• How to determine the sex of a child by the day of conception. Chinese calendar for determining the gender of a child. Determination by the appearance of a pregnant woman


    The gender of the child begins to worry future parents, sometimes long before conception. Someone wants a daughter, and someone wants a son. Many do not want to expose themselves to chance, and begin to independently try to plan the gender of the child, using all sorts of options (diet, folk signs, Conception date).

    Of course, not everyone plans the gender of their heir before conception. Many people ask this question only during pregnancy. It's too long to wait for an ultrasound, but I really want to solve this mystery as quickly as possible.

    Chinese gender determination calendar

    We suggest you contact Chinese calendar for determining the gender of a child. The Beijing Institute of Sciences claims that the reliability this method reaches 97%.

    at the moment of conception
    IJan IIFeb IIIMarch IVApr VMay VIJun VIIJul VIIIAug IXSep XOct XINov XIIDec

    Using the data from this table:

    • If you are planning a child, then in the row of the table corresponding to your age, you need to select the months in which the birth of a boy or girl is most likely, and then subtract 9 months, determining exactly the one in which you should conceive a baby.
    • If you are already pregnant, then find in the table the intersection of your age and the month of conception (or the expected month of the birth of the child), and you will find out what gender it will be born.

    No logical pattern was found in the table, or it has simply not yet been defined. But oddly enough, in most cases it shows the correct results.

    Japanese calendar for determining the gender of a child

    Reliable in 80% of cases. This method takes into account not only the date of conception, but also the month of birth of the future parents, and consists of two tables.

    Table No. 1 helps you find the “secret” number that connects the month of birth of both parents.

    Month of birth
    expectant mother

    Future father's birth month

    Then in table No. 2 in the top line we find that very cherished number, and in the column below it is the month in which conception occurred. Moving along this line to the middle of the table, we determine the probability of having a boy or a girl by the number of crosses (the more there are, the higher the probability).

    M- boy

    D- girl

    M D

    x x x x x x

    MarAprMayJunJulAug Jan
    AprMayJunJulAugSep JanFeb

    x x x x x x x x x x

    JunJulAugSepOctbut I JanFebMarApr
    JulAugSepOctbut IDec JanFebMarAprMay
    AugSepOctbut IDec JanFebMarAprMayJun
    SepOctbut IDec FebMarAprMayJunJul
    Octbut IDec

    x x x x x x x x x

    but IDec AprMayJunJulAugSep
    Dec MayJunJulAugSepOct
    JunJulAugSepOctbut I
    JulAugSepOctbut IDec
    AugSepOctbut IDec
    SepOctbut IDec

    x x x x x x x x

    Octbut IDec
    but IDec

    Information Baby gender reveal calendars, both Chinese and Japanese, are ideal for planning. These tables are easy to use and are highly likely to offer us their capabilities. However, it must be remembered that the percentage of error still remains. Boy or girl? Who cares! The main thing is to be healthy.

    on early stages pregnancy, and some couples even want to choose the gender of their unborn child using a table or calendar, using methods that have come to us from time immemorial. In this material we will try to understand in detail the issue of determining gender both before the baby is born and before conception.

    A pregnant woman wants to find out the sex of her baby as early as possible. Medical, during an ultrasound scan. But I want it sooner! ...
    As we mentioned above, many spouses want to determine the sex of the baby before conception, and not rely on chance. Exist special diets, which can influence fate, .

    If you try really hard, the couple will eventually get the one they were waiting for. We suggest studying scientific methods for determining the gender of an unborn child and folk signs. Most Popular medical method gender determination - ultrasound. Sometimes an ultrasound shows the sex of the baby at 14-16 weeks, but most mothers find out who to expect only around 23 weeks, when the fetus is actively moving in the womb.

    How to determine the sex of a child using the modern scientific method in earlier stages of pregnancy? Chorionic villus biopsy allows you to find out the good news in the early stages of pregnancy. The studies have a negative impact on the health of the baby and his mother, and miscarriage is possible. But when using this technique, doctors never make mistakes in determining the sex of a child.

    Blood update date for partners it can serve as a factor by which they find out who to expect - a girl or a boy. Every 3 years a woman’s blood is renewed, every 4 years a man’s. For those who have this happen later, they are responsible for the gender of the baby (if the wife has a daughter, if the husband has a son). We will tell you in more detail below how you can determine the gender of the unborn child by the date of blood renewal, blood type or Rh factor of the parents.

    Thousands of years ago, in order to determine who a woman carried in her womb, the sages used ancient chinese calendars, with the help of which married couples could determine the sex of an unborn child long before its birth. Using the calendar, you can even plan who you want to give birth to - a girl or a boy.

    Known folk beliefs:

    For a couple of months before conceiving, a woman needs to eat more salty foods if she wants to get pregnant with a girl, and more sweet foods if she wants to give birth to a boy;

    When a woman wants to give birth to a daughter, she places scissors and a wooden spoon under the mattress, and places a small bow under the pillow;

    A one-year-old boy often approaches a pregnant woman - she will have a girl, but does not approach her - she will have a boy.

    Next, we will tell you in detail about how to determine the gender of the unborn child by the blood type and Rh factor of the father and mother, by “renewing” the blood of the parents and using a popular method that has come to us from time immemorial. Using the ancient Chinese table (see below), you can not only determine the gender of the child, which, according to the table above, the future baby of a pregnant woman is likely to have, but you can also choose for yourself whether you will have a boy or a girl (before conception).

    For some women, the question of the sex of the unborn baby will finally become clear at the 20th week of pregnancy after an ultrasound. But if for some reason an ultrasound examination cannot be done, or the child has turned so that it is impossible to see whether it is a boy or a girl, or the parents want to plan the gender of the baby before conception, what to do? And here various kinds of calculators come to the rescue, calendars for determining the sex of the unborn baby, based on the date of the last menstruation.

    Methods for calculating the sex of a child

    The existing methods for determining the gender of a child can be divided into two groups:

    • scientific, that is, approved by doctors (ultrasound, as well as when conducting tests for genetic pathologies, for example, during the amniocentesis procedure);
    • folk, that is, unscientific, proven over the years with more or less success, but not deserving the absolute approval of doctors.

    Sooner or later, all parents are puzzled by the question of who will be born: a boy or a girl.

    Method for predicting the baby's gender based on ovulation in the last cycle

    This method cannot be classified as exclusively folk or amateurish, since it is based on the physiology of the female body, that is, it has a scientific basis. Although one cannot completely trust him as a scientific one: calculations may have errors associated with individual characteristics state women's health. The method is used to calculate the baby’s sex in advance and is based on calculating the timing of ovulation based on the dates of the monthly cycle.

    The table shows the approximate days of the onset of ovulation for monthly cycles of different lengths

    The ovulation technique is based on the fact that conception occurs only at a certain time, and signals about its changes are reflected in the woman’s body (increase in breast volume, pain in the lower abdomen, increased libido, etc.). But you can calculate the date of ovulation based on the timing of the monthly cycle: the release of the egg from the ovary is planned for its middle, plus/minus 2-3 days. For example, with a 28-day monthly cycle, the expected release of the egg will occur on the 14th day, that is, one day of the week after the start of menstruation, and the ovulation period will be from the 11th to the 16th day. The ovulation method is based on the fact that carriers of the “X” chromosomes, that is, girls, are slow, but more persistent, therefore, once in the vagina, they are able to maintain their vitality for up to 3 days (according to some studies - up to 7 days), waiting for ovulation. But the male chromosomes, that is, the X chromosomes, are very nimble, but they do not retain their vitality for very long. Therefore, if sexual intercourse occurs 2-3 days before the release of the egg from the ovary, the advantage will be on the side of the girl, and if it is on the day of ovulation, then the likelihood of adding a boy to the family increases. Thus, to implement this calculation method, it is important to know the date of ovulation, and therefore the start and end dates of menstruation.
    The timing of the last menstruation is important for calculating the date of conception, which is the basis for most methods for early determination of the baby’s sex

    How to determine the day of ovulation in the monthly cycle

    In addition to the mathematical calculation of the ovulation period, there are three more methods that also rely on the start date of the last monthly cycle.

    1. Special tests for ovulation. They can be bought at the pharmacy. They are carried out daily until the appearance of a distinct second stripe, that is, an increase in luteinizing hormone, indicating day X, starting from the date obtained as a result of calculations of the approximate onset of ovulation. To do this, subtract 17 from the average number of days of the cycle, for example, with a 28-day cycle it will be the 11th day, and with a 34-day cycle it will be the 17th day.
    2. Measuring basal temperature. Every morning, a woman measures the temperature in the rectum, vagina or mouth. If in the first half of the cycle the readings are around 37º, during the period of ovulation the temperature drops by 0.3º, and at the time the egg is released it rises again to 37º. If the graph is presented in the form of a bird with open wings, then the day of ovulation is the beak of this “feathered bird”.
    3. Tracking follicle development using ultrasound. Conducted by a doctor in a medical facility.

    Video: ovulation method of sex planning - the opinion of a gynecologist

    How to calculate the baby's gender based on the date of the last menstruation

    Concerning folk ways to determine the sex of the baby, there are about a dozen different calculators, schemes based on the timing of the start and end of the last menstruation and determining the date of ovulation, which is considered the date of conception of the baby. One of these is calculating the sex of the child based on the date of the last menstruation. This method is based on the relationship between the woman’s age and the month of her last menstruation. The formula for calculation looks like this: serial number of the month + quantity full years women on this date + one. If the result is an even number, it will be a girl, if it is an odd number, it will be a boy.

    My last menstruation before conception was on May 9, that is, the 5th month, at which time I had already celebrated my 31st birthday. We get: 5 + 31 + 1 = 37. I really have a son.
    Most non-scientific methods for calculating the sex of an unborn child require the date of conception, that is, the day of ovulation

    Table: advantages and disadvantages of determining gender by date of last menstruation

    This is interesting. The Chinese and Japanese, who carefully monitor the demographic situation in their countries and have forced restrictions on the number of children in families, since, starting with the second baby, parents pay a large tax, pay great attention to the choice of the sex of the future baby. Therefore, scientists from Japan are actively developing a theory according to which the gender of the child can be predicted by the age when the expectant mother had her first menstrual bleeding: the earlier this happened, the greater the chance that it will be a girl. So, for example, if menstruation began at 10 years old, then with a 53% probability a little princess will be born, if at 12 years old, then 50/50, and if at 14, then 53% remains on the boy’s side. I fell into the category where the probability of a boy or a girl is determined by 50/50.

    Reviews of the method of calculating gender based on the date of the last menstruation

    Some women with great enthusiasm carried out calculations both for their children and for the children of all their friends and acquaintances:

    As a very skeptical person, I tested it myself on all my friends - IT WORKS!

    Katyushka's mother

    I have a son (everything came together).



    The fact that determining gender based on the dates of menstruation preceding conception is not a highly reliable method is also evidenced by reviews from mothers.

    Didn't match: two should be girls)

    Business lady


    My opinion: all this is nonsense, and all coincidences are coincidences and nothing more.


    Calculation of parental blood renewal

    The technique is based on the fact that human blood is systematically renewed: for women - every 36 months, that is, after three years, for men - every 48 months, that is, after four years. According to calculations, the baby will be born with the gender of the parent whose blood turned out to be “fresh” at the time of fertilization of the egg.


    1. We add three years to the mother’s year of birth and four to the father’s, up to the year the baby was conceived.
    2. Whose blood is younger by the day of conception, that is, approximately in the middle of the last monthly cycle, will have a baby of that gender.

    You can also enter the initial data (dates of birth of parents and conception of the baby) into an online calculator and trust the program.

    Important: if in the life of the parents there were cases associated with blood loss, then the objectivity of the results of calculating the sex of the baby based on blood renewal is reduced.
    One of the methods for determining the sex of the baby is based on the timing of blood renewal in mom and dad, as well as on the date of conception

    Reviews about the technique

    For many families, the method of calculating gender based on the timing of blood renewal gave correct results.

    My mother introduced me to the method of determining the sex of an unborn child using blood renewal. For many years, she has been counting on all her loved ones. And I have never made a mistake. It’s a pity, we were counting on a second daughter)



    I got it!!!



    My test results showed a girl, that is, they turned out to be erroneous.

    Budyansky method

    Another way to calculate who will be born, given monthly cycle, developed by the Budiansky teaching spouses, who, based on research by scientists at the American private Johns Hopkins University and analysis of the biographies of their students, formulated the conclusion that in each cycle the egg releases a certain substance that attracts the X chromosome (even, “female cycles”) , and in certain cases - the Y chromosome (odd, “male cycles”). You can tell who it will be - a girl or a boy, based on the cycle in which conception occurred. The determination of whether a woman’s cycle is even or odd is directly dependent on whether she was conceived in a male or female state. Moreover, if the expectant mother was conceived in an even-numbered month, she can only conceive babies in even-numbered months, and boys in odd-numbered months. And, conversely, if a woman was conceived in an odd month, then she will have princesses in odd months, and princes in even months. To use this method, it is important to know exactly the date of your last period, since it will be used to determine the day the baby was conceived.
    You can find out the gender of your unborn baby using the Budyansky table

    Method for calculating flooring for even or odd cycles

    To predict the sex of the baby you will need:


    1. We start with determining whether a woman is even or odd. From the month of birth we subtract 38 weeks (that is, 8 months). This will be the date the woman is expected to conceive. And again I’m experimenting on myself: I was born on November 10th, approximate date conception - February 23.
    2. We determine from the table whether the month of the future mother’s conception date is even or odd, focusing on the even or odd number of the year of birth. It's an even month for me.
    3. The conception of my child was in May, the fifth month, that is, odd. So, according to the Budyansky formula, I have a boy - everything is correct.

    For those who prefer to trust online calculators, calculations using the Budyansky method can be done.

    However, for me personally the results were not the same.

    Reviews about the Budyansky method

    As practice shows, the technique cannot say for sure who will be born: a son or a daughter.

    According to this method, I should have two girls, but the youngest is a son!

    I have the same 2 pregnancies.


    It’s all bullshit, it worked out well with my first daughter, but my second daughter is definitely a boy according to all tables! My mother should also have me as a boy, and my brother as a girl!

    Naty I'm a granny twice


    I wrote to Budyansky, he counted for me and confirmed that I was even, and my son was odd, and that’s all. If he claims that it is necessary to count according to the last menstruation, then it turns out that I have a girl, but with a real pregnancy he answered that, most likely, there will be a boy, but since the cycle is irregular, 26–28 days, perhaps there will be a girl, as something like that)))) 50/50 in short, point to the sky, as they say))

    Ekaterina Shestitko


    Freiman-Dobrotin method

    A method requiring arithmetic calculations using six tables. The technique was proposed by software engineer M. Freiman, who formalized the principle of predicting the sex of a baby, taking it from different folk beliefs about this theme. Professor S. Dobrotin subsequently checked these data at the Gorky Maternity Hospital, and in 99 cases out of 100 the theory was confirmed. Calculations are made for both mother and father. But in both cases, you need to know the period of conception of the child, that is, you cannot do without the date of the last menstruation here either.


    1. We start with calculations for dad. We find in table No. 1 the intersection of the year of his birth and the date of conception of the baby. Write down the number.
    2. Further, for each table we also fix the number at the intersection of two columns.
    3. We add the numbers and get the final coefficient.
    4. We practice the same steps, but for mom. Please note that the data in tables No. 4, 5, 6 for men and women are the same.
    5. We compare the odds: whoever has more “wins”, that is, if dad has a boy, if mom has a girl.

    Calculations can also be made using an online calculator using the Freiman-Dobrotin method.

    According to my spreadsheet calculations, the result coincided with reality: a boy. But according to the online calculator - no, it showed a girl.

    Photo gallery: tables for men and women for calculations using the Freiman-Dobrotin method

    We determine the number at the intersection of the mother’s year of birth and the baby’s date of conception. We determine the mother’s usual or leap year of birth, as well as how many days are in the month of her birth. We determine the number at the intersection of the father’s year of birth and the baby’s date of conception. We determine the father’s usual or leap year of birth, as well as how many days are in the month of his birth We calculate the results for both parents

    Chinese table

    Another way to calculate the sex of a baby is to use a Chinese table found about 700 years ago in one of the temples near Beijing. Whatever scientific explanations the principle of its operation does not have, all data was verified by the centuries-old experience of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, because the first use of the method dates back to the 12th century. And since then, many Chinese monarchs have been able to calculate the gender of their heirs. To use the Chinese table, you do not need to perform mathematical calculations.


    This is interesting. To calculate the sex of the child in advance, we choose who we want: a boy or a girl, and mark all the months where the chances of achieving what we want are highest. These will be the best months to conceive. All that remains is to choose those that also coincide with ovulation.

    Boy or girl? Who will be born who will delight their parents with their smile and ringing laughter? The answer to this question worries both expectant mothers and those who are just planning a pregnancy. Is it possible to calculate the sex of a child knowing the date of conception and the woman’s age?

    Chinese table for determining the gender of a child

    Modern medicine has not gone too far in matters of gender determination. All that an obstetrician-gynecologist can offer is to undergo an ultrasound scan at 12-14 weeks. Good equipment makes it possible to determine the sex of the fetus already at the beginning of the second trimester and thereby satisfy the curiosity of future parents.

    IN last years A new method of calculating the sex of a fetus using the mother’s blood has gained popularity. The technique is based on identifying the SRY gene in the blood of a pregnant woman. This gene is found only in male fetuses, and therefore reliably indicates the birth of a boy. The absence of the SRY gene in the mother's blood most likely indicates the female sex of the fetus. The test can be performed as early as 9 weeks of pregnancy.

    Traditional Eastern medicine practices slightly different approaches to determining the sex of a child. From ancient times, tables have come down to us, according to which experts many centuries ago tried to predict the probability of the birth of a boy or girl for a particular married couple. In traditional Chinese society, the gender of the expected child was of great importance. The family dreamed of an heir who would take over the common cause and provide assistance elderly parents. That is why it was important for every married couple to know when there is a high probability of conceiving a boy and when to expect a girl. What way did the Chinese sages propose to solve this problem?

    Eastern experts have developed a table that allows you to calculate the gender of the expected child. The table takes into account two important parameters:

    • Conception date;
    • mother's age.

    The original table was discovered by archaeologists in one of the ancient temples. This document is still kept in the Beijing National Museum. The table is about 1000 years old. This table is easy to use, and any modern woman will be able to calculate the sex of the unborn child without any problems.

    The numbers from 18 to 45 are located vertically in the table - the age of the expectant mother. Probably, an adapted version of the ancient original table has reached us. It is known that in traditional Chinese society, girls were married much earlier. By the age of 18, an ordinary Chinese woman could already become a mother several times and please her husband with a long-awaited heir.

    The month in which the child was conceived is indicated horizontally in the table. The first month (January) will be numbered 1, and the last (December) will be numbered 12. Knowing the date of conception and the age of the mother at the time of this event, you can predict the likelihood of a couple having a boy or a girl.

    1. The woman's age is 25 years.
    2. The month of conceiving a child is March (month No. 3).
    3. At the intersection of the number 25 (vertically) and the number 3 (horizontally) we see the letter “M”. According to the table, this woman will give birth to a boy.

    How does the Chinese table work?

    Modern scientists have still not been able to comprehend the principle of operation of the Chinese table. There is a version that the table was built taking into account lunar calendar, by which the inhabitants of Ancient China were guided. It is possible that in those distant times special research was carried out, on the basis of which this complex algorithm was developed. Someday scientists will be able to solve this riddle, but for now, future parents can only use the ready-made table and hope that the ancient Chinese technique will not fail.

    Classical medicine does not recognize the Chinese method of determining the sex of a child. Modern doctors claim that the sex of the unborn baby depends solely on which sperm reaches the egg first. If the quick sperm contains a Y chromosome, a boy will be born. The X chromosome will allow the birth of a girl. This process can only be influenced in any way during IVF (in vitro fertilization). Under natural conditions, it is almost impossible to predict the sex of a child.

    Calculator for calculating gender according to the Chinese table

    Month in which the child is conceived: January February March April May June July August September October November December

    Mother's age:

    Gender of the unborn child: no data

    How to find out the date of conception?

    For women just planning a pregnancy, it will not be difficult to use the ancient Chinese table. All you need to do is find it at the intersection of lines optimal time to conceive a boy or girl and pay attention to your spouse at the specified time. According to the table, intimacy in the selected month will allow you to conceive a child of a certain gender.

    Pregnant women also want to know the sex of their unborn child. Not all expectant mothers have the patience to wait for an ultrasound and find out who has settled in the tummy. A Chinese table will also help you find out the sex of your baby in the early stages of pregnancy. But in order to use it, you need to know the exact time of conception of the child. How to calculate this date?

    Calculation of the date of conception with a regular cycle

    A woman's menstrual cycle consists of two phases: follicular and luteal. At regular cycle Menstruation always comes at the same time (± 2 days). The second phase of the cycle always lasts 14 days (± 1 day), while the length of the first phase can vary.

    Conception of a child always occurs at the moment of ovulation of the egg or within 24 hours after its release from the ovary. In order to find out the date of ovulation, you need:

    • subtract 14 days from the total duration of the cycle (in days);
    • add the resulting number to the date of the last menstruation (LMP);;
    • the final date will be the day of expected ovulation and conception of the child.;
    1. DPM – 15.03
    2. The duration of the cycle is 27 days.
    3. From the number 27 we subtract 14 - we get 13.
    4. We add 13 days to the date 15.03 - we get the date 28.03.
    5. 28.03 – ovulation day.
    6. The conception of the child most likely occurred on March 28 or March 29.

    Calculation of the date of conception for an irregular cycle

    If a woman's periods come irregularly, it will be quite difficult to find out the date of conception. In this situation, it will no longer be possible to make simple calculations, because the total length of the cycle of such a woman is constantly changing. For the expectant mother Even at the stage of pregnancy planning, you should measure your basal temperature daily in order to catch the moment the egg is released. After the fact, with an irregular cycle, it is not possible to find out the date of ovulation and conception of the child.

    The most topical issue When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to determine the sex of the unborn child. Moreover, parents often want to find out who will be born to them from the first days of expecting a baby. Of course, you can wait for the planned ultrasound, where they will tell you with great accuracy who it will be, a daughter or a son. However, there are many methods and practices for determining the sex of a child based on the date of birth of the parents. Moreover, this can be calculated both in the early stages of pregnancy and even before its onset. We will talk about this in our material.

    How is the gender of a child determined and what affects it?

    We learned about the formation of gender in school lessons. There is an X chromosome in the egg, and X and Y chromosomes in the sperm. Therefore, a daughter or a son will depend on which chromosome fertilizes the egg. However, the birth of a girl in any case has high probability. This is a very complex process, therefore, even doctors will not be able to determine the sex of the baby in the early stages of pregnancy with a 100% guarantee.

    What factors can influence the gender of the child? There are many theories, none of which have received scientific substantiation. For example, it is a fairly common concept that very thin women are more likely to give birth to girls, but heavier women are more likely to give birth to boys.

    Adherents of this opinion emphasize that in order to bear a male fetus, a woman needs more strength, so the fat ones “win” in this regard. There are also theories regarding the number of years of the parents. This is explained by the fact that over time, hormonal changes begin in the body, which also affect gender.

    There is an opinion that the birth of a child of one sex or another can be planned with the help of nutrition. To have a girl, a woman needs to eat eggs, nuts, onions, yogurt, kefir, that is, foods rich in fats, calcium and magnesium. For a boy, it is worth making a diet of meat, fish, fruits, and legumes.

    A more realistic theory regarding sex selection is to recommend that a woman consume dairy products immediately before conception. This is explained by the fact that acidic foods change the vaginal environment, so sperm with a Y chromosome die there.

    If you still don’t want to wait for an ultrasound, but can’t wait to start buying baby clothes appropriate for the child, you can turn to numerous methods for calculating the baby’s gender.

    Floor calculation using the Freiman-Dobrotin method

    This method is long and difficult to calculate, however, it is believed that its indicator will be the most accurate among the others. The essence of this method of determining the sex of a child by the date of birth of the parents is that a man and a woman are given six tables:

    • In the first, you need to find the intersection of the year of birth of the father with the conception of the child. The same must be done regarding the mother.

    Father's first table

    Mother's first table

    • In the second table, we determine the month of birth of the parents and what year it was - a leap year or a regular year.

    Father's second table

    Mother's second table

    • In the third, you need to compare the date of birth of the father (mother) with the number of days in the month of his birth (28, 29, 30 or 31 days).

    Father's third table

    Mother's third table

    • We are looking for the intersection of the type of year of conception (leap or ordinary) with the month in the fourth table.

    Father's Fourth Table

    Mother's fourth table

    • In the fifth, we compare the coefficient with the day of fertilization of the egg.

    Father's fifth table

    Fifth table of the mother

    • The sixth table for each of the pair is a comparison of the sum of all tables with the coefficient.

    Father's Sixth Table

    Why do you need to know the sex of the child?

    There are probably no parents on earth who would not want to find out the gender of their future child. Even before conception, they often dream about the birth of a son or daughter, what they will call them, who they will be like. They are looking for ways to determine the sex of a child by the age of his father or mother. But in reality, everything depends only on nature.

    It can only be outwitted in the case of artificial insemination, when even before the embryo is transferred, doctors and parents know what gender the child will be. In this case, the floor can be planned.

    You can also more or less accurately find out who you will be born with by conducting prenatal tests. For this purpose, punctures of the uterus are made. But the procedures carry significant risks for the health of the woman and the unborn baby, so doctors do not recommend them.

    Note to mom

    At home, you can also try to order the gender of your future baby. To do this, calculations are made based on ovulation data. It is known that the release of the egg into the uterus for fertilization by sperm lasts about a day. During this period you need to conceive a child, but this period must first be established.

    Sexual intercourse performed on the day of ovulation most often leads to the conception of a boy. If sperm enter the uterus before this period, there will be a girl. After all, sperm with the X chromosome are more tenacious and will “wait” for the egg. To determine the day of ovulation, a girl needs to know the duration of her cycle.

    You can use special test strips and measure your basal temperature (if ovulation occurs, this figure drops sharply). In addition, you can use a table where the sex of the child is calculated by the age of the mother.

    Is ancient knowledge still used today?

    In order to find out who will be born, you can resort to the help of ancient tables for determining the sex of a child by the age of the mother, which came to us from China and Japan. Read more about the ancient Chinese method.

    Important: to display the result correctly, you need to add 9 months to the mother’s age (in China, they calculate the age from the moment of conception).

    Or, for example, the teaching about this in the Land of the Rising Sun appeared almost 800 years ago, and remains relevant today. In a special table you need to trace the intersection of the mother’s age with the month of conception, and then you will get the expected sex of the child.

    The Japanese system is based on two tables. By crossing the months of birth, the future mother and father, we find a certain number in the first table. Then in the second we compare this number with the month the baby was conceived. In total, you see marks in the columns regarding the girl and the boy. If there are more stars somewhere, this means that the probability is higher. If there are the same number of them, it means that the probability is 50/50.

    Useful video

    There are many videos that will help you figure out who you are expecting. We invite you to look at one of these materials. Future parents should understand that the gender of the child is not the most important thing. You can try to predict and calculate it, you can wait for an ultrasound, where they will tell you exactly, or you can simply, relying on nature, meet your long-awaited child on his birthday.

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