• What date will be the day of knowledge in


    According to tradition, on September 1, Russia celebrates Knowledge Day: a new academic year begins in all educational institutions of Russia. FBA "Economy Today" remembers the history and traditions of the holiday and reminds of the amendments to the Russian Federation Law “On Education” that are coming into force.

    On September 1, Knowledge Day begins in schools with ceremonial assemblies, where teachers, parents and guests congratulate children on the beginning of a new one school year, wish them success in their studies and in life. On this day, hundreds of thousands of former kindergarteners, with huge backpacks on their shoulders and bright bouquets of flowers, walk “for the first time into first grade.” For them and for yesterday’s school graduates who have become first-year students in higher educational institutions, September 1 begins new stage in life, and therefore this day is special and exciting.

    History of the holiday September 1

    Once upon a time in Rus', September 1 was celebrated as the New Year and even the day of harvest. There was no exact start date for the school year. Even in the USSR, until the mid-30s of the 20th century, according to the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, “all children aged 8-10 years old had to be admitted to school in the fall.” It was only in 1935 that a single date was set for the start of classes in all schools of the USSR from September 1.

    It is believed that one of the creators of the holiday is the honored school teacher of the RSFSR Fedor Fedorovich Bryukhovetsky.

    And September 1st became the Day of Knowledge only in 1984, receiving the status public holiday. Until this moment, September 1 was a school day, but now on the first day of autumn, classes, peace lessons, and homeroom hours are held. Full classes begin only on September 2. It is worth noting that in the old days the first educational institutions were called schools - children there made translations and rewrote manuscripts. And they became “schools” in the 14th century of the 14th century.

    By the way, September 1 has long been considered an international holiday, although not in all countries of the world children sit at their desks on this day. For example, in Japan, the academic year in schools begins in April, in the USA, each educational institution independently sets the start date for classes, in Germany New Year school starts in mid-October.

    Changes to the Law “On Education” from September 1, 2016

    On September 1, 2016, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, signed by Vladimir Putin at the beginning of July of this year, comes into force. They concern mainly higher educational institutions. For example, one of the amendments states that the Russian Ministry of Education and Science does not have the right to change the procedure for admission to universities for specialty and undergraduate programs, as well as adjust the list of entrance tests after September 1. The procedure for receiving social scholarships is also changing - only students (as well as students, graduate students, residents, and trainee assistants) who are actually assigned state social assistance will be able to count on it.

    Knowledge Day in 2016, which we will consider in this material. The first of September is an amazing holiday. Everyone started with the fact that it was on this day that their first school bell rang. Then, regardless of the student’s age, on September 1, the first bell of the new school year rings. This is a working day, but a holiday.

    Ceremonial assemblies and the first open lessons in schools are held on the first of September. As a rule, teachers try to arrange unusual lessons and not overload the students. To make the transition from vacation to the educational process as interesting and unnoticeable as possible. Be that as it may, this day is exciting and memorable for everyone. Because, traditionally, schoolchildren wear beautiful shape, buy large bouquets flowers and happily walk into their first day of school in the new school year. In honor of the holiday, you can cook zucchini baked with minced meat.

    As for schools, they are also looking forward to this day, and the teaching staff is preparing to conduct the first lessons in an interesting and unusual way. It is clear that first-graders are greeted at school with special trepidation and celebration. Knowledge Day in 2016, what is it dedicated to - every year there are some recommendations from the Ministry of Education, but, in principle, here each teacher, depending on the interest of the students and their age, can independently draw up a program.

    From the history of Knowledge Day

    Oddly enough, the holiday of September 1 has a long history. By the way, public lesson on this holiday you can devote it to the topic. It all started in 1492, when Ivan the Third issued a decree to celebrate September 1 as the new year on the territory of his state. Then history changed and, by decree of Peter the Great, the celebration of the New Year in the European style was postponed to January 1.

    But September 1 still has its own festivity, however, only 300 years later it was on the first day of autumn that they began to celebrate not the onset of a new calendar year, namely the beginning of the new school year. In 1984, a decree was signed in the USSR, when September 1 became not just the day the classes started at school, but an official and important holiday - Knowledge Day.

    Scenario for the Day of Knowledge

    Depending on what Knowledge Day 2016 is dedicated to, the celebration scenario will differ. Honestly, every school and every teacher here may have their own already formed traditions. But it’s always useful to add something new and interesting, even to a well-established, excellent classical program.

    The script for Knowledge Day can become a guide for students on school year. As a rule, at the ceremonial assembly, congratulatory verses are pronounced, a class hour, an open lesson are held, and interesting and funny scenes are played out. If we are talking about students, then it is on this day that they are given a student card, which is the beginning of a new and important stage in life. On our website you can find many interesting scenarios on Knowledge Day, depending on how old the students are and how exactly the teacher wants to spend the first day of school.

    About the ceremonial lineup

    A mandatory event, which is held on September 1 in honor of Knowledge Day, is, of course, a solemn assembly. Regardless of age, all schoolchildren must take part in the lineup, and there are dozens of different scenarios for exactly how the lineup can be drawn.

    If we talk about the traditional form of the holiday, which is used by many schools from year to year, then this is a formation, a solemn speech by the director and teachers, congratulations to first-graders, poems from schoolchildren and the end of the line. Everything is organized, fast and interesting. It’s great if teachers try in advance and costumed heroes perform in the form of a traditional lineup. It is not at all necessary to spend money and hire professionals; high school students can also play the role of costumed heroes perfectly - it is important to prepare them for this in advance.

    Also note that poetry must be read at the ceremonial assembly on Knowledge Day. Teachers responsible for organizing the holiday should take care in advance to find suitable poems, and then distribute them in advance to the schoolchildren who will perform at the line.

    On September 1, the line congratulates not only schoolchildren, but also teachers. Therefore, it is imperative that students gather in advance and think through their solemn speech.

    Knowledge Day in 2016, what it is dedicated to has now become clear. As a rule, the Ministry of Education gives some recommendations on what to talk about, but here each teacher and school administration can independently decide which approach to take to celebrate this day. Many experts advise that it is important to interest children, try to introduce them to the educational process, discuss plans for the upcoming school year, but at the same time not overload the children.

    For many kids, this is a long-awaited day; it is a kind of new milestone when... new life. This is probably why this holiday, Knowledge Day, is so exciting, because it is the beginning of a new school year.

    On this day, ceremonial assemblies are held everywhere, where Special attention given to first-graders. In secondary specialized educational institutions, as well as in universities, as a rule, assemblies are not held, but the festive atmosphere still hovers somewhere nearby and can be felt.

    History of September 1

    The Day of Knowledge, like many other holidays, has its own history, the beginning of which is marked in 1492. It was in 1492 that Ivan 3 issued a decree to celebrate the beginning of the New Year on September 1.

    The next significant date in the history of the holiday was 1700. This year, Peter 1 moved the New Year celebration to January 1, after which the date of September 1 was forgotten for 300 years.

    But still, as time passed, September 1 again became the beginning, but not of a new calendar year, but of an academic year. This event dates back to 1984, when a decree was issued in Soviet Russia recognizing September 1 official holiday- Day of Knowledge.

    Ceremonial line in honor of Knowledge Day

    One of the indispensable attributes of Knowledge Day is the ceremonial line. This is a mandatory event that is usually held within the walls of the school. There are many ways to do it. The traditional line-up involves the formation of students, a speech by the school principal, the obligatory congratulations to first-graders and the end of the event.

    Sometimes the organized lineup involves the participation of costumed heroes. This option for holding a day of knowledge is not only spectacular, but also memorable, especially for those children who came to school for the first time.

    Poems for September 1

    What holiday could be complete without poetry? Knowledge Day is no exception. There are a huge variety of poems about September 1 that can be sent as congratulations to first-graders. And also to all those who start their studies on September 1st.

    First graders have bouquets. The day, although sad, is cheerful. You are sad: “Goodbye, summer!” And you rejoice: “Hello, school!”

    V. Berestov I can’t sit at home, I want to play. I want to study quickly and become a first-grader. I also ran, skipping, afraid to be late. My mother barely managed to give me the briefcase under my arm. I won’t be lazy, I’ll have time to do everything. I want to learn to read, write, count. Now a different life will come for me. Oh, dear mother! What an adult I am! Our very first Ring, ring, bell! Go home, moms! It's time for us to go to class!

    Poems by Elvira Bolshakova Congratulations on Knowledge Day Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge - from September 1st means, first of all, congratulations to teachers. But for first-graders and students, the beginning of a new school year is also an event that will also be enjoyed

    good words

    , congratulations and wishes.

    MKOU "Karymkarskaya Secondary School"


    ceremonial lineup

    2016 Prepared by:

    Deputy Director for

    educational work

    Dmitrieva L.V.

    2016 1

    Line “September 1 - Knowledge Day” 2016

    Music sounds...

    Presenter 1

    September has come, summer has ended,

    The holiday of knowledge, learning, and grades has arrived.

    Children, parents, guests, teachers!

    Happy holiday, friends!

    Presenter 2

    It seems like yesterday we were standing

    Celebrated the holidays with joy,

    Which after the school year

    How long ago did it start? But queen nature

    Relentless, and the months of summer

    Line “September 1 - Knowledge Day” 2016

    In past.

    And the school uniform is on. Just yesterday - students!

    What have become

    best friends

    And now - GRADUATES,

    We admire you and are proud of you!

    Presenter 2

    Line “September 1 - Knowledge Day” 2016
    The brightest, funniest, smartest, artistic, talented and unique are invited to the lineup - our eleventh graders!

    Music sounds... 2

    A couple of minutes - and the first call

    He will call you back to class.

    School doors will open again

    Tomorrow school days will begin.

    Children, parents, guests, teachers!

    Well, today is a festive hour!

    Together: We congratulate you all on the holiday!

    Again the school bell will call you to class -

    This means that the noisy summer is over.

    On the first day of September, giving joy to everyone,

    This happens every time!

    Children, parents, guests, teachers!

    Everyone gathered, warmed by the sun, Only there is no first class First class is here! The guys are looking forward to being invited to the first line, because first-graders are the most important today


    Today we welcome a new group of first-graders into our school family. Welcome first grade students.

    (Music sounds)... 3


    At school from bell to bell.

    Again from the September pier

    The school river will carry us...

    And everything will start all over again

    Children, parents, guests, teachers!

    The heart will beat more joyfully,

    If, proudly soaring to the zenith,

    The country's flag will fly proudly,

    The anthem of my country sounds!


    School, attention! School line, dedicated to the Day knowledge is declared open!

    Children, parents, guests, teachers!

    The line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared open!

    Anthem 4 sounds

    Children, parents, guests, teachers!

    Who is responsible for everything at school?
    Who often scolds us?
    Who is in control?
    Well, of course, our director!


    Being a school principal is not easy.

    This burden has fallen on your shoulders -

    Answer any questions

    To be fair and impeccable.

    Children, parents, guests, teachers!

    Today, on this wonderful holiday, before a long journey to the beautiful land of knowledge, the school director addresses you with words of parting speech.Svetlana Yakovlevna Khurgunova


    The school is our second home, where guests often come.

    The floor is given to the head rural settlement Karymkary Klimov Mikhail Alexandrovich (deputy head of the rural settlement Karymkary Baklykova Lyubov Alexandrovna)

    Presenter 1:

    Today is an unusual day in the world

    Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

    The school opened its doors to everyone.

    And don’t be sad, girls, boys,

    Based on games, ideas and fairy-tale books

    The magic doesn't end in school life,

    The tale continues here too.

    Z teaches music 5

    (3 plays music from the popular animated series "Masha and the Bear". A breathless and excited Bear appears in his hands with a backpack)
    BEAR : Oof! Choked! Hello guys! Oh, there are so many of you! And they all look like my Mashenka! Masha! Mashenka! Where are you?! I brought your backpack for you! I forgot, as always! !Well, come out, why are you hiding!?

    MASHA : Oh, Mishenka! You brought me my backpack! Thank you, thank you! (thank you profusely, almost knocking him down) And I looked for him and looked for him... I thought where did he run away from me?...

    BEAR: How are you, so small and restless, going to study? You can’t sit quietly for a minute sew! I feel sorry for you!!! Let's go from here, huh?

    MASHA: What are you talking about, Mishenka! I'm already an adult! Even though I’m a fidget, I’ll definitely try and I will, I’ll definitely only get two marks for my favorites!

    BEAR (laughs) Oh, it’s hilarious, Masha, I made you laugh... two marks... darlings... oh I can’t! I know that too... not twos, but these, how can they be... I remember FIVES!

    MASHENKA : Well, so be it! Well, so be it! Just think, I got it mixed up... The guys probably don’t know everything yet, that’s why they came to learn!

    BEAR: Come on...Look at how smart their eyes are...they already know a lot, not like you!...

    MASHENKA : Let’s check now... (unfolds a piece of paper with riddles and reads.)

    BEAR: Okay, let's check it out!

    A desk is not a bed

    And you can’t lie on it!

    Our school has a law:

    No slobs allowed!

    Like an overseas parrot

    Don't talk in class

    The teacher will ask if you need to stand up.

    When he allows you to sit down, sit down!

    If you want to answer, don’t make noise,

    Just raise your hand!

    Oh, guys, how great you are!

    BEAR: Well...see how smart and attentive they are!

    MASHENKA: OK OK! And so will I! You will see!

    BEAR: Well, okay...I’m calm now...after all, such guys will also study next to you! Really guys!

    Z teaches music 6

    (the melody from the cartoon sounds - The Bear and Masha are leaving)


    From today you are first graders! I congratulate you! I ask you to take the first grade oath.

    - I swear to respect teachers, listen to them carefully and not count crows during lessons. I SWEAR! AND ALL TOGETHER: I SWEAR!

    - I swear to study honestly, not to cheat, to get good grades I SWEAR! AND ALL TOGETHER: I SWEAR!

    - I swear to be friends with the book. I SWEAR! AND ALL TOGETHER: I SWEAR!

    - I swear to do exercises in the morning, to toughen up and not get sick. I SWEAR! AND ALL TOGETHER: I SWEAR!

    We swear to bear the title of student of the Karymkar school with dignity... I SWEAR! AND ALL TOGETHER: I SWEAR! I SWEAR!

    Children, parents, guests, teachers!

    To find out how big the earth is,

    To open sciences like countries,

    Teachers will lead you to knowledge -

    Experienced captains...


    Step forward along the dawn road,
    And know that in the wake, there will be no sadness,
    He looks with a smile and bright hope
    Your first teacher.

    The floor for congratulations goes to your first teacher - Lyudmila Nikolaevna Loginovskikh.

    Z teaches music 7

    Children, parents, guests, teachers!

    And now first-graders are turning to us to respond.


    Z teaches music 7

    Children, parents, guests, teachers!

    Now the luminaries of all school sciences will turn to you.
    Masters of tests and essays.


    Inventors newest types crib sheets

    Children, parents, guests, teachers!

    The oldest students at the school are eleventh graders.
    For them, this first bell will ring for the last time.


    They also came here as first-graders many years ago. And now they only have 1 year of school left ahead of them.


    Z learn music 8 FLASHMOB

    Z teaches music 9 GIVES GIFTS

    Children, parents, guests, teachers!
    The floor is given to the parents of first-graders - …….

    Z teaches music 11

    Children, parents, guests, teachers!

    The bell is ringing louder and louder,
    What a trill is spreading over the world.


    Do you think the nightingale has sung?
    But no. Lessons begin!

    Children, parents, guests, teachers!

    Now it's time to ring the first bell of this school year. And this right is granted to the 11th grade student Vladimir Pisarev and the 1st grade student ……………………………………………………..



    We move forward towards knowledge,

    Without knowing fatigue!

    And today we want to congratulate

    Those who give knowledge to others.

    Please give flowers to the teachers.

    Z teaches music 12

    Children, parents, guests, teachers!

    Dear friends, and now, according to tradition, the eleventh grade children are taking our young first-graders to their first lesson in their lives!


    GOOD LUCK! Good luck to you, dear guys!

    Z teaches music 13


    Well, that's a start...
    And on time according to plan from the pier
    Let's go sailing whole year!

    Children, parents, guests, teachers!

    May he bring pleasant discoveries!
    Dictation for "five", solved problems,
    May everything be successful for everyone!



    Our festive lineup has come to an end, but may the joy of the meeting be endless! We invite you all to Knowledge Lessons!

    Z teaches music 14

    On September 1, the whole country celebrates Knowledge Day - the first autumn holiday, marking the beginning of the school year. Schools are holding ceremonial assemblies and peace lessons, flower shops are already counting revenue, and grocery stores are banning the sale of alcohol. These are the modern realities of this holiday, but today we will remember its history and some especially popular traditions.

    By tradition, Knowledge Day is celebrated in all educational institutions. For some, this is “the first time in the first grade,” or, as an option, in the first year; for others, it is a meeting with classmates and classmates after summer holidays, for teachers - another professional milestone, for parents - new worries and expenses. However, everyone was once a schoolchild, so for most, September 1 is a special and solemn day.

    Excursion into history

    “The first of September is the first day of the calendar!” - now these lines from Marshak’s poem cause some bewilderment, but we should not forget that once on this day in Rus' it was customary to celebrate the beginning of the year (although the poet probably did not mean this at all), as well as the beginning of the harvest. There was no exact start date for the school year. Moreover, it remained “floating” until the mid-30s of the last century. In pre-revolutionary Russia, in many schools and gymnasiums, classes began in August, September or even October, and in rural schools - after the end of the field work season, in late November - early December. In the Soviet Union, initially there was a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars, according to which the child had to be enrolled in school in the fall, however, specific dates, again, were not established. The uniform beginning of the school year in schools was established by a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of September 3, 1935. And in 1984 this day was recognized as a holiday.

    Traditions old and new

    On the first of September, a ceremonial assembly is held in all schools in the country, at which the administration educational institution congratulates students, parents and colleagues on the beginning of the school year. The symbolic “first bell” sounds, given by one of the first graders. On this day there are no regular lessons at school - as a rule, everything is limited class time and the so-called Peace Lesson, the theme of which is common to all Russian schools. IN last years Conducting such lessons has become one of the integral traditions of the holiday. In universities and secondary specialized educational institutions there are usually no ceremonial assemblies - on this day classes go on as usual, with the exception of events for first-year students.

    Another beautiful tradition is giving flowers to teachers. Sometimes it's completely simple bouquets from flowers grown at the dacha, sometimes - luxurious compositions costing half a teacher’s salary, depending on the wealth and preferences of the student’s family. Without flowers, only a few usually appear on this holiday. By the way, it is now fashionable to refuse large quantity bouquets from students. Instead, some people prefer to give the teacher one flower each or one common bouquet from the whole class, and donate the saved money - often a considerable amount - to charity.

    Shadow of Beslan

    The holiday is overshadowed by memories of the tragedy twelve years ago - the terrorist attack at school No. 1 in Beslan, which was captured by militants on September 1, 2004. Terrorists mined the school building and held 1,128 people there for two and a half days. As a result of the incident, 333 people died, including those who participated in rescuing the hostages. Among the victims of the terrorist attack were 186 children. On this day, memorial events are held to commemorate the victims.

    Innovations in legislation

    On September 1, 2016, amendments to the Russian Federation Law “On Education” come into force, which the President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed back in July. They mainly concern higher education. For example, in accordance with one of the amendments, the Ministry of Education and Science is deprived of the right to change the procedure for admission to universities for specialty or undergraduate programs, as well as to make changes to the list of entrance tests after September 1. In addition, the procedure for paying social scholarships is changing - now only students who have been assigned social help from the state.

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