• Cocktail uniform. What is a “cocktail” outfit for men?


    The modern “Cocktail” dress code for women, like the “Cocktail” dress code for men, requires a person to know certain rules for choosing clothes and various accessories.

    An event like cocktail party Most often it is scheduled for 17:00 in the evening, and it lasts for approximately 3-4 hours. Such a celebration has less solemn characteristics.

    Often, under the guise of all kinds of modern cocktail events, it is customary in our time to hold various presentations, as well as exhibitions of various kinds. Most often, invitations to such events include a dress code called “Cocktail.”

    At the same time, the “Cocktail” dress code implies the existence of certain rules that must be observed by both women and representatives of the stronger sex. As for men, they are recommended to dress in classic suits, mostly in dark colors.

    The most common are suits dark blue shade, and what is not surprising, of course, is black. The presence of a tie is also not prohibited. bright shade. But female representatives should come to such cocktail parties in special beautiful cocktail dresses.

    In principle, today it is customary to distinguish between three types of modern cocktail parties under the guise of a business, classical and social event. So, first of all, it’s worth starting with a review of a business-style cocktail party.

    This includes all kinds of corporate parties, which, as a rule, are intended for conducting various types of negotiations between all kinds of partners. Most often, the event takes place within the confines of some chic restaurant. However, in this situation, it is recommended to adhere to a sufficiently defined one of the more strict dress codes.

    So, the “Cocktail” dress code for women means coming to a party in a dress made in a strict style, without the presence of such an element as a neckline and lasting almost to the very heels. In this case, there should be no jewelry on a woman’s body, except some cheap trinkets in the guise of an inexpensive bracelet and not conspicuous earrings.

    As for other accessories, such as shoes, for example, they must be made only in a strict style. In this situation, closed-type pumps made in classic version. As for their shades, the most suitable color For this type of event, it is considered grayish or black.

    The second no less important party today is considered to be an event organized in the classic version. Typically, it is scheduled for approximately 9 hours. In this situation, the dress code is implemented in a more relaxed manner. Clothes such as dresses in bright colors with bare shoulders are allowed.

    As for their length, as a rule, it should be approximately ten centimeters above the knees, or, accordingly, on the contrary, below. Shoe options for such an event could include open shoes or some kind of beautiful sandals. At the same time, the use of eye-catching jewelry, predominantly bright colors, is not prohibited here.

    The ideal option is expensive jewelry and other jewelry. Although in this situation such jewelry as, for example, rings with diamonds are absolutely not welcome. At the same time, the “Cocktail” dress code for men is also relaxed.

    And finally, the third type of modern cocktail parties is today considered to be a social event. For this type of event, clothing such as beautiful dresses up to about the middle is allowed. female knee, although ankle-length outfits are also possible. Various trains and necklines are allowed.

    As for everything else, we can conclude that the “Cocktail” dress code for males is considered simpler, since the main type of clothing is a tie, a business suit and, of course, a shirt.

    Thus, if the cocktail event does not have at least some official character, then it is also possible to arrive without a jacket. Although in this situation it is not recommended to take risks. Since such a garment as a jacket can not only emphasize business style person, but also allows you to feel at a high level.

    The main rule for male representatives is considered to be the presence of expensive accessories, for example, in the guise of an expensive watch or a belt made of natural materials. Although most capable of decorating anyone modern man namely beautiful expensive shoes.

    Also in this situation, it is worth considering the fact that it is not the outfits that make the person. The main point here is the correct holding of the event in compliance with all conditions, as well as the presence of a positive mood. At the moment, as many years ago, the most the best decoration Every person, of course, is considered to have a beautiful, sincere smile.

    Thus, in today's society, such a dress code as “Cocktail” has gained enormous popularity. In fact, this kind of meeting is a fairly convenient method for holding business parties and other events designed to meet the necessary people in a relaxed format. Modern cocktail meetings have a semi-formal character. At the same time, as a rule, they serve all kinds of cocktails and a variety of light snacks.

    In addition, each participant in such an event must know certain rules, which depend on three factors such as the time of the event, the location and, of course, depending on the goals set. Knowledge of such rules will necessarily give each person the opportunity to make the right choice.

    If the cocktail party will be held at home, for example, in connection with receiving new position, then a more free style is allowed. IN otherwise, if the celebration will take place in one of the chic restaurants in connection with some anniversary, then the style should have such characteristics as severity and elegance.

    Although there is one more small feature that allows a person to determine the level of formality of the event - this is the invitation itself. If it was uttered in telephone conversation, then, as they say, you can relax a little.

    Thus, if the invitation was received under the guise of a postcard or invitation letter, then most likely the cocktail party will be held at the highest level.

    First, let's figure out what events the Coctail Attire dress code implies. These are short events up to 4 hours: various presentations, exhibitions, film premieres, red carpet appearances, corporate banquets, dinner parties or family celebrations with an invitation large quantities of people. All these events can be divided into 3 types.

    Types of cocktail events

    Depending on the occasion, events with a dress code. Cocktail can be divided into 3 types: business, classic and social. The minimum set of things to attend such evenings includes: a cocktail dress, shoes high heels, a handbag (preferably a clutch) and in some cases jewelry.

    Coctail dress code for business buffets

    For a business meeting with partners, scheduled in a restaurant, for women best choice will be a cocktail dress with with open hands length just below or to the middle of the knee. The dress code in this case does not allow an open back and deep neckline, as well as high slits. The outfit should be moderately strict and laconic, but not extravagant. A lot of decor is also undesirable.

    If you're a fan dark colors in clothes - this is the case when a black cocktail dress looks most successful. Expensive Jewelry not needed for a business event. But wedding ring, modest earrings and a watch would be appropriate. Choose shoes with a closed toe and heel, and always with high heels, for example, classic stiletto pumps.

    Coctail dress code for a social event

    For an evening social event, visiting the theater and exhibitions, the length of a cocktail dress can be up to the middle of the knee or even much higher (moderately short). But even such freedom must be compensated by a strict top - no open back and deep neckline. Any decor, style and color of the outfit is allowed. You can pair the dress with long thin gloves and a boa.

    Jewelry is preferred, but expensive jewelry is also acceptable. The shoes are again high heels.

    Classic Coctail dress code

    For any celebration that starts before eight o'clock in the evening, the invitation for which includes the dress code Cocktail, it is better to wear a dress with a length of plus or minus 10 cm from the knee with open shoulders. The outfit can be in any color, with or without decoration.

    As for shoes, in the summer you can wear open-toed or open-toed shoes and even sandals. Having a heel, at least a low one, is a must. For decorations, you can choose both jewelry and high-quality costume jewelry. But it's too much expensive jewelry It's better to refuse.

    Although fashion stylists They say that rules and seasonality are just a convention, believe me, you are unlikely to look appropriate in a translucent short dress and sandals. Only stars can dress like this for the red carpet. Also, if you don’t want to attract judgmental glances all evening, you shouldn’t show up to a dinner party in open shoes and a dress with a bright floral print, especially if it’s autumn outside. And, conversely, in the summer, fur decor and accessories are absolutely inappropriate.

    An ideal option for the warm season is a cocktail dress in a light, muted or bright color. For autumn-winter season It is advisable to choose a dress of a darker color. By the way, this is exactly the case when a black or gray dress looks especially appropriate. As for print and decor, any patterns and details should correspond to seasonality and fashion trends.

    Dress style for an event with a dress code. Cocktail is a separate topic. This can be an elegant sheath dress, A-line, wrap dress, suit dress or slip dress (of course, without lace or see-through lingerie). In any case, it should suit your body type. But too fluffy baby dollars and tutus, as well as oversized styles, will not be appropriate.

    Too deep neckline, transparent inserts and provocative cutouts - all this looks good if you are J. Lo and are going to pose for photographers. Otherwise, be careful with too much revealing outfits so that later you don’t have to cover open areas of your body with a glass or hold up a mini skirt that rides up.

    In addition to dresses, at an event with a Cocktail dress code, suits, both with a skirt and trousers (especially at a business buffet), as well as a skirt with a blouse or a beautiful top, would be appropriate.

    How to choose shoes and accessories

    As for shoes, the Coctail dress code implies exclusively shoes with heels, preferably high and at least 7 cm with a closed heel and toe. Tights and stockings are a must! In rare cases, it is allowed to wear open shoes or sandals.

    As for choosing a bag, no massive trunks or shapeless hobos. A social event is not at all the place where you will need a diary, a cosmetic bag and a dozen other little things that you are used to always carrying with you. Only a small handbag or clutch, which should be in harmony with the main outfit. Nothing except your phone, wallet and lipstick should be in your purse.

    Sometimes cocktail events require a headdress, which will be indicated on the invitation. Otherwise, it is better to abandon such accessories.

    How to behave at an event

    How culturally you can behave in a social environment can be understood long before the event itself begins. Once you have received the invitation, you must confirm it. Any questions about the topic of the event, the number of expected guests can be asked to the organizers or the inviting person personally. If the invitation specifies the Cocktail dress code, then it is indecent to ask about what to wear. If the invitation does not say anything about a companion, then it is better to come alone.

    Etiquette rules include punctuality. Arriving early is considered impolite. “On time” means that you should show up 5-10 minutes later or stay no more than half an hour (if you really have a reason for this). A traffic jam is not an excuse. And you must inform the organizers about the delay.

    How to say hello? By the hand, a “dry” kiss - depending on the situation on the spot. When meeting someone, always say both your first and last name.

    As for drinking alcoholic beverages, it is better not to give them up. If you don't drink, then take a couple of sips. Firstly, offering a glass of champagne is a gesture of politeness and attention, and secondly, it is also a reason for making a new acquaintance and starting the topic of small talk. Always hold your glass by the stem. Knowing how to serve appetizers and order drinks is a separate topic, so familiarize yourself with it in advance.

    Leave only after you have personally thanked the event organizers. If it is not possible to come at the time of departure, then you can send your gratitude to the house on a card with a bouquet within 24 hours.

    What the Cocktail dress code allows and prohibits

    • Shoes must have heels at least 7 cm high, preferably thin, with closed toes and heels. In the warm season, it is permissible to wear sandals to attend informal evening get-togethers.
    • Thin tights or stockings in nude or black are required.
    • The length of the dress depends on the format of the event, but it cannot be too short. At an event with a Cocktail dress code, maxi length is also not appropriate.
    • Arms can be open, the neckline should not be too deep and revealing and is unacceptable for business events.
    • None large bags. Only a clutch or a small decorative handbag.
    • The general rule: in the fall and winter, the outfit and shoes should be darker than in the spring-summer season.

    The mandatory dress code still causes a lot of negativity among many: those who disagree with the rules do not hesitate to come to the ballet in jeans, a short top and sandals. Despite the fact that cocktail events require a less formal appearance and do not imply such rigor, you should dress for such sessions in accordance with the rules of the dress code. And don't forget Nice dress– this is just one component of the image. Compliance with the remaining requirements has not been canceled.

    Dress code is a rather complicated science. IN ordinary life we wear T-shirts and jeans, not embarrassed to appear in such clothes even on holidays. Modern fashion does not limit people’s choice of wardrobe; everyone can wear what they like. However, at social and other public events there is no such freedom, and special rules are attached to clothing. As a rule, the desired form of dress code is prescribed in the invitation, denoting it with special names. Moreover, these terms are not known to everyone, which can cause a lot of difficulties when preparing for the event. To avoid getting caught awkward situation and choose the right wardrobe for important event, Hotshowlife recommends that you familiarize yourself with the 10 basic rules of the dress code.

    An official and at the same time formal dress code is suitable only for high-profile and important events. An invitation to a charity ball or a reception with a high-ranking official may come with the “White tie” mark.

    A man should give preference to a tailcoat with a white bow tie. For footwear, be sure to choose black shoes from patent leather. Representatives of the fair sex, when dressing according to the “White tie” dress code, should also show restraint and brevity. For this form of clothing, choose a floor-length evening dress, high-heeled shoes and a small clutch.

    In essence, this form of wardrobe selection is similar to the previous one. Like the dress code described earlier, “Black tie” is characterized by solemnity, but it is somewhat simplified.

    Here, men can no longer be afraid of the color black and freely dress up in dark suits with a tuxedo, complementing them with a vest and a plain bow tie. It is customary for women to appear at Black Tie events in laconic cocktail or evening dresses and in heels. It is advisable to avoid a large amount of jewelry.

    If you received an invitation marked “Formal,” then it should be an official reception that will take place in the evening. Typically, such events are held on the occasion of the arrival of a delegation for negotiations.

    When choosing “Formal” clothing, everything is simple: representatives of the stronger sex are recommended to opt for a strict black suit and a plain tie, and for ladies it would be best to wear a discreet cocktail dress, as always, complementing the look with heels.

    Cocktail Attire

    Those invited to such an event, fortunately, will not have to come into contact with strangers. Parties in the “Cocktail Attire” format are friendly or family gatherings with the participation of a large number of people.

    The dress code here is less strict, and you won't have to worry about any extra detail. However, it is better for men to give preference to a classic suit, and for young ladies - a strict midi-length dress.

    If we translate the name of the dress code literally, it means half formal style clothes. Participants in such events should look elegant and at the same time restrained. “Semi-formal” is suitable for corporate banquets and other holiday events.

    For celebrations taking place in daytime, men can choose a suit of any color. After 18-00 a black jacket would be more appropriate. Ladies can treat themselves to elegant short dresses.

    A-5 (After five)

    Oh those evening events! Try to choose a suitable outfit for them. Fortunately, the A-5 dress code does not require formality. Finally, you can dress up the way you want!

    At any event starting after 17-00, young people can appear in both a suit and jeans. Classic shoes are welcome, but moccasins will not be superfluous. Young ladies can forget about lush evening dresses and switch to tops, skirts and even overalls.

    A-5-C (After 5 Casual)

    Relaxed casual style - star modern wardrobe. It’s probably impossible to think of a better example of “A-5-C” than corporate and student parties. The main rule is convenience.

    Men at such an event will be welcome in a formal suit, but then you should avoid a tie so as not to make the look too formal. It is better to choose a shirt with a print. Women do not have to wear dresses. Jeans and a sweater can be an equally elegant form of clothing.

    Casual style is characterized by simplicity, so it is usually chosen for small parties. The element of “Smart Casual” is club events and other party-type celebrations.

    The undisputed leaders of the smart-casual dress code in both men's and women's wardrobe, you can call them chinos. When it comes to footwear, boat shoes are most often preferred. As for directly men's wardrobe, then a pastel-colored pullover or blazer would be appropriate. Ladies are recommended to give preference to loose-fitting blouses.

    Imagine for a second that it is the beginning of the 20th century, and you are sitting in one of the establishments of ancient England. Now return to reality and try to realize the mental image.

    “Creative black tie” is a creative approach to choosing an outfit. It is advisable for men to maintain respectability by wearing classic suit, which can be complemented with a bright vest or colored shirt for originality. Ladies wear dresses, emphasizing the look with unusual accessories.

    Finally, we come to the most unwavering dress code of all. “Business Traditional” is pure formality. You should contact him when going to a business meeting.

    In this case, a business suit is required for both men and women. The outfit should be monochromatic and without unnecessary details. For footwear, it is advisable to give preference to classic shoes.

    An elegant dress is suitable for a social event. Its length should be no bolder than just above the knee, save the sexy minis for the nightclub. Please note that at a reception or formal meeting, a calf-length model will be more appropriate than a short dress.

    Dress color

    The traditional color of the dress is black, but other options are acceptable. It is important that evening dress looked luxurious, but not too flashy and bright. You can't go wrong with a gold, silver, beige, white or navy dress. Avoid pink, light green and lemon shades, which will be inappropriate for a serious event.

    When it comes to decorations, the main thing here is not to overdo it. 2-3 items are enough: earrings, pendant and bracelet, or necklace and bracelet, or ring and earrings, etc. Products made of precious metals are preferable.

    Dress decor and accessories

    Give preference to tight-fitting, but not fluffy dress. The chosen outfit can be decorated with embroidery, lace or sequins. The main thing is that all this is appropriate, but does not occupy a central place in the image.

    In the classic version of the cocktail style, the arms remain bare. On especially special occasions, long gloves (matching the dress or white) are allowed. If you do not want to leave your neckline and shoulders open, wear a boa or a fur stole; for a less formal occasion, a bolero is allowed.

    Since presentations and corporate receptions do not involve active pastime, the “cocktail” dress code requires shoes with high thin heels (at least 7 cm). Shoes must have closed toes and heels. Stockings or tights are required.

    Cocktail dress code options

    Classic cocktail. The occasion is any celebration that begins before 9 pm: a club party, visiting, attending a premiere, etc. The length of the dress is 10 cm from the knee up or down, arms are open. In the summer, shoes can be with slightly open toes; sandals are suitable for some cases.

    Business cocktail. The occasion is a meeting in a restaurant with business partners, corporate event, etc. A sheath dress just below the knee, without a neckline, is suitable. Cocktail dress in gray or black with a moderate amount of decor. Shoes with a closed heel and closed toe.

    The handbag should be small, you can choose a clutch. It is better to avoid tall and wide-brimmed hats altogether.
    Social cocktail. A visit to the theater, a walk along the red carpet, a social event, etc. Ankle-length or knee-length dress, as well as styles with trains and slits. Any fabric and decor are allowed, of course, everything must be chosen with taste. You can complement the outfit with a boa, fur stole, long gloves, or bolero.

    Evening events are often more casual than daytime business lunches. The most common formats of evening events are cocktails, presentations, exhibitions, branch openings, etc. Very often, the organizers of such events send out invitations indicating a particular dress code - requirements for appearance. We'll talk about the cocktail dress code.

    Cocktail events, as a rule, take place in a free communicative form. You can look at the cocktail from the point of view that this event is a chance to show a side of yourself that was not possible to show in the office. Many people mistakenly believe that they definitely need to wear something extraordinary and unexpected, and they put on things that are directly opposite to what is customary to wear in the office.
    The first and main misconception concerns the length of cocktail clothes. The length of the skirt or breeches can be up to mid-calf, the knee can be slightly open, but not significantly. Extreme “mini” ones are not for this case. Moreover, aggressive cuts are also not allowed, with the exception of a functional walking spline.

    As for open shoulders, it is very important to take into account the format, time and place of the event, and even the time of year. In the summer, a cocktail dress with thin straps or without them at all will look quite logical and organic. If you appear in this form at some exhibition in winter, where everyone, relatively speaking, is wearing boots, naturally, such an image will completely fall out of context.

    (Gucci, Valentino, Amen, 2012−2013)

    A cocktail dress doesn't have to be... long sleeves. Options for dresses with short sleeves, puff sleeves are acceptable, and a sheath dress is also suitable.

    (Bebe, Lela Rose)

    The trouser option can also take place, although in reality it may turn out that the choice of such an option is not at all easy; elegance and some solemnity must certainly be present.

    (Giorgio Armani 2012−13)

    As for the depth of the neckline, then, first of all, you should focus on internal censorship. There are no objective reasons for refusing to wear a neckline in the evening. However, who knows what impression a too revealing neckline might make on colleagues...

    (Bebe, Alberta Ferretti, Philisophy by Alberta Ferretti, Donna Karan 2012−2013)

    Inserts, lapel edges, and wedges can be made from materials such as brocade or lamé. It is highly undesirable to choose an outfit made entirely of metallic fabric or lurex. Dresses and blouses may be embroidered with glass beads, trimmed with sequins or small rhinestones. Fringe, lace, and guipure are perfect for finishing a cocktail outfit, but they should not be used as the main material.

    (Jason Wu, Donna Karan, Lela Rose, 2012−2013)

    Women should absolutely not dress like this at cocktail events: a white blouse plus a black or dark blue skirt. A girl in such an ensemble might be mistaken for a waitress.

    What should men do when women wear a cocktail dress?

    It's best to keep your suit on. If a man is slim, then a suit with a non-classical cut can be an excellent option. How is it different from everyday office wear? Firstly, the jacket is less dense and rigid, the lapels and hems of the jacket are thinner and more flexible. This jacket has a closer fit and/or is slightly longer. A suit like this looks good with or without a tie. The most daring can choose a suit made of velvety materials.

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