• Photo competition for you. Your baby is a future star. Do you want to see your baby on the cover of a magazine? Photo contest for you Your baby is a future star Children's photo competition for the cover


    Your child has a unique chance to be on the cover of “Your Baby” magazine, and also to win gifts from the organizer of the competition. Is your baby between 0 and 3 years old? Take a photo immediately or choose a portrait photo from your collection, and then upload it to the website. And, of course, receive valuable prizes. The winner of the competition will receive the main prize - a photo on the cover of “Your Baby” magazine in August 2017.

    Hurry up to take part!

    What is needed for this? Just stick with it terms of the competition:

    • Buy products from the Khorol plant in the amount of 100 UAH (water, mixtures, cereals) during the competition period, save the receipt.
    • Register/log in to the site.
    • During the competition period, upload to the competition website best photo your baby is from 0 to 3 years old. Photo topic: best portrait photo of a child.
    • Wait for the results of the competition.

    Competition “Your baby is a future star!” runs from 05/23/2017 to 06/23/2017. Each week, one winner of the competition will be randomly selected and will receive a gift: A-Derma Cosmetics Set " Gentle cleansing sensitive skin» A-DERMA (SOAP/2*100G)

    On June 23, 2017, among all participants, the organizers of the competition will determine two winners-finalists of the competition “Your baby is a future star!”

    The winner will receive a gift, a professional photo shoot and the main prize - a photo on the cover of the magazine “Your Baby”

    Updated 11/11/2018:
    Broken links and some titles have been removed.
    Mamainfo. rufor 2018 recommends in Moscow for children and adolescents:

    1. Central Film School(Mikhail Safronov and Daria Khramtsova have been running their own acting film school since September 2016)http://detikino.ru/

    2. CinemaChild (courses by Yuri Solodov and Andrey Bogdanov) https://kinorebenok.ru/
    When choosing acting courses or a theater studio for your child, do not fall for advertising, read more reviews on the Internet on third-party resources, and be sure to go to a trial lesson first.
    Also pay attention to children's theater studios at the Theatres. For example, the children's opera studio of the Musical Theater named after. N.I. SAC is one of the best theater studios for singing children.

    This article was written at your request, dear mothers -
    regular participants mamainfo-club

    You have a baby. Several months pass and you think that he is the most beautiful, the funniest and you want to tell the whole world about him. Such feelings are inherent in most loving parents. For some these thoughts come earlier, for others later. Especially if the child is not shy, makes faces, is active, and is able to make not only household members smile, but also guests, and the saleswoman in the store, and...

    1. Children on the cover of magazines for parents and other children's topics, winners of competitions for kids.
    Just literally some 7-10 years ago, getting on the cover of a magazine (for you, for you and your child, for your baby) seemed like a sky-high desire, and for many such a thought never even occurred to them. IN last years There are more and more magazines on parent-child topics, and on the pages of many publications (on the websites of these publications) advertisements are regularly placed, for example with the following content:
    “The editors of the magazine are looking for young models. Send photos of children (age such and such) and data to the specified e-mail"
    Thus, children's magazines are chosen:
    - "Lisa. My child" Publishing House "Burda" (permanently, infants up to 6-7 months);
    - “Nanny” (periodic promotions, children under 1.5 years old);
    - “My baby and I” (Children under 3 years old. They choose models from those participating in the competitions “My baby is the most...” and others);
    - “Everything for a woman” (mothers of Slavic appearance with children of different ages);
    - "I want a baby!";
    - some other magazines.
    All-Russian publications, whose editorial offices are located in Moscow, invite children from Moscow and the Moscow region to film. But in Russia there are many regional publications that also find their little models and their parents.

    Photo shoots for magazines are not burdensome events, so to speak, “for the soul.” They take a little time, usually one child is invited to photograph for the cover, for the fashion section - no more than 3-4 children. Participation in filming is not paid, sometimes the editors give gifts to children, but the main gift is professional photographs as a keepsake and the opportunity to see a child on the cover or pages of the magazine. For older children, such a photo session is a game, but the baby quickly gets tired of flashbulbs and unnecessary attention.
    Such shootings remind many of the conditions - TFP.
    - “time in exchange for pictures.”

    In 2004, my daughter was invited to a photo shoot for a magazine(cover and thematic photographs for the photo database). They offered it by chance, one might say “on the street”, I seriously doubted it, the baby was 6 months old at the time. And such a proposal seemed strange to me. Surprisingly Previously, many publishing houses randomly selected children for such projects.
    Everything went great. The memories of this event are the most positive. The photo editor came to our home and looked at the future model. To the shooting, we took with us our bright toys, books, an educational mat, and items interesting for feature articles (from those that we were asked to bring). Clothing was provided by sponsoring companies.
    On the day of filming, a car came to pick us up. We spent the whole day filming. We were given a room where I could feed and change the baby. Filming was interrupted twice for long rest and sleep. The publisher asked me to sign documents stating that I undertake to use the photographs only for personal, non-commercial purposes. In turn, he guaranteed that photographs of his daughter would be used only for magazine articles.

    It was a big photography project. The photographs were taken for the photo database of a large publication, for the cover and several feature articles at once. Typically a cover shoot takes 1-2 hours. Small publications sometimes ask you to come up with an image or bring clothes, accessories, items and toys to match the required image.

    If you weren't invited to be on the cover of a magazine, don't be discouraged. You can please yourself, as well as your grandparents, with a photograph of your beloved child on the pages of the magazine by taking part in numerous competitions. Many publications publish photographs of the winners or even all participants in the competition. The most popular prizes: toys, baby cosmetics and other baby care products famous brands
    . Many parents enjoy and actively participate in such photo competitions. Competitions are regularly held on the pages of magazines: “ Happy parents

    ", "My baby and I", "My little", "Mom and baby" and others.
    2. Child in advertising!

    Your little miracle is growing up, becoming smarter and funnier. One fine day you turn on the TV, see an advertisement featuring children and realize that it is your child that is missing from it: “he would make you laugh until you cry.”
    A one-time participation in an advertising project is an interesting event (and, by the way, well paid) for both mother and child.
    But only if the child is active, he is curious and wants to participate in the event.
    If your child is shy and doesn’t want to be filmed, don’t insist. Filming will not liberate such a child, but he can get a lot of stress.
    If your child is over 3 years old and after filming the question:
    - Are you tired?
    This means that your child really enjoys shooting and you really should plunge into the photo-television world.

    Children are suitable for video advertising: feeling relaxed in an unfamiliar environment, with an extraordinary appearance or just a cute face, with interesting facial expressions, well-spoken (over 4 years old), “playful” (actors by nature).
    Children suitable for photo advertising: relaxed, with a bright appearance, able to show themselves in front of the camera, with a good gait.

    Don't look for standards in your child. In advertising, as in cinema, children of different types are required: thin and fat, with fluff and shaggy, red-haired and with protruding ears... The main thing is that the child is “alive” - in cinematic language “playful”: not afraid of strangers, not afraid of cameras and light, carried out tasks with curiosity.

    How to find your role?
    In order to take part in the filming, you do not need to join the paid actor database, especially if you are counting on a one-time participation. There are many sites where information about castings is publicly available. There are many agents and agencies to whom you can send photos and personal information, and you will be included in the database of “child actors” for free (with a symbolic payment of 500-1500 rubles one-time, indefinitely, this payment is a guarantee of your interest, in recent years many large, proven agencies themselves practice this).
    Some useful sites: /deleted, the site is currently operating as a regular agency/(a social network for parents whose children star in films and advertising), massovki.ru (section: children are required, but we are not talking about numerous advertisements when children are needed for filming in order to be in the background for 6-12 hours for 500 rubles . without rest, food, etc.).
    See also article (I recommend this agency if you are interested in advertising, photography for catalogues, participation in fashion shows)

    Important information: If your child is invited to take part in the filming, you do not have to pay anything! Paid castings are a scam. Any offer, for example, to pay for a hotel before filming, etc. - This is a fraud! As a guide, a child’s participation in an advertising video clip is paid in the amount of 10,000 rubles. day (payment cost for large and all-Russian projects). Because Not only hours of work are paid; first of all, your individuality and its further use for advertising purposes are paid.

    Participation in the filming of advertising, especially video advertising, unlike participation in a competition and filming for a magazine, is a more serious undertaking. Requires parents to be prepared to lose a fairly large amount of time.
    If you come to the casting and are liked by the cameraman, manager and even the director (when the latter is present at the audition), this does not guarantee that you will be invited to filming. Moms who are passionate about filming say that their child starred in an advertisement after 10-20 castings, and they consider this a good result.
    Sometimes children are selected based on photos and videos. But for large projects, large castings are often held, including in two stages: casting, later callback (call back, call back is the second stage of casting, which involves the director viewing several previously selected candidates).
    It's likely that you'll inevitably come across some "weird" projects where the casting company selects a child from 1,500 kids for a short commercial. Agencies receive more payment from large foreign companies if more children come to the casting.
    Sometimes, after casting, a child is invited to a project who has already starred in an advertisement for this company, or a child from another city who did not even come to the casting. The rest of the children turn out to be “extras”, due to which the agency’s payment for casting has increased. It seems that such castings are carried out with a known result.
    This case does not include the situation when, after the casting, the customer’s requirements change and a different age category of children is selected.

    How to prepare your child for casting.
    The child must come to the casting clean and tidy. The child should look natural, like in life. Girls don't have to put on makeup or wear a large number of jewelry, huge bows and ball gowns.

    "The camera doesn't like": clothes in white, black, dark blue, small stripes and checks. Pants and skirts can be dark, but it is better to wear bright shirts, blouses and T-shirts, without large inscriptions, recognizable characters and logos. It is better for girls not to wear too short skirts and baggy-fitting trousers, jeans; plain tights and closed-toed shoes look more beautiful in the photo.

    A child 4 years of age and older must be able to introduce yourself, give your first and last name, age, talk about your favorite hobbies, remember and read a poem or prose passage. Willingly respond to requests to turn in profile, show hands in front of the camera (hands, palms), smile or feign anger.

    If you enter into a contract, pay attention to the terms and conditions. In accordance with current labor legislation and established practice, a children's work day (for children under 16 years of age) should not be more than 6 hours, with a lunch break. There should be hot food on the set, and there should be conditions for the child to rest (a room where they can rest a little). Overtime hours are paid additionally. Children under 3-4 years old are invited to the playground for no more than 4 hours.
    An advertisement, even the shortest one, takes a long time to shoot. Often filming is delayed due to some technical reasons (the scenery is not installed, wires break, etc.) and you must be prepared for this.

    Filming. "I want to go to the cinema!"
    Parents who dream of seeing their children in films and children who dream of roles must understand that Regular filming is hard work.

    Getting into a movie (passing a casting) is more difficult than getting into advertising. Finding a casting for an interesting movie in the public domain is also difficult. Typically, advertisements are posted for the “general reader” in case the actor database does not help, for example:
    - you urgently need to find a child of a strictly defined type;
    - they are looking for an unusual type (for example, there are very few fat girls in acting agencies);

    Now in Russia there are acting agencies, the database of which can be accessed for free, receive invitations to film castings, and if a contract is concluded with you, the agency is paid 10-20% of the fee. Not long ago, a children's acting agency began working in Moscow. (the name has been removed, the agency has proven itself negative in recent years) . Children who have passed the interview are invited to audition for various projects, but mainly for filming in short and full-length films and TV series. Acting agencies that work with children: Firebird, Fox Film, Angeltime, and some others. The websites of such agencies, as well as reviews of their work, are quite easy to find on the Internet.

    Such agencies usually provide paid additional services: portfolio (photo and video shooting, if you cannot provide your own), master classes, training.

    If a child wants to act in films, It’s a good idea to enroll him in a drama school. Preferably closer to home so that this “hobby” is not tiresome, and the child learns the basics: stage speech, acting, plastics of movement.

    Note, that participation in competitions, TV shows, photo shoots and advertising does not count as experience if you are auditioning for a role in a movie.

    In order to send your information to a movie casting and join the acting agency’s database, at a minimum you will need:

    1. Fill out the form.
    Date of Birth
    Age, playing age
    Height, weight, clothing and shoe size (sometimes additional parameters are required)
    Hair color and length
    Eye color
    Where does he study?
    Interests, hobbies
    What projects did the child take part in?
    Parents' contact phone number and e-mail

    2. Prepare a portfolio - at least 3 photographs (portrait and full height).
    An acting portfolio is different from a modeling one (for photography projects and fashion). It’s good if in the photographs the child appears in different images, with different facial expressions. Photos can be “home”, i.e. not professional, but clear.
    But studio photos are better (on a single-color background, without makeup and not processed with Photoshop). Many studios offer a service - photos and videos for portfolios. Most studios regularly film under the following conditions: .

    Let me give, for example, a couple of studios in Moscow with a relatively inexpensive price for children’s photography, which sometimes conduct TFT:

    - (m. Taganskaya)
    - Deleted, as of 11/11/2018 the studio is not working. (metro Kievskaya, Slavyansky Boulevard)

    Casting, callback (actors usually learn a piece of the script for the callback - synopsis), conclusion of the contract is over. The next stage: a few days before filming and the day before, they will call you and send you a “call note” by email - it indicates the roles, arrival time for filming, address, names of scenes of the first days of filming, text.
    The child must memorize the text well. On set, the director will explain to the child what is required of him and after a couple of test “shoots” (run-throughs), the final takes will be recorded.

    3. Participation in television programs.
    Information that heroes are required for a program is usually always freely available, incl. on the websites of TV channels. The most favorite children's programs are on children's channels, for example Carousel channel. They should be considered as free entertainment for children, a gaming “master class”. Another case, the program “This is my child” on STS - the minimum required of the child is to be himself, in return for him maximum attention.

    There are no special requirements for children, although some projects also require casting(By appearance: see information about preparing for casting). But participation in programs is not considered experience for other projects.

    4. Children are in fashion
    Even if the child is simply adorable and trained to walk the catwalk, this is not yet a start in the modeling business.
    Why are children promoted into the modeling business? Don't ask me - I don't know.

    The model’s portfolio can be posted online, for example, on this site www.fkids.ru is one of the famous professional sites for young models. Most of these children participate not only in themed photo shoots, filming for catalogs and fashion shows, but also participate in advertising and film projects.

    By registering your child’s profile on a large resource, you can receive any invitations: from participation in beauty contests to filming. On all major free portals, models undergo face control. Children without experience of participation with unclear amateur photographs have little chance of passing such a selection; their profiles are deleted.
    Buk - model portfolio consists of: 1. From 3 to 10 in different
    images, with different facial expressions
    2. Snapshots (snapshots) are a set of pictures without makeup and accessories that show the model from different angles. Usually 6-8 pictures: with hair down and tied up, with and without a smile. Photos - close-up (waist-length), full-length (front, back, left/right profile, three-quarters). Girls usually wear a one-piece swimsuit for such filming.

    3. “Map of emotions” (about 10 identical photos, but with different facial expressions, from laughter to crying and surprise) and model tests - natural photographs with natural light.

    So, have you lost the desire to plunge into this world with a restless and artistic child? Then be patient, and experience will come to you. Good luck!
    Natalia Date of:
    August 31, 2012

    Don’t pay for an AGENCY if training is expensive first, and then filming! Such proposals are a scam!!! When sending photos of children, first check an unfamiliar e-mail in search engines. A large age gap (we are looking for children from 1 to 13 years old), phrases like “filming is planned in the future” and “the amount of payment is not yet known” - indicate that this is not a casting for a specific project, but that someone is forming a base of children for themselves .
    Dear visitors to our site, children and their parents! Please do not send to- email administration of our site photos and profiles. We do not recruit children for advertising, film or photography. There are studios and special agencies. Use search engines, there are many interesting articles in the depths of the Internet, for example, “Castings for children: how not to make a mistake” http://letidor.livejournal.com/196443.html Once again I draw attention to social network for parents(as of November 11, 2018, the site changed its focus, the forum does not work). And also, very, even before asking questions on thematic sites, look through the forum, for example, the same Children's Casting, on its pages there are many useful information from the experience of parents whose children appear in photo and video projects. In order to try your hand at cinema, you can join the “Tele City” database, Voikovskaya metro station (mainly Channel 1 projects), “Prosecutor's Check” (NTV) Vladykino metro station. Submission to the database is free, good payment for episodes and filming days for children and non-professional actors.

    I'm filming a movienata@...
    Natalia November 18, 2012
    The production companies themselves (studios) are also often looking for children, children can do it without experience, but now you can get into a new project http://motorfilmstudio.ru/casting/ and at Mosfilm you can get into the database http://www.mosfilm.ru/podrazdeleniya/akterskiy_otdel.php the fee is symbolic once and for all.

    A very, very useful note from the site that Anna recommends:

    Andrey Konobeev, November 27, 2011
    Friends, when you receive letters asking you to send nude photographs of children (regardless of the brands and fees mentioned, and no matter how much money is needed), immediately send the information by email:
    [email protected]
    They have a special department that deals with the Internet.
    Just forward them the letter. This is how you fulfill both parental and civic duty.
    And no one will judge you for your civic position.


    19.11.2013 - 00:00
    Rating: 0 Votes: 0
    Dear PARENTS, grandparents, aunts, etc.. We kindly request you not to do this again. An article is an article. Neither customers, nor casting directors, nor agents are looking for actors and models, incl. children through messages on forums, in comments to articles, and even through advertisements! With your similar messages and texts on message boards, YOU attract scammers.
    COMMENTS to this article are closed, are not published and are automatically deleted by the system

    16.01.2013 - 00:00
    Rating: 0 Votes: 0
    “In Samara in the spring of 2013, filming of the local “Jumble” will take place; a total of 10-15 stories are planned to be created. Young talents aged 5 to 25 are invited to film. Casting will take place from January 17 to 26 from 16:00 to 20:00 in the “Active Capital” business center, office 514. Casting participants must prepare a skit, a poem, an excerpt from a fable or a work in a humorous style. Even are welcome. funny jokes. Preparations for filming will begin in February, filming of the first scenes will take place in May" and we support each other, update the thread here http://www..php?p=7074#7074

    By uploading photos to the competition, you accept these Rules in full.

    Three winners of the photo competition will receive a GIFT CERTIFICATE in the amount of RUB 3,000.

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    Sleep little bunny, sleep my cat,
    Sweetly wrinkled scarlet mouth
    Sleep my angel, sleep
    A magical land awaits you...

    There is nothing in this world more trusting and sweeter than a sleeping child. When a baby falls asleep after playing enough, he becomes like an angel. The whole house falls into slumber, and parents cannot stop looking at the rich cheeks, snoring nose and gently trembling eyelashes. Looking at this beauty, it’s impossible to resist taking a photo of the baby’s sweet dream! Share these photos with us and get a chance to win a valuable prize!

    We invite all parents to take part in the photo competition ""

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