• Foreign dating for Russian speakers. Dating with foreigners for serious relationships

    1. Sites for dating foreigners or international dating sites for serious relationships?

    Every woman at any age who at least once, even for a minute, dreamed of marrying a foreigner, asked the first question - how can this be accomplished? The first thing that comes to her mind is a “dating site.” This concept in itself is quite general and even somewhat vague.

    Therefore, my conversation today is about how the average woman searches for information on the Internet about dating sites and what she can find by entering certain queries.

    Let's start with the fact that someone calls such places “international dating sites for Serious relationships”, and some “sites for dating foreigners”, there are also more specific preferences “sites for dating Germans” (French, Americans, Jews, etc., etc.)

    Already regarding the first formulation, I can tell you that the first two interpretations that I gave - international dating sites for serious relationships, or an international dating site, or a dating site for foreigners - are quite viable. Dating sites aimed at a narrower audience - Germans, French, Italians and others like them - are usually half-dead and small in number. Even the largest dating site, such as CUPID, failed when it decided to create a dating site with men from Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland). Apparently, they decided that there was an overabundance of men there and the site would have a lively and fairly growing replenishment. Alas, this did not happen and this “daughter” of Cupid rested in God. international dating for serious relationships

    Therefore, if you would like to get to a certain country, then you should look for an opportunity to go there... on your own. In the matter of international search for a foreign husband, we must rely on our skills, our requests (adequate) and on the Lord God that he will take care of us.

    A small example. When I was looking for a husband on a dating site, at some point - and not right away! – I realized that I don’t want to live in a northern country where there is little sun. Well, I can't do it there! And she began to consider men from warm regions, and not from any specific southern country. Now I live in Florida, which I am very happy about - there is a lot of sun, it’s warm all year round. Some people don't like Florida because of the humidity. I don’t complain, I got what I asked for, for which I always say THANK YOU!

    However, as paradoxical as it may seem, an adequate request for a man is not born on its own; it is gradually refined in your head and heart. And until it is sharpened, you will not find anything worthwhile even on the most golden sites for meeting foreigners or compatriots. Sorry for the truth.

    1. Sites for meeting foreigners for marriage, serious relationships or communication?

    The second point is usually added by those who want to find a suitable dating site for foreigners, “for marriage” or “for a serious relationship” and less often “for communicating with foreigners.”

    In this regard, I would like to note that such formulations are not without meaning, since currently on the Internet you can find sites for virtual... (oh, I won’t write here, otherwise the search engine will see this word), however, they are more focused on “domestic consumer”, and in the description of dating sites with foreigners, the word “virtual” can only be used in the meaning of “virtual communication”. But I would not advise you to enter this word into a search engine at all, because you will run into targeted advertising for that very “virtual cupcake”, and far from virtual communication.

    And so international sites for dating foreigners all beat themselves in the chest with their heels and say that they are all created exclusively for marriage and serious relationships.

    I wouldn’t use the phrase “dating sites for communicating with foreigners” in a search; it’s somehow chastely blurred, so I don’t know what might jump out at you in this case.

    1. Are dating sites for foreigners free or without registration?

    I personally am perplexed by the requests “dating site for foreigners without registration” or “dating site for foreigners for free.” Now I’ll explain why.

    A dating site for foreigners without registration – what’s that like? Are you coming there for a walk? Who will write to you there if you are not registered, if there is no profile, no photos? Where should you write – to your grandfather’s village?

    I don’t know if there are international dating sites on the Internet without registration, but if there are, then it’s definitely impossible to find anyone decent in terms of the male population there. So twisting the muzzles in your pockets on both sides leads to general deception and deception even before you come to this site. No registration means you are not serious about dating. Then why waste time on such nonsense?

    The second request “a free dating site for foreigners” withstands the first cordon of criticism, because such sites - really live sites for dating foreigners for marriage and free ones for women - still exist. Moreover, initially ALL international dating sites were free for women for two reasons.

    The first reason is due to the impossibility of accepting payments from the territory of the former USSR. Twenty years ago we didn’t see a trace of bank cards, and then computers were only in large organizations, and not in every home.

    The second reason is that more women will come for free (since you don’t have to pay), and they will be used as bait to catch men who can pay for membership on a dating site.

    By the way, all dating sites abroad are paid – for both men and women. No discrimination, everyone pays!

    But I can assure you that the owners of paid sites are not fools either, so they always insert the word “free” into the description of their site, for example, in the context of “free registration”. The word “free” is there, they give you this site, you go there, see “free registration” in big letters, you actually register for free, and then, my dear, everything turns out to be for money!

    You want to jump off such a free site for dating foreigners, but that’s not the case. The profile is not deleted, but you remain in the site’s database forever, increasing its number and attracting men so that they come in, and you’ll see, someone will pay. The website https://www.lavaplace.com was built according to this principle. Those who don’t believe can come in and be curious.

    Therefore, there is no particular fundamental difference what you write in the search query “free dating sites for foreigners” or simply “dating sites for foreigners”.

    1. The best dating sites for foreigners, or serious or popular?

    I am especially touched by those who are looking for “the best dating sites for foreigners”, or “serious dating sites” or “popular dating sites for serious relationships” or “rated dating sites for foreigners”.

    If you are not familiar with this issue, then I can tell you that search engines do not allow the word “best” to pass unless it is backed up by official confirmation. Read between the lines - never. Further, there are no competitions between dating sites, prizes from academies or independent ratings that can be trusted. Oh no!

    Why, I will explain to you later. In the meantime, take it on faith that if you type words like this into a search to find the truly “best” or “popular” or “serious” or “rated”, then you are shooting at the moon with a cannon. The request will simply be rearranged not according to ranking, but according to the money that dating sites (normal, pumped up) invest in promoting a particular word.

    1. Dating sites for foreigners with or without reviews?

    It is impossible not to mention here those who approach the issue of searching for a dating site with foreigners seriously, namely with the search query “Which dating site has the best reviews” or “dating site with foreigners reviews”. At first glance, the request is correct and well thought out. But only for the first one.

    Because at second glance I have a lot of additional questions:

    • How credible is this review even if it has someone's wedding photos attached to it?
    • Is this review additional advertising for the site?
    • If it's a bad review, who wrote it? Competitors?
    • How adequate are those who wrote the review (for example, a bad review)

    Sometimes, having a good command of the art of copywriting myself, I see a “professional hand” in the text. This reduces the credibility of the review to zero. By the way, many information business trainings teach you how to write correct reviews. Some then do it for money. By the way, for very little money. If you are led by these reviews written by someone who doesn’t know and why, you don’t know why – the flag is in your hands!

    To add a fly in the ointment, I can say that every (!!!) dating site for foreigners probably has one happy couple, and maybe not alone. Such is life, their happiness did not depend on the place where they met each other, but the site can well be proud of being the cause and mediator of their happiness. Thus, the American forum Russian Women Discussion can quite deservedly be proud of the fact that it was there that my husband and I met.

    And the last request that I wanted to comment on is “List of dating sites for foreigners.” Well, of course, give us on a silver platter a ready-made list of dating sites for foreigners, and even with ratings and reviews. So that the best site for meeting foreigners is in the first place, and in the last place (which is two million three hundred twenty thousand one hundred and forty-eighth?) the most lame one?

    And we will again believe that the first site on the list is the best...

    Excuse me, but what is “the best dating site”?

    • Where only millionaires want to pick up free Slavic girls?
    • On which real live men, and not ladies' men and scammers or lovers of virtual sex?
    • On which there are no Nigerian scammers who are now actively masquerading as native and alien residents of Foggy Albion?
    • Where all the men are foreigners and only with serious intentions, only marriage, only marriage and nothing less?
    • On which one of the above, or all together - as a package?

    Tell me, do you yourself believe that this is possible? That somewhere there is a dating site for foreigners, or, as we also said, an international dating site, where such a “sterile” selection of men is possible?

    I don’t believe it because I’ve never seen anything like it. We may be offended, but no one in the world is concerned about quickly, successfully and freely marrying us to a foreigner or in some other way to arrange our destiny.

    Rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves!

    And based on this life-affirming hypothesis, let's summarize today's conversation.

    Brevity is the sister of talent, and everything ingenious is simple. In other words, if you enter the phrases “dating sites for foreigners” or “international dating sites” as a search query in Yandex or Google, or at worst “Dating site to marry a foreigner”, “International dating sites for serious relationships ”, and even “Suggest a dating site for foreigners” - you will get the same results as with other longer variations.

    I hope we have sorted out the question of how to find a dating site for foreigners? I can assure you that this is not the end of the conversation about dating sites. It's just begun.


    Rina Piantanida

    Dating and relationship expert

    When copying part of an article or the entire material, a link to the original is required!

    All people on Earth want to love and be loved. Some people are lucky and immediately find “their” person and live with him happy life, and some are constantly looking for a partner. In fact, finding someone you like today is much easier than before. It’s not at all necessary to buy a plane ticket and explore countries in search of “the one”; you just need to register on the site (there are some without registration) for free dating with foreigners in Russian.

    How do sites for dating foreigners work?

    Sites that allow you to marry a foreigner, gained their incredible popularity with the widespread use of the Internet. Millions of girls all over Russia want to find their “foreign happiness”. Since thousands of new candidates register on such dating sites every day, there will be no problems with the choice. And just like that, every day women and men fall in love and decide to take their relationship to the next level.

    It must be said that our representatives of the fair sex win compared to foreign women. It is customary for us to be the keeper of the hearth, which undoubtedly attracts citizens of other countries to choose Russian beauties as wives.

    How does dating happen on the site?

    • first you post your profile on the site (many sites provide free registration for girls);
    • then you provide information about the type of man you are looking for;
    • Based on your description, the site itself can select a suitable candidate who you might like;
    • the next stage is correspondence (this can take as much time as you need to be ready to go on a first date);
    • since we are talking about meeting a person who may not be in the same country as you, the meeting will happen only after some time (in some cases, one of the couple agrees to come for a visit in another country);
    • At the final stage, the meeting itself takes place.

    And when the rendezvous must take place, then, with the help of which you can charm any man. Use the advice by clicking on and your acquaintance with a foreigner will only be for a serious relationship.

    When you have already sent your profile to the database and they start looking for you the right man, then for some there is a problem - the language barrier. Since dating sites are looking for natives of European and Eastern countries for you, you will need the services of a translator or several basic classes with a tutor.

    Dating with foreigners

    Many girls and women in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the former Soviet Union consider the opportunity to marry a foreigner as a very good prospect.

    But this question has its undoubted advantages, as well as its negative sides. Let's deal with them.

    Positive aspects of marriage with foreigners

    1. Foreign men are more romantic and attentive

    It cannot be said that men in the post-Soviet space are bad. This is wrong. Simply, they are less sensitive towards women than foreigners. What is the reason for this? Hard to tell. Perhaps the mentality is to blame for this, maybe upbringing, maybe the state of affairs and the role of women in society. But the fact remains a fact. Meeting a foreigner will be more romantic.

    1. Standard of living abroad.

    I don’t think our women are oriented towards men from Congo, India and Bangladesh. Of course, ours want to go to Western Europe, the USA and Canada. In these countries the standard of living is very high, this also applies to wages and benefits and, ultimately, pensions. It is worth saying that the overwhelming majority dating sites for foreigners, focus specifically on the listed Western countries. Affiliate programs of dating sites are “tailored” specifically for men from prosperous countries. For example, on which we conducted an experiment, for this article it refers precisely to such “well-being-oriented” sites for dating foreigners. We will talk about this experiment later in the article.

    1. Opportunity to change the environment.

    It's good to love your homeland. But, there are places in the vast expanses of the former USSR where not only are there no prospects, but even hope has long left those places. Despite this, our people continue to live in these places. the most beautiful women. The natural desire in this case is to leave both the place and the country of residence. The solution to this problem can very often be meeting a foreigner and, of course, marrying him and moving to, say, sunny Italy or sophisticated France.

    Marrying a foreigner is not only a chance to find your soul mate, but also to see the world.

    Negative aspects of dating a foreigner

    1. Another way of life

    Naturally, even if you are not going to go to Iraq or China, it is worth taking into account that even in neighboring Europe, the way of life there is very different from ours.

    1. Legislative system

    According to our women, meeting a foreigner should invariably lead to marriage. But, until you are husband and wife, in a foreign country you are deprived of many rights. Any seemingly trivial task may turn out to be a problem for you: from the problem of opening a bank account in your name to the inability to properly put a seal in a foreign country.

    1. Religion of the new homeland

    There is no arguing about such issues. And again, most women want to go to Western countries, where the main religion is Christianity. But, nevertheless, when meeting a foreigner, it is best to inquire about his religion so that this does not become a “pleasant” surprise upon arrival.

    1. The first impression is deceiving

    The first acquaintance with a foreigner and the bouquet and candy period are good. And even after living a little in your homeland, a foreigner is unlikely to immediately show his full character. But, on his territory, the game will go according to his rules. So, it’s very difficult to say exactly what this person will be like when he gets you and takes you to his place.

    Unfortunately, from time to time, foreign suitors turn out to be banal scammers. True, statistics show that more often scammers prey on our elderly women.

    Many of our women are not averse to marrying a foreigner

    1. Child's problem

    I think we have all heard more than once in the news that foreign husbands do not give our women children. By right of birth, a child receives citizenship of the country where he was born. Accordingly, if you left for your foreign husband, then the child is a citizen of that country. If you never became a civilian there, then naturally, in the event of separation, the child will remain with the father.

    Rating of dating sites for foreigners

    1 place


    one of the most reputable dating sites for foreigners. The site has existed since 1999 and has managed to arrange the personal lives of a huge number of people. We personally tried this service (there was a need) and here are a few important advantages that I would like to highlight...

    Pros of the site:

    1. The site works exclusively with men from wealthy countries: USA, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, etc.
    2. Western men base - over 50,000
    3. Each foreign man undergoes several levels of verification to ensure compliance with photographs, place of residence, and income level.
    4. For girls from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, website absolutely free. Foreign men pay for everything.
    5. The female component of the team personally tested the site for effectiveness (read about our experiment on this international dating site below in the article).
    6. The site has a very extensive affiliate program, which guarantees constant updates of the lists of foreign men on the dating site.
    7. A built-in online translator will help if you do not yet know a foreign language.
    8. Responsive support service will help with any questions you may have.
    9. the site is focused on meeting foreigners for serious relationships.

    Our rating for the dating site for foreigners Free-Russian-Dating.NET: 9.5 out of 10.

    2nd place


    Marriage with a foreigner from a legal point of view

    Marriage contract with a foreigner

    The marriage contract is still a kind of dabu for us. But in the Western world this is common practice. When meeting a foreigner, you must be mentally prepared to conclude this kind of document.

    It is worth saying right away that this is a voluntary measure. There is no law obliging people to enter into a marriage contract in Western countries.

    When is a marriage contract signed? It can be signed both before and after the official conclusion of the marriage.

    Important points when concluding marriage contracts

    1. Both husband and wife must have their own legal representative when signing a marriage contract, otherwise the marriage contract will be considered illegal.
    2. If you do not understand the language of the country where you are signing the marriage contract, be sure to get a certified translation
    3. The marriage contract only affects property, so nothing can be specified in the marriage contract regarding children.
    4. A marriage contract must be fair and take into account the interests of both parties. That is, if your foreign husband wants to indicate that even after 20 years of marriage you do not receive anything in a divorce, such a contract will be considered illegal.
    5. Any contract, including a marriage contract, can be challenged in court. Remember this!

    Who will the children stay with after a divorce from a foreigner?

    It is important to understand that the court always takes into account the importance of communication with both parents.

    Most good option, negotiate peacefully with a foreign husband regarding child custody. Unfortunately, such cases are very rare and more often than not, parents begin to fight with all their might for the child.

    Here are some important points about children married to a foreigner:
    • If you had a child from your first marriage and the foreign husband did not officially adopt him, then he has no right to this child.
    • It is important not to do rash things, such as: trying to run away with the children without a court order, limiting or prohibiting their communication with their father, and so on. In this case, the court may simply take the children away from you, considering that you cannot raise them properly.
    • The concept of “Deprivation of parental rights” does not exist in Western countries. So, communication with children can only be limited, but not deprived forever.
    • Violence against a child in any form is taboo. Even hitting a child on the butt with a belt can cause serious problems with the guardianship authorities, so Soviet methods of education will not work in Western countries.
    • Also, in the event of a divorce from a foreign husband, you may be referred to special psychological training for divorcing couples.
    • Children during a divorce do not appear in court.
    • If necessary, in case of divorce by a foreign husband, you will be provided with a lawyer and an interpreter.

    As for court decisions in the divorce of international couples, it is worth saying that the decisions are usually very formulaic. Here are a few typical solutions Western courts in matters of guardianship.

    1. The child lives one week with his father and one week with his mother.
    2. 5 days working week the child lives with one of the parents, and Saturday and Sunday with the other.
    3. The child lives for 11 days with one of the parents; on Friday after school he goes to the other parent and only leaves him on Monday morning.
    Country All countries Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antartica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Ascension Is. Australia Austria Azerbaijan Azores(Portugal) Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin(Dahomey) Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Cambodia(Kampuchea) Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Islands Carriacou Islands Cayman Islands Central African Rep. Ceylon (Sri Lanka) Chad Chile China Christmas Is. (Indian) Christmas Is. (Pacific) Cocos - Keeling Is. Colombia Congo (Brazzaville) Congo (Kinshasa) Cook Islands (Rarotonga) Costa Rica Cote D "Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Czechoslovakia Dahomey Peo. Rep. (Benin) Denmark Djibouti Rep. Dominica Dominican Republic Dubai East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Ellice Is .(Tuvalu) Equatorial Guinea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe (Faeroe) Is. Fiji Islands (Suva) Finland France French Antilles French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territory Futuna and Wallis Is. Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Grenadines/Saint Vincent Guadeloupe Guam Guantanamo Bay USN Guatemala Guinea - Equatorial Guinea People Rep. Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard and Mc Donald Is. Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Inmarsat - Atlantic Ocean Inmarsat - Indian Ocean Inmarsat - Pacific Ocean Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kerguelan Archipelago Kiribati Korea, North Korea, South Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao(Macau) Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Is. Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mauritius Is. Mayotte (France) Mexico Micronesia Moldova Moldova CIS Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherland Antilles Netherlands Neutral Zone Nevis/Saintt Kitts New Caledonia New Hebrides (Vanuatu) New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Rep. Nigeria Niue Is. Norfolk Island North Korea Northern Mariana Is. Norway Okinawa(Japan) Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Island Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Reunion Is. Romania Russia Rwanda Ryukyu Is. (Okinawa) Saba Saint Christopher Saint Croix Saint Helena Saint Kitts/Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Maarten Saint Martin Saint Pierre/Miquelon Is. Saint Thomas (US V.I.) Saint Vincent/Grenadines Saipan Samoa American Samoa Western San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Rep. Serbia Seychelles Is. Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Is. Somalia South Africa South Korea Southwest Africa/Namibia Spain Spitzbergen (Svalbard) Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Sudan Suriname Svalbard and Jan Mayen Is. Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Tahiti Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania (Zanzibar) Tatarstan Thailand Togo Tokelau Is. Tonga Is. Tortola (Br. V.I.) Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Is. Tuvalu (Ellice Is.) Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu (New Hebrides) Vatican City Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Is. - British Virgin Is. - US Wallis and Futuna Is. Western Sahara Western Samoa Yemen Arab Rep. Yemen Dem. Rep. Yugoslavia Zaire Zambia Zanzibar (Tanzania) Zimbabwe (Rhodesia)

    The dating site for foreigners is completely free for women. The site does not offer any additional services for which a fee would be charged.

    Girls can register on the site by clicking, fill out a form and start searching for a worthy candidate. Men on the site pay for the opportunity to send messages.

    The advantage of this approach is that the man does not correspond with many girls at the same time, but makes his choice deliberately, based on his interest in getting to know the girl and having read the information specified in her profile. This helps men realize how serious and deliberate their desire to meet a girl from Eastern Europe is. For this reason, we ask girls not to express sympathy to a man if they are not interested in further communication with him and not to leave messages from men unanswered. If a girl is not interested in meeting the man who wrote to her, she should let him know about it. One short and polite message is enough.

    In order to attract a man's attention, you can express your sympathy to him or. Europeans have a positive attitude towards girls who are able to take the initiative to start communication. This gives girls self-confidence in their eyes. is not a chat, users do not stay online for a long time in order to be “noticed”. Users are notified of all messages and likes on the site via emails and visit the site at a time convenient for them. Therefore, sometimes it takes time to get a response to a message or like. However, it is important to respond to men’s messages or likes in a timely manner, since, perhaps, a couple of days after sending the message, the man is no longer interested in communication. If you have any questions of a personal nature or regarding the operation of the site, you can contact one of our employees.

    How to register on a free dating site for women with foreigners?

    fernliebe is not a marriage agency. For this reason, girls interested in finding a partner for a serious relationship and considering the possibility of marrying a foreigner with a subsequent move can independently register on the site. Using the service fernliebe is absolutely free for girls.

    In order to register, you must select “Free registration”. After which a form will appear to fill out: you must indicate your name*, place of residence, date of birth, upload a profile photo, and indicate your current email address. After clicking “Register”, an email will be sent to the specified email address to activate your profile. This letter has the following contents: login, password (the password can be changed in the profile settings) and a link to activate the profile. You must follow this link, otherwise the profile will not be available for men and will be deleted within 24 hours. If you do not find emails in your Inbox, check your Spam folder. If you have problems confirming your profile, please contact a support representative or send a message to .

    *Men on our website are interested in finding a companion for a serious relationship, so the trust factor and the veracity of the information provided are very important to us. For this reason, please use your real name. Profiles with nicknames and virtual names will be blocked by the site administration. This rule also applies to other information provided. We thank you for your understanding.

    Publishing profiles on the website

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