• How to quickly make eyelashes thick. How to grow eyelashes? Thick and long eyelashes at home. How to care for eyelashes


    Who in childhood did not envy Malvina’s long and beautiful eyelashes? Admit it honestly, such girls simply do not exist. We all really want to look like princesses from fairy tales. But in real world Beauty doesn't come easy, you need to put a little effort into it.

    To have long eyelashes, as in the photo, you should pay attention to recipes for caring for them at home. And if by nature you did not get beautiful and thick eyelashes, then now everything will depend only on your dedication and focus on results. And he will be simply amazing.

    Few people know that each person grows from 100 to 150 eyelashes on the upper eyelid. And on the lower eyelid it is almost half as much - from 50 to 100. Girls who want to grow long eyelashes should know that average length the upper ones are 1 cm, and the lower ones - 7 mm. Their length can be increased by only 30% of their original state. And then, this is only possible with strict and regular compliance with all the rules for caring for them.

    Eyelashes are one of the types of human protective hair. And it has long been proven that they fall out much faster than other hair on the body. On average, an eyelash “lives” for five to six months. Despite such short term of their existence, they can easily be grown in a period of 4 to 8 weeks. The first results can be seen within 7-10 days from the start of stimulating and strengthening procedures.

    The most the best means Masks, massages, compresses and natural oils are considered eyelash care products.

    Before you make eyelashes longer using folk remedies, you should familiarize yourself with general recommendations to improve the condition of not only eyelashes, but also the body in general. Here's what experts advise:

    • Proper nutrition. A person's daily diet should be properly balanced and contain a large number of vitamins and microelements. Don't forget to eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, and berries. They must be fresh. You should include butter, cottage cheese, parsley, bell pepper, liver and rosehip infusion. All these products have one thing in common - they contain keratin.
    • Avoid ultraviolet light. Always try to protect your eyes from this harmful radiation. On sunny days, be sure to wear Sunglasses. It is important that they have high-quality and expensive lenses. And when visiting a solarium, use special eye pads.
    • Don't skimp on mascara. Not only does an unknown brand crumble very quickly and is initially difficult to apply, but it can also harm the structure of the eyelashes and the skin around the eyes. You should choose a hypoallergenic, high-quality mascara so that it does not contain aggressive or harmful components. It is not recommended to use one tube for more than three months.
    • Always remove your makeup. Do not forget about this daily procedure, regardless of when and in what mood you returned home. You need to remove eye makeup special means. You don’t need to put a lot of effort into the rinsing process, otherwise there is a chance of damaging your eyelashes.
    • You need to take breaks between extensions.
    • Do not use tongs. Of course, all girls want to have beautifully curved eyelashes and use special curlers for this. The result, of course, is stunning, but the condition of the eyelashes after this “upgrade” is not to be envied. If you are aiming to maintain the health of your eyelashes, then it is better to abandon this tool once and for all.
    • You should not sleep with your face in the pillow. It’s difficult to control this during sleep, but if you set yourself up correctly, then anything is possible.

    Burr oil

    How to make eyelashes longer using this oil? Everything is very simple. You should take an empty container from under the carcass, wash it well, then dry it and fill it with burdock oil. Every evening, you need to carefully apply the oil with an eyelash brush, making sure that it does not get on the mucous membrane. If this happens, you must thoroughly rinse your eyes with running water and repeat the procedure. After burdock oil has been successfully applied to the eyelashes, you need to wait about fifteen minutes and blot your eyes with a dry and clean cotton pad.

    Burdock oil not only promotes eyelash growth, but also gives a fluffy effect and adds volume.

    Castor oil for eyelashes

    The method of using castor oil is no different from the procedure with burdock. apply it useful remedy To get long eyelashes, it is also convenient to use a brush from used mascara, and hold for no more than fifteen minutes. Castor oil has a very beneficial effect on the condition of eyelashes if the procedures are carried out in combination, and not when you can remember about it. Which oil is better to choose is up to you to decide based on the preferences and sensitivity of your facial skin.

    Vitamin A

    Every human body needs this vitamin every day. What is noteworthy is that in order to grow long eyelashes at home, it does not need to be administered intramuscularly or orally. Simply apply it to your eyelashes for just two to three minutes before going to bed. First, vitamin A must be mixed with castor oil, and only then lubricate the eyelashes. The mixture cannot be left for a long time, so after a couple of minutes it must be removed using a dry cotton pad.

    Herbal lotions

    The effect of lush, long eyelashes can be achieved using herbal lotions. Such folk remedies perfectly moisturize and nourish eyelashes. useful substances and vitamins. It is best to use a complex herbal decoction, which will include:

    • chamomile;
    • cornflower;
    • sage;
    • tea leaves.

    After generously moistening a cotton pad in the resulting liquid, you need to apply it to your eyes and leave for ten to fifteen minutes.

    Advice. It is best to use large leaf green tea, it gives a tonic effect not only to eyelashes, but also to the skin around the eyes.

    Second popular recipe for herbal compress includes:

    • chamomile;
    • cornflower;
    • calendula;
    • coltsfoot;
    • Black tea.

    This lotion should be as strong as possible, that is, you need to add as little water as possible. The future compress should be brewed for no more than half an hour. After moistening a cotton pad in it, place it on your eyelids and hold it for about twenty minutes. We wet it if the disc begins to dry out.

    Recipe with grape seed oil

    Thick and long eyelashes at home is a completely solvable task for those who are really focused on positive result. There is a recipe with a fairly multi-component composition, but the result can please any girl. So, you will need to buy the following oils:

    • castor;
    • linen;
    • almond;
    • pink;
    • from grape seeds;
    • from wheat germ.

    All these components should be mixed in equal proportions and applied to the eyelashes in the evening. It is best to use a mascara wand for this. The mixture must be kept on the eyelashes for approximately fifteen minutes, then rinsed with warm water.

    Sea buckthorn oil for eyelashes

    With the help of sea buckthorn? Everything is very easy. Must be mixed in equal quantities Castor oil with sea buckthorn and apply to clean, dry eyelashes. Unlike other recipes based on natural oils, this mixture must be kept on the eyes for three hours. And only then wash it off.

    This composition has unsurpassed softening, fluffing and strengthening properties.

    When handling oils you need to be extremely careful, you need to make sure that the product does not get on the mucous membrane. Yes and greasy spots on clothes or household items after carelessly carried out oil procedures is also unlikely to please.

    Secret recipe

    Another folk recipe, which will reveal the secret of how to get long eyelashes at home in just one month, is also made with oils. In order to cook effective remedy, you will need:

    • almond oil;
    • Burr oil;
    • olive oil;
    • Castor oil;
    • vitamin E;
    • vitamin A;
    • fish fat.

    All oils are mixed in equal quantities, and vitamins and fish oil should be added a couple of drops. For a month, every day, without missing a single day, you need to apply the product to your eyelashes before going to bed, and wash it off after ten to twenty minutes. After completing the course, your eyelashes will look noticeably longer and much healthier.


    To make eyelashes thicker and longer, they need to be constantly nourished and stimulated. Massage works best for this. It must be carried out using a special mixture based on aloe juice, parsley and vegetable oil. The proportions for the mixture are 1:1:2. Having made this mixture, apply it to the eyelid and gently rub it along the eyelash line with smooth circular movements.

    You can simplify the process and take one oil of your choice for massage: burdock, almond, castor or any other oil of your choice. Massage your eyelids and eyelashes for about 5 minutes. This procedure will not only have a beneficial effect on the growth and appearance of eyelashes, but will also help improve the clarity of vision.


    How to grow long eyelashes without using ready-made ones cosmetical tools? The answer is simple - make a means for growth yourself.

    The most popular and effective mask consists of the following components:

    • one tablespoon of castor oil;
    • one teaspoon of aloe juice;
    • two to three drops of vitamin A.

    All ingredients are mixed and applied to the eyelashes using a dry cotton pad. Like all other remedies, it should be used before bedtime. But it should be noted that the mask should remain on the eyelashes for three hours, but no more. Sleeping while leaving it in front of your eyes is strictly prohibited. If the mask remains on the skin for a long time, this can lead to swelling of the eyelids. After three hours, it must be carefully removed with a new cotton pad.

    Plain Vaseline

    Who would have thought that Vaseline could help you grow long eyelashes? But this is true, the product promotes the growth and strengthening of eyelashes. Unlike the other recipes above, Vaseline does not need to be washed off after application. You can leave it on your skin all night without worrying negative consequences. It is convenient to apply Vaseline with an eyelash brush. The healing procedure should be carried out no more than three times a week for one month.

    Anti-hair loss product

    In addition to products specializing in eyelash growth, care should also be taken to prevent loss. Long eyelashes are, of course, beautiful, but they should also be thick, and not look lonely in different directions.

    Making a remedy for eyelash loss at home is quite simple. You should:

    • chop the rose hips so that you end up with two tablespoons;
    • take two tablespoons of burdock oil;
    • the same amount of sea buckthorn;
    • mix all components;
    • put in a dark place for ten days.

    After the specified period of time, the mixture can be taken out and used. It is recommended to apply anti-hair loss product daily.

    Cosmetical tools

    Today on the shelves of stores and pharmacies you can see a wide variety of eyelash care products. Moreover, their composition and orientation can be completely different. Famous brands They produce entire lines of products aimed at stimulating eyelash growth, as well as their improvement. When choosing, the main thing is not to get confused and not to grab the first one you come across from the display case. You should carefully study the composition of the product and choose the one that includes the least amount of aggressive and harmful components.

    But if you carefully read the article, you already realized that there is no point in buying rather expensive products when it is so easy to make them yourself. And at the same time, you know exactly what the mixture was prepared from and when. Moreover, you will be one hundred percent confident in the manufacturer; he will definitely never let you down.

    Evgenia Smirnovskaya |

    Evgenia Smirnovskaya 10/30/2015 6194

    Long and fluffy eyelashes adorn a woman and make her look more open and expressive. Find out the most effective ways home care after them.

    To get beautiful eyelashes, it is not at all necessary to visit beauty salons every day. There are many effective means, which allow you to make them thick and long at home.

    Use castor oil

    Ordinary castor oil, which is sold in every pharmacy, is effective and budgetary means for eyelash care. Apply the oil every evening - and after 10-14 days you will notice that your eyelashes have become more dark color, became thicker and longer.

    Don't forget about serums

    Serums and other cosmetics for eyelash growth can be applied under mascara, then they will act throughout the day. The effect is simply amazing: your eyelashes will become fluffy, long and healthy.

    By the way, you shouldn’t buy the most expensive products. Budget cosmetic brands also have decent products in their arsenal.

    Buy two-phase mascara

    If you urgently need to give your eyelashes volume and extra length, use two-phase mascara. First, apply a white base to your eyelashes: it will separate them, make them thicker and longer. Then cover the hairs with black or colored mascara.

    Take your vitamins

    Vitamins A and E are essential for the health and beauty of eyelashes. They are sold at the pharmacy in the form of capsules that need to be taken daily for 2 months. After another 2 months the course can be repeated.

    By the way, vitamins have a beneficial effect not only on eyelashes, but also on the condition of skin, hair and nails.

    Use your eyelash curler correctly

    If you curl your eyelashes with an eyelash curler, do so before applying mascara. IN otherwise fragile hairs can be damaged or broken. To create a more pronounced bend, slightly heat the pads of the curling iron with a hairdryer.

    Powder your eyelashes

    If you want to create the effect of false eyelashes, apply a little to the hairs. loose powder. Brush off any excess with a makeup brush and then apply mascara.

    Make sure that the layer of powder is not too thick, otherwise your eyelashes will look like spider legs.

    Make tea compresses

    Tea is not only a delicious invigorating drink, but also an excellent cosmetic product. It works great on dark circles under the eyes and also strengthens eyelashes. Soak a cotton pad in strong cold tea, place it on your eyelids and leave for 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure 1-2 times a week.

    Comb your eyelashes

    Buy a special eyelash comb. As a rule, they are produced together with an eyebrow brush. Once your eyelashes are completely dry, comb them gently to remove excess mascara and separate any clumping lashes.

    Change your mascara regularly

    The service life of an open tube of mascara is no more than 3 months. During this time, the product thickens and loses its basic qualities. You should not try to dilute mascara with water or oil; you will not achieve a good effect with these methods. In addition, you can cause allergies or infection. Throw away expired mascara without regret.

    Get a massage

    Every day, morning and evening, do a light eyelid massage. Close your eyes and lightly press on your eyeballs with your fingers, walking along the eyelash growth area. A procedure lasting 1-2 minutes will be enough to improve blood circulation. Never rub your eyes during a massage: this can cause damage. delicate skin eyelids and hair follicles.

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated in caring for eyelashes. Follow these tips and you'll never need false eyelashes or eyelash extensions.

    How to make eyelashes thicker - this question is relevant for many representatives of the fair sex. You can transform your hair so that it becomes long, dark, and thick with the help of mascara, extensions, and artificial framing. But there are secrets without using various salon technologies. Let's consider various options so that each girl chooses her own.

    At home, you can achieve beautiful and thick hair with the help of simple cosmetics, the advantage of which is that they are generally available. It is only necessary to carry out various procedures with eyelashes systematically, because only ongoing care is able to strengthen the structure, improving appearance hairs

    Eyebrows and eyelashes should receive timely care. Don’t forget that their structure is no different from the hair on your head, but they are additionally nourished less often.

    We will discuss in detail below various methods on how to make eyebrows and eyelashes thicker at home.

    Methods to improve eyelashes

    In addition to applying various cosmetic compositions, do not forget about the rules:

    • comb your eyelashes daily – blood circulation in the hair follicles is stimulated, which increases the rate of hair growth;
    • introduce vitamins into your diet - vitamins A and E are responsible for the thickness of your eyelashes, which you can buy at the pharmacy or eat foods rich in them (red fish, butter, cream, milk);
    • wash off decorative cosmetics– the skin definitely needs rest, don’t neglect it at least at night.

    Using mascara

    Using mascara, you can visually make your eyelashes thick and long at home. Exist different types Mascaras: lengthening, volumizing, waterproof. Each of them has its own effect. You need to use these cosmetics depending on the result you want to get.

    When using mascara, you should know about the application technique:

    • take out the brush, carefully moisten it with a napkin so that lumps of mascara remain on the napkin, but not all the paint;
    • start from the upper eyelid, place the brush as close to the roots of the hairs as possible and, moving it from side to side, slowly paint upwards;
    • cover all the top hairs with one layer, after it dries, apply a second layer in the same way;
    • Apply the same principle to the eyelashes of the lower eyelid.

    Makeup with mascara correct application it turns out bright and memorable, but there is one significant BUT: mascara is not the best safe remedy, it will give your eyelashes an excellent appearance and make them visually thicker, but there are several dangerous factors that can arise with frequent use:

    • allergies up to dermatitis;
    • fatigue and eye irritation when exposed to particles;
    • Waterproof mascara contains resins that are undesirable for the body and are difficult to remove from the skin.

    Thus, mascara - a good option make your eyes look more open and bright, but due to possible reactions, the method cannot be considered as safe as possible.

    Use of folk remedies

    Folk remedies for correct use can provide better results than cosmetic products.

    To make eyelashes longer, you can use castor or burdock oil. It should be remembered that castor oil strengthens the eyelashes themselves, while burdock oil makes them longer by activating the follicles and stimulating growth.

    Tips for using oils:

    • Before use, make sure that the products will not cause an allergy; there is a possibility that using the oil undiluted may cause it;
    • You can apply the oils for approximately 10-20 minutes; after this time, carefully remove the product with a cotton pad;
    • You can alternate types of oils - apply one type for about three weeks, then rest for a couple of weeks, repeat the same course, but with another.

    Almond oil will do. When using it, the hairs are moisturized and nourished, they become fluffy and manageable. Almond remedy will not cause an allergic reaction, which is suitable for girls who have sensitive eyes and skin around the eyelids.

    In addition to oils, various infusions of herbs, plants, infusions of chamomile, calendula, and aloe will help make eyelashes long and thick. Dried herbs are brewed to form an infusion in which cotton wool is soaked. Apply to the eyes and wait 10-20 minutes. It is possible to use compresses simultaneously with oils.

    Using store-bought gels and serums

    Serums and gels have direct contact with the eyes; you must remember about the quality of the product. The effective components are fatty acids, various oils, panthenol, bimatoprost. The latter contains a substance that has a positive effect on the growth of eyelashes and hair.

    Before using these products, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test, because the eyes are a delicate part of the face and a mistake can be costly.

    Read the annotation carefully, good products are marked that their use is approved by dermatologists and ophthalmologists.


    In pharmacies, pharmacists are accustomed to questions about how to make eyelashes thick at home. A popular treatment solution is castor oil to make hair thicker. Its effect is described above. It is available at any pharmacy at an affordable cost.

    You can also purchase a complex of useful vitamins for eyelash growth A E - the drug Aevit. The medicine is available in capsules, which must be carefully opened at home and applied to the roots of the eyelashes.

    Many girls are interested in whether it is possible to combine castor oil and Aevit. Experts recommend applying this complex to improve the effect.

    In addition to oil and Aevit, medical networks offer other products to improve the quality of eyelashes - serums, gels that make hair strong, restoring products.

    Cosmetic procedures

    The modern beauty industry offers various cosmetic procedures for eyelashes:

    Lamination is carried out by curling from the roots with the application of a therapeutic keratin-containing composition to the eyelash and coloring.

    Botox is a similar procedure. The main difference is that the therapeutic composition penetrates inside the hairs, which ensures the restoration of the structure of the cilia and the long-lasting effect of the procedure.
    Extensions are the process of attaching an artificial eyelash to a natural eyelash using glue. The procedure provides a chic look to the hair, but is short-lived, as correction is required regularly.

    Eyelash care rules

    We must not forget that, in addition to various chemicals, there are a number of rules that must be followed in order to be maximum effect how to make eyelashes thick and long:

    Proper nutrition - in order for eyelashes to grow, they need vitamins. Suitable ones are found in nuts, vegetables, and fresh fruits.

    Keratin is what you need in your diet; it is the protein that makes up natural eyelashes. A large percentage of keratin contains bell pepper, rose hips, and parsley.

    Choose your cosmetics carefully. The main mistake is that when choosing mascara we pay Special attention on the color, shape of the brush, but in no case on the quality. And this can have a detrimental effect on the health of your eyes and especially your eyelashes.

    Always remove your makeup before going to bed.

    If you are in the sun, do not forget to wear glasses. This will protect the hairs from the strong effects of ultraviolet radiation.

    Choose the appropriate method for daily care behind your eyelashes, then they will delight you with excellent length, thickness and volume every day.

    Hello, dear friends, readers of my blog. Which woman has not envied beautiful, long, curved eyelashes? I don't know such women! Do you know how to make eyelashes longer and thicker at home without the help of mascara? And how to choose the right cosmetics for eyes.

    How to strengthen eyelashes with vegetable oils

    For the growth and thickness of eyelashes, the very first remedy is the use of oils. This is a very good option to lengthen eyelashes at home.

    1. Burdock oil is an excellent care product. It nourishes the hairs, making them fluffy. In addition, it strengthens the bulbs, preventing their loss.
    2. Castor oil It's also a pretty effective product. has a beneficial effect on the growth and appearance of eyelashes.
    3. Grape seed oil. Mix several oils in equal parts: castor, almond, flaxseed, rose and wheat germ extract. Lubricate hairs and leave for 20 or 30 minutes.
    4. Sea buckthorn oil. A strengthening, softening and fluffing product is a mixture of castor oil and in equal proportions. The product is applied to clean eyes for 2-3 hours.
    5. To make your eyelashes long and fluffy, lubricate them daily with this mixture: oil (almond, castor, burdock, olive), adding 1 tbsp. 2 drops of vitamins A and E and fish oil.

    How to use? Rinse the old mascara tube well and fill it with oil. In the evening, wipe off the mascara from your eyes and apply this medicine to clean hairs with a brush. Leave for 1 hour, then wipe your eyes with a dry cosmetic pad. Try not to touch the mucous membrane of the eyes.

    Firming massage

    For massage, prepare the following mixture: aloe juice and vegetable oil (1:2), add 3-4 drops of parsley juice, apply to eyelids, rubbing lightly, then rinse with water. You can achieve beautiful, long eyelashes without mascara.

    Another recipe.

    Make a mixture consisting of aloe juice (0.5 tsp), parsley juice (5-6 drops), vegetable oil (1 tbsp). Gently rub the mixture along the hair growth line. Course - 1 month. Do regular black tea compresses

    . Brew, cool, dip cosmetic discs into the solution and place warm on your eyes, hold for 15 minutes. Such compresses will restore radiance and freshness to your eyes. Good effect

    gives daily, several times, combing of each hair. Thus, you will improve blood circulation in the area of ​​the bulbs, which means activating the growth of eyelashes.

    Herbal lotions

    You can prepare herbal decoctions yourself and make eye lotions, which are an excellent nourishing and moisturizing agent. Prepare a decoction of herbs: chamomile, cornflower, sage. How to prepare a decoction?

    Take 1 tbsp. herbs, steam with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Soak a cotton pad in the broth and apply it to your eyes for 15-20 minutes.

    • Strengthening and healing masks for eyelashes
    • This mask promotes eyelash growth. It is prepared from aloe juice (1 tsp), castor oil (1 tbsp) vitamin A (2 drops). All components are thoroughly mixed. Cover your hair with the finished mask 3 hours before bedtime. Then the remnants of the mask are removed with a dry disc.

    Vitamins A and E will help make eyelashes thicker. Buy capsules at the pharmacy, open them, mix with oils, adding 1 drop at a time, apply to hairs. Course - 1 month.

    Rosehip to strengthen eyelashes

    To prevent the bulbs from leaving their places, you should prepare the following mixture: crush the rose hips, take 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 tbsp. burdock and sea buckthorn oil. Place this mixture in a dark cabinet and keep it there for 10 days. When the product is ready, lubricate your eyelashes with it daily.

    The most affordable remedy is Vaseline. It will help your eyelashes become thick and long. Lubricate clean hairs with Vaseline and leave it overnight.

    Vaseline softens and nourishes the bulbs, after which the eyelashes begin to grow better. Lubricate three times a week for 1 month.

    The right diet

    Diet is as important as eye care. For example, a lack of vitamins A and E has a bad effect on the condition of nails, hair, eyelashes, therefore, it is better not to get carried away with low fat content.

    For the good condition of the hairs, keratin is necessary - a building material that is formed in the hair follicles only in the presence of certain substances.

    These substances are found in products such as:

    • cottage cheese,
    • butter,
    • carrot,
    • fish,
    • bell pepper,
    • cabbage,
    • apples,
    • chicken's meat,
    • liver,
    • nuts.

    Choosing mascara

    You can add thickness to your eyelashes and expressiveness to your eyes using mascara. Remember that the mascara will be on your eyes all day, so don't buy a cheap product.

    Choose a hypoallergenic product High Quality, well-known companies. They offer mascara with useful vitamins, as well as all the beneficial substances for eyelashes and skin.

    As soon as the product begins to crumble, throw it away without regret. Maximum term for mascara - 6 months, so do not buy it in large tubes.

    Types of mascara

    It can not only tint eyelashes, but also turn them into a lush fringe.

    Volume mascara can increase the thickness of the hairs so much that it makes the eyelashes thick and fluffy. It contains special waxes and silicone that make the eyelashes shiny and elastic. It comes with a special brush with long bristles.

    Lengthening mascara is available with a finer texture. It contains tiny fibers that stick to the hairs, increasing their length. One coat will give you a natural look, while two coats will give you long, well-separated hair like that of a stage actress.


    The main function of eyelashes is to protect the eye from getting into it. foreign bodies and objects. However, having forgotten about this function, modern beauties have appreciated the aesthetic significance of eyelashes on the face and are doing their best to emphasize their volume, length, and curves.

    As they say, the devil lives in the details. Even with big beautiful and expressive eyes, we understand that their framing plays an important role. Many modern beauties strive to have thick and long eyelashes. But in order for it not to look comical, you should still strive for naturalness.

    You can become the owner of long and lush eyelashes that are as natural as possible at home, without resorting to the help of extension specialists, or without purchasing expensive drugs.

    Structure of eyelashes

    In order to achieve desired result, first you need to understand what they are.

    This is a hair that has a shaft and a root. The root ends in a so-called bulb. It is this part that is responsible for the length, intensity of growth and thickness of eyelashes.

    Stages of growth

    Like all hair, each eyelash goes through three stages of growth.

    • active growth phase
    • resting phase
    • dropping out.

    All three stages, in general, last a very short period of time, from 150 to 200 days.


    To improve the quality of eyelashes, it is necessary to improve the nutrition of the hair follicle, hair growth and elasticity. Therefore, it is necessary to solve our problem comprehensively.

    First of all, we will make adjustments to the diet. It is enough to add foods such as nuts, vegetables, fruits to your diet, try to avoid baked goods and sausages - not only your eyelashes, but also your skin and nails will thank you.

    What we apply to them and the skin around them also has a significant impact on our eyelashes. Those. cosmetic products, in contact with the skin around or directly with the eyelashes, can have a beneficial effect on them, or negative action. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the composition of the products before purchasing. Avoid products that contain propylene glycol, diazolidinyl urea, imidazolidinyl urea (Germol II and Germol 115), aluminum.

    An important factor is whether you have the habit of removing makeup before going to bed. Eyelashes painted with mascara may break off while you sleep. Makeup prevents the skin from breathing, which can also significantly slow down the process of eyelash growth.

    Vitamins and oils

    Well, the time has come to get acquainted with the “heavy artillery”. Oils and vitamins in combination have a powerful effect on eyelash growth. Using courses from time to time, you will forever remain a beauty with a deep and expressive look. The main thing is to check each oil for allergic reactions before use.

    In order not to harm yourself, you need to remember the following rules:

    • apply oils and vitamins, or mixtures of them, to cleansed eyelashes and eyebrows;
    • in case of inflammatory processes of the eye bulbs, you will have to abstain from these procedures;
    • stop the course if the mucous membrane of the eye is inflamed;
    • Do not use oils if you are hypersensitive.

    To obtain visible results, you need to use oils in courses of 14-30 days. Apply the composition to eyelashes regularly 2-3 times a week.

    Algorithm for using oils

    1. Completely remove makeup from eyelashes and skin around the eyes.
    2. Lightly heat a small portion of the oil.
    3. Apply with any in a convenient way oil on top part eyelashes The oil will spread on its own to the bottom.
    4. Remove excess.
    5. Let the oil sit for the required time - usually an hour.
    6. Remove oil with a cotton pad.

    Do not go outside during sunny hours if you have oil on your eyelashes. It is advisable to perform this procedure before going to bed.

    Castor oil

    Most a budget option, while it does not lose its effectiveness. Surely the most popular eyelash oil. It affects the strengthening of the hairs themselves, so it is recommended to add components aimed at nourishing and improving growth. This could be vitamin E, other oils - apricot or grape seed. When applying, you should be especially careful, avoid contact with the skin, because may cause irritation and swelling.

    Almond oil

    Most the best choice to stimulate growth. The result will be noticeable after a month's course. Because It is quite liquid, so it is recommended to paint the eyelashes to the middle; then, towards the bulbs, the oil will drain on its own. To improve the result, just like castor oil, almond oil can be slightly heated beforehand.

    Burr oil

    Songs of praise about the benefits of this hair oil practically do not subside. But the same effect can be had on eyelashes. Thanks to the tannins in its composition, our eyelashes will become less susceptible to breakage, i.e. will become strong and elastic.

    Peach oil

    Particularly sensitive ladies can safely use it, because... it is hypoallergenic. Nothing bad will happen if a little oil gets on the skin of the eyelids; it will not cause irritation, but rather the opposite. Another significant advantage is that there is no need to remove it after some time, like other oils. It can be left on the eyelashes for up to 8 hours before bedtime.

    Olive oil

    Does not cause swelling. It has a positive effect on both eyelashes and the skin of the eyelids.

    Other oils

    Wheat germ oil- a source of vitamins, has a thick consistency. Significantly enriches castor oil.

    Sea buckthorn oil can restore hair structure. Used in equal proportions with almond and castor.

    Camphornoye must be used with caution - two or three drops per spoon of base (castor or burdock).

    Jojoba oil- will supplement the base with essential proteins and amino acids.

    And in conclusion, we suggest you familiarize yourself with small makeup tricks that will help make your eyelashes thicker:

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