• How to make your eyelashes thick and long. What to do to make eyelashes long


    Thick eyelashes are, first of all, beautiful. They make the look unforgettable, charming, and the eyes become much more expressive. For eyelashes to be like that, they need care. Now we will look at how to make them lush and beautiful, how to get thick eyelashes at home. In general, it is not difficult and accessible to anyone.

    Firstly, it is hair, and it needs care and nutrition. But the care is specific. By suitable means are nourishing oils They have not only a caring effect, but also a healing effect. For example, applied to eyelashes before bed will significantly strengthen them. But you shouldn’t expect lightning-fast results. You will have to be patient and painstakingly carry out simple procedures. This needs to be done for at least a month, and preferably more. It is not necessary to use this particular oil. Burdock, olive, and coconut are also suitable... Oils can be used separately, or you can prepare a mixture of oils.

    How to make eyelashes thicker?

    You can prepare the mixture yourself: mix with burdock (1:1), add vitamin E in oil and aloe juice. This composition should be applied to the eyelashes for a month, preferably before bed, and you will get the wonderful result that you have been striving for - lush and thick eyelashes.

    Here is another recipe that provides good care at home. You need to mix any vegetable oil with vitamins A and E in the oil. Apply this mixture to clean eyelashes before bed for at least a month.

    And this mask will not only help solve the problem of how to make eyelashes thicker, but will also provide thorough care for the skin of the eyelids. You need to chop the parsley very finely, then mix it with aloe juice and any of the above oils. Apply the resulting mask not only to the eyelashes, but also to the eyelids. It is advisable to wash off the mask with warm water. If you do this procedure for a month, or better yet, two, the result will pleasantly surprise you.

    Decoctions of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, calendula, cornflower and others have a positive effect on eyelashes and eyelids. Regular black tea will also work. You can moisten cotton pads and apply them to your eyes for a while (15 minutes). In addition to decoctions, you can use infusions medicinal herbs.

    Eyelashes, like hair, fall out one way or another, but how much they will do this directly depends on you and on proper care for them. Accordingly, if they fall out less, they will be thicker.

    There are two options: you can try to increase the number of hair follicles, or you can prevent their loss. In both cases, the result is long and thick eyelashes, unforgettable expressive eyes, capable of driving any man crazy.

    Everything is very simple and accessible. The main thing is to put in a little effort and patience. If suddenly any remedy for centuries makes you doubt or causes an allergic reaction, be sure to consult a doctor.

    In order not to wonder how to make eyelashes thicker, you need, first of all, to take care of what we have, not to bring your eyelashes to a deplorable state. To do this, be sure to provide your eyes with daily gentle care which consists of removing makeup and thoroughly cleansing eyelashes and eyelids. Especially before bed, even if you are very tired, do not neglect this under any circumstances. Do not use cosmetics of dubious origin, especially eye creams, mascara, eyeliners, pencils.

    If you regularly care for your eyelashes and treat them with care, their condition will not upset you. And you don’t have to wonder how to make eyelashes thicker, because there is nothing more beautiful than healthy, well-groomed and rested eyes. After all, the eyes, as we know, are the mirror of the soul.

    1. Comb your eyelashes after a shower

    A special comb, an old but washed mascara brush, or just a toothbrush. So that they dry not glued together, but straightened out.

    2. Apply hair balm to your eyelashes

    Whatever works for your hair also helps your eyelashes. After washing, apply conditioner to your eyelashes, leave for a minute and rinse.

    3. Wash your eyelashes with a special shampoo

    No, a separate shampoo for eyelashes has not yet been invented, but they will grow much better if you wash them with a special baby shampoo labeled “tear-free.”

    4. Paint your eyelashes with castor oil

    Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, which, when released into the base of the hair follicle, increases blood flow and stimulates accelerated eyelash growth. How to make eyelashes thick? You can moisten a cotton pad with oil and make a mini-compress on your eyes, or wash your old mascara brush clean and paint your eyelashes with oil: both methods are equally effective.


    5. Apply eyelash growth serum regularly

    There are quite a lot of them on the market, there is a choice for any budget. Pay attention to the composition: high-quality and effective means To grow long eyelashes at home, they should contain squalane, bisabolol, hyaluronic acid or its derivatives, peptides and vitamins.

    6. Take Biotin

    Or a complex vitamin preparation with B vitamins. Eyelashes will become thick and stop falling out, nails and hair will become stronger, acne will go away, and most importantly, your mood will improve!

    7. Apply mascara after curling

    If you curl your eyelashes with a tweezer, always do it before applying mascara, not after: this way you damage your eyelashes less and certainly don’t break them off.

    8. Warm up the tongs before use.

    If you have not yet acquired a hot brush for curling eyelashes, use a hairdryer to heat up your eyelash curlers: when they touch, the eyelashes will also heat up, become softer and more pliable, and curling will not disturb their structure.

    9. Use a curling iron as little as possible

    No matter how much you would like to amaze everyone with open long eyelashes, restrain yourself. To ensure your eyelashes grow healthy and long, you can use a curling iron no more than once a week.

    10. Curl once

    Don't try to press your unfortunate unruly eyelashes with tweezers again and again. Do it once and stop: each new use of the curler breaks the eyelashes and contributes to their loss.

    11. Choose a good mascara

    Make sure that it contains beeswax and panthenol; it is even better if the mascara is labeled “moisturizing” or “nourishing eyelashes.”

    12. Use baby powder

    How to grow eyelashes at home? While your eyelashes have not yet grown to the desired length, use a little trick: after applying the first layer of mascara, dust them with baby powder and apply a second layer of mascara. Wow, how they have grown!

    13. Remove mascara correctly

    Never, ever move cotton pads from corner to corner of your eyes. When washing off the mascara, apply discs soaked in milk, micellar water or makeup remover strictly according to the growth of the eyelashes: from top to bottom. The only way!

    14. Change mascara every three months

    Even if there is still a lot of it and it has not dried out, bacteria have grown in the mascara during use, unless, of course, you stored it in a sterile vacuum container. And these bacteria change the composition of the mascara itself, turning it into a chemical poison that dries out the eyelashes.

    15. Sleep on your back

    Or on the side. But not face down into the pillow. Tossing and turning in your sleep, you torment your eyelashes, they become thinner and fall out.

    Hello, dear friends, readers of my blog. Which woman has not envied beautiful, long, curved eyelashes? I don't know such women! Do you know how to do it? eyelashes are longer and thicker at home without the help of mascara? And how to choose the right cosmetics for eyes.

    How to strengthen eyelashes with vegetable oils

    For the growth and thickness of eyelashes, the very first remedy is the use of oils. This is very a good option lengthen eyelashes at home.

    1. Burr oil- an excellent care product. It nourishes the hairs, making them fluffy. In addition, it strengthens the bulbs, preventing their loss.
    2. Castor oil It's also a pretty effective product. has a beneficial effect on the growth and appearance of eyelashes.
    3. Grape seed oil. Mix several oils in equal parts: castor, almond, flaxseed, rose and wheat germ extract. Lubricate hairs and leave for 20 or 30 minutes.
    4. Sea buckthorn oil. A strengthening, softening and fluffing product is a mixture of castor oil and in equal proportions. The product is applied to clean eyes for 2-3 hours.
    5. To make your eyelashes long and fluffy, lubricate them daily with this mixture: oil (almond, castor, burdock, olive), adding 1 tbsp. 2 drops of vitamins A and E and fish oil.

    How to use? Rinse the old mascara tube well and fill it with oil. In the evening, wipe off the mascara from your eyes and apply this medicine to clean hairs with a brush. Leave for 1 hour, then wipe your eyes with a dry cosmetic pad. Try not to touch the mucous membrane of the eyes.

    Firming massage

    For massage, prepare the following mixture: aloe juice and vegetable oil (1:2), add 3-4 drops of parsley juice, apply to eyelids, rubbing lightly, then rinse with water. You can achieve beautiful, long eyelashes without mascara.

    Another recipe.

    Make a mixture consisting of aloe juice (0.5 tsp), parsley juice (5-6 drops), vegetable oil (1 tbsp). Gently rub the mixture along the hair growth line. Course - 1 month. Do regular black tea compresses

    . Brew, cool, dip cosmetic discs into the solution and place warm on your eyes, hold for 15 minutes. Such compresses will restore radiance and freshness to your eyes.

    Combing each hair several times daily gives a good effect. Thus, you will improve blood circulation in the area of ​​the bulbs, which means activating the growth of eyelashes.

    You can prepare herbal decoctions yourself and make eye lotions, which are an excellent nourishing and moisturizing agent. Prepare a decoction of herbs: chamomile, cornflower, sage.

    How to prepare a decoction? Take 1 tbsp. herbs, steam with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Soak a cotton pad in the broth and apply it to your eyes for 15-20 minutes.

    Strengthening and healing masks for eyelashes

    • This mask promotes eyelash growth. It is prepared from aloe juice (1 tsp), castor oil(1 tbsp) vitamin A (2 drops). All components are thoroughly mixed. Cover your hair with the finished mask 3 hours before bedtime. Then the remnants of the mask are removed with a dry disc.
    • Vitamins A and E will help make eyelashes thicker. Buy capsules at the pharmacy, open them, mix with oils, adding 1 drop at a time, apply to hairs. Course - 1 month.

    Rosehip to strengthen eyelashes

    To prevent the bulbs from leaving their places, you should prepare the following mixture: crush the rose hips, take 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 tbsp. burdock and sea ​​buckthorn oil. Place this mixture in a dark cabinet and keep it there for 10 days. When the product is ready, lubricate your eyelashes with it daily.

    The most affordable remedy

    A simple remedy is Vaseline. It will help your eyelashes become thick and long. Lubricate clean hairs with Vaseline and leave it overnight.

    Vaseline softens and nourishes the bulbs, after which the eyelashes begin to grow better. Lubricate three times a week for 1 month.

    The right diet

    Diet is as important as eye care. For example, a lack of vitamins A and E has a bad effect on the condition of nails, hair, eyelashes, therefore, it is better not to get carried away with low fat content.

    For the good condition of the hairs, keratin is necessary - a building material that is formed in the hair follicles only in the presence of certain substances.

    These substances are found in products such as:

    • cottage cheese,
    • butter,
    • carrot,
    • fish,
    • bell pepper,
    • cabbage,
    • apples,
    • chicken's meat,
    • liver,
    • nuts.

    Choosing mascara

    You can add thickness to your eyelashes and expressiveness to your eyes using mascara. Remember that the mascara will be on your eyes all day, so don't buy a cheap product.

    Choose a hypoallergenic product High Quality, well-known companies. They offer mascara with beneficial vitamins as well as all useful substances for eyelashes and skin.

    As soon as the product begins to crumble, throw it away without regret. Maximum term for mascara - 6 months, so do not buy it in large tubes.

    Types of mascara

    It can not only tint eyelashes, but also turn them into a lush fringe.

    Volume mascara can increase the thickness of the hairs so much that it makes the eyelashes thick and fluffy. It contains special waxes and silicone that make the eyelashes shiny and elastic. It comes with a special brush with long bristles.

    Lengthening mascara is available with a finer texture. It contains tiny fibers that stick to the hairs, increasing their length. One coat will give you a natural look, while two coats will give you long, well-separated hair like that of a stage actress.

    Eyelashes create the beauty of our eyes, but we are not used to taking care of them. Regularly buying hair strengthening products, we forget that the hairs on our eyelids have exactly the same structure.

    Like other hair, it consists of keratin scales that are capable of exfoliation under the influence of external factors. And like other hair, it grows not just on its own, but by feeding from hair follicles located in the skin of the eyelids. In addition, their life span is limited. For each hair it is approximately 200 days. But whether a new one will grow in its place and how long it will be depends solely on proper care.

    Why do eyelashes fall out?

    There are many reasons why the hairs on your eyelids do not look as full and beautiful as you would like. And the main one is a banal lack of attention to them. The quality of natural hairs deteriorates significantly after artificial hair extensions and perms. In each case, the problem of broken hairs is relevant, and after extensions, “bald spots” appear: under the weight of false eyelashes, the original ones simply fall out.

    The following factors also worsen the health of eyelashes.

    • Using low-quality cosmetics. These products harm both the skin of the eyelids and the structure of the hairs, which is why the eyelashes grow thin and grow slowly.
    • Lack of habit of removing makeup. Hairs painted with mascara are more susceptible to breaking, which happens at night while sleeping. In addition, the pores of the skin of the eyelids remain closed, which disrupts breathing and slows down metabolic processes. Skin ages faster.
    • Stress, illness- the appearance of our hair is always evidence of “problems” in the body’s functioning. Therefore, before looking for a solution on how to make eyelashes longer and thicker at home, stop being nervous and take a closer look at your health.

    5 rules for care. What to do to make eyelashes grow

    To make your eyelashes longer and thicker, it is important not only to use special products for their growth, but also to properly care for them. There are 5 main rules for caring for eyelashes and making them thicker.

    1. Take a closer look at your diet. For hair growth, microelements and vitamins are needed, which are rich in vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts. Include them in your diet instead of buns and sausages, and attractive appearance The skin and nails will also answer you.
    2. Add keratin to your diet. This high molecular weight protein, which makes up our cilia, can be obtained from food. It is contained in large quantities in bell pepper, parsley and rose hips.
    3. Choose cosmetics carefully. When asking the question of how to make eyelashes thick and long with mascara, we pay attention to its color, the shape of the brush, but not the quality. But this is extremely important, since a low-quality product can harm eye health. The first sign of questionable quality of brasmatic will be redness of the eyes and itching of the eyelids. Immediately get rid of such a tube and wash your eyes thoroughly. Also, low-grade products crumble during the day and have a strong odor. For comparison, high-quality brasmatic does not smell at all or has a weakly expressed sweetish aroma.
    4. Always remove your makeup in the evening! Special product Apply to a cotton pad and then distribute over eyelashes. Hold it for 30 seconds and remove it carefully, without pressing. Move from the bridge of your nose to your cheekbones.
    5. Wear glasses when in the sun. They will protect your eyelashes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

    How to increase eyelashes at home

    All women and girls really want big eyelashes. How to create long and thick eyelashes at home simple remedies. Their main difference is accessibility, but each should be used regularly. Don’t try to find a solution on how to grow long eyelashes in a week at home, it’s impossible. But by performing care procedures for a month, you can achieve excellent results.

    • Comb your hair. By running a brush over them, you stimulate blood circulation in the area of ​​the hair follicles. This improves eyelash growth.
    • Treat your eyelids to get long eyelashes. At home folk recipes include massages and compresses. For massage, prepare a mixture of aloe juice with vegetable oil(at a ratio of 1:2), add a few drops of parsley juice. Apply onto eyelids with gentle movements, rub in lightly and rinse with water. Compresses can be made from regular black tea. Brew it, cool, dip cotton pads and apply warm to your eyes. 15 minutes with such compresses will restore freshness to the skin.
    • Use oils. This is the most the right way how to make long eyelashes at home. Promote hair growth almond, peach oil, from grape seeds. Castor and burdock stimulate their strengthening. Apply them with a mascara brush and leave for 1 hour. Be sure to rinse off before going to bed.
    • Add vitamins to get healing masks for eyelashes. To make them long and thick, vitamins A and E are required. Take them in the form of capsules, open them, mix a few drops with oil, apply to the eyelashes.

    Thanks to this care, you can significantly improve the condition of your eyelashes within a month! They will become “huge”!

    “Flash your eyelashes and take off,” says one famous song. Really long, wing-like eyelashes are an integral part of the art of seduction. They, like the ideal cut for a valuable diamond, make the look playful and seductive, setting up the “sight” for shooting at potential victims of flirting.

    Unfortunately, not all of us have been blessed by nature with long and fluffy eyelashes. Sometimes even newfangled mascara doesn’t help correct the situation. How to get the eyelashes of your dreams, experts from Passion.ru tell Natalia Abramova, company training manager Sisley, Svetlana Nazarova, expert cosmetologist Oriflame, Maria Erina, brand expert Lumene.

    So different: the parable of eyelashes

    The thickness, density and length of eyelashes are passed on to us genetically, both on the paternal and maternal lines. Their “final image” is influenced by their color type (blonds have shorter eyelashes than brunettes), race (Mongoloids have thicker eyelashes than Europeans), and even their region of residence.

    Each eyelash has its own life cycle, it is divided into three phases: active growth for 2-3 weeks, a resting stage for 4-7 weeks, and a rejection phase. Each hair “lives” for about three months or more (from 28 to 200 days), and falls out when a new “shift” “grows up”. Therefore, the process of replacing eyelashes is not visible to the eye.

    True, with age it becomes more noticeable, because due to a decrease in the metabolic rate of cells and eyelashes, they are renewed more slowly. In addition, less melanin pigment, which is responsible for the color of hairs, begins to be produced; they become lighter and look sparser.

    Such metamorphoses with eyelashes can happen in more at a young age against the background of hormonal changes, the use of low-quality cosmetics, poor nutrition, improper care, stress or inflammatory diseases eye. All these factors weaken the eyelash bulbs, they begin to fall out more often and even lose color.

    Stimulating eyelash growth

    To make eyelashes longer, First of all, you need to pay attention to your health and nutrition, and only then start looking for a beauty arsenal to care for them. According to experts, it is difficult to deceive nature. It is almost impossible to make eyelashes longer than genetically determined. But, if you regularly strengthen them and take care of them, you can prevent the process of hair loss and pigment loss. And these steps can bring you a few millimeters closer to ideal.

    Home Remedies

    In addition to expensive cosmetic lotions, products that many people probably have in their kitchen can make eyelashes strong and healthy. For example, herbal preparations, teas, oils.

    • Tea compress for eyelashes

    It is not for nothing that in Japanese “tea” and “eyelash” are synonymous words. After all, the tannin contained in this magical drink perfectly strengthens eyelashes, restores and tones the skin of the eyelids. In order for the substances to exert their useful action, make tea compresses once a week.

    How to do: Apply warm, strongly brewed tea to cotton pads, close your eyes and place the pads on them for 15-20 minutes. Then remove the compress, do not rinse with water.

    • Chamomile and cornflower decoction

    Anti-inflammatory substances, as well as immunostimulants and antioxidants, Contained in these flowers, strengthen eyelashes, prevent them from fading in the sun, relieve swelling and bruises under the eyes.

    How to do: Take a tablespoon of chamomile and cornflower petals (dried ones are sold in pharmacies). Pour 200 ml of boiled hot water. Insist for a day. Then strain. Soak cotton pads in the broth and place on your eyes for 20 minutes. Afterwards, remove them, do not wash off the broth.

    • Oil based serums

    Oils are natural healing serums for eyelashes. Their components penetrate deeply into the hair shaft and root, strengthening it from the inside, preventing hair loss. The most the best oils for eyelashes are considered - burdock, jojoba, flaxseed, olive, castor, almond.

    How to apply: Apply 2-3 drops of oil to an eyelash brush (available in stores). Then paint over them like mascara, from roots to ends. It is best to do this procedure 2-3 times a week at night.

    Attention: Avoid getting oils in your eyes, and do not overdo it with the amount, otherwise swelling may occur in the morning.

    Professional products

    Professional serum and mascara have a faster effect than home remedies. Their active components nourish eyelashes and also protect against UV rays.


    Serums stimulate the natural growth of eyelashes, which is genetically determined, give elasticity to the hairs and thicken their stem.

    At the moment, there are two types of serums on sale: those containing hormonal and non-hormonal drugs.

    In the first group, the main active substance that stimulates eyelash growth is hormones, analogues of prostaglandins (bimatoprost, latanoprost, travoprost, unoprostone).

    With prolonged use, the eyelashes may become a little longer, but, unfortunately, they will begin to grow chaotically, in bushes, and will not look aesthetically pleasing. Often, beautiful ladies experience hormonal serums allergic reactions in the form of redness, inflammation of the eyes, swelling. Such drugs should absolutely not be used by pregnant women, since prostaglandins cause labor. Therefore, when buying serums to stimulate eyelash growth, carefully look at the composition.

    Non-hormonal serums are absolutely safe for health. They usually include natural oils, vitamins, keratins. These products should be used at night and washed off with warm water in the morning. The greatest effect can be achieved 4-8 weeks after regular use; eyelashes will grow by 10-30% of their original length. But you will see positive dynamics within a week after the start of the course.

    Your beauty assistants:

    8 ways to make eyelashes longer

    1. Eyelash Serum M.A.C.
    2. Eyelash Serum Faberlic,
    3. Revitalizing serum for eyelashes and eyebrows Mary Kay.

    Choosing mascara


    Mascaras that stimulate eyelash growth contain protein-vitamin complexes, plant stem cell extracts. These components stimulate the production of keratin, which is the “building material” for eyelashes, strengthen the hairs, and increase their thickness.

    Such mascaras are absolutely harmless, and they can even be recommended pregnant women for permanent use.

    Your beauty assistants:

    8 ways to make eyelashes longer

    1. Lumene Excellength Mascara,
    2. Mascara Lash Architect 4D L'Oreal,
    3. Mascara-stimulator of eyelash growth “Hyper Length” Oriflame,
    4. Mascara Grow Luscious by Fabulash Revlon,
    5. Mascara Mascara Longueur 360 Yves Rocher,
    6. Mascara Mascara Volumateur La Roche-Posay.

    Orchestra, mascara!

    To achieve long and beautiful eyelashes, it is important to choose the right mascara, or rather brush. Depending on its shape, texture and thickness, you can get a certain effect. Therefore, when choosing mascara, take a closer look at the brush, checking the information in our mini-guide.

    8 ways to make eyelashes longer

    1. Cone-shaped brush with bristles – lengthens, increases volume. Great for long and short eyelashes. It even copes with many small eyelashes in the inner corner of the eyes.
    2. Small round brush– creates a panoramic effect. Lengthens, separates, colors every eyelash, even the smallest, creating the perfect curve.
    3. Silicone, rubber– colors and separates eyelashes well.
    4. Spiral - Suitable for hard eyelashes. Its grooves are twisted in a spiral, this technique helps to achieve a beautiful curl of the eyelashes and additional volume; when applying, the brush must be scrolled at the base of the hairs. This brush is not suitable for eyelashes that are too thin.
    5. Herringbone(the bristles are arranged in the shape of an inverted V in relation to the base of the brush) - separates eyelashes, paints well in the corners of the eyes.
    6. Arched – Curls eyelashes and gives them a flirty look.
    7. Big fat creates the effect of natural eyelashes, lengthens them a little, makes them more voluminous, and curls them. The larger the brush, the more it scrolls the eyelashes upward.
    8. Scallop-shaped– increases volume, lifts eyelashes, gives them a flirty curve without the use of curlers.
    9. With stubble longer at the edges- these brushes are designed to lift eyelashes and curl them.
    10. With short or long stubble– short bristles curl and create volume, long bristles lengthen and separate.

    8 ways to make eyelashes longer

    Makeup secrets for long eyelashes

    By choosing the right mascara, you can make your eyelashes look longer with some makeup tricks. To do this, you will need an additional beauty arsenal.

    8 ways to make eyelashes longer

    Eyelash curler

    They will give them shape, lift them a little, and make them slightly longer at the curling stage. Curl your eyelashes before using mascara; it fixes your eyelashes in shape and makes them more brittle to external physical influence.

    Operating principle: First, dip the tongs in hot water for a few seconds or hold them under a hair dryer. Heat treatment is necessary to obtain best effect. You need to pinch the eyelashes from the base, slightly moving them upward along the length. As a result, you will get a beautiful wide-open look.

    Mascara base

    Specially developed foundations most often come in the form of gels. They contain panthenol, vitamins, a primer with polymer fibers that adhere to natural eyelashes and “increase” their length.

  • Powder your eyelashes a little, apply mascara in one layer, let it dry and apply a second layer.
  • It is important to apply the mascara itself correctly. Conditionally divide the eyelid into three segments: paint the eyelashes in the inner corner of the eye towards the bridge of the nose, from the middle of the eyelid - up, on the outer corner - towards the temporal part.
  • Artificial method

    If you naturally have short eyelashes, you can help make them visually longer artificially; there are quite a few methods offered by beauty salons.

    Eyelash Curling

    This process follows the same pattern as hair curling. The master uses special curlers and a chemical composition. It is applied to the middle of the eyelashes and fixed on the roller. As a result, the eyelashes become more curved and visually appear longer. After curling, the result lasts from a month to two, depending on the speed of eyelash renewal.

    Eyelash extensions

    There are many legends surrounding this method. Destroys all myths and voices facts Olga Metlina, nail service specialist, eyelash extension specialist and eyebrow correction"Cosmetology Center on Smolenka":

    “Eyelash extensions can be lash extensions or beam extensions. Mink or silk eyelashes are used for this procedure. In this case, the client can independently choose the length and thickness of future eyelashes. The process of “fixing” the new material occurs through glue, which is applied not to the skin of the eyelid, but to the base of the eyelash. Thus, the new eyelash becomes a natural extension of your original one.

    The extension procedure itself lasts about 1.5 hours.”

    Afterwards, it is important to follow some rules that will extend the life of your artificial eyelashes:

    • Do not use liquid for makeup remover and regular mascara.
    • Don't rub your eyes too hard.
    • Avoid close and active contact of eyelashes with the pillow, in other words, it is better to sleep on your back with eyelash extensions.
    • Comb your hair with a special brush in the morning. To better fix them in your makeup, use a special mascara for eyelash extensions.
    • Artificial eyelashes last up to two months; correction is best done when up to 50% of eyelash extensions remain. After 3-4 corrections, it is advisable to let the eyelashes rest for 2 weeks.

    Are you happy with the length of your eyelashes?

    Katerina POPOVA

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