• Quotes about parents and children. Proverbs about parents and children and respect for parents


    The habits of fathers, both good and bad, turn into the vices of children.

    Becoming a father is very easy. Being a father, on the other hand, is difficult.

    The merits of the father do not apply to the son.

    If your father is kind, love him; if he is evil, endure him.

    Fathers lie, claiming that they are pursuing a career for the sake of their sons. They are ashamed to admit that they do it for their mothers.

    No man can become good father until he learns to understand his father.

    If children see their parents only as a source of uninterrupted power supply, then when the source dries up, they begin to see them only as an extra burden.

    They say that children learn by watching the back of their father as he leaves for work.

    Big phrases about father

    I hate to do this behind his back, but to be a good father sometimes you have to be a bad person.

    It is much easier to become a father than to remain one.

    Never point out the similarities between children and their father: this can cause unpleasant surprise.

    The wittiest big phrases about father

    Alone soft toys not enough to convince your children that they still have a father.

    You should know that you are the best best dad in the world. Only a wonderful father could get along with an asshole like me.

    The father admonishes only the one he loves; the teacher punishes only the student in whom he notices stronger abilities; the doctor already despairs if he stops treating.

    If you can instill in your children confidence in their ability to achieve any goal, solve any problem, then you have successfully fulfilled your parental duty, endowing them with the greatest gift.

    We will never understand how much our parents love us until we become parents ourselves.

    It seems that mom only does what dad wants, and yet we live the way mom wants.

    The main flaw of fathers: they want their children to be proud of them.

    If you want to influence a child, try not to be his father.

    Every father is a hero to his son. At least until the sons grow up and find new heroes for themselves.

    Fathers should neither be seen nor heard. Only on this basis can a strong family be built.

    Losing a father means losing a faithful adviser and mentor, someone who would support you like a trunk supports branches. Losing a mother is... like losing the sun above your head.

    It's worth being a father if only to look at your children without envy.

    glib big phrases about father

    Your father was not like everyone else, and it cost him his life...

    Why does a father love his son more than his father's son? Because the son is his creation. Everyone is favorable to what they themselves have created.

    It’s not enough to be a father of four children, you also need to be a man.

    The desire of all fathers is to fulfill in their sons what they themselves lack.

    It is bad to have a prodigal son as a father.

    A man who does not find time for his children has no right to be called a man.

    A real father fights for his son. He fights for it. Or runs with him. But he doesn’t sit there shrugging his shoulders. He doesn’t watch with an idiotic grin as his son is taken away from him.

    The older I get, the smarter my father seems to me.

    Life is a harsh thing, you can’t do without a second father, that’s why godfathers exist.

    Dads can be just like moms - they can cook too.

    If you are racing along the corridor on a bicycle, and your dad comes out of the bathroom to meet you for a walk, do not turn into the kitchen, there is a solid refrigerator in the kitchen. Better brake like dad. Dad is soft. He will forgive.

    One father means more than a hundred teachers.

    Without good fathers there is no good education, despite all the schools, institutes and boarding schools.

    Nice little phrases about father

    The Father is the bridge of wisdom provided by nature.

    The father is the banker provided by nature.

    By the time a man realizes that perhaps his father was right, he already has a son who thinks he is wrong.

    There is no need for another example when the example of your father is in your eyes.

    The father is the one who teaches the child how to find out the way to the big world.

    The strongest fatherly anger is more tender than the tenderest filial love.

    Mom is for childhood, father is for youth.

    Why didn't you love us, dad? - I loved you, but I loved myself more.

    Any worker - from a watchman to a minister - can be replaced by an equally or even more capable worker. It is impossible to replace a good father with an equally good father.

    Father's love is no different from self-love.

    Women who do not dare to divorce their disgusted husbands just because they do not want to deprive their children of their father, thereby deprive them of a family that is friendly, strong, happy - the way it should be. In such cases, spouses cripple the psyche of children both by pretending to them and by not pretending. Besides, if you look at it, only... the father himself can deprive a child of his father.

    A father's idea of ​​himself is inseparable from his idea of ​​his son, unless the latter has some property that contradicts this idea.

    Immediately after God comes the father.

    Anyone can become a father, but only a special one becomes a father.

    A father's prudence is the most effective instruction for children.

    Analytical big phrases about father

    My father wanted me to become a businessman like him when I grew up. My mother wanted me to go to heaven like her when I grew up.

    Give children your presence. This is sometimes much more important to them than any gift.

    I found one word in the dictionary, it suits my dad very well - malingerer.

    The father's heart is nature's masterpiece.

    It's harder than in war.

    Indulgent fathers make their children ungrateful.

    A father should be as much a father as a friend to his son.

    I'm a constant disappointment to my father, but I've come to terms with it.

    One father said: "The reason why I am not rich is because I have you - children." Another said: "The reason I should be rich is because I have you."

    Mother is the home we leave, it is nature, the ocean. The connection with the father is of a different order. In the first years of a child’s life, it is very weakened and completely incomparable with the closeness of the mother. But the father expresses the opposite side of human existence, and on the other side - reason, man-made things, order and law, the development of new lands and adventures. The father is the person who introduces the child into the big world.

    To save good relations in a family, the father should be neither seen nor heard.

    If a son outgrows his father, the father wears his son's old trousers.

    It turned out that the joy of fatherhood surpasses any other I have experienced in my life.

    Quotes about parents - From our parents we received the greatest and most priceless gift - life. They fed and raised us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now that they are old and sick, it is our duty to cure them and nurse them back to health! - Leonardo da Vinci.

    Parents, encouraging the whims of their children and pampering them when they are small, spoil their natural inclinations, and then are surprised that the water, the source of which they themselves poisoned, has a bitter taste. - Locke John.

    If a child is nervous, first of all it is necessary to treat his parents. - Barto Agnia.

    Don't offend your parents. Parents are too close a target; the distance is such that you cannot miss.

    Parents least of all forgive their children those vices that they themselves instilled in them. - Schiller Friedrich.

    Parents are the only people who will not leave you in any current situation. - Omar Khayyam.

    Parents love their children with an anxious and condescending love that spoils them. There is another love, attentive and calm, which makes them honest. And so it is real love father. - Diderot Denis.

    Don't be too angry with your parents - remember that they were you, and you will be them. - Marina Tsvetaeva.

    As far as possible, strive, by weakening parental authority, to replace it in the child’s concepts with that self-government that comes from foreseeing the consequences arising from one or another course of action. - Spencer Herbert.

    What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family. - Mother Teresa.

    Love and respect for parents, without any doubt, is a sacred feeling. - Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich.

    Do you know the surest way to make your child unhappy? This is to teach him not to refuse anything... First he will demand the cane that you are holding; then your watch; then a bird that flies; then the star that shines in the sky; he will demand everything he sees; Without being God, how will you satisfy him? - Rousseau Jean-Jacques.

    When parents are smart and virtuously modest, then their sons are well-behaved. - Brant Sebastian.

    The relationship between parents and children is as difficult and as dramatic as the relationship between lovers. - A. Moru.

    A respectful son is one who upsets his father and mother only with his illness. - Confucius.

    Save the tears of your children so that they can shed them at your grave. - Pythagoras.

    By raising children, today's parents are raising the future history of our country, and therefore the history of the world. - A. S. Makarenko. - Aphorisms and sayings about parents with meaning.

    Fathers and children should not wait for requests from each other, but should proactively give what each other needs, with primacy belonging to the father. - Diogenes.

    We need to instill in children a love for people, and not for oneself. And for this, the parents themselves. you have to love people. - F. E. Dzerzhinsky.

    Honor to the gods, honor to parents. - Solon.

    Nothing acts in the young souls of children more powerfully than the universal power of example, and among all other examples, no one else is imprinted on them more deeply and firmly than the example of their parents. - Novikov N.I.

    Being a parent is an important job. Parents are mentors, teachers, friends, advocates, judges and leaders. - Remez Sasson.

    Parents do not understand how much harm they cause their children when, using their parental authority, they want to impose their beliefs and views on life on them. - F. E. Dzerzhinsky.

    Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should not interfere with this, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do. - Comenius Jan Amos.

    Parents need to listen to their children as much as they listen to them: “The first duty of love is to listen.” - Paul Tillich.

    We give birth to children so easily and carefree, but we care so little about the creation of man! We all yearn for some wonderful person. It is our will to help him appear on earth! So let us expend our will so that he appears sooner, and perhaps we will be rewarded for this happiness of seeing among us the young forerunners of the one for whom our soul has been yearning for so long.

    If from childhood you have not learned to look into your mother’s eyes and see in them anxiety or peace, peace or confusion, you will remain a moral ignoramus for the rest of your life. Moral ignorance, like wildness in love, brings a lot of grief to people and harm to society.

    Mother creates, she protects, and to talk about destruction means to speak against her. Mother is always against death.

    All moral education children comes down to good example. Live well, or at least try to live well, and as you succeed in living a good life, you will raise your children well.

    Main idea and goal family life- parenting. Main school Education is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother.

    Education seems to be a difficult matter only as long as we want, without educating ourselves, to educate our children or anyone else. If you understand that we can educate others only through ourselves, then the question of education is abolished and one question remains: how should we live ourselves?

    From our parents we received the greatest and most priceless gift - life. They fed and raised us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now that they are old and sick, it is our duty to cure them and nurse them back to health!

    The living and lasting meaning of filial duty is comprehended in the mind of a son or daughter more quickly by reading King Lear than by studying hundreds of boring volumes on ethics and divine commandments.

    Somewhat frightened and alarmed love becomes more tender, cares more carefully, from the selfishness of two it becomes not only the selfishness of three, but the selflessness of two for the third; family starts with children.

    Children are holy and pure. Even among robbers and crocodiles they are in the rank of angels. We ourselves can climb into any hole we want, but they must be enveloped in an atmosphere suitable for their rank. You can’t be obscene with impunity in their presence... you can’t make them the toy of your mood: either gently kiss them, or madly stamp your feet on them...

    Every parent must abstain in front of his children not only from deeds, but also from words tending towards injustice and violence, such as swearing, swearing, fighting, all cruelty and similar actions, and not allow those who surround his children , give them such bad examples.

    If you are evil, then why do you know how to do good to your children, and if you are considered kind and warm-hearted, then why don’t you do the same good to our children as to your own?

    I honor those who have achieved nobility for their services to the Fatherland and respect their descendants, such as, for example, the Repnins and the like; but he, however, from the descendants of noble families deserves my contempt, whose behavior does not correspond to their ancestors; and a fool is more tolerable in my eyes from a low family than from a noble one.

    Let us praise the woman - the Mother, whose love knows no barriers, whose breasts fed the whole world! Everything beautiful in a person - from the rays of the sun and from the Mother's milk - is what saturates us with love for life!

    There is nothing holier and more selfless than a mother’s love; every attachment, every love, every passion is either weak or self-interested in comparison with it.

    It’s better to commit a hundred heavy sins,
    To accept a hundred severe torments, to gain a hundred enemies,
    How to offend a parent by becoming disobedient.
    Why not come to him in difficult times when he calls.

    For the common good, and especially for the establishment of sciences in the fatherland, and against my own father I do not set out to rebel for sin... I dedicated myself to this, so that until my grave I can fight the enemies of Russian science, as I have been fighting for twenty years; I stood for them from a young age, I will not leave them in my old age.

    The fun of adults is called business, children have it too, but adults punish them for them, and no one feels sorry for either children or adults.

    Parents are gentle and reliable support that makes our lives easier. However, being a parent is certainly not easy. This is a full-time job that requires a lot of energy, strength, health, and time. Unfortunately, their work is often not appreciated enough, but after reading these proverbs about parents and children, as well as respectful attitude towards parents, try to understand the depth of parental work.

    After all, all they want is for their children to grow up happy and purposeful. They work hard for this future. Therefore, the purpose of these proverbs, aphorisms and quotes collected in this collection is the desire to encourage thinking about the honor and respect children have for their parents. Some of them are meaningful, others are touching and beautiful. In general, you have a few minutes of positive, thoughtful reading in front of you to appreciate the full depth of parental love and concerns for us.

    Proverbs about parents and children

    • Parents and children teach each other.
    • If you don't honor your parents, your children won't respect you.
    • Those who do not obey their parents do not obey God.
    • Parents are children's first teachers.
    • Parental mistrust and caution are a guarantee of the child’s safety
    • A parent should not give up raising his children, because our ancestors never gave up on us.
    • Girls marry to please their parents, and widows marry to please themselves.
    • Respect for parents is the highest responsibility of grateful children.
    • Parents are tripped up by those children they are afraid to stamp their foot on.
    • The dignity of parents is itself a great legacy.
    • Only when you have your own children do you begin to understand what you owe to your parents.
    • Parents can give their children everything except luck.
    • Once upon a time, parents taught their children to speak, but now children teach their parents to be silent.
    • The best gifts parents can give their children are roots and wings.
    • Parents can give everything except common sense.
    • Children grow up with their parents.
    • Bad children? Parents are to blame!
    • When parents show the moon to a child, he sees only their finger.
    • A child is a parable about the life of parents.
    • The children eat the fruit and the father sleeps on the peel.
    • Children are the hinges that hold their parents together.
    • Father is a shield for children
    • When you have children yourself, you begin to understand what you owe to your own parents.

    Aphorisms about parents with deep meaning

    • One father cares better for ten children than ten children for one father.
    • Once upon a time, parents taught their children to speak; Now children teach their parents to be silent.
    • Children are the yoke of their parents to the past, present and future.
    • Parents should at least sometimes remember what it means to be a child.
    • Simultaneously with the birth of a child, parents are also “born”.
    • When parents play with their children, then they become their friends.
    • Having children no more makes you a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist.
    • All parents cause some damage to their children.
    • Some parents break their child's childhood into small pieces that cannot be repaired.
    • Children despise their parents until they themselves become like them.
    • Children may not obey, but they regularly imitate their parents.
    • An immoral father cannot give good advice to my children.
    • A child without parents will suckle his grandmother.

    • We want to bequeath two things to our children. The first is the roots, the second is the wings.
    • Parents give birth to the body of their children, but this does not always correspond to their character.
    • To understand the love of your parents, you must raise children yourself.
    • It is the parents' fault that the child is bad.
    • What children hear from their parents by the family fireplace, they then repeat in the square.
    • Children of the same mother cannot always come to a common agreement.
    • You can learn a lot from children. For example, how much patience you have.
    • Little kids create for you headache, and the big ones are suffering.
    • Children grow up with or without their parents.
    • Children suckle their mother when they are young and their father when he is old.
    • The best way to keep kids at home is to make your home a pleasant environment by letting the air out of your tires.
    • The best way for a man to teach his son the way he should go is to travel with him himself.

    Quotes about parents with meaning

    This part contains beautiful and touching quotes about our loving parents.

    • Parents are not just the people who gave birth to you. They are who you want to be when you grow up. Jodi Picoult
    • We will never fully know the love of a parent until we become parents ourselves. Henry Ward Beecher
    • Parents can go from being the most wonderful people in the world to being completely embarrassed in three seconds. Rick Riordan
    • That's the funny thing about mothers and fathers. Even when they own child- the most disgusting "little peeve" they could ever imagine, they still think he or she is the most wonderful. Roald Dahl
    • No matter how far we are, our parents are always in our hearts.
      Brad Meltzer
    • I myself realized that my parents were right only when I had children who did not believe me. Unknown
    • Being a parent is a state that is better than you were before marriage. Marcelene Cox
    • Parents are like God! Because you want to know that they are there and that they think well of you. But you only really call when you need something. Chuck Palahniuk
    • When parents say, “Because I said so,” you know for sure that this is a powerful argument. Unknown

    • Parenting is about guiding the next generation and forgiving the previous one.
      Peter Krause
    • The best part about being friends with your parents is knowing that no matter what you do, they still love you. Natalie Portman
    • Before I got married, I had six theories about raising children. Now I have six children and, moreover, no theories. Unknown
    • The prayer of parents is the most beautiful poetry and pleasant expectations. Aditya Chopra
    • I believe that parents, if they love you, will always think about your safety. Sometimes this means you will never know everything they experienced. Because of this, you may treat them unfairly. Mitch Albom
    • You may believe it or not, but the truth is that in this world, no one can truly love you more than your parents. Unknown
    • Let parents bequeath to their children not wealth, but a spirit of reverence. Plato
    • Parents are always more ambitious for their children than they are for themselves. Jeffrey Archer
    • The family is the first school for young children, and parents are the best teachers. Alice Sterling Honig
    • Words of encouragement from moms and dads are like light switches. When they offer words of encouragement at the right time in a child's life, it is like illuminating a whole range of possibilities for him. Gary Smalley
    • All parents cause some kind of damage to their children. It's nothing you can do. Youth, like primordial glass, absorbs the imprints of its handlers. Some parents crack, others completely shatter their childhood into many sharp pieces beyond repair. Mitch Albom
    • Parenting is the hardest job on Earth. Since parents are responsible for the physical, emotional and mental development another man. Unknown
    • Treat your parents with love, you will know their true worth only when you see their empty chair. Unknown
    • Once children arrive, everyone knows that parents have lists of priorities. Number one is their family, and everything else just finds its place. Tim McGraw
    • Don't demand respect from your parent. Respect is something you have to earn - with both children and adults. Unknown
    • Believe it or not, the worst thing you can hear from your parents is: “I'm disappointed in you.”
    • Parental love is the only love that is truly selfless and knows how to forgive. Unknown
    • Your parents were the only ones who wanted to love you unselfishly. You had to earn love from the rest of the world. Anne Brashers


    Parents should remember that although they may do everything right, their children will not turn out to be the people they would like them to be. Conversely, even with incorrect behavior or parenting methods, children can grow up to be decent people. Life is a complicated thing.

    We hope you enjoyed these proverbs about parents, as well as our selection of aphorisms and quotes about parents with meaning.

    Best regards, Helen

    Golden words about parents!

    There are many happy days in our life. But one of them is special - the day you become parents. We selected 22 aphorisms from psychologists, writers, philosophers, and scientists about how motherhood and fatherhood changes everyone.

    1. Together we will cry, we will face fear and grief. I will want to take your pain, but instead I will sit next to you and teach you to bear it. (Brené Brown, scientist, writer, motivational speaker)

    2. I had a very difficult birth, but I forgot about it the moment they put my daughter on my chest. (Sofia, “I will be a mother”)

    3. The greatest gift that parents can give to their child is an atmosphere of love, since in such an atmosphere he develops best. (John (John Gottman and Julie Schwartz-Gottman, "Ordeal by the Child")

    4. Trust your intuition: Parents know their child best, and if it seems to them that “something is wrong,” most likely it is not to them.” (Yannis

    Ioannou, consultant pediatrician, “I will be a mother”)

    5. Parents' love is the most selfless. (Karl Marx)

    6. The key to successful parenting is not to be found in complex theories, but family rules or intricate formulas of behavior, but in the deepest feeling of love and affection for your child, which manifests itself through empathy and understanding. (John Gottman, )

    7. When we take care of each other, our children rock in the cradle of our happiness. (John Gottman and Julie Schwartz-Gottman, "Ordeal by the Child")

    8. Children multiply our everyday worries and anxieties, but at the same time, thanks to them, death does not seem so terrible to us. (F. Bacon)

    9. Sometimes you still feel like a magician parent. And it's amazing. (Amber and Andy Ankowski, "What's on His Mind?")

    10. Good parenting begins in your heart and continues when your children experience strong emotions such as upset, anger, or fear. It's about providing support when it really matters. (John Gottman, The Emotional Intelligence of Children)

    11. Parents learn little by little from their children how to cope with life. (Muriel Spark)

    12. When people become parents, their values, roles, goals and life philosophies change. Holding their babies in their arms, they seem to look in the mirror, reproducing in their minds the image of their parents holding them in their arms. (John Gottman and Julie Schwartz-Gottman, "Ordeal by the Child")

    13. None of our advice will teach children to stand and walk until the time comes, but we will try to help them. (Julie Lythcott-Haims, Let Them Go)

    14. The meaning of marriage is not that adults produce children, but that children produce adults. (Peter de Vries)

    15. Not every teacher becomes a parent, but every parent should be a teacher. (Tim Seldin, The Montessori Encyclopedia)

    16. Nothing has such a strong spiritual influence on a person’s environment, especially a child, as the unlived life of his parents. (Carl Gustav Jung)

    17. I could put pressure on my son, but the ability to respond to my pressure is not a skill that I want to develop in him. (Sebastian Thrun, Let Them Go)

    18. An honest child does not love mom and dad, but tubes of cream. (Don Aminado)

    19. Having a child is very pleasant for many reasons. Not the least of which is how cool you seem to your baby. In his eyes you are super tall and incredible strong man who knows the answers to every conceivable question. (Amber and Andy Ankowski, "What's on His Mind?")

    21. The stronger the parents’ attachment to each other, the healthier the baby will be - both emotionally and intellectually. (John Gottman and Julie Schwartz-Gottman, "Ordeal by the Child")

    22. We can help a child learn good behavior, politeness and compassion by example, through support and unconditional love. (Tim Seldin,

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