• How to Fall in Love with a Girl Who Seems Unavailable? The most unapproachable woman according to your zodiac sign. Maybe it's you


    Not everything is simple in our world. This also applies to love. As a result, not everyone can achieve reciprocity. This is especially true for situations when the girl herself does not let anyone near her. After all, how to conquer an unattainable girl is much more difficult to understand than to win the favor of an ordinary lady. But there are some features of psychology that allow you to find an approach even to that which turns off absolutely everyone.

    Who are the unavailable girls?

    Many people think that . But it is not always the case. Coldness can be caused by:

    • Loneliness;
    • Sad experiences of friends or parents;
    • My own sad experience;
    • Stress and so on.

    Sometimes, inaccessibility is imaginary. The girl is simply not acting too relaxed. And her face is constantly focused. As a result, many people think that she is hard to touch.

    Therefore, there is no need to be afraid. Approach unapproachable girls and take the first steps. They are also living people and should not be afraid of them.

    Conquering an inaccessible girl

    To achieve success you need to pretend to be a fool. Just treat her like she's not unavailable. Then you can just approach her, invite her on a date, etc.

    If she refused, then she doesn’t pretend to be annoying. Then you definitely won't get anything. Try to start communicating with her just like that. Tell her you understand her and try to listen. This will give you the opportunity to get closer to her.

    If successful, you have the opportunity to ask her out on a date. We can say that this is just like that, in a friendly way. Many of these ladies do not trust guys, considering them lustful animals. And if you show yourself well, then a relationship is quite possible.

    And don't be too nice or kind. She's cold, so be even colder. Let her feel your strength. Then she will be interested in you. This means it will become easier to achieve her love.

    Remember the romance

    No girl (especially an unavailable one) will refuse romance.

    1. Give compliments;
    2. Give gifts;
    3. Take action;
    4. Come up with non-standard meeting places.

    All this will conquer her. It is possible that no one has looked after her yet. And all the gentlemen were just trying to get her into bed. So let her feel wanted. This can't help but work.

    But all this should be done with a show of strength. Don't learn long poems and admire her all the time. Let her feel that you are not such a good girl. This mystery will captivate her. And she will be yours.

    Common interests

    Understand what an unapproachable girl needs. Then you will definitely conquer her. Gain minimal knowledge in your chosen field. Then, you can show that you are just like her.

    All this will lead you to at least friendly communication. After which, you will be able to continue offensive actions.

    But don't lie. For example, if she is into singing, then it is better not to say that you sing well. Then the deception will be revealed, and you will feel uncomfortable.

    Many guys try to completely adapt to such a girl by changing themselves. It is almost impossible to do this efficiently. Be yourself. There will be more chances this way.

    If you can’t conquer an unavailable girl, then don’t be upset. Work on your mistakes and move on. And if there is no chance at all, then try to connect your life with someone simpler.

    Acting unavailable is a great way to get a guy's attention and show him that you are worth his attempts to win your heart. But in all this a very delicate balance must be maintained. Your task is to look mysterious and difficult to approach, but not to overdo it, otherwise the guy will decide that a date with you is simply impossible for him. So, how can you portray yourself as unavailable in a way that will make him want you even more? Read on and find out!


    Part 1

    Make him want you

      Show him that you are okay with being alone. Exactly. For a guy to appreciate you in all your glory, you must feel comfortable as a single lady. Freedom is fun: you can meet lots of new people, have explosive parties with your girlfriends and go out without knowing what the evening has in store for you. Let your boyfriend see you laughing, dancing and enjoying life. free girl, instead of looking around in despair or being upset that you don’t have a loved one.

      • When a guy sees how you enjoy your single (or rather, free) life, he will want to become a part of your world even more.
      • Enjoy your time as a single lady - it won't last forever.
    1. Flirt with him (a little). If you want a guy to want you, you should at least flirt with him a little. If it seems to him that you are an ice queen who is not at all interested in him, the guy will quickly lose his enthusiasm. Therefore, flirt with him, a little, at each meeting, but not for too long - look eye to eye, smile and exchange a few playful phrases, and then tell him that it’s time for you to run errands. Don't be rude to him, but being overly enthusiastic is also inappropriate.

      • Play with your hair while talking to him.
      • Laugh and look at the floor - let him see that you are a little embarrassed.
      • If you know this guy well, you can playfully push him or pat him on the arm.
    2. Flirt with other guys. If you want to appear unavailable, you can't let the guy feel like he's the only thing on your radar. You should flirt with a few guys, but you shouldn't take advantage of them; also, the motives for your actions should not be too obvious; show the guy that you are desired by the opposite sex, that other men want you too. This doesn't mean you have to do anything inappropriate or cheeky; just show him that you like talking to other guys too.

      • Look at flirting with other guys as a way to keep several options open.
    3. Impress him with your self-confidence. Guys love girls with a certain amount of arrogance and self-confidence. Nobody wants to date an insecure girl who constantly needs help to overcome her feelings of insecurity and anxiety. It's normal to feel insecure. However, the more you work on loving yourself and accepting your appearance and actions, the more attractive you become to a guy.

      • Your job is to show your guy that you are already a wonderful person and that he will be an addition to your amazing personality; The guy should not think that only with him you will become a complete, harmonious person.
      • If you want to feel confident, you need to look confident. Walk with your head held high and look straight ahead - no need to look at the floor and smile shyly at every opportunity.
    4. Be the life of the party. This doesn't mean you should dance on the table or laugh too loudly just to get men's attention. But this means that wherever you go and whatever you do, you need to have fun, do crazy things and enjoy every moment of your life, living it to the fullest. Guys are drawn to girls who attract fun, and if you are the life of the party, the guy you like will want to be around you even more.

      • And if you are in a bad mood or simply not interested in what is happening, go home. It's better to allow yourself to be a little angry than to force yourself to have fun.
    5. Don't give him your number when you first meet. If he asks for your phone number, first act as if you are embarrassed. There is no need to readily dictate numbers to him at his very first command; make him work for it. Don't be rude, but you also don't have to show that you're ready to ride off into the sunset with him if he just asks.

      Don't say yes to his first date. If he asks you out on Saturday, tell him you have something to do. Give him another opportunity to invite you.

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    Every man has a natural instinct of a hunter, so it is generally accepted that unapproachable girls are considered the most interesting among the opposite sex. After all, winning her is very difficult, and this “turns on” real men.

    All means to achieve the goal are included - gifts, flowers, often even persecution. And all this just so that the person you like will pay attention to the person.

    • Reviews and comments

    Make a man conquer you!

    It happens that this does not even happen from “ Great love", but purely out of sporting interest. In most cases, this same interest develops into something more. And sometimes the development of such relationships is much more productive than with mutual sympathy. After all, as you know, a man gravitates most towards precisely the lady who he got through particularly persistent efforts.

    How does that same unapproachable stranger behave, and in general, by what signs can one recognize her in ordinary communication?

    What does it mean to be an unapproachable girl?

    This means being a real problem for men. Being untouchable, you will inspire them to exploits, pump out all their strength and energy, mentally devastate them, but... greatly interest them! Nobody likes approachable girls, even if they are incredibly beautiful. Can something really be valuable that came into your hands on its own, that you didn’t have to desperately seek, and that, in the end, you didn’t have to spend money on? Of course not! In any case, for a man with his “hunting instinct”.

    Even if you are madly in love with some guy, you should not demonstrate your readiness to hang on his neck right here and now. IN otherwise, you will irrevocably lose his interest in you, even if there was one at first.

    What is an unapproachable girl?

    Sometimes it happens that ostentatious inaccessibility for a woman is something like a tool for obtaining a certain profit. This applies to those who turn the good “dynamo” into men. They willingly communicate with representatives of the opposite sex, flirt, and even make hints about intimacy from the side of the emerging fan, but with all their might they delay the “moment of truth” as much as possible.

    During this very “delay”, the woman receives a lot of personal benefits - trips to expensive restaurants, theaters, concerts; purchases of equipment, clothes, fur coats and other things; holidays abroad. Some women do not pursue material gain, and do it simply for the sake of obtaining moral satisfaction due to the constant admiration of their persons (which does not make it any easier for rejected men). Is this how an unapproachable girl behaves? Not really.

    True touch-me-nots do not actually pursue any goals. And all their “icy” visual component, as a rule, hides completely different problems. For example, failures on the personal front in the past, or psychological trauma. And some women, indeed, are almost impossible to please because of their wisdom or life experience. Young girls are almost always greedy for “sweet” guys. They like a pretty appearance, and for the sake of it they are ready to endure many character flaws just to meet the “king” of a school or university.

    As she grows up and experiences, a woman gains worldly wisdom and learns to automatically “weed out” everyone who would not be a good candidate for her hand and heart. And sometimes this process becomes so fanatical that a woman completely ceases to notice any objective merits in men.

    All elements of courtship seem funny and comical to them, all attempts to win their hearts are stupid, all are real positive sides– insignificant.

    So what is inaccessibility - a gift or a vice?

    It's impossible to say for sure. All that is known is that every “snow queen” sooner or later has exactly that fan who is 100% worthy of her.

    An unapproachable girl definitely values ​​herself. She doesn’t exchange money for everyone she meets and doesn’t fall into the arms of fans on the first date. She may not be intentionally “stirring up” interest in herself with her behavior, but she always knows exactly what kind of man she needs and is looking exclusively for him. More precisely, she waits for him to find her himself.

    What do men think about inaccessibility?

    From the point of view of men, an unapproachable girl is one who:

    • “Waiting for its finest hour”;
    • “Tries to present herself as unique”;
    • “Acts like she has a stone instead of a heart”;
    • “Not interested in guys at all”;
    • “He wants everything at once.”

    Despite unflattering remarks, it is for such women that men are ready to give not only all their dignity and pride to the last, but also, if necessary, their lives. It is these women who fall in love once and for all, having learned the value of owning them. It is these women who inspire men and keep them “on a short leash,” and so skillfully that you can never tell from the outside.

    If a girl loves herself, others can see it, and people are drawn to her. But loving yourself does not mean “putting on a crown” and being biased towards others.

    How to love yourself and become hard to touch?

    In this context, the expression “love yourself” means not at all what is usually meant by it.

    Moreover, this must be done so that self-esteem grows. But loving yourself means not wasting your time on every man. There are girls, looking at whom you might think that they are desperate to look for love.

    They can be incredibly beautiful, smart, caring, loyal and economical, but suffer constant disasters in their personal lives. Partly because they don’t love themselves, and give all their warmth to men who skillfully use it.

    The expressions on the faces of these women seem to bear the stamp of loneliness and suffering, and of course, they are ready to rush towards anyone who offers to while away a summer evening together.

    The logic of men when it comes to choosing a partner is extremely simple - if no one needs her, then why do I need her? This is why inaccessibility always wins. Do you want to be “on horseback” and become that “ snow queen"? We'll be happy to give you some tips!

    How can you become an unapproachable girl?

    • When meeting a man, don't act like he's your last chance;
    • Make it a rule not to call or text first;
    • Pretend that you have many fans and are constantly being conquered (but not directly, but indirectly);
    • Take your time when making a date - deliberately delay the date and show that you are a busy woman;
    • Do not allow yourself to be touched during the first meetings, even if you like the man very much;
    • Don’t agree to have sex on the first date (and in general, it’s better to wait at least two weeks with this matter);
    • Love yourself. Truly value your personality, and under no circumstances let a man offend you;
    • Let your companion constantly think about how to win such unapproachable girl, how are you. But don’t go too far and don’t ask for anything in return for your attention;

    • Give all the initiative into the hands of the stronger sex. Don't humiliate yourself and don't ask for anything. Don't insist on another meeting;
    • If you are already in a relationship, do not make a scandal or engage in “quiet” pressure. When a man really does something wrong, pretend that you are very disappointed in him. Better yet, say it directly. Works flawlessly;
    • Always remain unapproachable! Don’t get bogged down in everyday life and don’t sacrifice your personal time on the altar of household chores. You must be constantly busy with something. And be sure to be among people so that your man “wooes” you permanently, for fear of losing your attention when rivals appear.

    Among pick-up artists, there are many versions of how you can conquer the “top” in the person of a loving and self-respecting woman. These include stupid SMS to unapproachable girls, and no less stupid gifts to them, and, even worse, aggressive actions of “taking things in stride.”

    But we know that if a woman truly knows her worth and respects her dignity, she will not fall for such maneuvers. Moreover, she remains (to some extent) unapproachable even if she has been married to a man for decades. By the way, these are the ladies that men adore and idolize at any age and condition.

    And the main thing you should remember: inaccessibility is not anger or aggression towards men. This is not avoiding their company. This is not ignoring their attention. This is a whole art of presenting oneself in a moderately proud, restrained and dignified manner. Be happy!

    12th place - Sagittarius

    Sagittarius took the honorable 12th place - it turns out that there is no need to conquer them at all! This zodiac sign is guided in relationships by the principle: “Sex is not a reason for dating at all.” Starting a serious relationship with a Sagittarius girl is a real feat!

    11th place - Aries

    Aries ended up in 11th place, these girls sincerely don’t understand all the joy huge bouquets(better with money...) and dinners in expensive Michelin-starred restaurants . There is no need to conquer Aries. Moreover, the representative of this zodiac sign prefers to conquer herself! This is the kind of Aries woman she is, she can break barriers, break patterns and take things by storm.

    10th place - Virgo

    What should you do to win Virgo? Never mind. Well, almost nothing - the man will just have to meet her requirements. True, she has three large volumes of requirements. If you comply, Virgo will do everything herself. If not, they will sincerely and honestly wave at you. Virgo selectively and carefully chooses her life partner. If the candidate has decided to win her heart, then he must act carefully and carefully so as not to push her away with his obsessive feelings.

    9th place - Scorpio

    Suddenly! Many people think that conquering a Scorpio is a very difficult task. However, this is done simply. But courage is important to be able to approach Scorpio at all, brains so that she doesn’t immediately kill you with her tail, and then she will fry your heart and eat it with good Chianti.

    8th place - Cancer

    “How to win a Cancer girl?” - The guy just needs to marry her. There is no other way anyway, and who really needs it? To win the heart of a Cancer woman, a man must become the leader in the couple, lead her, care for and adore her with every cell. Feel the difference between persistence and intrusiveness, intellectual conversation and tediousness, do not skimp on gifts and beautiful courtship. If she sees a man as the father of her future children, then he will enjoy communication with the most tender and sexy partner imaginable.

    7th place - Taurus

    So, in 7th place is Taurus. To win this girl, you need to be a cheerful “your guy.” With whom you can talk about anything, and he will understand everything. With whom it is easy and there is no need to pretend to be something. The Taurus woman values ​​stability, fidelity, ability to earn money and level of intelligence in men. Primitive or flighty people will immediately be excluded from her circle of interests.

    6th place - Leo

    Leo girls need to pay a lot of attention. A lot of attention! She considers each of her chosen ones as a candidate for a husband, and therefore the selection criteria are serious. Welcome to adult life! A man who wants to attract a Leo girl must at least be wealthy, attractive and charismatic.

    5th place - Libra

    It is very difficult, almost impossible, to win a Libra girl without a good education, excellent upbringing, well-readness, etc. This woman will not give a night of love for an expensive dinner. She may not do this even for the gift of a trip abroad. She takes all signs of attention for granted. And to win her, a man will have to try very hard.

    4th place - Gemini

    Just like that... The frivolous and lightweight Geminis have almost reached the top three. Because conquering Gemini is a no-brainer: Geminis are ready for a relationship only if they are interested. To win a Gemini girl, you will constantly have to think about how to surprise her, and surprising Gemini is really very difficult. First, a man must determine what she wants: either she needs a serious partner, or light flirting, or passionate evenings. Secondly, the Gemini woman will appreciate her easy-going character, sense of humor and healthy male charisma. She will not tolerate tactlessness, primitiveness, tediousness and nagging. A narrow mind and lack of interests will also turn her off.

    3rd place - Aquarius

    Bronze medal! In third place in this impregnable ranking is Aquarius! Aquarians know how to dynamize and love it! They absolutely sincerely like the man himself, and his ridiculous shy antics, and stupid gifts, and flowers. She really takes great pleasure in going on a date with a man - be it to the theatre, or to a restaurant, or to sit on a bench in the park. And just as sincerely, she doesn’t want to go to bed with him. At all. Haha, bummer for the man..!

    2nd place - Capricorn

    The silver medal goes to the beautiful Capricorn girls, winning whom is a waste of time. Even if you bring her a dragon's head on a platter, you won't get the princess's hand. The thing is that Capricorn does not need fleeting romances. The Capricorn woman is a very strong-willed person who, if she has made a decision, most likely will not change it. Capricorn needs serious relationship with an eye toward “living happily ever after and dying on the same day.” But first she wants to live happily ever after on her own. But if anything happens, come in. And remember that in no case should you limit her freedom of action. Often this is what they cannot come to terms with.

    1st place - Pisces

    Drumroll! The first place goes to Pisces, who, as everyone knows, are very cold, thoughtful, self-absorbed and, it seems, generally a little out of this world. So you need to win them in some special way, but how exactly is unclear. Surprise! It is unlikely that it will be possible to do without a certain strategy, so men who decide to conquer representatives of the Pisces sign will have to be patient and wise. But they are unlikely to ever regret their efforts in the future.

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    Based on materials - Positive-me

    If you like an unavailable girl and don't know how to seduce her, you are lucky to have found this article. Here I will talk about how to seduce even the most unapproachable woman with a high degree of probability.

    Is it worth trying to seduce an unavailable girl?

    From my point of view, there is no need to try hard to seduce an unavailable girl. There are several reasons for this:

    1. Seducing such a woman requires a lot of time, which you could spend with other girls who initially react well to you;
    2. Trying hard to get an unapproachable lady, you spend a lot of time and effort on this, as a result of which you deplete your resource and become dependent on the desire of the object of your passions;
    3. A girl must like you for who you are if you want to be yourself and feel comfortable in a relationship;
    4. It's humiliating, being a normal guy, to be too obsessed with a girl who doesn't care about you;
    5. No one guarantees you that you will achieve her, and even if you achieve her, you will be able to build a normal relationship with her.

    Therefore, the first and main advice: date only those girls who like you initially, and don’t waste your time on those you need to woo.

    A girl who likes you will pursue you herself. And sleep or build happy ones, harmonious relationships It will be much easier with her than with someone who doesn’t care about you. The more interesting you are as a guy, the more women will like you. In fact, your task is only to diversify your personality and choose women from those who like you. And the more interesting you become, the more girls you can choose from.

    But the paradox is that we often ignore those who like us and try to get those who don’t care about us. Often we are not interested in the woman we achieved without special effort. On the contrary, we are attracted to a girl who has yet to be conquered. This is especially acute in adolescence, Although mature men they also often abandon families in order to win an unapproachable beauty.

    Why are girls unavailable

    Understand that your attraction to a girl and her to you will rarely be the same. Usually the man is the interested party, because we want sex an order of magnitude more than they do. In addition, a woman has been drilled into her head since childhood that she should be modest, that it is indecent to write and call a guy first, etc. Moreover, such behavior is inherent in her at an instinctive level by nature itself. After all, her task is to filter out hundreds of unnecessary males who will make their way to her in the hope of getting sex, and to choose among them only the best ones, to whom she will be ready to surrender.

    A woman is the continuer of the human race. If she gave to all men in a row, weak in body and spirit, our species would soon become extinct, because such offspring would be unsuitable for survival. Therefore, a woman is forced to be inaccessible to most men, so that only the strongest, cunning and brave of them can get her.

    Let's get to the point

    Remember, if a girl is unavailable to you, she is unavailable to you PERSONALLY. Imagine if Leonardo DiCaprio were in your place, the girl would probably behave a little differently with him. In the same way, and vice versa, if you managed to quickly and easily seduce a girl, this does not mean that she is an indecent woman. This means that she is available to you because she is interested in you as a man. But for another, less interesting one, it will no longer be available.

    Therefore, if it is difficult for you to achieve this or that girl, most likely you are not yet captivating her like a man. This means that in order to get her, you need to become interesting in the eyes of this girl. This may require changing your behavior, appearance, communication style, etc.

    It also happens that a girl is just playing hard to get, because she knows that such women turn on more guys than those who are ready for anything right away. Usually, such a game is difficult not to notice: the girl tries to seem unapproachable, but as soon as the guy’s attention wanes, she herself tries to establish contact. From here it becomes clear what to do with such a girl - just don’t react to her whims. First, play along a little, show yourself to be a wonderful guy, try to seduce her, and then disappear. With a high degree of probability, she herself will then make contact and begin to seduce you. If not, you will need to repeat everything until you achieve your goal. Well, now let’s move on to the question of how to woo an unavailable girl who initially reacts poorly to you.

    Unavailable girl and how to deal with it

    An unavailable girl is exactly the same woman as everyone else. She just doesn't like you yet. Don't be upset, this can be fixed. As I said above, in order to please an unapproachable girl, you need to become the kind of man who will captivate her. From my point of view, changing yourself in order to get one single young lady, when you can be yourself and have dozens and hundreds of others, is stupid. But it's up to you, maybe you need it for something.

    If you decide to win an unavailable girl, you will have to change yourself. And not to change it in such a way as to fit into her fantasy about perfect guy, which is often in itself unrealistic and delusional, but in principle. That is, you need to become a more interesting man that most girls, and she in particular, would like. Ideally, you become interesting as a person, adjusted for her personal fantasies. For example, if the girl is an out-and-out rocker, and you are a nerd, you can become an interesting man, plus add something rocker to your appearance, but this change should look natural in her eyes. Although this is not at all necessary. It’s enough just to become an interesting man, then the girl herself will adapt to you to a certain extent if you do everything right. I don’t guarantee that this will help build a relationship with her, since it’s difficult for people with different worldviews to get along together, but you can sleep with her.

    I will say right away that getting an unavailable girl can take quite a lot of time. Often guys can’t stand it and in the process of their changes they find another woman much better than the first one, who likes them for who they are. Many people stop there. In any case, both the first and second results are worth starting to change, and now we will talk about how to do this.

    How to change to win an unapproachable beauty

    Women meet and love different men, but there is a universal type of guy who, all other things being equal, is liked by the absolute majority of girls an order of magnitude more than others. These guys have the following qualities: confidence, masculinity, willingness to take risks, calmness, a sense of humor, an interesting lifestyle, health and external attractiveness, material security, the ability and desire to communicate with women, and are respected by other people.

    If you initially do not have one, several or all of these qualities, it is quite possible to develop them in yourself to a good level from scratch in a few months. To do this, you only need to do a couple of specific things, which I will list below.

    Do some sports

    This is the first and most important thing. Sport will give you health, self-confidence, beautiful appearance. It’s best to sign up for contact martial arts – they build a man’s character. If not, then any sport from tennis to football will do. The point is that you can do it right away and thus change your life. If you can't find a job or don't have money for new clothes, just start going to the horizontal bars in the yard or doing 100 push-ups every day, and you will already change in many ways and become attractive to women.

    Your appearance

    This is the second thing that can be changed quickly. Take a shower every day and use men's cosmetics and personal hygiene products. Buy good clothes that suits you, and wear it. If you don’t know what suits you, ask someone who knows about it. Focus on the classics; they can then be worn for years, despite changing fashion trends. Nails and hair should be neatly trimmed. Shave your beard if it doesn't suit you or doesn't grow well. If your face, on the contrary, looks youthful, try growing a beard and take care of it.

    Material security

    You can already earn twice as much as you do now. Even if you are a student. People simply don’t want to work and are lazy, or they immediately want to be bosses, successful entrepreneurs or directors, but that doesn’t happen. If you can't make a lot of money from one job, find 2-3. Often the main job allows you to do some other activities in parallel. You can, for example, work at your main job during the day and write in the evening term papers or articles for websites, you can start breeding dogs or making dumplings. In general, there would be a desire. Of course, you don’t need to work your butt off all your life, because you won’t have time and energy left for bright impressions and seducing new women, so gradually strive to open your own business or, at the same time, look for a job that will provide you with the same income as you You can get it from 2-3 regular jobs, but you will spend much less time on it.

    Some guys don't understand why they need to work hard and earn a lot of money. Believe me, if you have a car and your own house, seducing women will be much easier. And what kind of beauties can you pick up in expensive clubs or at famous resorts in the south. And in general, money provides a lot of opportunities, makes life easier and more interesting, so if you are wondering whether you need a lot of money, my answer is definitely yes!

    Talk to women a lot

    Preferably not as a friend, but in a sexual context. The more experience you have with girls, the fewer unavailable women you will meet along the way. Over time, you will begin to intuitively understand how to behave with this or that young lady in order to get what you need from her. No books or articles on pickup will give you a fraction of what it will give personal experience, and you can only walk this path yourself. The purpose of trainings, books and articles (not all) is to make this path as easy as possible for you. But it doesn’t happen that you read a book and immediately began to successfully seduce women. You can't learn boxing from books either. So experience is everything.

    If you have a particular unapproachable girl you want to seduce and don't know how to do it, leave her for a while and try seducing other women. Even if you like them less and only need her alone, force yourself to do it by force of will. Having seduced a dozen other women, you will understand how to seduce your beloved or realize that you don’t need her, because there are many women better than her. Plus, no one has canceled such a feeling as jealousy. If you start communicating with other girls and neglect your beloved, perhaps jealousy and a sense of ownership will arise in her, and she will begin to pursue you, and not you.

    This is the key that will help you win the heart of an unapproachable girl, or anyone else. Women are attracted to interesting men. If you play sports, look good, are financially secure and are constantly surrounded by many ladies, you are already becoming interesting to any ordinary girl. You can increase this interest if you have something else to stand out from the rest of the crowd of men. For example, you will have a hobby that is your true passion and in which you will understand better than many others. For example, you can beautifully play the guitar, write poetry, do acrobatic tricks, be simply smart and educated, understand a lot of things, and speak beautifully. Such guys are very attractive to women.

    In order to become an interesting person, you must be interested in something else besides work or study, or do something interesting in life. For example, if your work is related to travel, creativity or inventive activity, then you don’t need a hobby.

    An interesting personality is a personality that is harmoniously and diversified. Therefore, develop physically and intellectually. Enrich your knowledge with new experiences, reading fiction and specialized literature, watching masterpieces of cinema and scientific and educational films. At the same time, train your body and communicate with other women, and in a couple of months you will appear before your inaccessible beauty as a completely different person with whom you can’t help but fall in love.

    How to behave with an unapproachable girl in order to seduce her

    By changing as a person, you can already take concrete steps to seduce an unavailable girl:

    1. Get lost for a while. The longer you communicated, the longer the period of time you should disappear for. Don't worry if the girl starts dating someone at this time. You can even take him away from the family later if you really need it. During your absence, your old image in her head will be somewhat erased and it will be easier for you to appear before her as a different person;
    2. Treat an unavailable girl the same way you treat all other women. Girls have a keen sense of when a guy likes them. And a guy, trying to please the woman of his dreams, often begins to behave like an ass. Therefore, if you want to seduce an unapproachable girl, communicate with her in the same way as with that girl with whom you just want to sleep, but who is generally indifferent to you;
    3. Siege it in waves. A drop wears away the stone and after a long siege any fortress surrenders. It is important not to waste all your strength at once, but to be prepared for a long-term impact. Seducing an unavailable girl is not a sprint, but a marathon. It is not the fastest who wins, but the most enduring and patient. Therefore, if you want to achieve such a woman, seduce her gradually but confidently. One day you show a little attention, then two days you ignore it. These terms are very arbitrary - it all depends on the specific situation. If all you do is constantly show signs of attention, you will quickly tire of her. But even if you ignore it for a long time, she may not understand your intentions. In general, when you are around her, be persistent. Often this helps to change her no to yes, but if the young lady clearly protests against your pressure, show flexibility and take a step back;
    4. Let her do something for you. Unobtrusively put her in such conditions that she willy-nilly show you signs of attention, let her confess her love to you, as if as a joke, or say that she likes you. These very words and actions can make her reconsider her attitude towards you.


    I hope this article turned out to be complete and voluminous, and gave you the answer to the question of how to seduce an unavailable girl. Finally, I want to say that inside every young lady there lives a weak little girl, and they often don’t know what they want. Feel this weak girl in a woman and understand that if you an interesting man and I am confident in my victory; if you wish and show your will, you can get any woman you want.

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