• How to weave a French braid bracelet from rubber bands. Rubber band bracelet: French braid - photos, diagrams. Master class – bracelet made from elastic bands “French braid”


    If you are just starting to get acquainted with, then you should practice by doing more simple patterns. In this article you will learn how to weave a bracelet from rubber bands using the French braid technique on a machine and on a fork. This type of weaving got its name for its similarity to the now very popular hairstyle (French braid). The result should be a lush and beautiful bracelet.

    Master class – bracelet made from elastic bands “French braid”

    You will need:

    • rainbow latex rubber bands in green and orange colors;
    • rainbow loom;
    • hook;
    • C-shaped clip.


    1. First of all, you need to decide what colors and how many elastic bands you need to use to make the French braid bracelet. This technique It looks very expressive in two-color design. The number of elastic bands depends on the circumference of your wrist; on average, it takes up to 100 pieces.
    2. We place the voids on the machine posts so that they look at us. We take an equal number of elastic bands of two colors and start weaving.
    3. We take a green elastic band, twist it in the middle and put it in a figure eight on 2 adjacent posts.
    4. Next we put 2 elastic bands on the same posts: first orange, and then green again. Just don't twist them.
    5. Take the hook and remove the bottom elastic band from the middle right side and on the left side.
    6. We put an orange elastic band on the posts.
    7. Using a hook, remove the middle one (green) from the right column, and the bottom one (orange) from the left. After this, we lower all the rubber bands down a little.
    8. Now we put on the green elastic band.
    9. Using a crochet hook, remove the bottom (orange) one from the right side, and the middle one (also orange) from the left side. We lower the elastic bands down.
    10. In order not to get confused about which side to remove the elastic band from, you should focus on their color. On the side where there are two strips of the same color next to each other at the bottom, the bottom one should be removed, and where there is only one strip of the same color - in the middle.
    11. Now we put on the orange elastic band.
    12. On the left side we have two green elastic bands at the bottom, which means we remove the bottom one from this column, and on the right side the green one is in the middle, so we remove it.
    13. If everything is done correctly, then, looking at your work from above, you should see the same colors on opposite sides of the resulting square.
    14. To make it work beautiful drawing on finished product, you need to alternate the elastic bands you wear by color. You can also determine the color by the rubber bands located on top: if it is orange, then we take orange, if it is green, then we take green.
    15. Based on this condition, we next put on a green elastic band.
    16. We continue to capture the bracelet, focusing on point No. 11.
    17. When the required length of the bracelet is reached, we proceed to completion. We still have 2 rubber bands left on each column. First, remove the bottom two in the middle and pull them down to align them.
    18. We transfer the elastic band from the right column to the left one, and then stretch both together so that they can be put on two columns at the same time. We put the prepared clip on both elastic bands.
    19. We remove the elastic bands from the machine and insert the initial ring into the clip.
    20. The French braid bracelet is ready.

    Knowing how to make a “French Braid” bracelet out of rubber bands step by step, you can follow the same sequence of actions and do it on a fork. In addition to this technique, there are many more interesting ways weaving, allowing you to create beautiful designer accessories without much difficulty -

    Braids created using rubber bands with your own appearance are in no way inferior to those woven in the usual way. And some of them can even be called a masterpiece. In addition, since they are fastened with many elastic bands, they fray less and maintain a diligent appearance longer without the use of styling products.

    We make braids from rubber bands ourselves

    Braiding a braid from rubber bands is as easy as shelling pears, you don’t need any special skills, the main thing is to follow the instructions and everything will definitely work out. There are quite a lot of options, let’s look at the simplest ones, which are best to start with.

    The simplest version of a fluffy braid made from elastic bands

    In order to braid such a braid, we will need a comb and silicone rubber bands. It is better to choose elastic bands that match your hair color so that they are less noticeable.

      • Comb your hair back.

      • We collect a small ponytail of curls near the forehead, secure it with an elastic band, and throw it forward so that it does not interfere.

      • Separate the next zone and tie the ponytail in the same way.

      • Take the top ponytail and divide it into two equal parts.

      • We lower these strands down on both sides of the lower ponytail, and lift the lower ponytail up and pin it up with a clip for convenience.

      • We separate the next zone from the loose hair, add it to the lowered strands and tie the next ponytail from this. We remove the clip from the pinned tail, which has now become the top one.

      • Next we do the same to the end of the head.

      • When loose hair We've run out, we should only have two tails: top and bottom. We put the elastic band on the upper ponytail, stepping back a little from the base, divide the formed area between the two elastic bands in half with our hands and push the lower ponytail through the hole. We then continue in the same way until the end.

      • We carefully straighten our braid with our hands. Starting from the top and holding subsequent links.

      • This is the beauty you should end up with.

        Using this method, you can also braid a braid from a ponytail, to the side, or to a headband.

    Fishtail braid with elastic bands

        • Comb all the hair back.

        • We take a strand of hair from the temporal zones of both sides, take it to the back and form the first ponytail from it.

        • We insert two fingers under the tail, making a hole through which we twist the tip of the tail.

        • We form the next ponytail below, taking the strands on the sides. And we also scroll to the middle.

        • We continue in the same spirit until the end. Then we carefully stretch our weaving with our hands, giving it the proper look.

        • Our fish tail with elastic bands is ready.

    • The tails of the fish tail should not be strictly located under each other. They can be gradually moved from side to side; the more casually this is done, the more beautiful the appearance of the braid will be.

    Braiding a spikelet with elastic bands is a little more difficult. But it’s also quite real.

    Braid hearts with elastic bands

    A braid made of hearts is incredibly fresh and romantic. In any case, such a hairstyle will not go unnoticed.

      • Comb all the hair back. It is advisable to straighten your hair first to make it smoother and more manageable.

  • We continue in the same spirit until the end.
    • The remaining tip can be left or hidden by pinning it with invisible pins to the inside of the braid.

    Chic braid with elastic bands made of hearts

    Braids with elastic bands are a separate branch of hairdressing splendor, accessible to everyone. Such hairstyles are suitable for all occasions; they simply amaze with the combination of lightness and splendor.

    A braid made from elastic bands is an excellent alternative to complex weaves. It is accessible even to dads, and it looks even more beautiful, interesting and richer.

    Volumetric braid

    This luxurious hairstyle is in no way inferior to complex hairdressing creations, and can be done in literally 10 minutes. It can be created even on not very thick strands, without having any experience at all.

    1. Comb your entire hair back.
    2. Tie them together with a thin silicone rubber band.
    3. A little lower, separate exactly this section and tie it as well.
    4. Turn it around its axis, forming an inverted tail.
    5. Continue gradually tying and turning out the ponytails along the remaining length.
    6. Gently stretch each section with your hands to create a voluminous and voluminous hairstyle.

    Braid in the form of bows

    Bow-shaped braids look very elegant and are ideal for girls of all ages - from schoolgirls to young mothers.

    1. Comb your entire hair back.
    2. Using a horizontal parting, separate part of the hair at the level of the temples.
    3. Tie it with a thin elastic band.
    4. Divide the ends in half.
    5. Form one part of the bow by pulling the strand through the elastic, but without pulling it out completely.
    6. Cross the elastic again and secure the second part of the bow with it.
    7. To be secure, secure it with hairpins.
    8. Back off a couple of centimeters and tie the ponytail again.
    9. Divide it in half and form a bow according to the already known principle.
    10. Repeat these steps again until the last bow is at neck level.
    11. Gently stretch the weave with your hands.
    12. Secure your hair with hairspray and pins.

    French braid

    Beautifully braided French braid - perfect solution for a variety of events. It will add charm to your look and make it incredibly feminine.

    2. Using a horizontal parting, separate part of the hair at the level of the temples and tie it into a bun.

    3. Separate a thin strand and wrap an elastic band around it, hiding the tip under the hair and pinning it with a bobby pin.

    4. Just below, separate another small section and tie it as well.

    5. Divide the first tail in half and pass both halves under the second tail.

    6. Lift the second one up and secure it with a clamp so that it does not interfere with it for now.

    7. Below, separate another section and tie it with an elastic band.

    8. Release the second ponytail from the clip, divide it in half and pass both halves under the third.

    9. Continue weaving to the desired level. Don't be lazy and French braid the entire length.

    10. Gently stretch the sections of the braid with your hands. This will hide the elastic bands and make your hair look voluminous.

    In the same way, you can braid a braid around your head - ideal for holidays and work.


    To braid such hearts, you don’t have to own complex technology french weave. It is enough to stock up on a few basic items.

    1. Comb your entire hair back.

    2. Separate two strands near the forehead and connect them with an elastic band at the back of the head.

    3. Turn the tail through the hole in the middle.

    4. Separate two more similar strands at the temples.

    5. Connect them to the tip of the first ponytail and tie, retreating a couple of centimeters.

    6. Turn the ends through the hole inside the hair.

    7. Tie a third ponytail from the remaining strands and also rotate them around its axis.

    8. Stretch the inner parts of the weave with your fingers, giving them the shape of hearts.

    Fishtail made from rubber bands

    How to weave a fishtail without owning it classical technique? Our detailed master class will help you easily cope with this task. In just a few minutes you can create such stylish hairstyle, which will not go unnoticed by others.

    1. Comb it all back.

    2. Separate two small strands from the left and right sides. The thinner they are, the more beautiful the braid will turn out.

    3. Connect them together at the back of the head. Do not tighten the elastic too much - it will have to be pulled down.

    4. Separate one more thin strand from both sides of the head and connect them immediately under the first ponytail.

    5. Create an inverted ponytail by twisting the second pair of strands under the elastic of the first pair. It is important not to catch the central hair, otherwise the styling will look sloppy.

    6. Again, separate a thin strand from both sides and tie them.

    7. Twist this pair under the elastic that secures the first tail.

    8. Continue to select the side strands, connect them with each other and pass them under the elastic band of the first ponytail. To increase the length of the braid, gradually lower the elastic band down, only very carefully so that it does not break.

    9. At the last stages, when almost the entire length is woven into the braid, do not throw it through the elastic band, but simply tie it in the center.

    10. Slightly stretch the sides of the braid with your hands so that the fishtail becomes as fluffy as in this photo. The tip can be decorated with a bow, hairpin or ribbon.

    Braid twist

    This is a quick, easy and original styling for long strands.

    1. Tie your hair at the base of your neck.

    2. Stepping back a few centimeters from the elastic band, tie another one. The distance between them depends on the length of the hair and your preferences.

    3. Divide this section in half.

    4. Pull the ends of the strands into the resulting hole.

    5. Step back the same distance and tie another elastic band. Form an inverted tail.

    6. Continue weaving to the desired level.

    Combined weaving

    This incredibly intricate braid is a great choice for special occasions. It will never occur to anyone that you created it yourself! Watch this tutorial and follow the entire process step by step.
    1. Comb your hair into a side parting and curl it with a flat iron. This will give your hair extra volume.

    2. Using a horizontal parting, separate part of the hair approximately at the level of the earlobes and pin them with a clip so that they are not in the way for now.

    3. On the left side near the ear, separate a small strand and tie it into a ponytail.

    4. Pull it through the base.

    5. Gently stretch its sides with your hands.

    6. Take two more thin strands a little lower, tie them and turn them out.

    7. Continue turning the ponytails out along the entire length in this part.

    8. Release the main part of the hair from the clamp.

    9. Separate small sections from it on the sides and pin them with clamps.

    10. Braid the central part into a fishtail.

    11. Tie the end and gently stretch the sections with your hands.

    12. Wrap this braid around the first braid. Hide the tip inside and pin it with a bobby pin.

    13. Release the strands on the sides from the clamp.

    14. Braid them into French braids, picking up loose curls on one side only.

    15. Pass them through the base of the fishtail and wrap the already formed hairstyle. Hide the ends inside and pin with bobby pins.

    16. Straighten your hairstyle, giving it fullness.

    Openwork braid made of elastic bands

    This voluminous crimped braid will make you look like one of the Disney princesses.

    1. Comb your hair thoroughly.

    2. Pin up the bulk of your hair, leaving only the bottom section.

    3. Go over it with an iron with a corrugated attachment.

    4. Gradually release new sections of hair and iron them.

    5. Tie your hair at the top of your head.

    6. Divide into four parts. Tie the two outer ones together with a thin silicone rubber band.

    7. Stretch the braid slightly with your hands, pulling the strands up.

    8. Again, make a ponytail from the outer strands and stretch it with your hands.

    9. Repeat these steps along the remaining length, carefully stretching each section.

    In today's master class we will look at how to weave a French braid bracelet from rubber bands. This weaving technique is extremely similar to the most popular ““: the differences in the technique are minor, but the result is different. It is most convenient to make this bracelet two-color. Firstly, this will prevent you from getting confused while weaving, and secondly, a two-color bracelet is much more impressive.

    To weave a French braid bracelet, you will need:

    elastic bands for weaving in two colors;

    one figure-of-eight clasp.

    How to weave a French braid bracelet: master class

    The most convenient way to weave this bracelet is on a slingshot. However, in the absence of one, you can use your own fingers, two pencils or an ordinary table fork.

    Because I have two colors, blue and yellow, for convenience I will call the elastic bands by color. So, we put a blue elastic band on the fork in a figure eight.

    We throw both parts of the lower elastic band towards the center.

    Because Last we put on a blue elastic band, now we put on a yellow one - also without a cross. All subsequent elastic bands are put on in the same way.

    On the left we hook the bottom yellow elastic band and throw it towards the center.

    On the right, we hook the blue elastic band and also throw it towards the center.

    This was the initial stage, and now the main weaving begins, which will continue without changes until you weave the desired length of the French braid bracelet.

    Throw on another blue elastic band.

    We look at which column there are two rubber bands of the same color. In our case, there were 2 rubber bands on the right one yellow color. We hook the bottom yellow elastic band and throw it towards the center.

    From the left column we also remove the yellow elastic band towards the center - it is located between the blue elastic bands.

    We throw on another yellow one - and we see that there are 2 blue rubber bands on the left column.

    We pick up the bottom blue elastic band and throw it towards the center.

    We do the same with the blue elastic band on the right column.

    We continue by analogy: because We have a yellow elastic band at the top, we throw on a blue one and throw it to the center, first the lower yellow one on the right column, then the central yellow one on the left.

    We weave until the desired length of the bracelet is reached. At the end, we secure the weaving with a figure-eight clasp, and with the second end of the figure-eight we pick up the initial blue ring on the free tail of the bracelet.

    Here is the answer to the question of how to weave a French braid bracelet from elastic bands on a slingshot. If you have questions, we will be happy to answer them in the comments.

    Eva Casio specially for the site Handicraft Master Classes

    Weaving bracelets from multi-colored rubber bands (Rainbow loom) is a new fashionable activity for girls. All you need is a special slingshot or machine, a hook, a lot of bright, colored rubber bands and imagination.

    Types of weaving rubber band bracelets

    No matter how fun and funny the activity may seem, the end result can always surprise you if you approach the hobby with soul and diligence. Even from “frivolous” material you can create a fashionable and eye-catching decoration.

    Where to start weaving bracelets?

    The first step in mastering a hobby is to acquire necessary tools: hook, machine, fasteners and elastic bands of different colors. The main item on the list is rubber bands. You can do without anything else. This type of work will be economical, but not very convenient.

    Take a look at this amazing example of the power of human thought! The following photos show the process of creating a fishtail bracelet. Surely the master will create a beautiful blue product.

    Beginners should not purchase a large weaving machine. An experienced and passionate craftsman will need such a tool. The machine is necessary for the manufacture complex bracelets, large or non-standard works. For example, to create a cheerful palm tree.

    It is also worth stocking up on creativity and patience. Working on bracelets can lead even experienced craftswomen to a dead end. The main thing when making jewelry is to understand the principle of weaving, and not to learn the pattern by heart. Then combining any colors in your work will become a simple and easy task.

    Which weave should a beginner choose?

    The simplest type of weaving bracelets is a bracelet made from French braid elastic bands. For convenience, you need to purchase a small machine or slingshot.

    Why is it called a braid bracelet? Because it looks like a well-known hairstyle. It should be noted that fishtail braiding is a type of French braiding.

    Many people like the French braid bracelet made of elastic bands. The product looks most impressive in a two-color design. Fishtail bracelets are best made in one color.

    Diagram of a bracelet made of elastic bands "French braid"

    Beginners should pay attention to the simplest bracelets. It’s easier to understand how to weave bracelets from French braid elastic bands than to study complex circuits bracelet "Kaleidoscope". The procedure will be discussed using the example of weaving a bracelet from French braid elastic bands on a slingshot.

    Step 1. Lay out everything you need for work on your desktop. Namely:

    • rings of two colors;
    • padlock;
    • hook;
    • slingshot

    In the example, the most contrasting colors were selected: orange and black. In fact, you should take the time to choose harmoniously matching colors of the product.

    Step 2. Put the first rubber band in the shape of a figure eight on the slingshot. In the future, it will become a “loop” for attaching the fastener.

    Step 3. The following rings are put on the slingshot without twisting. During work, all elastic bands should be attached in the order of alternating colors.

    Step 4. You need to make a “loop” for the fastener. To do this, use a hook to throw the “figure eight” onto the next two elastic bands from the first and second posts of the slingshot.

    Step 6. You need to put on another elastic band. You need to hook and throw the middle elastic band on the left over the top elastic band. Agree, these are completely simple actions.

    Then the bottom right elastic band should be hooked and thrown over the top elastic band again. Of course, this is painstaking work, but in the end you will get an unusual decoration.

    Put on a new black rubber band. In the finished work, half of the bracelet will be orange and half will be black. However, the product will harmonize with clothes of any color.

    Step 7: Follow Step 6 from right to left. Weaving is repeated until the bracelet reaches the required length.

    It is much easier to figure out a French braid than to remember the weaving pattern. Following the pattern, you can always get distracted and get confused in the order of changing the colors of the rubber bands and the direction of weaving.

    There are always three rubber bands on the slingshot. You need to start from the side where the colors of the rubber bands alternate. If at the beginning of step 6 the sequence orange - black - orange was the same for both sides of the slingshot, then at the end of the step the sequence on the left will be: orange - orange - black, and on the right: black - orange - black. Therefore, step 7 should start on the right side of the slingshot with the central orange elastic band and end with the lower orange one on the left.

    The final step. The weaving of the bracelet is completed with a second “loop” for attaching the clasp. To do this, the extreme elastic band must be thrown over one side of the slingshot.

    The lock is inserted into both “loops” and completes the bracelet. As accessories you can use not only plastic hooks, but also those made of metal alloys.

    The inexplicable popularity of rubber bands

    It is worth noting that the hobby we are considering has spread throughout the world with unprecedented speed. The age of people who are interested in Raindow loom ranges from 6 to 99 years.

    Boys and girls of all ages are crazy about making bracelets. As it turns out, their parents enjoy this activity no less. What crazy things adults can create from rubber bands! For example, rubber orchids in a pot.

    Some create slippers, a watch belt, and even a dream catcher from colored rings. People with creative thinking They produce entire paintings that fit perfectly into the interior of any home.

    But Jimmy Kimmel rightfully deserved the championship in the competition for the originality of using rubber bands! Who is this man? Why did fans of this unusual hobby pay attention to him?

    Famous host of a comedy show. He appeared on television wearing a suit from Rainbow Loom, which aroused increased interest from the audience. The "Suit of the Loom" outfit was made by children from different countries peace.

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