• Features of the structure of the Asian type of face. Successful models with Asian appearance


    March 18th, 2014

    I have a new heroine.

    Asian type of appearance and very interesting asymmetry. I won’t say much, because I already talked about a lot in the previous post.
    I'll focus on the features.

    Let's start, as usual, with the eyebrows

    We have quite a slight asymmetry in height. It's the little things in life. The main feature of growth is round eyebrows. We must fight them. We look at the methods of fighting in detail here - (everything is in pictures here).
    Basic provisions of the struggle
    - we watch from below, we don’t pull too much
    - we pull from above, but carefully. It’s important not to get lost in threads
    - if we can, and if the shape requires it, we grow it at the base, so that without unnecessary bald patches
    - where it doesn’t grow initially - paint on it
    - comb diagonally up and fix with gel.

    We remember and don’t forget - eyebrows should always be perfect!


    Our nose is neat, but flat. which is typical for many noses in general. flattened part at the bridge of the nose. But Asian women are very lucky, they usually and most often have very neat ends

    What we do

    I drew two very easy solutions for daytime makeup. On the right is step by step 1 option using two concealers. This is a more accurate study. on the left it’s even simpler - a couple of strokes of the brush.

    in any case, we will need a light concealer for the bridge of the nose. And in any case, we will need a highlighter. And what to choose as a dark tone - all markers have different tastes and colors. For daytime makeup, it's just a matter of personal preference and selected products.


    I have already written in detail. The peculiarity of Asian faces is that compared to European ones they are considered flat. In particular, there are no pronounced cheekbones. They can be distinguished in a dark tone in the subzygomatic area (i.e. if you pull in your cheeks, work out this depression) BUT! We know that cheekbones are actually rare in Asian women. Therefore, such elaboration may look too pretentious in daytime makeup.
    no, if you want, please always. But personal choice as usual.
    Of course, we highlight the cheeks with blush, and the cheekbone area near the eyes with highlighter.
    and for my taste, such sculpting on the cheeks and cheekbones is a necessary and sufficient minimum.

    Additionally, we will sculpt the nose, as described above.
    Well, that's probably all.



    seriously perfect lips

    Well, maybe there’s just a little bit of contour missing at the bottom - but there’s nothing else to complain about. They are almost equal in width, there is no asymmetry of the left side relative to the right, there are no insidious ducks on the sides. The only negative is they are dry. The balm will help us.


    Interesting eyes. Asymmetrical

    I drew it and signed it just to show it off.

    Asymmetry in the lower eyelid.

    I first found out from my heroine what she thought about this, she told me directly - what can be done about it?

    I answer. We are not surgeons, we are not surgeons. In my opinion, it’s an absolutely charming feature of the face. Makeup can slightly correct the visual perception.

    here we remember the recent post

    And also that eyeliner on the mucous membrane visually narrows the eyes. A line along the lower eyelid along the eyelash line visually opens the eyes. And it is very advisable to use all this together with the eyeliner of the lower eyelid, so that lonely lines do not look lonely and too bright.

    So, I can’t show you how to work with the lower eyelid, but easy correction using two lines is possible

    Be sure to try where to draw which line so as not to increase visual asymmetry. And it is very advisable to add detailing to the lower eyelid so that these lonely eyeliners do not look aggressive.

    the rest of the eyes in the post are of the Asian type -

    what's left?

    main participant in makeup. Firstly, according to direct statements, she is fat and can even be very fat. Secondly, with rashes.

    The rashes that we take into account in makeup have a color and are visually indicated by bumpiness. It happens that a slight pimple pops up, turns red, we “smear it” with green to match the tone and don’t pay attention. And sometimes there is a bump or, on the contrary, a hole.

    It is clear that first of all it makes sense to look at the planes in the direction of treatment. Makeup is not a disguise! although it can help, it is not for disguise! The main task for inflammation and rashes is to get treatment. It is important!

    What can we do with makeup? work with color and light.

    option 1, light redness, green corrector

    corrector or corrector-concealer, or even concealer, if inflammation occurs infrequently for you and you don’t see the point in buying a separate stick, but then PMS and damn. Green concealer may help. Apply it UNDER Foundation.

    option 2, light redness, foundation

    inflammation happens once every five years and you don’t wear colored concealers, but here you have PMS and damn it. We apply the usual foundation in the usual way, and then on top, pointwise, more densely on the redness itself. It is necessary to shade the boundaries. If your tone is completely invisible and evens out, try a concealer, but it will be more noticeable.

    lyrical digression. Options 1 and 2 are only suitable for small pimples. If there are abscess heads or the subcutaneous area on half the cheek, and everything is still in the stage of inflammation, the more you apply to it, the more noticeable it will be. This is not hidden by makeup. Apply a round patch - it will be simply more hygienic for the pimple and for those around you. Think of any other distracting maneuver - it’s not worth tormenting a poor, sick pimple with cosmetics.

    option 3. Problem skin.

    I repeat, these are primarily questions of a dermatologist-cosmetologist and only secondarily - questions of makeup.
    with strong “lumpyness” the skin cannot be completely smoothed out.

    what to use?
    - green corrector (precisely a corrector, stick or liquid), often they contain healing or anti-inflammatory extracts. Concealer is used UNDER foundation
    - choose a foundation without pink undertones, because pink can increase redness
    - actively look towards reflective particles in foundation or powder. Reflectors, as the name suggests, reflect light. Distributed in a thin layer over the skin or its individual parts, they create the illusion of mmm... I don’t know how to explain clearly - the illusion of a sphere, i.e. make the skin visually more even and smooth
    - under the foundation we use a leveling base to match the tone. In cases of large skin unevenness, a base to match the tone is a lifesaver.
    - we are actively studying Asian, they make wonderful BB creams, real ones that were invented just for patients after interventions, to even out and heal. Nashinsky in Russia Garnier, L'Oreal, Maybelline do not make BB cream in the true sense.

    another lyrical digression. There is such a thing as one-time makeup. Those. If you have to do makeup before the set - we do it, we understand the pros and cons of specific one-time products. We intelligently place emphasis on what is worth using and what is not. And there is such a type of skin - problematic. Or seasonal exacerbations that do not end within a day. And you have to live with these rashes, redness, and inflammation for a long time. Not just one time.
    So I can do one-time makeup. I know some of the features that we discussed with the owners problem skin, which “I tried” remotely. I told about them. At the same time, I fully admit that real owners of problem skin may criticize me. Criticize without getting personal, please. I won't be offended at all. I myself do not do daily make-up for problem skin. The maximum that happens is options 1 and 2. Option 3 is rather something that was observed, inferred, and stems from knowledge of the textures and properties of specific products.


    So we’ve more or less sorted out the rashes, what to do with the fat content?

    First of all, I’ll dispel the myth “I have oily skin, so I can’t use foundation.” further it may sound - “my skin takes revenge on me with acne. The continuation may be - the foundation clogs the pores, but I already have them...

    so this is a mistake, because... abstract foundation is very friendly with abstract oily skin. Those. Having oily skin is not an obstacle to using foundation.

    Firstly, you need to carefully approach the choice of foundation. Despite the characteristics of oily skin and the presence of wide pores, Verna cream should not be particularly thick, and by the way, it should be applied in a thin layer, not with a spatula at all. The cream should have a maximum mattifying effect. The cream must be long-lasting, because even the presence of fat-regulating components does not relieve the skin of vital activity. Persistent in in this case means - keep on face right time. It may well be that 7 sweats will not leave you, and especially in terms of durability, you don’t need to select anything.

    practical advice. You need to poke around among beauty bloggers with oily skin and take a close look at their experiences. And although everything is very individual, it would be a sin not to take advantage of other people’s experience before giving away your hard-earned money.

    secondly, close attention should be paid to removing makeup and cleansing the skin in general. Using additional sponges, daily scrubs (see directions on the package), additional cleansing masks.

    thirdly, we pay close attention to the instrument. This is especially important for oily and problem skin. If you use a brush, wash it regularly. Use sponges - change them regularly. If you use your fingers, wash your hands thoroughly before applying makeup.

    ________________________________________ ___

    let's figure out the sequence of actions and cosmetics

    1. We carefully approach the choice of foundation and powder
    2. deciding on concealers for breakouts
    3. For eyebrows we use fixative gel and a comb. Eyebrow pencil or shadow, of course, won’t hurt.
    4. for the eyes, we learn how to apply eyeliner along the mucous membrane and under the lash line, and we also learn how to do eyeliner on the lower eyelid along with full eye makeup (it’s good to start trying smokey eyes in brown). Accordingly, you will need a leash, shadows, mascara
    5. to sculpt the nose - concealer of two colors or concealer and bronzer
    6. blush on the cheeks
    7. Apply lipstick to your lips. Without mother of pearl. But when dealing with rashes, it is worth keeping in mind that the “red lipstick” format will increase redness. visually
    8. highlighter.

    ________________________________________ ___

    I also really want to touch on the topic of hairstyles.
    It seems to me that Asian hair type is a European dream - thick, straight, heavy. I don’t know about everyone else, but this is definitely my dream, because I have thin, wavy and liquid hair)))

    however, for example, my heroine described her hair as “straight, like sticks and completely out of style.” Yes, that's true too. BUT! These are as straight as sticks - this is the scope for haircuts with straight hair.

    Let's say I choose this shape for myself with my thin, wavy and liquid hair?

    in principle, I can choose, but in order to maintain my liquid-wavy hair so evenly and beautifully, I will need to become familiar with a flat iron, buy a heat protectant, and preferably some kind of product that, even in humidity, will keep my hair straight and beautiful hold.
    on the other hand, if the hair is initially “straight as sticks and doesn’t fit at all” - there’s no need to style it that way. They need to be given shape. and they themselves will fit into this form. because they are straight, like sticks, so straight by themselves, without ironing, and in any humidity. And if you cut heavy hair, it will become lighter and begin to rise a little at the roots.

    If we talk about specific shapes for my heroine, she has a round face. It is advisable to visually narrow it a little and it is very desirable to use asymmetry in any form. Asymmetrical bangs, asymmetrical length, asymmetrical parting.

    By the way, my beautiful heroine got her hair cut while I was getting my thoughts together to write a post about her.
    What time now!

    ps. without makeup.

    ________________________________________ ___________________

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    The Asian type of appearance is very popular now. Almost no fashion show takes place without them. There are so many Asian models that it is impossible to show them in one post. Below is a selection of the very best girls from the South-Eastern part of the continent. Get ready: perfect bodies await you, dark hair, slanted eyes and perfect skin.

    One of the first famous models with Asian appearance, Mey was also the first Asian woman to open a show, back in 2004. But her age is almost impossible to determine; it is different every time.

    A Filipina with an unpronounceable name captivates with her unforgettable look and perfect figure.

    The Philippines is the perfect place for model scouting. There are absolutely unique types here. For example, Charo Ronquillo. Unlike her compatriot Angelica Pangabian, who has very delicate facial features, Charo is her opposite. She is bold and strong.

    India is famous beautiful actresses, but hardly anyone will remember the models from there. One of the few Sonia Daras to grace Sports Illustrated this year.

    In her native Thailand, many people envy her. In addition to her very wealthy parents, nature gave her stunning appearance, which was appreciated in the West.

    Mixing the blood of different races almost always produces beautiful and very beautiful children. A striking example of this is the half-Thai, half-French model Florence Faivre. By the way, in addition to her modeling career, she is also a famous actress in Thailand.

    Another example of successful friendship between Europe and Asia is Azura Vanderberg. Everything about her is beautiful: her unforgettable face and her ideal figure parameters.

    Anita is perhaps one of the most experienced models from Malaysia. But despite such a long career, she is still popular.

    Petite Indonesian model who started her career in very early age. But her small stature is not her only distinguishing feature; she has many tattoos on her body, which does not interfere with her career.

    Lakshmi is an ideal model for shooting in bikinis and minidresses. One of her achievements can be considered appearing on the cover of Vogue India.

    She is another veteran of the Asian modeling industry. Her career took off after becoming one of the top 10 Miss Universe finalists, but besides that, she is a successful actress and has a higher education.

    Vietnamese model, who has contracts with the world's best modeling agencies: Storm, New York Model Management and L.A. Models. Her appearance allows her to transform into completely different images, from a society lady to a party girl.

    The long-legged Indonesian model is also popular because she has her own unusual style of clothing. Thanks to this, he is often included in the lenses of fashion bloggers as a standard of style.

    Razia is one of the most sought after Indian models for filming in underwear, which is absolutely not surprising. A body like this simply cannot be hidden.

    One of her most successful works was filming an advertising campaign for Godiva chocolate. Rohini itself is like chocolate - dark skin, Brown eyes, flowing hair. Here you may wonder what is better, chocolate or...



    We all know that there are strict limits in the modeling business. Namely, a number of requirements for the appearance of the model. Not so long ago, it was rare to see a dark-skinned girl or an Asian woman on the catwalk, but standards are changing, and unusual appearance is becoming the main advantage of a model.

    Lately, we can increasingly see girls from Korea, Japan, China on the catwalk or on the cover of Vogue, I suggest getting acquainted with the most popular models from Asian countries.

    I want to start with a famous model and actress Devon Aoki . Although Devon is American, her exotic appearance immediately reveals her Japanese roots. Devon is considered one of the most popular models of the 90s, despite the fact that the girl is only 165 cm tall.

    Devon has taken the fashion world by storm with her serious, freckled face and strong personality.

    Devon's first photo shoot was for an advertising campaign. Calvin Klein. The girl came to the shoot with huge false eyelashes and yellow eyebrows and forbade the stylists to change anything in her makeup. Devon later became the face of Calvin Klein, and her photographs began to appear on the covers of Vogue, Numero, Russh and other fashion magazines.

    Now Devon can be seen more often in films. The most striking film work of the Asian beauty can be considered the role of the silent killer Miho in the film “Sin City”.

    Chinese beauty Liu Wen has transformed from a simple guide into one of the most sought-after models of our time. Liu represented Estee Lauder cosmetics and became the first Asian woman to take part in the Victoria's Secret show. Liu's personal record is 70 shows in one season.

    Liu Wen's face graced the covers of Harper's Bazaar, Vogue, Numero, Elle and others.

    Shu Pei Qin - another top model from China. The debut show for the girl was the spring collection of Rachel Roy.

    In the modeling business, Shu Pei Kin has achieved considerable success in 5 years. The girl is a representative of the Maybelline cosmetics brand. Her photographs were published in the Maybelline 2012 calendar. Shu Pei Kin also boasts a contract with the Hogan brand, Vera Wang and participation in advertising the collection of Karl Lagerfeld.

    Japanese model Tao Okamoto in 2006 she signed a contract with the Elite agency and in the same year she made her debut at two shows by Emanuel Ungaro and Martin Grant. IN next year Tao's exotic beauty attracted the Moschino brand.

    What sets Tao apart from other Asian models is her short haircut and unisex style.

    Zac Posen and Tao Okamoto for Purple Magazine

    Girls with Asian appearance have unique natural characteristics. They are mysterious and enigmatic, and their eyes captivate with their depth and originality. Emphasizing the features of appearance is one of the key tasks of make-up.

    Standard European makeup techniques will not work for a Chinese woman; special Asian makeup is needed that will create a unique image and highlight the main advantages of the face. Often the narrow eye shape of representatives of the Asian type of appearance is considered a disadvantage, but it is completely in vain. Small tricks will not only visually widen your eyes, but will also add special charm and charm.

    Features of Asian appearance

    Applying cosmetics without analyzing the initial data is blunder. It is important to understand what features in appearance girls with an Asian face type have. Only in this way will the accents be placed correctly. Taking a close look at the face of a Chinese woman, one cannot help but notice the following important characteristics:

    • Narrow eye shape.
    • Drooping upper eyelid.
    • Yellowish skin tone.
    • Short and sparse eyelashes.
    • Pronounced cheekbones.

    Successfully executed Asian makeup increases the size of the incision narrow eyes and gives the look openness and lightness.

    Be afraid of make-up asian style It’s not worth it, correctly selected cosmetics and skillful application can work wonders. The face is transformed beyond recognition.

    What cosmetics to choose

    Those with Asian appearance need a standard set decorative cosmetics. The only difference is that the shades are slightly different than for Europeans. In all other respects, it is recommended to follow the general advice of makeup artists on creating makeup for narrow eyes and looming eyelids.

    Your cosmetic bag should always contain:

    • Foundation in a beige, brown, golden or caramel shade. A special yellowish complexion does not allow the use of pink shades foundation for Chinese makeup, otherwise there will be too noticeable difference with the rest of the skin.
    • Matte texture shadows. Used in daytime makeup light colors: beige, cream, gray-green. Dark shadows can be applied to the outer corner of the eye.

    Asian-style daytime makeup can be done without shadows at all, then the eyes are emphasized with arrows and long eyelashes.

    Asian-style daytime makeup is always light and does not weigh down the look. For evening make-up, many makeup artists recommend the “smoky eye” technique.

    Makeup for Asian eyes

    Daytime makeup option

    Girls with an Asian type of appearance are most often worried about the problem of drooping eyelids and narrow eyes. Daytime makeup should unobtrusively eliminate imperfections in appearance, add femininity and attractiveness.

    Possible easy option Everyday make-up for an Asian face and narrow eyes looks like this step by step:

    The restraint of daytime makeup is contrasted with the brightness and richness of evening makeup. The main task of widening narrow eyes remains, but it is also necessary to create a striking, holistic look.

    The highlight of the charming oriental appearance is the eyes - seductive and mysterious, they fascinate with their beauty, captivate men's hearts and, of course, they never leave their owner without gaze and envy.

    What else can beauties with an Asian type of appearance boast of? Let’s write a description and talk about the features of makeup for bright representatives of the Eastern race.

    Asian type of appearance - characteristic features

    Eastern beauties are strikingly different from Europeans. Their appearance is characterized by the following features:

    1. First of all, it is a yellowish tint to the skin.
    2. Slanted and narrow-set eyes are one of the main features of girls of Asian appearance. As a rule, their eyes are framed by sparse eyelashes and have a slightly drooping upper eyelid.
    3. Expressive cheekbones.
    4. Neat small lips.

    Of course, it is simply impossible not to pay attention to the exotic beauty of Asian women. However, it is worth noting that the impeccable image of actresses and models of Asian appearance is not just a gift of nature, but the result of painstaking work, an important component of which is.

    Rules for performing makeup for Asian women

    By using cosmetics wisely, every girl of Asian appearance can be turned into a Hollywood diva. For this you will need:

    1. Moisturizer and foundation. You need to be especially careful when choosing the shade of the latter. Eastern beauties Beige, golden, yellowish-brown, caramel tones are suitable.
    2. Blush. Using this cosmetic product You can add freshness to your face and slightly adjust its shape. Natural blush with peach, plum, and bronze tints are ideal for Asian women.
    3. Shadows. Cold and warm shades look equally good on the beautiful slanted eyes of Eastern women.
    4. Eyeliner or pencil. It's hard to imagine flawless Asian makeup without a defined lash line.
    5. Mascara and lipstick. These tools are necessary to give the finished look.
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