• What to do on Trinity in church and at home. What you can’t do on Trinity and why the apostles suddenly spoke in different languages


    On May 27, Christians of the Eastern rite celebrate one of the greatest holidays - Holy Trinity Day.

    Another name for Trinity is Pentecost, since it is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter and always falls on a Sunday.

    This is one of the so-called twelve feasts of the church.

    According to one of the books of the New Testament - the Acts of the Apostles - 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus Christ and 10 days after his ascension into heaven, 11 apostles and the mother of Jesus Mary gathered together in one of the houses of Jerusalem.

    And suddenly “a sound came from heaven” and “filled the whole house,” and then “tongues of fire descended on all those present and rested, one on each of them.” This is how the descent of the Holy Spirit took place.

    The apostles instantly began to speak different languages, "which were not known before." So their teacher, Christ, fulfilled the promise given during earthly life: to give the disciples the “Comforter,” the “Spirit of truth,” “whom I will send to you from the Father, who proceeds from the Father.”

    Knowledge of languages ​​was necessary for the apostles to preach the teachings of Christ different peoples. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you,” Jesus told them on the eve of his ascension into heaven.

    There are two types icons of the Holy Trinity- Old Testament and New Testament.

    The Old Testament icon of the Trinity depicts three angels who appeared to Abraham. They are mentioned in the 18th chapter of the book of Genesis. The most famous image of these angels belongs to the brush of the 15th century Russian icon painter Andrei Rublev.

    The New Testament icon of the Trinity depicts God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descending from heaven.

    In Western Christianity, in particular in the Roman Catholic Church, the holidays of Pentecost and Trinity are separated in time. First, the church remembers the events of the descent of the Holy Spirit (in 2018 - May 20), and a week later - the Trinity itself (May 27, 2018).

    Celebration traditions

    On the evening before Trinity, all churches hold one of the most beautiful evening services of the year. All fragments of the Bible that are heard this evening are in one way or another connected with the Holy Spirit.

    Special prayers are read addressed to the Holy Spirit, with a request to descend on those present at the service, as well as on all deceased Christians.

    Today, the Trinity in Ukraine is often called “Green Holy”, although this name has pre-Christian roots. This is what the Slavs called the festive period associated with the onset of summer.

    On Saturday before Trinity, it was customary to cover the floor of the house, windows, walls, roof and even fences with fragrant herbs - calamus, mint, tansy, sedge, lovage, as well as branches of blossoming trees. The greenery of herbs and foliage symbolizes life.

    Churches are also decorated with greenery on Trinity Day.

    In cities, on this day, bunches of sedge are most often used - they are taken to the temple for worship, and then to the house, where they act as a talisman.

    On this day, it was customary for the Slavs to organize large celebrations in nature, with round dances and bonfires. Girls and boys chose their mates.

    The girls wove wreaths of wildflowers and put them on the heads of the guys they wanted to marry. This ritual was analogous to an engagement.

    What to do on this day

    The Church calls on all believers to be sure to attend the all-night service, as well as to attend the service directly on Trinity Day.

    You need to spend this day with your family, relatives, loved ones and friends to share with them the joy of the great holiday.

    Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, abiding everywhere and filling everything, Treasury of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

    What not to do on this day

    Trinity is one of the biggest church holidays, so today it is highly discouraged to engage in heavy work in the house, country house, or garden. Washing, cleaning, and sewing are also not welcome. Only tasks that cannot be done without are allowed - for example, cooking.

    Alcohol and sex are prohibited.

    Gluttony is also not welcome on this day. Of course, a holiday is not complete without a feast, but try to eat in moderation and remember the deep spiritual significance of the event.

    On this holiday, you should not experience or show negative emotions. Try to refrain from quarrels, conflicts, claims, envy, resentment and other things.

    Signs for Trinity

    It was believed that on Trinity it was forbidden to cut down trees or chop wood.

    Rain on this day was considered a good omen - it promised a good harvest.

    The heat on Trinity foreshadowed a dry summer.

    The Slavs believed that Mavkas and mermaids woke up on Trinity Sunday, so it was highly discouraged to go to the forest or river alone.

    For the same reason, it was forbidden to take livestock into the forest or river.

    On Trinity Sunday it was forbidden to swim in the river, as it was believed that you could drown.

    The Slavs performed fortune telling on Trinity Sunday. Unmarried girls wove wreaths and floated them down the river. Whose wreath lasts on the water longer than the rest, that girl will get married earlier.

    On Trinity Sunday it was customary to gather medicinal herbs– it was believed that on this day they have special power.

    Russian culture, its traditions and customs are a separate phenomenon of the world heritage. Orthodox holidays are closely intertwined with the roots of Russian customs, which are passed down from generation to generation. And signs for the Trinity are always carefully preserved and passed on by inheritance.

    Descent of the Holy Spirit

    Pentecost, Trinity, the Descent of the Holy Spirit or Trinity Day is one of the main Christian holidays, which is celebrated with a particularly solemn service. Trinity Sunday falls on the 50th day after Easter. This day is especially revered among the people. The Orthodox are looking forward to it, preparing for the holiday and waiting for a miracle.

    The Trinity has long been revered by our ancestors. It was believed that on this holiday the end of hard work comes and the time of collection comes. bountiful harvest. It is not surprising that from those ancient times, folk signs for the Trinity have reached the present generation. All rituals themselves were considered especially important - in no case could they be neglected or ignored.

    So what was the mystery of the celebration? How amazing were the holidays for the ordinary Russian person? It's time to get acquainted with several unique customs, traditions and signs associated with the great Orthodox holiday.

    Briefly about the holiday

    Trinity Day or Green Christmastide is honored in every Orthodox family. One of the most important Christian holidays is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, which is why it is sometimes also called Pentecost. Trinity Day usually falls in the last days of May or the beginning of June. The first days of summer are associated with the end of hard work and the beginning of a rich harvest.

    Trinity has three big holidays - this is Parents' Saturday (the day when deceased ancestors are remembered), Trinity Sunday (the most important day of the holiday) and Spirits Day (the name speaks for itself - the Day of the Holy Spirit).

    Church interpretation of the holiday

    Where did the signs and customs for Trinity come from? This is connected, first of all, with folk observations and interpretation of the holiday. To understand the essence of each sign and phenomenon, it is worth paying attention to the religious significance of this day.

    After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, those who believed directly in the Lord God himself believed in his power. And in the power of the Spirit only when, on the 50th day after the resurrection of Jesus, the 12 apostles and the Virgin Mary gathered in one room heard loud sounds coming from heaven. After this, each disciple was engulfed in a flame that penetrated inside and filled the entire being - so the Holy Spirit himself entered each of them, who gave the apostles great knowledge and the opportunity to preach the word of God in different languages.

    The so-called triumph of the Holy Trinity took place - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit gathered together - which was witnessed by ordinary Christians.

    How is Trinity celebrated among the people?

    There are quite familiar signs and customs for Trinity, which are revered in every family. To do this, you don’t need to go somewhere at midnight, look for healing herbs and look at the stars. Household rituals are also part of the spiritual celebration of the great Christian holiday.

    So, for example, on Parents' Saturday it is worth visiting the graves of deceased relatives, going to church for a service and lighting candles “for the repose of the soul.” On this day you cannot be sad - it is customary to remember deceased ancestors with good words, only joyful moments.

    In the evening, on the eve of Trinity Sunday, parishioners go to church with large bouquets from birch branches, freshly cut grass and wildflowers. It is believed that blessed bouquets have healing properties, so the plants are carefully stored throughout the year. In case of illness, you can brew teas and healing infusions from dried flowers and branches.

    During Sunday services, parishioners pray to God and ask him to grant the Holy Spirit to their departed ancestors.

    Monday - Holy Spirit Day - symbolizes the victory of the Holy Spirit over evil forces. On this day, it is customary to pray for deceased relatives and remember them only good words. On Holy Spirit Day, it is customary to ask God for the repose of souls. After the service, parishioners, leaving the church, distributed change and treats to the poor, protecting themselves from illness and misfortune.

    There are special folk signs for Trinity. The weather on this day can tell you what the harvest will be like and what to expect from the coming winter. For example, it was believed that the earth could reveal its secrets before the celebration of the Day of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, many diligently searched for treasures hidden deep in the bowels of the earth.

    Signs for Trinity for unmarried girls

    Pentecost for young girls is one of the most important holidays, which can tell their future fate. On this day we wove beautiful wreaths, put them in the water and watched how they behaved. If a necklace of flowers floated on the water - a favorable sign, if it spun in place - to a single life in the near future. It is an unfavorable sign if the wreath drowns - this symbolizes the death of close relatives or even the betrothed.

    Young girls traditionally celebrated this holiday in the forest near birch trees. Trinity week is a “mermaid” game. At this time, you should not have entered the water - it was believed that the mermaid could be pulled into her pool. It was possible to protect yourself from them only with the help of wormwood.

    Among other folk signs for Trinity, the traditional symbolism of this holiday should be noted. Birch is a symbol of rebirth and youth. This tree became especially revered during Christmas time. Birch branches were used to decorate homes and fences, the entrance to the house and the yard, as well as corners in barns where pets lived. The branches were taken out into the field to beg their ancestors for a rich harvest.

    Among the traditions and signs of Trinity for unmarried girls, it is worth noting the custom of weaving wreaths from birch branches. It was believed that this is how a girl interweaves her thoughts with the thoughts of a young man.

    But the grandmothers went to the graves of their ancestors to sweep the “little eyes” of their parents and other relatives - they swept the graves of the deceased with birch branches.

    Traditions and customs

    Trinity Day is a special holiday on which people are accustomed to perform a lot of rituals. At the same time, they are interpreted and perceived as customs, and not as superstitions. This is exactly the case when all signs and beliefs have exclusively justified meaning. Therefore, it can be argued that folk signs for Trinity are distinguished by a deep meaning.

    There are things that simply must be done on this holiday. But there are things that are extremely undesirable in the first days of summer. It is worth noting that the celebration of the Trinity itself has pagan roots. Of course, the church is against such beliefs, but it is difficult to convince people of what was passed on to them through their mother’s milk.

    Signs for single girls and guys

    Children since the very early age teach to honor Christian holidays and folk traditions. The younger generation closely monitors what they do on Trinity Sunday. Signs help predict the future on the eve of a great holiday. Over time, young girls and boys themselves begin to take part in the rituals.

    Wreaths have already been mentioned. All that remains is to repeat the symbolism:

    • If a wreath floats on water, there will be happiness.
    • If you washed ashore - new love.
    • If it stands still, the next year will pass without changes.
    • If you drowned, there will be trouble.

    Signs and superstitions for the Trinity are passed down from generation to generation. Thus, grandmothers often put out a new tablecloth for a holiday - it was believed that the fabric absorbs great power, which helps to attract eligible suitors. For the Holy holiday, they baked all kinds of pastries - the remains were not thrown away, but kept for the happiness of the future family.

    Weddings cannot be played on Trinity Day - it is believed that the life of the newlyweds will not be enviable. But matchmaking on this day will be favorable - life new family will have a long and happy life. After matchmaking on Trinity, it was customary to marry Pokrova.

    Signs for Trinity: what not to do?

    There are some things that are highly discouraged to do on this day. Failure to comply with prohibitions can anger the spirits of deceased relatives who wander among living people on this day. On the Day of the Holy Trinity, under no circumstances should you work, do handicrafts or do housework. Loaves, bread and buns were baked on the eve of the holiday. On Trinity it was forbidden to dig in the garden and plant beds. Also on this day it was strictly forbidden to swim - just remember the story about mermaids. By the way, about them. It is believed that the mermaid is the soul of a baby girl who died before baptism. A young drowned girl who did not have time to get married could also become an inhabitant of the waters.

    What are the signs for Trinity? What can't you do on this holiday? According to tradition, on Sunday you should go to the graves of your ancestors. If this prohibition is violated, deceased relatives may become angry and take away someone from the living.

    Holiday dinner traditions

    As was already mentioned just above, bread and all kinds of pastries were made on the eve of the holiday. Folk signs for Trinity say that on this day only the closest people should gather at the table. You should not invite enemies and unwanted people - this holiday should remain pure and joyful.

    Traditionally, the table was covered with a green festive tablecloth, which was then carefully stored to attract eligible suitors. Among the variety of dishes on the table, there must be bread and any other home-made baked goods. The tastier and more varied it is, the brighter and happier life will be in the coming year.

    Young families should pay attention to this tradition. Baking loaves and bread on Saturday, the eve of the great Orthodox holiday, can become a good family tradition in which everyone can take part. Folk omens for Trinity say that the festive table should not be complete without chicken eggs. In principle, the festive table on this day should be distinguished by abundance - various vegetables and fruits, sweet pastries, loaves and bread, fish and meat dishes, as well as sweets and drinks - everything should indicate well-being and prosperity.

    Holy holiday in modern times

    The signs and traditions of Trinity are well known to residents of villages and small towns. Unfortunately, with the growth of urbanization, citizens simply began to forget Holy holiday and everything connected with it. But in vain - even the very performance of the rituals itself carries great emotional power, which will allow you to receive a charge of positive energy.

    Villagers prepare brooms for the bathhouse on Trinity Sunday. You cannot break young trees and tear off the top branches - only side shoots are allowed, so as not to destroy the tree. It is believed that on this day all plants strengthen their healing properties. That is why knowledgeable people collect medicinal herbs, leaves and shoots the day before. Among the many signs and superstitions for Trinity, one more should be noted, which will be of interest to young girls - if you collect thyme on the eve of the holiday, weave a small broom from it and sew it into a pillow, life will be long and happy, and the long-awaited chosen one is about to appear on the horizon .

    Fortune telling for Trinity

    The Church denies such events in every possible way, but you really want to know your fate and have at least a glimpse into the near future. That is why, among all the diversity of signs, there are certain rituals that help lift the veil of secrecy.

    What do they do on Trinity? Signs tell you how to recognize your chosen one and make your life with him long and happy. First of all, it should be understood that all fortune telling should be performed only with pure and bright thoughts. On this day, nature reveals its secrets, shares mystical knowledge and helps people. Grandmothers and mothers put birch branches under the pillows of young girls. It was believed that the image of a man in a dream is the future chosen one.

    What else is remarkable about the Trinity? Signs of wealth are what interested many villagers and villagers. There was such a custom - a woman (maybe even a married one) approached a birch tree and, without looking, plucked a branch. If it was smooth and even, the year will be successful and fruitful. IN otherwise- expect troubles and disasters.

    Weather for the whole year

    During the entire Trinity celebration, older people carefully monitored the weather - it is believed that the Green Christmastide was a kind of barometer for the whole year. Signs for Trinity and weather:

    • It was impossible to prepare birch brooms if it was raining.
    • For a better cabbage harvest, you should put its leaves in birch twigs brought from the temple after the service.
    • A good mushroom harvest promises rain on Trinity Sunday.

    Trinity is a great and bright Orthodox holiday that has great mystical power. If you behave correctly on this day, observe all traditions and rituals, and also carefully follow the signs, you can feel how happiness is literally knocking on your door. Bright thoughts and good intentions, gratitude for every day you live and generosity - this is the key to a real holiday that will remain in every family.

    Trinity is very beautiful holiday, and as you know, one of the main Christian holidays. This day is considered a public holiday and millions of people celebrate it with joy. But not everyone thinks about the history and origin of this great holiday - the Holy Trinity. The editors of our site will introduce you to the history, traditions of this holiday and signs on Trinity Day.

    • The history of the Trinity holiday
    • Traditions, signs, what to do on Trinity
    • How to decorate a house for Trinity?
    • Signs for Trinity

    So, Trinity in 2018 falls on May 27th. And on May 28, Monday, all Ukrainians will receive an additional day off, because this is the second day of Trinity. Trinity Day has rich traditions and signs.

    It is believed that on this day (May 27) all Orthodox and Greek Catholics around the world will celebrate the Day of the Holy Trinity. This holiday also has another name, “Pentecost,” which indicates that Trinity is celebrated exactly 50 days after Easter.

    On this holiday, the Orthodox Church remembers the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. The Trinity symbolizes the image of God - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

    This one is big religious holiday brings liberation from everything bad and sinful in the human soul. According to the Gospel, it was on the fiftieth day after Easter that the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles in the form of sacred fire, which endowed them with the grace of the Holy Spirit, and they spoke in different languages ​​of the world and gave strength to establish the Holy Church on earth in order to convey the Words of God to every person . Therefore, Trinity is also considered the birthday of the Christian Church.

    Icon of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles

    The history of the Trinity holiday

    Orthodox Christians love the Trinity very much, although not everyone knows the reliable history of the holiday.

    There are different legends about the origin of this holiday. By one legend, on Trinity, God created the earth and sowed it with greenery. Another legend says that on this day Jesus, together with the apostles Peter and Paul, sat down to rest under a green tree, hence the three-day holiday. More one version of the emergence of the Trinity– Christ rejoiced at how the poor people greeted him in Jerusalem with green branches.

    However, there is also the most main legend, which is considered the main one: the trinum of the holiday is associated with God the Father (Sunday), God the Son (Monday) and God the Holy Spirit (Tuesday).

    It was through the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles that the perfect activity of the third person of the Most Holy Trinity was revealed, and the teaching of Jesus Christ about the Triune God reached perfect clarity and completeness. God the Father creates the world, God the Son redeems people from enslavement to the devil, God the Holy Spirit sanctifies the world through the founding of the Church and the worldwide preaching of the faith.

    Trinity is the second oldest Christian holiday, on which the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. According to legend, on the site of the Zion Upper Room, in which the apostles stayed on the day of Pentecost, the first Christian temple was built, which survived even during the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 by Roman legionnaires. One fragment from the works of the holy martyr Irenaeus of Lyons contains a mention of the New Testament feast of Pentecost (late 2nd century). In ancient times it was also called the holiday of the descent of the Holy Spirit. On this day the Church was born. From that time on, the Holy Spirit was graciously present in the life of the Church and performed all its sacraments.

    On Trinity Day, deceased relatives are commemorated for three days. In particular, this is the only day in the whole year when Orthodox traditions It is possible to light a candle in churches and perform prayers for suicides and the unbaptized.

    Icon of the Holy Trinity

    Church literature says that in the evening before Trinity, the Holy Spirit descends to Earth. It sanctifies and blesses everything around, it fills a person’s soul with goodness, love, faith, and patience.

    Even during His life on earth, the Lord told His disciples many times that He would never leave people and create His own big family, which he will call His Church: “I will create My Church, and the gates of hell will never prevail against It.” We are all members of this Church...

    Traditions, signs, what to do on Trinity

    Since ancient times, the Slavic peoples have associated Trinity with the tradition of welcoming summer and called this day Earth Day. On Trinity Day, it is customary to decorate houses and churches with green birch branches, fragrant calamus potion and flowers. The custom of decorating the temple with branches, flowers and grass goes back to ancient times. The Old Testament Pentecost was the feast of the gathering of first fruits. People brought the first fruits of the harvest and flowers to the Temple courtyard. In New Testament times, the trees and plants in the temple symbolize the renewal of people by the power of the descending Holy Spirit.

    For example, each region has its own characteristics of celebrating the Green Christmastide, but plants play a key role everywhere. Thus, Ukrainians lavishly decorate their homes with calamus (this plant is also called myrrh root, Tatar potion or flat cake).

    How to decorate your home on this bright holiday?

    According to tradition, before celebrating Trinity, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning of the house. What is important is that you need to get rid of junk and especially those items with which negative memories are associated.

    Housewives decorate the rooms with flowers, young grass and green branches, which symbolizes the coming of spring, prosperity and the continuation of life. Most often, branches of birch, oak, rowan, maple, calamus grass, mint, lemon balm, etc. are used for decoration.

    On Trinity Day In the morning they attend a festive church service. On this day you need to dedicate very simple bouquets from marsh grass, wildflowers, etc. After the church service you need to bring them home and decorate the house with them. This one can be dried and stored. whole year as a talisman against the evil eye of a random guest.

    By the way, on Trinity Sunday there are two festive services in churches: in the morning and in the evening.

    Not decorating the house was a great sin. The ancestors believed that on Trinity Sunday the souls of deceased relatives fly to the living and hide in the branches. All attention was paid to the doors, walls of houses and shutters - they were thickly covered with linden branches.

    For a holiday lunch they invite close people and relatives, treat them to loaves of bread, egg dishes, pancakes, pies, jelly and give each other funny gifts.

    You can also get out into nature and organize a picnic - after all, Trinity 2018, like other years, is celebrated on a day off. The tradition of folk festivals has been preserved to this day. In many cities, cultural events, concerts, and fairs are held on this day.

    There are also signs for Pentecost.

    If they get wooed on Trinity and get married on the Intercession, it means that these spouses will have a long, happy life, in love and harmony.

    If it rains on Trinity Day, there will be a lot of rain throughout the summer.

    On Trinity, rain - a lot of mushrooms, for warm weather.

    From Trinity to Dormition there are no round dances.

    Float my wreath to that shore, whoever catches my wreath will wake up the groom.

    Customs and beliefs for the holiday of Trinity

    According to tradition, Trinity (in 2018 it falls on May 27) is celebrated for three days, and preparations for the holiday begin in advance. The houses and courtyards are thoroughly cleaned, and the rooms are decorated with fresh tree branches (linden, willow, birch, maple), and the floor is lined with fragrant herbs and flowers.

    Such a ritual on Trinity means awakening and the beginning of a new life cycle. On this day, people went out into the streets dressed in costumes, singing and dancing, performing round dances, girls telling fortunes about their betrotheds and performing certain rituals.

    Collected field herbs were brought to the church and blessed, C-ib.ru reports. This was done so that the summer would be generous with rain and give people a rich harvest.

    The Saturday before Trinity is a memorial day. On this day, deceased relatives are remembered in churches.

    Trinity Day (Green Sunday) is considered the day of the appearance of various mythical evil spirits (mermaids, merman, goblin). It is to protect against it that the room is decorated with green branches and wildflowers.

    They also say that you should not swim on Trinity, because mermaids or mermen came out of reservoirs and, having acquired a human form, took men and women with them.

    After the holiday, the greens were not thrown away, but were used for treatment various diseases, since she had enormous healing powers.

    On the second day of Trinity (Clear Monday), priests went out into the fields to bless the future harvest.

    On the third day (God-Spirit Day), the unmarried girl was decorated with ribbons, flowers, wreaths of wild flowers and herbs and taken around the courtyards. Meeting her on the street was considered great luck.

    Signs and conspiracies for Trinity

    On Trinity Sunday people listened carefully to folk signs, because the weather for the holiday depends on the future harvest and the coming summer. Here are the most common ones:

    • According to signs, rain on Trinity means a rich harvest and a warm summer;
    • A light drizzling rain, after which the bright sun peeked out - also to a rich harvest of berries, grain crops and mushrooms;
    • On Trinity Sunday the sun will be dry and very hot;
    • The heat on Trinity Sunday was considered a bad omen. It meant a bad harvest year;
    • Seeing a rainbow on a holiday means great happiness in the house;
    • If you swim in the rain on Trinity Sunday, you can get rich;

    • For a long time, at dawn, people went out of their houses into fields and vegetable gardens and crumbled bread onto the ground, thereby calling on nature to give them a good harvest;
    • To ensure good haymaking and rainfall, birch branches are stuck into the ground;
    • Before Trinity, it was necessary to finish planting the garden, since then the heat set in and the plants were poorly accepted due to lack of moisture.

    According to popular belief, the dew that fell on Trinity gave health, youth, and beauty

    What not to do on Trinity

    On one of the biggest holidays, the earth celebrates its birthday, so there are many restrictions on work on this day. You cannot plow, dig, dig, plant plants and trees, or mow grass. In general, all work related to the ground cannot be done.

    You can't cut down or chop trees

    Work related to trees is prohibited on this day, since young plants are used to decorate houses on this holiday. You cannot cut down trees, saw, chop wood, or break branches.

    Taboo on any hard work

    On this day, it is forbidden to do any hard work in the garden, since on this day the earth is born again and, like any birthday, one should celebrate, not work. Taboo on working in the fields and gardens.

    It has long been believed that if you do not adhere to this sign, any unfavorable situation can happen: weather conditions will destroy the crop, livestock will die out, or be destroyed by predators.

    These rules do not apply to work in production, because it does not depend on our desire, but is necessary and inevitable.

    However, you can collect all kinds of herbs and dry them. You can prepare brooms for the bath; they will be endowed with special healing powers.

    Herbs collected on Trinity Day have magical healing powers. Tinctures and decoctions are prepared from them to heal from ailments.

    You cannot sew, bake, or do housework

    As on other Orthodox holidays, on Trinity you cannot do cleaning, sewing or any other housework. You can only decorate the room, cook food, and perform only vital work.

    Various misfortunes will await everyone who works on this day. In general, it’s better not to take risks, but to celebrate!

    Taboo on any work on earth

    You cannot work on the land on Trinity Sunday, but you can look for treasures in it. Try it, perhaps the treasure hidden somewhere is already waiting for you.

    No fence repairs

    You cannot build or repair a fence (fence) on this day. Such work can bring trouble and illness to the family.

    Be positive

    While observing all the listed signs for Trinity, do not forget about the spiritual side.

    It is forbidden to be angry with the Trinity, to think about bad things, to be envious or angry!

    Be friendly and joyful on this day, then nature will reward you with a good harvest and prosperity.

    In 2017, Trinity Day is celebrated on June 4. The Day of the Holy Trinity, Trinity, Pentecost, Descent of the Holy Spirit is one of the main Christian holidays, included in Orthodoxy among the twelve holidays. Orthodox Church celebrates Holy Trinity Day on the 50th day of Easter, Sunday.

    On Trinity Day, one of the most solemn and beautiful services of the year is held in Orthodox churches. After the liturgy, Great Vespers is served, at which stichera glorifying the descent of the Holy Spirit are sung, and the priest reads three special lengthy prayers:
    - about the Church;
    - for the salvation of all those who pray;
    - about the repose of the souls of all the departed (including those “held in hell”).
    While reading these prayers, everyone (including the clergy) kneels - this ends the post-Easter period, during which no kneeling or prostration is performed in churches.

    According to Russian tradition, the floor of the temple and the houses of believers on the Day of the Holy Trinity is covered with freshly cut grass, the icons are decorated with birch branches, and the color of the vestments is green, depicting the life-giving and renewing power of the Holy Spirit. Trinity is a very beautiful and beloved holiday among the people.

    Rituals for Trinity

    Trinity Day is one of the most important holidays among the Eastern Slavs, especially loved by girls. In the folk tradition, Trinity Day is included in the Semitsko-Trinity holiday complex, which included Semik (the seventh Thursday after Easter two days before Trinity), Trinity Saturday, and Trinity Day. In general, the holidays were called “Green Christmastide”. The main components of the Semik-Trinity festivities were rituals associated with the cult of vegetation, maiden festivities, maiden initiations, commemoration of the drowned or all the dead.

    Among the Slavic peoples, the holiday of the Holy Trinity is also closely associated with seeing off spring and welcoming summer:

    • During Trinity (Semitic) week, girls 7-12 years old they broke birch branches and decorated the house with them outside and inside.
    • Thursday (the next day) children's morning fed scrambled eggs, which was then a traditional dish: it symbolized the bright summer sun. Then children went into the forest to curl a birch tree: it was decorated with ribbons, beads, flowers; The branches were tied in pairs and braided. Children danced around the decorated birch tree, sang songs, and had a festive meal.
    • On Saturday, on the eve of the Holy Trinity, the Slavs have one of the main memorial days. This day is often called “stuffy Saturday” or parent’s day.
    • On the day of the Holy Trinity, everyone went to church with flowers and birch branches. On this day, houses and temples were decorated with a green carpet of leaves and flowers. After the festive service in the church, the youth went to develop a birch tree. It was believed that if this is not done, the birch tree may be offended. After the birch tree had developed, they repeated the meal, again danced in circles and sang songs. Then the tree was cut down and carried around the village singing. Often the birch tree could also be sent down the river, believing that the tree would give its strength to the first shoots in the field.

    Traditions for Trinity

    As usual in Russia, Orthodox holidays are closely intertwined with folk traditions:

    So, leaving the church, people tried to grab grass from under your feet, to mix with hay, boil with water and drink as a healing medicine. Some made wreaths from the leaves of the trees that stood in the church and used them as amulets.

    Beautiful Trinity tradition Decorating houses and temples with branches, grass, and flowers has been around for centuries. The ritual of decorating for Trinity is not accidental. In folk tradition, greenery symbolizes life on Trinity Day. By tradition, decorating houses on Trinity Sunday with branches, herbs and flowers, people express joy and gratitude to God for reviving them through baptism in new life.

    Historically, to decorate temples and houses, according to folk traditions, birch branches are used. We can say that the Trinity holiday without a birch is the same as celebrating Christmas without a tree. At the same time, in some areas the tradition of decorating houses and churches on Trinity Day may be slightly different and oak, maple, rowan can be used for decoration...

    The people revered Trinity as a great holiday, they carefully prepared for it: they washed and cleaned the house and yard, put out the dough to prepare dishes for festive table, harvested greens. On this day, pies and loaves were baked, wreaths made of birch (in the south made of maple) and flowers were made, guests were invited, and young people held parties in the forests and meadows.

    The girls wore their best outfits, often sewn specifically for these holidays. Everywhere heads were decorated with wreaths of herbs and flowers. Dressy girls usually walked during a general meeting of the people - the so-called "bride's viewing". For a long time it was believed good omen to get married on Trinity. The wedding took place in the fall, on the Feast of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary. Many still believe that this helps family life: those married on Trinity, they say, will live in love, joy and wealth.

    On this day, roes were baked for the girls - round cakes with eggs in the form of a wreath. These roe deer along with scrambled eggs, pies, kvass made up a ritual meal, which the girls arranged in the grove after curling the birch tree, that is, decorating it with ribbons, flowers, and weaving wreaths from its thin branches.

    The girls worshiped through these wreaths- they came up in pairs, kissed each other, sometimes exchanged pectoral crosses and said: Let's kiss, godfather, let's kiss, we won't quarrel with you, we'll be friends forever. For the ritual of nepotism curled the tops of two birch trees, intertwined them with each other. Then the girls split into pairs and walked under these birch trees, hugging and kissing. Having thought about each other, they formed one big round dance and sang trinity songs. Then we went to the river. When we approached the river, everyone threw their wreaths into the water and used them to tell fortunes about future fate. After this, they cut down the birch tree and carried it to the village with songs, placed it in the center of the street, danced around the birch tree and sang special Trinity songs.

    What not to do on Trinity Sunday - popular beliefs

    A whole cycle of beliefs and prohibitions was associated with the Trinity Days, the violation of which was strictly prohibited under the threat of misfortune:

    • It was forbidden to make birch brooms on Trinity;
    • for a week it was forbidden to fence the fence or repair harrows so that “ugly-looking domestic animals would not be born”;
    • it was strictly forbidden to work on the first three days of Trinity - however, you can prepare a treat, as well as invite guests to a festive meal;
    • It was impossible to go to the forest for a week, to swim - it was undesirable to swim on Trinity Day, because, as our ancestors believed, that Trinity Day belongs to mermaids - if you swim, the ancient Slavs believed, you will go to the bottom. Starting from the “Green Christmastide” and until Peter’s Day (July 12), mermaids come out of the pools, hide in the forests, in the trees, luring travelers with their laughter.

    Signs for Trinity

    There are other beliefs and traditions for the Trinity. Let's now find out what signs there are on Trinity Day.

    • If it rains on Trinity, then expect a mushroom harvest.
    • Flowers and medicinal herbs collected on such a day are considered healing and can cure any ailment.
    • It is believed that from Monday - Holy Spirit Day there will be no more frosts, warm days are coming.
    • On the Day of the Holy Spirit, it is customary to give away all the change to the poor, thereby protecting yourself from adversity and illness.
    • There was also such a belief that an honest person could find a treasure, as if hearing its call from the depths of the earth.
    • There was a belief that plants on Trinity are endowed with special magical powers, which was reflected in the custom of collecting medicinal herbs on Trinity night.

    Trinity Celebration

    Trinity passes noisily and cheerfully. In the morning everyone rushes to the temple for the festive service. And after it they organize folk fun with round dances, games, and songs. Loaves were definitely prepared. They invited guests to a festive dinner and gave each other gifts. Fairs were held in some areas. With the revival of faith in Russia, the traditions of celebrating Orthodox holidays are also being revived. And already in our time, folk festivities are organized in the cities of the country on Trinity Day.

    Trinity (Pentecost) completes Green Christmastide dedicated to the end of spring and the beginning of summer. This is one of the important transitory holidays, when the magical energy of the Earth manifests itself with great force, and herbs acquire amazing healing properties. What to do on this day? It is important to know the rituals and signs of the Trinity in order to attract success into your life.

    What date is Trinity in 2018?

    Trinity - the time for magical rituals

    The celebration period is the end of May and the beginning of June. In 2018, Trinity Sunday is celebrated on May 27. The holiday lasts three days, each of which has its own meaning, signs and rituals. Previously, pagans on Trinity Day in Rus' glorified the goddess of spring Lada, who defeated the demons of winter. They also honored Triglav - the union of three Slavic Deities who created the Universe: Svarog, Perun, Svyatovit. It is believed that on this day nature reveals its secrets, dissolving the boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead. Otherworldly forces and entities influence people, changing fate and life. Mermen, Mavkas, mermaids, goblins, lost ones (the souls of children who died unbaptized) are especially active.

    Signs for Trinity

    Rain on Trinity was considered a gift from heaven. Get wet under it - be happy for a whole year

    In order to direct powerful energy forces for good, and not suffer from unwanted interventions, you need to know what they do on Trinity - these signs and customs have been observed for thousands of years. Neglect can result in loss of life. Rituals and ceremonies performed on Trinity Day have a centuries-old history. Magicians and healers consider them very effective and powerful. This is the time of fortune telling, gathering medicinal herbs for a whole year.

    What not to do on this holiday

    If you walk in the forest, then only in a large group!

    Trinity is a celebration of the flowering of nature. You need to relax and enjoy its beauty. It is prohibited to work, plant plants, mow, stick stakes, sew, weave, cut, or chop wood, otherwise losses will occur.

    • The ban did not apply to cooking or feeding domestic animals. Only on Spirits Day - the second day of the holiday - is it allowed to touch the earth to search for treasures.
    • There are no weddings or weddings on Trinity Sunday, so as not to bring grief to the future family.
    • Do not visit cemeteries on Trinity days. Everyone, including suicides, is remembered on Parents' Saturday. They bring treats, things of the departed, and cajole. If this is not done, the dead will take someone close to them.
    • Many prohibitions on the Holy Trinity are associated with activation and revelry evil spirits. To protect yourself from influence negative energy, strictly follow the rules. It is strictly forbidden to approach the water, swim, or ride a boat, so that the mermaids do not get pulled to the bottom. On this day they are allowed to go out onto the land. If you get close to the water, the mermaids will take you to the world of the dead. Only witches swam on Trinity Sunday. refrained from water procedures all three days of the holiday. Water spirits will cause harm everywhere.
    • It is not advisable to go into the forest or field alone, so as not to suffer from maks, goblin, or losers. Cattle are not grazed in the forest on Trinity Sunday. To prevent evil spirits from taking over your soul and body, you must not quarrel, entertain dark thoughts, or experience envy, anger, or hatred.
    • You can't throw away Trinity branches. They must be in the house for at least seven days. Then they are burned. You cannot leave the house without a pectoral cross in order to protect yourself from evil spirits. You cannot consecrate it in a church, or decorate your house with willow and aspen. It is forbidden to go to Trinity under a ladder - you will bring trouble.

    What to do: traditions and customs

    Collecting herbs and weaving wreaths for Trinity is a long-standing tradition.

    • The energetic force of nature reaches enormous strength on Trinity. A person should take advantage of open borders and make a foundation for a prosperous future. Healing herbs enhance their healing properties three times, so they are stored for the whole year at dawn and sunset. Consecrated in church for greater power.
    • They set the table with a green tablecloth, invite guests, treat them to egg dishes, pies, and jelly. They bake Trinity bread and light it in the church. Mother unmarried girl one piece is dried and stored until she gets married. Then it is added to the wedding loaf to family life was without grief, problems and adversity.
    • They bring a few blades of grass from the church as a talisman for the whole year. The stub of a ternary candle is not thrown away. It is given to a dying person to relieve the death throes. On Trinity Sunday they consecrate it in the church, and then hide behind the icons the “tearful” herbs mourned the day before. Then the weather will be good and fruitful all year. They leave them in the forest, floating milk and bread on the water to appease the spirits of the forest and water.
    • Healers and sorcerers collect grass from the floor of the temple to enhance rituals and spells. So you need to collect the morning dew, which will serve as medicine for a year.
    • According to popular belief, it is good to send matchmakers on Trinity Sunday, talk about the wedding, and introduce the parents of the bride and groom.
    • They decorate the home (windows, doors, floors) with branches of birch, maple, rowan, oak, herbs (calamus, lemon balm, thyme, lovage), and wildflowers. Greenery is a symbol of rebirth. It is believed that the spirits of ancestors come to visit and hide in it, scaring away evil forces. Peasants still attract and appease forest and field spirits in this way to guarantee a good harvest.

    Signs for the weather: rain on Trinity - expect a rich harvest, lots of mushrooms, prosperity; hot day - get ready for drought; thunder and lightning - evil spirits will be driven out.


    Thyme collected on this day was used for love spells

    Magic rites, conspiracies, ritual actions that are performed on Trinity have a powerful energetic force. If you do everything correctly with pure thoughts, you will notice the result very soon.

    Magic ritual for Trinity for married couples

    After visiting church, the wife fries two eggs to seal the marriage, saying:

    “Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us! Lord, cleanse our sins! Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake. Lord have mercy (three times). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

    Thursday salt prepared in a special way is used and decorated with sprigs of greenery. Then the spouses break the bread, put scrambled eggs in it, wrap it in a towel, go to a field or forest, where they eat the magical dish.

    Fortune telling for girls

    Wreaths are also placed on water on Ivan Kupala Day.

    Unmarried women make wreaths strictly separately from guys. They tilt their heads, float on the water, and watch:

    • floats smoothly - a calm life;
    • the wreath sailed not far away, landed on the shore - to sit in girls for another year;
    • drowned immediately - expect trouble;
    • swims underwater - to illness;
    • swinging on the waves - a stormy year;
    • the wreaths come together - she will get married;
    • If a guy takes a wreath out of the water, he must be kissed.

    Getting rid of constricted disease

    Celebrate mass and vespers in church. Every time with fresh flowers. Dry them. After 12 days, brew at sunset. Soak two fingers in the broth, draw crosses on the body, and read quietly:

    “Exploration of salt, blood, veins, go from the servant of God (name) to where there is no plowing, where there are no people and no horses. Spread yourself over the forest snags, over the river grass. That's where you belong, that's where you live. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Love spell on thyme

    Collect thyme while reciting the Lord's Prayer. Hang it in a secret place. Once dry, hem it into the pillow on which the desired man sleeps.

    Trinity is a mystical holiday when the rituals and beliefs of many generations are united. It is important to know what they do on Trinity, signs, prohibitions - in order to attract good luck, health, love and prosperity.

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