. It is necessary to clearly define the time and duration of the work.

    Advice: you need to break the lessons into several parts, no more than 10-15 minutes each, because it is difficult for a baby to sit for 40-50 minutes.

    Homeschooling should be fun and exciting

    Classes at home will be interesting and useful if you structure the material correctly. Exercises to activate children's attention should be alternated with fascinating logic puzzles, word games, and tasks for the development of fine motor skills and coordination.

    Perceiving tasks by ear and with the help of various visual aids, musical breaks and physical education minutes, educational cartoons and inventing funny stories - all this will brighten up home activities with children.

    Physical education for little ones is carried out after 15 minutes of classes

    A variety of devices and forms of work is important. All necessary supplies are prepared in advance.

    How to structure a lesson

    Any lesson should have a motivating, main and final part. The habit of a logical structure will help positive role, when the baby becomes a student and enters the classroom.

    The educational activity should be feasible for the child

    Secrets of successful classes with preschoolers

    Children 5-6 years old can perform well in home lessons. Adults must provide favorable conditions for this, for example:

    • an exciting start with strong motivation (what we will do and why; we will learn..., we will find out...; we will play...);
    • brevity in setting tasks (gradually you need to ensure that the child retains in memory the instructions of at least 3 points);
    • accuracy of explanation of the task in accessible language (for correct execution you need to clearly understand what to do);
    • inclusion of outdoor games and exercises as physical education minutes between complex tasks and as a separate block at the end of the lesson;
    • summing up at the end of the “lesson” (what was learned, what was liked; reward for special achievements); the ending can be in the form of a funny poem that parents recite with their child at the end of each lesson.

    Cooking classes are also included in the list of educational activities.

    Parents should be very careful when studying at home. You need to listen to what the child says, think about your words, patiently wait for the task to be completed and invite the “student” to explain his actions. This forms self-control, activates attention and memory. Such qualities will be useful when entering 1st grade.

    Children under 6 years of age develop unusually quickly. This is facilitated by flexible memory, developing attention and strengthening thinking. Very important qualities for learning to read in English!

    English lessons at home will help your child adapt to school faster

    It is important to know: at 3 years old, a child’s visual-figurative thinking predominates; From 5 to 6 years old, the abstract-logical begins to form.

    Therefore, when teaching children a foreign language, you can safely use phonetic, graphic and verbal methods.

    Children aged 5-6 years easily perceive words and phrases in English by ear, remember and reproduce them. Older preschoolers are able to compare oral explanations, the sound of English words and phrases and their graphic form.

    Video. English lessons for preschoolers

    The main stages of teaching children to read in English

    1. English words and phrases are perceived by ear and repeated.
    2. Continuing to study words and phrases by ear: the children are offered letters and words on cards.
    3. Compose word combinations and read simple sentences (using cards with images of the word and the corresponding object).
    4. Reading simple texts (prose or poetry) composed of phrases known to the child.
    5. Reading more complex texts in accordance with the expansion of the vocabulary, watching cartoons with subtitles, reading fairy tales.

    Wonderful moments of shared knowledge

    Home developmental activities are an incredibly exciting stage in the relationship between parents and children. Playing games together, searching for solutions to logical puzzles, discussing funny questions and answers, the joy of watching a baby in the process of enhanced mental or physical activity will be remembered forever.

    Activities with children - wonderful moments of intimacy

    Wonderful experiences will add to the treasury of family joys and make children happier.

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