• Indexation of insurance pensions per year table. Will there be an increase in pensions?


    At a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and members of the government, Maxim Topilin spoke about how lump sum payments to pensioners are going and what the indexation of pensions and social payments will be like in 2017.

    “We reported to the president that all resources in order to ensure everything social payments, which are provided for in the budget, are. This concerns, first of all, the implementation of the May presidential decrees regarding wages for public sector employees. These are doctors, school teachers, lecturers preschool institutions, teaching staff, social workers, cultural workers,” he told reporters following the meeting.

    The head of the Russian Ministry of Labor also said that in February, insurance pensions will be indexed according to actual inflation over the past year.

    “From February 1, 2017, insurance pensions will be indexed in accordance with the inflation rate. Yesterday Rosstat published the consumer price index for the past 2016. This is 5.4%. From February 1, all insurance pensions will be indexed by 5.4%,” said Maxim Topilin.

    Moreover, from April 1, 2017, the size of insurance pensions will once again be indexed by a small amount. As a result, in 2017, insurance pensions will increase by a total of 5.8%. Working pensioners will not have their pensions indexed.

    In addition, Maxim Topilin announced the indexation of social benefits from February 1, 2017 by 5.4%. According to him, many will be indexed social benefits: monthly cash payments to disabled people, veterans, Chernobyl victims, benefits for the birth of children, child care, other types of social support.

    Last year, due to budget problems, the government was forced to index pensions by only 4%, and not to the 2015 inflation rate of 12.9%. It was decided not to carry out the second indexation, but to replace it with a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles. Pensioners will receive payments only in January 2017.

    “We faced a difficult financial situation at the beginning of this year. And we were forced to decide to divide the indexation of pensions into two parts. At the beginning, pay part, and in the second half of the year. Taking into account the current situation, we paid the first part of the indexation in the form of interest, and the second part of the indexation, as you know and as our pensioners know, we decided to pay in the form of a lump sum payment in order not to create macroeconomic problems,” the Prime Minister previously explained. Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

    According to the head of the Ministry of Labor, “yesterday (January 10), the Treasury transferred funds to the accounts of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and the Pension Fund has already begun settlements with banks and Russian Post.”

    “Already yesterday, on the first day of working with these funds, 4 million pensioners received 5 thousand rubles each. to their accounts in the banking system,” said Maxim Topilin.

    According to the Russian Pension Fund, payments will be made from January 13 to January 28, 2017. “The postmen will deliver the payment along with the pension for January to recipients who have a date for delivering the pension to their home, from the 13th until the end of the payment period,” the Pension Fund of Russia said in a statement.

    Pensioners who are scheduled to receive a pension from the 3rd to the 12th of the month will be paid from January 13 to January 28, 2017, also with home delivery. Such pensioners will be informed about the additional delivery date of the lump sum payment in January upon delivery of the pension for December 2016. For pensioners who receive their pension not through Russian Post, but through credit or other delivery organizations, the same terms for payment of 5 thousand rubles apply. - from January 13 to January 28.

    The budget includes funds for both indexation and one-time payment. According to the law on the budget of the Russian Pension Fund for 2017, this year the fund’s expenses for pension provision Russians will increase by 327.3 billion and amount to 6.9 trillion rubles. Expenditures on social payments will increase by 262.3 billion and amount to 1.2 trillion rubles. The total volume of PFR budget expenditures will be 8.584 trillion rubles, which is 9.9% of Russia’s GDP. In terms of income, the PFR budget for 2017 was formed in the amount of 8.364 trillion rubles.

    Pension issues today remain one of the important tasks of the population. Working people and others are showing interest in information about the increase in pensions in 2017 for old-age pensioners, and everyone is also interested in the latest news related to changes in legislation.

    Some points are already clear, but there are additionally a lot of unanswered questions. As you know, governing government bodies have recently reassured citizens that the massive reduction in the pension sector will be cancelled.

    It should also be noted that the indexation percentage has become somewhat lower than originally planned. As of today, there is no concrete answer as to how much the pension will increase this year. After all, as a rule, this issue has not yet been resolved.

    Undoubtedly, we can take into account the authorities’ recent decision to cancel indexation in September and replace it with a five thousandth payment. This measure relieves the budget, but does not solve many existing problems. That is why the government is currently thinking about other stimulation measures.

    I would also like to believe the recent news that Dmitry Medvedev has promised to index pensions in full. And he noted positive side, aimed at helping pensioners, that in such an unstable economic situation they cannot be left without attention. It is also planned to additionally index a number of other payments in February.

    It is known that many working pensioners were deprived of this privilege. Since the beginning of February, indexation has been carried out slightly, that is, only by 4%. Although it is worth noting that economic growth does not stand still, but is gaining momentum in all directions, not in a positive direction for the people.

    Payment details

    In August 2016, the government decided to abolish the indexation of pensions and replace it with a lump sum payment. This decision was approved by the authorities, and now every pensioner has the right to use these funds for their needs.

    This payment applies to every pensioner with the exception of citizens living outside of Russia. Moreover, it should be noted that such a payment does not require a specific application. The accrual will apply to absolutely every Russian pensioner. It doesn't matter whether he is military or civilian.

    As you know, in 2015 the pension calculation system changed significantly. Now the charges depend on the insurance part, as well as the savings part. The first part is indexed annually. The funded benefit is available to citizens who were born after 1967.

    Pensioners already know that the pension increase is planned by 2.6%, and it comes from the minimum subsistence level. The average pension will be 13,700 rubles. Indexation by 2.4% is planned in April. Military pensioners 2.5%, but not earlier than October.

    It should also be noted that after the pensioner completes his labor activity recalculation of it pension accruals will be made taking into account past indexations. Working pensioners will receive an increase in pensions depending on how many contributions their employer has transferred to the pension fund.

    Will benefits be increased for working people who are already retired?

    The pension of a working citizen will be awarded points, as in the previous year. This procedure was fixed back in 2015 in January, that is, savings will be formed not in rubles, but in balls. It is almost impossible to predict anything in the long term, so even the authorities do not undertake to insist on this.

    If we take military pensions into account, the situation is rather more complicated than, for example, with “civilian” accruals. Moreover, it is known that the projected increase in military accruals in 2016, which was planned at four percent, did not happen, but was postponed to 2017. As a result, the size of the increase from 4% was “reduced” to 2%, which is exactly what the law provides for.

    Of course, every pensioner monitors outgoing “innovations” or cancellations regarding pension accruals. After all, the economy of all spheres of activity significantly affects everyone’s individual budget. Based on this, news, as well as changes in accruals, do not go unnoticed, especially by people retirement age. Moreover, today there are no exact answers to the questions raised by citizens.


    The increase in pensions in 2017 for old-age pensioners, as well as the latest news, are exciting people. And this is not surprising, because almost every year the authorities make changes to legislation that affect each citizen of Russia individually. That is why it is necessary to follow all the news or changes that the State Duma adopts.

    Russians can expect another pension increase in 2017. Last news came from the Russian Government, which published a corresponding decree signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

    On Tuesday, March 21, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a document according to which, from April 1, 2017, social pensions will be indexed in the amount of 1.015.

    To approve the indexation coefficient of social pensions in the amount of 1.015 from April 1, 2017, says the resolution published on the official portal of legal information.

    According to Rosstat, the cost of living for a pensioner increased by 1.5% in 2016. And the social pension, as you know, is indexed based on these data and does not depend on the level of inflation.

    Indexation of pensions in 2017

    IN next year pensions will be indexed according to the usual scheme, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said during an interview with journalists from leading Russian television channels.

    “Next year it was decided to return to the usual indexation of pensions. That is, in the first quarter of next year, the pension will be indexed by 5.8% - according to inflation for the current year,” the prime minister noted.

    According to the official, “huge amounts of money” are planned for indexation of pensions in next year’s budget. “In total, this is 7 trillion rubles,” Medvedev assured.

    Let us recall that this year the indexation of pensions was replaced by a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles. “As a result of the payment, the real size of the pension will increase. This five thousand payment, in fact, means the second part of indexation. And for some pensioners, these 5 thousand are more than they would receive with indexation,” Medvedev noted.

    Indexation of pensions from February 1, 2017

    Indexation of pensions in February 2017 will be carried out in full for 2016 inflation.

    The draft budget of the Russian Pension Fund for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019, adopted by the State Duma on December 9, provides for a forecast inflation rate of 5.8%. Size fixed payment after indexation it will be 4,823.35 rubles per month, the cost of a pension point will be 78.58 rubles (in 2016 – 74.27 rubles). The final indexation amount will be known in January, when Rosstat publishes the official inflation rate. The individual pension coefficient for all pensioners will be indexed exactly by this index.

    Indexation of survivor's pensions

    The Cabinet of Ministers decided to index survivor pensions from April 1, 2017 in full, as required by law. From April 1, 2017, survivor pensions will be increased, and from February 1, 2017, social payments and the cost of preferential services will be indexed.

    How much will pensions increase for families who have lost their breadwinner?

    The indexation of pensions in the event of the loss of a breadwinner will be 5.4 percent, this figure was announced in the Cabinet of Ministers. The government promised to index pensions twice in 2017; from February 1, social payments will be increased for all categories of pensioners, and from April 1, survivor pensions will be increased. Pensions will be increased according to actual inflation; there will be no one-time payments like in 2016. The increase in pensions will continue as before.

    Insurance pensions

    Insurance pensions from February 1, 2017 will be indexed to the official inflation rate of 2016. The consumer price index, according to official data from Rosstat, for the past 2016 amounted to 5.4%. Accordingly, from February 1, 2017, insurance pensions will be indexed by 5.4%. In addition, in accordance with the statement of the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin following a meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with members of the government, from April 1, 2017, pensions will be indexed by 0.4%. As a result, the overall indexation of insurance pensions in 2017 will be 5.8%.

    The average annual old-age insurance pension in 2017, as a result of indexation, will be approximately 13,657 rubles.

    Unfortunately, we have to admit that pensions of working pensioners in 2017 will not be indexed in the same way as in the previous year. Moreover, pensions of working pensioners will not be indexed until at least 2019. Currently, the number of working pensioners in Russia is estimated at 9.6 million people.

    In addition to insurance pensions, from February 1, monthly pensions will be subject to indexation. cash payment(EDV), which is paid monthly to all federal beneficiaries (all disabled people, combat veterans, Chernobyl victims - almost 16 million people). The EDV, as well as insurance pensions, will be indexed by 5.8%.

    State pensions, including social pensions

    State pension pensions, including social pensions, will be indexed from April 1, 2017, taking into account the growth index of the pensioner’s cost of living for 2016. These pensions will be indexed for both working and non-working pensioners. The draft budget of the Pension Fund for 2017 provides for an increase in this type of pension by 2.6%

    Let us remind you that pension legislation guarantees annual indexation of insurance pensions from February 1, taking into account the inflation of the previous year.

    This is how it was until 2015. However, in 2016, against the backdrop of an extremely unfavorable economic situation, pensions were indexed by 4%, with the caveat of possible additional indexation based on the results of budget execution in the first half of the year.

    Insurance pensions and social payments will be indexed to the inflation rate

    Moscow. January 11. INTERFAX.RU - From February 1, insurance pensions and social payments will be indexed to the level of inflation, said the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin.

    “From February 1, 2017, insurance pensions will be indexed in accordance with the inflation rate - by 5.4%,” Topilin told reporters following a meeting of the president with members of the government on Wednesday.

    Also, from February 1, all social payments will be indexed to the inflation rate - child benefits, payments to war veterans, and disabled people. This indexation will also be 5.4%.

    The increase in insurance pensions in 2017 took place on February 1: then the pensions of non-working pensioners increased by 5.4 percent in accordance with the actual inflation rate. In 2016, the next indexation of pensions was replaced by a one-time payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles.

    — At the end of 2017, pensioners receiving pensions from Sberbank No. 8601 on the 6th, taking into account indexation, will receive pensions and social benefits for January 2018 in their bank accounts. Also ahead of schedule, in December, pensions will be paid to pensioners who receive pensions on the 9th day of each month at Rosselkhozbank. Thus, even before the onset of 2018, the PFR branch for Buryatia will transfer 48.5% of the total funding for pension payments for January 2018, the experts continued.

    who pays our government to destroy its people and, in particular, pensioners? After all, only a blind person does not see that the mass of the people are poor! and the government is fattening. Okay, we pensioners will survive somehow. what awaits our youth?

    How do they still determine inflation? At the beginning of 16, if I remember, they said that inflation was 11-13%, by the end of the year they came to 5.8%, and they want to index the pension using this 5.8%. in '17, and not at the end of '16. Incl. Gentlemen, pensioners, we have been heated up with indexation this year too.

    Our government doesn't care about anyone. Your pocket is closer. Everything is done against people and for the destruction of the people. Even if you are right three times, still in our country those who have the truth will have more money and power. So they are trying to destroy us pensioners as unnecessary waste material.

    All types of pensions paid by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are indexed annually due to rising prices and average monthly wages. But the size of pension indexation is different every year. For example, in 2010, the insurance (labor) pension was increased by 6.3%, and in 2015 – by 11.4%. But today one can’t even dream of increasing pensions by 5-10 percent.

    Indexation of pensions in 2017 in Russia. Latest information.

    Why whistle to the whole country about some 0.38%, it’s not at all like that - in fact, the PC just increased by 30 kopecks. and as a result it only increased insurance part pensions, so overall the pension increased by only 0.28%

    Recently there was news that insurance pensions in 2018 will be increased not from February, but from January 1. Labor Minister Maxim Topilin noted that the change in timing is aimed at ensuring a more significant increase in real pensions next year. At the same time, insurance pensions are planned to increase by only 3.7 percent! Cost of one pension coefficient will be 81 rubles 49 kopecks.

    Based on the increased attention To this question, Sputnik Georgia asked when indexation will be carried out in the new year, 2018, and how much pensions will increase.

    I think that Putin, Shaigu, and Lavrov should receive a decent salary. The rest of the officials will have their salaries and pensions reduced to the subsistence level, let them try to survive for a month. They will immediately understand the unbearable existence of pensioners.

    My pension, that is, the allowance for a part-time worker was “increased” by 20 rubles. 74 kopecks, in the end it came out to 10,237.97 kopecks. AND THIS IS FOR 40 years of experience as an engineer for a rich state, which helps fat Ukrainians and fat Syrians and other hangers-on , except for their own! In general, I understand that the Lilliputians have increased our pensions, the Lilliputians’ way! I WILL NOT GO TO Vote anymore!

    Us pensioners of course I would like to relax, but if the children lived in abundance and I would never have to think about them. about grandchildren, I would like all Russians to live in abundance. We don't need palaces. we don't ask for excess. We all worked and are working in production. but we are below the poverty line. It’s even a shame - it’s time to pay attention to People!

    Indexation of pensions in 2017 in Ukraine. Everything that is known.

    In 2017, it is 13,657 rubles, so the average increase will be about 400 rubles. By the way, in 2019 and 2020, the old-age pension is planned to be increased by 4% per year.

    The authorities promise an indexation of 3.7 percent. The decision to increase this year is made earlier so that pensioners feel the increase. If you do the calculation, the amount is around 400 rubles.

    The social pension is planned to be increased by 3.9% in 2019, and by 3.5% in 2020.

    The authorities promised to index pensions in full in 2017, that is, at the inflation rate of 2016. According to official data from Rosstat, inflation in Russia in 2016 was 5.6 percent. As a result, in February 2017 insurance pension raised by 5.4 percent, and in April by another 0.38 percent.

    “For working pensioners, we plan to maintain the regime that was in effect this year: that is, we do not provide for any indexation for working pensioners,” Siluanov said.

    Why are you leaders? This means you didn’t want to accept the regressive scale for personal income tax (since it would hit your pockets), but found a way to save on pensioners. Right! They are tenacious - they will endure anything. You would give deputies lower salaries and introduce a regressive scale. There will immediately be a surplus in the budget.

    According to the Pension Fund, insurance pensions are indexed every year based on the increase in consumer prices over the past year and the cost of the individual pension coefficient (IPC);

    According to him, the department envisages maintaining the previous regime, according to which the pensions of working pensioners are not indexed. This law has been in force in our country since January 2016, despite proposals for an act regarding pensioners with low salaries that were often heard in Parliament and the Federation Council.

    And in the next two years, in 2019 and 2020, the social pension, according to Alexander Kurtin, deputy chairman of the board of the Russian Pension Fund (PFR), should increase by 3.9 percent and 3.5 percent, respectively.

    Indexation of pensions in 2017 size. New details.

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