• How to silver water at home. Preparation of silver water. Silver in water - benefits and harm


    Humanity has been aware of the bactericidal properties of silver water and silver in general since ancient times, but only in the 19th century were scientists able to study and confirm the disinfecting properties of this metal. After conducting a series of studies, it became clear that of all the metals, it is silver that has the strongest bactericidal properties. This makes it a real weapon in the fight against microorganisms. This can be explained by just one ability of this metal - silver begins to penetrate the cell at a fairly high speed, while it can no longer divide, but still remains viable.

    Today there are very, very many options and industries in which silver water is used. It is used by astronauts during flights and sailors on long voyages, and is also used for canning. mineral water, juices, milk, etc.
    Such water has found particularly diverse and widespread use in medicine and pharmacology. Thanks to it, you can extend the shelf life of liquid medicines, for example, drops or infusions, for a significantly longer period. Since silver is an essential element in maintaining the normal activity of many endocrine glands and generally has a positive effect on all physiological processes in the human body, doctors recommend drinking such water for preventive purposes to avoid viral and infectious diseases. It is also used to treat damaged areas of the skin, be it a burn or a wound.

    Preventive consumption of water with silver ions will help stimulate the circulatory system and improve the general condition of the blood, as well as speed up and facilitate the treatment of many diseases.

    It is worth considering that you should not constantly drink such water, since the accumulation of silver ions will occur in the body, and this can lead to their excess and subsequently to metabolic disorders, decreased vital activity or a depressive state. Therefore, drinking silver water is recommended only for the prevention or treatment of various diseases.

    Ways to prepare silver water at home

    There are several ways by which you can easily obtain silver water without leaving your home, each of them allows you to achieve a certain level of silver concentration in the liquid. These procedures are quite simple and do not require special skills.

    First way. This method is the simplest and most famous; it was used by our ancestors. You just need an ordinary silver item, be it a coin, jewelry or a spoon. The selected item must be washed well and placed in a container with cold water; if you use tap water, it must first be boiled or filtered. You need to keep the item in water for 24 hours, then take it out and the water can be consumed. Thanks to this easy method, you will get silver water with a weak concentration of silver, which should be consumed internally to prevent diseases.

    Second way. This method will help to obtain water with a stronger, average concentration of silver ions. It will also require a product made of pure silver, which needs to be washed well. Next, take a three-liter enamel pan, pour water, place the product in it and put it on the fire. You need to bring the water to a boil and wait until half of it has boiled away and remove from the heat. Just let it cool, which will take a couple of hours, and the water with medium concentration will be ready for use. This water is already used for medicinal purposes. You need to drink half a glass of this solution fifteen minutes before meals for a month.

    Third way. It helps to obtain water with the strongest concentration, but for this you need to use special ionizers. Such a device can not only be purchased in a store, but also prepared at home yourself. For those who have at least a little knowledge of electrics, assembling such a device will not be difficult. You need to take a battery with a voltage of 4–12 V, a silver product that is attached to the “plus” and an electrode, always made of stainless steel, that is connected to the “minus”; for example, you can use a flat blade or the handle of a teaspoon. Received this way in a simple way The ionizer is lowered into a container of water. After some time, a cloudy cloud will begin to appear around the silver item, which will be an indication that the silver is beginning to saturate the water. If you keep such a device in one liter of water for five minutes, you will get water with the strongest concentration of silver. It is used only for treating external skin lesions, for gargling or as nasal drops, it can also be used as cosmetic product for wiping your face.

    Using such an ionizer, you can also obtain water with a lower concentration. You just need to adjust its operating time and the volume of water. Keeping the device in three liters of water for 30 seconds will result in weakly concentrated silver water, and if for three minutes, then moderately concentrated water. But it will not be possible to find out exactly what concentration of silver ions is obtained using a homemade ionizer, since it depends on several factors: the sample of the silver product, the current strength and the duration of the reaction. To accurately know the level of saturation, you need to purchase an industrial ionizer, which can be used to regulate and program it.

    Used silver products Over time they may begin to darken, but this can be easily corrected by simply cleaning them.

    Recipes for using silver water

    Even our ancestors many centuries ago knew about the healing effects of silver water. Probably each of us has noticed that such water does not spoil, no matter how long it sits. This fact suggests that microorganisms do not multiply in such water, and this makes it an excellent disinfectant. Also, moderate consumption of water treated with silver will not cause harm to the human body, like, for example, water treated with chlorine.

    Below we give several examples that show for which diseases and how to use silver water:

    1. In case of damage to bones, muscle tissue, joints and skin injuries, lotions, compresses should be applied to the sore areas, or simply rinse such areas with water, the temperature of which is 30-32 ° C, and the concentration of silver is 20-30 mg/l;
    2. For eye diseases (conjunctivitis and other inflammatory processes), you need to wash your eyes and make lotions with water at room temperature with a silver concentration of 10-20 mg/l;
    3. In case of problems with the ears (inflammation, etc.), sinusitis, throat diseases, etc., it is necessary to rinse and rinse with water slightly heated to a comfortable temperature, in which the concentration of silver is 20 to 25 mg/l;
    4. For problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as problems with metabolism. In such cases, doctors recommend drinking such water internally in a course lasting from 1 to 3 months, depending on the severity of the disease, two tablespoons of water with a concentration of no more than 20 mg/l three times a day before main meals, preferably 15 minutes before ;
    5. For various infectious and viral diseases, take internally 3-4 times a day (every 4 hours) one tablespoon of water with a concentration of 10-20 mg/l, and also do warm rinses with it;
    6. For gynecological diseases and injuries, wash and wipe with water with a silver concentration of 20-25 mg/l;
    7. In case of dermatological damage to the skin, rinse the problem areas with heated water with a concentration of 30-35 mg/l;
    8. For dental problems, rinsing with heated water with a concentration of no more than 20 mg/l is recommended.

    In ancient times, man learned to process silver and make from it not only magnificent Jewelry, but also various products needed in everyday life. Wealthy families used utensils made of this metal - plates and jugs, forks, knives and spoons.

    Silver devices were considered not only more attractive than copper ones. This metal has been observed to have an inexplicable effect on water. It remained fresh for a long time, and people believed in its healing power and began to drink it as a medicine for many ailments.

    The benefits and harms of silver

    It should be recognized that the effect of silver on the physiological processes that occur in the human body has not been fully studied even today. Some evidence suggests that this element of the periodic table blocks energy exchange processes at the cellular level. At the same time, other studies suggest that silver has important in the functioning of the brain. A person consumes approximately seven micrograms of silver daily through water and food.

    It is located in the periodic table in the group heavy metals(tin, zinc, indium). Its closest neighbor is cadmium - a very poisonous metal, which is not recommended to work with without protective gloves. According to existing sanitary rules and standards, silver belongs to the second hazard class. In the same group, cobalt and lead, cyanide and arsenic are adjacent to it.

    Based on this, the maximum permissible dose silver for humans - no more than fifty micrograms per liter of water. Scientific research has confirmed that the inhibition or destruction of bacteria occurs at a concentration of silver ions exceeding two hundred and fifty micrograms per liter of water.

    Bactericidal properties

    Since ancient times, the disinfecting properties of this metal have been noticed. Warriors and sailors of antiquity used cups and vessels made from it to disinfect water. Undoubtedly, at that time there were no scientific research on this matter, but practical experience has confirmed that in the presence of silver, water retains its freshness and its properties longer.

    The Swiss K. Negeli made a discovery in 1893: silver dissolved in water kills bacteria. This discovery was later confirmed by many world-famous scientists. It turned out that silver has more pronounced bactericidal properties than gold or copper. However, metallic silver and colloidal neutral particles have this property to a lesser extent. Silver ions have the strongest effect.

    Since 1930, L. A. Kulsky, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, created an institute that began studying the properties of silver ions. A group of scientists led by L.A. Kulsky found that silver binds to deoxyribonucleic acid and its nitrogenous bases. As a result of this process, the stability of DNA and, as a result, the viability of fungi, viruses and bacteria are disrupted.

    The bactericidal properties of silver preparations are very effective. According to V.A. Uglov, they are 1750 times more effective than carbolic acid in the same concentration and three and a half times more effective than sublimate. According to scientists from the L.A. Kulsky Institute, this water is much more active than bleach, chlorine, sodium hypochlorite and many other common strong oxidizing agents in the same concentrations.

    Moreover, it was found that the use of silver water for external use provides an antibacterial effect that is ninety times greater than that of penicillin salts.

    Silver water: application

    The opinions of scientists and researchers regarding the effects of such water on the human body are quite contradictory. And, nevertheless, silver water, the benefits and harms of which have not been definitively established, in last years is actively used in medicine, including folk medicine. It is used in the treatment of blepharitis, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the lacrimal sac and some other ophthalmic ailments. To do this, use a concentration of 10-20 mg/l for rinsing and lotions.

    Treatment with silver water is indicated for diseases of the mouth and throat in the form of gargles. Washing with it relieves conditions with rhinitis. Traditional healers recommend taking water enriched with silver internally for stomach and duodenal ulcers. This requires silver water at a concentration of 20 mg/l. The recommended dosage is two tablespoons fifteen minutes before meals.

    Doctors claim that the use of silver water will help alleviate the condition of patients with endocrine disorders, including diabetes mellitus. The properties of silver water are used in the treatment of serious infectious diseases (dysentery, paratyphoid, typhoid fever, diphtheria, etc.). In this case, a tablespoon of healing water is used every four hours. The required concentration is 10-20 mg/l.

    Silver water shows good results in the treatment of skin diseases - fungi, boils, cracks, etc. You can use it to prepare gauze swabs and apply irrigation. Small doses of silver are good for the blood and normalize the course of almost all processes taking place in the body. The prepared solution is stored only in a dark place. If you find flakes in it, it is unsuitable for both external and internal use.

    How to make silver water at home?

    This is not difficult to do. Silver water can be prepared in several ways. The simplest, and also the most ancient, is as follows. Coins or a silver spoon should lie in water for at least three days. You can also use a silver vessel in which the finished water will be stored. This method has a disadvantage associated with the time it takes to prepare the solution. In addition, you will not be able to determine its concentration.

    Water saturated with silver can be obtained using electric current. In this case, it turns out to be highly concentrated.

    Water preparation devices

    You can use a more modern and progressive method. For this purpose, a device for producing silver water is used - an ionizer. People with a little knowledge of technology can make it themselves. Prepare a DC source with a voltage of four to twelve volts. Attach the silver item to the plus. Any stainless steel item is attached to the minus.

    Dip the electrodes into the water and hold them until a cloudy cloud appears around the silver electrode. Direct current acting on silver ions quickly saturates the water. The disadvantage of this method is that you cannot accurately determine the concentration of silver ions in the liquid. And this, you see, is important in the treatment of various diseases, since too high a concentration can be harmful to health, and too low a concentration will not give the desired result.

    Is it possible to buy such a device in a store?

    Yes, today both domestic and foreign purification markets offer the latest installations for the production of silver water. Research has shown that it is not the silver atoms that are most active, but its Ag+ ions. They quickly penetrate the body's tissues and circulate in the liquid media of the tissues and in the bloodstream. And when they encounter viruses, fungi and pathogenic microbes, they overcome their outer shell and kill them without affecting the beneficial microflora. Thus, a natural shield is formed that flu, colds, and infectious diseases cannot overcome.

    Traditional healers recommend drinking this water in the morning. The devices use two electrodes that are coated with silver ion sources. One of them is made of high quality silver and the other is made of stainless steel. When an electric current acts on the electrodes, a potential difference appears between them, and therefore the saturation of water with silver occurs much faster.

    Using an electronic silver converter is even more effective. With its help, the process takes place in a matter of seconds. In addition, the advantages of such devices include the ability to regulate the concentration of silver. After the process is completed, the water can be consumed three hours later, after the bacteria and harmful microorganisms have completely died. We recommend using the Nevoton IS-112 water ionizer to obtain silver water.

    Using water in the country

    Silver water is successfully used by many summer residents for soaking before planting seeds. This helps improve their germination. In addition, it is good for watering plants in the garden and house flowers. Plants grown in such water are less susceptible to diseases.

    Note to housewives

    Silver water will be useful not only for treating various ailments, but will also allow you to prepare many delicious drinks and dishes. It can be used for canning vegetables and foods.

    This water is good for rinsing vegetables and fruits, as well as cutlery. Once a month it is recommended to wet clean the house with silver water.

    Bottled water

    Today you can buy ready-made silver water in stores. This is the famous “Silver Key” brand, which is mined near the sanatorium, which is located on natural water sources. We are talking about the Bekhtemirovskoye field in the Altai Territory. The water here is enriched not only with silver, but also with silicic acid. This gives it anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. It is recommended for people with diseases urinary tract and kidneys.

    “Silver Spring” is not medicinal water, it is table water. And the name only reflects the purity of the famous spring.


    With prolonged, over several years, intake of silver or in close contact with its vapors (for example, in jewelry production), a person may develop argyria - deposition of silver sulfide on the walls of capillaries, spleen and bone marrow.

    Silver water is water that contains tiny particles of silver ions dissolved in it. This water has a pronounced antiseptic effect on different kinds bacteria, viruses and fungi. Silver ions () when entering the body do not cause inhibition or destruction of beneficial microflora, as happens in the case of antibiotic treatment. It has been proven that, used in a concentration of 50-250 mcg/liter, is a physiologically reasonable dose.

    There are two ways to prepare silver water. The first method will be very simple, and the second will be more complex. So, let’s dwell in detail on the first method. So, in order to improve the taste of water and get rid of pathogens, you need to pour water into an enamel container. If this water comes from a tap, it must first be left standing for several hours to rid it of chlorine. Then place some silver object in a container of water. It could be a fork, a glass or a coin. The concentration of silver ions in such water will be very low, and it will be of little use for medicinal purposes. However, despite such an imperfect and simple method of obtaining silver water, such water can still be used to prepare all kinds of drinks.

    But to obtain silver water for the purpose of disinfection and give it healing properties, you can use a more complex, so-called electrolytic method for preparing silver water. In order to saturate water with silver ions, you can make a simple device. To do this, you need a DC source. You can use two copper wires to connect two electrodes in series to a 4.5-9 V battery so that the silver electrode is attached to the contact with the positive sign of the battery, and the steel electrode to the negative. A silver spoon or coin can be used as a silver electrode. If you do all this correctly, the ionizer device will be ready for use. Now you just need to know what concentration of silver ions will be sufficient. As soon as a white cloudiness appears above the surface of the electrode, it means you can remove the electrodes from the water. Then the silver water must be left for 4 hours and only after that can it be suitable for use for medicinal purposes.

    Depending on the purpose for which silver water will be used, its saturation with silver ions must be controlled by measuring the operating time of the ionizer. To obtain a slightly saturated solution in a three-liter jar, the device must operate for 30 seconds. The resulting water can have preventive value and can be drunk without restrictions. For average saturation, the device should work for 3 minutes and you can drink 100 ml of this water 15 minutes before meals for one month, and then you need to take a break. A new course must be started no earlier than 2 weeks later. And to prepare a highly saturated solution in 1 liter of water, the electrodes must be held for 5 minutes. The resulting water can be suitable for external use as lotions, enemas, and gargling and mouthwash.

    Silver water is used for diseases that are difficult to treat with antibiotics. Silver ions are used to treat:

    Many people know that silver water is the cleanest liquid in which there are no harmful microbes. It is useful to give this water to children, and adults too, to drink. So here's what to do plain water the silver one needs a little time.

    You will see how to do this in the video:

    For work you should prepare in advance:
    - ionizer;
    - glass of water;
    - screwdriver.

    The household ionizer LK-27 is intended for the preparation of electrolytic solutions of silver, i.e. for silver water. For its disinfection and preservation. Operates from a 220V network.

    A step-down circuit is installed in the case; at the output there is a holder with two silver plates.

    We connect the case to the network. There is an indicator light on it that will light up only when the electrodes are immersed in water.

    Pour ordinary tap water into a glass and lower the electrodes into it and wait. In order for the water to be drinkable, it is enough to immerse 0.05 mg of silver in it, which corresponds to 8 seconds for which the electrodes need to be immersed in 1 liter of water.

    To disinfect water from dysentery, typhoid, cholera and other diseases, the concentration of silver should be 0.2 mg, i.e. 30 seconds per liter of water.

    After some time, a white cloud appears in the water, which forms silver ions released from the electrodes.

    Silver water should be stored in a dark place. In the light, silver will precipitate. After water is ionized by silver, it becomes slightly cloudy.

    Now let's see what is inside the body of the Soviet ionizer.

    Use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws and remove the back cover.

    There are two two-watt resistors installed inside. The power is connected in series. One of the resistors is connected to the indicator through a neon and an ordinary diode. The second resistor is connected to the toggle switch.

    Silver water can be obtained at home in two ways. One of them is quite simple, and the second is more complicated.

    METHOD 1

    If your goal is to improve the taste of water, and if you want to protect yourself from germs, then you need to pour water into a cup, kettle or jug ​​in the amount necessary for you. If the water is chlorinated, then it must be kept for 3-5 hours in an open vessel (if it is a bucket of water, then it is better to leave it open all night). After this, some silver object is placed in the water for several days - a coin, a spoon, a glass. After a few days you will have silver water. When obtaining silver water at home in this way, it is necessary to take into account that the concentration of silver is very weak. This water is not suitable for treatment. But this is exactly the way that many people prepare silver water, which is then used for various household needs. First of all, such water is used for making tea, coffee and other drinks.

    METHOD 2

    The second method is somewhat more complicated. To prepare silver water, a regular quartz battery (4.5 volts) from a Krona power source (9 volts) is used. First, you will need to make a simple device with which you can saturate water with silver ions. Directly or through pieces of copper wire, you need to connect a silver object to the terminal with the “+” sign to the crown or battery, and a piece of stainless steel to the terminal with the “-” sign. In both cases, we can use teaspoons, since after we connect to the source, we receive electrodes that must be immersed in water. In this state the device is switched on.

    With direct current from a power source, you can quickly saturate the water with silver ions. Scientifically speaking, this process is called the electrolytic method of preparing silver water. This method is the most effective.

    Silver water obtained in this way can be used for disinfection of mineral and drinking waters, preservation of a number of food products, pharmaceuticals, as well as for medicinal purposes. When the concentration of silver is sufficient, a white cloud will begin to appear above the surface of the silver object. This means that homemade electrodes can be removed from water. After this, let the water sit for 4 hours, and after this time it can be consumed. In general, the time required to enrich water with silver ions by this method depends on the purpose for which we need water: for drinking, for treatment, for disease prevention, for external or internal use. Therefore, three types of saturation can be distinguished: weak, medium and strong.

    Using Silver Water

    If you use water as a prophylactic agent, the operating time of the device in a three-liter jar is 30 seconds. This water has a weak concentration. You can consume this water internally with virtually no restrictions.

    To prepare water of medium concentration, which is used for medicinal purposes, it is necessary that the operating time of the electrodes of the device is 3 minutes. You need to drink 100-125 ml of water for a month, 15 minutes before meals. After a month of drinking water, you need to take a break. If necessary, the course can be repeated, but not earlier than after 2 weeks.

    Highly enriched silver water is used for external treatment. In this case, you need to take 1 liter of water, instead of 3, and keep the electrodes in it for 5 minutes. This water is used to treat sore throat and other diseases of the throat and oral cavity (you cannot drink this water, only gargle and gargle), for enemas, lotions, and for various dermatological diseases.

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