• How to make an airplane the easiest way. How to make a paper airplane that flies long and far: step-by-step photo instructions with a video selection


    We have already done a master class, and many people know from childhood that it folds easily paper airplane. But today I will show you and tell you step by step how to make a paper airplane that flies 100 meters. The picture diagram and video will also be provided to you. This craft can be called non-standard, so I advise you to repeat each step and follow the analogy of the master class. So, let's start creating the creation. We only need one regular A4 sheet, I took green for variety and uniqueness.

    How to make a paper airplane that flies 100 meters

    Let's take a clean sheet.

    Fold it in half along the long side.

    We unfold it and see the bend along which we will be guided.

    The bend is exactly in the middle. We bend one corner towards the middle.

    Then we bend the second one. Everything is the same as when creating a regular paper airplane.

    Now we bend the corner again, it turns out sharper and longer at the bend.

    We bend the second edge in the same way, you get this point.

    Fold one edge to the other, the tip to the opposite side. The sharp part must be in the center!

    This is what should happen. This is done in order to ensure that the folding and hemming are even and symmetrical.

    Let's carefully tuck the corner, just a little.

    The opposite is similar.

    We unfold the workpiece folded in half. The turned corners remain the same.

    We turn the tip back, but taking into account the corners that are under it.

    Now let's fold this intermediate option in half.

    And finally we create the wings, fold one side. Moreover, the wing is much larger than the part by which they hold on and launch the airplane.

    This is how it turns out.

    We bend the second wing.

    This is what the craft looks like when unfolded.

    A good idea came to mind to decorate the plane with various original actions and bend the corners at the edges of the wings.

    Also, bend the corner in the tail section.

    Then tucking it inside.

    You can also paint the wings.

    As a result, we made a paper plane that flies 100 meters or more. And if you launch it from a balcony or the roof of a house, it will fly a very long distance.

    Making a paper airplane that flies well is easy. You need to follow the step-by-step instructions and smooth out all the bend lines well.

    • Every person has childhood memories associated with making paper airplanes. We loved making them with our own hands and then launching them up
    • Many children have a craving for creativity. If they make airplanes on their own, this will help develop the baby’s fingers.
    • The child will learn to concentrate, think creatively and use imagination. For children's, you can arrange a competition between children to see who can make an airplane the fastest.

    Important: Working with paper is a pleasure - it is soft and pliable. A model with regular and even curves will be able to fly high and will keep its shape for a long time.

    How to make a paper airplane, step by step instructions?

    Such a paper “flight machine” can be made from any paper: printed A4, notebook page or even newspaper.

    Important: Try to learn how to do it first simple layouts, and then move on to complex ones. Kids love to do origami, so they will be happy to help.

    So, if your little one comes to you with the question: “how to make an airplane out of paper?”, prepare a small piece of paper and follow the following steps. Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Place the paper piece with the smaller side facing you

    2. Fold the sheet exactly along the center line and make a mark in the center. There will be a bend, no need to smooth it out

    3. Open the piece of paper and fold it so that the top corner touches the center

    4. Do all this with another corner of the sheet

    5. Open the sheet again. Now fold the corners, but so that they do not touch the center

    6. Now fold the smaller corner. It will serve as a holding element for all the corners folded earlier

    7. At the last stage, bend the resulting product along the center line - the triangular part will be visible from the outside. Fold the sides towards the center. That's it - the plane is ready

    How to make a cool paper airplane?

    Cool paper airplane "Glider"

    After you have learned how to make classic paper layouts, you can try folding something unusual and complex. The Glider airplane will maneuver high and far.

    So, how to make a cool paper airplane? Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Take a piece of paper and fold it in half

    2. Then open it to its original position and place it with the fold facing up. Fold the corners of the paper inward to create a mark in the middle of the sheet. Now the triangles will be even, and this will help make a layout with good flying qualities

    3. Draw a visual line in the center and make a bend in this place. You will get a sharp nose of the product

    4. Fold the spout so that it extends a couple of millimeters beyond the edges of the corner bends.

    5. Fold the product in the center so that backside ended up inside

    6. Bend the wings - they can be made small or, conversely, hollow. Experiment with the width as you wish. That's it - the plane is ready

    Make a military plane out of paper?

    The layout of the “Hawk” model is a little more complicated. But you have already learned how to make simple models, which means you will be able to fold this paper sample.

    Step-by-step instructions on how to make a military aircraft out of paper:

    1. Prepare a piece of paper and place it on the table with the smaller edge facing you

    2. Fold along the center line. Fold the top corner. The top of the paper sheet should coincide with the side. Do the same with the second corner element

    3. The piece should look like a cross. Press its side elements to the center line of the paper and iron all the formed lines. Fold the upper right corner so that it is flush with the top of the sheet. There should be 1 centimeter left from the fold to the midline. Repeat the same with the other side

    4. The result is “horns” that need to be folded in half, and the excess paper should be folded inside

    5. The bottom corner is wrapped in reverse side from you. Make a fold line to the point where the “horns” emerge

    6. Fold the airplane in half - it's ready. Paint it with paints and you will get a real military fighter

    Important: You can make other models of military aircraft using the drawings presented below.

    How to make a light airplane out of paper?

    If your child constantly asks to make a paper airplane, teach him to fold it using the origami technique on his own. The diagram below will help you make a light airplane out of paper.

    Tip: Follow the drawn instructions with your child. He will love making these airplanes, especially from colored paper.

    How to make a simple paper airplane?

    Here's another one light option models. Many people often wonder: how to make a simple airplane out of paper?

    Important: This diagram will help you fold the product in 10 seconds. As a result, you will get a well-flying paper model - simple, fast and interesting!

    How to make an airplane with a paper propeller?

    To fold such an airplane, you need to prepare a sheet of paper, a paper knife, a pencil, and a needle with a bead at the end. Step-by-step instructions will tell you how to make an airplane with a paper propeller:

    1. Take a flat sheet and fold it diagonally twice

    2. Open the piece of paper and fold it along the line that will divide the diagonals into two parts. Open the sheet again, raising the corners along the resulting lines.

    3. Turn the left edge of the corner to the right and bend it. Return it to its original position and bend the right edge upward

    4. From the left edge, make a bend again - the bottom should lie on the bend line of the triangle that was made at the previous stage. Bend the edge of the corner behind the resulting part

    5. Unfold the right side and bend it towards the center

    6. Make another fold towards the center, and tuck the top of the corner inward

    7. Bend the right side towards the center, then straighten it again. Flip the left corner over and tuck the bottom edge into the hole on the right piece.

    8. Bend the resulting product in the center and fold the wings

    9. All that remains is to make the propeller: take a sheet of paper measuring 6 cm x 6 cm. Draw it diagonally with a pencil. Make cuts along the drawn lines, not reaching the middle 7 mm

    10. Fold the propeller through one corner and secure with a needle and bead

    Important: The part may move apart, so glue the corners in the middle or smooth the propeller where it bends

    11. Attach the part to the “tail” of the aircraft. The product is ready, you can launch it or give it to a child

    How to make a boomerang plane out of paper, diagram?

    There is another model of a paper “flying machine” - a boomerang. Imagine a product made by yourself that comes back to you after launch.

    Scheme and step-by-step instruction will tell you how to make a boomerang plane out of paper:

    1. Fold a piece of paper four times and press on the corner with your finger

    2. Bend one half of the paper cut to the center line and push the corner onto a quarter of the paper

    3. Fold the sheet inward from the quarter fold to the top corner. You will get a bend in the form of a triangle. Press your finger along the edge

    4. Straighten the triangle, and lifting it, insert your finger between the resulting parts. This is necessary to make sure that the folds are folded perfectly evenly.

    5. Turn the product over and bend the other side of the triangle inward. Fold the wide end of the paper in the opposite direction

    6. Do all this on the other side of the product

    7. It turned out to be a “pocket”. Lift the top and fold it so that the edge lies evenly along the length of the paper. Place the corner in the “pocket”. Bend the top corner down

    8. Do the above step on the other side of the plane - both sides should look the same

    9. Fold the part on the side of the “pocket” upward. Do the same on the other side.

    10. Open the product and place the leading edge inside. Protruding sections will appear in front - bend them. Remove the rear fin-shaped parts that appear

    11. Turn the product over and fold the front part. Fold in half and iron the folds

    12. Make the fuselage piece: Fold one side of the piece down along a line that runs parallel to the center fold. Do the same with the second side.

    13. Fold a small piece of one and the other wing upward. Unbend the product. It already has a base and flat wings

    14. Run your fingers along the front of the wings to create a curve. The plane is ready and can be launched

    How to make a fast paper plane?

    The paper airplane will fly quickly thanks to its folded tail in a special pattern. The nose of such an aircraft should be sharp and thin.

    Below are step-by-step instructions on how to make a fast paper plane:

    1. Bend a sheet of paper lengthwise. Unfold it

    2. Now fold the sheet in half. From the middle, fold both edges down, and then straighten half of what you folded

    3. Unfold the sides that are located on the side and fold each flap inward. First do this with the inner lapels, then with the outer ones.

    4. Bend some of the wings back. Bend the wings from the bottom a short distance

    5. Run your finger or ruler along the fold line and straighten the wings

    6. Fold the resulting folds parallel to the folds of the wings. The plane is ready

    How to make a good flying paper plane?

    Any paper airplane, if folded correctly, will fly well.

    Tip: Carefully iron all bend lines with hard objects or fingers.

    Tip: To make origami products, use only flat sheets of paper.

    If a child comes up to you and asks how to make a paper airplane that flies well, advise him to make a product with flaps or a complex “tail.” Such models fly far and high.

    Important: The patterns for these models are described above, so you can start creating on your own or with your child.

    How to make a fast and easy paper airplane: tips and reviews

    As you have seen, there are many ways to make paper airplanes. It's easy to make a fast and light paper airplane. Tips and reviews will help you avoid mistakes and become an origami master.

    Tip: If you are new to origami, try to make only simple models at first. When the paper begins to “listen” to you and you feel that the airplane models fly well, then begin to master more complex and unusual models.

    Important: Before you start making the plane, prepare your paper. Prepare several sheets, as at first it will be bad for you - everything comes with experience.

    Tip: Do not use wrinkled sheets of paper. An airplane cannot be made from bent and torn sheets.

    Tip: Try to keep the product symmetrical about the axis (imaginary or real). If this is not observed, the plane will fall on its side during flight.

    Make several models and organize a real air show on the street with your child. Remember your childhood - fly a paper airplane!

    Video: Paper airplane

    Hi guys! In this material we will talk about how to make paper airplane for 100 meters flight . Generally speaking, almost any aircraft can fly quite far - it all depends on the altitude from which it was launched. Design Features paper airplanes affect their ability to plan. So an airplane that can glide for a long time will fly for a very long time and far from a height, for example, the 16th floor. The wind will additionally help speed up and prolong the flight of such a paper craft. Let's start our rating of the farthest flying aircraft.

    5th place - the simplest paper airplane models

    In this place there are all the simple models of airplanes that even a child can assemble and which we all assembled in class and taught to the girls and teachers. For such tasks, ordinary blunt-nosed airplanes and gliders are quite suitable. Here are 10 of the best easy-to-assemble paper airplanes.

    This is the simplest and most popular paper airplane - almost all people know it because they have been collecting it since childhood.

    The following aircraft model has a fast and smooth flight. Due to the front supporting wings, the nose does not collapse, providing stabilization, lift and long flight.

    The next one will be a blunt-nosed aircraft with increased collision resistance.

    The fifth will be assembling a modified plane with a blunt nose. The circuit is simple, but requires careful assembly.

    Now I propose to assemble a good airplane from paper with nose wings and vertical rear stabilizers. The shape of the wing of such a glider allows you to fly longer in a straight line.

    The next plane has a sharp nose and flies rapidly forward. The fins on the wings stabilize and prolong the flight of such a paper fighter.

    The following design has good piercing abilities - the craft looks like a space fighter. It seems that it was created to exterminate enemy personnel.

    The largest wings are those of a glider, which has a rather ridiculous appearance. But this does not prevent him from flying very long and far.

    The amazing design of this airplane makes it look like a space shuttle or a Boeing. He flies not far, but effectively.

    4th place - paper plane "Albatross"

    We bend a sheet of A4 paper in half and draw it with our fingernail so that the fold is perfect.

    We bend the edges of the paper inward towards the central axis.

    After this, we bend the edges at an obtuse angle again towards the center. The edges of the paper should lie symmetrically on the central axis of our craft.

    Then we bend the nose of the paper airplane towards the tail and align the centers of symmetry.

    Add corner folds so that the left side is parallel to the right side.

    We bend it back and bend the sharp nose of the plane back along the flight path. We iron all the seams with our nails.

    We bend the wings so that a large area of ​​the wings remains load-bearing. We do everything extremely symmetrically so that the plane can fly further.

    At the end we form the tail. In principle, the bend of the tail can be done as in the photo of any size.

    We straighten the resulting bends upward so that it ends up in the space between the wings.

    We bend the vertical stabilizers upward parallel to the main axis of symmetry of the paper airplane. This is the plane we have - try to fly it quickly.

    If you still have any questions about assembling this aircraft, then watch the detailed video with comments.

    3rd place - diagram of an airplane made from paper “Hawk”

    Now we will assemble another complex aircraft.

    First step. Fold the sheet in half exactly in the middle. The quality of the flight will depend on the evenness of the folds. All stages of the aircraft are done in a mirror manner - left and right.

    Second step. Left and right side bend towards the center.

    The third step is to once again take the left and right edges of the paper and bend them towards the central axis of the plane.

    The fourth step is to bend the sharp end of the workpiece towards the tail. In this case, the bend line of the sheet should pass through the point of intersection of the edges in the middle of the paper craft. Alignment is checked by matching the central bend along long side leaf.

    Fifth step. We bend the edges of the paper on the left and right again towards the center, as in the photo. It is important here that the inner layer of paper does not bend or form wrinkles.

    Sixth step. We grab the outer fold and open it, and then wrap it inward as shown in the photo. We do the same from the other side of the plane. We take the formed pockets and bend them inside out.

    Seventh step. The pointed nose needs to be bent in the opposite direction about 1 cm deeper than the logical fold line. Pockets are formed there, which we bend inside the nose from approximately the middle.

    Step eight. We also wrap the tip opposite the sharp nose.

    Ninth step. We bend the paper airplane wings parallel to the keel. If the wings of your paper craft match, then the base of the airplane is assembled symmetrically.

    Tenth step. We bend the edges of the wings parallel to the main axis of symmetry to form flaps. The plane is ready.

    A detailed video on how to assemble such an airplane with your own hands from paper is given below.

    2nd place - diagram of an airplane made from paper “Thunderstorm”

    We will continue to assemble a paper airplane that will fly for a long time according to a highly complex assembly scheme. We will need, as always, a sheet of A4 paper. This can be plain white or colored paper. You can also take sheets from magazines with medium paper thickness.

    The first step is to bend the sheet in half. We remind you that depending on how smoothly and symmetrically your plane is assembled, it will fly in exactly the same way. After bending the sheet in half, unbend it and then move on to the second step.

    The second step is to bend the corners to the center - on one side and the other. It turns out to be such a preparation.

    Third step. The edges of the paper that formed an obtuse angle on the left are correctly bent again along the line of the nose of the aircraft to the right corners of the paper blank. See how it looks in the photo. Straighten the folds of the paper near the nose especially carefully so that everything is symmetrical.

    Fourth step. We see a point at the intersection of the bends of the left and right edges of the workpiece. Along the line through this point you need to fold the airplane in half, as shown in the photo. You can check yourself by matching the lines of the central fold. After bending, unbend, turn over and bend in the opposite direction.

    Fifth step. Turn the plane over again and fold the sides on the left and right towards the edge of the inner sheet. See photos and videos for more details.

    After this, turn the plane over again and bend the nose forward again.

    We turn it over again and turn the strip of folded paper towards the tail of the aircraft blank.

    Sixth step. We bend the plane along the central longitudinal axis. It is convenient to bend the stabilizers on the wings in this position parallel to one and the other side.

    Seventh step. We bend the wings to the base. Here you can bend it in different ways and experiment, but it is considered optimal to bend it from the nose to the fender liner.

    Everything should fit together smoothly and be symmetrical. Then the paper plane will fly exactly 100 meters or more and not lean left or right.

    If the plane is going to fly downwards, then you need to bend the back of the wings slightly upward. Thus, the flow of oncoming air will lower the tail of the aircraft and raise the nose up.

    1st place - paper airplane diagram “Falcon”

    This is probably one of the most beautiful paper airplanes that you can make with your own hands, because it is very similar to the real thing. To fold such a long-flying airplane with your own hands, follow the detailed instructions with photos and videos at the end.

    1 – take a sheet of medium-weight A4 paper and fold the sheet in half to make a paper airplane.

    2 - fold a sheet of paper in half for the longest-flying paper airplane.

    3 - fold the paper along the edges to make a cool airplane with your own hands.

    4 - we also bend the second side of an airplane made from a sheet of paper.

    5 - iron the resulting corners of the paper airplane in half again.

    6 - open each wing of the plane and turn them around.

    In the distant, computer-free childhood of everyone “born in the USSR” and not only others, there were “do-it-yourself” lessons. All today's adults once practiced origami: they made boats from paper and newspaper that were sent sailing along spring streams, frogs that jumped from desk to desk during recess, and, of course, airplanes. The airplanes were made not only to take part in competitions for the longest flight, but also to simply communicate during a lesson (a kind of analogue of modern SMS communication).

    Now that all Soviet children have acquired their own offspring, it’s time to remember how to properly construct such things from paper in order to teach this to the modern generation, which is glued to computers. It is especially difficult to make a paper airplane that flies well. This requires a certain skill.

    Three simple ways to make a “long-flying” airplane

    There is a lot of information on how to make a paper airplane with your own hands. The main thing is to find a way that will help build the most “long-flying” aircraft.

    The first way to build a paper airplane that flies for a long time is quite simple. Need to:

    • first - take an A4 sheet;
    • second, bend it vertically;
    • third - fold the ends towards the center;
    • fourth - fold the sides towards the center;
    • fifth - fold the airplane;
    • sixth - straighten your wings (the diagram is shown below).

    Second manufacturing method paper airplane It’s also quite simple, and with this design it also stays in the air for a long time. The length of its flight will please both you and your child. Need to:

    • second, bend it in half (vertically);
    • third - straighten;
    • fourth - fold the corners towards the center;
    • fifth - fold the corners to the center again;
    • sixth - straighten.

    You can also make a paper airplane using the classic method. Manufacturing stages:

    • first, take a landscape or A4 sheet;
    • second, bend it in half;
    • third - straighten;
    • fourth - bend the upper corners to the center;
    • fifth - fold the piece of paper with the corners bent into an envelope;
    • sixth - fold the upper corners towards the center;
    • seventh - also bend the tip of the resulting tongue towards the center, securing the corners with it (see diagram);
    • eighth - fold in half;
    • ninth - carefully straighten your wings.

    Important! Don't try to make a model out of thick paper. Most likely, he will not stay in the air for long. It is better to choose thin paper.

    How to make a long-flying fighter plane with good aerodynamics out of paper, we will consider below. There are two ways.

    Naturally, making fighter planes using origami techniques is much more difficult. IN in this case everything must be done carefully and step by step:

    1. Take a landscape sheet and fold it horizontally (!);
    2. Bend the corners to the fold line (the corners are small, the main thing is to make sure that everything is even);
    3. Bend it again to form a triangle;
    4. Bend at an acute angle downwards;
    5. Turn the workpiece with the wide end;
    6. Fold the corners toward the center again;
    7. Then bend the same corners, but not inward, but outward (see diagram);
    8. Carefully pull out the long corner from the back side;
    9. Fold the workpiece in half;
    10. Bend the wings along the resulting line.

    This method of making a fighter jet requires patience and attention. It may not work out the first time, but after a few training sessions a complete miracle of aviation will be in your hands.

    Important! You can use a few tips from professionals that will help improve any model and make it fly longer.

    For example:

    • if the plane takes off sharply and then falls, give it more maneuverability by thickening the nose; you can either bend the tip of your nose inward, or attach a small paper clip to it;
    • if the plane does not fly straight, but constantly “takes” to the side, slightly bend the wing of the side in which it “takes”, creating a kind of rudder.

    It’s interesting that using the origami technique you can make not only a fighter plane, but also a stealth plane (Stealth), a bomb carrier plane, a SU-35 bomber, and a Concorde plane. It is clear that fighters can also be made different types, taking as a basis real models that exist today.

    Other ways to make paper airplanes

    Naturally, there are other techniques for making paper airplanes. You can make an airplane out of paper using the Spanish origami technique or the Norwegian technique. In general, these techniques are similar (they are especially clear to those who really understand paper airplanes). The main thing about them is the use of lightweight material, absolute symmetry, well-curved wings and a well-thought-out tail design. It is the tail that is responsible for the aerodynamic qualities during flight.

    Also in origami there are techniques that allow you to assemble airplanes of such designs as “delta”, “gomez”, “hawkey”, “needle”, “little nikki”. These techniques make it possible to create an aircraft that flies far not only in words, but also in deeds. True, they require a certain skill and perseverance, but the end result is worth it. There are also techniques called "Duck". It is easier to implement.

    Paper airplane "Duck"

    To make a “Duck” you need:

    • first, take a landscape sheet;
    • second, fold it;
    • third - bend the ends;
    • fourth, turn it over and bend the corners again to form a rhombus on top;
    • fifth - bend the upper part of the diamond forward;
    • sixth - fold it like an accordion;
    • seventh - bend its lower top upward;
    • eighth - fold in half;
    • ninth - carefully make the wings.

    This model flies well and for a long time. The nose part does not pull down and does not fall to the side.

    Interesting. There is even a technique for creating paper airplanes in the world, which is prohibited by the Guinness Book of Records. The fact is that models made using this technique fly for a very long time.

    What are the benefits of practicing origami?

    It is clear that many parents often have questions about the usefulness of origami classes. Is it really necessary to spend time on this, both yours and your child’s? Experts have long found out that origami classes are really useful. The child develops dexterity, perseverance, attentiveness, and concentration. Spatial thinking is formed, which will be so useful to him in geometry and physics lessons, fantasy develops, which will also have a beneficial effect on his studies. After all, no one is stopping a child who has already mastered several methods of making airplanes from coming up with some kind of his own model, slightly improving and modifying the old method.

    Important! It would not be amiss to inform him that some paper models are capable of not only staying in the air for a long time, but also performing aerobatics. This will be an additional incentive, will interest the child and, perhaps, take him away from the computer for a long time.

    Believe me, an airplane made by the hands of your beloved child is a miracle in itself, especially for parents. How much pride your child will feel if this plane, which he built himself, will fly for a long time.


    The answer to the question of how to make the best paper airplane can be found in this video.

    In childhood, many of us folded paper airplanes - from notebook sheets or colored sheets. As a rule, they were clumsy and very simple in shape. Yes, and they flew close and somehow. Years have passed and I want to return to childhood again. And one way to indulge in nostalgia is to make a paper airplane with your own hands. And not just as simple as before, but the best paper airplane that flies far and fast. We present to you detailed instructions how to make paper airplane models from paper step by step.

    Let me remind you that the step-by-step diagram of how to fold a regular paper airplane with your own hands looks like this:

    It is done very quickly and simply, accessible even to a child, but it does not fly very far, although very quickly. Here is the process in video instructions:

    Let's look at other models:

    1. Paper airplane "Lightning":

    2. Paper plane "Phantom":

    3. Model "Mirage":

    4. Paper airplane "Hawk":

    5. Fast airplane "Gyurza":

    6. Paper plane "Arrow":

    7. "Arrow". This model is very difficult to fold. But the result is interesting:

    8. A very simple model of the Glider,” an airplane that flies far:

    9. Scheme of the paper airplane “Viper”:

    10. A very interesting American airplane made from Silke paper:

    Thanks to square shape he can fly for quite a long time, although not fast!

    11. Complex paper airplane "Shuttle":

    12 . Pointed Nose paper model"Heron":

    With its sharp, thin, pointed nose, it is the best flying paper airplane in terms of speed. But the range is lame!

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